Proper nutrition benefits for health. Advantages and disadvantages of home-cooked food and catering

We are used to thinking that some products simply have miraculous properties, and they like to remind us of this various studies British scientists. But sometimes scientists talk about more than just benefits. And nutritionists warn that some “most best products for health" may sometimes not be so good.

1. Green tea

Pros: contains polyphenol oxidase, an antioxidant substance that prevents free radicals from damaging cells and prevents inflammation blood vessels. Indeed a very useful product. Research has shown that in order to healing effect green tea was noticeable, you need to drink at least 6-10 cups of tea per day.

Minuses: Research from the John Innes Center at the University of Murcia (Spain) showed that green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid, necessary for the normal development of the fetus, and, therefore, increases the risk of birth defects in the newborn if a woman drinks this drink during the period of conception or during pregnancy. Moreover, the danger arises if you drink only 2-3 cups of tea a day.

And researchers from state university State of New Jersey found that too much green tea can cause liver and kidney disease. With intensive consumption of an invigorating drink, the amount of polyphenols in the body increases, causing negative changes in the liver. Moreover, the dose at which drinking green tea becomes dangerous is only two ordinary European cups per day...

2. Fish.

Pros: contains polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3, which slow down the development of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart attack. It is recommended to eat it at least a couple of times a week. Or, take fish oil capsules. In addition, fish contains great amount useful minerals. In particular, iodine, which affects the reduction of cholesterol, and manganese, which promotes the formation of insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels.

Minuses: And fish also contains mercury. And its content in fish, alas, increases from year to year, along with the level of pollution of the world's oceans. And a large study of more than 3 thousand men, conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of East Anglia, showed an increased mortality rate in those who took fish oil capsules. And according to the latest data, scientists are unable to prove the benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, if you have problems with the pancreas, consuming them is simply harmful, and an overdose can lead to serious problems with the adrenal glands.

3. Blueberry and pomegranate.

Pros: These two healthiest foods have high antioxidant properties, protecting the brain and reducing the risk of arterial blockage and atherosclerosis. Blueberry juice is useful for anemia, cystitis, leukoplakia and as a sedative.

Minuses: Blueberries growing near wild rosemary thickets can “absorb” and accumulate toxic substances in a bluish coating. essential oil wild rosemary, which causes strong headache, nausea and vomiting.

A pomegranate juice It is strictly contraindicated for gastric ulcers and gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. You can drink it only diluted with water, otherwise the acids contained in it will not only irritate the stomach, but can also corrode the enamel of the teeth. In addition, it has a fixing property, so it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the digestive system.

4. Olive oil.

Pros: In addition to a large number of antioxidants, olive oil has the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and protects a person from the threat of atherosclerosis. Cold, extra virgin olive oil is considered the healthiest of all oils.

Minuses: A tablespoon of olive oil, for all its benefits, contains 170 calories, and when consumed in large quantities (it is often recommended to drink at least 100 grams of this oil daily), it can easily help you gain extra pounds. In addition, it is the first, cold-pressed oil that is useful, but the so-called “orujo”, which is obtained by heating the pomace, should absolutely not be used, since it contains harmful carcinogenic substances such as benzopyrene, which is why low-grade “orujo” oil is used. A ban has been introduced in Europe.

5. Nuts - walnuts, almonds, cedar, etc.

Pros: They help limit sugar and cholesterol intake, are recommended for heart disease and inflammation, and also contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts are also useful for anemia, for example, walnuts, as they contain iron and cobalt compounds.

Minuses: Walnut harmful for cough, bronchitis, ARVI, sore throat, diathesis, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. And it is contraindicated for gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Too much nuts can cause headaches, vomiting or even poisoning. All nuts are high in protein and especially fat, so they are very high in calories. In addition, nuts are susceptible to fungal diseases, which can lead to the growth of toxic substances harmful to humans, and are also often carriers of larvae harmful insects, for example, the nylon beetle. And nuts are a strong allergen, so you need to eat them very carefully and little by little, especially for the first time.

6. Whole grains- oats, wheat, barley.

Pros: These grains help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve the functioning of blood vessels, as well as reduce the likelihood of inflammation. Whole grains contain a high amount of fiber. This grain consists of three main parts - bran, sprouts and endosperm. Processed flour is cleared of bran and sprouts, along with which fiber and other nutritional elements are removed.

