Safety regulations for the transportation of various goods. Instructions for labor protection when performing loading and unloading operations Requirements for cargo movement processes

Cargo transportation, one way or another, is associated with certain risks. During the journey, various unfavorable conditions may arise, as a result of which the cargo may be damaged or completely lost. In addition, adverse consequences for the carrier company may occur in the event of breakdown or theft. vehicle.

Guaranteed delivery of cargo to its destination is the main criterion for the viability of any transport company. Therefore, ensuring safety during cargo transportation is a key point during transportation.

To fully control the safety of cargo, it is necessary, first of all, to have trained personnel who will be fully responsible for the implementation of their actions. During loading, it is necessary to carefully prepare the loading area. The load must be carefully secured. Fixation is carried out using special belts and other devices that are used depending on the nature of the load. Lifting equipment must be in good condition. Conducting preliminary tests of rigging equipment before loading non-gas cargo or mandatory.

Particular attention must be paid to individual nuances of the goods, which require the carrier to create special transportation conditions. Creating a special temperature regime, insulation from external environment and other transportation requirements will require the carrier to provide a specially equipped vehicle. Transportation of perishable goods and medicines will require prompt action from the carrier to carry out all operations to deliver goods to the final destination.

Transport by road requires special permission from the carrier company. When transporting dangerous goods, the driver must also have a permit. The driver must have experience handling dangerous goods.

Correctly executed accompanying documents for the cargo will help to avoid unpleasant moments when interacting with representatives government agencies(traffic police, Customs). If necessary, the goods must have certificates.

To ensure safety when transporting valuables, equipment or goods with limited circulation, it is necessary to be accompanied by armed guards. With proper escort, at least one guard should be in the driver's cabin, the rest of the group should be in a separate vehicle. Sometimes it will be right if one or two more guards are located directly in the body where the goods are located. Communication of the entire escort group is carried out using walkie-talkies.

It is advisable to use tracking using satellite communications, which will not only help determine the location of the cargo, but can also determine the condition of the vehicle.

All of the above precautions, of course, will not hurt, but they cannot guarantee 100% successful delivery of the cargo. In this case, it is necessary to insure the cargo, in case of loss or damage to which the losses are compensated by the insurer in full.

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10. Safety rules for transporting goods and materials and during loading and unloading operations

10.1. The boundaries of the roadway of transport routes in workshops must be established taking into account the dimensions of vehicles with transported goods. The distance from the boundaries of the roadway to the structural elements of buildings and equipment must be at least 0.5 m, and when people are moving - at least 0.8 m.

10.2. Venues repair work on transport routes, including trenches and pits, must be fenced and marked road signs, and in dark time day - light alarm.

10.3. The maximum speed of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise should be set depending on the condition of transport routes, the intensity of cargo and human flows, the specifics of vehicles and cargo. IN production premises maximum speed vehicle movement should not exceed 5 km/h.

10.4. Piece cargo placed above the sides or on platforms without sides must be reinforced during transportation!

10.5. During transportation, barrels with liquids should be installed in the body standing up (neck up). When installing them on top of each other, it is necessary to place spacers made of boards between the containers.

10.6. Flammable liquids and gas cylinders should be transported in special vehicles equipped with spark arresters on the exhaust pipes.

10.7. When transporting cylinders with liquefied gas cylinders must be placed with safety caps in one direction across the body and secured.

10.8. Loads on vehicles must be installed (stacked) so that they do not shift or fall during transportation.

10.9. Large and heavy cargo must be laid in one row on pads.

10.10. It is not allowed for people to be present or for vehicles to move in the area of ​​possible falling loads when loading and unloading from rolling stock, as well as when moving loads.

10.11. Before lifting and moving loads, the stability of the loads and the correctness of their slings must be checked.

10.12. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations.

10.12.1. Workers authorized to load (unload) dangerous and especially dangerous goods must undergo special training safe methods labor with subsequent certification,

10.12.2. Loading and unloading areas must be equipped with the necessary technological equipment and devices (cassettes, pyramids, racks, ladders, stands, pads, etc.) and have dimensions that ensure a normal scope of work.

