Window insulation work. Window insulation: what are the possibilities? Insulation of window glass with energy-saving film - video

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Do-it-yourself window insulation: 4 methods that will interest you

Hello. Today I’ll tell you about self-insulation of windows in an apartment and in country house. Thermal insulation of windows is very important stage real estate renovation, which should not be neglected if you are interested in the energy efficiency of your home and reasonable heating costs.

General information

Today, many methods of thermal insulation are known. The choice of one method depends on the type of window.

This time you will learn how to make ordinary wooden windows and modern double-glazed windows warmer. In addition, I will talk about how to insulate openings outside the house with your own hands using inexpensive polystyrene foam.

Thermal insulation of plastic double-glazed windows

High-quality plastic double-glazed windows are equipped with special rubber seals, which, due to their tight fit to the frame, prevent the passage of air from outside to inside the room.

The areas through which cold passes are:

So, what methods of metal plastic double glazed windows Can it be used for insulation?

Seam sealing

Even after high-quality plastering of the slopes, a micro-gap remains. If this micro-gap is not sealed, it will cause cold air circulation and condensation. As a result, fungus may appear at the junction of the slopes and the frame.

To close the gap you will need following materials and tools:

  • Sanitary silicone in a tube;
  • Mounting gun for working with sealant;
  • White Spirit;
  • Sharp knife
  • Awl;
  • Paper napkins.

Instructions for sealing seams are given in the following diagram.

Let's consider the listed stages in more detail:

  • Using the tip of an awl, we widen and level the gap along the entire frame;
  • We moisten a paper napkin with thinner and carefully wipe the joint between the slopes and the frame;
  • We prepare the tube for work, namely, we cut off the plastic tip with a knife, insert it into the gun and screw on the cone of the nozzle;

  • Fill the gap with sealant around the perimeter of the glass unit;

  • If necessary, level the seam and clean the adjacent surfaces from contamination.

Sanitary sealant is completely removed with white spirit within 20 minutes after application. After 20 minutes, the sealant will be very difficult to remove.

Now the most important thing you need to know when filling the gap between the slopes and the frame with sealant.

Typically silicone is applied as follows. A person stands near the window sill, places the tube with a cone to the gap at an angle of 45-60 degrees and guides the tube towards himself.

As a result, the sealant is squeezed out by the worm, and it has to be leveled and smoothed with a finger, after which the adjacent surfaces must be cleaned. Even if you remove the silicone deposits, a layer of several microns will still remain and after a couple of weeks a streak dirty with dust will be visible in this place.

To ensure that the silicone gets into the gap and nowhere else, we apply the cone of the tube at an angle of 45 degrees and move it forward, and not towards ourselves. As a result, the tip of the cone will straighten the seam itself and there will be virtually no contamination on the sides.

For insulation of conventional double-glazed windows or a balcony with panoramic windows Not just any silicone is suitable; in extreme cases, we use sanitary sealants that will not mold later.

Insulating glass with film

Plastic windows at home can be additionally insulated with heat-saving film. No, now I’m not talking about covering frames with tape, that’s of no use here, I mean shrink film, which can be used to create an additional air chamber between the glass and the room.

Did you know that the greatest heat loss on modern double-glazed windows is recorded not in the frame area, but directly on the glass?

Manufacturers convince us that argon or other inert gases, which are less thermally conductive compared to air, are pumped between the two glasses. But the problem is that the gas layer works for 2-3 years, after which the space between the two glasses becomes airy.

Solving this problem is not difficult, I showed how to do it in the diagram.

Let's look at the stages listed in the diagram in more detail:

  • First we clean it from dust and wash it off dirt. inner part double glazed windows;

The easiest way to clean the junction between the glass and the frame is to remove any accumulated dirt using a stiff toothbrush. Glass can be easily washed away from the most difficult stains by vodka applied from a spray bottle and subsequently collected with a special scraper.

  • After the washed surface has dried, we glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the frame;
  • Next, trying not to stain it, we cut the thermal film according to the dimensions of the perimeter taped with tape;

  • Gradually remove the protective tape from the tape and glue the film;

  • The surface of the film will be wavy, but it doesn’t matter; we heat it as usual;

  • After the heated film has cooled, the surface will be perfectly smooth like glass.

The use of thermal film cannot be called innovative, since this technology was used back in Soviet times. Then ordinary polyethylene oilcloth with the help of a wooden glazing bead was stuffed onto the window from the outside for the winter.

And what did we get as a result? As a result of this installation, the room was darker than usual and the beautiful views from the window could be forgotten until spring arrived.

The use of special shrink film is completely free of such disadvantages. Again, if earlier with the onset of the warm season the oilcloth was removed from the frames, today this is not at all necessary, since the thermal film is absolutely transparent.

By the way, in summer there is additional air gap between the glass and the film will prevent heat from penetrating into the room.

Thermal film can be installed with equal success on both plastic double-glazed windows and wooden windows. True, in the latter case, the wooden frames will have to be pre-aligned and painted.

Thermal insulation of wooden windows

Do you have wooden windows in your apartment or house and even foam insulation doesn’t protect you from the cold? Of course, you can change the old ones wooden structures for plastic double-glazed windows. On the other hand, you can leave environmentally friendly wooden windows, but make them much warmer.

Elimination of heat loss using Swedish technology

Now I’ll tell you how to insulate wooden windows for the winter Swedish technology.

Many people have heard something about Swedish technology, but not everyone knows what it is. In a few words, Swedish restoration technology wooden windows- This complex work, as a result of which a wooden window in terms of thermal conductivity will be comparable to plastic double-glazed windows.

The main stages of working with old windows using Swedish technology are listed in the following diagram.

Let's consider the listed stages in more detail.

  • The sashes are removed from old wooden windows and carefully laid on a flat surface;
  • The sashes and frames are inspected for damage and contamination;
  • The surface is washed, and damage to the wood is eliminated using putty;

  • A special cutter is used to cut a groove around the perimeter of the sash;
  • Sawdust and shavings are blown out of the groove;

  • A special tubular seal is inserted into the groove and rolled with a pressure roller;
  • The gap at the junction of glass and wood is filled with silicone or acrylic;
  • The doors are placed on the frame, after which the assembled structure is ready for use.

