How much does life cost in Petrozavodsk? Rumors about eight more murdered girls in different districts of Petrozavodsk have not been confirmed How much is life in Petrozavodsk

These people in the psycho-neurological boarding school (PNI) "Cheryomushki" are called "recipients of social services." Not patients, not patients, not clients, but "recipients". A total of 276 people. With different fates, with different diagnoses, with an unpredictable future.

Some time ago, we said that a resident of Petrozavodsk turned to the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor of Karelia with a request to check the quality of medical services provided to her 75-year-old mother, a patient of the Cheryomushki psycho-neurological boarding school, who died in the Kondopoga Central Regional Hospital. Roszdravnadzor specialists delivered their verdict - the patient was brought to complete exhaustion. "Capital on Onego" visited the notorious boarding school to see what exactly was going on in the institution.

A journalist is coming to us!

- How do you live here?- I ask, entering one of the PNI chambers.

- Fine,- one of the patients of "Cheryomushki" and the head of the social-medical department Sergey Dmitriev-Terskikh are answering at the same time.

"Cheryomushki" is divided into two departments, one is located just outside the village of Kosalma, the second is in Gotnavoloka. There are 159 people living in the Kosalm branch, five (at the time of the visit of "Capitals to Onego) were placed in the Sailors due to" mental deterioration ", one in the Central Regional Hospital, two more - on" home leave. "There are 109 recipients of services in Gotnavolok. at the moment there are only men.Payment for the stay is deducted from the pensions of the guests - 75% - to the institution, 25% - to patients.

The department of PNI employs 172 employees (22 with higher education, 19 with primary vocational education, 41 with secondary vocational education, 90 with secondary primary).

We arrived at the boarding school in Kosalma (although the legal address is registered as Konchezero) a few days later than planned. At the PNI they were waiting for us. As it became known, literally on the eve of the visit "Cheryomushki" bought 50 pairs of shoes. We prepared carefully.

"It was a planned purchase",- explained Dmitriev-Terskikh.

In the boarding school, despite the absence of obvious repairs, it is quite clean, no dirt and, sorry, no stench is observed. Flowers on the windowsills. The institution resembles a tense but smiling beehive.

Lucky with the weather - the day is sunny. The courtyard of "Cheryomushki" in Kosalma is full of people, everyone went for a walk, music comes from the stereos brought out into the street, everyone is smiling. Patients mostly wear rubber slippers. According to the institution, patients choose this type of footwear themselves. Someone is walking in sneakers.

Showers and toilets are cleaned. There are new bottles of liquid soap on the sinks. None of them have been used yet.

- Just bought it?- I'm interested.

- No, they just put it. We usually put them away so we don't eat them,- answers Dmitriev-Terskikh. - The contingent is different.

Cleaned up in the chambers. Many of them have televisions, some have laptops - these are all personal belongings of patients. Someone is brought by relatives, someone buys it himself, at the expense of 25%, which remains from the pension after paying for the boarding school services.

In the dining room on this day, they serve borscht with sour cream, goulash with buckwheat, compote and portioned apples. The rack is stained with some kind of brown liquid, which the management requires to remove immediately.

- Your former employees say that they steal from the canteen. This is true?

- The social and medical department, which is assigned the function of monitoring food bookmarks and monitoring finished products, is monitored daily. I completely deny the possibility of removing products from the dining room. If we find any violations, an act is drawn up, and in the administrative order we collect the amount, if there is any shortage. There is a tendency, but we control it in every possible way, "- explains Dmitriev-Terskikh.

In addition, according to the psychiatrist, the boarding school keeps records if some things or products are purchased outside the walls of the institution. The social worker is obliged to attach the receipt of expenses to a special journal.

"The director is our all-seeing eye"

On this day, the director of the boarding school Nikolai Smolnikov went to the board at the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor of Karelia. His deputy for medical and social work, Tatyana Fedotova, and psychiatrist Sergei Dmitriev-Terskikh communicate with us, and employees of the PNI follow the institution. In conversation, Fedotova calls the director "our all-seeing eye."

The facts given in the article "She lay and passed away" can hardly leave anyone indifferent. In the boarding school, the journalistic material, according to the management and staff, was received with indignation and indignation.

- That we beat the sick, do not feed - this is all nonsense. Because you treat like your own- says the employee of the boarding school.

According to Tatyana Fedotova, pensions began to be transferred to bank cards in order to avoid theft.

- Nikolai Konstantinovich (Smolnikov), when he came to work, found money in bedside tables (when he came to work at the boarding school), simply in large quantities. His impulse was to put money on savings books. We put our money in passbooks. But what we are faced with is that people with limited mobility cannot use them very much,- says Fedotova. - Bank cards at the request of the recipient, if he wants to have them in his hands, holds in his hands. If he wants the card to be safe, he keeps it with a social worker on request, under a storage agreement. According to the statement, of his own free will, if he wants to withdraw some amount, go to the city ... So we recently had an excursion to the city, they took cards, withdrawn money themselves and spent at their own will. The incapacitated have all personal money in personal accounts, under the control of the state,- says Fedotova.

According to her, the department of social policy checks how the boarding school spends the money of disabled patients. "During the year we purchase grocery bags for the disabled, for tea something, some personal hygiene products", - adds Fedotova.

The money is spent from the personal funds of patients, the same 25%.

- Once a year, they arrange scheduled inspections. They check the availability of things with customers. If the thing falls into disrepair, an act of write-off is drawn up,- explains Dmitriev-Terskikh.

- If you suspect that we originally wanted to remove from these cards, steal,- says Fedotova, - we wouldn't have to have these cards.

"Your business is trifling"

They disagree with the results of the documentary check in Cheryomushki and intend to challenge the instructions and conclusions of Roszdravnadzor.

- Your business is trifling, I'll figure it out in a day. This was said by a specialist of Roszdravnadzor,- the psychiatrist comments on the results of the check.

Moreover, the staff explicitly declares the lack of funds for medicines. From time to time, patients' personal money is used to purchase the necessary medicines. They don't hide it here.

- This year we have allocated 740 thousand for medicine. I spent 440 thousand on the purchase of disinfectants (disinfectants),- explains Dmitriev-Terskikh. - There are 290 thousand left for a year. One thousand fifty for a year with 280 patients. Our beloved state does not allocate a single penny for tablet preparations. And the treatment of one patient costs from 5 to 10 thousand.

- What can we say? How can we defend ourselves? If we are checked by law enforcement agencies ... A policeman from the Kondopoga police department came to the patient (this story can be read here), conducted an investigation, interrogated, looked at all the documents, "- says Fedotova.

As noted by Dmitriev-Terskikh, Roszdravnadzor conducted a documentary check, and not an on-site check, and the report was formed on the basis of an outpatient card of a deceased patient.