10.12.3. Dismantling of stacked cargo should only be done from top to bottom. Bulk cargo should be stored and selected taking into account the angle of repose for a given type of cargo. The selection of bulk materials by digging is not allowed. When loading and unloading bulk materials, workers are not allowed to be in filled containers.

10.12.4. Loading and unloading operations using a load-lifting crane should be carried out only in the absence of people, both in the cabin and in the body of the vehicle.

10.12.5. Loading and unloading of heavy and long cargo should only be carried out in the presence of a responsible person.
10.12.6. Loading and unloading operations and storage of goods in warehouses and sites must be carried out according to technological maps.

10.12.7. It is not permitted to place material or equipment on pedestrian paths or free passages for people. Placement of goods at a permanent storage location must be carried out in accordance with the storage map (scheme).

10.12.8. When handling gas cylinders, in order to avoid an explosion, it is prohibited to hit them, throw them, place them closer than 1 meter from stoves, flammable materials, heating appliances, or leave them in sunlight. Transportation of cylinders is permitted only with safety caps and in specially equipped vehicles. Cylinders are only allowed to be carried by two workers on special stretchers or special carts. The overalls, gloves and hands of workers working with oxygen cylinders must be free of oil stains, grease and traces of other flammable substances.

10.12.9. It is allowed to lift and move loads manually, while observing the rules to the utmost permissible loads, established by the current resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. R 2.2.2755-99 “ Hygiene criteria assessment and classification of working conditions according to indicators of harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process" when lifting and moving (one-time) heavy loads, when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour):

For women:

Optimal - 5 kg acceptable -10 kg

For men:

Optimal - 15 kg acceptable - 30 kg

12/10/10. All tools with sharp edges or blades should be carried in protective cases or in special bags.

12/10/11. Faulty load-handling devices that do not have tags (stamps) should not be located in places where loading and unloading operations are carried out. It is not allowed to have unmarked or damaged containers in work areas.

On modern stage development of society special meaning issues of improving production management and increasing the responsibility of engineering and technical workers for the results of their work are acquired. These requirements fully apply to the organization of traffic safety work on road transport.

The main task of transport is the complete and timely satisfaction of needs National economy and the population in transportation with minimal labor and material costs. Due to the advantages of road transport over other modes of transport, its role in the world transport system is steadily increasing.

On the one hand, technical and social progress of society is not possible without road transport. On the other hand, the development of motorization, the steady increase in the number of vehicles in use, and the increase in traffic intensity are causing the emergence of ever-increasing and so-called “ negative consequences motorization."

Environmental pollution (out of 200 substances formed during the combustion of gasoline, about half are toxic, 60% of all harmful emissions into the atmosphere come from cars).

The noise of running engines and moving cars also has a harmful effect on people's health. Vibrations of buildings and structures caused by the movement of cars lead to their intensive destruction.

And yet the greatest bad influence cause losses from road accidents. Every year, 55 million road accidents are registered worldwide. About 300 thousand people die in them and about 7 million are seriously injured. Material losses from road accidents are also great.

Compliance with safety regulations is due to the need to prevent accidents, injuries and illnesses of workers. General requirements to safety regulations are formulated in the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS).

Requirements for labor protection, mandatory for the organization and implementation of transportation, operation of the substation and implementation individual species work on AT are determined by the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Safety in Road Transport, adopted by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 12, 2003 No. 28.

Operation of vehicles. The main provisions of the Labor Safety Rules determine the safety requirements when moving around the territory of the organization, preparing for departure and working on the line. Driving vehicles on the territory of the ATO is permitted only to drivers or persons appointed by order of the organization who have a certificate for the right to drive the corresponding type of vehicle. The speed of movement in the ATO territory should not exceed 20 km/h, and in premises - 5 km/h.

Before departure, the manager is obliged to instruct the driver about the working conditions on the line and the characteristics of the cargo being transported and to release onto the line only a technically sound and equipped PS.

When working on road trains, the coupling of the car and trailers must be carried out by three people: the driver, the coupling worker and the person coordinating their actions. One driver is allowed to hitch only in exceptional cases. Coupling and uncoupling are carried out only on a flat, horizontal platform with a hard surface.

