Radiators "Kermi" - excellent quality and characteristics. Calculation of power of steel heating radiators Kermi heating radiator characteristics

Today, the consumer market is filled with many models of heating devices that differ in size and power ratings. Among them, it is worth highlighting steel radiators. These devices are quite lightweight and have an attractive appearance and have good heat dissipation. Before choosing a model, it is necessary to calculate the power steel radiators heating according to the table.


Let's consider panel-type steel radiators, which vary in size and power level. Devices can consist of one, two or three panels. Another important element structures - fins (corrugated metal plates). To achieve certain thermal output values, several combinations of panels and fins are used in the design of the devices. Before choosing the most suitable device for quality heating premises, you need to familiarize yourself with each variety.

Steel panel batteries are available in the following types:

  • Type 10. Here the device is equipped with only one panel. Such radiators are light in weight and have the lowest power.

  • Type 11. Consists of one panel and a fin plate. The batteries are slightly heavier and larger than the previous type, and have higher thermal power parameters.

  • Type 21. The radiator has two panels, between which there is a corrugated metal plate.
  • Type 22. The battery consists of two panels, as well as two fin plates. The device is similar in size to type 21 radiators, however, compared to them, they have greater thermal power.

  • Type 33. The design consists of three panels. This class is the most powerful in terms of thermal output and the largest in size. In its design, 3 fin plates are attached to three panels (hence the type number - 33).

Each of the presented types may vary in the length of the device and its height. Based on these indicators, it is formed thermal power devices. It is impossible to calculate this parameter independently. However, each model of panel radiator undergoes appropriate testing by the manufacturer, so all results are entered into special tables. Using them it is very convenient to choose a suitable battery for heating various types premises.

Power determination

To accurately calculate the thermal power, it is necessary to start from the heat loss indicators of the room in which you plan to install these devices.

For ordinary apartments can be guided by SNiP ( Building codes and rules), which specify heat volumes per 1 m 3 area:

  • In panel buildings, 1m3 requires 41W.
  • IN brick houses 34 W are consumed per 1m3.

Based on these standards, it is possible to determine the power of steel panel heating radiators.

As an example, let's take a room in a standard panel house with dimensions of 3.2 * 3.5 m and a ceiling height of 3 meters. First of all, let's determine the volume of the room: 3.2 * 3.5 * 3 = 33.6 m 3 . Next, let's turn to SNiP standards and find numeric value, which corresponds to our example: 33.6*41=1377.6W. As a result, we received the amount of heat necessary to heat the room.

Extra options

The regulatory requirements of SNiP are drawn up for the conditions of the average climatic zone.

To calculate in areas with colder winter temperatures, you need to adjust the indicators using coefficients:

  • to -10° C – 0.7;
  • -15° C – 0.9;
  • -20° C - 1.1;
  • -25° C - 1.3;
  • -30° C - 1.5.

When calculating heat losses, you need to take into account the number of walls that go outside. The more there are, the higher the heat loss rates of the room will be. For example, if there is only one in the room outer wall– we apply a coefficient of 1.1. If we have two or three external walls, then the coefficient will be 1.2 and 1.3, respectively.

Let's look at an example. Let's say in winter period The region experiences an average temperature of -25° C, and the room has two external walls. From calculations we get: 1378 W * 1.3 * 1.2 = 2149.68 W. We round the final result to 2150 W. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account which rooms are located on the lower and upper floors, what the roof is made of, and what material the walls were insulated with.

Calculation of Kermi radiators

Before calculating the thermal power, you should decide on the manufacturer of the device that will be installed in the room. It's obvious that best recommendations deservedly have the leadership of this industry. Let's turn to the table of the famous German manufacturer Kermi, on the basis of which we will carry out the necessary calculations.

For example, let's take one of the latest models- ThermX2Plan. From the table you can see that the power parameters are specified for each Kermi model, so you just need to find required device from the list. In the heating area, it is not required that the indicators completely coincide, so it is better to take a value that is slightly larger than calculated. This way you will have the necessary reserves for periods of sudden cold snap.

All suitable indicators are marked in the table with red squares. Let's say that for us the most optimal height radiator – 505 mm (listed at the top of the table). The most attractive option is type 33 devices with a length of 1005 mm. If shorter devices are required, you should opt for models with a height of 605 mm.