- We will challenge it in court (presentation of Roszdravnadzor). Many of the statements of Roszdravnadzor specialists are far from reality,- declares Dmitriev-Terskikh.

"Depends on the recipient"

Previously, many of the "Cheryomushki" patients were seen by summer residents and residents of neighboring villages walking along the highway, along rural roads. Even in winter, some of them wander half naked in rubber slippers or some kind of torn shoes.

"It depends on the recipient of social services, some recipients of social services can go outside in slippers. We have a patient T., he can go outside in shorts. He says that he is not cold. People with mental disorders have a slightly different thermoregulation. ",- explains Dmitriev-Terskikh.

"The staff stops it. Every incident is dealt with. This is not the norm,"- Fedotova immediately adds.

As the director of the branch in Gotnavolok will explain later, there are all sorts of situations. So, according to the rules, patients should buy the same jacket every five years. But patients are different, others can tear their clothes on themselves in a month ...

"Cheryomushki" from the inside

After the publication of "She just lay there and left", former employees of the orphanage turned to "Capital on Onego", who told slightly different stories about the life of the institution. Moreover, at the disposal of our publication were photographs and records that testify to a completely different situation in the PNI.

- Pensions are taken from many recipients of social services under the pretext that they will buy something, but in fact the bulk of the money is spent by workers on themselves. Everyone knows about it, right down to the director. As for the theft, personally, at the request of Smolnikov, outside of working hours, on the days of my vacation, I watched the catering workers, they were caught by me while taking out food. This incident was reported in writing. He was glad about the work I did and my report, beat himself in the chest that he would figure it out and fire them from work, but instead they both worked and work, continuing to steal,- says a former employee of "Cheryomushki".

We decided to go to the Cheryomushki branch in Gotnavolok on the same day, right after our visit to Kosalma. The management did not expect this. While we were getting to the neighboring branch with the accompanying people, they already called and warned them. In one of the buildings, toilets and showers were being washed with might and main, the anthill was humming.

At first glance, everything is decent. However, this department already has wards, where about 20 people live.

Someone in the recreation room is watching TV, someone is walking around the yard. Everyone smiles and greets.

Some of the patients approach the psychiatrist, shake hands: "Hello, Sergei Alexandrovich!"

- You see, they themselves come up, they are not afraid. Would it be so if I beat them?- says Dmitriev-Terskikh.

Solitary confinement punishment cell discord

We asked to show us the "punishment cell" where the "guilty patients" are supposedly locked up.

It looks like nothing special. The beds are not bolted to the floor, no slats. The "punishment cell" has been removed and is still empty. As the psychiatrist explains, those "recipients" are placed there, who begin to aggravate, and they can harm themselves or others.

And here is the "punishment cell", which is located in the second building of Gotnavolok. It is located behind the dining room building, and if you do not know that it is there, it is easy to miss:

Here's how ex-employees describe this room:

"In Gotnavolok, there is an" isolation room ", which is intended to find recipients of social services for one and a half to two hours for violations of living in a boarding school. Dim light, stone tiles on the floor, ragged walls, iron beds nailed to the floor. Recipients of social services are sitting, huddled on iron beds without bedding, they freeze from the cold, the door is always wide open, and the doorway is always locked with bars so that people do not run away and so that it can be seen what they are doing. And so the recipients of services could live for days, otherwise and for weeks. "

As "Capital on Onego" managed to find out, in this isolation ward literally shortly before our visit there were two patients who were "caught for sodomy." The doctor decided to educate the "recipients" in this way, so that this does not happen again in the future.

For other offenses, patients can be transferred to a psychiatric department in Sailors, where people are put on strong antipsychotics. There are different guilty ones, but, according to employees, people come back from there with vegetables. So it was with one of the guests, once the captain of a long voyage, who could support any conversation, but after the Sailors he silently smokes on the bench and looks away ...

And this is how the second building looks from the inside:

There is mold and mildew on the walls, rotten windows, dirty showers and toilets, linoleum thrown on the floor does not hide the terrible condition of the floors.

"Nobody talks about it, because everyone is afraid of being fired,"- tell us.

So are pensions taken away or not?

We have already mentioned that in the "Capital on Onego" there are recordings of patients' conversations. Here is one of the recorded dialogues (at the disposal of the editors):

- More than one pension has gone from there. It's regular. N didn’t give money?
- No. N did not give.
- Did they strenuously take money away from you, or what?
- Persistently.

Here is the dialogue of other patients:

- And what did you want to take (pension) from you?
- They wanted to buy medicine ...
“But you don’t drink anything. And they took it anyway?
- They took it.
- I spoke with N. He says that the psychiatrist is also doing in Kosalma.

While I communicate with the boarding school's management, our photographer walks among the "recipients". Everyone willingly poses, someone even tries to start a conversation. Try to "reproduce" the following dialog yourself:

- We have pi ... yat!
- What pi ... yat?
- All pi..yat, butter pi..yat, and we x ...!

So think here who to believe ...

Until the court is the case

After the inspection of the Karelian administration of Roszdravnadzor at the request of a resident of Petrozavodsk, whose mother died in the Kondopozhskaya Central Regional Hospital, multiple inspections began in Cheryomushki. Recently, the institution was visited by specialists from the Karelian Ministry of Social Protection and Labor.

As First Deputy Minister Ivan Skrynikov explained to Capital on Onego, currently the Ministry of Social Development has already identified measures to eliminate the violations identified by Roszdravnadzor. In addition, the department has appointed a comprehensive audit of the boarding school, the results of which are expected to become known by June 22-23.

Also, the statement of the woman was given, who stated that 180 thousand were missing from her mother's account. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia confirmed to us that a criminal case was opened on the fact of theft under Part 2 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft), the sanction of which provides for up to 5 years in prison.

The fate of the materials of the inspection of Roszdravnadzor on the fact of the death of the 75-year-old patient "Cheryomushki", which contains a postscript "to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case", is still unknown.

