Barberry propagation. The main methods of propagating barberry: by seeds, root shoots, layering, dividing the bush and cuttings. Barberry thunberg propagation by cuttings in autumn

The barberry bush will decorate the site. This plant is unpretentious and has high productivity. Do you want to know how to propagate barberry from cuttings? Then read this article to the end. Here you will find a lot useful tips from experienced gardeners.

How to propagate barberry?

Cuttings are the most popular method of propagating shrubs. It can be used for any variety of barberry, except coin. You need to start the procedure in the summer. Cuttings are separated from late July to early August.

Select a strong, not old shoot and cut short branches of 9-11 cm from its middle part. Tools must be clean and well sharpened. In order for the cutting to take root well, it needs to have at least 3-4 nodes with leaves.

The lower cut is made at an acute angle (45 degrees), and the upper cut is made vertically

The cuttings are ready, now you can directly begin planting the plant in the peat-sand mixture. To increase the survival rate of the shrub, it is recommended to first place the branches in special solutions (“Fiton”, “Kornevin”, etc.).

If you want barberry to quickly take root, create for young plants ideal conditions for rhizome growth. It is better to plant new shrubs in a greenhouse with high level humidity. Always remember to regularly ventilate the room and timely water the plant.

Planting barberry in the ground

The barberry bush grows quite slowly. Planting young shrubs from the greenhouse into open ground produced 1.5−2 years after cuttings. It is best to do this in the spring. It is recommended to prepare the plant gradually.

  • In mid-March we tighten the greenhouse transparent film so that the soil warms up faster. This helps increase humidity and significantly smoothes out sudden temperature changes between day and night.
  • When the first leaves appear on the barberry, you can begin planting the shrub in the ground. To do this you need to dig enough big hole, fill its bottom with a mixture of earth, humus and other organic fertilizers.
  • We place the young bush in the hole, water it well and cover it with soil. The soil around should be lightly trampled and sprinkled with sawdust.

Cutting barberry is quite difficult - it is a painstaking and lengthy process. However, if you do everything correctly, very soon beautiful young bushes will decorate personal plot. A video on how to propagate barberry clearly demonstrates the cutting process. Advice from experienced gardeners will allow you to avoid the most common mistakes that arise during the cutting process.

Thunberg's barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is the most famous species in cultivation after the common barberry. Its homeland is Japan and China.

It is small in height (up to 1 m), can reach 1.5 m in diameter and is distinguished by dense horizontal branching.

The leaves are graceful, small, 1-3 cm long, bright green in summer and fiery red in autumn, falling in October. Flowering is abundant, annual, from the age of 5, in the first half of June.
It is quite often used in urban landscaping. This barberry looks very beautiful when planted freely on the lawn (1-3 copies are enough), but can also be used in trimmed hedges, when creating low borders, and landscaping paths. Unlike common barberry, it is highly resistant to fungal diseases. It can also be planted to stabilize soil.
When planting alone, the distance between bushes is at least 1.5 - 2 m.

Upon landing In a dense single-row hedge, 4 specimens are placed, in a double-row hedge, 5; in a free-growing hedge, barberries are planted at the rate of 2 per 1 m2. The shrub can withstand a wide range of soil acidity: from acidic to neutral, but still prefers neutral. Optimal soil acidity pH 6 - 7.5. Soil mixture: garden soil, humus, sand in equal quantities(1:1:1). When planting in acidic soil, liming is necessary (300 - 400 g of slaked lime or 200 g of wood ash per bush).
Feeding given starting from the second year after planting. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied (20 - 30 g of urea per bucket of water). Then fertilize once every 3-4 years. It is necessary to apply complex fertilizers with microelements, for example Kemiru-universal. Water once a week. Frequent loosening and weeding are required. After planting, mulching is carried out.
Reproduce Thunberg barberry by seeds, the viability of which is more than 90%, as well as by cuttings and dividing bushes.

The signal for harvesting green cuttings is a change in the color of their lower part - this is the beginning of the lignification process. To obtain green cuttings, leafy shoots extending from last year's branch to the side are used. The cuttings are easily broken off at their base with small area old shoot - "heel". The length of the cutting should be from 10 to 20 cm, depending on the type of plant.
After separating the cuttings, the leaves are removed from their lower parts. Since the young shoots are still very weak, separation from mother plant is a shock to them.
If they are immediately placed in the ground, they will wither because they will not be able to independently extract water from the soil. Therefore, you should give them time - place the lower part of the stem 3 - 4 cm in a container of water and place it in a warm, bright place, for example, in a greenhouse with cucumbers.
Trimming consists in the annual removal of weak, poorly developed shoots. Old bushes are thinned out in the spring. When constructing hedges, pruning is carried out in the second year after planting, cutting off from 1/2 to 2/3 of the above-ground part. Then, in subsequent years, pruning is carried out 2 times a year: in the first half of June and in early August. Low-growing forms of barberry do not need to be cut; they are well suited for division garden plot to zones.

