The scenario for February 23rd at home is cool. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

Every year on February 23, all Russian citizens pay tribute of gratitude and respect to those who bravely defended their native lands from enemies, and to everyone who tirelessly serves in peaceful life, maintaining a clear sky above their heads. Along with brave veterans and notorious warriors, on this day we congratulate little boys and young men who have yet to become real defenders of the Fatherland. At the end of winter, themed concerts with songs, dances, poems and funny skits are held in kindergartens and schools. In every work team, women congratulate men, organize a small corporate party, prepare Original gifts. But the most popular among gifts is a funny skit on February 23rd for colleagues.

Short sketches for the holiday of February 23 in kindergarten

Scenario of the matinee for February 23 in kindergarten, always light, educational and entertaining. It is difficult for kids to perceive too deep and serious information, so the main part of the event consists of fun and thematic entertainment. Instead of complex poems and sad songs, preschool children in funny camouflage costumes participate in games and competitions, solve riddles and show short skits about the February 23 holiday. In most cases, dramatizations are short and primitive. But even they allow kids to feel like an important part of society, real defenders of the Fatherland.

Funny skits for preschoolers on February 23 consist mainly of a couple of lines and are designed for a small number of characters. You can re-read the most suitable scenes here or watch them on video.

Funny children's scenes for the matinee on February 23

  • Scene "At the command of the captain." The presenter calls little actors who will clearly perform the assigned actions: “They stood up straight, pulled themselves up, palms stretched towards each other. Handles to the sides, forward, then turn right! We squat and stand up, reaching with our hands to the floor. Now we walk on the spot, raising our legs higher! Soldiers, stop! One-two, the game is over!”
  • Scene “Girl ditties”. Girls senior group They learn the words in advance so that they can congratulate the boys with funny rhymes at the holiday:

We are little girls who laugh

We live a very fun life

We are ditties about boys

We'll definitely sing.

Oh girls, look

Vanya made a plane,

So he will become a pilot

And it will take flight!

Oh girls, look

Oh, what ships

Sasha made it out of paper,

Not one, but three!

Oh girls, look

Kolya drew a tank,

Your drawing for all the guys

Showed it in our class!

Well, Kolya will become a tank driver,

So so be it,

In our Russian army

Serve the Motherland honestly!

Today we wish

To value friendship since childhood,

Defend our borders

Serve the Motherland honestly!

Funny skits for February 23 from girls for boys

Often, at school concerts dedicated to February 23, girls stage funny skits for boys in order to congratulate them in an original way and stroke their pride. But before choosing a specific scenario to learn, you have to make a careful selection:

  • Firstly, the skit for February 23 should not be too long, otherwise the audience will get bored. But at the same time, an overly short production will look stupid and careless;
  • Secondly, a funny scene to demonstrate in school walls cannot contain vulgar phrases, ambiguous allusions or rude expressions. The vocabulary may be modern, but it must be censored;
  • Thirdly, even if the skit is composed in the format of a funny parody of the boys from the class, it should not be offensive. Too sarcastic humor is unlikely to seem like a successful congratulation to the heroes of the occasion;
  • Fourthly, the average funny scene at a concert by February 23 can involve from 3 to 7 characters. If there are more or less of them, the performance risks failing miserably. Even the director can easily get confused in the abundance of characters, lines, actions and jokes. What can we say about the audience;

Otherwise there are no restrictions. Any funny skit suitable for the theme will be relevant at the holiday on February 23, if it is chosen with soul, learned with desire and shown with pleasure.

Funny scene “Three girls under the window”

Characters: three girls, presenter

Props: cardboard kokoshniks, wigs with braids, long skirts.

Leading: Three girls under the window were daydreaming in the evening...

1stMaiden: I wish I could get married soon, I’m really tired of girls!

2nd Maiden: I wouldn’t marry just anyone!

3rd Maiden: I would go for a businessman, as for stone wall! My mother would love a son-in-law, but where can I get one?

1st Maiden: Well, I would probably marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!

2nd Maiden: There are no sailors these days, it’s just a rarity! I wish I could marry military men - strong, extraordinary ones! I would be happy with a guy as strong as a rock.

