Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky biography. Robert Rozhdestvensky: biography, personal life, creativity

    Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky Date of birth: June 20, 1932 Place of birth: s. Kosikha, Altai Territory, USSR Date of death: August 20, 1994 (62 years old) Place of death ... Wikipedia

    - (1932 94) Russian poet. Citizenship, journalistic orientation of the lyrics: collections To the Same Age (1962), Voice of the City (1977), This is the Time (1983), Age (1988); poems Requiem (1961), Letter to the Thirtieth Century (1963), 210 Steps (1978); popular... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. June 20, 1932, village of Kosikha, Altai Territory), Russian Soviet poet. Born into a military family, he was raised in orphanages. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. M. Gorky (1956). Published since 1950. The first collection of poems is “Flags of Spring”... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (b. 1932), poet. Author of lyrical collections (“To the same age” 1962, “Radius of Action” 1965), poems (“Letter to the Thirtieth Century” 1963, “Dedication” 1969), author of lyrics of popular songs. Worked in feature and animation films. Member of the jury of the 26th and 32nd IFF in... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    - (1932 1994), Russian poet. Citizenship, journalistic orientation of the lyrics: collections “To the Same Age” (1962), “Voice of the City” (1977), “This Time” (1983), “Age” (1988), “Insomnia” (1991); poems “Letter to the Thirtieth Century” (1963), “Requiem”... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Genus. 1932, d. 1994. Soviet poet. Works: “Requiem” (poem, 1961), “To a Peer” (collection, 1962), “Letter to the Thirtieth Century” (poem, 1963), “Voice of the City” (collection, 1977), “210 Steps” (poem ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (1932, village of Koshikha, Troitsky district, Altai Territory 1994, Peredelkino), poet. From a military family. From 1950 he studied at the Faculty of Philology of Petrozavodsk University, in 1951 1956 in Moscow, lived in a hostel... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    ROZHDESTVENSKY Robert Ivanovich- (b. 1932), Russian Soviet poet. Member CPSU since 1977. Poems “My Love” (1955), “Requiem” (1961), “Letter to the Thirtieth Century” (1963), “Poem about Different Points of View” (1967), “Before Your Coming. A poem about love" (1968), "Dedication" (1969), "210 steps" ... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

And tomorrow the war will come...

There is hardly anyone who has not heard the famous composition “Moments” performed by Joseph Kabzon, or “Huge Sky” sung by Edita Piekha. The creativity of great pop figures, which left a mark on the souls of many people. Who is behind these lines?

This creativity comes from the heart, which found itself at the epicenter of the most terrible and serious events of the 20th century. And this heart beat in the chest of Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Answering the question of where Robert Rozhdestvensky was born, it is worth mentioning the small Altai village of Kosikha. Dad, Stanislav Petkevich, originally from Poland, served under the state. Directorate of the NKVD, the real name of Robert Rozhdestvensky is Petkevich. Mom, Vera Fedorova, ran the school and received a medical education. On Robert Rozhdestvensky's birthday the weather was warm. The nationality of Robert Rozhdestvensky is a mixture of Polish and Russian blood.

Before the onset of the war, the family lived in Omsk. In 1937, Robert Rozhdestvensky’s parents decide to divorce, he remains with his mother and grandmother. According to the poet himself, one of the most powerful impressions of childhood is war.

My father is immediately called up to the front, my mother, by that time, a qualified physician, also leaves to serve. From this moment the creative biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky begins. It was to his father and mother, who left to fight, that in 1941 young Robert Petkevich dedicated his work “My Dad Goes on a Hiking With a Rifle.” His teacher takes the poem to the local newspaper, it is published and a fee of 13 rubles is paid.

He immediately donates the entire amount to the defense fund. In 1943, his grandmother dies and his aunt looks after him. In 1944, the mother returned and took the child to her unit. But on the way he changes his mind and leaves him in the Moscow children's reception center. In 1945, she returns for him, along with her stepfather Ivan Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky, after which the parents change the child’s patronymic and surname. Due to his father's service, the family constantly moves, Kaliningrad, Vienna, Leningrad region. In 1948 they stopped in Karelia.

Student time and the society of brave poets

In his own opinion, Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky was a shy teenager. Poetry helped him reveal himself and reach everyone. When he learned about the literary institute in Moscow, he clearly understood his future goal of admission. In 1950, I prepared hard and for a long time, collected all the necessary documents, but was refused. In the same year, the young poet’s first publication took place, in the magazines “At the Frontier” and “New World”. He enters the history department of Petrozavodsk University. Actively involved in sports: basketball, volleyball. He understands that the craving for literature has not weakened and in 1951 he resubmits documents to the literary institute, now successfully.

