Common twig - medicinal properties, use in folk medicine, contraindications. How common twig is used in medicine

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Photo of the medicinal plant Prutnyak vulgare (Vitex sacred)

Vitex sacred - medicinal properties

Common prutnyak It is primarily used in homeopathy for impotence, depression and nervous weakness.

Latin name: Vitex agnus-castus.

English names: Vitex, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's Balm.

Family: Verbenaceae - Verbenaceae.

Synonyms: Sacred twig, Abraham's tree, sacred Vitex.

Medicinal raw materials: twig leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, less often bark.

Botanical description. Common twig is a shrub reaching 3-5m in height, distributed from the Mediterranean to northern India. When looking at it, the palmate leaves and dense inflorescences catch the eye. The flowers are pale blue, the fruits are drupes 0.5 cm in size.

Harvesting common twig. Fruits are harvested during the period of full maturity (September-October), shoots with leaves - during budding or flowering (June), flowers - during flowering, bark - in spring or autumn.

Witex fruits should be dried in the shade, with strong ventilation, and not high temperature(up to 30 degrees Celsius), stored at low temperatures (no more than 3 months), otherwise the hormonal properties of the plant are sharply reduced. It is better to use fresh, not dried, or frozen fruits for preparing liquid dosage forms.

Chemical composition. All parts of the plant contain iridoids (aucuban, agnoside), flavonoids (casticin, isovitexin, orientin, isoorientin), alkaloids, tannins, vitamins, trace elements, essential oil.

The leaves contain ascorbic acid (up to 0.12%), glycoside agnusid, essential oil (up to 0.5%), iridoids, flavonoids.

Iridoids, flavonoid casticin, and fatty oil (about 10%) were found in the seeds.

The essential oil from the fruit contains pinene, cineole, sabinene, palmitic acid and other components. The composition of the essential oil from the leaves includes: α- and β-pinenes (40%), cineole (up to 25%), sabinene, palmitic acid, quinone, limonene (1.5%), n-cymene, linimole, camphor, bornyl acetate .

Fatty oil from the fruit contains formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, and caproic acids.

Photo of the fruits of Prutnyak vulgaris (Vitex sacred)

Useful properties and uses of vitex

As an anticancer agent, in the complex treatment of colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, myeloid leukemia and leukemia, liver and pancreatic carcinoma, brain glioma, squamous cell carcinoma. Common twig causes an antitumor effect through apoptosis and mitotic arrest of cancer cells.

Common twig is used to restore the hormonal balance estrogen - progesterone, in the complex treatment of mastopathy, endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, fibroids, prostatitis, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), etc.

As a sedative that reduces nervousness and headaches.

As an antioxidant and antibacterial agent. The strongest antibacterial and antioxidant effect is exerted by the essential oil, chlorogenic and caffeic acids found in the fruits and leaves of twig.

Photo of the common Prutnyak shrub (Vitex sacred)

Recipes for preparing medicinal products

  • Infusion of twig leaves. Pour two tablespoons of vitex leaves (you can additionally add mint, currants, honeysuckle) with a glass of boiling water, leave, wrapped in a towel for 1 hour. Use as an adjuvant in the treatment of gynecological diseases, relieving spasms, pain, as well as reducing neuroses and insomnia.
  • Tincture of twig fruits. The fruit tincture is prepared at the rate of 20-30 grams of dried plant fruits per 200 ml. 40% alcohol or good vodka. Insist for two weeks. Take 60 drops before meals 1-2 times a day. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 6-8 months.
  • Prutnyak fruit extract. Prepared from a ratio of 40 g. dry crushed fruits per 200 ml. 70% alcohol, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Use 60 drops in the morning, 30 minutes before meals. Store the extract in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 6-8 months.


  1. Prutnyak preparations are prohibited for use by pregnant and nursing mothers.
  2. Before you start taking prutnyak drugs, make sure there is an excess of estrogen in your body so as not to worsen your condition.
  3. In some cases, skin rashes, allergic reactions, urticaria, itching, and sometimes hair loss are possible. Typically, these reactions go away when you stop taking chasteberry (vitex).
  4. A change in hormonal balance entails a change in physical condition and may be accompanied, especially at first, by pain, increased menstruation, and bleeding between menstruation. To avoid smearing and wrong result treatment, it is better to stop taking any hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.
  5. Take medications for mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease, with caution, because this could change mental condition, cause aggression, seizures.

