Development of memory according to the methods of special services. Denis Bukin: Development of memory using the methods of the special services Development of memory, methods of the special services read

Do you admire the phenomenal memory of intelligence officers? Are you surprised how they can notice all the little things and keep in their heads glimpses of the enemy’s maps and plans, thousands of names and numbers, legends, appearances and passwords? Now you can do this too: here is a unique book that reveals the secrets of memory training used in intelligence schools. In addition to theory and exercises for self-training, the book describes communication techniques from the arsenal of intelligence services: you will learn how to establish contacts and gain trust in strangers, persuade and evaluate the reliability of the data received. You will also master methods of self-organization, learn how to quickly restore strength and maintain high performance.

The book is intended for anyone who has difficulty remembering, feels the need to develop mental abilities and wants to become more effective in communication, work and everyday life by learning to use the maximum capabilities of their brain.

Characteristics of the book

Date written: 2014
Name: Development of memory according to the methods of special services

Volume: 280 pages, 191 illustrations
ISBN: 978-5-9614-3501-6
Copyright holder: Alpina Digital

Preface to the book “Development of memory using the methods of special services”

The capabilities of the human brain are amazing. Memory stores a huge amount of information, distant events are presented so vividly and vividly, as if everything happened just yesterday. The brain copes with problems that cannot be solved by the most modern computers. The brain is plastic: if some of its functions are actively working, it is enhanced. The opposite is also true: what is not used dies. Routine work, narrow professional specialization, technical “crutches” in the form of an organizer, navigator, notebook in the phone - all this frees the memory from work, and over time it weakens. The ability to concentrate deteriorates, the acuity of perception becomes dull.

Fortunately, this is reversible. Memory can be trained. For training to be effective, it must be:



On the verge of possibilities.

There are professions for which excellent memory, clarity and speed of thinking are vital. One of them is a scout. Conspiracy laws prohibit writing anything down, there is no time to study documents long and thoughtfully, and it is impossible to redraw a diagram or map. You have to rely only on memory. And you have to remember an incredible amount, but reproduce it accurately.

Military psychologists have accumulated vast experience in training personnel capable of quickly and reliably remembering information. It would be stupid not to take advantage of their developments. We use it!

The memory training program in this book is based on secret service techniques, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and generations of intelligence and counterintelligence officers.

About the book

Each chapter corresponds to the stages of an intelligence agent's career. You will go through all the stages of the intelligence school - from installer agent to double agent, from the simplest intelligence work to the most dangerous and complex.

You will be accompanied by the story of one counterintelligence operation, outlined in documents and diary entries of its protagonist. Questions will be asked about the facts of this operation, so try to remember as much as possible from what you read.

Despite the fact that all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any similarity or coincidence with real people is coincidental, the events described in it are based on a story that actually happened. It is also necessary to say here that all the data contained in the book is taken from open sources.

Each stage-level contains instructions for memorization techniques and exercises for practicing them. The exercises of the first levels may seem easy, but later they will become more difficult. Try to master the proposed techniques and methods in the first simple tasks. Even if you can complete them without using special techniques, in the future, when the tasks become more complex, it will be extremely difficult to do without them.

There are two types of exercises in the book. The first ones are designated by the word “exercise”. You can perform them while resting, waiting, in transport...

The second, interactive ones, are posted on a separate website. It is advisable to do these exercises as you read the book.

Repeat each exercise several times to consolidate your success. If not everything works out when doing it, return to the technique for which it was intended. Reread it again and do the exercise several times in a less complex version.

Don't be discouraged if you fail to complete the tasks the first time. Remember that “training should be carried out to the limit of your capabilities.” Studying at an intelligence school is similar to the path of a martial artist: to master intelligence, you need to go through difficulties and learn to overcome failures. Try again and again, progress will become noticeable to both you and those around you.

In addition to methods, instructions and tasks, the book describes the characteristics of human attention, imagination and memory, as well as techniques for working with them. Scouts use these techniques every day. Let's leave romantic stories to fiction writers - intelligence work is described in the book as it is, without embellishment or gloss.

Real, not “film” intelligence is not running around with a pistol, but working with information. To reconstruct the whole picture from bits of data - that is the task of intelligence.

Memory Capabilities

People do not use their memory to the fullest extent. Moreover, few people realize how great these opportunities are.