Minuses: excess plant fibers has a harmful effect on the intestinal microflora and is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers open form. Some whole grains may be harmful for people with digestive problems because they are difficult to digest and, in older adults, too much fiber can cause gas or indigestion.

7. Red grapes.

Pros: red grapes, thanks to the content they contain a large number antioxidants and polyphenols, helps improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin levels, has a beneficial effect on heart function, preventing the formation of blood clots. In addition, grapes have antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects.

Cons: polyphenols and tannins present in red grapes can cause migraines, from which there is practically no escape, and contaminants on the skin - yeasts and molds, harmful substances from polluted air and pesticide residues are even more dangerous.

8. Garlic and onions.

Pros: The sulfur-containing substances they contain protect against heart disease and some types of cancer. And also the bactericidal properties of these plants help in the treatment of infections and save from colds.

Minuses: Recent studies have shown that garlic and onions do not reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body, which means they do not prevent cardiovascular disease. But they cause irritation of the mucous membranes, heartburn and scare away with their sharp, characteristic odor. Garlic and onions should never be eaten if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer, acute gastritis or exacerbation chronic gastritis, with inflammatory kidney diseases. In addition, it is dangerous to use garlic with aspirin or any other anticoagulant, since it thins the blood.

9. Broccoli.

Pros: contains substances that help prevent cancer and also strengthens memory.

Minuses: in people with high acidity and pancreatic diseases, it can cause bloating and colic.


pros : contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, help stimulate the immune system and protect against certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Minuses: tomatoes are rich in calcium and are strictly contraindicated for both older people and those with joint problems. Since increased consumption of tomatoes and tomato pastes, sauces, leads to the accumulation of calcium and salt deposition in the body and causes the formation of kidney stones, and also contributes to the erosion of tooth enamel. Tomatoes, or rather the acids they contain, are harmful for gallstone disease - they can cause spasms of the gallbladder.

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If a woman’s goal is to lose 2-3 extra pounds, then the diet will not cause any harm, many believe.

But science has proven that even if a woman goes on a diet twice a year, this adversely affects her health, namely at the level of metabolic processes.

Hobbies are especially dangerous various kinds diets of young girls whose growth processes are still ongoing and the nature of their metabolism has not been established.

Such girls themselves have no idea how much harm they are doing to themselves. By following a diet and losing 5 kg, later you can easily gain all 15.

Why does weight gain occur after a diet?

Under stress (and for the body, any diet is stress), the body switches to a more beneficial rhythm of work in this case, and the vital organs are first supplied with the necessary substances. But even they cannot receive these substances in the proper amount; for this reason, dieters are often angry, irritable people.

Often their memory, attention, and performance in general decrease. Of course, the body is trying as best it can to cope with this situation and normalize all indicators. But then resources run out and hormonal disorders begin to develop with all the ensuing consequences.

IN Lately There have been more frequent cases of girls and women seeking medical help who have brought themselves to a critical condition. For them, the idea of ​​losing weight became an obsession, they developed disgust and a perverted perception of food, and, as a result, catastrophic exhaustion of the body - anorexia. It would be useful to note that the mortality rate from anorexia is 5%, and due to mental disorders, many resort to suicide.

It is very difficult to treat such patients - specialists turn to hypnosis and intravenous nutrition. The patient will also undergo long-term psychological rehabilitation. It is clear that in this case there will be problems with the digestive tract.

After finishing the diet, there is a great danger that the person will gain weight again, but now the fat depot will not be under the skin, but will begin to form in those places where, with possible starvation, it will not be possible to reach it - these are membranes internal organs, intestinal loops.

Instructors sports clubs It is not recommended to use diets not in medicinal purposes. It is better, in their opinion, to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and move as much as possible. Trainers advise eating often, but in small portions, and drinking a lot.

Often following a diet does not bring the desired results. The reason is independent choice diets. Only a nutritionist or sports trainer can choose the right diet, taking into account all the details. Experts advise losing weight slowly, by 1 kg per week, and the lack of energy substrates per day should be no more than 300 kcal. And when a person torments himself with hunger, the body simply rebuilds and uses its fat reserves more economically.

So how to eat right?

It is very important to observe moderation in everything.

Overeating is unacceptable - the amount of food must be adequate to energy expenditure. You need to pay attention to a person’s biological clock; for example, an “owl” only needs to drink a cup of tea in the morning, while a “lark” needs a hearty breakfast. It would be good to accustom yourself to drinking a decoction of useful herbs- a source of vitamins and healthy carbohydrates. Appetite plays an important role - without it, a person will not enjoy what he eats.

