Russian language for foreigners is the best guide. Babylon Hill

1. " Learn Russian» Online multimedia textbook for beginners to learn Russian. There are exercises, audio, excellent tables, topics from the alphabet to scientific style speech.
E.V. Rubleva and others.Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "TV-Novosti", 2005-2012

2.Russian on-line
Interactive exercises, visual tables. Look, for example, how wonderfully the verbs of motion are presented:

3. The online multimedia manual is a series of tasks on various grammar topics(A2-B1) L.L. Babalova M.: Central Medical Education Center of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2013. Here you will find exercises on cases, verbs of motion, expression of time, degrees of comparison, types of verbs, participles and gerunds, indefinite and negative pronouns, verbal control.

4. " Time to speak Russian!» Network educational and methodological interactive complex in the Russian language for beginners (A1). A.Yu.Petanova, Yu.E.Kovalenko. M.: Central Medical Education Center of Moscow State University, 2005-2013.http:// www. speak- Russian. cie. ru/ time_ new

5. Free worksheets for RFL teachers A huge, constantly growing collection of materials on various topics.

6. " Network text library» A network linguistic trainer aimed at developing reading skills at four levels. (A1-A2-B1-B2) O.E. Chubarova et al. M.: Central Medical Education Center of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2010-2013.

7. Presentations on different topics for the level A1

8.Between us (online tutorial)

9. Interactive training exercises and grammar tests from elementary to advanced levels

10. Russian for everyone http:// www. russianforeveryone. com/ Beginning Russian language course (alphabet, dictionary, grammar, games)

More sites.

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    Moscow, Moscow State Medical University
    Russian language textbook written by teachers from the Center international education Moscow State University. He is elementary Russian language course for adult students of various forms of education. The course teaches communication (orally and in writing) in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of the Russian Federation in the Russian language for citizens foreign countries. With this course, the student will master the Russian language at a survival level, and will also be able to pass the elementary level test of the Russian state system testing.
    Attached to the manual audio recording, which contributes to the formation of auditory pronunciation skills.

    Format: PDF + MP3 (zipped)
    Size: 96.34 MB (book) + 158.24 MB (audio)

    Road to Russia: Russian Language Textbook
    BOOK and AUDIO

    Russian language course

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    The text has been tested by the Scientific and Methodological Center at Moscow State University
    Language: Persian, Russian
    The course consists of 30 lessons, each of which is voiced, and is intended for students who speak Persian and want to master the Russian language.

    Format: PDF + MP3 (zipped)
    Size: book 209.36 MB + audio 198.39 MB

    Russian language course
    BOOK and AUDIO

    Handbook of Russian Grammar

    M. A. Shelyakin
    M.: Bustard, 2006
    Handbook of Russian Grammar intended for those who teach Russian as a foreign language, as well as for foreign philology students.
    The reference book is a systematic description of the most essential aspects of Russian grammar: phoetics, word formation, morphology and syntax. Special attention focuses on difficult cases of Russian grammar, as well as the consistent implementation of the principle of a functional description of the grammatical system of the Russian language.

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    Russian numerals in tables, comments and exercises

    Russian numerals in tables, comments and exercises (a collection of Russian language exercises for foreigners).
    M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 2005
    Kotvitskaya E.S.

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    Size: 12.3 MB

    Russian grammar in exercises and comments. In 2 parts

    Russian grammar in exercises and comments. In 2 parts
    1 part - Morphology, part 2 - Syntax
    O. I. Glazunova
    St. Petersburg, "Zlatoust", 2007, 2011
    Complex tutorial, which addresses the most difficult issues from the point of view of foreigners. In the 1st part: important sections of morphology, that is, the prepositional-case system of the Russian language, features of the use of verbal vocabulary, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, numerals. The 2nd part is devoted to the peculiarities of constructing oral and written Russian speech.
    The abundance of comments makes it possible to use the manual not only under the guidance of a teacher, but also for independent work. The tasks are built on the basis of the most frequent constructions of colloquial speech. Attention is paid to the contextual and stylistic use of language units. The most difficult exercises to perform are provided with keys. For intermediate and advanced stages of learning.

    Format: PDF (zipped)
    Size: 37.69 MB

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    Russian class: textbook on Russian as a foreign language
    I. Kostina and others.
    "Phoenix", 2006

    Tip 1: How to teach Russian to foreigners

    If you teach Russian to foreigners or decide to help your friends from another country master spoken language, you need to take into account the specifics of the students’ native culture and at the same time give an idea of ​​the history, culture, way of life and traditions of Russia.