Power recalculation based on temperature conditions

However, the data in this table is written for indicators 75/65/20, where 75° C is the wire temperature, 65° C is the outlet temperature, and 20° C is the temperature maintained in the room. Based on these values, a calculation is made (75+65)/2-20=50° C, as a result of which we obtain the temperature delta. If you have different system parameters, recalculation will be required. For this purpose, Kermi has prepared a special table that shows the coefficients for adjustment. With its help, you can make a more accurate calculation of the power of steel heating radiators according to the table, which will allow you to select the most optimal device for heating a particular room.

Consider a low temperature system that measures 60/50/22, where 60°C is the wire temperature, 50°C is the outlet temperature, and 22°C is the temperature maintained in the room. We calculate the temperature delta using the already known formula: (60+50)/2-22=33° C. Then we look at the table and find the temperature indicators of the conducted/discharged water. In a cage with a maintained room temperature, we find the required coefficient of 1.73 (marked in green in the tables).

Next, we take the amount of heat loss in the room and multiply it by the coefficient: 2150 W * 1.73 = 3719.5 W. After this, we return to the capacity table to see suitable options. In this case, the choice will be more modest, since much more powerful radiators will be required for high-quality heating.


As you can see, correct calculation of power for steel panel radiators is impossible without knowing certain indicators. It is imperative to find out the heat loss of the room, decide on the battery manufacturer, have an idea of ​​the temperature of the supplied/discharged water, as well as the temperature maintained in the room. Based on these indicators, you can easily determine suitable models batteries

Kermi is a German sales representative belonging to the renowned AFG Arbonia-Forester-Holding AG. This structural division deals with radiators. Due to decent quality and excellent performance indicators, the demand for products remains stable. It is worth taking a closer look at the characteristics and subtleties of installing the units.


The German company Kermi was founded in 1960. The main type of products produced are steel panel radiators, although the manufacturer is also known for shower cabins. However, it is German radiators that have gained wide popularity not only in Germany, but throughout the world. Russian buyers also liked the appearance of German batteries. An important component of success was the quality of the products.

The features of radiators are two types of connection, as well as three different thicknesses metal In addition to steel products, bimetallic options are available to customers. To the Russian consumer I especially liked the products designed for installation in individual houses and cottages. The appearance of the devices is refined, noble and elegant. The units are not cheap, but consumers note the return on costs, as well as high degree comfort.

The operating principle of any radiators is based on the coolant circulating inside the device. The liquid entering the radiator tends to slow down its movement from device to device and also cool down. As a result, less heat is transferred into the room. main feature German radiators are increased characteristics given off heat. The heat transfer from the front surface of the installed batteries is quite decent. Therefore, Kermi radiators are ideal for autonomous heating systems with low operating pressure.

The company offers batteries in various sizes. The main models on sale are white. According to the manufacturer, the powder coating of products is environmentally friendly. It is also claimed that this special coating allows for better temperature retention of devices. Decorative models found on sale differ from the main line in color and design features.

The main type of products manufactured by Kermi are panel radiators, consisting of steel plates connected in pairs. The coolant in such radiators moves through channels extruded by stamping. Usually there are several channels for circulating fluid. One of them is located at the top, and the other is at the bottom. There are several paired plates assembled in a steel product.

To increase efficiency, some models contain convective fins - these are corrugated steel sheets that are small in thickness and are usually welded behind the front panel. Externally, this usually does not change anything, but the sides and top of the product are decorated. Some Kermi batteries have a different media supply method. The Therm-X2 technology is considered consistent and renowned. In practice, hot liquid is supplied first to the front part, then to the subsequent ones. As a result, the hottest part is the part facing the rooms.

Greater heat consumption occurs in the room. There is much less other heat consumption with this connection. In practice, Kermi series-type batteries heat the room faster than other types of devices. The devices showed a special heating quality when pumps and collectors were connected to the system. The company installs control valves on its devices. The new product allows you to optimally balance a stable temperature in all rooms. Basically, steel radiators from other manufacturers are supplied with thermostats, but the thermal head must be purchased separately. Kermi radiators add comfort to individual heating systems. The system consumes only a adjusted amount of fuel, which significantly reduces costs.

In addition to the sequential version, Kermi batteries have the possibility of a side and bottom version. The lower supply can be left or right, and it can also be in the center. Therefore divorce heating pipes you can do it as conveniently as possible, without taking into account the features of the heating device. Installation of devices can be carried out after finishing is completed, it is only advisable to secure the brackets on the wall in advance. It is worth considering in more detail the technical characteristics of the main types of radiators produced by the company.