This year is significant in the biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky, meeting outstanding, but still young and completely unknown people: Evgeny Yevtushenko, Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Voznesensky, a little later Bulat Okudzhava - they will be beautifully called the “golden five”. It was in 1951 that fate presented the most important gift, a meeting with Alla Kireeva, the poet’s chosen one. Two years later, Alla Kireeva and Robert Rozhdestvensky get married.

In 1955, the collection “Flags of Spring” and the first poem “My Love” were published. Over time, more and more new publications are born on burning topics of that time, in total there are more than seventy of them.

Criticism of free speech, unbroken spirit

In 1963, the second meeting of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev with representatives of the intelligentsia took place in the Kremlin, which was attended by many representatives of art - sculptors, artists, and poets. This event was remembered by many thanks to the unprecedented criticism of the country's leader against creative people. The work of Robert Rozhdestvensky is condemned, N. Khrushchev calls on him to change his views, for his poem “Yes, boys,” which was a response to the work “No, boys” by Nikolai Gribachev. After that they try to forget about him.

But he continued to write, and in 1965 he published the collection “Range of Action.” A year later he received the Golden Crown award in Macedonia. The creative biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky is crowned with awards.

Along with popularity comes the attention of fans. For some time there were rumors about a close relationship between Robert Rozhdestvensky and Bella Akhmadulina. But the poet’s inner circle considers them complete nonsense. Robert Rozhdestvensky never had any chance meetings or mistresses.
Rozhdestvensky was invited to the 21st Cannes Film Festival as a member of the jury in 1968, after which he took part in the judging committee twice more (1973, 1979)

At the turn of the 70-90s, his work was closely connected with the stage; he collaborated with many composers and singers, as a result of which there were many songs that made idols of several generations popular. He writes lyrics for famous films: “The Elusive Avengers”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”. Works on television.

In 1981 he compiled a collection of poems by Vladimir Vysotsky “Nerve”.

Here is an example of Rozhdestvensky's poetry ( A beautiful woman is a profession):

A beautiful woman is a profession.
And if it is still not arranged,
she is condemned and every version
has its unconditional supporters.
To her, who has been fed not by fables since childhood,
to remain alone, and therefore powerless,
much scarier, much more dangerous,
than if she were not considered beautiful.
Let them leaf through past novels to their heart's content,
let the ugly girls rave about visiting princes.
And in the rare profession of a fabulous woman
there are skills, secrets, and strict principles.
She walks silently along the trembling street,
sits as if on a throne with sworn friends.
We have to live - being shot every day
hints, rumors, sighs, glances.
She smiles cheerfully at her friends.
Friends will answer and immediately be offended...
A beautiful woman is a profession,
And everything else is pure amateurism.

Personal life of the poet

After painting in 1953, the family of Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva was formed. Robert Rozhdestvensky’s wife, Alla Kireeva, studied in the same course with him. She would later become a respected literary critic. But for him she was always a wonderful muse, a guiding star that led him to home, wherever the road led him. The poet's later work changes its character towards greater lyricism and tenderness, largely thanks to the wife of Robert Rozhdestvensky.

Alla Kireeva was always with him, in his bright student years, at the zenith of his glory, in times of adversity and disfavor of the party, when he had to leave Moscow, when he had to write on the table. She did not leave and believed in him, always.

The personal life of Robert Rozhdestvensky was not covered in the press of that time; the culture was completely different. We can learn about its details from interviews with him, his contemporaries and his close circle. The golden five of poets of the Sixties consisted of 4 men and 1 woman, Bella Akhmadulina. And behind the scenes, in a secular creative environment, the possible relationship between Bella Akhmadulina and Robert Rozhdestvensky was discussed. But despite everything, they were good friends and nothing more.

To many, the life of a public person may seem like a holiday: the attention of fans, publications in various publications, popularity. But Robert Rozhdestvensky's personal life was focused on his wife and children.

Family fortress, legacy

Family occupies an important place in the biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky. He constantly compared his life to a journey, and the destination of the journey always led to home. Neither the harsh life of student life, nor star popularity and wealth could separate Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva; their personal lives belonged only to them and their children.

Many people know how many children Robert Rozhdestvensky has; two bright stars shone in their family: Ekaterina in 1957 and Ksenia in 1970. The youngest daughter of Robert Rozhdestvensky graduated from Moscow State University, is engaged in journalism, is the author of the book “The Key to the Library of Ivan the Terrible”, published in many respected printed and online publications.

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya, graduated from MGIMO, speaks excellent English and French. A professional photographer, he is the editor of 7 Days magazine. After graduating from university, she was engaged in translating foreign literature, and has more than 10 adaptations of popular works to her credit.