What is the best time to eat?

As already mentioned, diet is extremely important. The body is designed in such a way that organ systems function optimally only with an established nutritional pattern. If you have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day, you will reflexively produce food juices, and this in turn will contribute the best process digestion.

When is the best time to have breakfast?

As a rule, in the summer experts advise eating before 7 am, and in the winter - before 8. There is a misconception that “the body must earn breakfast.” With the onset of a new day, the body requires fuel for active work.

Which products are most compatible?

Of the plant products, only melon cannot be combined with anything; other fruits and vegetables go well together. Moreover, dressing a green salad with, for example, sunflower or olive oil only becomes more valuable and healthier. Legumes can only be combined vegetable oils and with greens. Eggs are good with vegetables.

When combined, for example, with butter, the body will receive a fair amount of cholesterol. In the summer, it is better to limit your consumption of eggs. Meat is harmful in combination with dough - dumplings, manti, pasties, pies - it is better to exclude this combination. But meat dishes goes well with vegetables and herbs.

Protein products are incompatible, such as meat and milk, milk and eggs, nuts and meat.

Sugar is quickly absorbed in the intestines, but consuming it with protein foods retains it in the stomach.

For the normal functioning of the body, some scientists have recognized three optimal diets:

1) vegetarian diet (eating raw vegetables and fruits, nuts);
2) a slightly different vegetarian diet with the consumption of boiled vegetables and fruits. The first and second options contain neither starch nor milk;
3) meat diet. Of course, it is not suitable for everyone. A doctor's consultation is required.

What will help prevent the development of diseases?

There are rules:

1) it is undesirable to eat proteins (meat, fish, nuts, eggs) together with starches (bread, potatoes, rice, legumes);
2) you should chew your food thoroughly.

The main causes of gastrointestinal upset may be:

1) irregular nutrition;
2) rapid absorption of food, especially hot food;
3) overeating;
4) mental stress.

In general, it is better to start a meal with liquid, which is customary, for example, in the culinary traditions of the East. This achieves some dulling of appetite, elimination of excess mucus, and active activation of the pancreas. And when a person drinks tea after a heavy meal, the allocated amount of food juices is diluted, therefore, digestion is worse, food is not absorbed in full, this contributes to fat deposition, indigestion, and the development of dyspeptic disorders.

Why does weight loss outpace the loss of fat reserves?

It depends on the diet a person chooses. In essence, a weight loss diet should create a negative energy balance, then the body will begin to use up its fat reserves.

Fasting diets are divided into three categories.

1. Basic diet - from the name it follows that its calorie content is equal to the value of the basal metabolism - this is approximately 1700-2200 kcal. A negative energy balance is on average 500 kcal, which means that weight loss will occur at a very low rate.
2. Reduced diet. Calorie content is reduced to 1500 kcal, which means that fat loss will also increase.
3. Strict diet. It is extremely difficult to withstand it and you should sit on it after thinking carefully about the consequences. The number of calories consumed per day is reduced to 800.

Even complete fasting, when only water is allowed, is easier to tolerate than strict diet. But what is the effect of fasting? When fasting, the actual fat loss is 200 g per day, and the remaining changes are the loss of water from the body.

When using weight loss diets, weight is lost mainly due to the utilization of fat resources. But, if you lose weight too quickly, it is not due to fat. For example, if water consumption is limited, this will be reflected in the imaginary loss of a couple of kilograms.

But it can also be the other way around: more fat is lost than weight. This can occur when trying to lose weight through active exercise: the body loses fat and gains muscle mass. And, as you know, muscles are heavier than fat, and weight does not decrease for a long time.

The phenomenon of rollback in dietetics

This is a phenomenon when, after a fasting diet or fasting, when returning to the previous diet, the previous weight is restored, or even extra pounds are added.

But if a person loses several kilograms more than necessary, then with increased work of the body after the diet, extra kilograms are “taken away”, and normal, correct weight remains. But this, alas, does not happen often. Therefore, before dooming the body to suffering by tormenting it with hunger, you need to realize that it is quite possible that the result will be short-lived and unstable. But, if the desire to lose weight is firm, you need to go to the end and do everything possible to prevent your weight from deviating to the previous figures. This can be achieved in the following way.

The first option is to lose weight gradually, slowly. In this case, the body will have time to get used to the new weight and the deviation will not develop. You can choose a basic diet (loss of approximately 50 g of fat per day) or follow healthy image life. But many people do not have the patience for such a lengthy procedure, so this option is often not considered.