3rd Maiden: We girls were daydreaming... All the guys were crushing, they could lie on the sofa and admire football!

Leading: Oh, these young people, all of you can’t bear to get married! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...

Girls (in unison): Where is this?! Speak!!!

1st Maiden(runs up to one of the men): Chur, I'll take it!

2nd Maiden(runs up to another): I liked this one!

Zya Maiden(to the third): This one smiled at me!

(Girls together): All the guys are good, it’s a real holiday for the soul!

Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, persistent and self-confident. Therefore, let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts (and the way to the hearts of men is - you know - through their stomachs!)

Military-themed skits for February 23 at school

Cool musical or theatrical skits on a military theme will always come in handy at a school party in honor of February 23rd. They allow guys to feel like part of a large and strong army for a short period of time, and experience the jokes in their own skin. army service. In addition, with the help of a themed military scene for February 23, you can carefully lead up to a school concert on the right note, this or that number.

Sketch “Army Education”

Characters: captain (C), captain's wife (F), warrant officer (P), sergeant (SR), soldier (S)

The warrant officer enters the barracks and observes the picture: a soldier is doing push-ups, and a sergeant is standing over him and counting.

P: Sergeant, what's going on? Why hazing? How long ago did you become a sergeant? Or I forgot how I did push-ups on the parade ground. Well, take a lying position: one, two, one, two...

The sergeant does push-ups. The captain enters the barracks and observes the picture: the sergeant is doing push-ups, and the ensign is standing over him and counting.

K: Well, stop! What's happening?

P: Comrade captain...

K: Shut up! I know that you will sing to me now. You can compose “War and Peace” on the fly. Now we will reduce your talents. Take a lying position: one, two, one, two...

The ensign is dissatisfied with carrying out the order. A woman enters the barracks and with a decisive step heads towards the captain.

Zh: Oh, that's where he staggers. I’m waiting at home, heating the cutlets for the third time, boiling the kettle, and here he is having fun. So no, to earn money or do something at home! Cooling off.

K: Lucy, this is how I raise soldiers.

Zh: Now I’ll raise you too. Lying emphasis: one, two, one, two...

The captain does push-ups.

Funny improvisational skits for colleagues on February 23

Fairy tales and improvisational scenes for a colleague's party on February 23 are most often designed for average or big company adults. For the most part, they are written for such celebrations, but they are suitable for almost every occasion to have fun with friends. Most scenes like “Cowboy Joe”, “Turnip”, “Minibus Taxi” are considered completely universal, and, despite the lack of any military meaning, are ideal for celebrating February 23rd. Such impromptu skits do not require preliminary preparation or additional rehearsals. They don’t have to be dressed up, but some elements and accessories can still add entertainment and boost courage.

Funny scene for February 23 “6 chairs”

Six people are chosen to perform the skit. Everyone is given a card with words. 6 chairs are placed with their backs in a circle, and participants sit on the chairs. Whoever hears the name of their character in the presenter’s text runs a circle around the chairs and pronounces their words. At the word “holiday” all participants run around the chairs together.


  • Woman - Still buy a gift!
  • Man - We deserve it!
  • Work - Yes, I'll wait!
  • Vodka - It's time to pour, pour!
  • Holiday - Hurray, let's relax!
  • February - Oh, how I blow!

Presenter's text:

In our country, everyone loves HOLIDAYS: MEN and WOMEN, especially in good company after WORK, with a cucumber and VODKA. After New Year's HOLIDAYS A series of separately MEN'S and separately WOMEN'S HOLIDAYS is coming.
So, in FEBRUARY, people traditionally celebrate MEN'S HOLIDAY; ​​they begin, as always, at WORK ON FEBRUARY 22: WOMEN congratulate MEN, although, alas, they do not pour VODKA. But it’s FEBRUARY 23rd, MEN have a real HOLIDAY, and you don’t have to go to WORK, and the feast, please, with VODKA, and all the WOMEN around give gifts, beauty. Not life, but a HOLIDAY!
Our dear MEN, we congratulate you on the wonderful MEN'S HOLIDAY on FEBRUARY 23rd, we wish you success in your work and personal life, the WOMEN in the hall, I think they will support me, which would be nice for the health of MEN, and in honor of the HOLIDAY, drink a glass or two of VODKA ! Hooray!!!

