Universal façade putty. Types and features of applying façade putty for exterior work

Facade putty is often used for exterior finishing brick or stone masonry. This is due to the fact that it cannot be laid perfectly evenly. Putty intended for finishing the facade has not only a decorative function, it protects against the effects of precipitation and minor physical impact. What are the features of this finishing material can you highlight?

Facade putty used for exterior work is a finely dispersed material, but it may contain fractions of different sizes. All solutions differ in their consistency and functions. Highlight the following types mixtures:

  • widely used for leveling surfaces. Finish. It is represented by a mixture with smaller fractions compared to the previous composition. The finished putty has a liquid structure. It is widely used for

  • This putty combines the advantages of starting and

  • finishing mixtures. But it is not used for façade putty. Decorative. This composition for external walls is often used for finishing stucco and textured decorative elements.

Wood putty. It is used to protect walls from precipitation by wooden coverings

. As a result, the surface becomes particularly smooth.

Facade putty for external use is moisture-resistant, elastic and frost-resistant. A layer of paint or decorative plaster can be applied to it. The treated surface can also be finished with mosaics, ceramic tiles or enamel. Features of choice

Increased demands are placed on façade putties. Weather resistance is the main criterion that applies to them. Choosing specific composition, the filler material must be taken into account. The evenness of the treated coating depends on it.

High-quality mixtures have the following features:

  • do not crack and set quickly;
  • easy to use;
  • retain their plasticity for a long time;
  • can be combined with used paint and varnish materials.

Related article: The nuances of wallpapering paint

Cement facade mixture is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures and moisture. It has high strength, so it does not crack during application. For its production, quartz sand is used, which is crushed to 0.5-0.6 mm. It may include marble dust, ground quartz sand or limestone flour with granules up to 0.2 mm in size.

Cement putty may include chemical additives to improve technical parameters. Concerning color range, beige, gray and yellowish shades are used. White putty Cement-based products are not currently available because they require expensive bleaches.

Polymer putty for the facade can be made on an acrylic or latex base. Latex compounds are not used for finishing facades. But this putty is suitable for finishing indoor walls. Acrylic facade mixture can be used both as the main and as finishing for external walls. It does not need to be diluted with water, and the coating is 2 mm thick.

On the video: what types of putties are there.

Making the mixture

Modern manufacturers supply all putties in two forms - as a dry powder or a ready-made mixture. The already prepared Knauf mixture is supplied in closed plastic buckets. Volma needs dilution and is supplied in paper bags of various sizes. In the second case, you will have to use water to prepare the composition. It is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations in order to obtain the mixture that is optimal in thickness.

To mix the putty, use a drill with a special attachment. When the consistency becomes creamy, it should sit for several minutes.

Prepare small portion, sufficient for quick application to a specific area of ​​the wall. Mixtures of most brands, like Knauf, retain their optimal properties up to 3 hours. Then they harden, after which they cannot be used.

Related article: Tips for using finishing putty

If you cannot decide on the amount of putty mixture, start with a small portion. This way you can determine your productivity in terms of consumption and application area per hour per square meter treated surface.

Application technique

Finishing work should begin after the shrinkage of the foundation is completed. Average this process ends one year after completion construction work. For facade work it is necessary to use suitable putty. This process will require some effort and a little experience.

To apply a high-quality layer of Knauf, you will need at least 2 layers. Even an experienced master will not get by with just one layer of putty compounds. Work must be carried out at temperatures from +5 to +20 degrees. The maximum air humidity is no more than 80%.

To perform the work, a ready-made or dry mixture intended for finishing the facade is suitable. When using putty, it is important to follow the sequence of actions:

1. First of all, it is important to clean the coating from oil stains, dirt, dust and old finishing layers. If there are places on the surface with cracked plaster, it will have to be removed.

2. It is necessary to apply a deep penetration primer. It is important to note that it must be completely dry before the next stage of work.

4. After the first layer of concrete has dried, the surface is additionally primed. This improves adhesion to the next layer. On average, the mixture consumption is 11-15 liters per square meter. m. surface, and the layer thickness is about 4 mm.

5. Finishing putty allows you to repair individual defects - cracks, depressions and dents. It is applied thin layer, and wait for complete drying.

After completing the putty work, the stage of plastering the wall follows. Do not apply plaster to external works onto a heated surface. It is important that the coating obtained using putty is not exposed to direct sunlight or raindrops.