The next option is after completing a course of fasting or a strict diet, actively engage in sports and reconsider your diet. This system will help the body adapt to the new weight.

The third option is to wait for the transition time from strict diet to normal nutrition. The duration of this time should be twice as long as the duration of the diet. This is a kind of deception of the body, aimed at making the body “forget” its previous rhythm of work and weight.

During this transition period, the diet should be slightly less than normal nutrition. At this stage, it is important to count calorie intake and energy expenditure of the body.

Why does a person gain weight in winter?

Firstly, this is the physiology of the body under conditions of long, cold winter. Secondly, the winter-spring period is a time of various holidays, which do not bypass the Russian people. And, as they said back in Ancient Greece, a holiday is “an occasion for gluttony.”

As a result, the kilograms lost with incredible difficulty quickly return, and all weight loss processes have to start all over again. Thus, very important point self-discipline is a way of life.

B.Yu. Lamikhov, S.V. Glushchenko, D.A. Nikulin, V.A. Podkolzina, M.V. Bigeeva, E.A. Matykina

It's summer, it's hot, you don't want to have lunch... It seems better to grab a pie, a sausage roll, or even a delicious hamburger or hot dog on the go. The doctor talks about the pros and cons of such food highest category, Head of Department of the Oryol Regional Hospital Lidia Veniaminovna Timoshenko.

I cannot say that the so-called “fast food”, that is, fast food, is categorically harmful. Sometimes it is more dangerous to eat nothing than to have a snack in between. Moreover, we even recommend to some of our patients to ensure that there are no long gaps between meals. However, we must remember: snacking cannot replace a normal, nutritious diet.

“Fast food” is strictly contraindicated for those who have diseases of the digestive system. Anyone who knows first-hand what gastritis is, who suffers from colitis or has gallbladder disease should avoid the most delicious sandwiches, hamburgers and cheeseburgers.

- Well, such people are a minority.

Don't tell me. Approximately thirty percent of children have complex damage to the stomach and duodenum. With age, the number of patients increases. The reasons are in ourselves, in our indifference to what we eat. How much chewing gum, cookies and other foodstuffs are on the shelves in beautiful packaging. What products, dyes, nutritional supplements were used for their preparation - no one was interested in this. And the stomachs reacted instantly to the harmful chemicals. Besides, we don’t have a food culture. We strive to intercept everything on the move, dry. We eat almost the same thing, without thinking that this has a bad effect on our health.

- Which ones? unpleasant consequences Can a passion for “fast food” lead?

Heavy, cooked with a lot of fat, this food is difficult to digest and absorb by the body. When too much is eaten, food intoxication and even food poisoning can occur. If you get into the habit of replacing a full meal with random pies, intoxication will be repeated frequently and, as a result, an inflammatory process may begin. This is a direct path to gastritis. Please note we are talking about healthy people. It’s not hard to guess what will happen to a sick person when hard-to-digest food takes the place of an existing inflammatory process. The second danger of “fast food” is that we never know what freshness the products were used to make pies or, say, chebureks. Even if the seller assures you that the pie was literally freshly made, we do not know under what conditions and for how long the products from which it was made were stored.

- There are powders and tablets that improve digestion, for example festal.

Indeed, enzyme preparations - Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte - may be useful. But the fest is not for everyone. It contains bile, so it can only be prescribed to those who do not have vomiting, heartburn, or belching. Sometimes, after poor-quality food, nasty nausea or even infrequent and mild vomiting appears. In these cases, I would recommend drinking Cerucal or Raglan. They enhance the tone and motor activity of the digestive organs.

- What if after the “kitten pies” you have diarrhea and abdominal pain?

Take coal. This is the first thing. Then you need to rinse or at least “flood” your stomach. Now there are many different powdered preparations such as glucosalan on the market. Do not be alarmed if vomiting occurs after taking them. This is good. I can recommend smecta. And if you are in such conditions that it is impossible to buy medicine, I recommend salted water: a teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water.

- Do you have to drink a whole liter?

Certainly. Especially with nausea or vomiting. If it is difficult to drink the entire dose at one time, you should try and take it in small portions. There is no way to leave the body without fluid. Saline solution can be replaced with natural mineral water. If the abdominal pain does not go away, you need to take no-shpa.

As a rule, problems with nutrition, and therefore with digestion, arise on vacation. What medications do you recommend taking with you?