If the glass in the frames has cracks or small chips, they must be replaced immediately, otherwise the insulation will be of no use.

So now you know what Swedish technology is. The question is, how advisable is it to do the listed work yourself or still order window restoration from specialists?

It would seem that this is a question, because specialists will have to pay, while you can do everything with your own hands for free. But in reality this is not the case, since you will have to buy a router and a pressure roller. The price of such a tool is high and it is unprofitable to buy it to insulate windows just once.

External thermal insulation with polystyrene foam

You can insulate wooden windows with your own hands not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The method I’ll tell you about now is optimal solution for budget thermal insulation of a country house.

To perform thermal insulation you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Extruded polystyrene foam (material that does not absorb water and is almost impermeable to air);
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Sharp mounting knife;
  • Ruler and marker.

What can be insulated with polystyrene foam? This method will allow you to seal old platbands or finish external slopes without the need for cementation. In addition, carefully executed cladding will certainly decorate the facade of your home.

The instructions for performing thermal insulation are as follows:

  • We measure the width of the slope;

We take into account that the width along the length of the slope on old windows can be different, so we use the largest value.

  • In accordance with the measurements, we cut pieces of polystyrene foam approximately 0.5 m long;

  • We apply polyurethane foam to the slope and attach a polystyrene foam blank;

  • We hold the piece of polystyrene foam for 1-2 minutes until the foam sets a little, and then glue the adjacent sections of the slope in this way;

  • After inner side the slope is pasted over, we carry out similar work on the platband.

Expanded polystyrene, which is shown in the photo report, has a high density and therefore can be used without additional finishing. However, if you decide to plaster your home, foam board trim can also be plastered over a paint grid.

You can learn how to plaster foam boards from my relevant articles.


I told you what I knew about insulating windows in the house. Do you know any effective ways besides those listed? Tell us about it in the comments to what you read. In addition, I recommend watching the video in this article, I think it will be interesting.

As winter approaches and the weather gets colder, you notice a draft moving through your apartment. Placing your hand near the window on a windy night, you find a source of painful coolness. Stop putting up with this and sleep under three blankets! There are many ways to insulate windows. They range from simple to complex, from practically free to quite expensive, from "old-fashioned" methods to modern technologies. In this longread we tried to collect the most effective methods.

Before taking drastic action, let's consider possible reasons draft coming from the windows. It would seem that wooden windows, due to their material, preserve more heat, and plastic ones - a relatively new achievement of science and technology - are simply designed for heat and sound insulation. Then why can they allow a draft into our house?

  1. Unfortunately, poor-quality window installation is quite common. Sometimes installation company workers who call themselves professionals have a very superficial understanding of the installation of window units.
  2. The second reason may be partly related to the first - an attempt to save money on installing plastic windows. Companies often reduce the price by saving on insulation, foam, and the installation itself. Subsequently, low-quality windows are much more expensive due to the need to additionally insulate them.
  3. Even if cold air doesn't leak through the gaps, the windows themselves may be to blame, like the old "single-pane" windows that provide only a thin glass barrier between the house and the outdoors, but not cozy warmth.
  4. Window distortion and loose fit window frame to the wall also threatens heat loss. Sometimes this happens due to deformation of the building, which especially often happens in old wooden houses.

It's wise to start by diagnosing the situation. Determine the most critical places from which the wind blows. Where does the cold come from: from the window sill or window sashes? Maybe the problem is a worn-out seal or poor-quality slopes?

To determine the exact location from which cold air is blowing, you can simply run your hand over the surface of the window unit. If you cannot identify the problem in this way, light a candle or lighter and move it around the frame - the fire is more sensitive to drafts.

Look at the windows when it rains. Moisture accumulated in a certain place will indicate gaps and cracks. When moisture accumulates in the corner of a window or along one of its edges, the problem is likely in the joints. Moisture that accumulates in the middle of the window panel may indicate some type of crack in the glass.

Perhaps the wind is blowing due to a poor-quality seal. Try investing in open window sheet of paper and close the window completely. If the paper pulls out easily as soon as you pull the corner of the sheet, it means that the seal is not pressed well against the frame.

Before you choose an insulation method from among those available, it is worth thinking about the goals of the insulation. It's clear that temperature control is a major concern, but what compromises are you willing to make? Will you be able to refuse in favor of cheapness? beautiful view, limit the flow of light or block access to a window?

You also need to consider cost. Some materials cost almost nothing: say, sealant can be bought for a couple of hundred rubles. More reliable and durable solutions will cost more and may require specialist help, but in the long term they may be a worthy investment.

Should I ask for help or insulate the windows myself?

To insulate your windows, you basically have only two options: do all the work yourself or turn to a professional. With your own hands, you can simply insulate a window sill, frame contour, window opening indoors, or replace the seal. If any defect appears during the warranty period, the installer company will have to eliminate all problems. In addition, it is worth resorting to the help of installers if external insulation work is required, and the window is located at a significant height - its replacement or repair work may be associated with an increased risk, and specialists know exactly how to properly insulate plastic windows from the outside.

It is worth remembering that it is better to insulate windows before the onset of winter - then the working conditions will be more comfortable. In addition, sealants and some others Construction Materials can only be used in a certain temperature range, otherwise they lose their properties.

How to insulate plastic windows with your own hands

If you need to insulate a window opening, then polyurethane foam will do. As it expands, it fills the voids in the opening and prevents air movement. However, foam is a short-lived material that is susceptible to low temperatures, and will fit with a small gap. Also a popular insulation material is mineral wool, with heat and sound insulation. It is resistant to high temperatures and easy to install.

Silicone sealant will also help to insulate window frames. When working with it, it is best to use an inexpensive tool - a lever syringe. The sealant also blocks moisture, making the windows resistant to mold and mildew. It is also worth choosing a transparent sealant - this way it will not be noticeable if it accidentally gets on the glass.