Sketches for male colleagues from women on February 23

March 8 and February 23 divide any team into two halves. The women's team is the first to enter the game. Girls, young women and women have to really strain their brains when thinking about the best gift for men. What do they really need? Banal socks with shaving foam or original gift certificates and souvenir sets? Perhaps the most successful gift to male colleagues from women on February 23rd funny scene with subtle subtext and sharp humor.

Sketch “Gift for men on February 23”

Characters: female half of the work team

Oh, girls, maybe we should buy them a pair of warm socks?

Nonsense, men wear the same socks until they have holes in both heels. But how do you know, you're not married.

Maybe we can give you an ashtray?

I came up with something else. In the office at last year's corporate party, olives were opened in a tin. This ashtray will last for six months, and then we’ll buy some sprat.

Or maybe a manicure set then?

What other set? Our guys have one manicure tool - their front teeth.

What about a gym membership?

Why deprive our men of the only sign of masculinity and sexuality - a beer belly?

Well, do you need gifts? Let's think about what they really need.

I'm sorry, what! Sneakers, for example. But such that they are equally suitable for both the theater and football. A kitchen knife for preparing culinary masterpieces. I cut off a piece of sausage, threw it on bread, poured mayonnaise on it - and it was done! Hammer. But not ordinary, but accurate. So that it doesn't get on your fingers. And if he does get caught, he’ll swear himself. Handkerchief with self-cleaning function. Or a purebred puppy. But not a simple one, but one the owner is accustomed to bringing slippers and a remote control.

Well, why did you attack so much? Our men are good!

So, let's give them our care and affection. It is always in price and in fashion.

The skit for February 23 is a funny and non-trivial part of the festive scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, there is a big difference between adult scenes for men from colleagues and children's scenes for boys in school and kindergarten. But at the same time, each of them is unusual, funny and cheerful in its own way.

February is the harshest month of the year, and it is very symbolic that it is in February that we celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. On this day we give our attention and care to you - our strong, brave, harsh, but at the same time, touching, loving and beloved men!

It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... do not spare money.
To be slim, elegant and... careless.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
On this holiday we wish you... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!

Dear women, making a holiday soulful and memorable is not as difficult as it might seem. Prepare a festive banquet with fun entertainment, well-aimed toasts and good wishes. Surround everyone with attention; none of the heroes of the occasion should be deprived of your care. And let the main surprise at the festive event be a wonderful video gift “Dedicated to beloved men” . Of course, you will have to work hard on it, but the result is worth it! Evaluate your capabilities - you can make a small, cute clip using photographs, or you can make an entire amateur short film; in any case, the gift will turn out to be unique and very pleasant.
To create a video, ask the men to bring their photo albums in advance; the more pictures there are, the more interesting it will be; children’s and family photographs are perfect. Scan selected photographs and compose photo stories from them. Play beautiful music and poems about everyone in the background. Knowing your men, you can compose soulful, personalized poems.

Poems - congratulations.

Life is not life without adventures
And without creative torment.
Bright, courageous, Sasha,
You have won our hearts!

It will never get bad
If Lekha is nearby.
Alexey is like a ray of light
This sadness will instantly dispel.

Anatoly. Briefly - Tolya.
An inquisitive mind. Force. Will.
He is aware of everyone's events.
Destined for success.

Andrey is a daredevil,
Joker, merry fellow,
Well done in business
And he is not a simpleton in love.

Let it not be permanent, Antosha,
But overall you're a good guy.
It's never boring with you.
Friends don't forget you.
Don't lack abilities.
After all, your slogan is “I want to know everything!”

Artem is healthy, unharmed,
Uninhibited, tireless.
Deep, strong, romantic,
A wonderful friend and a great husband.

Boris is a fighter, Boris is a sage,
Our Borya is just great!
Categorical, maybe
But how can you not love Boris!?