Kermi radiator buyers face difficult task choice. The large range of indicators forces us to study the technical characteristics in more detail. The designs and size range of devices are different. Specific data is also related to the design of the units. For example, heating radiators on sale range from 40 cm to 3 meters in length, the height of the radiator is from 30 to 90 cm.

Tubular, panel, and finned options are common. Panel steel appliances from this company come with one, two and three panels. Considered the most powerful three-layer construction. Devices are also divided into types, which are related to the number of panels. The table includes 10 to 33 product types. For example, the first is the 10th type, which includes one such part, the 11th type includes an addition in the form of ribbing, the 12th type - thin batteries 6.5 cm wide, the 22nd type - two panels and double ribbing. Type 30 and above include batteries with three rows and triple fins.

Batteries with a corrugated surface belong to the Profil category, and smooth radiators with a flat front panel are called Plan. In the group of smooth devices there are also various options, differing in characteristics and markings.

Plan-V options are designated FKO - these are radiators with a lower supply option, known to customers in the following three types:

  • left-handed;
  • right-sided;
  • centered.

Plan-K models marked FKV are distinguished by lateral inlet. The association includes suitable options for replacing old cast iron radiators with axle distances from 50 to 90 cm. When in good condition Replacing pipes with these devices does not require their digestion.

In the group of smooth devices of the V series there are hygienic models without additional ribs and covers. These options are good for medical institutions, as well as where there are allergy sufferers.

Another unusual option– this is Verteo Plan. This vertical type product is needed in cases where installation horizontal version required power is not possible. FTV radiators are newer models that replaced the FKV variants. Models are equipped with a bottom connection option, allowing you to install a hidden pipe system. Communications for these products can be placed under floor base. The radiators are distinguished by a two-layer varnish coating. Treatment inside and outside protects products from corrosive destruction.

Line radiators from Kermi have an excellent external design. The line includes a wide range of mounting sizes. Radiators of this type are easy to install. These radiators successfully combine excellent design and functionality of the devices. The models are characterized by high performance. The heat transfer of steel radiators mounted in the wall is comparable to bimetallic options. Replacing energy-consuming options with cost-effective batteries is easy and simple. It is enough to make the necessary calculations.


To make the correct calculation, you can compare the dimensions of a classic cast-iron 12-section battery with a heat output of 1444 W. The internal volume of the unit is 13 liters. Technical standards Kermi batteries assume a heat transfer efficiency of 2100 W, while the working volume of the unit is 6.3 liters. The indicated heat dissipation refers to a single-section battery. These data are indicated in the passport of type 10 products.

It is known that if the system contains a large volume of coolant, this usually leads to large heat losses. This is inevitable, since the system has many elements. Even carefully isolated systems with large volumes of media are not 100% efficient. The technical characteristics of Kermi radiators are advantageous due to the fact that a smaller volume of media can be passed through the pipes. To pass the same amount of heat in a cast iron system, a very large volume of media must be passed through the pipes. With this volume pump equipment will receive a very high load.

Other technical characteristics that are useful when creating a connection diagram are as follows:

  • working pressure – 10 bar;
  • test pressure – 13 bar;
  • maximum temperature readings – +110 degrees;
  • outlet openings – ¾ and ½;
  • Thermal output is usually related to the type, height and length of the radiator.

It is more convenient to calculate this parameter using a table usually provided by the manufacturer, for example, if you decide to install one of the models from the popular Kermi Therm X2 Plan line. All models produced by the manufacturer are available in the table, so in the selection process all that remains is to find the appropriate values. Experts allow slightly higher values ​​than calculated for a specific system. In the table, it remains to indicate radiators of acceptable height and length. To calculate the exact power, you need the heat loss values ​​of the room, the temperature of the supplied medium, and the desired room temperature. This data will help more accurately determine models that will fully satisfy the system conditions. All should be noted in the table possible options, suitable for power, then decide on the appropriate parameters of the product.

You can make an approximate calculation for a system with an initial temperature of +60 degrees, a return temperature of +50 degrees. Inside it should be about +22 degrees. Delta will be calculated as follows: (60+50) /2-22=33. In the table with coefficients for the indicator in the room +22 degrees, the applied coefficient is 1.75. Heat loss for the room will be: 2150*1.75=3719.5. Suitable options radiators by power can be determined from the power table.