    You will need

    Methodological manual for teaching Russian as a foreign language;

    Dictionaries (explanatory, foreign words);

    Films in Russian;

    Audio recordings in Russian;

    Albums on Russian art.


    1. Study methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. In order to teach Russian as a foreign language, ideally you need to complete special courses. Today, there are many methods that are successfully used by Russian language teachers, and they are different for representatives of different nationalities, since they are based on the characteristics of the native languages ​​of foreigners. There is a basic rule: you need to know the students’ native language or understand its structure.

    2. Take up phonetics (theoretical and practical). Each language has its own characteristics: sounds in Russian and French, for example, are not repeated, although they are often similar. The speech apparatus is formed in childhood, so it is difficult for a person to adapt to someone else’s phonetic system. You need to carefully place sounds, practice the pronunciation of sound combinations, taking into account the melodic line of phrases. In principle, language in this aspect is similar to music: you must teach the art of phrasing and intonation.

    3. Watching films and listening to music in Russian. A useful practice is watching films, television shows and listening to music in the original language: in this way you include the student in the process of listening to authentic speech, which is filled with colloquial structures, colored with dialects and patois. During training, it is important to develop speaking skills, and familiarity with audio and video materials will contribute to this. It would be useful to write down phraseological units and jokes that are often used by Russians in conversation (for example: “To live is good! And to live well is even better”), this will allow a foreigner to “read” the connotation of phrases and recognize them.

    4. Visit museums, exhibitions, concert halls. Learning the language should be accompanied by getting to know the culture of the country. To do this, you need to attend lectures on art, museums and galleries, concerts and performances. By studying Russian opera, painting by the Peredvizhniki, architectural features of churches and iconostasis, foreigners learn to understand the Russian national character and the logic of the language (construction of phrases, conjugation of verbs, use of tenses).

    Tip 2: How to teach a language

    Language learning - difficult process. It requires the teacher to be completely immersed in the process and have a personal approach to each student. Everyone has theirs weak spots, but some principles are the same for everyone. There are points that must be present in any training of any person.

    How to teach a language


    1. The most important thing is vocabulary. It must be constantly updated, new words must be learned every day. Periodically give your students new words that you will use in the same lesson to make it easier for them to learn them. To make learning easier, use cards - a word in one language will be written on one side, and a word in another language on the other.

    2. The next most important skill is the ability to speak and construct sentences. The ability to conduct a dialogue is equivalent to grammar, and these two directions are impossible without the other. In order to competently combine these two areas, it is necessary that twenty percent of oral practice consists of repeating the grammar covered in the lesson. It is advisable to use dialogue as often as possible so that students can practice developing oral language.

    3. Practice speaking and retelling as much as possible. Choose a topic that will be of interest to your students and try to provoke them into dialogue in the language you are currently studying. Remember that the more they communicate in the language you are learning now, the better they will learn it.

    4. Practice watching videos and listening to recordings in the language you are currently learning. Try to use audio recordings as often as possible to check the level of students - this way you will achieve better results in getting them to raise their language to the level you need.

    Helpful advice

    Be patient and lenient with students, but do not allow yourself to be taken advantage of.

    Tip 3: How to teach Russian

    It's no secret that schoolchildren are not particularly keen on learning the Russian language. And, unfortunately, students cannot boast of literacy. The reason for this state of affairs is that they have not formed a cognitive interest in studying this subject. How to teach Russian in order to captivate children with it?

    How to teach Russian


    1. Explain to the children that knowledge of the Russian language is not limited to just learning the rules of spelling or punctuation. This is also work on developing speech, practicing the skills of writing essays and presentations. And for this you need to cultivate the need for reading.

    2. When getting acquainted with spelling norms, pay attention to the structure of words. If they learn to identify a particular morpheme, they will be able to understand in which part of the word the letter that needs checking is located, and what spelling we are talking about. Convince schoolchildren that the ability to parse a word according to its composition will help them avoid making mistakes in writing.

    3. Students should know that exceptions to the rules must be learned by heart. There is no other way to check these spellings. There are not so few of them. Therefore, if you come up with counting rhymes or poems about exception words, this will make the children’s work easier. For example, when studying the topic " Writing Y-I after Ts" you can ask the children to remember the funny phrase: "The gypsy on tiptoe tutted the chick."

    4. Teach children to work with different types dictionaries, especially spelling ones. It is necessary to develop in them the need, in case of difficulty in writing, not to immediately turn to the teacher for a hint, but to turn to the dictionary for help. The writing of a large number of words cannot be checked by remembering the rule or choosing a test word. They are checked against the dictionary.