The versatile Vadik knows
What life promises a lot
To someone who doesn't sit still.
Goes forward with luck together.

Valentin is responsive and sensitive,
Will come at any time of the day
To help relatives and friends.
How can we not appreciate all this?

Valera is a restless, mischievous person,
I got used to success from early childhood.
It’s interesting to go through life with him,
And friendship is measured along the way!

Beautiful name given at birth!
There is so much softness and so much fun in it,
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Altruism that we have almost forgotten.
Vitaly has all these qualities!
It's nice to write poems in his honor.

Where he is - there is peace, partnership, friendship,
It is difficult and unnecessary to argue with him.
A great friend, husband, father.
Vladimir, really, well done!

More glorious name
It seems we can't find it.
This is amazing luck -
To meet you on the way.
Your heart is open,
Thoughts are always honest.
Darling, the only Slava,
We love you very much.

Our Gennady natural leader.
I'm sure I'm always right in everything.
God did not offend with beauty.
And the mind and become, and everything with it.

There are many “star” Goshas in the world -
It’s easy for you to get into this line.
Always effective and good, -
Well, you just can’t pass by!

Friendly with people
Responsible for your deeds,
Our Gleb is reliable and smart,
He will not waste words.

Gregory, you are like a hurricane:
Ideas are a fountain, passions are a volcano!
You are a mood generator
You awaken inspiration in us.

For Denis, all weekdays are holidays,
Full of sparkling happiness,
All men are so different
But with you it’s not cold even in the cold!

Dima means "mother earth"
This is your strength!
At least work for three,
At least love for four -
You have enough strength for everything:
Apparently the name helps.

Faithful husband and good father,
In life, in work - well done everywhere.

Ivan is known as a hero for a reason -
Destroys problems with one blow.
Vanyusha is vulnerable and subtle in his soul,
A warrior on the outside, a child on the inside.

Garik's last shirt
He will give it back and smile after you.
There are a lot of responsive people -
There are no more people like Igor!

Eloquent, smart Ilyusha,
He's so interesting to listen to.
A wonderful husband and family man -
We have only one such Ilya!

Pulls like a magnet, Kirill,
You won't get bored with him.
Witty, light, bright -
It's a surprise, not a gift!

Reliable, faithful, pure in soul,
Our Kostya is a golden guy!
And we sincerely congratulate you
You, our friend! We wish you all the best!

Life is not a joke, life is a game,
Miracle, fairy tale, depth.
Living, dreaming, is more interesting -
Lena knows all this.

In Latin - the most, the most,
Maximum and big.
Initial luggage experience
Let it serve well.

Be happy, Misha, bright man!
We have love for you, dear, forever.
Be respected and loved by everyone
And we keep him as our Angel all our lives!

Nikita means "winner".
Capable Angel - your guardian
Lead you to victories.
Forward! And bon voyage!

Advice and help are sometimes needed -
Kolya will help - everyone knows that.
Calm, wise, faithful comrade,
You are in our hearts, our friend, believe us!

Our dear, glorious Oleg!
You are a wonderful person,
You are smart and romantic
And we are very cute!

Calm and safe with Pasha,
He became a support in our life.
Do you need help - Pavlik is nearby,
He will help with deeds, words, and looks.

He is thorough and daring,
He can be soft and harsh.
You can't take away your endurance -
Peter can lift up the whole world.

Roman has continuous novels,
Life is like a story, a tangle of adventures.
The eternal wanderer became his friend,
Golden-haired boy Cupid.

Ruslanchik is bright, Ruslanchik is light,
Cheerful, loud, a little timid.
We wish you more happiness in everything,
Live a vibrant life as long as possible!

We know, Semyon, that you are very vulnerable,
Trust us, friends: you are appreciated and loved!
You can’t find a more responsive friend than you,
You have helped so many people on their way of life!
And on this holiday we want to wish -
Be strong spiritually and do not lose heart!

Sometimes Seryozha is the center of attention,
Sometimes in the eyes of sad people there is a mystery.
Your world is rich, your soul is immeasurable,
This probably makes you sad.