The fruits of the twig are used in medicine. Application and dose of common twig. As a complex, common twig extract is taken for chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Chinese twig grows in India, China and the Philippines. The twig is also mentioned in the works of Pliny, Dioscorides and Theophrastus.

For more than 2500 years, common twig (Abraham's tree, monk's pepper) has been used to treat gynecological pathologies. Long traditions of use and modern scientific research have made preparations based on this plant widely used in the treatment of a number of female diseases.

Common twig: beneficial properties, contraindications and use in medicine

Based on the history of the use of twigs, he conducted a series of experiments on animals, in which he found that it was the fruits of the plant that had the greatest medicinal activity. How does twig affect a woman’s health?

Prutnyak extract has an effect similar to that of dopamine, which helps reduce the production of prolactin. In turn, normalizing the level of this hormone helps to establish a physiological relationship between estrogen and progesterone. Dedicated to Prutnyak a large number of scientific research. Even today, many women, even if they wonder how to get rid of PMS, do not go to the doctor with their problems, but endure their problems on their own.

The flowers are pale lilac, collected in paniculate-spike-shaped inflorescences. Cultivated primarily as a spicy and ornamental plant. Critical Action prutnyak - normalization of the level of sex hormones. It reduces the production of prolactin, bringing the ratio of hormones in the second phase of the cycle to normal. In this way, violations are corrected menstrual cycle and relieves pain in the mammary glands.

Fruits of common twig in gynecology

The main indications for the use of prutnyak preparations are menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome and mastopathy. To treat these pathologies, drugs containing twig extract are used - Mastodinon and Cyclodinone, which should be dosed according to the instructions.

Medicines had to be sought in environment. Life-saving remedies were plants and herbs that helped fight illness. Experience and rich knowledge of healing were accumulated over centuries and then passed on to descendants.


The latter will be discussed in today’s material. This is an outstanding shrub that has several names: sacred vitex, Abraham's tree, etc. In the East it is called the king tree and is believed to have beneficial properties.

The tree is densely covered with flowers, which are collected in small inflorescences. At the beginning of autumn (September) the plant begins to bear fruit. All parts of the plant are, to one degree or another, rich in flavonoids, tannins, trace elements, alkaloids and various vitamins.

What does the rod do?

Prutnyak ordinary receives positive reviews from patients. The tincture relieves headaches, dizziness and pain in the heart area. At all times, the seeds have been used as a medicinal drug for malignant pathologies and sexually transmitted diseases.

How to use twigs

From time immemorial, folk aesculapians of the East have treated diseases with medicine internal organs(liver, pancreas, spleen), and also cleansed the kidneys and gallbladder from stones. Decoctions are used for malaria and gonorrhea. Compresses are made from the flowers or added to the bath, as the flowers improve the quality of the skin and fight various inflammations. The herb restores the functioning of the reproductive system and helps women with impaired hormonal levels and endocrine diseases.

The plant is especially effective in combination with angelica. It is advisable to use it together with red brush and hogweed for a long time. Clinical trials revealed that the plant is absolutely non-toxic and practically harmless.

Common twig can cause allergies, especially if there is a predisposition, skin rashes, nausea and migraines. Finished drugs are sold in pharmacy chains in the form of tablets, capsules, tea and infusion. Common twig is prescribed for early ejaculation, impotence, depression, increased libido and gynecological diseases.

It is not difficult to prepare a healing solution at home. We will need vitex fruits (50 g) and pure alcohol 70% (500 ml). Grind the fruits in a coffee grinder and mix with alcohol. Leave in a thermos for two weeks. Before taking, you should strain the solution and drink a dessert spoon three times a day. The duration of therapy is at least three months. The following recipe is indicated for prolonged depression and mental disorders.

Indications for the use of common twig. Chinese twig is a well-known drug in Ayurveda and is beneficial for inflammatory diseases. Common prutnyak is native to the Mediterranean and has spread to the Balkans and Asia Minor. Found in Crimea, on the Black Sea coast. Chinese twig (Vitex Negundo) is very similar to the plant Vitex sacred, known in our latitudes - a genus of deciduous or evergreen trees and bushes.