A few examples. Russian artist N. N. Ge reproduced in detail the baroque interior of a room in the Monplaisir palace, having visited it only once. The secret of the master’s photographic memory was, in his own words, “to depict every day from memory what you encountered along the way, be it light, be it form, be it expression, be it a scene - whatever caught your attention.” . Mozart could accurately record a complex score after listening to the piece just once. Having once heard Gregorio Allegri’s composition “Miserere,” which had previously been kept secret by the Vatican, he made its notes available to the public. Mozart was 14 years old at this time. Winston Churchill knew almost all of Shakespeare by heart. While studying his works, he practiced oratory. Hungarian chess player Janos Flesch played 52 games simultaneously without looking at the board in 1960. At the end of the game, which lasted more than 13 hours, Flash remembered all the moves on all 52 boards.

Not only recognized geniuses have outstanding memory. In one experiment, subjects, ordinary people, were shown 10,000 slides and then tested how many of them were remembered. It turned out that the accuracy of image recognition was about 80% - a very high result. If unusual, bright and colorful pictures were chosen for the experiment, the recognition accuracy increased to almost 100%.

1. The main problem of human memory is not to remember information, but to remember and reproduce it when necessary. Thus, every person has the makings of an excellent memory. To develop them, you need to master a number of techniques.

2. The human brain is very good at remembering images. Therefore, most techniques for memorizing information - mnemonics - are based on imagination, which serves as a tool for translating abstract verbal and digital information into visual information.

Development of memory using the methods of special services - Denis Bukin (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

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Who is the book intended for?

The book is written for people who have difficulty remembering information, who feel the need to develop their intelligence, who are going to become more effective in communication and in everyday affairs, who want to learn how to use more of their brain's capabilities.

About the book:

The potential of the human brain is amazing: it can solve problems that are beyond the reach of even the most powerful computers. But not every person is able to use even the smallest part of these capabilities; this requires regular training.

Memory training can be similar to muscle training because it requires regular exercise. When using such “helpers” as diaries and notepads, your memory will definitely weaken.

When regularly engaged in routine work, overloading the memory with information, the ability to concentrate and memorize information well deteriorates.

The good news is that this can be fixed.

The book interweaves several storylines, each of them has its own stylistic features, as a result of which you get the impression that you are reading a detective story, a textbook, and a classified archive of CIA data.

An excellent memory is simply necessary for intelligence officers. Clarity and speed of thinking are also extremely important features. In most cases, the intelligence officer does not have the opportunity to momentarily photograph the documents he saw or the facial features of the desired person. He does not have time to deal with piles of textual information, but at the same time he is obliged to remember all the smallest details and clearly recreate the information at the right time.

Our idea, imposed by films, is that an intelligence officer is a “Rambo” who shoots dozens of enemies. This is far from true; one of the key skills of a special agent is the ability to work with a large amount of information.

So why don't we use developments to train special agents in everyday life?

Why is the book worth reading?

The memory development program is based on the training methodology for intelligence officers; the effectiveness of the methods given in the book has been tested by time and generations of intelligence officers.
By reading the book, you will go through all stages of an agent's career; as you gain knowledge, the complexity of the tasks will increase - from the simplest work to the most risky.
At each stage, you will be presented with new methods of memorizing information and tasks for practicing them.
The book is filled with exciting illustrations that will make the learning process easier and more interesting.

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The difference between the pocket version of the book and the landscape version:

After its publication, the book was instantly sold out and received a Runet Award. It caused a stir in the media and at the same time earned recognition from readers. Despite the beautiful design that captured the attention of readers, there were many complaints that the book, due to its size, could only be read at home.

In this regard, a “pocket” version of the book was produced. The difference between a book and a landscape book is only in the quantity and quality of illustrations; they have become small and colorless, this made it possible to reduce the number of pages by almost 2 times. This did not in any way affect the content or exercises of the book.

Several reviews of the book from the Alpina Publisher website:

“Good memory comes from the ability to process information and connect it to what we already know.”

“The human brain is good at remembering images. Therefore, most techniques for memorizing information - mnemonics - are based on imagination, which serves as a tool for translating abstract verbal and digital information into visual information.”

Development of memory according to the methods of special services Denis Bukin

To prepare qualified personnel, intelligence officers use a number of exercises to train and develop memory.