Timofey is practical and caring,
But sometimes it comes into life by touch.
You need to be lighter, look simpler
And do without self-criticism.

We respect you, Fedya,
We wish you all the blessings of the world!
And also, happiness and good luck
In solving life problems.

Yuri is a mystery to friends,
Nice, kind, don’t hide.
It's good for us together, sweet,
Just give me the key.

Congratulations to Yaroslav!
Glory to the power of your life!
Be lucky and happy
And always, always loved!

[c] A man always strives for the heights,
He is ready to help if help is needed.
A man goes towards his goal,
He fights, searches and rushes forward.
A man is ready to argue with fate,
Will withstand the battle of life with dignity.
And every man will not give up in the fight -
He is faithful to the Fatherland, love and himself!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a purely male celebration, so only girls are involved in organizing it in the office. Regardless of whether there is one woman in the team or many of them, the holiday should turn out bright, cheerful and, most importantly, memorable. How to achieve this effect, you ask? Yes, very simple! First, you need to choose or create a cool script yourself. Secondly, rehearse interesting scenes. Thirdly, buy original gifts. And finally - choose good congratulations in poetry or prose "in your own words." The result will exceed all expectations. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? Read about this in our article today!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues

Having looked through countless women's blogs on the eve of the holiday, inventive girls will find dozens and even hundreds of tips on how to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues. But in practice, choosing the ideal option is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, many important factors influence the preparation of congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. Eg:

  • The budget that women are ready to collect for gifts, decor and treats. The amounts may vary greatly depending on the status of the company and the region of the country;
  • Number of guys/girls in the work team. There are completely unsuccessful combinations (15/2 or vice versa);
  • A dedicated time and place to congratulate male colleagues on February 23rd. If your boss only allows you to spend 15 minutes on your lunch break, there is no point in making any speeches. It’s better to spend your energy and finances on decorating your office and buying original souvenirs;
  • The presence of a creative girl among the employees, ready to take on organizational issues. If it is not there, it will not be easy to create an atypical scenario for even the smallest event.

Only by deciding on all the above factors can you successfully select suitable way congratulate the men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Traditionally, such congratulations include:

  • decorating the work area with posters, ribbons, camouflage balloons and other themed items;
  • an original greeting in the format of issuing summonses, presenting awards or dressing in military uniform;
  • demonstration performance by girls (song adaptation, ditties, dance in costumes, recitation of congratulatory poems, demonstration of a video clip, etc.)
  • presentation of original gifts or small men's souvenirs;
  • a small buffet with beer and roach, porridge and stew, or champagne and cakes in a suitable design.

It is also worth considering that high-quality execution of even one of all points will be a pleasant surprise and a good surprise for real men.

Original gifts for male colleagues on February 23

How to congratulate men at work on February 23 in an original way and what gifts to choose for colleagues is the eternal question of confused employees on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The second part of this riddle is especially important. If the entertainment or buffet part remains only a pleasant memory after X-Day, then the gift will remind you of the holiday for many weeks, months and even years.

We offer you a short list of the most successful acquisitions that can become a truly pleasant gift for every man or guy.

  1. Set "Flag and glasses"
  2. Beer mug
  3. Bath set with broom, panama hat and towel
  4. Board game for men
  5. Wall calendar with a cartoon based on a photograph
  6. Gift box with cognac, cigar and ballpoint pen
  7. Flash drive or diary
  8. Anti-stress ball
  9. T-shirt with a funny slogan
  10. Blanket and thermos
  11. Ticket to an event of interest (extreme entertainment, excursion, master class, etc.)
  12. Homemade gift such as: a bouquet made from a ram, a tank made from beer cans, a cake made from socks

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work: scenarios for the team in the office

Any original and simple holiday scenario is suitable for congratulating the male half of the team on February 23 in the office. Of course, if it corresponds to the given topic, is designed for the number of girls on staff, and does not drag on for hours. As a rule, office congratulations are limited in budget and time, so the script should be filled as rationally as possible with the best moments for men. Pay attention to the following entertainment that can be remembered for a bright emotional outburst and become the best gift you receive at work:

  1. A short collective quest for men in one room (meeting room, dining room, etc.). It may be based on puzzles and tasks with historical or military overtones, and a surprise will be a duffel bag with gifts for each participant;
  2. Comic rewarding of heroes of the occasion with various kinds of prizes and titles that do not intersect with official duties. For example: “chief candy eater of the office”, “consultant on xerox issues”, “head of the tea and coffee department”, etc.;
  3. Master class on men's interests. For example: “how to assemble a rifle in one-two-three”, “top 5 dishes from dumplings, mayonnaise and sausage”, “tricks with humor and a trick for a cheerful male company”;
  4. Photo shoot in military outfits with fake weapons;
  5. Lunch in the style of a field kitchen, including barley with stewed meat, boiled potatoes with sprat and pickled cucumber, beer with vobla and other suitable delicacies;

Most of these fun surprises can be successfully combined into one short event, making it simply unforgettable. Now you know how to congratulate men on February 23 at work: look for scenarios for the team in the office in the videos below.

Examples of scenarios for February 23 to congratulate men in the work team

How to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work: ready-made skits and popular improvisations

Ready-made skits and popular improvisations are one of the best ways to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work. Small dramatizations can be:

  • lyrical (about military operations, heroic deeds, soldier unrequited love etc.);
  • humorous (about women in the service or oddities in army life);
  • improvisations (fairy tales based on roles such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood”);

Depending on the specifics labor process and atmosphere in the team, you can choose the most suitable option. At the same time, it is worth thinking in a timely manner about the distribution of roles, potential participants, necessary equipment, costumes, necessary decorations and musical accompaniment. Having prepared everything thoroughly and diluted it with light thematic humor, you will be able to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way: see the video in the next section for ready-made skits and popular improvisations.

Funny congratulatory sketches for male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse

If you don't have the time, financial foundation or simple inspiration to organize a whole entertainment program at work to colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulate men on February 23 in an original way in verse. This method is less impressive compared to skits, a themed photo shoot or a beer buffet, but no less enjoyable if performed from the heart. In addition, you won’t have to wonder for long about how to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse. It is enough to choose a suitable poem from our selection, divide it into parts and tell it “by role” or in chorus by the whole women's group.

Congratulations in verse for male colleagues for the holiday of February 23

It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
To be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... do not spare money.
To be slim, elegant and... careless.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
On this holiday we wish you... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
Good luck in your creative endeavors and all the best!

Real men deserve eternal glory
Your courage, reliability and honesty are dear to us.
You are not just a brave defender of our Fatherland,
You warm people's hearts with your warmth.
We congratulate you on this holiday and sincerely believe,
That health and happiness, carefree companions of days,
Will always be part of your life open doors
In the role of the most beloved and faithful, reliable friends.

All our men are like birds
And everyone nests in life in their own way.
A man - an Owl - watches horse racing at night.
The man - Magpie - has a nest egg.
Man - Eagle - jealousy, lightning, thunder.
The man - Tit - drags everything out of the house.
Man - Bullfinch - there is no more beautiful tailcoat,
But he - migrant, however.
Sparrows are at home in winter and summer.
Rooster - ..(sorry, not about that now).
The Woodpecker will improve your home comfort -
To all the neighbors at once - kaput and kaput.
Dove needs special care
Coos lyrically, but there's droppings everywhere.
The Cuckoo Man is as careless as the wind,
The wife is one-day-old, the children are attached.
Man - Hummingbird - from flower to flower,
Only sweet things love his proboscis.
The penguin is an interesting, in general, bird,
Playful, but always afraid of something,
And the Swan carries loyalty in his heart all his life,
Its white-winged flight is beautiful.
How different you are, our men,
But there is no serious reason not to love you...

Happy holiday to you, dear men,
Congratulations, dear, because there are reasons for this.
You are the best, the most glorious,
You are the strongest. You are the best, the best.
You are our hope and faith with love,
You are our pill for sadness and pain.
You are our salvation in moments of despair -
Ordinary workers and big bosses.
All the women “…Company Name…” send you congratulations.
We wish you luck in love and work!

