Magic fortune ball. Magic ball of predictions for decision making - how to use

In the online game "Magic Balls" you need to remove same-color elements from the playing field, thereby earning points. This is very easy to do, you just need to click on a group of identical balls located next to each other. The involved pieces disappear, and those on top fall and take up empty spaces.

As soon as you destroy all possible balls, the level will be completed and you will move on to next stage, which will be slightly more complicated than the previous one. Of course, when a dozen or two steps have passed, you will feel a significant difference compared to the first ones. The application has many interesting levels, so playing Magic Balls is quite interesting.

How points are awarded

Destroying in this free game, you get bonuses for each of them. The more balls there were in the group, the more points are given for each of them. When you move to a new round, your total score does not reset to zero, but continues to accumulate. If at the end of the stage you still have balls that do not have a pair, then they will also disappear, but for each you will lose 10 points.

Tactics in an online game

The strategy depends on your goals. If you play for passing, then you just need to remove all kinds of accumulations of figures, without thinking about how many points you will get. If you are playing and trying to get the highest total score, as in Zuma, then you should choose one or two colors of balls and try to group them in order to destroy them in the end and get a large number of bonuses immediately. Using this tactic, you need to think carefully about each move. The first step is to select the color of the balls to be grouped. See which ones you have the most and save them for the end of the round. The second step is to cut off all the extra balls that remain in the minority. And only at the end you will finish the round victoriously with one click.

Magic decision ball Magic 8 ball

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If you are looking for the most original gift, then you definitely need to buy a magic decision ball. If you've seen the movie Route 60, you probably remember magic ball, answering questions, which looked like a billiard eight. This magical assistant also appeared in the films “Friends”, “House”, “Charmed”, in the cartoon “The Simpsons” and other cartoons and films. Thanks to this, the toy has gained wild popularity around the world.

Agree, sometimes doubts baffle you and cause internal stress and anxiety. Accept correct solution in one situation or another it is not always easy. Such an assistant as the magic ball Magic 8 ball will help you decide and make right choice in any circumstances.

Review of the magic ball answering questions Magic 8 ball

Outwardly, it looks like a billiard black ball 8, but it is larger in size - its diameter is 10 cm. It is made of high-quality materials and will last a very long time, unlike cheap Chinese fakes.

Our balloon also has a special feature - the name of its owner will be written on the box. The personalization service is already included in the price. Therefore, it is a wonderful gift that is unique and created especially for the recipient.

How does Magic 8 ball work?

Inside the ball there is a container with liquid. In this liquid there is a figure with answers. In order to find out the answer to your question, you need to formulate it as accurately as possible and say it out loud. Then you need to shake the magic ball of predictions vigorously several times and get your clue.

The design consists of two parts. This is necessary to allow air to get inside and proper operation ball.

Instructions for using a magic ball for decision making

  1. Take the ball in your hands;
  2. Try to formulate your question as specifically as possible. It's better to be able to give it to him
  3. a clear answer, like “yes” or “no.”
  4. Shake the ball quite hard and read the advice after a few seconds.

Magic 8 ball answers with one of 20 possible options:

Definitely positive:

  • Undoubtedly;
  • Definitely yes;
  • Without a doubt;
  • Be sure of this;
  • It's a foregone conclusion.

Ambiguously positive:

  • I think so;
  • Probably;
  • Probably yes;
  • Good prospects.

The ball cannot give an exact answer to the question:

  • It's not clear yet, try again;
  • Try asking the question later;
  • It's better for you not to know;
  • I can’t answer now;
  • Ask the question differently.


  • Very doubtful;
  • My answer is no;
  • Not very good prospects;
  • Don't even think about it.

It is worth noting that, after all, a magic ball for making decisions is a toy and you should not take its predictions too seriously, although at some moments in life we ​​simply need a hint.

You can buy a magic ball that answers questions using the link in the store original gifts By optimal price. You can be sure that it will last a long time and will not break, unlike its cheap Chinese counterparts that stop working after a few uses.

