Luxurious Venetian plaster: photos, types, characteristics. Venetian plaster Venetian plaster for finishing a wall and a bed

Choosing a material for wall decoration is not easy. It must be beautiful, practical, durable and, preferably, inexpensive. Venetian plaster meets almost all of these requirements. It is beautiful - it looks like natural marble, it is practical - the waxed surface can be washed repeatedly, it is durable - if you do not scratch it on purpose, it is not damaged, it can be applied to any surface - smooth, curved. Just the perfect finishing material. But, as usual, there is a “but”. She is expensive. This is the first minus. Second, it’s difficult to apply it with your own hands. Or rather, it’s not difficult to apply; it’s difficult to get a beautiful surface without experience. But you can try or hire a professional. But before concluding an agreement, ask for customer contacts. If you succeed, see the results of the work yourself, or call and ask about your impressions.

What is Venetian plaster and its composition

If the wall in appearance resembles a marble surface, but there are no seams on it, it is finished with Venetian plaster. This finishing material was invented centuries ago in Ancient Rome. When someone came up with the idea of ​​mixing marble dust and slaked lime. The result was an elastic composition that looked like natural marble on the walls. For a clearer pattern, natural dyes were added to the mixture.

The most popular was clay. The walls had reddish or pinkish (depending on the color of the clay) stains, which made the decoration more similar to natural marble. To make the coating durable, the plastered surface was covered with a layer of wax, which was then polished. The walls were indistinguishable from marble. Only there were no seams.

And only centuries later, during the Renaissance, Venetian plaster appeared in Venice, where it began to be used instead of marble slabs. The technique for applying it was not simple, but working with Venetian plaster is much easier than adjusting and polishing marble slabs. Because this type finishing has become very popular. It was used to decorate walls, ceilings, and columns in palaces. The finish was beautiful and durable, reacted poorly to changes in humidity and temperature, which in conditions high humidity Venetian canals literally led to the widespread use of this material. The popularity was also facilitated by the fact that marble dust is easier to import and is cheaper. The remaining components were added locally mined. The fame of this beautiful finishing material quickly spread among merchants, and they called it Venetian plaster. Since then it has been like this.

The composition of Venetian plaster described above - marble dust, slaked lime and coloring additives - is still used today. Absolutely natural finish. But there are compositions in which synthetic dyes (acrylic) are added or modern binders are used instead of lime. There may also be sap from rubber trees, crushed granite. Whether all or some additives are contained depends on the manufacturer, but this material is also called Venetian plaster, since the main component - marble dust - remains the same.

Application technology

Applying Venetian plaster with your own hands is a difficult task. The problem is that this is a creative process and there are a lot of ways to apply it. Different movements result in a different surface appearance. Without experience, it is impossible to predict what you will succeed. You can only find out which movement will lead to which result through experimentation, that is, you have to try. But. Venetian plaster is not cheap at all, so the experience turns out to be expensive. Although, you have to study somehow...

The only thing I can recommend is to plaster a piece of plywood with an area of ​​at least 1 square, or better yet 2, sand it, coat it with a primer and try to apply Venetian plaster on this surface, perfecting the technique. It is not recommended to start finishing immediately. Most likely, you will have to remove everything and redo it all over again, which is annoying, expensive, and time-consuming. If you're lucky, you can find dealers who teach you how to work with Venetian plaster. They provide materials and a stand for work, and show how to do it. But this rarely happens.

Preparatory work

The base on which Venetian plaster is applied must be perfectly level. It is pre-puttyed and leveled until absolutely smooth. Use latex putty. If you apply the composition to uneven wall, it will only highlight the shortcomings and increase the consumption of the Venetian. You can level it with a base layer, but such leveling will be very expensive.

A flat wall is coated with primer deep penetration. Preferably in two layers. This will ensure good adhesion of the finish, remove dust that remains after sanding the plaster, and prevent the development of fungi. After the wall has dried, you can begin work.

Mixing and tinting

Venetian plaster is sold in buckets and has a pasty appearance. Basic option white is used, tints are added to obtain color, for various effects there are decorative additives - mother of pearl, sparkles, etc. You can color the composition in the store or yourself.

For tinting yourself, you will need a drill with a mixing attachment. In some cases, Venetian plaster is coated with a layer of water to prevent it from drying out. In this case, before use or coloring, the water is drained. Then, using a drill attachment, the composition is mixed until smooth. And only after that the dye is poured into the mass, mixed for several minutes (5-10) using a drill and nozzle.