In the article we discuss common twig - use and contraindications, botanical description and distribution area. You will learn how to collect and store the plant, how to prepare decoctions and infusions for the stomach, potency, gynecological problems and infertility.

Common twig belongs to a species of tree-like shrubs of the Vitex genus of the Lamiaceae family. Known around the world under the following names: Vitex sacred or ordinary, Abraham's tree, Chaste, Monk's pepper (lat. Vítex ágnus-cástus).

Vitex - twig is widely used in pharmacology. The twig can also be seen on personal plots along the flower beds, in landscape design as a decorative plant.

Pollinated by insects, partial self-pollination possible. Propagated by seeds and vegetative green and lignified cuttings, produces abundant growth from the stump. Lives up to 55−62 years.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of common twig Vitex sacred is a tree-like shrub 4-8 meters high. The plant is grey-tomentose with dense appressed hairs. The branches are brown with a pungent aroma. The root is taproot, well branched, and has adventitious roots.

The leaves are opposite, green, on long petioles. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, pointed, entire, matte above, and below with a white coating due to the effect of pubescence. 5−10 cm long.

The flowers are two-lipped, purple, collected in dense spike-shaped inflorescences at the tops of the branches. The calyx is five-membered, shorter than the corolla. Four stamens protruding above the corolla. The color of the corolla is blue.

The fruits of the common twig are a dark, dry drupe, 3-4 mm in diameter. Flowering period from June to October. Fruiting time is October - November.

Where does it grow

The distribution area of ​​the common twig is North Africa: from Algeria and Morocco to Tunisia, Southern Europe: from Spain to the southern coast of Crimea, zone temperate climate and subtropics of Asia: Western Asia (Turkey, Cyprus, Israel), Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan), Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan).

Prutnyak grows on different soils. The plant can mainly be found on rocky, sandy, loamy soils. It grows along the banks of rivers, ditches, along ravines, on the coast, and forms small thickets.

Leaves, flowers, fruits, branches

Leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, and less often plant bark are used as medicinal raw materials.. For several centuries, the plant has been used to treat many diseases. Hippocrates spoke about the medicinal properties of the plant.
This is what the fruits of the common twig look like. Take decoctions, infusions and alcohol tinctures can be used both for the treatment of diseases and for their prevention.

It is useful for women to drink tea from the fruit for PMS, menopause, infertility and to maintain women's health. Men can use a tincture based on the plant to improve potency, mood, and as a treatment for colds.

Common twig is also used in different countries as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. The plant has a spicy aroma and goes well with other spices. Externally, the fruits resemble black peppercorns.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • flavonoids;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • sabiene;
  • camphor;
  • quinone;
  • pinene;
  • alkaloids;
  • tanning elements;
  • ascorbic acid.

The essential oil of the fruit contains pinene, cineole, and sabinene. Fatty oil obtained from vitex fruits contains the following acids:

  • ant;
  • oil;
  • vinegar;
  • valerian;
  • propionic;
  • nylon.

For the production of dosage forms, fresh, recently harvested or frozen fruits are mainly used.

Thanks to its unique composition, twigs are used to support immunity.

Medicinal properties

The plant is effective when used regularly. If you do not want to prepare tinctures or decoctions from the components of the plant at home, then you can purchase common twig at the pharmacy.

Pharmacological properties of the plant:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • antibacterial;
  • pain reliever;
  • sedative;
  • antifungal;
  • restorative.

The plant relieves PMS symptoms in women. Decoctions and infusions based on the plant can relieve pain in the lower abdomen, eliminate migraines, and improve the psycho-emotional state.

Prutnyak contains natural hormones estrogens, which are necessary for women's health. Therefore, it is used to treat gynecological diseases that are caused by hormonal disorders. Prutnyak promotes the production of progesterone, which provides normal work all systems and organs. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, prutnyak in gynecology is effective in the treatment of infertility, mastitis, endometriosis, polyps and ovarian cysts.

Prutnyak for men helps with impotence, is taken to activate libido. For these purposes, infusions of the plant are used.

The plant improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves inflammation and pain in diseases of the digestive system.

Prutnyak components reduce body temperature, fight bacteria, remove excess liquid from the body.

Tinctures and extract of common twig are used in the treatment of stress, replacing antidepressants with them. The components of the plant promote the production of happiness hormones and improve mood.