Before you apply caulk or expansion foam, it's worth checking exactly how much it expands - to determine this, apply a small drop to the corner of the window.

Another “cheap and cheerful” method is to plug the cracks in the windows with industrial wool and then seal them with masking tape. Previously, instead of tape, they used fabric or paper strips with a paste made of laundry soap. But when using this option, its fragility is obvious, and it will not completely get rid of blowing.

Good and inexpensive insulation for plastic windows - foam rubber: monetary costs will be minimal. Remove the film from the adhesive surface of the insulation and press the foam rubber insulation for windows into the required places. With the onset of warming it is very easy to remove. However, if moisture gets in, the insulation may lose its seal.

How to insulate the slopes of plastic windows

To insulate the slopes of plastic windows, you can use the most different materials– sandwich panels, plasterboard, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. However, polystyrene foam is the most fragile of the listed materials and tends to accumulate moisture. If it is necessary to insulate a window from the outside, dry mixtures for finishing slopes will help.

First, you need to carefully treat the cracks - eliminate possible contamination and remove old mounting foam. If you have chosen drywall to insulate the slopes, then the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We cut out blanks of the required sizes from plasterboard and treat them with a moisture-resistant primer, wait until the blanks dry;
  • insert plasterboard sheets in the slot;
  • fill the small gaps remaining between the drywall and the wall with polyurethane foam;
  • after the foam has hardened, we finish redecorating primer and paint.

External insulation work is carried out at temperatures up to +5 ° C, otherwise building materials may lose some of their properties.

You can use a special heat-saving film to insulate windows. It transmits light into the room and at the same time does not “release” infrared radiation. Such a film not only protects the warmth of our home, but also helps to get rid of the effect of “crying windows”, that is, from. Also, windows on which heat-saving film is glued are characterized by greater strength. Before starting work, it is important to wash the glass, treat it with a degreasing agent and wipe it dry. Next, you need to stick the film so that its “metal” side faces the street. The film is glued not only to the glass itself, but also with an overlap to the frame. Some manufacturers make films on a self-adhesive basis, but some types of film require adhesive tape. To prevent bubbles and wrinkles on the film, use a household hair dryer.

A simple and inexpensive life hack that will help cope with drafts is to attach bubble film to the window. Choose film with larger bubbles as it tends to handle cold air better. Trim the bubble wrap so that it extends slightly over the window frame. Spray the window with water from a spray bottle, then “glue” a sheet of cut wrapping film onto the wet glass. You can strengthen it double-sided tape. The “bumpy” side should face the glass. The film should adhere easily and remain in place for several months. If you wish, you can apply double layer films for better thermal insulation. The only negative is that this method blocks the view from the window, but light will nevertheless enter the room.

Sew plain fabric so that it matches the width of the window. Fill it with some loose, dense substance such as sand, rice or polyester, then place it along the bottom of the window. Heavy materials(denim, corduroy) in this case will retain cold air more effectively than lightweight materials (cotton, knitwear, etc.).

Replace the seal

If the problem is a worn seal, you can replace it yourself by picking up a suitable one at a hardware store. It is also better to choose a black sealant: black is the natural color of rubber, and impurities of other colors can spoil the quality of the product. After the old seal is removed, you need to clean the grooves from dust and dirt, treat the corners of the frame with glue and trim off the excess with scissors. The resulting joint also needs to be treated with glue.

People have been using wooden windows for a very long time, so the question “How to insulate old wooden windows?” there are many answers.

  • Very old way, which our grandparents used, was covering wooden windows with newspapers. They were soaked in water and plugged into cracks. The space between the glass and the frame was sealed with paper strips. Of course, “paper will endure anything,” and you can survive the winter with it, but removing newspaper particles in the spring will be very problematic. In addition to the banal inconvenience, there is also a risk of damaging the window covering.
  • If old windows need to be insulated quickly, and the aesthetic side of the issue is not very important to you, ordinary paper is also suitable. To make paper putty, you can shred old newspapers, soak them in water, add clay or crushed chalk and seal the cracks with the resulting composition. To secure the window putty, simply use tape. However, this method is short-lived and will most likely last only one season.
  • Foam rubber – regular or tubular – can be used as insulation for wooden windows. It will be effective if the wooden doors have already dried out and do not fit tightly to the frame. Previously, foam rubber was nailed down with small nails, but now you can use regular masking tape. This material can serve faithfully for a couple of years, then it will begin to deform and will need to be replaced.
  • When insulating wooden windows, you can also use sealant. It is necessary to remove the wooden beads holding the glass using a screwdriver, apply sealant and install the beads back - preferably new ones, since old ones often break during dismantling.
  • Wood tends to crack. Therefore, the frame is often covered with a net small cracks through which heat can escape. To seal them, you will need to clean the double-glazed windows from decorative covering, fill the cracks with melted paraffin, homemade putty, sealant or special putty, and then cover the frame again with paint or varnish.

Not all windows are as perfect as manufacturers describe. They also let in both the cold and sound from the street. This problem has to be solved independently, so many people want to additionally insulate their plastic windows.

But before you start work, you must learn everything about insulation methods and their features. After all, thermal insulation will have to be done not only from the inside, but also from the outside. So in order to properly insulate windows, you need to take a closer look at how to do this and with what materials.

Wooden window openings

Very often wooden windows are used for decoration attic premises. Not all owners are now ready to replace wooden frames with plastic profiles. Such windows have their drawbacks, so it is wiser to purchase wooden frames with plastic double-glazed windows, but their price will be too high. Insulate simple windows It will be much cheaper and easier, the main thing is to know how to work with the material correctly.

For effective insulation wooden windows, first of all, it is necessary to identify all problem areas. And only then begin to insulate them, choosing the most suitable material for this. Warming can be done in several ways. In one case, you can get by with regular old newspapers, which will act as a heat insulator. In another case, to insulate the room, foam rubber seals are used, which will ensure a very tight fit to the frame.