    5. Explain to the children that they need to learn to see well not only the structure of words, but also sentences. This will allow them to use punctuation correctly. For example, if a child sees that a sentence contains an address or direct speech, then he thinks about punctuation in it. Teach schoolchildren to see boundaries simple sentences as part of a complex And they will be able to punctuate them without much difficulty.

    6. In addition, the Russian language teacher must work at each lesson to develop a caring attitude towards the native language.

    Tip 4: How to teach Russian

    Professionals will say without a moment’s doubt: any language, especially your own, must be taught first of all with love. But there are also features of teaching the Russian language itself, which differ depending on who the language is taught to - a native speaker or a foreigner.

    How to teach Russian


    1. First, decide who your student is: a child or an adult. Who is his nationality (Russian or foreigner). It is also important to determine what the level of Russian language proficiency is (for foreigners). All these are fundamental principles from which you must build. Without taking them into account, you can easily go astray on the wrong path. In addition, you need to understand what format your classes will take. Will these be individual lessons or group lessons? Do you teach courses at a language school or university? Depending on this, the lesson program will change.

    2. If you teach Russian to foreigners, make it as easy as possible for them to learn Russian. Remember (if you are in Russia) that people have found themselves in a different language environment, encountered a different culture and are probably experiencing culture shock. Diversify your classes with game tasks, arrange for your students to “go out into the field”: if you go through the topic “Restaurant”, then drag them to the restaurant, even if they are shy and resist, if the topic is “Products” - then lure them to the market by hook or by crook, even if they still have little understanding of Russian money.

    3. The main thing in working with foreigners learning Russian is to overcome language barrier and “exit into communication,” that is, into live communication. Even spelling rules and grammatical errors are not so important here. Grammar is also important, but the main thing is that people understand and that people understand other people. They need communication skills and abilities that will allow them to move freely in a different cultural environment. Don’t fill their heads with what they don’t need and what will just settle in their brains as unnecessary ballast.

    4. For Russians, it is more important to explain the rules of spelling and the functions that certain linguistic units of their native language perform. They need to understand what's what in their native language. Stylistics, lexicology, syntax are very important sections of the science of language. A native speaker must have at least a minimal understanding of them in order to write and express themselves competently. Agree, if it is important to teach foreigners to speak, then it is important to teach native speakers to speak and write correctly.

    5. No matter who you are trying to teach Russian, your lessons should be based on some kind of regional studies material so that pupils and students can learn more about Russia. This will not interfere with either native speakers or foreigners. Use classic texts in the classroom, adapted texts for foreigners, unadapted ones for Russians, so that the language being studied is associated with the best achievements of Russian culture. This way, the lessons will be more interesting for both you and the students.

    Tip 5: How to teach Russian to foreigners

    The Russian language is incredibly difficult. It is clear to us, Russian speakers, what a species is, for example. And foreigners have to explain this, write exercises, select suitable texts so that everything is clear to them, just like us. Teaching is already a difficult thing, and it becomes even more difficult when you have to explain something that you understand on an intuitive level.


    1. Determine your students' language proficiency level. Complete zero or does he already know the simplest phrases? It also happens that a person expresses himself freely in the language, he understands and is understood, but at the same time he makes mistakes, the negative effect of which is eliminated through gestures and facial expressions. For each of these cases you need to create your own program.

    2. The group is another story. Here you need to determine the average level of language proficiency. If you don't do this, don't expect the weak to follow the strong. The weak will simply give up because they don’t understand anything.

    3. Choose how you will work - with or without an intermediary language - and immediately explain your choice to the student (or group). If a person already has some basic knowledge, it is very important to stimulate him by talking to him in the language he is learning. But there is no need to do this if this approach only complicates the process.

    4. When working with groups, there is often no such choice left: for example, when people from different backgrounds study together. different countries, Not knowledgeable of the language each other and not knowing English. In this case, you will either have to use your existing basic knowledge and slowly, clearly pronounce the phrases that control educational process, or get out and explain these basic things on your fingers.

    5. Explanation on fingers often has to be used when learning new words. Masters of their craft advise using translation only as a test of understanding. The words themselves need to be semantized - the meaning must be explained through pictures, gestures, playing out entire situations or definitions in Russian, and the latter only works for an advanced level.

    6. Lessons should be made as fun as possible. If your group is sociable, simple people, then games will help you a lot. They can even stir up the beech - it is unlikely that you will have to work with a completely closed person who does not make contact well. But if the student does not want to join the game, there is no need to force him.

    7. Use interesting texts and video materials for lessons. Take topics that are interesting to students. Ask their opinion more often, do not impose yours. And, when they have more or less mastered the vocabulary and grammar, put them in a real communication situation, for example, if your theme is “Restaurant”, then in the end you need to go to a real restaurant.

