Rating of ruble deposits. Is it worth keeping money in bank deposits: all the pros and cons

Bank deposits are one of the most common, accessible and familiar options for us to receive passive income. In essence, everything is simple here: a person has a free amount of money, he gives it for temporary use to the bank, which pays the depositor a reward in the form of interest. Difficulties begin at the stage of choosing the most profitable deposit.

Different experts in the field sometimes express diametrically opposed opinions about what should be guided when determining which financial product will be most appropriate for a person who wants to increase his funds with the help of a bank deposit. Some people think that the bank’s reliability should be the top priority, while others believe that high interest rates should be the top priority.

Advantages of bank deposits for individuals

Considering this product as a whole, we can note several serious advantages for the average person:

  • Clarity and accessibility. Anyone can take advantage of the offer from a financial institution and place their funds on deposit. Everyone knows what it is, they can freely find the information they are interested in about a specific deposit and bank, and calculate their expected income.
  • Reliability. In comparison with other investment programs and products, only bank deposits have government guarantees of return of funds if problems arise with a particular commercial bank.
  • Guaranteed income. Only bank deposits provide mandatory returns. All other investments are of a different nature; investments in other assets do not guarantee a mandatory profit; they can both become more expensive and cheaper, sometimes causing losses.
  • You can invest almost any amount into a bank deposit; some options start from one ruble. In other forms of investment, you need to own serious capital.

Is everything really so good with bank deposits? What troubles can await our money if we put it on deposit? To answer these questions, we need to delve a little deeper into the realities of the economy.

A short educational program: where do interest come from?

To make money, banks themselves invest in various profitable products. This could be the purchase of highly liquid shares, foreign exchange transactions, lending. Those financial institutions that form their main assets from the loan portfolio are actively attracting funds for deposit. The bank itself makes money on the difference between the interest paid to depositors and what it receives from clients who took out a loan.

Consumer lending is often preferred. Almost anyone can get such a loan without a negative credit history; it is quickly processed and can be issued even without documents confirming the client’s solvency. By the way, you can do it online and for free. The bias towards this segment on the part of banks is understandable; the amounts of such loans are smaller and, accordingly, the risk of non-repayment is lower. To further understand this statement:

  1. with one hundred individual clients who took 10.0 thousand rubles each, the total amount will be 1 million to be issued, of which only a small part will remain outstanding, which is not critical for the bank;
  2. with one hundred legal entity borrowers, the amount can increase significantly, because the needs of business are incomparable with the needs of citizens, and even a 10th part of the non-repayments can already pose a significant risk for the lender.

In addition, consumer loans are beneficial to the bank because they are more expensive.

From this we can easily conclude that it is much safer and more profitable for banks to issue loans to the public. But this only makes the overall problem worse. A quick analysis without much delving into the intricacies of economic subtleties shows that the increase in consumer lending and deposit volumes only worsens the situation:

  • producers and businesses in general have fewer opportunities to obtain borrowed funds;
  • loans for legal entities are becoming more expensive, because banks must pay based on the interest on deposits;
  • loans for the population increase consumer power and, accordingly, indirectly contribute to inflationary processes.

It follows from this that the current situation may be fraught with bankruptcies. How is this expected to happen? Here it should be emphasized that this is only a possible development of events, not a forecast. Imagine that we are facing another round of crisis with all the “delights” of increased inflation, a decline in production, increased unemployment and a decrease in the overall level of income of the population. What will happen to the huge number of consumer loans? Due to the inability to service them, delays and non-payments will begin, which will lead to interruptions in the banking system itself. After all, if there is no influx of money from those who took out the loan, then financial institutions will have nowhere to get the funds necessary to pay interest on deposits and return them.

Of course, there is state insurance of household deposits, under which each depositor is guaranteed to receive their savings (maximum amount - 1.4 million rubles). But there are also some nuances here. From each deposit, the bank that accepted it transfers a certain percentage to the Insurance Fund, which is also supported by the country’s budget. Although, if 2-3 large and systemically important banks really “collapse,” then it is unlikely that there will be enough money in the FSV to return their funds to millions of depositors.

It does not directly follow from this that deposits are an unreliable and unpromising tool for preserving and increasing personal capital.