Features of thermal insulation

If you pull out an old window, the internal slope will be destroyed and it will always be cold near the opening. And after installing a new window, untreated foam may remain, spoiling the appearance of the room. Therefore, it is very important to take into account all these features when performing thermal insulation.

When working with a window opening, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • before starting insulation you need to trim off the excess polyurethane foam;
  • Before starting insulation, you need to apply a primer that has an antibacterial effect to the slope, this is done to prevent fungus or mold from appearing;
  • all defects during work must be corrected immediately, before the materials harden.

After completion of work, the final coating is applied to the surface. It can be different, but most often it is plaster painted with ordinary paint. You can also use drywall.


There are many ways to insulate windows. And only the owner of the house will be able to determine for himself the one that is right for him. It is worth taking a closer look at the possibilities of insulating windows both indoors and outdoors.

  • Insulating a wooden window using sealant. This method involves thermal insulation of the place where the sash and glass meet. You can do it yourself, but it will require high degree accuracy and caution. This must be done in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to remove all the glazing beads and thin slats that hold the glass along the perimeter of the window.
  2. Since the glazing beads break during dismantling, you need to buy new ones in advance, and also with a reserve.
  3. You need to start removing the parts from the bottom, then the sides, and after that the top. You can use a screwdriver or a small knife to remove them.
  4. De installation work must be carried out wearing thick gloves.
  5. The landing site inside the sash must be very thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt.
  6. Next, you need to apply silicone sealant and install the glass in place.
  7. After this, you can install new glazing beads.

You can replace the sealant with window putty. The whole process remains the same as above. The only thing you need to do is remove the excess putty with a knife.

  • Insulation using polyurethane foam. It is used for both external and internal insulation. It copes well with large cracks. Mainly used for sealing joints that are located between the slope and the frame, the window sill and the slope, as well as the beam above and the frame. When working with polyurethane foam, you should do everything in stages. Step-by-step instruction extremely simple.
  1. You need to seal the cracks with foam. In this case, it must be distributed from bottom to top.
  2. The cracks must be filled to one third, since when the foam hardens, it noticeably increases in volume.
  3. The temperature at which work is carried out must be at least five degrees.

Since the foam collapses very quickly under sun rays, it must be immediately covered with a layer of any finishing material. Instead of foam, you can use homemade putty. It's easy to prepare. You need to mix gypsum and chalk in a 2:1 ratio, add water and stir until the consistency of thick sour cream. With this mixture you can easily fill all the cracks.

  • Heat-saving film. This method insulates glass very well, but it can also be used to cover a wooden frame. Its efficiency is equal to the efficiency of energy-saving double-glazed windows. This means that sunlight enters the apartment, but the heat does not leave it. This film is made on the basis of polyester and metal coating, which has the property of reflecting heat. This material does not destroy glass optics and can easily withstand any impact. detergents, and is also durable.

You need to glue the film very carefully and evenly. So that there are no bubbles. You need to wear gloves to avoid the appearance of greasy marks on the surface.

Swedish technology

This option is one of the most effective and modern. Thermal insulation of this type can be compared in effectiveness to plastic windows. This option uses seals for which special grooves are made in the window sashes.

All work is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to dismantle the sashes.
  2. Then grooves are cut along the entire perimeter of the sashes using a special cutter.
  3. The groove must be sized to fit the seal. This is what is installed next. It can be polyurethane or foam rubber. There is no need to use glue, because the seal adheres perfectly due to the thickening from the inside of the structure.
  4. Where the glass and sashes connect, you need to apply sealant.
  5. After this, installation work is carried out.

This type of insulation will last up to twenty years, and therefore the high price is completely justified. It is better to entrust the work of insulation to specialists. However, if you have experience in carpentry, you can do everything yourself.

Windows insulated using Swedish technology have excellent sound insulation, and their appearance does not deteriorate, even if the doors are opened at any time of the year.

Plastic double glazed windows

Insulation is needed not only for wooden windows, but also for PVC double glazing. Typically, such a need arises in cases where the installation is incorrect or the operation is somehow complicated. Also, the reason for insulation may be the poor quality of the double-glazed windows themselves.

To properly insulate plastic double-glazed windows for the winter, you need to follow the following instructions.

  1. The first step is to check the glass unit to understand how well it holds up.
  2. If it has become a little loose during use, the edges can only be sealed with sealant. It is very important to use acid-free formulations.
  3. If the glass unit is very loose, you need to remove the jumpers with spacers and replace them with new ones.
  4. Adjustments are made until the result is satisfactory. The glass unit should ultimately fit tightly to the frame.
  5. If adjustment does not help, the seals need to be replaced.

You can also use self-adhesive film for insulating plastic windows, which will greatly reduce heat loss in the house. The edges of the tape must be cut stationery knife and stick on pre-prepared tape. All installation work is not very difficult, so you can do it yourself.

It is important to properly prepare the surface. You need to thoroughly clean it and cover the entire box from the inside with double-sided tape.

Weaknesses: causes of heat loss

The most weak points window designs are:

  • glass unit holder;
  • seal;
  • window fittings;
  • slopes and window sills;
  • places where the sashes join the window frames.

If anything is damaged, it will already be blowing from the windows. To determine the location of heat loss, simply run your hand over the surface of the window. Catching a breath of wind, you can understand that there is some kind of gap in this place. A lighter is also suitable for this, because fire is sensitive to drafts.

You can also use a simple piece of paper. You need to press it with the sash and pull it around the corner. If it pulls out easily, then it is better to change the seal.

The cause of heat loss may also be an error made during construction or installation. For example, skewed windows resulting from shrinkage of the house, which is important for people living in new buildings or houses made of wood. The problem may also be caused by improper use of windows. Many people forget about the need to wash the window seal and treat it with glycerin, which leads to problems.

Internal and external methods of elimination

When insulating windows, it is very important to treat the surface inside the room. This will allow you to raise the temperature in your house or apartment by three or four degrees at once. It seems that this is not much, but if the insulation is carried out correctly, then the circulation of cold air will stop.