When stopping the vehicle, the driver must take all measures to prevent its spontaneous movement and, if there is even a slight slope, additionally install special stops under the wheels.


· deliver the vehicle to the loading and unloading ramp if it does not have guardrails or a wheel guard;

· movement of a dump truck with a raised body;

· allow substations to be repaired on the line unauthorized persons(loaders, passengers, accompanying persons, etc.);

· install the jack on random objects or use them as a stand for a raised PS;

· be under the substation, raised only by a jack;

· start moving in reverse without first making sure that there are no obstacles or people, and if there is insufficient visibility to the rear without having a person to organize the movement of the vehicle.

PS work on construction sites, the territory of organizations, etc. is permitted only with the permission of the responsible persons of these objects.

The Labor Safety Rules also define additional requirements for the operation of substations in winter time year, when driving on ice roads, in off-road conditions and when crossing a body of water, when operating a vehicle running on gas fuel, and when the substation operates in isolation from the production base.

Loading and unloading of cargo, securing them and awnings on the substation, as well as opening and closing the sides of the vehicle are carried out by the forces and means of shippers, consignees or specialized organizations in compliance with the Labor Safety Rules. Drivers can be recruited to carry out PRR only if they have additional condition V labor agreement and with a weight of one piece of cargo not exceeding 15 kg for men and 7 kg for women.

The driver is obliged to check the compliance of the stowage and reliability of fastening of cargo and awnings on the substation with the safety requirements and ensuring the safety of the cargo.

Cargoes by weight are divided into the following weight categories:

The basic safety rules when carrying out pre-production work include the following.

Loading and unloading operations are carried out under the supervision of a responsible person responsible for safety and appointed by written order from the head of the organization carrying out these works.

Only workers over 16 years of age who have passed a safety exam and received the appropriate certificates are allowed to enter the PRR. Teenagers under 18 years of age are allowed to carry out PRP only with certain loads.

Performing PRR manually is allowed for cargo weighing no more than 50 kg and when lifting to a height of no more than 1.5 m. Manual movement is allowed only for category 1 cargo at a distance of no more than 25 m, and for bulk cargo - 3.5 m.

Let's consider the main dangers that exceed the norms.

1) Road traffic accident (RTA).

The driver controls the movement of the car, and movement is determined by two parameters: direction and speed. Consequently, driving a vehicle comes down to giving its movement the direction and speed necessary in a particular situation. Reducing the speed until the car stops and changing the direction of movement are those vehicle maneuvers that can be taken to prevent road accidents. To carry out these maneuvers, time and distances are required, which depend on the speed of movement: the higher the speed, the longer time And longer length paths necessary for braking and safe turning.

2) Pollution from vehicle exhaust emissions.

Road transport and motor transport enterprises create a complex environmental problems, requiring adequate actions aimed at minimizing the harm caused natural environment and human health. Environmental hazards are represented by:

Toxicity of exhaust and crankcase gases, fumes of fuels, oils and acids;

Saturation with tire wear products, asbestos and metal materials environment;

Noises arising from vehicle movement;

Liquid and solid waste from vehicle operation;

Worn tires;

Waste oils and petroleum products and waste technical fluids;

Motor vehicles, spare parts and units that have become unusable;

Sludge from wastewater treatment plants;

3) Road conditions.

Let's consider the causes of accidents caused by road factors. If all accidents that occurred as a result of unfavorable road conditions are taken as 100%, then the following reasons can be identified:

Slippery coating - 48.3%;

Coverage with unevenness - 13.3%;

The radius of curvature is less than normal - 1.5%;

Poor condition of roadsides - 5.9%;

Lack of sidewalks, pedestrians and pedestrian roads - 3.7%;

Limited visibility due to buildings - 1.2%;

Insufficient illumination of the roadway - 1.4%;

Narrowing of the roadway road construction, machines, materials - 2.7%;

Lack of signs and markings in required places - 4.6%;

Other unfavorable road conditions - 11.9%.

4) Vehicle malfunction.