Roman Balandin

Comments (1)

2017-07-31 09:55:28

Dear management! Dear leader! When will you start working? What is going on in the boarding school now. Ever since the hostess sister arranged to drink alcoholic beverages at work, everything went "somersaults". How did you yourself say that if a person drinks in the workplace, he must be fired. What are you really doing? After all, we all know that she not only drank herself, but also soldered the recipient of services and the girls from the medical staff told you about this. Nursing staff still recall with shudders how they were looking for a client (thinking that he ran away from the boarding school). Have you asked your mistress several times, where can you find a sick person? Where could he go? And only after she was told that they would go to the police, the hostess sister let him out of her office. she covered him drunk so that no one could see him. The medical staff went to see you and complained about the hostess sister. You were going to fire her for drinking alcoholic beverages and for soldering a sick person (recipient of services). They even brought a person to you (at your request) to take her place, but your close colleagues did everything in such a way that the hostess sister still continues to work. And it would be okay if this situation on her part was an isolated case. After all, her drinking of alcoholic beverages is periodically repeated. The whole team, even the recipients of services (sick people) see this. They tell each other about how she drinks and cannot go home. And she can sleep for a whole week, drink alcohol at the workplace. And for this he receives wages and incentive payments. And what a shame that after her last drinking of alcoholic beverages and the drinking of her patient, in our boarding school there is a general drinking of alcohol among sick people. Can't you stop it? You are the director of the boarding school! During our work in the Kosolme boarding school, there have never been such cases of general drunkenness of sick people. We ask you to put things in order! And perhaps this should be started with the medical staff of workers who consume alcohol in the workplace. You know very well that medical staff drink alcohol, and on weekends, while at their work posts. And the recipients of the services see it and then they tell us. Shame on our boarding school! Please stop, stop this. And another request! Over the past month, sick people have begun to be fed ugly in our canteen. Instead of meat patties, one bread. Oil is not given in full portions. Very often the soup is one water! We do not know where the products go. These are the same problems, are you looking? It's a shame that how much work was put on the dining room by the person who controlled all this. Everything is lost so quickly now. It's a shame that when the medical staff complained to the management about the canteen, the answer was: "Where can we get you workers for such a salary." We understand that, just as canteen workers can steal, it is not punishable. Which is what they do. Please put things in order!

2017-07-26 01:21:57

For (NATA) Well, not Russian is not Chinese! There are also Slavic peoples. With regards to Illiteracy, everyone is individual in his own way! For example, you will not be able to calculate the injection phase for a particular engine, but I do it. I haven’t learned to spell and it cannot be fixed. You are familiar with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. Let's assume that I have them. Now that I do not know what is being stolen! Excuse me, I don’t get on with other people's bags and I can only guess what they are carrying. Caught people, no one who does not deny, and therefore I am writing who would not be the director, this can not be corrected anywhere in our institution or in any other institution. Because the inspection of personal belongings without the police, attesting witnesses and a search warrant is illegal. And for this you can fly in yourself. PAT situation. And you understand that very well. Yes, if you have been working for a long time, you must remember how Matrosov tried to demand security in Ladva, and what came of it. Kama wants to lose his job and go against his superiors. Not the fact that the director will come better and fix everything with one click of his fingers. They'll be kicked off to him quickly. YES, and throughout Russia the situation in PNI is no better.

2017-07-24 01:26:58

(For Fox) Fox, and you in our boarding school turns out to be an employee - not a Russian. I have been working in a boarding school for many years and I don’t know any Chinese. You know what (Fox). There is a saying: "If the face is crooked, why blame the mirror". I do not want to offend you in any way. But the fact remains, if you are an illiterate person, why blame the Chinese phone and Chinese translation. You can express your opinion, no one forbids, but only first think about who and what? (Fox) about stealing food from the canteen. You do not know? Everyone knows, but you don't? It's a shame that you don't want to see what is happening. You write:… “If you know for sure and there are facts that they are stealing from us, approach the director, I think he will hear you, if not, gather the council of the labor collective and let them raise the issue for discussion. Why are you silent?...". So this is what I will tell you, although this will not be news to you. So you need facts? And that there were no facts? Former head nurse, presented facts to the director and what? Something has changed? Then further, you advise the council of the labor collective to report and raise the issue for discussion. Why? - we always discuss this topic, almost every day. And nothing changes, especially since the council of the work collective is led by the same director, under his strict guidance, and the chairman of the trade union committee. The chairman of the trade union committee herself is not averse to profiting from food from the canteen. Also, a friend of the chairman of the trade union committee is on the council of the labor collective, and she is an employee of the canteen. So, it turns out a vicious circle. It seems that we are happy to raise the question, but only there is no one to turn to with this question. And even if you turn, nothing will change anyway. Our director will not take any measures, otherwise the chef will not bake pies for him. And even those who ask may be disliked somewhere. First, the director should not ask, but demand, seek funding, if there is nothing to put on, put shoes on the recipients of the services. Second, rather than getting into the pockets of poor patients for repairs, it would be better to buy an extra pair of socks with this money, and then the money would go to its intended purpose, and not for the ostentatious, successful work of the leader. Create good living conditions for our service recipients! The director must be the owner of the boarding school. The director must lead so that he is respected by the employees and residents of the boarding school.

2017-07-16 12:04:54

Well. Again. I couldn’t stand it, I’m writing. Shame on you, (Fox)? Don't you know that they are stealing from us? How are you not ashamed? Everyone sees, everyone knows and does nothing. Agree. It is convenient for our leadership, they want to be good for everyone and hide the truth. And the recipients of the services really complain about food and theft. Our recipients of services live on their own, they are a little dressed up, a little fed, a little washed, and then at least the grass will not grow. Shame, leader! If you are so good, why not really pay attention to the living sick people, why not really help them in their difficult life, why not create living conditions for them, at least at a minimal level, so that they can feel themselves masters of life in his boarding school. Now our recipients are simply left to fend for themselves, and the work is carried out only on papers, in reports. How I would like the leadership to turn to face them, and not use them for their own selfish purposes. It's summer now, the recipients are on the street all day. Where is our social group? Which should work with them, and not put a tick in the reports in each paragraph, about the work that was allegedly done. It is a pity and a shame!

2017-07-17 23:32:11

Nata, I do not know what is being stolen, but I guess, but my assumptions will remain with me. If you know for sure and there are facts that they steal from us, go to the director, I think he will hear you, if not, gather the council of the labor collective and let them raise the issue for discussion. Why are you silent? I agree with you that those who live are a little shod and dressed a little. Only I can’t understand what is the director’s fault? The point is that from the top comes an item of expenditure with a budget laid down in it. And a list of how much clothing is required for each resident is compiled. One jacket per person for five years or a pair of socks for a week. I personally change socks once a day. And if several residents tore these jackets, then next year what to give them out? If the budget does not allow and their limit is exhausted. Where to get? If the dollar has gone up prices too, but funding has remained the same. I understand this with my "chicken" brains, but why can't you understand it? I know that some may say that the director needs to seek more funding, but this is fraught, knowing how the higher authorities do not like those who ask.

2017-07-16 00:20:49

(Fox) I understand you perfectly. I relate to people with a high level of potential, and not with chicken brains, like yours. What an illiterate person you are. The impression is that you have an elementary school of education. Before writing comments, learn Russian. A shame! And once again a shame!

2017-07-16 07:42:25

Olga, In a Chinese phone there is a Chinese translation, you write a word, you press the space bar, it gives out hell knows what and when I'm nervous I also make mistakes, and I'm not Russian myself. So I can't express my opinion? And your brains are no better if you allow yourself to scare people in an argument! For all the time I have never insulted any of you, but in every comment you are trying to do it. What potential is there ???