  • External. To achieve high-quality insulation, you cannot do without external work. This includes additional thermal insulation of slopes. It starts with dismantling the old putty, then comes priming. The cracks are filled with polyurethane foam; You can also use foam.

All excess foam is cut off and the slopes are treated with putty. If it is polystyrene foam, then a polymer mesh is placed on top of it, and then treated with plaster. The last stage is priming and painting.

The window sill is also sealed using polyurethane foam. In this case, it is necessary to install a special strip to drain rainwater. It must be mounted at a slight angle. At the same time, roll up the edges a little so that rain does not fall on the walls and windows. It is better to seal the joints with silicone sealant.

The window sill can also be insulated with foam plastic, because this is where almost a third of the heat leaks. The last stage external thermal insulation is painting.

  • Internal. For internal insulation, any technology can be used. For example, to insulate the joint between the frame and the glass, you can use either a sealant or a heat-saving film. You can also use polyurethane foam, which then needs to be sealed with a platband.

Additional options

To insulate a window in your home, you can turn to time-tested methods. Here are some of them.

  • Using paper. Today it is used very rarely, although, in fact, it is the simplest and cheapest option. To realize this idea, you need to tear any paper into pieces, be it newspapers or wallpaper. Then you need to twist it into strands and fill the cracks between the window and the sash with this material. For this, either a screwdriver or another sharp object can be used.

Paper can also be used to make excellent putty. To do this, you need to grind it, soak it in water and squeeze it out, add one part clay and two parts crushed chalk. This putty will do a great job with even the smallest cracks.

Another option is simple papering, which can be done using laundry soap or glue. It is created with your own hands. To do this, ordinary flour is mixed with water in equal proportions, mixed well and brought to a boil.

Insulation of wooden windows in Moscow and the Moscow region has been our main specialization since 1993!

We insulate all types of wooden windows - both with double-glazed windows (information about this is in the section on insulating wooden windows with double-glazed windows and in the section on repairing plastic and wooden windows), and insulating ordinary wooden windows.

For wooden frames from the Soviet period, we primarily offer modern grooved version of window insulation using Swedish technology EUROSTRIP.

Technology Swedish insulation EUROSTRIP windows got their name from the name trademark EUROSTRIP, manufacturer of used seals.

EUROSTRIP is a trademark of the Swedish concern TRELLEBORG, which produces various types rubber products, including household seals for windows and doors.

The manufacturer’s website contains information about seal materials, their characteristics, as well as about dealers in different regions of the Russian Federation.

All the seals we use for insulating ordinary wooden windows are stamped - that is, on the seal itself there is a marking that informs about the country of production (Sweden), the manufacturer's trademark (EUROSTRIPE) and the composition of the material (SILICON, EPDM, TPE).

With this option of insulating windows along the perimeter of the sash or, if this is not possible, then along the perimeter of the frame at the junction of the sash and window box the mounting groove is milled. The groove is about 3 mm wide and about 8 mm deep. (As a rule, to perform this work, the sashes are removed from their hinges). It is necessary to use a router, not a grinder, and a cutter required diameter, because when drilling a groove in other ways, for example, when using an angle grinder (grinder), it is not possible to maintain the required cutting width. This means the seal will not stay in the groove correctly and will fall out. Savings on purchase necessary equipment will result in irreparable defects.

An original stamped seal of the EUROSTRIP brand made of silicone rubber is rolled into the milled groove. We only use silicone rubber because it has improved performance characteristics compared to regular rubber (EPDM).

Firstly, due to its chemical inertness, silicone sealant is not afraid of contact with almost all types of paints, in particular alkyd, acrylic and aqua enamels. After drying, the paint that gets on the silicone seal forms a film that gradually peels off. In this case, the seal remains undamaged. You just need to carefully clean it of dried paint (it is best to do this a few weeks after painting).

For comparison, a seal made of ordinary rubber (EPDM) after contact with even a small amount of paint hardens or melts and must be replaced. A sealant made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is even more capricious when exposed to paints - it practically dissolves and turns into a porridge-like mass.

Secondly, the silicone seal is very elastic. But this is one of the most important properties sealant used for insulating windows. After all, an inelastic seal will not provide a tight seal when the surface is uneven. In addition, over time, a natural increase in the gap gap occurs (the frame has dried out, the fittings have worn out). The silicone seal, due to its elasticity, will close the enlarged gap. And the EPDM grade sealant will remain deformed, flattened, inelastic and “will not fit behind the gap.”

Thirdly, silicone sealant is more durable than EPDM and TPE sealants and has a much wider temperature range of use, which means it is best suited for insulating windows for the winter.

For these reasons, EPDM and TPE sealants are not recommended for insulating wooden windows of the Soviet period. And the silicone seal is the most best option for insulating old windows.

When ordering work from us to insulate windows using Swedish technology, the price already includes, if necessary, fitting and adjustment work (so that the window opens and closes normally), sealing the joint between glass and wood with silicone sealant and an inter-frame anti-dust seal (for frames screwed together with screws).

The warranty period for insulating wooden windows using the groove method is 3 years. Service life 10-15 years.

By insulating a window, you only change functional characteristics windows - ease of opening and closing, heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties.

And for change appearance windows require window painting; with this type of insulation, it can be ordered simultaneously with insulation or separately, at any time later, since we use silicone seals that are not afraid of paints.

Also we have cheaper homemade options for window insulation- self-adhesive rubber seals, usually also Swedish companies VARNAMO, or polyurethane foam or polyethylene foam seals. And also very inexpensive options for insulating windows as in ancient times - with cotton wool, paper, masking tape.

Prices for insulating ordinary wooden windows in Moscow and the Moscow region using the groove method:

insulation of medium-sized sash (up to m2) for paired windows - 2000 rub.

insulation of balcony doors for paired windows - 3000 RUR

For handicraft options - from 1000 rubles to 1500 rubles per sash up to m2.