In her memoirs, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya said that their house was always full of guests, songs and laughter.

For several years, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya lived with her husband Dmitry Biryukov in India, where their first-born Alexey was born. After a fire in her parents' house in 1998, in which her father's priceless archive was destroyed, Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya decides to change her professional profile and begins to engage in photography. She manages to create a unique photo composition “Private Collection”.

Ekaterina Robertovna Christmas happy wife, proud mother of 3 sons, two of them Alexey (1986) and Dmitry (1989) found their grandfather alive, Danila was born in 2001, but they all honor his memory. Both the children and grandchildren of Robert Rozhdestvensky are well brought up, well educated and proudly represent his legacy. Thanks to the descendants, the family of Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva will grow, they will always be remembered.

Gone from life, but not from hearts

The last few years of the poet’s life were filled with the fight against illness. In 1990 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Thanks to the skill of French neurosurgeons, Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky was granted several more years. On a warm summer day on August 19, 1994, when Robert Rozhdestvensky died, the sun was shining, probably as warm as the day he came into this world. The poetry of Robert Rozhdestvensky touched the lives of many people, called to remember the feat of our people and drew attention to the beauty of our souls.

The memory of the poet is not erased, the folk trail is not overgrown, the Peredelkinskoye cemetery, where Robert Rozhdestvensky is buried, is always clean, and there are fresh flowers near the gravestone.

His memory lives in the hearts of several generations of people from all over the world.

Name: Robert Rozhdestvensky

Age: 62 years old

Place of Birth: Kosikha village, Altai Territory

A place of death: Moscow

Activity: poet, translator

Family status: was married to Alla Kireeva

Robert Rozhdestvensky - biography

The Soviet period in Russian history gave birth to a wonderful poet. Many ceremonial events began and ended with his poems. Poems were heard from the stage and on the radio, famous composers combined poems with music. What was the biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky, and who instilled in him a passion for poetry is interesting to know for every poetry lover.

Years of childhood, family and first acquaintance with poetry

A distant village in Altai, hot summer of 1932, a boy is born, who at birth received the name Robert. His father, Pole Petkevich, served in the ranks of internal affairs. The mother is a school director who simultaneously studied medicine at the institute. The son’s patriotic revolutionary name did not save the parents’ marriage; as soon as the baby was five years old, they divorced. When the war rumbled, father and mother were called to the front. The father did not return from the battlefield; he was buried in a mass grave on the territory of Latvia. At the age of nine, Robert dedicated his first poem to his heroically deceased father.

It is published, the boy receives the first fee in his life. He transfers it to the Defense Fund. Schoolchildren organized concerts for wounded soldiers in hospitals and clinics in the city. Robert was among the concert participants. All the time the boy lived with his grandmother, after her death in 1943, Robert was sent to an orphanage. When the war ended, the mother and her new husband Rozhdestvensky Ivan took their son, then Robert got a brother. The officer adopted the eldest son of his beloved woman and tried to replace his own father. The family settled in Königsberg, then went to Leningrad, and later to Petrozavodsk.

The work of Robert Rozhdestvensky

The poems published in the magazine “At the Turnover” can be considered the beginning of a poetic biography. Robert was eighteen years old at that time. The guy is trying to enroll in the literary department in Moscow, but he failed. All that remains is to start studying at your native university. Robert makes a second attempt, he is a student, and after a certain period of time he is a graduate. The future poet at the university composes enough poems for his first collection of poetry. A year later the first poem appeared, and then the first song. Many songs were popular in the Soviet Union. Literary critics saw that a new star was being born on poetic Olympus, they rejoiced at this event, and were afraid of new trends.

Universal recognition

Rozhdestvensky is considered one of the poets of the sixties, but there were few of them. These were outstanding poets of their time: Bella Akhmadulina, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Andrei Voznesensky.

Patriotism, bordering on pathos, filled the entire work of this group of poets. Gradually, love lyrics take over the poetic line of Robert Rozhdestvensky. But this is not the end of the great poet. He cares about absolutely everything:
relationship between people,
work days,
human feelings in their diversity,

Many of the poet’s poems became immortal because they turned into songs that everyone knew and loved; they sounded and continue to sound on screens in many famous films. And the soulful song “Echo of Love,” first performed by Anna German, is also loved by modern singers. The entire life of the Soviet people was reflected in the poet’s work.