    8. Remember that in Russian as a foreign language lessons, new vocabulary should be taught on the basis of old grammar, and new grammar - on the basis of words and expressions already covered. This way, you will ensure that the material is learned and retained correctly, and your students won’t find it too difficult to understand you.

    The Russian language rightfully takes the place of the most complex language in the world. Russian-speaking students of language schools who stubbornly study German, French, English and other languages ​​probably do not fully understand how complex and extensive the language they already know is. It is worth approaching the study of Russian in a multi-faceted way and with all the attention.

    Learn Russian Language

    Channel contains detailed materials for learning Russian as a foreign language, which are suitable for beginners in the Russian language and those who already have basic knowledge. The channel boasts a rich archive of educational videos with subtitles, which is updated weekly. Videos are provided in the form of a monologue by the presenter or in the form of understandable presentations. These lessons are suitable for those who have just started learning and want to learn Russian without rushing. For those who have mastered the basics of the language, there may also be useful materials. The channel's presenter actively practices speaking and dialogues.


    Channel of the authors of the Russian as a foreign language textbook. Here you can find several educational lectures recorded in the classroom with students and an experienced teacher. Students act as students, during the lecture they answer the teacher’s questions and complete pronunciation tasks. For advanced students. During lectures, the student will be able to put correct pronunciation and expand the vocabulary necessary for a foreigner planning to visit Russia or Belarus.

    RCT for everyone

    The main emphasis in the material presented is on the most difficult thing - the grammar of the Russian language, which is presented in illustrations and clear examples. The authors of the channel try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to students with different levels of knowledge. Information is conveyed through clear presentations with audio. Students will study numbers, cases, pronouns, adjectives.

    Free apps for learning Russian as a foreign language

    To make language learning as effective as possible, you should devote every free minute to the process of learning or repetition. Mobile apps can help with this.

    Mondly: Learn Russian FREE- a versatile application that trains writing, speaking, reading and listening skills. Both those with elementary and advanced levels of study will find the application interesting; it will be useful when traveling and in business. Download the application for, for

    Learn English with Babbel– offers to study Russian through short lessons designed to qualitatively improve the level of language proficiency of a potential student. It will be useful for beginners and continuing students. The authors of the lessons are experienced teachers and native speakers. Pronunciation training is possible through the speech recognition function. Download the application for, for

    6000 Words - Learn Russian Language for Free- an application created for replenishment vocabulary student has a rich vocabulary library. For ease of use in the application, the words are divided into difficulty levels and topics; you can listen to a new word. Mini-games have been created to make memorization easier. Download the application for, for

    Many people often think about how to teach Russian to foreigners. This is no coincidence, because every year more and more foreign tourists visit the Russian Federation. Some of them remain in Russia to live. That is why philologists must know how to help a foreigner who wants to learn Russian. You can find some supporting information for training in our article.

    Why do foreigners learn Russian?

    Residents of many countries Lately They actively began to study the Russian language. Few people know what this is connected with. Surprisingly, US government agencies give preference to specialists who know Russian. It is also believed that getting a decent technical education possible in Russia. That's why many foreign students learn Russian.

    Role Russian Federation in the global economy is increasing annually. Some residents of foreign countries learn Russian in order to open up new opportunities for themselves in various fields of activity. In many large companies, knowledge of it is mandatory. This is necessary in order to cooperate and negotiate with Russian organizations.

    Russian language also plays important role V personal life foreigners. It is known that some of them dream of marrying a Russian girl. Knowing the language allows you to carry on a conversation without much difficulty.

    The Russian language is extremely important for foreign students. Many of them receive their education in Russia. Often they choose medical universities. This is no coincidence, because in many countries a doctor is a prestigious and highly paid profession. On the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign students can not only get decent medical education, but also save significantly on it, because in some countries it is the most expensive.

    Russian language in Germany

    The Russian language in Germany is not a language of national minorities of the European Union. There, in schools, children can choose to study Spanish or French. At universities, students can also learn Polish or Czech.

    Several million Russian-speaking residents live in Germany. Citizens also own it former republics THE USSR. Russian language lessons for foreigners and natives in Germany were opened by our compatriots. You can visit them on weekends. The lessons are designed not only for children from Russian-speaking families, but also for Germans who, for one reason or another, want to learn Russian.

    Russian words and phrases that foreigners learn first

    In order to understand how to teach Russian to foreigners, you need to find out which words and phrases you need to pay attention to first. Foreigners from all over the world told what, in their opinion, is most important for those who want to visit Russia. Thanks to studying this information, a foreigner will not find himself in an absurd situation.