In addition, your name or the name of the person for whom you are purchasing this gift will be a pleasant bonus. This also has its own magical meaning - after all, this ball will be only yours, it will feed on your energy and give only the right answers!

Delivery is carried out to all regions by many convenient ways. If you are still thinking about whether to buy a magic ball or not, then just look at what it tells you in the picture!

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Description of the game "Magic Balls"

In front of the player is black field, completely filled with voluminous multi-colored balls. The gameplay is accompanied by pleasant rhythmic music.

The game consists of several levels, all of which open as you progress. On the first, the game involves balls of two colors - blue and red, on the second - three (green is added). With each level the number of new colors and balls increases.

Rules for playing "Magic Balls"

The goal of the game is to clear the playing field from balls. To do this, you need to left-click on a group of balls of the same color. For each removed ball, 2 points are awarded. You can delete a group that consists of two or more bubbles. The greater the number of balls that make up a group, the more points the player is awarded. You must try to earn as many points as possible.

When removing bubbles in the lower rows, the upper ones crumble, creating new combinations. The main task is to burst the bubbles in such a way that at the end of the game there is not a single ball left on the field. For each ball remaining at the end of the game, 10 points are deducted.

There are no time restrictions in the game - you can take your time when making a move.

A loss is considered to be the situation when at the end of the game there are more than 25 balls left that cannot be removed.

Functional features of the game “Magic Balls”

In the game "Magic Balls" you cannot cancel a move or get any hint. Unlike many puzzles, here you cannot mix the balls located on the field.

The game design is made in the spirit of minimalism, without the use additional elements or buttons.

The control panel is located to the right of the field with balls. At the top there are buttons responsible for turning off special effects and music.

The Points column indicates the number of points earned.

In the Extraballs column - the maximum allowed number of balls remaining at the end of the game. This number varies depending on how the previous level was completed. So, at the first level it is allowed to leave 5 balls. If at the end of the level there are no balls left on the field, this number will increase by 5. If there are undetected balls left, this number will vary depending on the number of balls on the field.

The Level line indicates the level at which this moment there is a player.

It is still unknown how many levels there are in this game; no one has yet managed to complete it. Slow decision-making and thinking about each move can bring the player closer to solving this mystery. Playing “Magic Balls” will be interesting for both beginners and more experienced players.

The game "Magic Balls" can be played online for free and without registration. You can play “Magic Balls” for free in full screen and good quality. Other games are also available online:

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Play in full screen

Information on the game "Magic Balls"

Games based on the classic Zuma are very popular and varied. One of the simplest but most popular options is the game “ Magic balls" There is nothing complicated in it, as, indeed, in other variations on the Zuma theme. But it has enormous attractive power, which is largely why it got its name.

Game Features

There are no specific features that distinguish this game from a series of similar entertainments. She has very simple and clear rules, which ensured popularity among people of all ages. It is equally well understood by both a child and a pensioner.

There are balls on the playing field different colors, which are selected in a chaotic order. The player's task is to remove all the balls from the playing field (at least most of them). To do this, you need to find balls of the same color, located at least two next to each other.

Clicking computer mouse in such a one-color group, the player makes the balls disappear - they solemnly burst and disappear. For each successfully completed round, the player is awarded points. He also receives extra balls. They will help him complete the round without defeat if he is not good at collecting balls in groups. If the user does not earn such additional balls, he will lose.

The game is accompanied by specially selected music, which provides a musical commentary on each event that occurs. In particular, bursting balls are accompanied by a characteristic and easily recognizable sound. If the player does not like the music and accompanying sounds, they can be easily and quickly turned off. This can be done using the buttons located to the right of the game screen.

Advantages of the game

Despite the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the game, it is very addictive and captivating, because the player wants to win, overcoming all obstacles. A person simply cannot give in, because it seems to him that the game is so simple conditions cannot help but succumb to his efforts. This simple entertainment perfectly develops ingenuity, speeds up reaction, helps you learn to think strategically and develop action tactics even in the presence of such simple conditions.

This game will help not only to unload the brain and relax after a hard working day or classes. With its help, you can improve your abilities, learn to make quick decisions and instantly respond to rapidly changing conditions.