Song "Echo of Love" based on verses by Robert Rozhdestvensky

Awards and social activities

Rozhdestvensky’s work has been repeatedly recognized with well-deserved awards. During his lifetime he received the Lenin Komsomol and State Prizes. The poet restored the good names of many talented individuals, of whom the people of Russia are now proud. He more than once headed the Commission on the Literary Heritage of Poets who fell into disgrace. Thanks to Rozhdestvensky’s social activities, the names of Osip Mandelstam, Marina Tsvetaeva, and Vladimir Vysotsky began to sound. With the help of the poet, literary house-museums were opened, books of many songwriters were published.

Robert Rozhdestvensky - biography of personal life

The poet was faithful to only one woman all his life. His only wife is the famous literary critic and artist Alla Borisovna Kireeva. The family raised two daughters, Ekaterina and Ksenia. Each of them found her calling: Katya is multifaceted and talented (she is a translator, an excellent photographer and an excellent journalist), Ksenia is satisfied with her work as a journalist.

Death of poet

The poet’s family had a hard time when the diagnosis was announced: a malignant brain tumor. The best doctors in France performed an operation on Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky. The postoperative period lasted four full years. The poet continued to write. The result of death was a heart attack. So the biography of the famous favorite of the poetic muse has ended. The last page has closed, but his creativity will not allow the great genius of rhyme to die forever. The poet and his people have gone through and experienced too much. And this is impossible to forget.

The name was given in honor of Robert Eiche.

Father, Stanislav Nikodimovich Petkevich, a Pole by nationality, worked in the OGPU - NKVD. Divorced Robert's mother when he was five years old. Killed in battle in Latvia on February 22, 1945 (lieutenant, platoon commander of the 257th separate engineer battalion of the 123rd Infantry Division; buried “250 m south of the village of Mashen, Temerovsky district, Latvian SSR”).

Mother, Vera Pavlovna Fedorova (1913-2001), before the war, was the director of a rural elementary school, and at the same time studied at a medical institute. Since 1934, Robert has lived with his parents and grandmother in Omsk. At the beginning of the war, my mother was called to the front. With his mother leaving for war, Robert remains with his grandmother Nadezhda Alekseevna Fedorova. Robert’s first publication was the poem “My dad goes on a hike with a rifle...” (“Omskaya Pravda,” July 8, 1941). Grandmother dies in April 1943, and Vera Pavlovna comes for a short vacation to register her sister in her apartment. Robert lived with his aunt and cousin until 1944. Then the mother decides to take her son to her, registering him as the son of the regiment. However, on the way, in Moscow, he changes his mind, and Robert ends up in the Danilovsky children's reception center.

In 1943 he studied at the military music school.

In 1945, Vera Pavlovna married a fellow soldier, officer Ivan Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky (1899-1976). Robert receives his stepfather's surname and patronymic. His parents take him to Königsberg, where they both serve. After the Victory, the Rozhdestvenskys moved to Leningrad, and in 1948 to Petrozavodsk.

In 1950, the first adult publications of Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poems appeared in the magazine “At the Turnover” (Petrozavodsk). In the same year, Rozhdestvensky tries to enter the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, but unsuccessfully. He studies for a year at the historical and philological department of Petrozavodsk State University. In 1951, on his second attempt, the poet managed to enter the Literary Institute (graduated in 1956), and he moved to Moscow. In 1955, the young poet’s book “Flags of Spring” was published in Karelia. A year later, the poem “My Love” was published here. In 1955, Robert, while practicing in Altai, met conservatory student Alexander Flyarkovsky, with whom the poet Rozhdestvensky’s first song, “Your Window,” was created. In 1972, Robert Rozhdestvensky received the Lenin Komsomol Prize. In 1979 he was awarded the State Prize. Member of the CPSU since 1977.

Since 1986 - Chairman of the Commission on the Literary Heritage of Osip Mandelstam, was directly involved in the case of the rehabilitation of O. E. Mandelstam. Chairman of the Commission on the Literary Heritage of Marina Tsvetaeva, achieved the opening of the Tsvetaeva House Museum in Moscow. Chairman of the Commission on the Literary Heritage of Vladimir Vysotsky, compiler of the first book of Vysotsky’s poems “Nerve” published in the USSR (1981).

On August 19, 1994, Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky dies in Moscow from a heart attack. He was buried in Peredelkino.

In the same year, the collection “The Last Poems of Robert Rozhdestvensky” was published in Moscow.

In 1997, the name of Rozhdestvensky was assigned to a minor planet registered in the international catalog of minor planets under No. 5360.


Robert Rozhdestvensky entered literature together with a group of talented peers, among whom Evgeny Yevtushenko, Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Voznesensky, and Vladimir Tsybin stood out. Young poetry of the 1950s began with catchy manifestos, trying to establish itself in the minds of readers as quickly as possible. The stage helped her: the very verse of her youth could not exist without sound. But above all, we were captivated by the civic and moral pathos of this internally diverse lyric, the poetic view that affirms the personality of the creative person at the center of the universe.