Road traffic accidents occur due to the failure of the following components: tomosis system - 41.3%; steering control - 16.4%; chassis and tires - 19.2%; lighting and alarm device - 7.9%; other devices - 15.2%;

The concept of vehicle safety includes a complex of its structural and operational properties ensuring traffic safety, that is, preventing accidents, reducing the severity of their consequences, as well as reducing the harmful effect of the car on environment. There are active, passive, post-accident and environmental safety of the car.

The active safety of a car is its operational properties (braking, traction and speed, stability, controllability, information content, reliability of structural elements, etc.) and the parameters of the driver’s workplace (cabin microclimate, noise, vibration, ergonomic qualities).

  • 10. Responsibilities of employers to ensure labor protection in the organization
  • 11. Responsibilities of employees to comply with labor protection requirements in force in the organization
  • 12. Features of women’s labor protection
  • 13. Benefits and compensation for hard work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, the procedure for their provision
  • 14. State supervision and control of compliance
  • 15. Procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions
  • 16. Organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations
  • 17. Classification of the main dangerous and harmful production factors, the concept of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area
  • 19. Safety requirements for the construction and maintenance of access roads, roads, driveways, passages, wells
  • 20. Requirements for organizing the safe operation of electrical installations
  • 21. Safety requirements when working at heights
  • 22. Safety requirements for loading, unloading and transporting goods
  • 23. Ensuring fire safety
  • 24. Sanitary and welfare provision for workers. Equipment of sanitary premises, their placement
  • 25. Safety requirements for the design and maintenance of access roads, roads, driveways, passages, wells
  • 26. Safety requirements for storing materials on the territory of the enterprise
  • 27. General safety requirements for production equipment and technological processes
  • 28. Measures to protect people from electric shock
  • 29. Procedure for investigating occupational diseases
  • 30. Procedure for investigating industrial accidents
  • 31. Procedure for preparing accident investigation materials
  • 32. Supervision, maintenance and servicing of pressure vessels
  • 33. Actions of managers and specialists in the event of fires, emergencies, accidents and other incidents at the enterprise and liquidation of their consequences
  • 34. The procedure for employers to compensate for damage caused to an employee by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their job duties
  • 35. The procedure for providing enterprise employees with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment
  • 36. Organization of first aid to victims of accidents at work
  • 37. Composition of a first aid kit
  • 38. Instructions
  • Phones
  • Sudden death if there is no consciousness and no pulse in the carotid artery
  • A state of coma if there is no consciousness, but there is a pulse in the carotid artery
  • Arterial bleeding in cases of arterial bleeding
  • Wounded limb
  • Thermal burns: how to treat burns at the scene
  • Eye injuries
  • Fractures of the bones of the extremities, what to do in cases of fractures of the bones of the extremities
  • First aid in cases of electric shock
  • Fall from a height, what to do in cases of falling from a height while maintaining consciousness
  • Fainting
  • Compression of limbs; snake and insect bites
  • Chemical burns and gas poisoning
  • Indications for basic manipulations
  • Signs of dangerous damage and conditions
  • 22. Safety requirements for loading, unloading and transporting goods

    Labor safety when performing loading and unloading operations is ensured by the choice of work methods that provide for the prevention or reduction to the level of permissible standards of exposure of workers to hazardous and harmful production factors by:

    – mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations;

    – use of devices and devices that meet safety requirements;

    – operation of production equipment in accordance with current regulatory and technical documentation and operational documents;

    – the use of sound and other types of alarms when moving goods by lifting and transport equipment;

    correct placement and stowage of cargo at work sites and in vehicles;

    – compliance with the requirements for security zones of power transmission, utility and power supply nodes.

    When moving cargo with lifting and transport equipment, workers are not allowed to be on the load or in the area of ​​its possible fall.

    After finishing work and during breaks between work, the load, load-handling devices and mechanisms should not remain in a raised position.

    Loading and unloading, transport and warehouse work must be carried out in accordance with technological maps approved by the head of the enterprise.

    Loading and unloading, warehouse and transport work should be carried out under the supervision of a responsible person appointed by order of the head of the enterprise and responsible for the safe organization and compliance with safety requirements at all areas of the technological process.

    When loading (unloading) especially heavy, large-sized and dangerous cargo, a person responsible for the safe performance of work must always be at the work site.