They are unpretentious to soil conditions, drought-resistant, do not tolerate stagnant moisture at all, develop better in the light, but also tolerate some shade. Most barberries are very decorative and are used in single or group plantings, hedges, and low-growing species- on rocky hills and in the form of curbs.

The bright autumn color of leaves and fruits, which remain on the bushes for a long time, further enhances them decorative effect. They tolerate urban conditions well and are easy to mold.

This is a real "universal soldier" flora. Let's start with the fact that it is very decorative. Although barberry is originally a shrub, it can also be grown in tree form. Common barberry produces wonderful hedge, it will look very interesting on the site next to coniferous trees or flowers. Among other varieties, it is considered the most refined barberry thunberg. It can be tiny (the dwarf Thunberg barberry barely grows to 20 centimeters), or it can grow up to one and a half meters. Thunberg barberry is prized for its color. Orange-red, purple, variegated, violet, and most amazingly, golden leaves different varieties Thunberg's barberry will turn the site into a small piece of a fairy tale.

Barberry bears fruit abundantly, its berries are edible. They have a whole pharmacy of all sorts of useful things: vitamins, carotene, and soothing substances. It is useful to eat barberry berries for those who have high blood pressure. Barberry is suitable for pickles and jam; it is good as a spice or as a component of seasonings for meat and fish. Not everyone knows that sour barberry leaves are also edible- they can be thrown into soup or put in salad. Bees also love barberry - it is an abundant honey plant.

Many people would like to grow barberry, but not everyone knows how to do it. This plant is not demanding on the soil, except that in shaded places and in rich but waterlogged soil it will get sick. And it multiplies different ways, every gardener can choose the one that suits him best.

Propagation of barberry by seeds

All varieties of barberry, except seedless ones, can be propagated by seeds. To get seeds, you need to choose the ripest berries. The pulp is removed, the seeds are washed well, and treated with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then they need to be dried.

If the seeds are supposed to be planted directly into the ground in the fall, then you need to make shallow grooves for them (1-3 centimeters deep) and fill them with sand. Sprinkle the top of the “barberry bed” with a five-centimeter layer of mulch (it’s better if it’s sawdust). It is also advisable to break the spruce branches and cover the crops with them, otherwise mice may eat the seeds. When spring comes and the snow melts, the sawdust and spruce branches need to be removed and the bed covered with film for a while. Barberry germinates slowly, but quite amicably. As a rule, out of a dozen seeds sown, six or seven sprout.

You can sow barberry in the spring, but then you need to stratify the seeds - “artificial winter”. To do this, the seeds are placed in a tray with calcined and cooled sand or soil and put in the refrigerator (but not in freezer!) for four months. You should expect shoots in June. When the second true leaf appears, the seedlings are planted, pinching the roots. After a year or two, the grown barberries can be moved to a permanent “place of residence.”

Propagation of barberry by cuttings

Barberry tolerates propagation by cuttings very well. The cuttings are taken from annual branches 15-20 centimeters long, already lignified, with 4-5 internodes.

They can be harvested almost all year round. You can take cuttings in early summer and root them in a greenhouse. Before planting cuttings, they must be removed lower leaves. The main thing in this case is to monitor the air humidity. Good to use as cuttings of twigs, cut in early spring, until the buds swell. They are kept in the refrigerator and, as soon as the ground warms up, they are planted in the ground. One or two buds should remain above the ground. If cuttings are cut at the beginning of winter or autumn, then until spring they should be stored in a box with damp sand. The cuttings must be installed vertically. Best temperature for storage - about zero degrees.

Reproduction of barberry by layering

To make a layering, in the spring, as soon as the ground dries, you need to look for a suitable one-year-old branch and dig a groove 15-20 centimeters deep. The branch is tilted, secured in the groove with a pin (made of wire or wood), and covered with earth. Only the top should remain on the surface. In the fall, the shoot will take root and can be planted. Before propagating barberry by layering, you need to weed the soil in the circle around the trunk and water it well.