In order for your home to look as attractive from the outside as it does from the inside, it is important to take all the necessary measures for this. The most basic thing will be to putty the uneven surface in order to level it. In order for the result to be the one you want, it is important not only to follow the work technology, but also to choose the right façade putty.


Facade putty can be used on brick or concrete. By putting putty on these surfaces, you can level them and protect them from adverse natural factors. When performing any external work, one cannot do without chips, chipped corners of bricks and other things, and in order to hide all these flaws, putty is used.

In view of various conditions for which putty is selected, its types also differ. Frost-resistant is characterized by maximum surface protection even in very severe frosts. If you putty the wall correctly, then for a long time you won't need to correct any flaws caused by time. It is best to use waterproof plaster on top of such façade putty.

If you want your home to always be warm and cozy, it is important to correctly apply a layer of putty on the outside, which will ensure the desired effect. Facade putty will help give any exterior surface an ideal appearance so that decorative finishing can be done on top. How exactly to decorate the walls of a house or other building is a secondary issue; the main thing is to hide all the imperfections, insulate the walls and prepare them for further decoration.

The technical characteristics of facade plaster must be correctly selected for the type of work you are planning. Failure to comply with such nuances can result in wasted time and poor-quality repairs. When planning finishing with plaster, you need to know what layer thickness is most optimal for a particular surface. Most often it is determined by uneven places, focusing on convex points and depressions. The thinner the layer, the faster it will dry, but also the faster it will deform from external factors.


Since external walls may have their own characteristics, the mixtures for them also differ.

The most common are:

  • Basic putty;
  • Finish;
  • Universal;
  • Decorative;
  • Wood putty.

If we talk about the basic putty, which is also called the starting putty, then its main task is to level the surface. The finishing has a more liquid consistency and helps to level the surface before decorative finishing. It is not very durable, but it is easy to work with, convenient to sand and plan further finishing. If we talk about universal putty, it is similar to the first two types, but is not used for finishing the facade.

If we are talking about decorative putty, then it is used for working with stucco and textured elements in the decor of the outer part of the room. if you have wooden elements on the external facade, then you need to work with them using wood putty. It is this that helps protect the wood from precipitation and makes the wood layer very smooth.

You can apply paint, mosaic, plaster, tiles, enamel to façade putty, and all this will look beautiful if the walls have been previously properly prepared and leveled.

Putty is also distinguished by its base. There are plaster based on cement and polymer based. The first type is ideal for decorating a facade, because it is resistant to moisture and performs well in low temperatures Oh. For the walls it is great option, because after drying the material becomes very durable and does not crack, which means it protects internal heat.

Decorative plaster may have different shades, which becomes possible due to the presence of various chemicals in the composition. You can find yellowish, gray and beige putty. Previously there was also a white one, but now they don’t make it due to the high cost of the components.

If we are talking about polymer-based putties, then among them there are acrylic and latex. The acrylic option is suitable for both the main and the finishing work with external walls. Latex putties for external facades do not apply. If we talk about the advantages of façade putties, they include strength, durability, ductility, and quick drying. They do not shrink and are odorless. The disadvantages include the inability to combine this type with some building materials

Subtleties of choice

To choose a putty, you need to choose the right composition. In view of the serious requirements that this material faces, it is very important not to make mistakes. When choosing something specific, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material, which will determine the degree of evenness and strength of the finished coating.

If we talk about the cement composition, it has a more granular and coarse structure. Best to work with ready-made mixtures pasty in nature.

If the mixture is of high quality, then the following features can be distinguished:

  • Fast setting and no cracks;
  • Ease of use;
  • Long-term preservation of plastic properties;
  • It goes well with paints and varnishes that will be used on top of a putty surface.

Exactly cement plaster not afraid of moisture and low temperatures. It contains quartz sand, marble dust and lime flour. It may also contain chemical elements, used to achieve better technical characteristics.

Polymer putty can be made with an acrylic or latex base. The latex version is not used for external use. Acrylic putty can serve as a base and be used as a finishing touch. Its convenience lies in the fact that you do not need to dilute the mixture with water.

Almost all putty is now produced as a dry and ready-mix. Ready options sold in special containers tightly closed with a lid. If a dry mixture is used, then to work it must be diluted with water, and then used. Packaging volumes may vary, and their choice depends on the amount of work you have to do. When diluting the mixture yourself, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations so that the composition turns out to be the most convenient for work.

