Room requirements for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler. How to hang a gas boiler on the wall, how to properly install a wall-mounted gas boiler

Wall-mounted gas boiler closed type 24 kW. At what distance from the side wall should the boiler be hung? Which SNiP are we guided by in 2015?

Good question, Thank you. There are many misconceptions on this topic on the Internet, it will be useful to understand.

“Which SNiP are we guided by in 2015?” Oddly enough, none, if we are talking about Russian Federation. In the good old SNiP 2.04.08-87, which was in force in various editions until 2002, in the section “Gas supply of residential buildings” the following was written:

We see that the distance between the gas wall-mounted boiler and a wall - 10 cm, provided that it is made of non-combustible materials. However, the SNiP of 1987 has lost force and today SP 62.13330.2011 is in force instead. The new rules do not even mention the distance between the boiler and the wall. There is logic in this, because modern gas heat generators are very different from those produced a quarter of a century ago. Boiler body with closed camera combustion heats up significantly less. The only document that you can definitely rely on today is the installation and operating instructions gas boiler. And for each boiler model, the manufacturer indicates individual data, for example:

Wall mounted Bosch boilers Gaz 7000W series, both closed and open camera combustion chambers should be located no closer than 10 cm from the wall, as in old Soviet standards

Beretta Ciao series boilers must not be hung closer than 3 cm from the side wall

Buderus Logamax plus can be mounted flush against the wall

Everything is clear - we strictly follow the instructions. But occasionally there are wall-mounted gas boilers, in the manuals of which there is no indication at all about the minimum required distance to the wall. In this case, for boilers with a closed combustion chamber, we advise you to focus on the provisions of the joint venture on the need to ensure convenient maintenance of the heating unit. The boiler casing must be freely dismantled. You will have to study the design of the boiler. On some models, to remove the cover, you need to unscrew several screws on the side. This means that you should leave a space to the wall sufficient for a screwdriver to fit there, about 15 cm. We recommend hanging boilers for which the distance is not specified no closer than 10 cm from the wall, even if this is not necessary for maintenance. It will be easier to formalize commissioning; the inspector will not have any questions.

However, it should be borne in mind that individual regions have the right to adopt their own regulations(instructions) partially replacing federal standards. We are not aware that today regional standards limit the distances from the boiler to building structures, but we still recommend that you consult with a specialist just in case. local branch Ministry of Gas.

Nowadays, many residents of high-rise buildings and their own homes install all kinds of heating devices.

The most common are gas ones. But before that you need to visit many authorities and obtain permission.

The boiler cannot be installed anywhere, there are certain rules for this

The requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler in a private house are specified in the SNiP on Gas Supply.

Please note that the document this moment, is not quoted but, nevertheless, contains the necessary information for owners of their own homes. Additional required standards for installation are set out in the section “About boiler installations”.

Before obtaining permission to connect, it is necessary to go through certain approval stages. Without approval, connection to the gas supply is impossible.

What approval stages will you have to go through:

  • The first stage concerns technical specifications. To connect to main pipes, you need to write a corresponding application to the gas inspectorate of your area. In your application, indicate the estimated hourly volume of gas you will need. Registration of the document takes from 7 to 14 days.
  • If the application is positive, you will be provided with a list of all those. conditions that must be met for connection. The document is official and is permission to install equipment, subject to all safety standards and other requirements.
  • Next, a special project for installing the unit is being developed - “Gas supply”. This is the complete wiring diagram gas pipes from the indoor connection point to the required communications in the city. Developed for residential buildings additional circuit, which shows the entire pipe structure individually up to the point of entry into the housing.
  • All project drawings must be approved by Gorgaz. Depending on the complexity of the pipeline system, it takes from 7 to 90 days to make a decision.

You must also provide the following to the relevant inspection:

  • original technical passport of the boiler you purchased
  • operating instructions for the same boiler
  • certificate of compliance with technical requirements
  • examination results on the compliance of the device with all standards

All documents are provided by the manufacturer of the device being tested.

Thus, if the project is approved, it is certified with the appropriate seal. If the project is not accepted, you will receive a document indicating the reasons for the project’s refusal, as well as a list of all necessary edits for approval upon re-checking.

  • On flammable surfaces.
  • In the corridors of the premises, be it a residential building or an apartment.
  • In bathroom.
  • In the dormitories.
  • In rooms without windows for ventilation.
  • In the basement of a private house and balcony.

In general, the main conditions for project approval are:

  • The area of ​​the room where the device will be located must exceed 4 m2.
  • The door to the room must be wider than 0.80 m, and the ceiling height must exceed 2.5 m.
  • Good illumination (0.3 m 2 window space per 10 m 3 area;
  • Availability of running water pipeline.
  • The walls of the room must be plastered and smooth.

Kitchen requirements for a wall-mounted boiler

Most often, a gas boiler is placed in the kitchen, and to save space it is hung on the wall.

But there are also certain norms and rules for this:

  • The ceiling height should be more than two meters.
  • The total size of the room must be more than 7.5 square meters. m.
  • Availability of working ventilation and balcony.

If the room standards do not quite correspond to those prescribed, then you need to call the gas inspection commission so that they look and offer you boiler installations.

Requirements for a floor-standing boiler

It is important to use floor-standing boilers in private homes, since they require a specially equipped room.