The flowers of the plant are used to prepare decoctions added to the bath. After taking baths with the addition of twig, the skin becomes clean, healthy, smooth, and inflammation goes away.

Decoctions from parts of the plant are used to treat headaches, dizziness, malaria and gonorrhea.

How to collect

Different parts of the plant are harvested in different time of the year. Harvest flowers during the flowering period, leaves in the spring before the flowering period. If you need bark, then harvest it in early spring. Collect fruits after full ripening - in the autumn.

Dry the plant outside or in a well-ventilated area. shady place. Dry the fruits in a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. The drying temperature should not be more than 40 degrees.

Store harvested raw materials in bags made of natural fabrics or in jars. The beneficial properties of the plant last for 2 years.

How to use

Prutnyak (Vitex) preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy Folk remedies Based on the plant, you can prepare it at home and it’s not difficult to do. If you do not want to purchase twigs at the pharmacy, then use recipes.

If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, consult a specialist before using prutnyak. The plant reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Tincture for the stomach

The tincture can be used to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of pathologies of the liver and spleen. Carry out treatment in a course of 2-3 months, take a break for a week and repeat. The tincture is contraindicated for people with cholelithiasis.


  1. Prutnyak fruits - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Chop the fruits, pour vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. Filter before taking.

How to use: Dilute 10 drops of tincture in a third of a glass of water. Take 30 minutes before meals once a day.

Result: Tincture relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect.

Decoction for gynecology

Common twig has wide application in gynecology. Preparations based on the plant treat inflammation, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. In combination with other medications, it is taken for chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

Start treatment of gynecological diseases in the second half of the cycle and continue until the next one. Treat gynecological diseases in a course. The duration of the course is at least 3 months.


  1. Prutnyak fruits - 2 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour water over the fruits, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Wrap the container in which the infusion was cooked for 40 minutes.

How to use: Take 100 ml 4 times a day.

Result: Uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen, pain and inflammation disappear.

Tincture for mastopathy

Prutnyak is used for various types mastopathy. Sometimes mastopathy occurs due to excessive worries and unbalanced psychological state. With regular use of prutnyak, sleep is normalized, the product calms the nervous system.

Prutnyak reduces the production of prolactin. The effectiveness of treating mastopathy with pharmaceutical preparations based on twigs has been proven by official medicine.


  1. Chopped fruits of the plant - 50 g.
  2. Vodka - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour pure alcohol over the fruits, leave for 15 days. Shake the tincture periodically.

How to use: Take the tincture in the morning, 60 drops 30 minutes before meals, 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Result: Dissolves seals, relieves inflammation. Improves mood, relieves depression.

Tincture for potency

Common twig is used as a tonic for men. The plant activates potency and improves libido.


  1. Dry fruits of the plant - 2 tbsp.
  2. Alcohol - 1 liter.

How to cook: Grind the fruits in a mortar and add alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks. Strain the tincture before using.

How to use: Take 25 drops of tincture, dilute in 80 ml clean water. Take 2 times a day for 2 months.

Result: Inflammatory processes are reduced, male strength increases.

Pharmacy drugs

The following drugs are produced based on twigs:

  • Cyclodinone- a drug plant origin. Contains twig extract in the ratio of 0.192−0.288 g. per 100 gr. solution or 3.2−4.8 mg per tablet. Normalizes hormonal balance, regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces chest discomfort.
  • Mastodinon— used in the treatment of mastopathy, contains extracts natural plants. Suitable for the treatment of menstrual irregularities, used for infertility and nervous conditions. It is included in metabolic processes smoothly. Good analogue synthetic drugs.
  • Pregnoton- mineral complex. Suitable for women planning pregnancy. Helps eliminate factors that interfere with conception. The drug relieves nervous conditions, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and compensates for vitamin deficiencies. The composition includes magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamins B, C, E.
  • Menifib- a herbal medicine, the components of which have a normalizing effect on sex hormones. Normalizes the menstrual cycle. Used for PMS, hormonal and cycle disorders.

In pharmacies you can buy twig in the form of tincture, tea, tablets, granules, extract and capsules. All drugs are available without a prescription.


There are few contraindications for the use of twigs. If you follow the recommended dosage in recipes or adhere to the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug, then side effects practically not detected.

Contraindications for use:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to plant components.