    The Russian language is quite difficult for foreigners to learn. For more effective learning It is recommended to use special literature. Best books described in our article:

    1. The book "The Complete Course of the Russian Language", the author of which is N. L. Peterson, is an initial course of the Russian language. Thanks to this publication, you can easily learn to read and write. After carefully studying the book, a foreigner will be able to speak Russian. She will help you get basic foundation, thanks to which you can improve your knowledge.
    2. Not everyone knows how to teach Russian to foreigners from scratch. During training auxiliary material The illustrated dictionary “Russian Language” by Joy Oliver and Alfredo Brazioli can serve as an example. It contains more than a thousand basic words and about 30 pictures. Thanks to illustrations, the material is quickly remembered.
    3. Another popular Russian language textbook for foreigners - The manual contains a lot of valuable information. There you can find diagrams, illustrations, tables, practical exercises and much more.
    4. The book "Russian Language in Pictures" is considered one of the most popular and in demand. Its author is Gerkan I.K. This textbook of the Russian language for foreigners contains the basic vocabulary, as well as the rules for its declension.

    The most complex rules of the Russian language

    It is no coincidence that the Russian language seems difficult for foreigners. There are many rules that they cannot understand. Some of them are described in our article. They need to be studied by foreign citizens who want to learn Russian, first of all.

    The most difficult thing for a foreigner is the basics of declension of Russian words. For example: mouth - in the mouth. Many foreign residents cannot immediately understand where the vowel disappears from the middle of the word. That is why, not knowing the basic rules, they most often say: “To the company.”

    Many letters of the alphabet familiar to us also seem strange to foreigners. They don't understand why it contains several variations of the same letter that sound slightly different. These include e And yo,w And sch, b And ъ. The letter “s” also causes a lot of difficulties. It is almost impossible to explain her pronunciation. This also applies to hard and soft signs.

    Russian language and its study. A few nuances

    Not every experienced teacher knows how to teach Russian to foreigners. Standard program training is not suitable for such students. It is important that the teacher is fluent not only in Russian, but also in the one that the foreigner considers native. It is recommended to conduct the first lessons individually. A student can attend group classes only after a couple of months. This training scheme will be the most productive.

    It is important that a foreigner attends classes at least 3 times a week. The duration of the course is usually up to 160 teaching hours.

    Initial stage of study

    Any Russian language program for a foreigner begins with learning the alphabet. It is important to pay sufficient quantity time to the problematic letters that we described earlier. Next stage- these are the basics of reading. Experienced teachers recommend putting up colored stickers with basic words around the house. This will make it easier to remember them.

    When a student has mastered the Russian alphabet and reading, teachers begin to study grammar, phonetics and speech development with him. At this stage, a foreigner may prefer group classes and feel comfortable doing so.

    It is important that the teacher explains to the student what ambiguous words. He must understand their use in a particular context. It is important that the teacher communicates with a foreigner in Russian as often as possible. All the tips described will allow the student to achieve maximum results in their studies as quickly as possible.

    Self-instruction manual

    Not every foreigner wants to study new language with the teacher. Some undergo training for self-development. A self-instruction manual of the Russian language for foreigners is great option for those who want to learn a new language without anyone's help.

    Today there are a lot of video and audio tutorials. Thanks to them, you can master the Russian language in a few months without much difficulty or expense. You can engage in such self-development at any time of the day. However, this method also has disadvantages. As a rule, foreigners do not fully understand some rules. In this case, you will need the help of a qualified teacher.

    Language classes

    Foreigners often prefer special courses to learn Russian. They have both positive and negative sides.

    The advantages of language courses include:

    Language courses also have disadvantages:

    • high price;
    • time reference.

    Every year more and more foreigners choose language courses to study Russian. This method of learning is not suitable for everyone, but is considered one of the most effective.

    The opinion of scientists on the importance of learning the Russian language

    Scientists often analyze social media and popular sites. This is necessary in order to understand which language will become the leading one in the future. Experts say that English is still in the lead. The second place is occupied by the Russian language. It is into these languages ​​that books are most often translated various materials. Experts believe that it is important to be fluent not only in English, but also in Russian, Spanish, and French. Every modern man must study leading languages.

    Let's sum it up

    In our article you found out how to teach Russian to foreigners. Surprisingly, things that are common to us, such as the alphabet and some phrases, cause confusion among foreign citizens. That is why only highly qualified teachers should teach them. A foreigner can master the Russian language on his own, but for this he will need a large number of time and effort.