The neuropsychiatric boarding school "Cheryomushki" remains the most disadvantaged in the republic.

I liked the man in the psycho-neurological boarding school "Cheryomushki", where in March the first check of the Public Council under the Karelian Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare took place. When the council met in early 2011 and its members began to draw up a work plan, the first thing that seemed relevant was to check the living conditions in closed-type social protection institutions. And among the boarding schools the most disadvantaged in the republic is the boarding school "Cheryomushki".

When the inspectors arrived at this institution, they found such a picture. Young and old men in shabby quilted jackets and puffy boots wander aimlessly around the territory of the boarding school, walking around the premises without changing their shoes or undressing. There is practically no furniture in two rooms for thirty people, and everything you need is kept under the bed, and only a few - in nightstands under lock and key. The rest of the rooms for 4-6 people are not in the best condition, only a few have the comfort created by the residents themselves. They eat in two shifts, since people (174 people) cannot be accommodated at one time in the dining room. The warehouses have everything - both sneakers and T-shirts, ceremonial-weekend suits are purchased. "If asked, we always give it out," answered the castellan.

It is clear that it is difficult to work there. But how can people be kept in such conditions? Members of the Public Council under Roszdravnadzor recorded numerous violations in the orphanage and sent their reports to high-ranking officials.

"The sanitary condition of the rooms for residents, toilet and shower rooms is unsatisfactory, requires cosmetic repairs: peeling plaster on the ceiling and walls, peeling paint on window frames and walls, chipped floor, ceiling in some rooms for residents is damaged by black mold, traces of leaks are visible, - wrote members of the council to the head of the republic Andrei Nelidov. - In the dormitory only one toilet is operational, the drain barrels on the rest do not function. The pallets and walls in the shower rooms are covered with a layer of rust, the faucets are not working. The sewerage system in one of the bathrooms is out of order. Plumbing equipment requires replacement. The area of ​​the sleeping rooms does not meet sanitary standards and requirements. The average area for 1 bed in the rooms for living is 3.5 square meters, while the standard is 6-8 square meters for one place. "

The officials heard the voice of the public. The government even had a meeting with Marina Nikishina, then Deputy Head, Minister of Health and Social Development Valentina Ulich and her deputy Olga Sokolova, who assured that the boarding school would be transferred to Ladva. Like, the school building is being vacated there. It will be equipped with rooms for two. The boarding school will even have a gym, which is not available in institutions of this type in the republic. You just need to wait until winter. It's not a simple matter - to issue documents, to make repairs.

The Public Council representatives waited until winter. In December, they again went to the Cheryomushki boarding school for a check. There is a new person in the place of the director. People look neater. The heating main has been repaired, but the shower rooms are not being repaired - the contractors have failed. And no more changes.

"What's wrong with Ladva? When will the move take place?" - we are interested in the Minister of Health and Social Development Valentina Ulich. It turns out that the building of the school no longer needs repairs, but reconstruction. And this is a completely different matter. “We will enter the investment program for next year, and in another year we will start reconstruction, so in the best case - in two years,” Valentina Ulich clarifies.

After the next meeting with officials, representatives of the public council had more questions about the fate of "Cheryomushki" than answers. Many do not understand the arguments put forward by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. For example, a bus in the boarding school is broken, and people cannot go anywhere. Instead of solving this problem, officials say: "Yes, it is broken. So after all, transport breaks down, and we have no free buses." When asked by the public: "Why is the food badly fed in Cheryomushki?" But the ministry understands that the boarding school is sorely lacking in space. "Overcrowding. We will look for a place for 30 people in other boarding schools. It will take two months. We also need to ask the consent of the people, if they do not want to move," the officials say.

Will anything change in Cheryomushki in two months? Hard to believe. But members of the Public Council under the Karelian Roszdravnadzor will go to the boarding school again in March.

Svetlana Dryakhlitsyna

Comments (1)

Svetlana Dryaklitzyna

2012-02-05 15:58:11

Listen, gentlemen Karel and Fox! My name is Svetlana Dryakhlitsyna, I am the chairman of the Public Council under Roszdravnadzor. Personally, I was in the boarding school 3 times, all the time I communicate on the phone with the people there. What I wrote in this article, I answer 100%! People live in pigs' conditions. The staff, with a few exceptions, is absolutely indifferent to these people. In front of the patients, food was taken out of the canteen, the driver beat them, the issues with wheelchairs and the organization of leisure were not resolved. And the very overpopulation of people TWICE speaks for itself! "They would have helped to do the repair ...", the money was allocated ... so you need to come and arrange to do the repairs ??? The director had time to do everything, he was warned repeatedly. There is no question of any order !! And the team must work conscientiously.

2012-01-31 21:28:20

It is sad that workers have been intimidated to the extreme. People are afraid to respond to attacks from health officials. It has become really dangerous to talk today about the need to preserve and develop an institution on the territory of the Petrovsky rural settlement, to preserve one's jobs, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of people. Suffice it to recall the sudden and unjustified dismissal of the obstinate director. The aggressiveness of the authorities' actions towards the staff of the institution and the ordered style of this article eloquently show that the process has gone and the price of the issue is higher than the norms of morality and ethics.

2012-01-30 21:34:15

Interestingly, a lot of money was paid to denigrate and close the "Cheryomushki" Three years ago before the residents and nobody cares. How the construction of a ski resort in "Spasskaya Guba" began. It began that some will come and press, others brazenly denigrate the workers of the boarding school, who, in turn, drag their last clothes to the residents. This is not human! Would have helped better with the renovation.

2012-01-28 01:23:24

Not everything is so simple here. There is an opinion that the unfavorable situation in the boarding school and its negative informational support are created artificially, in order to seize liquid land. I am citing excerpts from the letter of the boarding school workers to A.V. Nelidov. on this occasion: "Dear Andrey Vitalievich! Our institution has been operating on the territory of the Kondopozhsky district since 1978. Previously, the institution was located in the village of Novinka, and since 1998 it has been transferred to the village of Gotnavolok in the Petrovsky rural settlement. Throughout its history, local residents of the Kondopoga region, including residents of the Petrovsky rural settlement.Today, the State Investigation Directorate of PNI "Cheryomushki" is located in the buildings of the former dispensary for agricultural workers of the RK "Cheryomushki", on the picturesque shore of Lake Munozero. the sanatorium "Marcial Waters" and the future balneological ski resort "Spasskaya Guba", the land assigned to the institution is of great interest to the participants of the land market. on the transfer of our boarding school from the territory Kondopoga district to Prionezhsky district, where on the basis of the existing complex of buildings of the former branch of the GOU NPO RK "Technological Lyceum" in the village of Ladva, it is planned to open a social institution of a neuropsychiatric profile for the disabled. Unfortunately, the founder of the GSU PNI "Cheryomushki" does not consider it possible to discuss the prospects for the further development of the institution with the labor collective of the institution, the opinion of the employees and residents of the territory is not taken into account in any way. We believe that when making a decision affecting the fate of many people, it is necessary to be guided not only by departmental expediency, but also to take into account the rights and legitimate interests of the labor collective of the State Investigative Directorate of PNI "Cheryomushki", residents of the Petrovsky rural settlement and the Kondopozhsky municipal district, because, According to this project, the territories of the Kondopozhsky district and the Petrovsky rural settlement are losing 108 jobs and a large share of local taxes, and many residents of these territories are left without work and livelihoods. We ask you to understand the current situation and ensure the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the employees of the State Investigative Directorate of PNI "Cheryomushki", residents of the Kondopozhsky district and the Petrovsky rural settlement when deciding on the future fate of our institution. "