To be on the safe side, it’s a good idea to take furazolidone or besalol. Sometimes pentalgin or citramon may be useful. For most people, they relieve not only headaches, but also many other types of pain. And yet, it is better not to grab medications, but to consult a doctor. In all cases when acute abdominal pain does not go away after washing and two or three tablets activated carbon, it's better to call a doctor. You need to make sure that the cause of the pain is not appendicitis or obstruction, which requires surgery.

- And yet you can’t do without quick food - on the road, for example, or on the beach.

Absolutely false. When going on a trip, do not rely on pies of dubious quality, but take something dietary with you. Kefir, say, and the most ordinary bun. It will be safe and useful. On the beach it is quite possible to refuse sandwiches with smoked sausage from a summer buffet or sausages topped with who knows what sauce. It is better to take fruit with you, but before eating, peel hard fruits such as apples or pears. This diet is balanced and healthy. It is suitable for children and adults, sick and healthy.

Our lifestyle does something incredible to our eating habits. What I mean is that we eat in a variety of places without a daily schedule, without paying close attention to what we eat. What do you think?
Or is it absolutely normal to eat anything, anywhere?? Many of us were told in childhood “you won’t leave the table until you eat.” It would be more useful to instill in children: “you are what you eat.”This is the honest truth, no proper nutrition problems with weight, skin, and health in general appear. TSo I've been changing my habits for the last couple of years.
Below are thoughts about eating at home and in a cafe or restaurant. Where is better, where is more useful. This is my opinion, and I think that it basically coincides with the opinion of many of you. Well, if not, welcome in the comments!
So, the pros and cons homemade food .
. It's more economical to cook at home. The cost of the products individually is much lower than the cost ready-made dish somewhere in a cafe. That's a plus.
. You always know the composition. A pate made from ingredients you know looks more attractive than a dubious tin can. This is also a plus.
. Homemade food can be unbalanced in calorie content and composition. If a family has passed down the tradition of fatty or overly spicy food from generation to generation, then such home-cooked food will be more of a minus than a plus. By the way, there is even a theory of aging. It says that fatty and sweet foods contribute to faster aging of the body.
. Cooking food takes a lot of time. Can be seen as a plus and a minus. Anyone who loves to cook (like me) will be able to spend painlessly free time to the kitchen. Well, who doesn't love...
. Dishes. Homemade food is also good because you always know who is using your plates and forks and spoons besides you. Great advantage.
Advantages and disadvantages public places nutrition.
. Those who do not know how or do not like to cook will not die of hunger. This is, of course, a little rude, but it reflects the truth. Cafes and restaurants help you eat more or less healthy without putting any effort into cooking. Plus.
. Save time. That's also understandable. Plus.
. An opportunity to meet and chat with friends in a pleasant environment. Great advantage.
. Now the cons are the quality of the food. It can be either quite good or simply disgusting. Fat minus.
. Public. If only those people we know and love are at home, then in a cafe they are watching us eat. big number strangers and sometimes unpleasant personalities. (Personally, I don’t pay attention to this, but for some it may be important).Minus.
. Gastritis. No matter how well the dishes are processed in a restaurant, regulars of such places have a much higher risk of getting gastritis. Minus.
What do I think about this:I really respect people who cook delicious food at home healthy food, and am suspicious of those who do not do this and are looking for excuses. Personally, 70% of the time I take food with me; I like to cook. For my table I choose whenever possible healthy foods: chicken, turkey, rolled oats, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables, fruits and much more. I also love sweets, but I allow myself only one dessert a week and often make it myself.
I also love restaurants, but I am very picky when choosing dishes. Going to a restaurant as a ritual “going out” is also possible. The main thing is to monitor the composition of the dishes and the time of day.
Food such as shawarma, belyashi or pies is heavy food. Even for people with good metabolism. It may not harm your weight, but it will definitely harm your health.
Oh yes, and alcohol. I don't like alcoholic drinks. For diplomatic purposes, I can drink dry white wine. In general, alcohol is a harmful thing.
That's all, actually. Homemade food is good, but only when it's healthy. Cafes are inevitable, but you can also benefit from them. It was convenient for me to make a list of foods that I love and that are healthy, cross out everything unhealthy and fatty, and create a rough menu. In a cafe, choose dishes from these products whenever possible.
Bottom line: Don't neglect what you eat. For different cases, such as diet, weight control or free eating, choose appropriate dishes. Make a menu for yourself, monitor the quality and quantity of products. The body will be very grateful!
Thanks to those who are interested in the topic!