A man is a steel spring,
A motor singing in the sky,
A single menacing step of the squad,
eagle screeching in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a bunch of pepper
A master's firm hand
AND loving women heart:
So let's drink to the man!

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose

Creative teams with extraordinary personalities in their composition are unlikely to like congratulations with template verses. Hackneyed phrases will not bring any joy to women and will certainly hurt the ears of the heroes of the occasion with their primitiveness. At this time, it is better to congratulate creative colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful prose lines. Put an original meaning into your congratulations, choose good wishes, complement the speech with small notes of humor or short anecdotes from the life of employees. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Read in the next section examples of how to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose.

A selection of beautiful prosaic congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day for men in the office

From the bottom of my heart I wish all the men with whom I was lucky enough to share everyday work, professional and personal success, good health, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and warmth of the home. And it is also worthy to bear the honorary title of a man!

Dearly beloved colleagues and simply faithful, reliable friends! With great joy we hasten to congratulate you on February 23 - the day of the Russian Army and real men. And our team consists of just such men! We wish you peaceful skies above your heads, warm hugs and sincere smiles. Happy holiday!

Male colleagues, male heroes and defenders, the twenty-third of February is a great day to talk about our respect for you, faith in your strength, courage and ability to help in difficult times. We wish you to remain a reliable support for women and love them sincerely, and they will reciprocate doubly. Clarity of mind and inexhaustible optimism to you!

The best colleagues, congratulating everyone on February 23, we would like not to lose the cohesion of the team, the resilience of the team spirit and the joy of everyday work. We all work for a common goal - to prosper, which means we all stand to protect the interests of our team and all together - we are the force that is invincible!

Most of our adult life is spent at work. Our employees are our friends, family, mentors and social circle. With them we share our joys and worries, discuss news and purchases. Without colleagues, the world would be boring and uninteresting. Dear like-minded people! Happy holiday to you! Happy February 23rd!

How to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words

We offer you another extraordinary way to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words. To do this, it’s worth making small “soldier’s letters” in your own hand and writing in them short wishes from the female half of the team. A “messenger” in a camouflage uniform can give unusual gifts to each male employee who comes to the office in the morning. Such beautiful congratulations on February 23 in your own words will pleasantly surprise men and be preserved for a long time.

A collection of beautiful congratulations in your own words to the men in the team on February 23

Today you are celebrating your men's holiday, which, although it breathes winter severity, gallantly opens the door to gentle spring. We wish you, colleagues, to always have nerves of steel, gallant behavior, springtime warmth in your soul and nobility in your male hearts.

Dear colleagues, we are men and we must bear this title with dignity! The gene of defenders is in our blood and only we must ensure the peace of mothers, the joy of children, the happiness of families and the prosperity of our beloved Fatherland. I wish each of us grandiose thoughts, abundant health and freedom for boiling energy!

February pleases us with harsh weather and a holiday of courage, bravery and glory, a holiday of men. Be healthy, our dear colleagues, valiant defenders and friends! Be confident in yourself and in our continued dedication and support. May your affairs and works be successful, your worries pleasant, your feelings ardent, your hearts warm, and the sky peaceful.

Happy Fatherland Day, dear colleagues! I don’t want easy paths, with them your life will be boring and predictable, and don’t lose the pioneering instinct, the spirit of competition and healthy rivalry. You don’t need to weigh all the decisions for a long time, trust your heart - women choose those who take risks and are focused on winning. Health to everyone, success and love!

For some, work is the meaning of life, for others it is a way to earn money. But all of you, dear men, treat your labor responsibilities with the necessary responsibility. That’s why you are wonderful colleagues. Happy holiday, February 23rd! May your life be filled with the most happy events and only pleasant accomplishments!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important holiday not only for men, but also for the entire team. And even if the staff includes one woman and many more guys, you will still have to prepare for the event. It is necessary to select a short script in advance, re-read a couple of sketches, purchase original gifts (possibly at the expense of the company) and select funny congratulations in poetry or prose. It’s a good idea to decorate your office and prepare a couple of unexpected surprises. The task is not simple, but its solution is quite realistic. After reading our article, you probably understood how to congratulate your male colleagues at work on February 23rd. Use the knowledge you gain to surprise your defenders as pleasantly as possible.