When mixing, be careful: the composition often does not stain near the walls of the bucket. After removing the nozzle, take a clean wooden block small section, run it along the walls. Most likely, there are places where the dye did not get into. Run the block along the walls several times, ensuring that the walls have painted material. Mix the mixture again with a drill until the color is uniform. This procedure can be repeated again to be more sure. There is one more nuance: some manufacturers recommend waiting 12 hours after staining.

When tinting yourself, you must remember that some compositions change color when drying (not all). Therefore, to determine the future color, you need to make tests: apply a couple of strokes and wait until it dries. Based on the results, either add dye or an untinted composition.

Also remember that if you hand-tint, you won’t be able to repeat the same color. The new batch will be different. Therefore, the material must be painted in larger quantities than expected consumption: it is better to have something left than not enough.

Rules for applying layers

When applying Venetian plaster, there can be from two to ten layers. It all depends on the desired result. And the correspondence between the “desired result” and the actual one is a matter of experience.

You can make this beauty with your own hands... if you practice beforehand

The layers are applied in different ways, but each of them is leveled and sanded until smooth, each one must be allowed to dry. And only after the latter has been applied and dried, the surface can be covered with wax - beeswax or synthetic. Depending on the type of wax, the result is either a glossy surface (beeswax) or a matte surface (synthetic based). Coated with synthetic protective composition the walls also become water and moisture resistant, so if you want to decorate the walls in the bathroom with Venetian plaster, use synthetic wax.


The first layer is the base. It is applied evenly, according to the rules for applying ordinary plaster - it needs to be even. It can be tinted, or not. Depends on what background you want to have - white or colored. If 2-3 layers of material are applied, it will shine through them. If there are 5 or more layers, most likely it will not be visible (again, it depends on the type of composition).

Second and subsequent

The second layer of Venetian plaster, and all subsequent ones, are applied with chaotic strokes. The composition is taken on a flexible thin metal spatula or a special Venetian trowel. The composition is applied to the edge of the spatula/trowel and applied to the wall in small strokes in different directions. In this case, you must try not to show the mark from the first touch of the tool to the surface. The subsequent stroke, as it were, closes and lubricates this place. Moreover, it is not necessary to achieve uniformity. The whole point is in the randomness of directions, shapes, lines, bends. About the same as in natural marble.

Application of the second layer - chaotic or in one direction - depends on desire

Venetian plaster dries in 1-10 hours, depending on the composition, manufacturer, temperature and humidity. See the packaging for the exact time. After drying, the surface is rubbed with a dry trowel. At the same time, all differences that remain after applying the layer are smoothed out. The next layer is applied to the cleaned surface, dries, and smoothed. And so on until you get the desired result. And the result is usually this: darker stripes appear through thin layers in those places where, during application, the composition lay more densely. The depth and brightness with which the stripes “shine through” depends on the number of layers applied.


The last layer of Venetian plaster must be applied with a thin metal spatula. The technique is called “scraping” and the layer turns out almost transparent. Take a small amount of the compound on a spatula, apply it to the wall, pressing the blade tightly and collect the compound back from the wall. This leaves a very thin layer of material on the wall. At this stage, you need to try to keep the surface level. Small irregularities will be removed when grouting, but you have to try.

This is a tool for applying Venetian plaster - a special trowel


We do not completely dry the last thin layer of Venetian plaster. After 20-50 minutes we begin ironing the surface. Please note that some compounds need to be ironed in small areas. Venetian plaster applied to small area(about half square meter), erased. Other manufacturers allow a longer period of time. You really need to look at the packaging or ask the manufacturers.

The ironing process itself is grouting with dry, clean metal surface. We take a clean Venetian trowel, without rips, scratches or other defects, and smooth the surface in a circular motion. In the process, the design appears, shine appears, and gradually the Venetian plaster acquires “depth” and layering, which is what distinguishes natural marble.

When ironing Venetian plaster, you must carefully ensure that scratches and abrasions do not form. To do this, there should be no grains of sand, grains of material, etc. on the trowel. You also need to smooth the wall with the flat of the trowel, without touching it with the edges. We process a small area at a time, when a pattern appears on it, we move to another area, not forgetting to pay attention to the boundaries of the two areas.

Ironing of Venetian plaster can be the last stage. You can leave the walls or ceiling in the rooms in this condition. For hallways, bathrooms, kitchens, required protective covering wax.