Using our magic fortune telling ball is very simple, you do not need the gift of clairvoyance for this. Think about your problem or simply say “crystal ball, give me advice” and then press the “guess” key. In just a few seconds, the magic ball will give you an online fortune telling.

Important! If the prediction seems unclear to you, then try to formulate the question differently and ask it again. If the answer is again meaningless, then postpone the fortune telling to another day.

You may be interested in other online fortune telling:

Fortune telling on a fortune ball

Esoteric practices that involve contemplating the surface of a magic crystal made of crystal are one of the oldest types of prediction. By looking at the images that appear inside the magic ball, you can get answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time, and find the key to solving a pressing problem. Visions also help predict the future and look into.

A crystal ball of divination can be a useful acquisition for anyone seeking to develop their psychic abilities. The practice of receiving visions and signs in a magic crystal engages clairvoyant abilities. Some psychics eventually give up crystal ball, preferring to rely on their own perception, but many make this magical instrument their companion for many years.

From the history of divination

The use of a crystal ball for predictions has been known since the time of the Renaissance, but truly complete evidence belongs to the Renaissance. The famous psychic, “angelic doctor” John Dee, court scientist, astrologer and magician of Queen Elizabeth I of England, did not have sufficiently developed clairvoyant abilities. That's why he collaborated with the seer Edward Kelly to look into the magic crystal for him.

What can replace a crystal ball?

Not everyone who wants to develop their clairvoyant abilities has the opportunity to purchase a crystal ball for predictions. Yours instead magic crystal can become glass or mineral of any shape, having smooth surface. Rock crystal, smoky quartz, and obsidian are ideal for this. An equally effective method is when the clairvoyant uses a bowl filled with water. The liquid inside the fortune telling cup can be either transparent or tinted with black ink.

How to predict events with a magic crystal?

You need to place the crystal ball on wooden stand. A fortune-telling bowl filled with water is placed against a background of dark blue or black matte fabric. It is also advisable to completely cover the table with a dark-colored tablecloth. You should make sure that the crystal is not exposed to either sunlight or artificial light. should stand as far away from the bowl or crystal ball as possible.

It is worth choosing the most comfortable position, sitting in a chair, on a chair or sitting cross-legged on the floor. Nothing should interfere or restrict movements. It is better to remove jewelry, hairpins, and belts for a while, allowing energy to flow freely. But if you have a talisman that helps you, you don’t need to give it up.

Next, you need to start peering into the magic crystal, if possible without straining or blinking. Peering into the surface of the water or the surface of a crystal ball, you should clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, not allowing it to be distracted by foreign objects. If the mind is unfocused and wandering, you can take several deep breaths and exhales, imagining how unnecessary thoughts go away with the exhaled air.

The first session of contemplation should be limited to just five minutes, then gradually increasing the time. The emphasis should be on the regularity of training, and not on its duration. Perfect option- short but daily exercises with a prediction ball.

Over time, you will be able to see images in the crystal ball. The first visions may be very blurry and foggy, but gradually they will begin to take shape and even color, flowing into figures and faces of people, scenes, and specific symbols. By turning to a magic crystal with a question, you can get an answer through the interpretation of what you see.

Diary of a Soothsayer

When developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal ball of divination or a bowl of water, it is not necessary, but it is advisable to write down everything you see in a specially designated notebook. Just as with, keeping notes will allow you to understand and feel the language in which the subconscious communicates with the seer. It is enough to write down the date of the session, briefly list the images seen and the main ideas about their interpretation.

Working with a magical diary is indispensable for anyone who wants to track the appearance of possible errors and inaccuracies in the interpretation of visions. When the outcome of the situation about which the question was asked is already known, you can return to the results of divination and test yourself. Therefore, it is always better to leave some space for later impressions.

Practice with a magic crystal of divination is one of the best ways development psychic abilities and intuitive perception. A few months of constant training is enough to learn how to get answers to life’s questions and look into the future. The most important thing is not to stop halfway. The first results in clairvoyance are an incentive to start working even harder to discover your talent.