The following side effects may occur when consuming prutnyak:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rashes;
  • diarrhea.


The plant belongs to the species of the genus Vitex of the family Lamiaceae, order Lamiaceae, class Dicotyledonous, division Flowering.


There are no specific varieties of Prutnyak on the territory of Russia. In the region Pacific Ocean economic importance have the following types:

  • V. cofassus - native to Papua New Guinea and in the Solomon Islands. In these countries the plant is called vitex. A word is placed in front indicating the place of growth and harvesting of wood. In the Solomon Islands, this breed is also known as vasa, vata, asang bitum and hasara.
  • V. glabra and V. quinata - grow in the western part of the island of New Guinea (Irian), and therefore have the name West Irian vitex (West Irian twig).

For more information about the rod, watch the video:

Common prutnyak infographics

Photo of common prutnyak, its beneficial features and application:
Infographics on prutnyak

What to remember

  1. Common prutnyak is a medicinal plant that helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases, restoration of potency in men, nervous conditions, skin inflammation and viral diseases.
  2. Before use, study the contraindications, dosage, beneficial properties, and reviews of common twig.
  3. Different parts of the plant should be collected at different times of the year.
  4. Pharmaceutical preparations based on the plant are commercially available.
  5. Before using any rod components, consult a specialist.

For more than 2500 years, common twig (Abraham's tree, monk's pepper) has been used to treat gynecological pathologies. Long traditions of use and modern scientific research have made preparations based on this plant widely used in the treatment of a number of female diseases.

Hippocrates wrote: “If blood flows from the womb, give the woman to drink dark wine in which the leaves of the tree of Abraham are immersed.” The twig is also mentioned in the works of Pliny, Dioscorides and Theophrastus. In the 20th century, twigs were “returned” to medicine by Gerhard Madaus. Based on the history of the use of twigs, he conducted a series of experiments on animals, in which he found that it was the fruits of the plant that had the greatest medicinal activity.

What does the rod do?

How does twig affect a woman’s health? Many women's health problems are associated with increased production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Normally, it promotes the development of the mammary glands, prepares them for lactation, and regulates milk production. With certain disorders, its excess can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, chest pain and mastopathy, premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The production of prolactin is controlled by the hypothalamus - it is inhibited by the biologically active substance dopamine. Prutnyak extract has an effect similar to that of dopamine, which helps reduce the production of prolactin. In turn, normalizing the level of this hormone helps to establish a physiological relationship between estrogen and progesterone. This leads to normalization of the menstrual cycle, mitigation of PMS symptoms, normalization of follicle maturation and ovulation.

Prutnyak has been proven to be selectively effective in disorders associated with hormonal imbalances, including insufficiency corpus luteum(NST). Many menstrual irregularities and difficulty conceiving are associated with low or irregular progesterone production in the second phase of the cycle, which may be a consequence of SVT. Symptoms of this condition are associated with cycle irregularity, shortening of its second phase and decreased progesterone levels.

Is twig effective?

A large number of scientific studies have been devoted to Prutnyak. For example, in 1982, Amann showed that twig extract helps treat amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) and is effective in restoring hormonal balance and regularity of the menstrual cycle. In 2002, Bergmann conducted a study in which 67 women with cycle and ovulation disorders received prutnyak. As a result, their progesterone levels increased, the second phase of the cycle lengthened, ovulation became earlier, and 38 women became pregnant. A 1993 study by Milewicz showed similar results.

How to use twigs

These properties of twigs have found their application in the preparations Cyclodinone and Mastodinone. Cyclodinone, active substance which is the extract of prutnyak, is prescribed mainly for menstrual irregularities caused by high level prolactin in the blood. These include amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea (the interval between menstruation is more than 35 days), anovulatory cycle, and insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle. The drug is prescribed for menstrual irregularities in adolescents due to its high safety profile.

Mastodinon, in addition to twig, includes extracts of tiger lily, cohosh, tiger lily, alpine violet, and iris. The drug is prescribed to relieve symptoms of PMS, treat fibrocystic mastopathy and cycle disorders caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

The effectiveness and safety of these preparations containing twig grass have been proven by many studies conducted in last years. The rods used for their production are grown on environmentally friendly plantations on the island of Mallorca, which is one of the components High Quality medicines. The concept of phytoniring by Bionorica makes it possible to obtain the most effective herbal preparations with the most predictable effect. Their production is carefully controlled, from seed selection and soil preparation to the constant improvement of the production process.