A characteristic property of Rozhdestvensky’s poetry is its constantly pulsating modernity, the living relevance of the questions that he poses to himself and to us. These questions concern so many people that they instantly resonate in a wide variety of circles. If you arrange Rozhdestvensky’s poems and poems in chronological order, you can be convinced that the poet’s lyrical confession reflects some essential features characteristic of our social life, its movement, maturity, spiritual gains and losses.

Gradually, the external overcoming of difficulties, the entire geographical surroundings of youth literature of that time, are replaced by another mood - the search for internal integrity, solid moral and civic support. Journalism bursts into Rozhdestvensky’s poems, and with it the never-fading memory of his wartime childhood: this is where history and personality came together dramatically for the first time, largely determining the future fate and character of the lyrical hero.

In the poet's poems about childhood there is a biography of an entire generation, its fate, which was decisively determined by the mid-1950s, a time of serious social changes in Soviet life.

Love lyrics occupy a large place in the work of Robert Rozhdestvensky. His hero is intact here, as in other manifestations of his character. This does not mean at all that when entering the zone of feeling, he does not experience dramatic contradictions and conflicts. On the contrary, all of Rozhdestvensky’s poems about love are filled with anxious heartbeats. The path to his beloved is always a difficult path for a poet; this is, in essence, the search for the meaning of life, the one and only happiness, the path to oneself.

Began publishing in 1950. In numerous collections he showed himself as one of the representatives (along with E. A. Evtushenko, A. A. Voznesensky, B. A. Akhmadulina and others) of “young poetry” of the 1950-1960s, whose work was distinguished not only by sincerity and the freshness of the poetic language, but also a pronounced civic spirit, high pathos, scale and contrast of the image, combined with a certain rationalism. Addressing current poetic themes (the struggle for peace, overcoming social injustice and national enmity, the lessons of the Second World War), problems of space exploration, the beauty of human relationships, moral and ethical obligations, the difficulties and joys of everyday life, foreign impressions, Rozhdestvensky with his energetic, With a pathetic, “fighting” letter, he acted as a successor to the traditions of V.V. Mayakovsky.

Over the years, moving away from his characteristic declarative nature and diversifying the rhythmic structure of the verse, Rozhdestvensky, in an organic fusion of journalistic expressiveness and lyricism, created many lyrics for popular songs (“Peace”, “Become the way I want”, “Pursuit” from the film “New Adventures of the Elusive” , 1968, director E. G. Keosayan, “Undiscovered Islands”, “Huge Sky”, “Sweet Berry”, “I Wish You”, etc., including songs for the plays and operettas “The Naked King”, music by T. N. Khrennikova, “Charley’s Aunt”, music by O. B. Feltsman, “Nils’ Journey with Wild Geese”, music by V. Ya. Shainsky). D. B. Kabalevsky wrote music to the words of the poem “Requiem”. He left behind a book of literary criticism, “The conversation will be about a song.”

Translated foreign and Soviet poets.

Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky collaborated with many composers over the years. Its co-authors were: Arno Babajanyan, Igor Shamo, Alexander Flyarkovsky, Mark Fradkin, David Tukhmanov, Oscar Feltsman, Mikael Tariverdiev, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Evgeny Ptichkin, Ian Frenkel, Maxim Dunaevsky, Vladimir Shainsky, Raymond Pauls, Evgeny Martynov, Yakov Khaskin, Boris Mokrousov, Georgy Movsesyan, Igor Luchenok, Matvey Blanter, Eduard Hanok, Boris Alexandrov, Evgeny Doga, Yuri Saulsky, Alexey Ekimyan, Tikhon Khrennikov, Oleg Ivanov, Vadim Gamalia, Alexander Morozov, Stanislav Pozhlakov, Evgeny Krylatov, Zinovy ​​Binkin, Alexander Zatsepin, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Muslim Magomaev, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Robert Amirkhanyan, Bogdan Trotsyuk, Alexander Zhurbin, Evgeny Zharkovsky, Murad Kazhlaev, Gennady Podelsky, Mark Minkov, Alexander Bronevitsky, Victoria Chernysheva, Yuri Gulyaev, Boris Emelyanov and many others.