For example, you can choose models of the following dimensions:

  • with a length of 3005 mm, the permissible height of the product will be 305 mm;
  • with a length of 2305, 2605 mm, the height of the product can be 405 mm;
  • with a length of 1805, 2005 mm, the permissible height of the product is 505 mm;
  • with a length of 1605 mm, the permissible height of the product is 605 mm;
  • with a length of 1405 mm, the permissible height of the product is 905 mm.

From the range of products that are suitable for this system, it is worth noting the following models:

  • Kermi Therm-x2 FKV – the radiators presented in the line have a height from 300 to 900 mm, a length from 400 to 3000 mm;
  • Kermi Therm-x2 FKO have identical overall dimensions. The difference lies in the connecting thread of the pipe - 4x1/2. Connecting thread the first option is 2x3/4.


Installation of Kermi radiators is not difficult, but each job has its own nuances. For example, when there is no need to replace pipes, adapters will help solve the problem with different diameters of communications and radiator outlets. The instructions will help with more competent installation. It is convenient to study the connection nuances using the diagram supplied with the product. For example, it states important point with the connection of a separation plug, which ensures the functioning of Therm-x2 technology.

The installation process also involves two types of connections, which means the installation schemes can be bottom and side.

It's important to choose optimal place Depending on the type of installation, the manufacturer’s recommendations are as follows:

  • 100–120 mm from the floor covering;
  • 80–100 mm from the window sill.

In both cases, this distance will provide the most efficient heat transfer. If the radiator is located 20–50 mm from the vertical, then there will be no energy loss for gentle heating of this area.

Distinctive feature company is that batteries are supplied in stores with all necessary components for installation. Heating device presented in a branded box. The packaging may not be removed during installation, thereby leaving the device intact.

The standard Kermi kit includes the following items:

  • loops;
  • corner clamps, console;
  • grill top;
  • covers and damping sides;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • thermostatic tap;
  • instructions for installation and use.

The stages of attaching radiators can be presented in the following order:

  • choosing a location for the device taking into account optimal heat transfer;
  • marking under hooks;
  • fastening of auxiliary fittings;
  • fixing the radiator on hooks;
  • device alignment;
  • connecting the device according to the diagram to the pipes;
  • pressure testing - testing a system that can be hydraulic (water) or pneumatic (air);
  • commissioning work, during which it is important to check the tightness.

As you can see, heating devices German manufacturer has a very detailed and thoughtful installation diagram. That's why self installation It is unlikely to seem difficult even to a non-professional.

By favorable price!

Models with a bottom connection to a hidden pipeline, Kermi FTV 22 are primarily in demand in private housing construction, as they are suitable for working in autonomous system with forced circulation.

This is the most popular model of panel radiators, due to optimal performance at minimal cost.

By its design, the steel radiator Kermi FTV type 22 is a system of two flat panels, between which two convectors are installed in the form of a U-shaped fin. The installation depth is 100 mm. All elements that make up Kermi radiators are made of high quality steel with a reliable anti-corrosion coating.

Special treatment of the inner surface prevents the settling of contaminants. The outer decorative and protective layer is subjected to high-temperature heating to gain strength. Before buying Kermi FTV 22 type radiators with bottom connection, you need to determine the dimensions of the heating device in order to ensure the optimal level of heating of a room of a certain volume.

Radiators Kermi FKV 22 type bottom connection

When assembling the panel from profiled steel sheets, as well as fastening between the channels is carried out by spot welding. A continuous or roller seam is performed around the perimeter. This technology guarantees high strength and tightness of radiator panels. To check the quality of seams ready product Kermi FKV 22 type, like Kermi 11 type, is subjected to a corresponding load - liquid is supplied to the radiator under a pressure of 13 bar, as when pressure testing an installed heating system.

Buy radiator Kermi FTV 22 type

The affordable price for radiators with bottom connections allows Kermi FTV 22 type heating devices to pay for themselves in the most short time: the efficiency of the devices helps to significantly reduce heating costs without losing the efficiency of indoor air heating. To place an order, contact our company managers by phone or place an order on the website.

The package of panel radiators includes brackets for mounting the device to the wall.

FKV batteries can withstand heating of the coolant up to high temperatures(up to 110°C), functions properly at operating pressures of up to 10 bar and can withstand peak loads of up to 13 bar. To avoid corrosion under the influence of oxygen dissolved in the coolant, steel panel radiators are recommended to be used as part of heating systems closed type with any organization of coolant movement.