A distinctive feature of our 21st century is the intense pace of life. According to scientists, we now spend twice as much time eating as we did in the 19th and 20th centuries. As a result, fast food has become so popular among the population.

Are we saving, in a hurry or enjoying our food?

This applies not only to Kazakhstanis. According to Rosstat research, every fifth person in the country eats at fast food restaurants every week. Average age clients are 20-27 years old. Most explain that they have to use fast food services because of:

  • lack of time (33%);
  • inability to eat elsewhere (28%);
  • taste preferences (27%);
  • cozy atmosphere (17%);
  • pleasant service (12%);
  • cheap food (7%);
  • food quality (3%);
  • availability of free Internet (1%).

Interestingly, the majority of fast food cafe visitors are men. They like it high-calorie food for little money. But the beautiful half of humanity, on the contrary, visit establishments similar type because of the pleasant dynamic atmosphere.

To lose weight or not to lose weight?

The traditional food culture in Kazakhstan is also changing under the influence of advertising slogans of foreign companies. Remember the translation of McDonald’s song-call “I"m lovin it!” Literally, I love it (or I love to eat). It’s worth thinking about whether the advertisement accidentally refers to the proposed menu as “this”?

So, what of “this” can you order?

  1. Burgers and different variants sandwiches;
  2. French fries;
  3. Hot dishes;
  4. Hot and cold classic salads;
  5. A variety of snacks;
  6. Drinks (tea, coffee, juices, soda, milkshakes);
  7. Dessert.

As you can see, you can please your body with a variety of dishes, but you can also eat fast food Right- it all depends on the lifestyle choice of a particular person. Let's look at the pros and cons of fast food in more detail.

Disadvantages of such snacks

If your dynamic daily routine forces you to eat fast food, you should remember the disadvantages of such food.

  1. Most dishes are high in calories. Having received an excess of calories, the body stores fat reserves. To minimize harm to your health, equate eating a burger to 30 minutes of running on a treadmill.
  2. A huge amount of animal fats. They can create additional stress on blood vessels, promote the deposition of cholesterol plaques, and cause harm to the liver. If you had to eat such food, it is better to eat foods with a high content of plant fiber together ( raw vegetables, salads). This will help reduce the load on the blood vessels. But again, the main thing is mobility, so don’t forget about sports activity.
  3. The food is too salty. Perhaps this was once a clever ploy to get customers to spend money on accompanying drinks (cola, juice, etc.). To balance the salt balance, the body requires an appropriate amount of fluid. And you shouldn’t be surprised how even children drink a liter glass of juice in one gulp. But what does this mean? Salt puts additional stress on the heart and blood vessels and disrupts kidney function. It is better to remove salt by consuming clean water, mint tea with chamomile. Physical exercise will help in as soon as possible remove excess salts and toxins with sweat.
  4. Excess sugar in dishes. Sweet “poison” is added to all dishes - hamburgers, sauces for salty dishes, soda, juices and ice cream. Moreover, its concentration can be significant. By eating a sandwich with ketchup, a serving of ice cream and a glass of cola, the customer can get triple the amount of sugar. This is a noticeable blow to the pancreas and adrenal glands. With such a diet, a huge amount of glucose enters the blood, causing a feeling of fullness. But after a couple of hours you will want to have a snack again.
  5. Huge portions. For the average consumer, this would seem to be an unbearable burden. But the beautiful setting: rich colors of the interior that whet your appetite, pleasant background music, aromas of food, make it possible to cope with giant snacks. How to protect yourself from overeating? Before going to the establishment, you should drink yogurt or a glass of natural juice. The stomach and the part of the brain responsible for satiety will receive appropriate signals and will not be so demanding.

Benefits of fast food

Don't just look for the cons in fast food. There are also back side medals. And there are quite a lot of advantages:

  1. Quickness of eating (on average 15-25 minutes);
  2. High-quality service, competent staff;
  3. Reasonable cost;
  4. Cleanliness of counters, kitchens, equipment and food storage areas;
  5. Using Kazakhstani dishes in the menu quality products(90% meat, bakery products, vegetables);

Of course, the best option- this is a measured meal with classic homemade food with three traditional courses (first, second and compote). But sometimes, if you really, really want it, you can order fast food with delivery, there won’t be much harm to the body. And a portion of joy hormones received from delicious food compensates for all the disadvantages of fast food (if you are not too lazy to jog or just go to the mountains).