Advice: If you want to protect your savings as much as possible, then diversify your investments using other investment instruments. And when looking for, do not stop at any one institution, try to cooperate with several. This will reduce the risk of encountering a problem bank and investing all your money in it.

Still, a deposit today is the most accessible and fairly reliable way of investing with a guaranteed income.

What is a bank deposit account for an individual?

The terms bank deposit and bank deposit have a single semantic content - they imply a certain amount of money that is transferred by a citizen to the management of a financial structure in order to generate income as a result of transactions carried out with it. To do this, a special deposit account is opened in the name of the client, a private individual, where his funds “lie”.

Before evaluating by profitability or any other, you should decide on the type of deposit. There are many offers for this type of financial product and it seems that they are completely different. In fact, they are all based on several classic types.

They are divided according to the conditions:

  • Term savings. Investments are made for a specific period; you cannot replenish the amount or withdraw part of it. In this format, as a rule, banks offer the highest percentage on products for individuals.
  • Urgent replenishable. As can be seen from the name, it is possible to add any amount to the deposit body if desired. This option is convenient for those who want to accumulate a certain amount of money by regularly saving funds, and also receive interest.
  • Urgent settlement. In this version, you can perform various transactions with money - both incoming and outgoing. A distinctive feature of this format is that an account of a current type is created for it, not a deposit account. Its advantage in status is that it is not subject to sanctions and restrictions that may be introduced during periods of crisis, for example, a ban on early withdrawal, etc. The rates here are relatively low and can change during the validity period of the deposit; there is a “non-withdrawal” rule required balance.

Deposits are also divided according to the scheme of accrual and payment of interest:

  1. at the end of the deposit period, one-time;
  2. monthly with the possibility of withdrawal;
  3. monthly with capitalization.

The first option usually offers the highest interest rates, because it is the most profitable for banks. Using the funds throughout the entire period, the institution does not spend a penny on their maintenance. In the second subtype, the rates are slightly lower than in the previous one, but it is indispensable for those people who need a constant source of passive income. The third option should be given special attention. Often, products with capitalization are positioned as the most profitable in terms of interest. But it is not always the case. The very concept of capitalization involves the accrual of interest on interest already received on a deposit in previous periods and added to the body of the deposit. The term “compound interest” is fascinating, and one is confident that this approach will yield more as a result. But this is not always the case; in these product formats the rates are usually lower than in the option with payment at the end of the term.

Advice: If you are considering several deposit offers, analyzing or others, looking for the best ones, and if among them there is a version with capitalization, be sure to calculate manually or using another tool the expected result of each of them, and then compare. Perhaps a deposit with interest payment at the end of the term will be more profitable than with capitalization. Then it makes no sense; in all other respects it is identical to the first type. It is not recommended to use online calculators built into official websites; they may not show the whole picture.

Recently, deposits with special conditions have begun to appear:

  • With advance payment of interest. The scheme here is such that the bank and the depositor immediately pay interest, doing this at the time of placing the deposit. The rate in this format is significantly lower than in many others, this is understandable. The product may be in demand when there is a need to receive a certain amount of money immediately without spending your own savings.
  • With a floating interest rate. Its size may depend on various conditions. There are deposits where the amount of accrued income is determined by the placement period. For example, in the first three months there is only one, in the next quarter its size will be 1-2 points larger, and so on, increasing. Here it is advisable to carefully calculate the result and compare it with classic products, where payments are made at the end of the entire deposit period. There are also deposits with floating rates, which depend on various financial indicators - exchange rates, stock indices and the like. Such products require certain knowledge from the depositor so that, if necessary, one can check and challenge the rate set by the bank.

When looking for one for yourself or other regions, do not forget that such a deposit product consists not only of high interest rates. There are a number of criteria that directly affect the result, including intangible ones. Points to pay attention to when choosing a deposit:

  • its type and interest calculation scheme;
  • reliability and rating of the bank;
  • compliance with your specific conditions and objectives;
  • level of service and customer focus in the bank.

Deposits of individuals in 2016 and interest on deposits

First, you need to clarify that all interest rates on deposits are set based on several interrelated factors:

  • inflation growth/decline;
  • increase/decrease in the influx of funds into banks from the population;
  • key rate determined by the Central Bank of the country;
  • competition between financial organizations for depositors.