To install a floor-standing boiler, the following requirements must be met:

  • Availability of ventilation under the ceiling.
  • The area of ​​the boiler room is at least four square meters. m.
  • Availability of a sealed chimney.
  • Separate electrical panel for lighting.

Standards for wooden premises

To install the unit, there are special requirements for the room for installing a gas boiler in wooden house. In particular, if the device has a power of less than 60 kW, in this case it must be at least 27 m 3.

Installation of a boiler in such a room is permitted if all technical requirements are met. conditions. For example, you can install it in the kitchen by hanging it on wooden wall.

With a device power of 60 to 150 kW, it is installed exclusively in a separate room, such as a basement. For installation, the wall and support must be fireproof.

To summarize, we can say that the ideal place to place a gas boiler is the kitchen. It is this place that meets all the required standards and, when connected to cold and hot water, will save a significant part of your money. For those devices that are placed on the floor, according to the rules, a separate room is required.

The selection of a boiler and installation standards are described in detail in the video:

Installing a mounted boiler, how to hang a gas boiler on the wall

Installation of wall gas equipment may create certain difficulties that will have to be resolved before its installation. What requirements do the gas and fire services have regarding this? What must be taken into account if installation is required in a wooden house? How to hang a gas boiler on the wall? Below are some of the most common situations that can significantly complicate the installation process and which require knowledge of the requirements and rules regarding the installation of gas equipment.

How to hang a boiler on a wooden wall

boiler on a wooden wall Wood is a strong enough material to support the weight of the boiler. Therefore, the main problem, as a rule, is compliance with the requirements for imparting fire-resistant properties to the surface on which it is mounted. What can be done for this?
  1. Sew a steel sheet onto the wall. Gas wall-mounted boilers attached to a wooden wall, in this case through an iron layer. To increase the strength of the connection, it is recommended to sew a beam, 10*10 cm, under the sheet.
  2. Slate sheet. This material also has good fire-resistant properties. To give aesthetic value, after installation it can be refined ceramic tiles. Another option to use for these purposes CBPB slabs 2-3 cm thick.

Gas wall fittings come standard with anchors or other mounting materials. It is best to hang the boiler with their help.

How to hang a boiler on an aerated concrete wall

heating boiler on a wall made of foam blocks. Aerated concrete is a porous building material that can crack, split, crumble, etc. due to excessive load. Therefore, installing a gas boiler on a wall made of aerated concrete blocks is usually carried out not using the anchor method, but using a welding structure. It is best that the metal base in this case is attached not to one wall, but to two at once. This distributes the pressure more evenly. It is possible to do without using a metal frame and can use:
  1. Chemical anchor. Such fasteners can be used for any types of hollow building materials: foam concrete, hollow brick.
  2. Screws. Special screws for aerated concrete are a dowel with fastener has a screw attachment.

Another possible variant The way out of this situation is to hang the wall-mounted boiler on a specially made wall. In this case, solid brick is laid, after which the surface is plastered.

How to hang a boiler on a concrete or brick wall

The gas boiler is attached to a concrete or brick wall using conventional anchors that come with the equipment. The base of concrete and brick (with the exception of hollow bricks) is strong enough to withstand significant loads. Therefore, installing a gas wall-mounted boiler in this case is not difficult. The main requirements for installation are a blank wall, preferably a load-bearing one, as well as strict adherence to clearances from the floor and side walls.

At what height is a wall-mounted boiler installed?

There are certain requirements that employees pay attention to. gas service when issuing permission to operate the product. So Special attention focuses on the following issues:
  • Height from the floor. Wall-mounted gas boilers are installed at a height of no less than 1.2 m from the floor level. This requirement is the most stringent; the others receive a little less attention.
  • Distance from walls. The distance to the nearby side wall must be at least 25 cm. This space provides unobstructed access to the housing in case of necessary repairs.
  • Distance to others gas devices. The recommended distance to another is set household appliances. Electrical appliances and stoves should not be in close proximity. Correctly installing a wall-mounted gas boiler in this case means securing it away from them with a minimum distance of about 100 cm. Although this instruction is advisory in some regions, the gas inspection requires its strict adherence.
  • Distance to hood. According to the requirements, the chimney duct should not be located adjacent to the gas exhaust pipe in the boiler itself. Minimum distance two diameters of the chimney.

The first start-up of gas equipment must be carried out in the presence of a gas inspector. He will check its functionality and compliance of the installation with all existing standards, after which he will put the device into operation.

And a little more about the norms

installation of a mounted boiler If it is not possible to allocate space for the boiler room separate room, in most cases the kitchen is used for these purposes. hallway, bathroom, etc. You can independently install a wall-mounted gas boiler in other rooms, provided:
  • The room is not residential.
  • Basement and semi-basement premises are not used, except in cases where this is provided for in the technical design of the building.
  • Has more than 6 m² of area.
  • Ceiling height is at least 2.2 m, recommended 2.4 m.
  • The room has windows with an opening window.
  • There are exhaust valves on the door. Air circulation occurs in the specified volume.

Although the basic codes and regulations regarding installation remain the same, some requirements may change depending on the instructions of the local fire marshal.

Gas workers themselves can help you learn more about how to properly hang a gas boiler. Compliance with these requirements is necessary for the safe operation of the product.