Popular songs based on poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky

  • “Ballad of Colors” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “BAM” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Vladislav Konnov
  • “Thank you” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “In the lilac twilight” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. Oleg Ukhnalev
  • “Waltz of Farewell” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Andrey Mironov
  • “Faith in People” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Valentin Nikulin
  • “Sunday Walk” (Ya. Frenkel) - Spanish. Andrey Mironov
  • “Memory” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Edita Piekha, Muslim Magomaev, Gennady Kamenny
  • “Memories of the Regimental Band” (Yu. Gulyaev) - Spanish. Yuri Gulyaev
  • “Meeting of Friends” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov
  • “The whole life is ahead” (A. Ekimyan) - Spanish. VIA "Gems"
  • “Somewhere” (A. Flyarkovsky) - Spanish. Victor Besedin
  • “War Sleeps Silently” (Ya. Frenkel) - Spanish. Vladimir Troshin
  • “City of Childhood” (F. Miller) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
  • “...The Civil War is raging...” (B. Mokrousov)
  • “Sad Song” (R. Pauls) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
  • “Let's talk” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Lev Leshchenko
  • “The Great Distance” (E. Ptichkin) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “Goodbye” (A. Flyarkovsky) - Spanish. Georg Ots
  • “Welcome to Moscow, Olympics!” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish Lev Leshchenko
  • “Good Tales of Childhood” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov and Anne Veski
  • “If there is love in the world” (M. Magomaev) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “If we forget the war” (V. Shainsky) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “I wish you” (Yu. Gulyaev) - Spanish. Yuri Gulyaev
  • “For that guy” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. VIA "Gems"
  • “Tomorrow” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “Make a Wish” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “Behind the factory outpost” (M. Fradkin - R. Rozhdestvensky and E. Dolmatovsky) - Spanish. VIA "Flame"
  • “Why do I dream” (S. Pozhlakov) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
  • “Sound, love” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov
  • “Hello, Mom” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Gennady Belov, Lyudmila Senchina
  • “To my land” (E. Krylatov) - Spanish. Sergey Zakharov, Muslim Magomaev
  • “The Earth is our home” (V. Dobrynin) - Spanish. Sergey Mazaev (VIA “Hello, Song”)
  • “Winter Love” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “Calling Icarus” (Yu. Saulsky) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru, Irina Ponarovskaya, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Victor Shportko
  • “And while love exists on earth” (I. Luchenok) - Spanish. Yaroslav Evdokimov
  • “Game” (V. Shainsky) - Spanish. Seryozha Komissarov and Roma Ryazantsev (Big Children's Choir of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company under Viktor Popov)
  • “Trains are coming along the BAM” (V. Shainsky) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “Your name” (A. Zhurbin) - Spanish. Evgeniy Golovin
  • “Drops” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Zhan Tatlyan
  • “Boat” (A. Flyarkovsky) - Spanish. Tatiana Doronina
  • “Couplets of a chansonette” (Ya. Frenkel) - Spanish. Lyudmila Gurchenko
  • "Swans" (E. Hanok)
  • “Love each other” (O. Ivanov)
  • “Love has come” (R. Pauls) - Spanish. Olga Pirags, Roza Rymbaeva, Lyudmila Senchina
  • “Love” (O. Feltsman - R. Gamzatov, trans. R. Rozhdestvensky) - Spanish. Sergey Zakharov
  • “March - a memory” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov
  • “Moments” (M. Tariverdiev) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “My Years” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Vakhtang Kikabidze
  • “Monologue of the driver” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Georgy Movsesyan
  • “We were born for the song” (M. Magomaev) - Spanish. VIA "Gems"
  • “Over the blue water” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Arayik Babajanyan and Roza Rymbaeva
  • “To spite” (A. Flyarkovsky) - Spanish. Tamara Miansarova, VC "Accord"
  • “The Beginning” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Lev Leshchenko
  • “Our Service” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish Lev Leshchenko
  • “I don’t have time” (Yu. Saulsky) - Spanish. Jaak Joala
  • “UFO” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. gr. "Moscow"
  • “Nocturne” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “The Promise” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. Alla Abdalova and Lev Leshchenko