When planning to buy a Kermi with a bottom connection, it is necessary to perform a thermal calculation of the room and take into account the specific placement of the heating device. The product line includes KERMI FKV radiators of various capacities with a height of 300-900 mm and a length of 400-3000 mm. The installation depth of the battery depends on its type - models differ in the number of panels and rows of convective fins.

The material used to manufacture heating devices is cold-rolled sheet steel, the thickness of which is 1.26 mm. Panels with a corrugated surface are welded from two stamped sheets using a continuous roller seam. The tightness of finished radiators is tested in the factory under peak pressure.

Hollow panels through which coolant circulates emit thermal energy. U-shaped fins promote intense convection, due to which the air volume in the room warms up faster. Powerful panel radiators with fins are suitable for installation in rooms with large area glazing.

Order in our online storeRadiators Kermi in Moscowat a bargain price! C Prices for Kermi batteries with bottom connection depend on the design and dimensions of the model. Radiators type 22 (two panels with two rows of fins between them) are among the most popular - their efficiency is 10% higher compared to other models due to the introduction innovative technology Therm X2. The coolant first heats the front panel, and then enters the rear panel, which serves as a screen, preventing heat leakage to uselessly heat the wall.

The design of FKV panel radiators provides a built-in thermostatic valve, if necessary, batteries can be used in a system with automatic adjustment heating mode. The delivery set also includes plugs, an air vent (Maevsky tap), brackets for mounting a panel heating device on the wall. If you plan to buy Kermi radiators with a bottom connection for floor installation, you will need to purchase special mounting racks separately.

Attention! The warranty applies only to radiators

installed in closed system heating.

Order in our online store at a competitive price!

A note for buyers about Kermi Type 22 radiators, characteristics, reviews, questions. Differences between Kermi FTV and Kermi FKV 22. Features of battery coating. An example of calculating the center distance for Kermi radiators.

To create warmth and comfort in their home, many choose Kermi brand radiators. This is a German company that produces different models steel panel heating radiators have been around for more than half a century. Despite their compactness, they have excellent heat transfer performance. And the attractive appearance allows the batteries to fit into any modern interior.

The most popular model is Kermi 22 500 500 . The device consists of two steel panels, between them there are two convectors, which are made in the form of a U-shaped fin. Distinctive feature– application in the manufacture of batteries unique technology Kermi Therm x2. Thanks to the special design, the coolant first enters the front panel, so that the air in the room is heated first. The back panel heats up later and acts as a screen.

By the way, before the introduction of the Therm x2 innovation, Kermi radiators with bottom connections had the abbreviation FKV, but they have already been discontinued.

Specifications Kermi type 22:

  • The maximum coolant temperature is 110 degrees Celsius.
  • Power depends on size. At temperature conditions 90/70/20 and sizes 500x500 power radiators Kermi 22is 965 W.
  • Operating pressure– 10 atmospheres.
  • The maximum testing pressure is 13 atmospheres.
  • Thickness – 100 mm.
  • Height – from 200 to 900 mm.
  • Width – from 400 to 3,000 mm.
  • Center distance - for FKO you need to subtract 54 mm from the height, for example for Radiator Kermi 22 500 500 given value will be 500 mm - 54 mm = 446 mm; for FTV the distance between the tubes is 50 mm.
  • Standard color – white Kermi RAL 9016

Depending on the type of connection, there are two options.

1. RadiatorsKermi FKO 22. These are models with side connections; pipes are connected to the left or right.

2. Radiators Kermi FTV 22. Batteries with bottom connection. The advantage over FKO 22 is the ability to hide pipes in the floor or under the baseboard. Due to the increased complexity of manufacturing these devices, as well as their high aesthetic qualities, the cost of Kermi FTV is higher.

Regardless of connection type, steel radiator Kermi Type 22 recommended for installation in closed heating systems. In this case, circulation can be natural or forced, the system is one- or two-pipe.

The purchase package of the device includes a plug, a Mayevsky valve - a valve for bleeding air, and a set of wall mountings. IN Kermi radiators type 22 with bottom connection A thermostatic valve is built-in, which allows you to install equipment to regulate the air temperature in the room.

Kermi panel radiators have an advantage over their analogues - they are coated with iron phosphate and two layers of varnish. This treatment significantly increases the service life!