    Workers at least 18 years of age who have undergone a mandatory preliminary medical examination, labor safety training and testing of knowledge of labor safety requirements are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations and place cargo in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of labor.

    Workers who have a certificate for the right to carry out work are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations and placing cargo using lifting machines.

    Before performing work on permanent sites, workplaces are prepared for work:

    1) the loading and unloading area, passages and driveways are cleared of foreign objects, holes and ruts are eliminated, slippery areas are sprinkled with anti-slip agents (for example, sand or fine slag);

    2) the serviceable condition of lifts, hatches, ladders in warehouses located in basements and semi-basements is checked and ensured;

    3) workplace lighting that is safe for work is provided;

    4) workplace inspections are carried out.

    The employee reports any deficiencies and malfunctions identified before the start of work to the immediate supervisor of the work.

    It is allowed to start work after completing preparatory measures and eliminating all shortcomings and malfunctions.

    When a crane is operated from the floor, free passage is provided for the operator operating it along the entire route of the crane.

    Before using equipment and tools, it is necessary to verify through external inspection that they are in good working order, and when working with electrical equipment, that there is protective grounding.

    For loading and unloading operations, removable load-handling devices are used that have a lifting capacity corresponding to the weight of the load being lifted.

    It is not allowed to use faulty lifting machines and mechanisms, hooks, removable lifting devices, carts, stretchers, sleds, rolls, crowbars, picks, shovels, hooks (hereinafter referred to as equipment and tools).

    Upon completion of work, workplaces must be put in order, passages and passages must be cleared.

    Loading and unloading operations using lifting machines are carried out according to technological maps, work plans in accordance with the requirements of federal standards and regulations in the field of industrial safety.

    Moving parts of conveyors located at a height of less than 2.5 m from the floor level and to which access is not excluded for maintenance personnel and persons working near the conveyors are equipped with fences.

    When moving cargo on a trolley, the following requirements must be observed:

    1) the load on the trolley platform is placed evenly and occupies a stable position, preventing it from falling during movement;

    2) the sides of the trolley equipped with folding sides are in a closed state;

    3) the speed of movement of both loaded and empty hand trucks does not exceed 5 km/h;

    4) the force exerted by the employee does not exceed 15 kg;

    5) when moving a load down an inclined floor, the worker is behind the cart.

    It is prohibited to move cargo that exceeds the maximum load capacity of the cart.

    When lifting a load with an electric hoist, it is prohibited to bring the hook cage to the limit switch and use the limit switch to automatically stop lifting the load.

    After completing the work, tools and devices are put in order and put into storage.

    Loading and unloading operations are permitted subject to the maximum permissible standards for one-time lifting of heavy objects: for men - no more than 50 kg; women - no more than 15 kg.

    33. Loading and unloading of cargo weighing from 80 to 500 kg is carried out using lifting equipment (hoists, blocks, winches), as well as using slopes.

    Manual loading and unloading of such cargo is permitted only on temporary sites under the supervision of a person responsible for the safe execution of work, and provided that the load per worker does not exceed 50 kg.

    Loading and unloading of cargo weighing more than 500 kg is carried out only with the help of lifting machines.

    34. When loading and unloading operations are carried out by several workers, each of them must ensure that they do not cause injury to each other with tools or loads.

    When carrying loads from behind, the worker walking behind must maintain a distance of at least 3 m from the worker walking in front.

    Loads are slinged in accordance with slinging diagrams.

    Slinging diagrams, graphic representations of methods for slinging and hooking loads are handed out to workers or posted at work sites.

    Loading and unloading of cargo for which slinging schemes have not been developed is carried out under the supervision of the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

    In this case, removable load-handling devices, containers and other auxiliary equipment specified in the documentation for the transportation of goods are used.

    It is prohibited to move a load suspended on a crane hook over workplaces when there are people in the area where the load is moving.

    Loading of cargo into the vehicle body is carried out in the direction from the cabin to the rear side, unloading - in the reverse order.