  • “Clouds” (A. Bronevitsky) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
  • “Cloud-letter” (A. Zatsepin) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
  • “Huge Sky” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Edita Piekha or Mark Bernes
  • “Illumination” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Roza Rymbaeva
  • “Olympics-80” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Tõnis Mägi
  • “He and She” (Ya. Frenkel) - Spanish. Larisa Golubkina and Andrei Mironov
  • “Father’s Song” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Vakhtang Kikabidze
  • “In Memory of the Guitarist” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Alexander Evdokimov
  • “Before Dawn” (L. Roshchin) - Spanish. Anatoly Korolev
  • “Song of Faith” (Ya. Frenkel) - Spanish. Maya Kristalinskaya
  • “Mother’s Song” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Lyudmila Zykina
  • “Song about a distant homeland” (M. Tariverdiev) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “Song about a friend” (E. Ptichkin) - Spanish. Vitaly Solomin
  • “Song of Happiness” (A. Zhurbin) - Spanish. Jaak Joala and Lyudmila Senchina
  • “Song of Forgiveness” (F. Lei) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “The song in which you are” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov
  • “Letter” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “If you're lucky or unlucky” (G. Movsesyan)
  • “Pursuit” (Ya. Frenkel) - Spanish. Big Children's Choir of Gosteleradio conducted by Viktor Popov
  • “Call me, call” (M. Dunaevsky) - Spanish. Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, Irina Muravyova
  • “Call me” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “Sing, guitar” (T. Popa) - Spanish. Dan Spataru
  • “As long as I remember, I live” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “Wormwood” (A. Pakhmutova) - Spanish. Lyudmila Senchina
  • “It’s time to go home” (V. Dobrynin) - Spanish. Lev Leshchenko
  • “Love will come to you too” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
  • “Dream Song” (M. Magomaev) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “Gravity of the Earth” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Lev Leshchenko
  • “Request” (A. Pakhmutova) - Spanish. Kostya Eliseev (Big Children's Choir of Gosteleradio under Viktor Popov)
  • “River of Childhood” (V. Shainsky) - Spanish. Valery Leontyev
  • “Requiem” or “Remember” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Sergey Zakharov
  • “Native Land” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Vakhtang Kikabidze
  • “My Motherland” (D. Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
  • “Samotlor” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Lev Leshchenko
  • “Wedding Waltz” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov
  • “Wedding” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “Sineva” (V. Gamalia) - Spanish. Eduard Khil
  • “Sweet berry” (E. Ptichkin) - Spanish. Olga Voronets, Valentina Tolkunova, Maria Pakhomenko, Lyudmila Senchina
  • “We can stand again” (G. Movsesyan) - Spanish. Lev Leshchenko
  • “Hide behind a high fence” (B. Mokrousov) - Spanish. Vasily Vasiliev
  • “Become like this” (A. Flyarkovsky) - Spanish. Tamara Miansarova
  • “Old Friends” (R. Pauls) - Spanish. Andrey Mironov
  • “Old words” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Valentina Tolkunova
  • “To the Son” (M. Tariverdiev) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “Such a fate has been given to us” (A. Babajanyan) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “This is our character” (E. Ptichkin) - Spanish. Lyudmila Gurchenko
  • “There, behind the clouds” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. VIA "Gems"
  • “Your wedding” (A. Morozov) - Spanish. Sergey Zakharov
  • “Comrade Song” (I. Shamo) - Spanish. Vyacheslav Turchaninov
  • “Only for you” (O. Feltsman) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru
  • “Solemn song” (M. Magomaev) - Spanish. Muslim Magomaev
  • “You will love me” (R. Pauls) - Spanish. Andrey Mironov
  • “Morning Song” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. VIA “Good fellows”
  • “The price of quick seconds” (A. Zhurbin) - Spanish. Alexander Khochinsky
  • “Human Voice” (E. Doga) - Spanish. Nadezhda Chepraga
  • “This big world” (V. Chernysheva) - Spanish. Gennady Belov
  • “Echo of Love” (E. Ptichkin) - Spanish. Anna German and Lev Leshchenko
  • “Echo of first love” (E. Martynov) - Spanish. Evgeny Martynov
  • “I always come back to you” (M. Fradkin) - Spanish. Joseph Kobzon
  • “I don’t rush life” (B. Emelyanov) - Spanish. Vakhtang Kikabidze
  • “I love you” (E. Krylatov) - Spanish. Valery Leontyev
  • “I won’t forget you” (Yu. Antonov - R. Gamzatov, trans. R. Rozhdestvensky) - Spanish. Yuri Antonov