To mix the composition with water well, it is best to use a special attachment on a drill for mixing construction mixtures. When everything is ready and the putty has acquired a creamy consistency, you need to let it sit for a few minutes. The prepared mass can be used for three hours, after which it will harden and will not be suitable for further use. It is important to know this in order to prepare optimal sized portions of putty.

Cement putty, which will be used to perform Finishing work, must be properly prepared, only after this can you begin to apply the first layer. Despite the fact that the applied mass is waterproof and frost-resistant, in most cases a second layer of putty will be necessary.

If you want to veneer new house, which has just been built, do not rush into this matter. It is best to give the building time to shrink (about a year), and only after that carry out all subsequent actions. It is important to take into account the temperature regime - a range from five to twenty degrees Celsius is suitable for work.

It’s absolutely possible to decorate your home yourself, the main thing is to know the methodology of the process and not to rush to complete all tasks. The drying time of the solution will vary depending on temperature, humidity, and the presence of precipitation. At negative temperatures It is not recommended to work, because the putty composition is mixed with water, and the winter coolness will not allow the solution to dry out, it will simply begin to freeze.

For those who do not know whether it is possible to putty in the rain, it is important to say that direct sunlight and moisture in the form of precipitation should not fall on the working wall, so it is covered with polyethylene immediately after the work is completed. You can remove the film only when everything is completely dry. Thanks to the fact that cement mortar vapor permeable structure, it will not take too much time.

Work should begin by cleaning all working surfaces from dust and dirt. The next step is to apply primer with deep penetration, which should dry completely.

Work with the facade begins with the fact that significant depressions, cracks, etc. are closed using starting putty. Once everything is completely dry, you can begin next stage. The putty is applied to a section of the wall and leveled using a spatula. For this type of work, an exclusively clean version is used. façade putty, without impurities and additives.

As soon as everything has dried, you need to prime the finished surface and after drying, you can apply new layers. The thickness of each layer should be approximately four millimeters. When the process is completed, a finishing putty is applied to the base putty, leveled and sanded after drying.


Many people believe that the most important thing in puttying is precisely building mixtures, and there is some rational grain here. Famous manufacturers pay more attention technologies used to produce their products, and there are no surprises to be expected from them.

If we talk about the most popular options, then they include the company "Prospectors". They prepare high-quality mixtures, but at the same time the cost remains quite moderate. This material will be useful to those who are encountering this type of work for the first time and want to master this craft. In addition to the putty process itself, you can use the solution for decorative design by adding paint to the composition. This type of work will be cheaper than painting the facade with any paint, even the cheapest.

Functional purpose of facade putty in preparation smooth surface external and interior walls home with subsequent application of decorative facing material. You can pronounce it "putty" or "putty." The meaning of the words will be the same.

Experts call another function of the material: protective. External walls will be maximally protected from external factors.

Material classification

Façade putty for exterior use is available in 2 types:

Ready for use - the material in this form is convenient to use for urgent work. You cannot keep unused balance for a long time. Sold in special containers and in different volumes. This kind finishing coating not frost-resistant.

The mixture is in powder form - used for large volumes of work. Not afraid of transportation. The shelf life is long, but provided there is no moisture.

Types of putty

By functional purpose There are 4 types:

Basic putty. The structure is coarse-grained mixture. This is the first layer on brick wall or on a wall made of foam blocks. Material for sealing cracks and eliminating differences in the wall. The strength indicator is high.

The finished material for application should resemble sour cream in thickness. The thickness of the layer on the wall is about 2 cm. If the solution is diluted too much and turns out liquid, the material consumption will increase and the drying time on the wall will be added.

Finishing putty. Fine-grained composition. The application layer is about 3-4 mm. Under this thickness you can hide minor cracks. The consistency is liquid. You need to prepare the surface for it.

To perform decoration, use façade decorative putty. Used to decorate walls with textured elements.

For wood surfaces. The material performs protective function, helping the tree to withstand impacts external environment.

Cement putty

Positive properties:

  • moisture repellent
  • frost tolerance
  • durability, dust repellent
  • affordability.

Negative properties:

  • the coating bursts when the building shrinks
  • The material itself shrinks as it dries.

For composition cement putty crushed sand is added to the first layer. For the final application of the material, fine limestone, crushed quartz sand, and microcalcite are added. The material is already on sale in color.