The wax is applied after the Venetian plaster has completely dried. To be sure, it is better to wait a day. Wax is applied with a wide spatula thin layer"on the sdir." A thick layer begins to peel off and flake over time, so we leave a minimum on the wall.

Approximately 30-50 minutes after application, we begin to polish the wax. A fluffy attachment on a drill or grinder is suitable for this. The pile of the nozzle should be short and soft, and should not fray. We set the speed to no more than 3000 rpm. At higher speeds, the wax wears away rather than polishes. Polishing continues until you achieve the desired level of gloss (depending on the type of wax).

It takes about two weeks for the wax to dry completely. Only after this time can you wipe/wash/rub. When it comes to the bathroom, it's best not to overuse it (if possible).

Several application methods

Filling the bumps with Venetian plaster yourself is an expensive undertaking. At the same time, it is almost impossible to understand from the description what and how to do, how to apply strokes is incomprehensible, the phrase “in a chaotic order” does not explain anything at all, because there is still no complete chaos. There is some order or bias in application. So, to make it easier to find your own way, we’ll tell you at what angle to apply strokes in each layer. So there is a chance that after a couple of tests “on plywood”, self-installed Venetian plaster will make you happy.

Method one: the drawing is not too bright, not very clearly expressed, smooth lines, without sharp transitions. Apply layers like this:

Not a bad option with a good effect. Not too heavy a technique gives hope that Venetian plaster will look fine even if it was applied by a beginner without skills. But first test everything on plywood.

Method two: with a colored base, multidirectional strokes in each layer. The application procedure is as follows:

This method is also not bad if you manage to master multidirectional movements. At the same time, do not forget that the strokes should be thin. In general, let's try.

Venetian plaster: video tutorials on application techniques

Decorative wall coverings can recreate the interior of a palace, imitate different kinds finishing. Venetian plaster, which is distinguished by its unsurpassed beauty, is especially popular today, as can be seen in the photo. Decorating the walls with a “Venetian” design gives the room a special sophistication and solemnity. This material, when applied to the surface, imitates natural marble. The effect is achieved thanks to the glossy surface and a pattern of several tones of the same color. Coverings with unusual iridescent patterns are used to decorate living rooms, offices, halls and halls; the combination of aesthetics, durability and stability has made it possible to achieve well-deserved recognition.

Decorative plaster from Renaissance masters

This type of finishing was invented in Ancient Rome. Marble was widely used in construction at that time, and waste was left behind. They were used during finishing works. Craftsmen began adding marble chips to slaked lime and using this solution to decorate rooms. The result was practically no different from expensive marble finishing. The surface covered with such decorative plaster was not afraid of moisture or fire. Therefore, the material began to be used in the houses of the nobility, but after a while it was forgotten.

Only in the 16th century it was revived again thanks to the Italian architect Andrea Palladio. The technology was popular during the Renaissance, when the great Italian painter Raphael painted canvases. It was used to decorate palaces, cathedrals, and houses of the nobility in Venice, and quickly spread throughout Europe thanks to the works of Italian Renaissance artists. This is where the name “Venetian plaster” comes from. Cannot be used in Venice heavy materials for finishing, so as not to increase the load on the foundation. Therefore, the craftsmen turned to an ancient forgotten method, which allows them to achieve a coating that resembles marble in appearance, but weighs much less. Over time, new finishing methods came into fashion, and the “Venetian” was again undeservedly forgotten.

Interesting fact! You can see the beauty of the “Venetian” by going to France to Fontainebleau Castle. Kings lived in it for a long time, court life was in full swing, famous masters took part in its design. Frescoes famous masters preserved on Venetian plaster. You can see them by visiting Italian cities: Naples, Florence, etc.

Today the material has again managed to occupy a worthy position. It began to be used in interior decoration. In our country, such finishing began to be used relatively recently.

Interior decoration

When developing a residential design Special attention pay attention to background details. When decorating a room in classic style For background decoration, textures without complex patterns are used. To decorate ceilings and wall elements, complex textures obtained using two or three layers are used. Finishing with Venetian plaster looks impressive when good lighting. Today it is used to decorate interior elements, this allows you to make it elegant. It is universal, suitable for classic and trendy stylistic decisions, can transform a room.

Glossy classic plaster is suitable for restaurants, theaters, and living rooms. It can also be applied to the ceiling. Plastered surfaces visually increase the area of ​​the room. To see all the beauty of the exquisite coating, you need to take care of bright lighting. It reflects light through transparent layers, as if glowing from within, is practical, elegant, and has a long service life. "Venetian" is valued for its aesthetic appearance and excellent performance.