  • The first winner of the “Golden Crown” of the Struz Poetry Evenings (1966)
  • USSR State Prize (1979).


  • beginning 1934 - June 1944 - st. Karl Liebknecht, 34 (two-story wooden house, demolished in 2006, despite requests from literary scholars).


  • 1948-1951 - Lenin Avenue, 7 (a memorial plaque was unveiled on the house).


  • Father - Stanislav Nikodimovich Petkevich, military man (1906-1941 or 1945 according to various sources).
  • Stepfather - Ivan Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky, military man (1899-1976).
  • Mother - Vera Pavlovna Fedorova, military doctor (1913-2001).
  • Wife - Alla Borisovna Kireeva, literary critic, artist (born 1933).
  • Daughters:
    • Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya (born July 17, 1957), translator of fiction from English and French, journalist, photographer. She became known as a studio photographer thanks to a series of works called “Private Collection” in the glossy magazine “Caravan of Stories,” as well as a number of other works. Married, has three sons.
    • Ksenia Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya (born 1970), journalist.

The legendary poet of the sixties Robert Rozhdestvensky lived with his wife for 41 years. The artist and literary critic Alla Kireeva, even after the poet’s death, asked to be called the wife and not the widow of Rozhdestvensky. Absolutely different from each other, they still managed to become one, and carried love and respect for each other throughout their lives. In his last letter to Alla, the already ill poet admitted: “You are the co-author of almost everything I wrote.”

We coincided with you, coincided...

Robert and Alla met at the Literary Institute. Rozhdestvensky transferred from the Faculty of Philology of Karelian University. Alla remembers him as a shy provincial, who stands against the backdrop of liberated young poets and prose writers. He was distinguished by kindness and modesty. Moreover, it was literally filled with poetry,

There were one hundred and twenty boys and girls in the entire institute, so Alla had enough male attention. Robert stood out among everyone with his intelligent and attentive gaze. Basically, students “looked not at others, but inside themselves - how to get published, how to be liked,” recalls Kireeva. They were studying in the same course, and then in an instant something happened. “Immediately and for life.”

Family life of the poet and Muse

Rozhdestvensky entered literature together with a group of talented authors: Vasily Aksenov, Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Voznesensky and Evgeniy Yevtushenko. Poetry evenings at the Polytechnic Institute, entire concerts at Luzhniki made young poets real stars of that time, they were recognized everywhere and asked for autographs. Rozhdestvensky was actively published and published. Alla worked in the literary consultation department of the Yunost magazine.

The poet was not spoiled by fame; according to his wife, he had absolutely no star fever. He was indifferent to the claims of numerous fans. Alla Kireeva recalled that she was very jealous of these girls, worried that “some thin one” would come (Alla herself was somewhat plump) and take him away. But their family life was distinguished by marital fidelity; there were never even rumors about either Robert or his wife.

Their family life was isolated and separate from the literary community. The first years were spent in a room in a communal apartment in the basement. The house was located not far from the Central House of Writers, and some writers constantly wandered in to chat, have a drink, or just warm up. It was noisy, fun and interesting.

Alla did not want to move to the writer's house, being wary of literary scandals and gossip. They got an apartment in another building, where they lived for quite some time. That house was also full of guests and friends.

Robert and Alla had two daughters - Ekaterina and Ksenia. Ekaterina became a translator and a famous photographer, Ksenia became a journalist.

How opposites attract

Alla Kireeva regretted that at one time she and Robert did not talk much; it was good for them to be silent together. She felt when one of the guests was bothering him, when something was bothering him, she felt his slightest desires. It’s amazing how such mutual understanding could arise between very different people - Robert was a kind, calm person, trying to see only the good in people, Alla, on the contrary, was known as a rebel.

When Rozhdestvensky wanted to join the CPSU, she spoke out sharply against it and even threatened with divorce. Robert remained non-partisan, which did not prevent him from holding a number of key positions in literary structures.

In some interviews, Alla Kireeva speaks about other poets of the sixties as a real critic. For example, she considers Bella Akhmadulina the most beautiful poetess of all times, but she did not see any great talent behind this. She once said that Akhmadulina was spoiled by her husbands, and simply no one hit her in the butt with a snow shovel in time.

She said about Yevgeny Yevtushenko that he was a great poet who deserved a monument, but there was a lot of garbage among his poems. She considered Andrei Voznesensky a great master, noted that all his works were accurate and pure, but considered him a bit cold.

Interesting notes:

Whether Kireeva was a critic for her husband is unclear. But the fact that she was his Muse is undeniable. During the period when interest in the poetry of the sixties faded, Rozhdestvensky wrote for himself and for her. One of the most lyrical songs of the Soviet stage, performed by Joseph Kobzon, “Nocturne,” was dedicated specifically to her:

Between me and you the hum of nothingness
Starry seas, secret seas
How are you doing now, my dear?
My tender, my strange

In 1994, Robert Rozhdestvensky passed away. Alla Kireeva is convinced that he was crippled by disappointment in everything he believed in. Rozhdestvensky was an absolutely Soviet man, proud of his country and firmly believed in communist ideals. For Alla Kireeva, the changes in the country did not become a collapse; she was always critical of the authorities and the Soviet system. It must be said that Alla Kireeva did not feel any sympathy for the new government. She often criticized Putin in her interviews.

After the death of her husband, Alla Kireeva lived for another 21 years, raised her grandchildren, and at the age of 70 became interested in painting. She passed away in May 2015.