Nature is a great gift given to us higher powers. Traditional medicine has been known since the very beginnings of human existence. Medicines had to be sought in the environment. Life-saving remedies were plants and herbs that helped fight illness.

Experience and rich knowledge of healing were accumulated over centuries and then passed on to descendants. Many folk recipes using herbs has a long history. IN ancient Rus' main medicinal plants were nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort and common twig. The latter is what we will talk about today. This is an outstanding shrub that has several names: sacred vitex, Abraham's tree, etc. In the East it is called the king tree.

All parts of the plant are, to one degree or another, rich in flavonoids, tannins, trace elements, alkaloids and various vitamins. The leaves and fruits of common twig contain rare essential oils, which contain valuable components: palmitic, formic, butyric, caproic and acetic acids, as well as sabiene, pinene, quinone, camphor. The leaves also contain a lot of vitamin C. As is known, ascorbic acid prevents the development of bacteria and increases the body's defenses. Seeds containing an identical list are considered no less valuable useful substances. Thanks to its unique composition, this plant is deservedly considered a tree of longevity. Folk and traditional pharmaceuticals obtain from it medicinal drugs (infusions, decoctions, elixirs) that have hormone-like, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and sedative effects.

This herbal medicine has a huge amount healing properties:

  • helps relieve fever;
  • establish the production of sex hormones;
  • eliminate pathogenic microbes and remove excess fluid;
  • normalize the functional activity of the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system;
  • used for nervous disorders as a natural antidepressant;
  • relieves headaches, dizziness and pain in the heart area;
  • at all times, this extract was used as a medicinal drug for malignant pathologies and venereal diseases;
  • common twig extract is taken in complex therapy for chlamydia and trichomoniasis;
  • indicated for kidney and gallstones;
  • effective in inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas and spleen;
  • for malaria and gonorrhea;
  • with sexual impotence.

For centuries, traditional medicine has been actively using this plant in the gynecological field. About unique properties The great healer Hippocrates mentioned Vitex in his writings (in the 4th century BC). Modern herbalists recommend taking the extract for menstrual irregularities and severe symptoms of PMS (irritation, headache, apathy, anxiety, depression, discomfort in the chest and lower abdomen). Common twig has proven itself to be excellent in gynecology. The extract of this plant is considered the best natural analogue of estrogens. It restores the functioning of the reproductive system and helps women with disrupted hormonal levels and endocrine diseases, is an excellent stimulator of the pituitary gland and regulates the production of progesterone, thereby normalizing the cycle.

Simply necessary in the treatment of infertility. Even, it would seem, in the most advanced cases shows positive results due to stimulation of ovulatory function. Helps cure mastitis, polyps, endometriosis, mastopathy, breast fibrosis, ovarian cysts and adnexitis.

It is advisable to use for a long time (up to 6 months).

A herbal medicine whose components have a normalizing effect on the level of sex hormones. It has a dopaminergic effect, which causes a decrease in prolactin production, i.e. eliminates hyperprolactinemia.

An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, which can result in disturbances in follicular maturation, ovulation and the phase of the corpus luteum, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone. It is this hormonal imbalance that causes menstrual irregularities and mastodynia.

The drug normalizes the ratio of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to the normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Prolactin also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in the mammary glands, enhancing the formation connective tissue and causing dilation of the milk ducts. A decrease in prolactin content leads to the reverse development of pathological processes in the mammary glands and relieves pain.

It is also used as an anticancer agent in the complex treatment of colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, myeloid leukemia and leukemia, liver and pancreatic carcinoma, brain glioma, squamous cell carcinoma. Common twig has an antitumor effect through apoptosis and mitotic arrest of cancer cells.

When applied externally, it can significantly improve appearance your skin. In addition, this procedure helps well with inflammatory processes on the skin. Therefore, many dermatologists recommend applying compresses to teenagers in order to cope with acne.

Cautions: the drug is not prescribed when using oral contraceptives, as it reduces their effect (especially hormonal ones). Not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers.

Release form: 50 ml bottle.

Storage periods and conditions: 24 months at temperatures up to +25 °C.