    When loading cargo into the body of a vehicle, the following requirements must be observed:

    1) when loading in bulk, the cargo is located evenly over the entire area of ​​the body floor and should not rise above the sides of the body (standard or extended);

    2) piece cargo that rises above the side of the vehicle body is tied with rigging (ropes and other strapping materials in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer). Workers tying loads are on the loading and unloading area;

    3) box, barrel and other piece goods are stacked tightly and without gaps so that when the vehicle moves they cannot move along the floor of the body. The gaps between the loads are filled with spacers and spacers;

    4) when loading cargo in barrel containers in several rows, they are rolled along the sides or slopes with the side surface. Barrels with liquid cargo are installed with the plugs facing up. Each row of barrels is installed on spacers made of boards and all outer rows are wedged. The use of other objects instead of wedges is not allowed;

    5) glass containers with liquids in crates are installed standing;

    6) it is prohibited to place the load in glass containers in battens on top of each other (in two tiers) without gaskets that protect the bottom row from destruction during transportation;

    7) each individual load must be well secured in the body of the vehicle so that it cannot move or tip over while driving.

    When moving loads manually, the following requirements must be observed:

    1) it is prohibited to walk on stacked loads, overtake workers in front (especially in narrow and cramped places), and cross the road in front of moving vehicles;

    2) manually moving a load weighing up to 80 kg is permitted if the distance to the place where the load is placed does not exceed 25 m; in other cases, carts, trolleys, and hoists are used. It is prohibited for one worker to manually move a load weighing more than 80 kg;

    3) lifting or removing a load weighing more than 50 kg requires two people. A load weighing more than 50 kg is lifted onto the employee’s back or removed from the employee’s back by other employees;

    4) if the load is moved manually by a group of workers, everyone keeps pace with everyone else;

    5) when moving rolling loads, the employee is behind the load being moved, pushing it away from himself;

    6) when manually moving long loads (logs, beams, rails), special grips are used, while the weight of the load per worker does not exceed 40 kg.

    When moving cargo with forklifts and electric forklifts (hereinafter referred to as forklifts), the following requirements must be observed:

    1) when moving loads with forklifts, the load is positioned evenly relative to the forklift grip elements. In this case, the load is raised from the floor by 300 - 400 mm. Maximum slope platforms when moving loads with forklifts does not exceed the angle of inclination of the forklift frame;

    2) moving containers and placing them in a stack using a forklift is carried out individually;

    3) the movement of large loads is carried out when the loader is moving in reverse and only accompanied by an employee responsible for the safe performance of work, who provides warning signals to the driver of the loader.

    Long loads are moved manually by workers on the same shoulders (right or left). Raising and lowering long loads must be done at the command of the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

    When moving a load on a stretcher, both workers keep pace. The command to lower the load carried on the stretcher is given by the worker walking behind.

    Moving cargo on a stretcher is allowed at a distance of no more than 50 m horizontally.

    At placement cargo must comply with the following requirements:

    1) placement of cargo is carried out according to technological maps indicating placement locations, sizes of aisles and driveways;

    2) when placing cargo, it is prohibited to block approaches to fire-fighting equipment, hydrants and exits from premises;

    3) placing cargo (including at loading and unloading sites and in temporary storage areas) close to the walls of the building, columns and equipment, stacking stacks is not allowed;

    4) the distance between the load and the wall, column, ceiling of the building is at least 1 m, between the load and the lamp - at least 0.5 m;

    5) the height of the stack during manual loading should not exceed 3 m, when using mechanisms for lifting the load - 6 m. The width of the passages between the stacks is determined by the dimensions of the vehicles, transported goods and loading and unloading machines;

    6) cargo in containers and bales are stacked in stable stacks; cargo in bags and sacks is stacked in a dressing. It is prohibited to stack cargo in torn containers;

    7) boxes and bales in closed warehouses are placed ensuring the width of the main aisle is at least 3 - 5 m;

    8) cargo stored in bulk is placed in stacks with a slope steepness corresponding to the angle of repose for of this material. If necessary, such stacks are fenced with protective bars;

    9) large and heavy loads are placed in one row on pads;

    10) placed loads are stacked in such a way that the possibility of them falling, tipping over, or falling apart is excluded, and at the same time ensuring the accessibility and safety of their removal;

    11) loads placed near railway and ground crane tracks are located from the outer edge of the head of the rail closest to the load no closer than 2 m for a stack height of up to 1.2 m and no less than 2.5 m for a higher stack height;

    12) when placing cargo (except for bulk cargo), measures are taken to prevent them from pinching or freezing to the surface of the site.