After the news about the murders of girls in the capital of Karelia, rumors began to spread about more and more new crimes. Their source was social networks and messages from the townspeople.

Thus, students of the Karelian College of Culture told Rune that another corpse of a girl was found next to the Onegin club on the Varkaus embankment. Then came information about the body, allegedly found in the area of ​​the Onega embankment. However, neither the first nor the second message was confirmed when the Runa journalist visited the site. Neither near Onegin, nor on the embankment, there were no corpses, no cordon and police, no onlookers.

Meanwhile, rumors in Petrozavodsk continue to multiply and acquire more and more fantastic character. For example, after the first night murder, they began to talk about an attack on a girl on Segezhskaya Street, who was allegedly taken to the BSMP. Then there were even more incredible rumors about the presence in the morgue of five killed girls with the same nature of the wounds - a cut neck. According to "Stolitsa na Onego", the head physician of the emergency hospital, Aleksey Kheifets, said that he did not have such information.

Recall that the first corpse of a student at the Petrozavodsk Medical College was found at night between the institution's dormitory and the trolleybus administration. In the afternoon, eyewitnesses found another girl with a wound in the neck in a park near the bridge near Kirov Square.

12.09.18 32 843 27

How much is life in Petrozavodsk

I was born in Petrozavodsk and did not leave.

Anastasia Osyan

lives in Petrozavodsk

I cannot say that I am a passionate patriot - it just happened. But in general, I feel good in Petrozavodsk. There is a calm pace of life, cozy streets and nearby Europe. In this article I will tell you how much life in a city on Lake Onega costs.

What a city

Petrozavodsk is the capital of the Republic of Karelia. It is located in the north-west of Russia: 1000 km to Moscow, 450 km to St. Petersburg, and 250 km to Finland.

Now 280 thousand people live in Petrozavodsk. Over the past year, the number of residents in the republic has decreased by 830: from January to July, 6031 people left, and 5201 arrived.

The city stands on Lake Onega - the locals call it "Onego" or "Onega". Only Ladoga Lake is bigger than him in Europe. On the other hand, Petrozavodsk is surrounded by forests that are periodically cut down to build new residential areas.

Some people confuse Karelia with Korea. I was asked three times why I don't have narrow eyes

Petrozavodsk was founded by Peter I in 1703. During the Great Patriotic War, the Finns fought on the side of Germany and occupied Petrozavodsk. Most of the city was destroyed, so it was rebuilt. From the old buildings, miraculously survived wooden houses remained here on Lenin Avenue - this is the central street that runs from the railway station to the lake.

Salaries and money

Petrozavodsk is equated to the regions of the Far North, therefore, according to the legislation, residents are entitled to northern benefits. If an employee does not come to Petrozavodsk from the north, he is charged 10% for each year of work experience. The maximum salary increase in Petrozavodsk is 50%. In addition to this amount, a regional coefficient is charged - 15% in Petrozavodsk. For example, a lawyer in central Russia receives 550 RUR per day for work as appointed by the state. A lawyer from Petrozavodsk can receive 907 R per day for the same job.

43 470 RUB

average salary of a resident of Petrozavodsk in June 2018

Vacancies are looked for and offered at Avito and Headhunter. Many offers simply do not reach the advertisements: there are too many people who want to get a job. When I was laid off in 2014, I still couldn't find a job. Then I opened an LLC, found clients and began to work for myself.

My friends also had difficulties: many left for Moscow, St. Petersburg or Europe to find an interesting job with a salary above 20 thousand.


Men have the right to retire at 55 if they have worked for 25 years, of which 20 years in Petrozavodsk. Women can retire at 50. To do this, they also have to work in Petrozavodsk for 20 years. If a woman has more than two children, she can work in Petrozavodsk for 17 years, the remaining 3 years in other districts.

My friends from travel agencies say that since 2014 there have been more tourists. They associate this with the fall of the ruble and the attention of TV people to Karelia. Recently, there have been many stories about Petrozavodsk and the republic as a whole, for example: in the programs "Heads and Tails" or "Food, I love you."

Most tourists come to Petrozavodsk to travel further in Karelia. From here they go to the islands of Kizhi, Valaam and Solovki, go on excursions, go rafting on rivers, fish or hunt.

The authorities talk a lot about the development of tourism in Petrozavodsk and Karelia. But there are still problems with the infrastructure. For example, there are no toilets at the river station, from where the "comet" motor ships leave for Kizhi. Tourists are forced to go to a restaurant nearby - or endure.


Like any county town in Russia, Petrozavodsk lacks funding. In some places the city is very unkempt: the sidewalks are broken, and plaster is peeling off the houses on the main street. On the outskirts there are abandoned fountains, the stops look like sheds. For many years now, in the center of Petrozavodsk, there are the remains of a burnt-out polyclinic, a former cultural heritage site.

Pits on the roads are an integral part of Petrozavodsk. Every year I have the feeling that along with the snow the asphalt is melting in the city, which is why in March the roads resemble the lunar surface.

Roads are repaired most quickly before elections or the arrival of someone important to Petrozavodsk. Last year the governor was elected, this year the president, so the roads are tolerable compared to previous years. But in fairness, I would like to note that the renovation mainly affects only busy streets. Courtyards or roads on the outskirts have not seen pavers for a long time.

There is no talk of repairing sidewalks. I am 27 years old - and during this time I have never seen anyone changing curbs or asphalt on the sidewalk. Walking in heels and not looking at your feet can easily stumble and fall.


Over the past 5 years, many new houses have been built in Petrozavodsk. Now on "Cyan" they offer to choose an apartment in 49 residential complexes. Many new buildings are erected on the outskirts: there is a forest that can be cut down. For example, in the Drevlyanka microdistrict, more than 30 houses have been erected in recent years. Several companies are usually built in one district at once, for example: "KSM", "Nova", "Barents-group", "21st century".