Externally, the radiator looks modern and stylish. It will not only warm your home, but will also become a stylish part of the interior. An ideal white surface is varnish coating, which when heated does not release toxic substances into the air. The radiator is covered with solid panels on the sides and a grille on top.

Among the brands producing steel heating devices, the undisputed leader is the German brand Kermi. The products of this company are distinguished by high quality, reliability and implementation modern technologies aimed at maximizing energy consumption reduction. In this article we will review the types and technical characteristics that distinguish Kermi steel radiators.

Innovative Kermi radiator design

If the story about radiators is replete with cliches like: “made of sheet steel highest quality using the latest technology”, or “durable powder coating in any color”, then you will quickly get bored.

You say - this is written on the website of any battery manufacturer, everyone praises their products. And you’ll be right, they write everything well, but how everything is actually done is a question. Therefore, let’s move straight to the specific feature that distinguishes Kermi panel radiators from all others.

It would seem, what other solutions can be implemented in heating devices, when everything that is possible has already been invented? It turns out not all. The Germans added internal piping to the radiators. This allows you to heat only the front panel of the device in normal mode; no water circulation occurs in the rear part. But as soon as the room temperature drops, the built-in thermostat will open the way for coolant to the rear panel, bringing the radiator to full power. Otherwise, these are ordinary steel batteries, only very reliable and made in compliance with the highest quality requirements.

Note. In connection with the implementation new technology alternately supplying coolant to the front and rear parts, the Kermi radiator received the prefix “therm X2” in its designation.

Types and characteristics of Kermi heating devices

On this moment trademark offers the following types traditional steel batteries:

  • profile therm X2 profil K (compact) and Profil V (valve);
  • smooth therm X2Plan K (compact), Plan V (valve), Verteo Plan (vertical);
  • with horizontal profiling of the front panel therm X2 line K (compact), Line V (valve), Verteo Line (vertical).

As for the types of radiators offered, all standard types are produced under the Kermi brand, from 10th to 33rd. Let us recall that the first number in the designation indicates the number of heating panels, and the second – the number of convective fins. The most popular is type 22, where 2 panels and the same number of fins are used, as shown in the figure:

General technical characteristics of Kermi radiators are presented in the table below:

The listed 3 types of batteries differ in appearance by the type of profiling or lack thereof. While their heat transfer rates are somewhat different. It should be noted that the power of Kermi radiators is declared by the manufacturer in relation to the installation length. Therefore, first we present a table of the thermal power of 1 m of profiled devices (therm X2Profil) depending on the height, type and operating temperature curve of the coolant:

Note. Since Kermi therm X2 Verteo vertical steel batteries are used much less frequently than traditional ones, we will not present their characteristics here. The corresponding tables can be studied on the manufacturer’s Internet resource.

Connection diagrams

All three types of products provide side and bottom connection Kermi radiators, and the pipes for connecting from below can be located in three options to choose from: right, left and middle. The bottom connection method is provided in all valve devices (at the end of the designation there is a Latin V), and the side connection method is provided in compact ones (the letter K in the designation). The internal wiring is clearly visible on bottom-connected batteries:

For reliable operation of its products and the full functioning of the X2 series connection effect, the manufacturer requires connection to be made in accordance with certain requirements.

A diagram of how radiators with side connections should and should not be connected is presented below:

Advice. After purchasing and installing the Kermi battery in its place, carefully read the instructions that came with it. It describes in detail how to correctly install the separating plug in the return line of the device when it will operate in one - or two-pipe system heating. This plug provides the X2 function (sequential switching of panels), so there is no mistake here.

It is also possible to connect a radiator with different sides from below, as is customary to do in the popular single-pipe heating system"Leningradka". But in this case, the separation plug is not installed, the X2 effect does not work, and the heat transfer value of the battery is reduced by 8%.

Valve heating devices, in which the connecting pipes are located at the bottom, are not allowed to be connected from the side on any side, but only as required by the manufacturer. The following figure shows the installation diagram of a radiator with a bottom connection:

In a situation where, when replacing old heating devices with new ones center distances Kermi batteries may differ from previous ones; the situation can be corrected using special adapters. Their installation allows you to adjust the distance between pipelines without dismantling or altering them.


Radiators Kermi – quality product, made using high technology, and therefore a priori cannot be cheap. This is the only drawback of these devices that you will have to come to terms with if you want to have warmth and comfort in your home for many years.