Other methods of propagating barberry

The most in a simple way It seems that barberry propagation is simple by dividing the bush. However, there is a secret here too. You need to be very careful when digging up the mother bush and dividing it into several parts so as not to damage the delicate roots. If the bush is very large and strong, root system you need to cut it with a garden saw, also being careful. Barberry can produce root shoots, which, when planted, will give you new bushes in two to three years. Eye grafting, or budding, is used as an additional technique when propagating by cuttings, layering or offspring to ensure that the qualities of the mother plant are transferred to the new plant.

If you follow everything simple rules, common barberry and other varieties of this plant you can easily grow on your site. The plant, which got its name because of the resemblance of its petals to sea shells, will decorate your garden and add to your menu.

Barberry is a common plant in our gardens. It is used for a variety of purposes, but is most often grown for its berries. They have a pleasant sour taste and can be used as a seasoning, base for marinades, pickles and more. Barberry is no less important in landscape design. When designing a garden, it will stand out with bright colors, especially in autumn or against the backdrop of coniferous trees.

Description and varieties of barberry

Barberry is a fairly extensive biological genus. It mainly includes trees and shrubs. Barberry is highly resistant to summer heat, tolerates poorly fertilized soils. At the same time, the plant grows quickly, which led to its successful use as a hedge.

In spring and summer, barberry reproduction occurs very quickly. Therefore, you can get new plants without unnecessary hassle. The plant propagates in spring by cuttings.

The most famous types of plants are:
Common barberry. It is a shrub up to 3 meters high, abundantly branched. It is easy to care for and therefore popular. Propagated by cuttings. Frost-resistant, withstands sudden cold snaps. Several varieties of this barberry have been developed.
Thunberg's barberry is the most beautiful and elegant. The shrub is deciduous and of low growth - up to 2.5 meters. The branches are arched and fall to the ground. There are several varieties of this plant, differing in the color of the leaf blades. Such berries are not eaten. This type of barberry is ideal for strengthening ravines and plantings.
Ottawa barberry. A rather rare shrub in our area. It has a height of up to two meters. Its most important decorative advantage is beautiful leaves pink-violet hue. In autumn they acquire a bright purple color. The species is very resistant and has several varieties. Growing quickly.

Propagation of barberry by cuttings

By rooting cuttings, barberry can be propagated in spring, summer or autumn. Young branches, no older than one year, are best suited for this. It is necessary that they have up to five internodes and be up to 20 centimeters long.

If desired, produce vegetative propagation in early spring, you need to do this before the buds swell. The cuttings are kept in the refrigerator for some time.

If cuttings occur in late autumn, then it is done as late as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that frosty weather does not set in.

All shoots are cut with a sharp knife. Stored in the basement, in damp sand. The cuttings are planted as soon as they take root a little.

Reproduction by layering

This method is most suitable for summer time. Even in early spring, you need to select a branch on the bush that is no older than one year. A small hole is dug near it. Tilt the selected branch and place it in the hole. Secure it very carefully with a pin and cover it with soil. Make sure that only one branch tip is above the surface.

By autumn, the shoot forms its own root system. The shoot is easily separated from the mother plant.

Propagation by seeds

You can use your own seed material. Collect ripe berries and peel them from the pulp. Wash and dry the seeds. They need to be sown before winter, at a shallow depth. When sowing in spring, it is necessary to keep the seeds for several months at a temperature of 2–5 degrees.
On permanent place This barberry is planted at the age of two. This method of propagation is also unpretentious and gives good results.

A novice gardener will find useful information about methods of propagating barberry. perennial shrub can be used to create a hedge. Decorative bushes can be used in group plantings. With their help, it is possible to decorate unsightly areas of the yard and garden.

Barberry is propagated by green cuttings in summer. In autumn and spring, gardeners use other methods:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • layering;
  • lignified cuttings and root shoots.

Methods and technology for propagating barberry

The ornamental shrub is propagated vegetatively and by seeds. To breed a certain variety of barberry, you need to familiarize yourself with all the methods. Based on the characteristics of the species, decide whether it can be propagated by cuttings, sown with seeds or using layering.

Root shoots

Mature shrubs produce shoots. Root shoots appear along the periphery of the bush from buds located on the roots. This is the easiest way to grow barberry. It is necessary to inspect the root zone. Dig up the found shoots and cut them off from the mother root. To grow new bushes, you need to plant the offspring in a prepared place and water them.

By layering

Not all types of barberry produce root shoots. Some need to be propagated by layering. For rooting, take the lower annual shoots. In the direction of growth of the branches, a shallow furrow is dug in the ground.

In the spring, the selected shoot is placed in it, fixed with staples, and sprinkled with a mixture of humus, sand, and garden soil.