The average price per square meter of new housing in Petrozavodsk is 48 466 R, 5 years ago it cost 327 R less.

Housing prices depend on the location and the developer. A new one-bedroom apartment in a residential area from the Nova company costs 2.4 million rubles for 51 m². In the residential complex "Clean City" for a kopeck piece of 47.95 m² they ask for 2.1 million.

Apartments on the banks of Onega are usually more expensive than in residential areas. For example, a two-room apartment in the Svoy Bereg residential complex costs from 4.59 million rubles for 72.70 m², and in the “House on Varkausa” - from 2.6 million rubles for 41 m².

Many houses are over 50 years old, so when buying, you may have to invest in repairs: change communications, batteries or meters. Even in the courtyards of old houses there are rarely playgrounds, and there are not enough places for cars.

The cost of renting a one-room apartment starts from 10 thousand rubles per month. Utility bills are usually paid by the tenant. For 6-7 thousand rubles, you can rent a murdered apartment on the outskirts or even an apartment with stove heating - there are still such people in Petrozavodsk. Apartments with good repair will cost from 16 thousand rubles a month. Once my friend rented out a two-room apartment on the outskirts for 35 thousand a month - the tenant was found in two days.

I don't have a single friend who rented an apartment in Petrozavodsk. Everyone prefers to invest in a mortgage rather than spend the same money on rent.

The price for utilities depends on the house. For example, my friends live in a new 52 m² apartment and pay 2000 R in the summer and 3000 R in the winter. The rent in an old apartment of the same footage costs me and my husband 4000 R in the summer and 6000 R in the winter.


There are 73 thousand lakes in Karelia - many have summer cottages near the water. At first glance, there are plenty of suitable places for summer cottages. For example, 20 km from the city there are dacha villages Lososinnoye and Mashezero, 50 km away - two cooperatives "Luchevoe".

In reality, finding a good dacha is difficult. On some plots there are old houses that are long overdue for demolition. Others are located too close to neighbors - the dacha resembles a communal apartment in nature. Still others are in the swamp, so you will have to invest in the site.

500,000 RUR

cost us a plot of 15 acres

We wanted to build a summer cottage last year, but changed our minds. A suitable plot of 15 acres cost 500 thousand rubles. It was also necessary to invest in its improvement and construction: drilling a well, preparing the land, a fence, a lawn, seedlings, a house and a bathhouse. According to rough estimates, it would cost us at least 4 million. We could have reduced the estimate, but we wanted to do everything thoroughly: build a bigger house, not save on materials.

It would also take a lot of time and energy to build such a house. For many acquaintances, the construction turned into a second job. When we weighed all the pros and cons, we decided to postpone the construction.

But we are bores, and many are simpler: they buy ready-made houses and enjoy their summer cottage. For example, my friends took land with a rickety barn for 300 thousand rubles and put a ready-made frame for a million. How much more should be invested in the site, while not counting. Now they go there every weekend.


There are many strong schools, gymnasiums and lyceums in Petrozavodsk. In some, languages ​​are studied in depth, in others - mathematics or physics. I finished a linguistic class at Lyceum No. 1. We had good teachers, so many guys from my parallel entered universities for free places.

Among secondary educational institutions in Petrozavodsk there are automotive, medical and theater colleges, among universities - the Russian Academy of Civil Service, the Institute of Economics and Law, the Glazunov Conservatory and the Petrozavodsk State University.

PetrSU is the largest university in Karelia. I graduated from the full-time department of journalism there. It was easy to study: from the first year I worked in a newspaper full time. In the fourth year I went to work in Moscow for three months, I passed the session with everyone. I remember the teachers with warmth, but the diploma was never useful to me.

My friends studied at Physics and Technology, Philology, Sociology and Economics. Only two people work in the specialty.

Students from Karelian regions and neighboring regions, for example, from Murmansk or Arkhangelsk, come to PetrSU to study. My husband moved to Petrozavodsk from Monchegorsk to enroll in law. There are also many exchange students at PetrSU, for example, from China.

Many of those who were born in Petrozavodsk leave to study in St. Petersburg, Moscow or Finland. Some return here to work, but these are in the minority.


The largest clinic in Petrozavodsk is the Baranov Republican Hospital. Complex operations are performed there and residents from all over Karelia are treated. Here you can also do MRI and other examinations. If something bothers us, we usually go to the specialists from this hospital.

The hospital has a Center for Paid Services. An appointment with a therapist costs 500 rubles, an abdominal ultrasound scan - 1200 rubles, a circular facelift - 68 thousand rubles.

Many teeth are treated in private clinics, there are more than 20 of them - several in each district. To heal caries costs from 2,000 rubles. My friends travel from Moscow to Petrozavodsk to have their teeth treated, because it is cheaper here.


One of the main advantages of Petrozavodsk is that you can quickly leave it to some lake. In my opinion, it's hard here without a car. If people plan to travel a lot in Karelia, they usually buy a car with a high suspension, otherwise some beaches may not be accessible. For example, we have a low car, so friends on SUVs throw us up for picnics.

Everyone buys cars mainly in Petrozavodsk. After the crisis, many dealers closed, leaving Kia, Skoda, Volkswagen, Renault, Ford and BMW. We wanted a Toyota - we had to go to St. Petersburg for it. In order for the car to be under warranty, we carry out maintenance at the dealer. To do this, you have to travel 450 km.

We spend 5,000 rubles a month on gasoline. Average consumption - 9.5 liters, AI -95 costs 43 rubles. We leave the car in a private parking lot - this is 18 thousand rubles a year. Casco without a deductible costs 95 thousand rubles, with a deductible - 50 thousand.

5000 RUB

we spend a month on gasoline

I don't like driving, so sometimes my husband drives me or I take a taxi. In Petrozavodsk there are "Gett", "Maxim", "Yandex-taxi" and "Rutaxi". Price depends on demand and distance. A trip to the neighboring microdistrict costs 110 rubles on average, to the center - 150 rubles.

If it’s not far away or I don’t need to rush, I go by public transport. Travel in a minibus costs 28 R, in a trolley bus - 25 R. The route network is well developed: you can even get to remote areas of the city. Transport arrives quickly during rush hour. True, sometimes trolleybuses catch fire.

From Petrozavodsk you can quickly get to Moscow and St. Petersburg. A seat on the Lastochka train to St. Petersburg costs from 1000 rubles. He walks every day, the ride is 5 hours. It is convenient to travel to Moscow on a branded train, it leaves at 9 pm and arrives at the Leningradsky railway station of the capital by 9 am, a ticket costs 3000 rubles. This train is much more comfortable than the one passing from Murmansk: the carriages are cleaner, the linen is newer.