    When loading, transporting and moving, as well as unloading and placing dangerous goods The following requirements must be met:

    1) loading, transportation and movement, as well as unloading and placement of dangerous goods are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of manufacturers for these goods, confirming the classification of dangerous goods by type and degree of danger and containing instructions on compliance with safety measures;

    2) loading and unloading of dangerous goods is not allowed if the containers and packaging are faulty, as well as if there are no markings and warning notices (danger signs) on them;

    3) places of loading and unloading operations, means of transportation, lifting equipment, used mechanisms, tools and devices contaminated with poisonous (toxic) substances are subjected to cleaning, washing and neutralization;

    4) loading of dangerous cargo onto a vehicle and its unloading from a vehicle is carried out only with the engine turned off, with the exception of cases of loading and unloading carried out using a driven pump installed on the vehicle and driven by the engine of the vehicle. In this case, the driver of the vehicle is located at the pump control location.

    Transportation of flammable liquids and gas cylinders is carried out by special vehicles equipped with spark arresters on exhaust pipes and metal chains to remove static electricity charges, equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and having appropriate symbols and inscriptions.

    Electric vehicles for transporting flammable liquids and toxic substances may only be used as a tractor, and they are equipped with fire extinguishing equipment.

    During loading and unloading of flammable substances (cargo), the vehicle engine is inoperative unless it is used to drive pumps or other devices for loading or unloading. In the latter case, measures are taken fire safety.

    The use of flammable materials is prohibited for securing cargo packages containing flammable liquids.

    When loading and transporting cylinders, the following requirements must be observed:

    1) when loading cylinders into a vehicle body in more than one row, spacers are used to protect the cylinders from contact with each other. Transportation of cylinders without gaskets is prohibited;

    2) the combined transportation of oxygen and acetylene cylinders, both filled and empty, is prohibited.

    It is allowed to transport acetylene and oxygen cylinders together on a special trolley to the welding station within the same production building.

    Transportation of cylinders to the place of loading or from the place of unloading is carried out on special trolleys, the design of which protects the cylinders from shaking and shock. The cylinders are placed on the trolley lying down.

    When loading, unloading and moving oxygen cylinders, it is prohibited:

    1) carry cylinders on the worker’s shoulders and back, tilt and handle, drag, throw, push, hit cylinders, use crowbars when moving cylinders;

    2) allow workers to work in oily clothes and with oily, dirty gloves;

    3) smoke and use open fire;

    4) to carry cylinders, grasp the cylinder valves;

    5) transport cylinders without safety caps on valves;

    6) place cylinders close heating devices, hot parts and ovens, leave them unprotected from direct exposure to sunlight.

    If an oxygen leak is detected from the cylinder (identified by hissing), the employee immediately reports this to the immediate supervisor of the work.

    Vessels with compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas under pressure are secured during transportation in the body of a vehicle so that they cannot tip over and fall.

    Vessels with liquid air, liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, a mixture of liquid oxygen and nitrogen, as well as flammable liquids are transported in a vertical position.

    When loading, unloading and transporting acids, alkalis and other caustic substances, the following requirements must be observed:

    1) transportation in glass containers from the place of unloading to warehouse and from the warehouse to the loading place is carried out on stretchers, carts, wheelbarrows adapted for this purpose, ensuring the safety of the operations performed;

    2) loading and unloading bottles with acids, alkalis and other caustic substances, and installing them on vehicles is carried out by two workers. Carrying bottles with acids and other caustic substances on the back, shoulders or in the hands in front of one employee is prohibited;

    3) unloading and loading areas are provided with lighting;

    4) the use of open fire and smoking are prohibited;

    5) carrying bottles of acid by the handles of the basket is permitted only after a preliminary inspection and check of the condition of the handles and the basket and by at least two employees;

    6) if broken bottles or damaged containers are discovered, transportation is carried out with special precautions taken to avoid burns from the substances contained in the bottles.