Acrylic putty

Positive properties:

  • material strength, moisture resistance
  • cracks do not appear when the building shrinks
  • Application of the material is possible under any conditions.

Disadvantage: the coating is not designed to level out large deformations on the wall.

The material is sold ready for use. Not diluted with water. Used for any type of facade finishing. The composition includes polymers. The putty is applied to the wall in a small layer. The shade of the putty can be changed or the brightness can be highlighted by adding color. Does not apply to all surfaces.

Latex putty

Positive sides:

  • plastic material
  • lasts a long time
  • does not burst when the structure shrinks.

Disadvantage: the material is expensive.

Material properties

Selected quality material any type must have properties common to all:

  • moisture resistance indicator is almost high;
  • vapor permeability allows the walls to “breathe”;
  • façade putty is frost-resistant;
  • portability of direct sun rays, which helps maintain the brightness of the colors of the wall covering;
  • resists dust settling;
  • climatic temperature changes are not dangerous for the coating;
  • an additional thermal insulation layer appears;
  • the material increases the service life of the building.

Feedback from experts on a number of indicators that determine the quality of façade putty:

  • The finishing material has high adhesion.
  • The material was found to have increased plasticity.
  • The putty is leveled on any surface with a staple.
  • The frozen surface should not burst or form cracks.
  • The liquid composition becomes solid.
  • The wall surface becomes ready for another coating. For example, for painting.

You cannot putty a new building right away. You need to give it time to shrink. It is advisable to wait 12 months. It is better to carry out work with façade putty in the spring. This is due to the recommended temperature conditions, at which it is better to apply the material (+5-20o C).

The technology for preparing cement putty must be fully observed. Only after this can the first layer of material be applied. After some time, the second layer is applied.

The material for putty in dry form is diluted with water based on the volume of work. The putty consumption per 1 m3 should be indicated on the packaging. Residues of putty material are not stored in the finished state.

Work algorithm

Waiting for the building to shrink is simply a technical necessity. A wall with large irregularities will be puttied several times. Each subsequent layer is applied to the dried previous one. The drying speed depends on the characteristics of the type of façade putty.

Acrylic coating is considered the best facade putty in terms of drying speed. Certain weather conditions are required to complete the work:

  • Work begins with clearing the surface of debris.
  • The prepared wall is primed.
  • Large differences on the surface need to be given Special attention and spend more time on this work.
  • The putty is applied in several layers. Each time, wait for the application layer to dry.
  • The work ends by sanding the top layer of putty.

Following the instructions for applying a certain type of putty is the key to quality work.

Photo of facade putty

Construction of a house involves the use of many materials. Before finishing the facades of buildings, it is impossible to do without leveling the walls and filling cracks; putty is used for this. It is often confused with plaster, but there are two different composition. Putty is a powder or liquid mixture that can smooth out minor surface irregularities and give it an aesthetic appearance. It is applied to surfaces previously treated with a primer. For exterior work, façade putties are used. A distinctive feature of their solutions is their resistance to cracking.

Material compositions and why they are needed

Strength and performance characteristics depend on its formulation. There are several types of this material, but each of them contains common components:

  • mineral fillers;
  • plasticizers;
  • cement or gypsum;
  • modifying additives.

The plasticity of the solution, adhesion to the surface being treated, and resistance to external aggressive environments will depend on the type of the latter. Often, adhesives are added to the putty solution as additives, laundry soap, varnishes, drying oil, chalk and plaster.

They are selected depending on the operating conditions of the solution.

  • The advantage of these materials is:
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of working with them.
  • shrinkage;

Over time, cracks may appear on their surface.


Acrylic putty is used not only for leveling walls, but also for decorating them. It comes in liquid form and can be applied to the walls immediately. It can be used on absolutely any surface. It can be finishing or leveling.

  • Minuses:
  • is not able to eliminate deep cracks in one go;

grinding its frozen surface must be carried out in a respirator.


Latex (acrylate) putty is suitable for application to external walls due to its improved moisture and frost-resistant characteristics. Produced in paste form.

  • Pros:
  • easy application;
  • plastic;
  • high protective characteristics;


Oil-adhesive Oil-adhesive compositions are the oldest solutions used for wall cladding. They protect the surface from external aggressive factors and protect it from loss. performance characteristics

. Due to the dense composition, when applying them, a situation may arise with heterogeneity of the layer; pieces of the mortar often fall off the walls. This is explained by the high specific gravity of the mixture compared to other putties.