All these factors are common to almost all countries. In 2016, Russia continues to experience an increase, albeit low, but significant, in inflation, as well as devaluation (depreciation) of the ruble. There is also a downward trend in the level of deposit inflows. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is pursuing a cautious policy in terms of changing the key rate; today it is set at 10.5% per annum and has been reduced for the fifth time since 2014. What does this mean and how does it affect the choice of a profitable deposit and a reliable bank?

Interdependence of the key rate and deposit interest

The rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the indicator from which any bank starts when developing its deposit product. It is at this percentage that the Central Bank of Russia is ready to take deposits of funds and issues loans to commercial private banks. The Central Bank categorically does not recommend that all market players significantly exceed it when making deposits for the population. In his opinion, + 2% is acceptable here. Anything above that is already considered risky, and increased contributions to the Deposit Insurance Fund have been introduced for these products.

In other words, if any commercial bank offers its depositors an interest rate that is 3-3.5-4 or more points higher than the key rate, then you need to be careful here. This is no longer a game entirely according to the recommended rules of the regulator, and such an organization is pursuing a risky policy.

There is also the other side of the coin. All major players in the financial market with deposit products adhere to established regulations, but their interest rates are also low. Sometimes their products look quite poor compared to others offered by medium- or small-sized banks, and when calculating the potential income, there is no guarantee that it will cover inflationary losses. For small and medium-sized banks, increased deposit interest is a tool for competition and attracting customers. Therefore, if you are attracted to a product with high interest rates offered by a financial institution not from the TOP largest, then in order to finally make sure of its reliability, you can conduct an analysis according to the following criteria:

  • financial results of the bank over time;
  • period of work on the market;
  • size of the authorized capital and own assets;
  • founders and beneficiaries, as well as their position;
  • credit and other ratings;
  • clean and distressed assets;
  • the bank’s compliance with the requirements and standards of the Central Bank, as well as its status in the current period. Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Today the regulator is actively “cleansing the ranks” by revoking licenses. It is absolutely not worth entering into a relationship with a problem bank.

Almost all this information can be found on the website of the Central Bank of Russia in the public domain. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the level of reliability not for an individual bank, but by comparing it in a group where similar deposits are offered.

In addition, other aspects can be taken into account. For example, a bank issues, that is, it is a participant in a government program that includes only institutions with a good reputation. This point can also be a plus when determining its level of reliability.

The highest interest rates on deposits

Today, offers often appear - promotional or special products, where banks give good conditions and the most favorable interest rates:

  • “Trust” and its “Generous Interest” - 9.9–10.35% in rubles, depending on the term and amount.
  • “Dynamics” from SMP – up to 10% per annum;
  • “Personal” from Mosoblbank – up to 9.7% in Russian rubles.

The market for deposit products for the population is actively developing, new offers with favorable conditions appear every day. In addition, do not forget about the TOP participants. Deposits for a period of one year are offered by such “whales” as Alfa Bank (“Life Line”, 8.8%), Promsvyazbank (“My Benefit”, 9.5%), “BinBank” (“Maximum interest online ", 10.65%) and some others.

Foreign currency deposits at high interest rates

Today, more than 200 different currency deposits are active, which are offered to us by various banks. Rates vary on average from 2.95% per annum to 0.01%. Small financial institutions give the highest. The big ones, for example, “SB” operate at low levels, despite the fact that it is the largest, oldest and carries out various programs. In terms of accessibility, it is at a high level, as is the issuance of consumer loans. But he takes a cautious position on deposits in foreign currency.

The same picture is observed among other serious market players. Although there are exceptions - “Rosselkhozbank” and “Your income (at the end of the term)” guarantee payment of 3.95% per annum when investing an amount of 3.0 thousand US dollars for a three-year period.

This brief overview should suggest that foreign currency deposits with favorable conditions can be found today. However, it is worth remembering one point that makes them high-risk. In case of bankruptcy, revocation of a license by the regulator, reorganization and other banking problems, the foreign currency deposit will undergo unpleasant metamorphoses. Naturally, it will be paid, because this is guaranteed by the FSV and the state. But there is a big drawback - the calculation will be made in Russian rubles at the exchange rate on the date of the insured event.