As for artisanal options, “grandmother’s” methods, they are usually intended for insulating very old windows, which you don’t mind spoiling, and the service life of such artisanal methods is very short, as a rule, it is one season, that is, no more than 3-4 months.

Let's take a look at some of these artisanal options. And at the same time we will trace the history of the issue.

- Putty- this method of insulation has been around for over a hundred years. Insulation in this case consists of coating the glass at the junction of the glass and the frame, if the glass is fastened without glazing beads, simply with nails, that is, we are talking about very old, pre-revolutionary windows, which are almost non-existent in the Moscow region, or in coating the junction of the frame with the glass in front by nailing a glazing bead if the windows already have glazing beads, that is, for windows manufactured after 1917-20 and before about 1995. This method became completely and irrevocably obsolete with the invention of window sealants. Around 1985-90, sealants replaced window putty. Sealants are applied to the window in 1-2 minutes, and window putty 1-2 hours, and they do not need to be hidden under glazing beads, since they themselves are quite aesthetic - white or transparent strips next to the glass perform all the functions of window putty, but last much longer . But the window putty is brown and spreads from the heat and forms smudges and needs to be hidden under the glazing bead, and in order to apply window putty under the glazing beads, you need to remove the glazing beads, which can crack the glass. In general, even our grandmothers have long forgotten about window putty.

- Paraffin. The candle wax is melted and all the cracks are covered with it like plasticine. It’s a little easier to wipe off than window putty, but it also takes a long time, and you’ll have to spend a lot of time melting the wax and applying it while it’s still hot. Recommended only in hopeless situations- for example, a hut in the taiga, cut off from the world by permafrost, and there is a supply of candles.

- Hemp sealing rope- was used for partial sealing of the joint between the sash and the frame and insulation of windows in the pre-revolutionary period and until approximately the 1980s of the last century. The rope was nailed along the perimeter of the sash. There was an insulation effect, but it was far from complete; the gaps still remained, but without the ropes the blow would still have been even stronger. After the next painting, the ropes hardened and were no longer useful, they only interfered with the normal closing of the windows. After about 1985, ropes were replaced by foam rubber seals and then self-adhesive polyethylene foam seals.

- Old newspapers- used to insulate windows also in the last century. They were used in two ways: either rolled and lightly soaked and stuffed into the gap in the narthex, at the junction of the sash and frame; after drying, the newspapers swelled and filled the space, or cut into strips and pasted onto the junction of the sash and frame soapy water, milk or starch or wallpaper glue. Or at the same time both for filling the gap and for pasting over the false gap. The disadvantage was that the method was one-time, that is, after opening the window, all the insulation had to be started all over again, and in addition, the newspapers stuck to the paintwork and the windows had to be repainted in the spring. Therefore, in those days, windows were painted almost every year. The method became obsolete with the advent of self-adhesive seals, that is, approximately in 1985-1995. IN Soviet time was very popular. Enterprises usually held cleanup days and employees themselves insulated the windows using this method.

- Old rags, cotton ones are best. They used it in much the same way as newspapers. And around the same time. They cut it into strips and glued it around the perimeter of the sash when closed. Under the strips of paper, an additional seal was usually placed in the cracks from old newspapers, and later from cotton wool, and then, after the 1970s, even from foam rubber. The disadvantages are the same - fragility, no more than one season, and damage paint coating.

- Foam rubber. In the beginning, from about the 1970s to the 1990s, foam rubber was sold without an adhesive composition. These were simply strips of foam rubber that were inserted into the cracks around the perimeter of the sashes. This method was good because the foam rubber could be pulled out if necessary to open the window and, after ventilation, stuffed into the cracks again. Sometimes, if ventilation was not required, strips of old newspapers, canvas, and later even medical adhesive tape and masking tape were glued over the foam rubber. Sometimes this option was used even until the 2000s-2010s.

- Band-Aid and masking tape . Insulation with adhesive tape gained popularity around 1970-1980, and later masking tape appeared. First, some porous material for insulation was stuffed into the cracks - cotton wool or foam rubber or old rags, and tape or adhesive tape was stuck on top. Oddly enough, this artisanal method is still used today. Sometimes it is even used for self-insulation modern windows with double glazed windows. Disadvantages: one-time insulation, damage to the paint and varnish coating of wooden windows, as for plastic and aluminum windows - in the spring you also have to wipe off the remaining glue and the profile is scratched, but besides this, for window fittings Such insulation options are disastrous - the fittings are stretched even more instead of the opposite operation - adjustment.

- Foam rubber and polyethylene foam, cut into thin strips. These materials appeared around 1990-1998 and quickly became popular. The insulation was smeared with Moment type glue and glued along the perimeter of the sash. With this method of insulation, windows could already be opened and closed. Insulation in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics was already quite satisfactory, moreover thermal insulation characteristics such insulation were the best of all handicraft and even modern methods, and besides, this window insulation has already been done for many years. The period of such insulation was approximately 5-8 years, and this option was a technological breakthrough in the field of insulation of window frames. All subsequent development in this area was reduced to the improvement of materials and methods of their fastening. Our company was actively involved in this insulation option in the period from 1993 to 2000.

- Self-adhesive foam rubber and polyethylene foam seals. Seals with an adhesive composition already applied appeared around 1997-2002. However, the adhesive composition was very weak and to extend the service life, the seals had to be coated with additional glue. In terms of thermal insulation, these options were inferior to previous non-self-adhesive seals, since the seal strips were too thin and did not cover the window cracks well.

- Self-adhesive rubber seals. Such seals appeared at the end of the last century and are still used today. One of the disadvantages is that the adhesive composition does not hold well and in order for this insulation to last for more than one season, the tubular seals must be additionally coated with the same Moment-type glue. The material used in modern self-adhesive seals is rubber. Among the disadvantages - it is afraid of paints and heavy pollution. And in general, the service life is still short, even if you glue it not on a self-adhesive basis, but spread it with additional glue, then this option will last up to 5-8 years, since the seal deteriorates from the ingress of paints, dirt, and also rubber with loses elasticity over time.