The planes fly from the Besovets airport to Arkhangelsk and Moscow. If the trip to Moscow is working, the flight is not very convenient. The plane arrives at Domodedovo at 17:20 - half of the working day is lost because of the flight and the road to the airport.

Food, groceries and cafes

The shops. In Petrozavodsk there is a standard set of networks: Lenta, Magnit, Pyaterochka, Dixie, Spar, Red and White. From local shops there is "Sigma". In my opinion, it is more expensive there, but the choice of cheeses is greater.

We buy fruits and vegetables at a stall near the house. They are 10-20% more expensive than in supermarkets, but tastier and more aromatic. In August, a kilogram of tomatoes costs from 80 R, cucumbers - 50 R, watermelon - 25 R. For household chemicals, groceries, vegetables like broccoli, which are not sold in stalls, we go to Lenta. There we spend 4,500 rubles a month on purchases.

We eat little meat. If we buy, then in the local network "Parnoe Meat". Turkey breast costs 200 R per kilogram, peeled beef flesh - 560 R, homemade minced meat - 280 R.

We buy fish from local products at the Mariinsky store. They sell smoked whitefish or trout. I am indifferent to trout, but whitefish is a very tender and tasty fish.

Width = "1000" height = "667" class = "outline-bordered" style = "max-width: 1000px; height: auto" data-bordered = "true"> Local fish at the Mariinsky. Pike perch - 570 R per kg, trout - 650-980 R, smelt can - 60 R width = "1000" height = "667" class = "outline-bordered" style = "max-width: 1000px; height: auto" data -bordered = "true"> Showcase with typical Karelian products in the Maxi shopping center. Onega fish vendace costs 100 R, birch sap - 100 R, dried cranberries - 159 R. The most delicious thing on the showcase is mashed cloudberries with sugar. The berries are difficult to collect, so they are more expensive than the others: 450 R for 200 grams

Cafes and restaurants. The most authentic place in Petrozavodsk is the Karelskaya Gornitsa restaurant. It is designed like a hut and is designed for tourists, so the prices there are higher than in the city. Smoked whitefish salad costs R 425, roast elk in bread - R 925, bear meat - R 1290. A set of branded tinctures costs 850 R for 6 pieces. Such tinctures can be bought in the shops of the Petrovsky distillery or in local supermarkets. A bottle costs 250-500 rubles.

The most popular place at the Tripadvisor in Petrozavodsk is the Deja Vu bistro. This is a cafe on the main street, serving steaks, pasta, country-style potatoes. The interior is simple, tastes too, but there are often queues at the entrance. The prices on the menu are from 2012.

Other popular places are "Kitchen" and "Yagel". In the "Kitchen" they eat hamburgers, pizza and drink wine. It's noisy, but comfortable. Yagel serves dishes made from local products cheaper than Gornitsa. Dumplings with pike perch cost 210 R, elk cutlets - 310 R, Ladoga vendace - 210 R.


Entertainment in Petrozavodsk is ordinary. All year round, everyone goes to the cinema, restaurants, shopping centers. In winter they go snowboarding, downhill or cross-country skiing, in summer - on bicycles or rollerblades.

There are two major holidays: the City Day and the Hyperborea winter festival. On the City Day, half-forgotten stars like "Inveterate Swindlers" come to Petrozavodsk. On "Hyperborea" figures are made of snow and ice.

Usually we try not to go far from the city so that we can leave on Friday, right after work. Sometimes one of the friends comes to the lake on Friday afternoon and takes seats, otherwise they may not be there on Saturday. There are many tourists from St. Petersburg among vacationers on the lakes.


There are many museums in Petrozavodsk, for example: the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia, the Kizhi Museum-Reserve and the Republican Museum of Fine Arts. But the main attraction of the city - It starts at the river station and ends at the hotel "Onega Castle". In good weather, residents and tourists walk here, musicians play. Many people go rollerblading or cycling - this is a pedestrian zone.

Various sculptures are collected on the embankment, which were donated by twin cities, for example, the German Tubingen. Most of the sculptures are strange and even psychedelic, but it's hard to imagine the city without them.

There used to be barbecue shops along the embankment. They were located in plastic pavilions, and songs with a chorus like "Kick me out, I'm a scoundrel" came from the speakers. Then they were demolished and outdoor exercise machines were installed.

Now, regardless of the season, children, adults and the elderly are engaged in them. Some simulators can even be used by people in wheelchairs:


The average temperature in Petrozavodsk is -9 ° C in winter, +16 ° C in summer. In February, it is -20 ° C, and in July +25 ° C.

The nastiest time of the year in Petrozavodsk is November. It gets dark early, brightens late. Heavy gray clouds hang over the city. Snow falls and melts in two days - the roads turn into oceans with impenetrable slurry. In order not to see this dampness for at least two weeks, my husband and I go on vacation at this time.

I like winter in Petrozavodsk. In recent years, severe frosts last no more than a few weeks. When it snows, we take walks in the woods with our nephews or go skiing. The only thing that is hard for me to endure is the short daylight hours. In January, it brightens after 10 am, and begins to darken around 4 pm.

When the snow begins to melt in the spring, there is a flood on the roads. Usually the public utilities do not clean it well: last spring I wore rubber boots for two weeks. At this time of the year, walking with a heavy stroller is like a crossfit workout: the wheels do not go well in the melted snow, so you have to drag it on yourself.

White nights in Petrozavodsk in summer. The sun goes down, but it's still light outside. The weather is different. In June 2010, it was so hot that all the air conditioners and fans were bought in stores. It was snowing in June 2017. This is not very surprising to the locals: for such weather, the Karelians have a summer down jacket or something like it. This year the warmth came in mid-May and the weather was excellent for three months. We swam throughout July, although the water in the lakes is usually cold.


The Karelian language is part of the cultural identity of the republic. But now he is on the verge of extinction. In 2010, 25 thousand people spoke it, of which 15 thousand were in Karelia. On weekdays, the channel "GTRK-Karelia" broadcasts news in Karelian, and the local university has a department of the Karelian language. This year 4 people applied for one place.

Some words are understood only by the locals. For example, a "gate" is a pie with potatoes, porridge or cottage cheese. "Polohalo" means a muddler. "Lambushka" is a small lake in the forest, and "losso" is when the lake is calm. Some also say "write ruble" instead of "fifty ruble." Local people call Petrozavodsk "Petrik" or "Pe-te-ze".

Visitors and locals often misunderstand each other because of the "gates". A friend of mine told me how tourists were shown an entertainment program for the New Year holidays. There was an item in it: "Master class on making gates." Tourists looked at the program and asked: "Everything is great, but what is the pleasure of building a gate on January 1?"