Special deposits for pensioners in 2016

Banks have long paid close attention to this category of the population in terms of attracting their savings. They understand that older people, due to their specific nature, know how and want to “save” money. Therefore, many deposit programs and products have been created for them. As a rule, they differ in the following parameters:

  • increased interest rate;
  • loyal conditions for partial withdrawal and replenishment;
  • a relatively smaller, and sometimes even minimal, contribution.

Sberbank, based on the standard products “Save”, “Replenish” and “Manage”, has created special versions for pensioners, where rates are more favorable than for working and able-bodied clients. In addition, the Pension-plus deposit is intended for them.

Current offers from financial institutions can bring on average from 3.0% to 10.0% per annum.

As a conclusion

A bank deposit today, despite the presence of a certain amount of risk associated with the economic situation as a whole, is still one of the most reliable and accessible tools for increasing net worth for individuals. The decision about which product to give preference must be made taking into account how reliable the bank is, as well as based on some other intangible points:

  • Location of the bank and its branches. Sometimes the personal presence of the investor is necessary; it is impossible to perform all the required operations using only remote access. If the office is located in another city and it takes a long time to get there, this reduces the comfort of cooperation.
  • Services and degree of implementation of innovative technologies. To minimize the effort required to communicate with the bank when working with a deposit, you can use online banking and other tools via the Internet, as well as service your deposit, for example, when replenishing it, through ATMs or terminals.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, what many people don't realize is that keeping your savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, people often do not restrain themselves and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only preserve your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock or precious metals market, you do not need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You simply find a suitable offer and sign the contract. Moreover, in most organizations there are no restrictions on minimum contributions, and if there are any, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so you need to familiarize yourself with the text in person before signing it. To do this, ask the bank employees to provide a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and include conditions that are unfavorable for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through a compulsory insurance program. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be paid compensation. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain period of time. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Moreover, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is intended for periodic replenishment (popularly called a “piggy bank”).

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is not profitable for an organization to keep finances for itself, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers for whom the fact of reliability is enough, and potential profits are of little interest to them.

Online assistant

On the website you will find current products on the market. Reliable information is collected here, which our specialists check and update daily. By comparing services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, opening cost and commission, you can make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket on the Runet, successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable solely in the opinion of Banki.ru experts

“Bank of Moscow” offers several profitable deposits for individuals for 2016, interest up to 10.58% per annum.

Excellent programs: with capitalization, with monthly interest withdrawal, with an increase in the rate in subsequent periods, for pensioners and salary clients, etc.

The maximum interest on all bank deposits (10.58% per annum) can be obtained by investing 1.5 million rubles for one year (taking into account capitalization, the “Maximum Income” program).

You also need to know that when opening a deposit through an Internet bank or ATM, a bonus is added to the rate in the form of 0.3% per annum in rubles, and + 0.1% per annum in dollars and euros.

All deposit programs of the Bank of Moscow (law on the “deposit insurance system”).

1. Contribution “Correct answer”– increase in rate by period of term

This deposit can be opened through Internet banking or a bank office.

The minimum opening amount is 100 thousand rubles (a deposit cannot be opened in another currency), the period is 380 days.

As you will see in the table, the rate grows according to the time period (there are four of them), and is equal to from 8.0 to 12.0% per annum (the average for the entire period is 9.75%).

The rate increases during the capitalization process - every 95 days. Interest will be paid to you at the end of the deposit term.

Replenishing and partially withdrawing the deposit is not allowed.

2. Deposit “Maximum income”– maximum annual rate

In this program you can find the maximum rate on all bank deposits, although the deposit amount to receive it is very substantial.

Very low minimum opening amount – 1 thousand rubles, 100 euro-dollar.

The product comes with capitalization (interest is paid at the end of the term) and without it (monthly withdrawal to the card account).

The deposit period is at the client’s choice – from 91 to 1095 days.

In case of early withdrawal - within a period of 180 days - it is paid at a rate equal to 60% of the fixed one (see table below).

I give a table with rates when opening through an Internet bank or an ATM; if you open through an office, subtract 0.3% per annum from the desired value.