  1. Keep a diary. Remembering events that happened during the day is a memory exercise in itself. In addition, various events have their own emotional connotation and the most vivid of them are remembered. There is even such a definition as “overactivation of memory through the recreation of emotions.”
  2. See and observe.

- Take some object, for example, a pencil.
- Focus all your attention on him.
- Breathing is calm and even.
- As you exhale, close your eyes - erase the image.
- As you inhale, open your eyes and again concentrate on the pencil.
- Do the exercise 40-60 times.
- As you inhale, close your eyes - erase the image.
- As you exhale, open your eyes and concentrate on the pencil.
- Repeat the exercise 40-60 times.
There is a whole set of “see and observe” exercises that have been used by intelligence services since tsarist times (in Ilya Melnikov’s book “Methods of Special Services”).

  1. To develop concentration in special services and not only uses: Schulte tables, Struppe test, counting down and others.)
  2. Development of observation and visual memory.
  3. Development of auditory memory. Use reading aloud, eavesdrop on passers-by in queues, on public transport, indoors, and over time you will notice how different everyone’s voices, intonation, timbre, and manner of speech are. Listen more. “Silence is one of the most difficult arguments to refute.” Henry Wheeler Shaw
  4. Remembering people. It is very important for intelligence officers to be able to remember people. To train this ability, there are certain exercises. This is the most difficult process of memory development.

    It’s more difficult to learn foreign languages, it’s more difficult to process texts and memorize series of numbers. If you put twenty people in front of you and then ask them to identify them ten minutes later, the result will be three to four people.

    And if it is a group of people from other races, then the result will be even less, especially since special techniques for coding and development have not yet been invented, but there are several rules:
    1. Make your brain work at full capacity.
    2. Focus as much as possible. Develop your powers of observation.
    3. Tune in to remember the person.
    4. Remember an unusual facial feature of a person.
    5. Relax.
    6. Listen to how the person’s name sounds. Sing it to yourself.
    7. Remember all the people you meet.
    8. Connect the person's name with his image.
    9. Remember that the brain does not tolerate violence.
    10. Memory training should be fun. It’s better to do it regularly every day than every other week, but it’s long and tedious.
    11. After some time you will feel the results.
    Getting to know and remembering people requires attunement. You must mentally give yourself commands: “I will be extremely focused. I will concentrate all my attention and make sure to remember all the people presented.”

Techniques for remembering people

1. Make sure that no two people are exactly alike.
2. Immediately associate the person with someone you know. For example, you will be introduced to a man named Vladimir Ilyich. An associative image immediately arises - Lenin is sitting at the table. A table lamp under a green lampshade is burning on the table.
3. Imagine that you are introducing your new friend to your old friend.
4. Say his name, patronymic, and surname several times to yourself.
5. Sing his name to yourself, and in different versions (as a ditty, as a romance, as an aria and as a folk song).
6. When meeting, repeat his name out loud several times. For example: “Very nice, Vladimir Ilyich.” “It was nice to meet you, Vladimir Ilyich,” “Vladimir Ilyich just told me about this incident.” You should not say the name out loud more than three times.
7. After thirty minutes of meeting, be sure to remember those to whom you were introduced.
8. Try to assign nicknames that are consonant with the name. For example, Lisovskaya Cornelia Konstantinovna (Korlisko). You can choose any order, for example (Liskonko, Concorly,) and so on.
9. Find parallels between his last name and his appearance, his habits.
10. Before you go to bed, remember again everyone you met.
11. Write down all your new acquaintances in a notebook and make notes characterizing your new acquaintance (Volodya - offset printing, Natasha - hairdresser).
12. Imagine that you are photographing a new friend with a camera, and that the image appears gradually. Repeat two to three times.
13. Imagine this person with a sign on his chest that says his name. After a few seconds, imagine this image again.
14. Associate adjectives with the person’s name that begin with the same letter as the name. Katya - beautiful, creative; Mikhail is cute, young, and so on. Try to use adjectives to describe the person.
15. Find special features in a person’s appearance that are unique to him alone.
16. Mentally find a rhyme for the name. Sergey is a sparrow, Natasha is porridge, Lena is a log, and so on. And imagine the mental image of Sergei watching the sparrows, Natasha crying over a plate of porridge. After a few seconds, repeat this action.
17. Try to mentally describe your (your) new acquaintances.

Memory development is a necessary activity for everyone. By doing this at a young age, you can achieve great success.