  • Plus:
  • high protective properties;

low price.

  • Minus:
  • high weight and density;

They are more often used to treat floors than walls.

Putties are used for almost any surface and condition. Their properties depend on the type of polymer additives. For example, polystyrene increases the frost resistance of the composition, and latex helps it resist moisture. It does not shrink, so it does not crack when dry. Available in powder and liquid form, the latter is more expensive.

Latex (acrylate) putty is suitable for application to external walls due to its improved moisture and frost-resistant characteristics. Produced in paste form.

  • high technical characteristics;
  • wide range of applications;
  • durability;
  • plasticity, it is easy to treat areas with deep cracks;
  • thermal and moisture resistant
  • affordable price.

low price.

  • It is better not to use it in its pure form; you need to buy a solution that contains additives.


Silicone putties are the most stable and expensive solutions. They are elastic, have high vapor permeability and strength. They have the property of self-cleaning. They are well applied to the surface in a thin layer, maintaining the homogeneity of the mass.

Latex (acrylate) putty is suitable for application to external walls due to its improved moisture and frost-resistant characteristics. Produced in paste form.

  • easy application;
  • vapor permeability;
  • after rain, the surfaces covered with them are cleaned of dust and dirt;
  • unlimited variety of colors.

Acrylic putty is used not only for leveling walls, but also for decorating them. It comes in liquid form and can be applied to the walls immediately. It can be used on absolutely any surface. It can be finishing or leveling.

  • high price.

Review of the best manufacturers, the cost of their products

It is very difficult to do without this material during construction; it is in great demand, which is why many manufacturers specialize in it. Among them are leading companies.


Knauf has high strength properties, is practical to use, and easy to apply. It can be used easily even by a beginner. This company offers a wide range of gypsum varieties with various polymer additives.

Supplied in 25 and 30 kg packages. Their cost varies from 300 to 400 rubles.

Ceresit (Tserasite)

Cerizite putty is used for leveling cement, brick, lime exterior and interior surfaces. It is applied only during warm periods. The entire resulting composition must be consumed within an hour. The maximum layer thickness is 20 mm. Possesses high strength and frost resistance. Has a long service life. The cost of 25 kg of product is in the range of 700-750 rubles.


Affordable and high-quality material, the application of which does not require special skills or labor costs. Evenly distributed over the surface. It is used to seal serious cracks and chips. It is reliable. Putty weighing 20 kg can be purchased for 200-250 rubles.


This domestic manufacturer. The range of its compositions and their color range is impressive. The solution is easy to apply, neatly seals uneven areas and is evenly distributed, thanks to which it is used sparingly. The price of 25 kg packaging varies from 300 to 350 rubles.


There is a starting and finishing version of the solution. They have high frost and moisture resistance. Level the walls and cover wide and deep cracks. Minimum thickness layer 4 cm, maximum - 20. Hardening of the material occurs within a day. It has polymer additives, suitable for any type of surface. It can be purchased for an average of 450 rubles.


Produced at the Volgograd gypsum plant. Facade putty goes under two names: “Socle” and “Aquaplast”. This budget material, which is reliable, dries quickly without shrinkage. The average cost of 25 kg packaging is 400 rubles.


The putty is supplied in ready-made liquid form. Is different easy application, strength and durability. Has excellent adhesion and performance properties after drying. Supplied in a plastic bucket with a capacity of 28 kg, its price is 1,400 rubles.

The choice of one type of putty will depend on the material of the building facade and necessary properties. Before purchasing, you should evaluate the characteristics of the selected type and reviews about its manufacturer. You should choose proven and reliable companies. Ideal option There will be a practical, durable and inexpensive facade putty.

If you decide to use paint to decorate the facade of a building, it will need to be pre-treated before you start decorating. But the question will arise, what materials are most suitable for such work?

It will not be news to anyone that the most suitable putty for facade decoration is a cement-based mortar. It is presented on the market in powder form or as a ready-made mass with the addition of polymer. Let's take a closer look at what the advantage of such substances is.

The main thing you should pay attention to first is that there is a mark on the packaging that will tell you what kind of work the putty can be used for.

When it comes to facade works, in this case, external putty is needed. Do not be mistaken that to finish the facade you will only need ordinary putty with increased moisture and frost resistance; this is absolutely not the case.