Deposit term (days) 91–180 181–364 365 366–547 548–730 731–1094 1095
from 1 000 7,80% / 7,85% 8,70% / 8,86% 8,70% / 9,06% 8,60% / 8,95% 7,30% / 7,69% 7,10% / 7,61% 6,80% / 7,52%
from 200,000 8,00% / 8,05% 8,80% / 8,96% 8,80% / 9,16% 8,70% / 9,06% 7,40% / 7,80% 7,20% / 7,72% 6,90% / 7,64%
from 550,000 8,10% / 8,15% 8,90% / 9,06% 8,90% / 9,27% 8,80% / 9,16% 7,90% / 8,36% 7,70% / 8,30% 7,40% / 8,26%
from 850,000 8,20% / 8,26% 9,20% / 9,38% 9,20% / 9,60% 9,10% / 9,49% 8,10% / 8,58% 7,90% / 8,53% 7,60% / 8,51%
from 500,000 8,30% / 8,36% 10,10% / 10,31% 10,10% / 10,58% 9,70% / 10,14% 8,30% / 8,81% 8,10% / 8,76% 7,80% / 8,76%

Note: in bold in the table, the rates for capitalization are indicated...

3. Deposit “Current pension”– we get income even in 1 day

Truth be told, the interest in this program is quite meager - 4% per annum (but at least this is better than keeping it “in a stocking”).

There is no minimum opening or replenishment limit, interest is paid quarterly.

To open a deposit, you will need to go to the bank office with your Passport and sign an agreement (after studying it first).

4. “Maximum growth” deposit– excellent rate and a sea of ​​bonuses

And the last product, which we would recommend to investors, has the following advantages: a decent “net” rate - up to 9.71% per annum, a small opening amount - 1 thousand rubles, the ability to withdraw up to the “minimum balance” (allowed once, after 180 days ), preferential conditions for early termination (60% of the rate is maintained), the deposit can be replenished, capitalization and monthly withdrawal.

The program also “carries” improved conditions for its salary clients and pensioners.

The deposit can be opened in rubles, dollars (maximum rate - 2.13% per annum), euros (maximum rate - 1.31% per annum).

The deposit period is from 91 to 1095 days, at the request of the depositor client.

Bold font in the table indicates rates with capitalization. These percentages apply when opening a deposit through ATMs or online banking; if you open a deposit through an office, subtract 0.3% per annum from the rate parameter.

Deposit term (days) 91–180 181–364 365 366–547 548–730 731–1094 1095
from 1 000 7,30% / 7,34% 8,50% / 8,65% 8,50% / 8,84% 7,90% / 8,19% 6,30% / 6,59% 6,10% / 6,47% 5,80% / 6,32%
from 200,000 7,50% / 7,55% 8,60% / 8,75% 8,60% / 8,95% 8,10% / 8,41% 6,40% / 6,70% 6,20% / 6,58% 5,90% / 6,44%
from 550,000 7,60% / 7,65% 8,70% / 8,86% 8,70% / 9,06% 8,30% / 8,62% 6,90% / 7,25% 6,70% / 7,15% 6,40% / 7,04%
from 850,000 7,70% / 7,75% 9,10% / 9,27% 9,10% / 9,49% 8,60% / 8,95% 7,10% / 7,47% 6,90% / 7,38% 6,60% / 7,28%
from 1,500,000 7,80% / 7,85% 9,30% / 9,48% 9,30% / 9,71% 8,80% / 9,16% 7,30% / 7,69% 7,10% / 7,61% 6,80% / 7,52%

If you are not satisfied with the conditions or rates at the Bank of Moscow, then we advise you to look

A strict savings regime, hard work, an inheritance or a gift can help you have a free amount of money, which can be used in a variety of ways: hide the money in a secret place, invest in a business, buy real estate, etc. Recently, deposits in Moscow have become increasingly popular. They allow you to guarantee the preservation of capital, including through state insurance, as well as receive additional income in the form of interest paid.

Deposit rates in Moscow banks

Since interest on deposits in Moscow largely determines how much of the deposit will be added to the original one, many consider them the most important condition for the deposit and, on this basis, make the choice of program and bank.