- Sealant. Replaced window putty. Designed for insulation and sealing of joints of fixed joints. Ideal and modern for insulating the junction of glass and window frame, as well as for other joints, for example, the junction of a window frame and a window sill or slopes. We use sealant widely in all modern window insulation options as one of the insulation elements, as component. But sometimes sealant is used as one of the artisanal options for insulation, using it not only for joints of fixed joints, but sealing the window tightly with sealant - sealing the gap in the narthex, at the junction of the sash and the frame. And this is not true. Since after this it is impossible to open the window for ventilation, and as a result, with the onset of a warm period, this sealant has to be peeled off, which is very labor-intensive. You can apply sealant to the window to cover both what is needed and what is not needed very quickly, but then it will take a long time to peel it off. Therefore, we recommend applying sealant only at the joints of fixed joints, where it will not need to be dismantled later, for example, to seal glass, which increases both the thermal insulation and sound insulation of windows.

- Polyurethane foam. Used for insulating seams around the window frame, foaming the installation seams at the junction of the frame and the window opening. Foam, like sealant, is not intended for insulating the false gap - between the sash and the frame. If you apply it along this joint, then how can you open the window? You'll have to really struggle in the spring to get it off. But around the box, around the perimeter of the window, foam is very necessary. For any windows - not only wooden, but also for plastic and aluminum windows. Foam is a porous material; it is the polyurethane foam that insulates the seam. (In ancient times, before the advent of foam, when installing windows, they made do with tow or old rags). And on top of the foam, various sealants or adhesive tapes are applied to ensure the safety of the polyurethane foam, to increase its service life, since it is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature changes.

This is where we will finish the review of artisanal insulation methods, leaving out of the scope of our consideration completely exotic insulation options, for example, flour mixed with sheep or camel hair or straw mixed with clay or insulation with palm leaves, etc...

Ideally, insulation of window structures should be done at the installation stage. Of course, in this case, the total cost of each window will increase significantly (by about a third), since the price will be added to it thermal insulation material and carrying out work (if it is not done with your own hands). But the operational life of the entire structure will be extended. Moreover, you will not have to subsequently dismantle the windows (inside and outside).

But if no one took care of thermal insulation during installation, then you will have to do it yourself. Therefore, today we will talk about how to insulate double-glazed windows.

Design features of PVC windows

Any plastic window includes the following structural elements.

  1. Profile.
  2. Slopes.
  3. Seals made of rubber.
  4. Windowsill.
  5. The glass unit itself.
  6. Regulating fittings.

What is typical is that if a breakdown occurs with one of these elements, the window will blow out.

What materials will be needed?

For thermal insulation of modern double-glazed windows, it is preferable to use the same modern materials. In this case, one of the following options can be used as insulation for the window structure:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • some “warm” mixture;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam.

When choosing one or another of them, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the properties of each material, but also to the features of installation and further use (external and internal). The most convenient option is, of course, polyurethane foam, but under the influence of ultraviolet rays, temperature changes or even air, it is easily destroyed. That's why external works It is advisable to perform using “warm” mixtures. And to waterproof the plaster solution, you can use both painting and a primer with moisture-proof properties.

Note! The only drawback in this case is that it is difficult to select consumable insulating material, for the installation of which it would not be necessary to dismantle slopes and other components. Only under such conditions can one accurately determine what the material should be and how much of it will be required.

For filling small cracks in areas where window profile adjacent to the window sill and other elements, sealant can be used. Even an ordinary housewife can handle this kind of work - you just need to follow the instructions for use indicated on the package.

What is the essence of thermal insulation?

Thermal insulation of double-glazed windows consists, as noted above, precisely in the slopes. If we talk about other structural elements, then only troubleshooting will be required. For example, drafts never appear due to the profile. And modern technological plastic, which is used in windows, is no longer wood; it is incapable of either “moving out” or drying out.

Plastic windows lose thermal energy if certain sections of the structure become depressurized. And if you do not want the cold to penetrate inside the room, then take care of insulating the slopes or start looking for the causes of the problems. Well, let's proceed directly to how to insulate double-glazed windows, and let's start with insulating the slopes of window structures.

7 ways to insulate windows for the winter

Previously, we gave several instructions on how and what is the best way to insulate windows for the winter; in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information

We are engaged in insulation of slopes

As is known, in metal-plastic windows slopes must be plastic. The lining must be plastic, and it must be hard. What causes this? The fact is that this material ideal for additional thermal insulation.

And here the opening formed between window frame and the surface of the wall, it is necessary to blow it out using polyurethane foam. Of course, there are other options - for example, insulating boards (they are made from basalt fiber) or foam insulation. Therefore, you can choose the material that is ideal for your current purposes.

The wall must be insulated both from the inside and outside. But in this case, the materials used will not only insulate, but also protect. The insulator itself is necessary to protect against various kinds external negative factors.

Correcting skewed sashes

As you know, in some cases even plastic window structures can shrink. And, alas, nothing can be done about this. As a rule, houses that were built most recently “suffer” from this problem. And due to shrinkage, accordingly, the sashes are slightly warped, which has a Negative influence on the thermal insulation characteristics of the structure. But this problem can be solved - for this you need to debug the fittings.

What tools will you need?

The pressure of the sashes can be adjusted manually using special eccentrics. When the handle is turned, they move beyond the "calling areas". Such elements must be installed along the entire perimeter of the frame. And to ensure the tightest possible pressure, the eccentric must be turned strictly clockwise.

Each of the elements mentioned above has a special “picture”. If it is directed towards the street, this means that the clamp is loose. But if this pointer is directed towards the seal made of rubber, then the window sash is perfectly pressed against the frame structure.

A little about loops

Hinges in metal-plastic window structures also have their own mechanism, which is responsible for pressing. The device is adjusted using a special hexagon. Here you should be guided by one simple rule: if the tongue is pulled out strongly, then the window sashes fit snugly. To extend this tongue, you need to twist the hexagon, while going counterclockwise. If the hinges in the window are located on the right, you need to turn the hexagon in reverse side. That is, here it is clockwise. It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this event - eliminating the distortion is easy and simple.