From Petrozavodsk to the border with Finland - 250 km. We go there several times a year to relax. For the last three years we have been renting a weekend house near the border. It stands right on the shore of the lake. Around there is a ringing silence: no one is near.

Renting a house in May costs 405 € for four days. We are four of us, so a vacation per person costs 100 €. There are many tourist centers in Karelia, but I have not seen houses with the same range of services.

In Finland we buy food and household chemicals. Standard shopping list: cheese, canned tuna, sausages, ketchup, olive oil, chocolate, vitamins, fabric softener and laundry detergent.

Prices are comparable to Russian ones, but, in my opinion, the quality of the products is higher. For example, "Fairy" is three times thicker than the Russian one, so it does not end longer.

Schengen visas are mostly Finnish. There is a Finnish consulate and a Finnish visa center in Petrozavodsk. A visa in the center costs 62 €, at the consulate - 35 €. To get there, you need a number, which is issued on the consulate's website. It is difficult to catch him: there are many who wish. Then travel agencies come to the rescue and receive this number for you. They charge 700 rubles for the service. If you do not violate the visa regime, a visa is given for 2 years.

If it is not possible to travel to Finland by car, you can get there by bus or minibuses. A bus ticket to Helsinki costs 3000 RUR, for a minibus - 40 €. But if the bus goes on schedule, then the comfort of a trip on a minibus depends on the adequacy of the driver.

Once I drove 700 km from Helsinki to Petrozavodsk for 20 hours. The driver stopped in the middle of the road to buy winter tires, and a minibus full of passengers was waiting for him for 3 hours. When we entered Russia, he was rushing at 190 km / h and talking on the phone. It was pitch black outside and ice on the road. When we finally arrived, the driver demanded money from me for travel, although I paid in advance. I didn't take minibuses anymore.


Now I like living in Petrozavodsk: there are lakes and European airports nearby, I can work remotely and travel a lot. But what will happen in 10 years, whether I will stay here or leave - I do not know.

I do not know a single person who was born in Moscow or any other large city and would have deliberately moved to Petrozavodsk. There are objectively fewer opportunities here: there are few good vacancies, salaries are lower. In my opinion, it is worth going here if you work remotely, are ready to open your own business, or know exactly where you can get a job.

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The patient of the neuropsychiatric boarding school "Cheryomushki" in the Kondopoga region was brought to complete exhaustion, reports "Stolitsa na Onego" with reference to Roszdravnadzor. This became known as a result of the check, which began after the appeal of a resident of Petrozavodsk, who asked to check the quality of the provision of medical services to her 75-year-old mother, who died in a boarding school.

An elderly woman entered Cheryomushki voluntarily in March 2014 - since 2008 she has suffered from behavioral disorders. By this time, the patient could not walk on her own, she used a wheelchair. Six months later, the patient's legs developed trophic ulcers. She was prescribed antibacterial ointments, after which the ulcers spread throughout her body. At the same time, only in November, the therapist made a conclusion about the presence of chronic venous-arterial insufficiency of the lower extremities in the patient. A year passed, and on September 8, 2015, it turned out that the woman had developed pneumonia. This is confirmed by fluorography. But the therapist came to the patient only on September 22.

“It seems that the doctor at Cheryomushki just stated the facts,” says Natalya Smirnova, head of the Karelian department of Roszdravnadzor. - Since the beginning of May 2016, he noted the appearance of edema, pain on palpation of the legs. Then he was diagnosed with erysipelas, and only after that the patient was referred to the surgical department of the Kondopoga Central District Hospital. From there she was discharged with recommendations for further treatment.

From the beginning of July 2016, trophic ulcers on the lower leg reappeared. The therapist traditionally prescribes pills and ointments and examines her again only on September 20. Then the lower leg was already swollen, trophic ulcers became more. There is no evidence that the patient was examined by a surgeon. On September 29, the patient was vaccinated against influenza, although erysipelas is a contraindication to vaccination. As a result, the temperature is 38.7. The therapist diagnosed ARVI and prescribed antibiotics. The patient's condition worsened: she could not eat or drink, she was constantly in bed. In such cases, they feed through a tube, but there is no data on the appointment of a special diet or tube feeding. On December 12, 2016, the woman is finally hospitalized at the Kondopoga Central Regional Hospital. In the neurological department, one of the diagnoses is made: cachexia.

- To make it clear, this is, in principle, the state of the prisoners in Auschwitz. Cachexia is when there is no muscle mass, when only skin and bones remain from a person. The patient no longer understood the speech addressed to her, moaned, lay in the fetal position, explains Natalya Smirnova.

The hospital found out the cause of the high temperature - bilateral pneumonia, and began to feed through a tube. At the end of December, the woman was discharged with positive dynamics. The doctors gave recommendations on nutrition and examination, but the therapist in the boarding school did not carry out treatment in accordance with the recommendations. On January 10, 2017, he had to visit a patient due to a high temperature. The diagnosis is again SARS, although the woman recently suffered bilateral pneumonia. At the same time, control examinations were not carried out, the doctor came again only on January 26. The next examination was recorded on February 7 - frequent rises in body temperature up to 39, loss of body weight, it is indicated that "it is possible that there is a septic condition against the background of a constant infection." The patient is again sent to the surgical department of the Central District Hospital. On admission, the condition was assessed as severe: exhausted, dehydrated, cyanotic spots on the legs, multiple and abrasions on the skin of the upper and lower extremities. According to the X-ray of the lungs, bilateral focal changes; possible tuberculosis or cancer. On February 9, the unfortunate woman died.

- I talked to the morgue workers, asked why she's all so thin? And they say: from there they all come, - says the daughter of a deceased woman, Svetlana Vasilievna.

The director of the boarding school Nikolai Smolnikov told reporters that the therapist goes to the boarding school from the village of Matrosy. Works at 0.5 stakes. The boarding school itself is a social protection institution, not a health care institution, therefore it cannot provide many medical services.

- We are a neuropsychiatric boarding school that enables patients to live with us. We are a social organization, we let patients live. If anything, we go to the hospital. We have the lowest mortality rate in a boarding school throughout Karelia. What does this mean? That we carefully approach everyone, - said Smolnikov. - When a person dies, does not eat, does not drink, they say, and you put a probe to her. But how? We are not medicine, we will not put a probe. Specialists are needed here.

At the same time, Smolnikov partially agrees with the conclusions of Roszdravnadzor that the doctor "overlooked something". Therefore, the institution is already undergoing an internal audit. According to the head of the Karelian department of Roszdravnadzor Natalya Smirnova, one thing is clear in this case: it is a crime to bring a patient who cannot complain to a state of complete exhaustion in a medical institution in 2 years. All the results of the check were sent to the investigative committee to initiate a criminal case, to the prosecutor's office, to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Karelia, as well as to the central office of Roszdravnadzor.