Composition and properties

To obtain the material it is used slaked lime, marble flour. In Europe, lime is kept for a certain time underground in special bunkers to allow it to be enriched with microelements. After this, the components of the plaster are ground into powder. The quality of the resulting pattern and its structure depend on the degree of grinding of the rock.

Advice! The smaller the consistency particles, the smoother the coating will be.

Today, acrylic components and other polymers are added to the composition. For coloring decorative covering use natural and artificial dyes added to the finished mixture.

Materials are divided into two categories:

  • The classic recipe, created on the basis of slaked lime, is supplemented with natural fillers.
  • A modern version created on the basis of acrylic substances with special additives.

Classic plaster creates an effect natural stone, but requires complex application techniques and wax coating. Modern formulations ensure the plasticity of the material and make it easier to apply. The finishing coating has excellent resistance to external influences.

Important! If the surface of the decorative coating is treated with a water-repellent agent, it can be cleaned wet. After applying the wax, the surface can only be wiped with a damp sponge, otherwise it is easy to ruin the coating.

Types of decorative coating

With the help of the “Venetian”, stunning effects, various shades, and unique textures are obtained. The craftsmen apply it so skillfully that it is difficult to distinguish it from real marble. Main types:

  • The classic version is obtained by using special materials for interior decoration. Layer-by-layer application allows you to achieve an original texture.
  • Mother-of-pearl plaster has a special effect, shimmering in the light.
  • Using a textured look, craftsmen imitate various textures found in nature.
  • “Venetian” marbled is a technique that imitates the structure of living stone.
  • Plaster with marble chips features original textures. By changing the fraction size it is easy to achieve different visual effects.

The type of plaster depends on the grinding of marble flour, the technique of applying the material, and the professionalism of the craftsman. The cost of appearing in the house is decorative finishing depends on the quality and type of components included in the applied material. The work of the craftsmen depends on the complexity of the design and the desired effect. The plastered wall looks like a solid slab of polished marble, which creates a luxurious interior in the apartment, country house, theater, etc.

Common methods of applying “Venetian”

To achieve the intended result, specialists apply the material to the surface in the following ways: long, thin, short or relief strokes. The transparency and glow of the finished coating depends on the number of layers applied.

Basic methods of applying plaster:

Textured plaster is applied in a thin layer, and after it dries, a second layer is applied. Before each new layer, the base should be smoothed to prevent the appearance of large irregularities. Subsequent layers complement the existing pattern, enriching the texture and color. The final stage– sanding walls and ceilings. Finishing depends on the type of material used.

Important! The first layer should differ from the next two in tone. Choose darker or lighter tones, depending on the desired end result.

When using a classic composition, the surface is covered with wax. This is necessary to add shine to the surface and protect against moisture penetration. There are modern formulations that contain all the necessary components, so they are not treated with wax. The more layers on the surface, the better the glow, strokes and relief are visible. “Venetian” creates a festive atmosphere in your home, filling it with chic and splendor.

Advantages of the "Venetian"

The use of such material indoors allows you to create royal interior. This is an expensive way to decorate walls and ceilings, but the result is luxurious.

Advantages of decorative coating:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • improves indoor air quality by removing excess moisture from it;
  • increases the thermal insulation of walls;
  • resistant to fungus;
  • long service life.

Over time, the coating is not subject to destruction, but retains its unique properties. It tolerates temperature changes without loss of strength. Rich color palette allows you to select desired shade. The coating is easy to care for. Venetian plaster is perfect for decorating concert halls; it can amplify sounds. Original drawings obtained on the surface open up unlimited possibilities for designers and artists to create interior solutions.

This decor is characterized by high cost, complexity of application and special requirements to the base surface. Professionals are able to reproduce the “Venetian” look and achieve the effect of polished marble. The works of highly qualified craftsmen are real works of art.

Venetian plaster 46 photos:

The article provides everything that concerns the concept of Venetian plaster in the interior. Photos of ideas in the apartment, video tutorials on how to apply them yourself, classification and selection tips. In addition, the following information is provided:

  • What is a Venetian?
  • Advantages and disadvantages, classification, possibilities of use in various rooms.
  • How much does it cost, how to choose in the store.

What is a Venetian

Venetian plaster imitates marble. It is popular among connoisseurs of interiors, where luxury is the dominant design. Imitation marble not only looks attractive, but is also beneficial in budget issuematerial is inexpensive option stone wall cladding.