Note! If the manipulations described above did not bring any results, and cold air continues to penetrate into the apartment, then, most likely, the problems are more serious. Here all you have to do is turn to specialists for help.

We continue to talk about how to insulate double-glazed windows. Now let's find out how to prepare windows for winter.

Changing the rubber seal

What is a rubber seal? Its main function is to ensure the tightest possible fit between the window frame and sashes. To make it more reliable, it is made of rubber, so it does not allow cold air to pass through even if it is closed.

Given that proper care and periodic treatment with special mixtures, the sealant will last quite a long time. But only some owners of double-glazed windows do this, because this element is almost always hidden behind the doors. Well, only a few people know that the seal should be periodically treated with something.

For this reason, after about five years, the density of the element is lost. When the seal becomes unusable, it must be replaced. To do this, the windows are removed from the sashes, then the glazing bead is removed and the sealing material itself is removed. Replacing the latter is not difficult: the old seal is removed, and the new one is placed through the groove. If desired, the element can be fixed with glue. There is no need to worry about the difference in colors - the element can be either gray or black, but there are no special differences between them.

Note! Extreme care should be taken when removing and installing the bead. The fact is that it is extremely fragile, so it is quite easy to break it. And if the bead is broken, the structure cannot be put back together.

What other insulation options are there?

It is worth noting that there are other ways to protect your home from the cold. Let's take a look at some of them.

Method number 1. Wool blinds

A non-standard method of thermal insulation of a window structure, but quite effective. Ordinary blinds must be wrapped with strips of woolen fabric, which will prevent the cold from entering the room.

Method number 2. Window sill insulation

Cold air can also penetrate through the joints between the elements of the window sill. Therefore, these joints should be carefully sealed. In addition, in case of improper installation, “black holes” may appear under the window sill itself, which means that the element must be dismantled, and the gaps between the block and the slab must be carefully processed.

For this purpose, the plugs are opened, the window sill is unscrewed with a screwdriver, and there you will find all the cracks (if any) that allow cold air to pass through.

Method No. 3. Application of heat-saving film

A double-glazed window can also be thermally insulated using heat-saving film - a cheap but at the same time effective material. It must be glued in such a way that no air bubbles remain under it, since not only the aesthetic indicators of the entire structure, but also the thermal insulation properties will depend on this.

And if you decide to use such a film, then it is better to take care of gluing it before you begin installing the double-glazed windows themselves. Although, in principle, this can be done after installation is completed.

Video - Gluing heat-saving film

Method number 4. Curtains

This may sound ridiculous, but curtains can be another way to insulate double-glazed windows. These elements act as a barrier to air, which means it does not let it through in winter (if it does penetrate through the window structures). Moreover, the air passing through the curtains even warms up a little.

Video - Preparing plastic windows for winter

Where does insulation begin?

Thanks to correctly carried out measures aimed at thermal insulation double glazed windows, will allow you to get rid of all the mistakes that were made at the stage installation work. If you want, you can even make some design changes to the windows - for example, install a window, replace the sashes that open with blind ones or vice versa, make adjustments to functionality, etc. And where does the thermal insulation procedure itself begin? First of all, from the choice of one technology or another, Supplies, from developing a detailed plan for further work, and in order to do all this correctly, it is necessary to objectively evaluate general state window system.

Note! Despite the fact that work on thermal insulation of plastic windows can be carried out at almost any time of the year, it would be correct to do this during the warm period. In addition, there is another important condition– the weather should be dry and windless.

But, by the way, in cold weather it is extremely easy to detect where the cracks are located through which the cold penetrates into the room. Now let’s look at what “weak points” everyone without exception has. metal-plastic structures. Such places include:

  • seal of the sash that opens;
  • emptiness under the slopes and window sill;
  • bead location area;
  • the place where the window frame adjoins other structural elements of the entire structure;
  • window fittings (all).

In addition, you should definitely pay attention to the width of the window sill. The fact is that it should not cover the heating radiators that are located underneath it. Yes, of course, a wide window sill is extremely convenient, but from a technical point of view it is not entirely correct.

Hire specialists or do everything yourself?

There are a number of defects, the correction of which is preferable to entrust to specialists. These defects relate directly to the metal-plastic structure and include the following.

  1. Defects in the sealing material in the sash that opens.
  2. Defects in thermal insulation along the contour of the entire window.
  3. Malfunctions of window fittings or mechanisms.

The first point: you will need to insulate the ebbs and slopes of plastic windows from the outside, and this, of course, is not so easy to do, especially if we are talking about an apartment located above the second floor. Second: hand-made insulation will be a direct violation of the warranty conditions of both the manufacturer and the installer. Third: the quality of work will be guaranteed by hired specialists. Finally, the fourth important point: when performing repair work, professionals will use “original” fittings and window materials.

But if House master has sufficient experience and knowledge, then he will only need high-quality instructions on how to insulate double-glazed windows in order to select the most suitable for specific conditions suitable technology. As for the thermal insulation of the window frame contour, this procedure can be done with your own hands. Moreover, you can insulate ebbs, slopes and window sills yourself. Today we will find out how to do this, but first, let's take care of all the materials necessary for the work.

As a conclusion

As a result, I would like to focus your attention on one more simple thing: if due to a double-glazed window it is lost thermal energy, which means that one of the structural elements of the system has failed. And if you fix the problem, the window will again “acquire” the previously lost characteristics.

In fact, as noted above, insulation of window structures should be done at the installation stage. Of course, in this case, the total cost of each window will increase significantly (by about a third), since the price of thermal insulation material and work will be added to it (if they are not done by hand). But the operational life of the entire structure will be extended. Moreover, you will not have to subsequently dismantle the windows (inside and outside).

As for full thermal insulation, it is only necessary for the slopes and, perhaps, the window sill. No other measures to insulate the window are necessary in this case. Double-glazed windows already boast high-quality protection from the cold, since they were originally designed to provide a comfortable microclimate in the room.