And so, let's think about how to make February 23 not just a holiday, but a fun and funny holiday. While you were thinking, we came up with our own ideas, which we posted on this page. Watch them and amaze men with your originality.

Modern scenes for February 23rd for a corporate party from women. Funny, new for men!

Well, not much time is left for the fair half of humanity to prepare for February 23rd. But men expect a holiday from their colleagues and girlfriends Have a good mood. And here the girls really can’t lose face in the dirt. And if so, then here are new sketches for February 23rd for a corporate party from women to make it fun. Funny and amusing scenes will help you congratulate your male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day and make this evening unique and unlike anything else.

The first scene is a musical congratulation.
What's a holiday without a song?! And on the occasion of February 23, we need to perform beautiful, funny, but military and festive songs.
For this scene, the girls must learn some kind of dance, for example, change the usual soldier’s march to something bright and danceable. After all, the song is such that you want to march. The song itself is a reworked song based on the tune - a soldier has a day off. Our version of the song says that today is a holiday for men and girls dress up in honor of the holiday. So you can turn the march into how girls put on makeup and dress beautifully.
Here are the lyrics of the remade song:

The second scene is congratulations from famous women.

What man doesn’t dream of being approached by some famous woman? In this scene, all the secret desires of your men will come true.
To make this scene bright and funny, you need to rehearse and find outfits for the characters. And the images here are as follows: Venus, Vasilisa Krassa, Scheherazade, Isolde and Pamela Anderson. These are the girls who decided to congratulate the men in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You girls will have to find outfits for their images and select candidates who will cope with the role. And then everything is simple - after the host’s words, the girls take turns coming out and giving their speech. The men admire and fall to the floor in amazement.
Text for the scene:

Scene three - girls discuss gifts for men.
In this scene, three girls sit and discuss what to give men on February 23rd. During the discussion, they come to the point that the best gift for them would be love! Do you agree with this?
Watch the video skit, memorize it and do the same performance for your men:

Scene four - girls are drafted into the army
This is a fictional scene, because in our country girls are not drafted into the army. But in honor of February 23, we will show men how real girls are chosen to serve in the army!

Military registration and enlistment office. There is a table. A nurse sits nearby. On the other side of the nurse are girls who are being drafted into the army. The doctor runs in and says to the nurse:
- Lyuba, what happened?! Why was I called to work so urgently?

- urgently, because a new draft has been announced. And they called me - it was Monday, it was still a working day.

- ah, because of this or what? So this is nonsense. Now we will quickly send everyone to the army. (addresses conscripts) Do you want to join the army? You are all healthy!

The conscripts shout indignantly:
- no, we don’t want to, we are unfit, we are sick.

- who is unfit there? Come on, give me your medical history here.

The doctor takes a medical history from one conscript, lifts it up and looks at it. Speaks:
- I can not see anything.

Then he puts the story aside, and a thousand rubles remain in his hand, which he also holds up to the light and says:
- ah, now I see, I see that you are all glowing with happiness, since you are not fit for the army. This is confirmed by three zeros.

The conscript leaves the stage with joyful cries.

- so, who else is there with us? Ah, it’s you, my soul! Come here. Look (shows a photograph), what do you see there?

- I see love and two people in love.

- look, what an imagination. And I see my son, my boy, who shows promise and enters a higher educational institution! And here you are, who interferes with his life. That's it, it's decided - you are fit to serve on a submarine!

- maybe in a submarine after all. And not on her?!

Everyone will serve in a submarine, and you on a submarine1 will know. How to ruin a child's life.

Doctor addressing nurse:
- Or maybe all of them to the navy, for three years?

Conscripts in chorus:
- no, we can’t, we all have love!

Everyone has? Is everyone in love? Then you don’t need to come to me, you should go to a venereologist first. Check your love...

The conscripts leave the stage. Doctor:
- dear men, remember that serving is not just a year, two or three being away from home. This is a year, two or three years to protect us, girls who are waiting for you and believe in love! Happy holiday to you!