Of course, deposit rates have a big impact on the profitability of deposits in Moscow, but not only they can reduce or increase your profit. Thus, the type of deposit itself can greatly affect the profitability of the entire deposit program:

  • time deposits with a strict limitation on the storage period for savings are characterized by the highest interest rates;
  • permanent or short-term deposits are usually accompanied by lower rates on deposits in Moscow banks.

Thus, if you want to open a deposit at high interest rates, then try to plan your budget wisely in order to be prepared to comply with certain restrictions:

  • a ban on closing a bank deposit in Moscow before the deadline;
  • prohibition on partial withdrawal of funds placed on the deposit.

Violation of these rules for deposits in Moscow banks may lead to penalties from the bank and a reduction in the initial rate.

In addition, you can choose the interest payment period. There are several options:

  • daily;
  • once a week;
  • once a month;
  • once a quarter;
  • only at the end of the term.

All interest on deposits of individuals in Moscow is accrued daily, but may differ from each other by the presence of capitalization.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in?

In 2020, many banks are working with deposits: Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank, Alfa Bank, etc.

To open a deposit in Moscow on the best terms, you will have to spend time studying all current options, making calculations, and consulting with experts.

The deposit calculator on this page will help you quickly obtain all the necessary information on current deposits:

  1. Enter your deposit requirements.
  2. Get a complete list of current deposits in Moscow banks updated for today.

After this, you will be able to make an informed choice, as well as immediately submit an online application for the selected deposit program.

It's no secret that everyone has at least one issued loan: many of us are accustomed to living “on credit.” However, recently the financial literacy of the population has been growing: we are starting to look for other options for optimizing and replenishing our budget. Foreign currency deposits in Moscow are becoming increasingly popular. By converting savings into foreign currency, they protect against capital depreciation, and through interest payments, they allow you to generate income.

Interest on multicurrency deposits in Moscow

If you decide to open a foreign currency deposit in Moscow, then do not rush to take your money to the first bank that promises big income due to the highest rates on deposits in foreign currency. In fact, in order to assess the level of profitability of a deposit, you need to study all the nuances of its functioning:

  1. You give the bank your savings (a minimum limit is set for each deposit) for a certain period (there are options for permanent deposits, which can be closed at any time).
  2. During this period, the bank is not only guaranteed to keep your savings in a specified currency, but also actively uses them as part of its capital.
  3. As soon as you want to withdraw money, the bank takes it out of its circulation and gives it to you with interest in the deposit currency.

As a result, foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks should be considered as a set of conditions such as amount, term and interest, which can be obtained precisely because the bank has the opportunity to use the amount on deposit within a certain period. Consequently, the more comfortable the conditions of your multi-currency deposit in Moscow or a deposit in one foreign currency for the bank, the higher interest on deposits in foreign currency you can receive.

Accordingly, high interest rates on foreign currency deposits in Moscow imply some restrictions for the client:

  • since the bank has already planned that it will use your money for a certain period, it establishes a ban on closing the deposit before this period;
  • if suddenly the deposit is open-ended, then the bank still sets a period during which it must be notified about the closure so that it can painlessly get the required amount from circulation;
  • During the term of the agreement, you cannot withdraw part of the money placed on the deposit.

For compliance with these conditions, the bank pays the highest interest rates, but for violation it can reduce the initial rate to the minimum possible. Therefore, carefully evaluate your financial capabilities before opening a deposit.

Which bank in Moscow is better to open a deposit in foreign currency?

To open a multi-currency deposit or a deposit in one foreign currency, you will have to spend some time searching and collecting all the necessary information on the options presented on the market (Sberbank, VTB, and almost all Moscow banks work with deposits in foreign currency).

To find and choose your most profitable option for individuals' deposits in foreign currency in Moscow as quickly and effortlessly as possible, use special online deposit calculators for foreign currency deposits in Moscow. Based on your individual requirements, which you enter in the appropriate form, the system will select and display a complete list of suitable deposit options for 2020.

As a result, in one place for each current deposit option you will receive the following information:

  • validity period of the deposit;
  • interest rate (per year);
  • final income (for a specified period: usually a year).

You can quickly make the right and informed choice, and then immediately submit an online application for a deposit in foreign currency and proceed to registration.