Students and schoolchildren need a good memory to achieve success in their studies. Further, memory is necessary at every stage of life.

Why do some people, in a panic, look for a pen and piece of paper to write down the number, while others simply remember it and then calmly enter it into the phone book?

Why can some people reproduce the face of a criminal in an identikit, down to the mole on the cheek, while others cannot recognize it when they meet old acquaintances?

Why is it necessary for you to write down purchases on a piece of paper, while for others everything fits freely in memory?
It's all about how developed people's thought processes are.

In old age, a good memory helps you stay sane longer. Dementia and other diseases of a similar nature do not threaten those who know how to use their reason.

Mnemonics is a series of developmental activities aimed at improving the memorization process. Human mental resources are not fully utilized.

The assertion that only 10% of the brain is used in thinking has been refuted today. Experiments have shown that all parts of the brain are involved, each responsible for certain functions.

But the mind can and should be developed. There are many ways and techniques for this.

Mnemonics is the first means of making memory work many times better. This promotes the development of mental activity.

The basis for most techniques is association. A person must associate the necessary information with something familiar and familiar.

Basics of the “Memory Palace” exercise:

Example of required information to save Association Playback process
Numbers We bind the number to a specific object in one of the rooms of the palace. You can visualize paintings and imagine a digital combination on them.

Or arrange a mental banquet, the number of guests of which is the first part, and the numbers of the birthday person’s date of birth are the second.

Number of glasses drunk by the lady in the red hat - third

Visually enter the room and remember all the pictures on the wall that reflect the numbers. Mentally return to the banquet, and all the images will immediately emerge in your memory
Phrases To remember a lot of uninteresting information, think about it being told by one of the residents of the memory palace over lunch, and others asking related questions.

Visualize every moment

Returning to the table and remembering the beginning, the rest of the conversation will emerge along a chain that is held together by details.
Images Images are easier to remember for people who can easily imagine any picture in their head.

Visual memory allows you to attach the image of a criminal, imagining him meeting his beloved’s parents in a memory palace.

Let the girl’s father be surprised by his hairstyle, let her mother carefully evaluate the outfit

As soon as you open the imaginary door, you will be able to see all the details of the criminal’s appearance again, without trying to keep him in memory all the time

What you can use to remember:

  • Images.
  • Interior.
  • Smells.
  • Colors.
  • Sounds.
  • Facts from life.
  • Certain events.

Anchoring is the key to remembering information. Connect the unfamiliar with the familiar, and it will carry the necessary information over time.

Tests and poems for developing attention

Rhymes are often used to develop children's memory. Any rhyme will be remembered faster than simple text. But adults can also use this technique.

If you are a "street poet" and are able to rhyme words, you can easily apply the technique.

What can you rhyme:

  • The name of the new boss or the names of the employees at the new place of work.
  • Shopping list.
  • Information on work.
  • To-do list.
  • List of required medications.

Training according to the special services method

The military, whose duties are classified and have the widest range, are trained using special technologies. Mnemonics are also used.

Intelligence agencies train visual and auditory memory separately. These skills will allow them to complete tasks, prevent terror and save lives.

One way to train the memory of intelligence officers and special agents is to memorize information for a while:

  1. The subject enters the room and sees a table. Objects are arranged on it in a chaotic order.
  2. He needs to remember each of them.
  3. A sound may play that calls out numbers or words. This complicates the process. All this should fit into memory.
  4. After leaving the office, the subject goes to the examination room, where he describes in detail each object and sound.
  5. The examiner may additionally ask questions about what color the walls were in the room, whether there was a chandelier on the ceiling, and what the table itself was made of.

The essence of such an experiment is to make sure that, once in an enemy premises, the future agent will remember all the details that will serve as an aid in the fight. Not everyone will pass such tests.

It trains endurance, the ability to quickly react and act in extreme conditions.

Another type of task is freestyle wrestling. The purpose of one is to distract attention from the interior.

The second wrestler must not only defeat the opponent in hand-to-hand combat, but also examine as many details around as possible.

The battle is stopped when time runs out. The first wrestler is judged on his physical fitness skills, the second on his ability to fight and remember the situation.

Such tests, only in a simplified version, can be created for yourself at home. Agree with your household and train the children yourself.

Memory is the most important function. It is like a memory card on which our whole life is recorded.

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