Manufacturing technology has undergone significant changes. The basis of the traditional composition of the material is small particles of stone: dust, flour. Manufacturers periodically experiment with the rocks used, but mainly particles of granite, quartz, limestone, onyx, and malachite are necessarily used in its composition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's discuss the many advantages of Venetian plaster in the interior. Photos of apartments with similar decoration entailed great amount positive feedback. Advantages:

  1. All components are natural materials.
  2. Brings unusual visual effects to life.
  3. Plaster protects against surface damage and cracking, and temperature changes. The effect is achieved with the help of wax, which covers the surface of the installation.
  4. Allows you to level the wall with plaster.

The main disadvantage is that applying Venetian plaster is not cheap.

  1. Set a budget. Prices range from small to significant;
  2. Choose the appearance of the plaster. It must be combined with color scheme and the style of the room, furniture;
  3. Select application style. The coating is applied using several techniques (antique decoration, sgraffito, bark beetle) - in each case a unique design.

Pre-apply to another surface. This way you will appreciate the quality of the plaster and avoid inconsistencies in style and color.

What can be depicted on the wall

Venetian plaster suitable material for paintings and graffiti. They draw whatever their imagination allows. Considering the specifics of the material and the preference for the classical style of premises, the most common designs are intricate patterns made in pastel colors.

The plaster is also painted with other themes. Starting from the concept of “pattern,” oriental patterns such as hieroglyphs, ligature, etc. are depicted. Such decoration is appropriate if the overall decor of the apartment corresponds to an oriental theme.


Venetian plaster is divided according to the method of facing and forming a pattern on the surface:

  • Reflection. Material is applied relief roller, brushes or fingers.
  • Combination. Such linings contain a small amount of coarse granules. The mass is applied to the wall and leveled with a spatula. Due to the movement of the grains, a pattern appears on the wall in the form of grooves or scratches, depending on the shape of the grains.

Textured plaster is applied with a spatula or roller, without further processing. It is expensive, it is recommended to be used only by professionals, because there are some subtleties in handling.

The material is popular due to its variety of types.

PhotoViewPeculiaritiesCost, rub

Craquelure● imitation of cracks and scratches;
● antique finish;
● unique design;
● durability.
from 1000

Carrara marble● similarity to natural marble;
● applied in 12 layers;
● significantly more expensive than analogues.
from 2000

Marseille wax● wax added to the composition;
● used in any room;
● is waterproof.
from 5000

Video tutorials on how to apply Venetian with your own hands

We invite you to watch a video tutorial on applying Venetian plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands.

Differences from other types of decorative plaster

PhotoViewCompoundPrice categoryPeculiarities

Venetian.Marble flour, water emulsion, slaked lime.Above average.The effect of a marble surface or marble mosaic.

Structural.Granular mass with an admixture of granules (wood fiber, pebbles, quartz grains, etc.)Average.Plasticity and ease of work.

Mineral textured.Cement in the form of dry mixtures.Average.The best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

Silicone white Venetian plaster.Based on silicone mixtures.Above average.Almost unlimited color range, excellent elasticity, high vapor permeability.

Venetian plaster - photo in the interior of the apartment

Venetian plaster is a wonderful tool that helps decorate a room, making it more comfortable and attractive. Plaster suffers minimally from moisture, so it is installed in the kitchen and bathroom.

In the kitchen - photo 6 interior ideas, pros and cons

Wall decoration in the kitchen requires a special acrylic mass. The plaster is environmentally friendly and can be given any desired shade. Moisture resistant, dries quickly. Of the main advantages that Venetian plaster has in the kitchen (6 photos in the interior below):

  • “Breathes” and does not allow water vapor to pass through;
  • Suitable for wet cleaning.

For a large kitchen, choose textured and relief coverings. A small room can accommodate fine-grained coatings well. Any colors - there are about 2 thousand shades in total. Choose depending on design solution kitchens.

Focus on the size of the room - in small spaces, bright, saturated colors look overly aggressive.

Several options for use in the kitchen:

Vacation home

Modern style


Studio apartment

Classic style


Decorating the hall is an important issue when renovating an apartment

The hall is traditionally a place for the whole family to relax. Decorating this room is a serious issue when renovating. When choosing plaster, be guided by the size of the room and zoning options.

The Venetian is suitable for a high-tech and minimalist apartment. It looks beautiful in a classic style, provided that the colors of the plaster are neutral and as muted as possible ( classic design does not like tackiness).