Be careful that gypsum-based putty is not used when processing the facade, because gypsum very quickly absorbs excess moisture, which is why such a coating will soon simply crumble.

What types of putties exist and what are they used for?

Putty for external use can be varied both in its composition and in its area of ​​application. If we discuss possible composition, then here the choice is quite limited to cement-based putties or polymer masses, that is, they consist of those components that are characterized by increased strength after hardening and are not afraid of temperature fluctuations and natural disasters.

home distinctive feature between such substances is as follows:

  • polymer-based putty is sold in ready-made paste form, price category for such compositions it is higher, and it is much easier to work with it;
  • Cement-based putty is prepared immediately before use, mixed with water and brought to the desired consistency on your own.

Which substance to choose is up to you to decide, because everything depends on your financial capabilities and the presence of at least some experience in using putty. The most popular brands of facade putty and their Comparative characteristics are given in the table.

Index Knauf Vetonit Ceresit Prospectors
Drying time 1-3 days 3-5 days 1-3 days 4 hours
Life cycle of the finished solution 3 hours 24 hours 1 hour 3 hours
Material color grey white grey white, beige
Average cost of 1 package 300-350 rub. 600-950 rub. 180-250 rub. 400-480 rub.
The basis gypsum polymer reinforced fibers cement
Material consumption 0.8-1.5 kg/m2 1.2 kg/m2 1.7 kg/m2 1-1.8 kg/m2
Recommended layer thickness 3-5 mm up to 5 mm 3-5 mm 0.5-2 mm

Also, putty for finishing building facades is divided into starting and finishing compositions.

The starting mixture is coarser and has a coarse grain. Such compositions are used for rough finishing of walls, because they have good adhesion to concrete, lime, brick and other substrates. Starting putty copes well with filling seams, deep cracks and other defects. This solution can be applied in different densities, from a few millimeters to centimeters - it all depends on the initial condition of the surface.

Following advice experienced craftsmen, starting solutions are best applied thinly, but in several tiers. The quality of such finishing will be higher than one, but too thick layer. It is especially problematic, if you are not an expert in putty, to apply the mixture evenly over the entire surface of the wall.

The finishing putty comes with the addition of a fine-grained fraction, which makes it possible to give the structure being treated a smooth structure. Of course, there are also coarse-grained compositions with an admixture of coarse quartz sand or marble chips. They are designed so that a relief texture can be achieved on the facade.

What features should distinguish the putty for finishing the facade?

Putty mixture for decorating facades is used not only to give the building a beautiful appearance, but also in order to protect surfaces from various harmful influences of the external environment and mechanical damage, which can shorten its service life.

First of all, such external stimuli for the design can be:

  • precipitation in the form of rain, snow, etc.;
  • scorching rays of the sun;
  • increased humidity levels;
  • freezing;
  • sharp fluctuations in temperature indicators.

In addition, the facade of the building always receives a greater load than the floors inside the premises.

We should also not forget about controlling the microclimate in the room, which is directly influenced by the decoration of the walls outside.

Taking these factors into account, we can summarize that putty for facade treatment should have the following features:

  • increased level of water and frost resistance;
  • improved vapor permeability;
  • sufficient strength and ductility;
  • low percentage of shrinkage after drying (so that the surface is not subject to cracking);
  • the solution should not contain environmentally unsafe substances.

Of course, these features are very important for any putty, but first of all, these are integral indicators that must be distinguished by finishing putty, because the entire significant load will be placed on it.

Preparing the solution for finishing the facade

We will not now delve into the technology of the process of puttying external surfaces, because such work is no different from puttingtying walls indoors.

Before applying the putty solution, the surface must be cleaned of old materials that are poorly fixed to the structure, as well as greasy areas, dirt, etc.

Under each tier of putty, it is imperative to apply a deep-action primer solution, which will increase adhesion between the base and the applied material.

Work should be carried out only at air temperatures that do not fall below 5 o C, and humidity does not exceed 70-80%.

Please note that too heat(more than 25 o C) also not the best option for carrying out work, because in such weather conditions the putty will harden very quickly, which will lead to its cracking. This result is especially inevitable if the walls were too warmed up by the sun's rays before applying the solution.

It is also very important not to overdo it with the thickness of the applied substance; pay attention to what the putty manufacturer indicates on the packaging.

Under no circumstances mix the putty mixture with other building compounds, as this will simply spoil the solution and make it unsuitable for further use.