    It is prohibited to carry out loading and unloading operations and placing cargo with acids and other chemically active substances using lifting mechanisms, with the exception of elevators and mine hoists.

    Barrels, drums and boxes containing caustic substances must be moved on carts.

    In the cabins of vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gas cylinders, it is prohibited for employees not involved in servicing these transportations to be present.

    It is prohibited for workers to be in the bodies of vehicles transporting flammable liquids and gas cylinders.


    Compliance with safety regulations is due to the need to prevent accidents, injuries and illnesses of workers. General safety requirements are formulated in the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSS).

    The labor protection requirements that are mandatory for the organization and implementation of transportation, the operation of substation and the performance of certain types of work on AT are determined by the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Safety in Road Transport, adopted by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 12, 2003 No. 28.

    Vehicle operation

    The main provisions of the Labor Safety Rules determine the safety requirements when moving around the territory of the organization, preparing for departure and working on the line. Driving vehicles on the territory of the ATO is permitted only to drivers or persons appointed by order of the organization who have a certificate for the right to drive the corresponding type of vehicle. The speed of movement in the ATO territory should not exceed 20 km/h, and in premises - 5 km/h. Before departure, the manager is obliged to instruct the driver about the working conditions on the line and the characteristics of the cargo being transported, and also to release onto the line only a technically sound and equipped PS.

    When stopping the vehicle, the driver must take all measures to prevent its spontaneous movement and, if there is even a slight slope, additionally install special stops under the wheels.


    Allow unauthorized persons (loaders, passengers, attendants, etc.) to repair the substation on the line;

    Place the jack on random objects or use them as a stand for a raised PS;

    Be under the PS, raised only with a jack;

    Start driving in reverse without first making sure that there are no obstacles or people, and if there is insufficient visibility to the rear without having a person to organize the movement of the vehicle.

    The Labor Safety Rules also define additional requirements for operating a substation in the winter season when driving on ice roads, in off-road conditions and when crossing a body of water, when operating an ATC running on gas fuel, and when operating a substation away from the production base.

    Loading and unloading of cargo, securing them and awnings on the substation, as well as opening and closing the sides of the vehicle are carried out by the forces and means of shippers, consignees or specialized organizations in compliance with the Labor Safety Rules. Drivers can be recruited to carry out operational work only if there is an additional condition in the employment agreement and if: the weight of one piece of cargo is no more than 15 kg for men and 7 kg for women.

    Cargoes by weight are divided into the following weight categories:

    1. Loading and unloading operations are carried out under the supervision of a responsible person responsible for safety and appointed by written order from the head of the organization carrying out these works.

    2. Only workers over 16 years of age who have passed a safety exam and received the appropriate certificates are allowed to work on the PRR. Teenagers under 18 years of age are allowed to carry out PRP only with certain loads.

    3. Performing PRR manually is allowed for cargo weighing more than 50 kg and when lifting to a height of no more than 1.5 m. Manual movement is allowed only for category 1 cargo at a distance of no more than 25 m, and for bulk cargo - 3.5 m.

    4. Loading and unloading areas must have a smooth and hard surface. The width of access roads for two-way traffic must be at least 6.2 m, for one-way traffic - at least 3.5. The speed of vehicles should not exceed 10 km/h. It is desirable to organize the continuous movement of the PS, minimizing maneuvering and reversing.

    5. When carrying out pre-production work, it is prohibited for workers to be in the danger zone.

    6. Only persons over 18 years of age are allowed to operate the PRM. All PRMs are registered with the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities (except for manual cranes, hoists, etc.).

    7. All registered PRMs must undergo inspection:

    Partially once a year. It involves inspecting all mechanisms and supporting structures;

    Completely every three years or every five years for rarely used mechanisms. In addition to inspection, it provides for a static test, during which a load is raised to a height of 100...300 mm, the mass of which is 25% higher than the nominal one. The load is held for 10 minutes. Dynamic testing is carried out with a load whose weight exceeds the nominal weight by 10%, and involves performing a full cycle of work.

    10. The results of the examination are recorded in the passport indicating the date of the next inspection and are noted on a plate or tag attached to the PRM.