By autumn, roots form on the layering. The following spring, the seedlings are separated from the mother bush. They are transplanted into a garden or school for growing. The first year they are protected from frost for the winter.

Woody cuttings

When propagated by woody cuttings, varietal seedlings are obtained. Their characteristics fully correspond to mother bush.Branches can be taken from bushes no older than 10 years.

Annual, partially lignified shoots are suitable for cuttings. The middle part, 15 cm long, is cut out of the branch. 3-4 internodes should remain on it. The upper cut is made straight above the kidney. The lower one is oblique, at an angle of 30° under the kidney. Planting material placed in a solution of a root formation stimulator. The cuttings are planted at an angle and deepened to 0.5 cm.

The soil in the nursery is prepared in advance:

  • the first layer (15 cm) is filled with a mixture of humus, leaf soil, compost;
  • the second layer is sand (4 cm).

Planted according to a 5 x 10 cm pattern. The nursery is fenced with boards 20 cm high. The cuttings are watered. The greenhouse is covered with a frame with glass or film. It must be maintained at a temperature of at least 20 °C. Care comes down to daily watering (morning and evening) and airing.

Green cuttings

Boxes are used for planting. They are filled with peat mixed in equal proportions with sand. Cuttings are cut from the middle part of this year's shoot, their parameters are:

  • length 10 cm;
  • internodes 2;
  • the lower oblique cut is located under the lower leaf;
  • the upper cut is straight, located 2 cm above the top leaf.

No more than 2 leaves are left on the cuttings; they are shortened by half. They are planted at an angle. The box is covered with film. New leaves indicate rooting. In the fall, seedlings can be transplanted into a greenhouse for growing.

Dividing the bush

This method is not popular among gardeners. They resort to it in cases where the bush needs to be transplanted to another place. All shoots of the bush are cut off. Leave stumps no more than 30 cm high. The bush is dug up and removed from the ground. The rhizome is divided into parts with pruning shears. Each division should have 2-3 shoots and sufficient quantity roots. They can be planted in a place prepared in advance and watered.


At home, varietal barberry is most easily propagated by seeds. Seedlings are obtained in this way only in the third year. They may lose varietal characteristics.

Preparing and planting seeds

IN temperate climate It is easier to sow seeds in the fall (from October 1 to October 15). Over the winter they will undergo stratification. It is necessary. During spring sowing it is organized artificially. The seeds are kept in the refrigerator for at least 3 months.

Barberry seeds remain viable for 2 years. To obtain them, it is recommended to collect fruits from bushes growing in well-lit areas. Stages of preparing planting material:

  • seeds are cleared of pulp;
  • rinse well with water;
  • dried.

Germinating seeds at home

Growing barberry from seeds begins with preparing the ridge. Make them tall (20 cm). The rate of soil warming and its aeration depend on the altitude. The soil is filled with humus, mineral fertilizers are added to it, watered, furrows up to 3 cm deep are marked. An interval of 15 or 20 cm is maintained between them.

Seeds are laid out every 5 cm. Sand and compost are mixed to fill the furrows. They are pre-moistened. Cover the seeds with a layer of 3 cm. Spray the surface of the soil with a spray bottle. When sowing in winter, the bed is covered with a layer of mulch.

If seeds are sown at home, they are first stratified for at least 2 months. The container is filled with a mixture of peat, sand, humus, and garden soil. Sow the seeds according to a 5 x 15 cm pattern. Cover them with wet sand. The box is covered with film and lowered into the cellar for 2-3 months. Seeds need a temperature between 0 and 5 °C.

In January they take it out and place it on the south window. The soil is watered with a spray bottle, the mini-greenhouse is ventilated, and the film is removed after the sprouts appear. After the appearance of the second true leaf, the seedlings are planted in another box according to a 10 x 20 cm pattern or planted outside.

Transplantation into open ground

In the garden, a place is allocated for growing seedlings, the soil is fertilized with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Seedlings are planted according to a 10 x 20 cm pattern. The soil is watered. At night they are covered from low temperatures lutrasil. During the day, the first 2 weeks are protected from the sun.

For the winter, barberry is covered with spruce branches and lutrasil. You can start replanting to a new location only after 2 years. At seed propagation About 40% of the seeds germinate.

The main mistakes when propagating barberry

It is not always possible to grow a barberry seedling. This is due to the mistakes gardeners make:

  • when propagating barberry by dividing the bush, do not shorten the above-ground part, which severely injures the roots;
  • they sow few seeds and do not provide proper care;
  • when digging up root shoots, they leave few roots.

Barberry has many types and varieties. Each of them has its own developmental characteristics. The propagation method is chosen individually for each shrub.