In the country

Mediterranean style




A large room

To properly install Venetian plaster in the bathroom, it is important to ensure a perfectly level and smooth base for application. Remove the previous coating, level it and apply sanitizing plaster on top. This base has waterproofing properties and protects the coating from moisture and cracking.

If you don't want to shoot old tile, try finishing the room with moisture-resistant plasterboard using a frame fastening method. The method is reliable, but significantly reduces the area of ​​the bathroom, which is unacceptable for small rooms.

In orange color

White classic

With windows


With shower

Next to the washbasin

Is this type of decoration suitable for a hallway?

The hallway is a formative component in the perception of a home. Plaster looks good when the whole apartment matches a certain style. To lay plaster in the hallway, no additional measures are required.

Hallway of the house

Combination with parect

Long room

Small room

Red color

Beautiful interior

Venetian plaster – price per m2 of work or how much is the cost of application services?

Here is an approximate price per m2 of work for different types of Venetian plaster.

PhotoServiceCost, rub./sq. m
VENETOfrom 440
Marbellafrom 300
ENCAUSTOfrom 960

Marble plaster - video instructions

Make it stylish unusual design or you can simply diversify the interior not only with the help of unique items, but also simply by finishing surfaces with non-standard materials.

One of them is Venetian decorative plaster. With its help it is possible to bring to life interesting ideas, create an individual image of an ordinary room.

Application of Venetian decorative plaster

The ability of decorative plaster to visually replicate the structure of marble makes it possible to significantly save on finishing materials while achieving a rich look.

Using Venetian plaster, you can not only complete the finishing of walls, but also create individual accents on various surfaces.

The decoration will be truly luxurious. Deep color transitions can reveal the special aristocracy of the room.

The technology for applying the material has a number of features, so the work must be leisurely and thorough. It is better to entrust this manipulation to a professional, since the presence of skill will allow you to get the desired result without errors and unnecessary expenses.

The appearance of the final result depends on the number of layers laid on the wall. For the minimum acceptable visual effect, 3 applications are sufficient.

The best samples designed using this technique have up to 8 layers. Their number will affect not only visual perception, but will also entail additional expenses, both material, labor and time.

With the help of Venetian decorative plaster you can not only achieve an imitation natural material, but also to apply an interesting pattern to the surface, give the room volume, and achieve a shimmering effect. Surfaces decorated with this material look very neat and presentable.

This type of plaster is a favorite way to decorate chic interiors of country houses.

The presence of surfaces made using this technique makes the room a real palace. Even decorating a small fragment of a wall with this material will give the room a respectable look and improve the status of the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Like any other material, Venetian decorative plaster has a number of features that make it possible to highlight its positive and negative aspects. Among the advantages are:

  • the surface treated with the material is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes, and is resistant to cracks and deformations;
  • when there is a need for complete or partial renovation this is easy to do.

The disadvantages of Venetian decorative plaster include:

  • the relatively high cost of the material and installation work;
  • large expenditures of time and physical effort;
  • the need for careful surface preparation before application.

When choosing such plaster as a wall decoration material, you need to focus not only on beauty appearance final coating, but also on the intended interior.

To obtain the optimal effect, a combination of the overall style of the room, furnishings and decorative textures is necessary.

Application of decorative plaster

Making Venetian plaster yourself is a complex process and few people decide to do it themselves. The central element of the composition is stone dust.

Lime is used to bind the components. The dye will give the material the desired color. Water will help achieve the desired consistency. It is best to purchase a ready-made packaged product.

There are two options for this plaster:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

The first is a pure product, applied using a certain technology in several layers. The second option involves waxing to complete the installation.

Venetian plaster can be applied to almost any surface:

  • concrete;
  • tree;
  • drywall.

The material fits perfectly and retains its performance characteristics. The main thing is that the original surface is pre-prepared.

Absence various defects, moisture is a mandatory condition. Quartz primer with the addition of a basic dye will be the best base.

Each layer of plaster is applied own technology. The work must be fast and skillful. After fixing each layer, it needs to dry, after which it is sanded.

The work is carried out using special tools(spatula, roller, trowel). It is quite difficult to carry out the application yourself, but specialists can do it quickly and efficiently.

Creating a unique atmosphere in your home is not at all difficult. It is enough to perform a special finish or create an accent using Venetian decorative plaster. The interior will become unusual and stylish.

Photo of Venetian plaster in the interior