Buy a wok frying pan and what it is. Wok frying pan: what is it and what is it for? By type of coverage

Europeans are accustomed to preparing hot dishes using kettles, saucepans, all kinds of frying pans, duck pots, and pressure cookers. Residents South-East Asia this entire arsenal is replaced by a single frying pan, similar to a bowl. IN Lately and our housewives were interested in the Chinese wok frying pan - what is it for, how to choose it and use it correctly, many users are interested.

In the canonical version, the frying pan is a thin-walled metal cauldron of a conical shape with a convex bottom. The round base and thin walls heat evenly, allowing you to cook food at lightning speed. open fire. This happens with constant stirring: the fried pieces are moved to the top with a special spatula, and the raw pieces are moved down. The classic “bowl” had handles on both sides, like a saucepan, making it easy to place the pan in and out of a traditional Chinese wood-burning oven.

The question is quite logical: if a wok pan with a round bottom is unable to stand on a plane Why is it needed in a modern kitchen then? By making the bottom flat, Western manufacturers adapted antique dishes to the currently used glass-ceramic, electric, . The heat distribution in the wok became less uniform, but the main advantages remained.

So, a wok frying pan – what is it for the modern cook:

  • speed of cooking;
  • versatility - in addition to regular frying, the cookware can be used for stewing, smoking, cooking soups, and steaming;
  • maximum conservation useful substances due to short-term heat treatment, appetizing appearance and good taste qualities food;
  • minimal fat content in ready-made dishes - the absorption of oil is hampered by the constant movement of pieces in the wok;
  • ease of preparation - due to the high walls of the wok pan, pieces do not spill out of the pan during intensive stirring.

Types of wok pans, selection criteria

Before purchasing, evaluate the main parameters of such cookware that affect its functionality and ease of use.


When thinking about how to choose a wok pan based on material, it is worth studying the pros and cons of different models.

Ceramic and aluminum frying pans are chosen for electric and. Cast iron and steel models are suitable for all heating methods, including using open fire. The wok frying pan must also be made of an iron-carbon alloy, because the main requirement for it is the presence of magnetic properties.


Stores offer options for frying pans from 15 to 76 cm. The selection criterion is the number of simultaneously prepared portions. The most popular sizes of woks are: 15-28 cm (1-2 servings) and 30-38 cm (3-5 servings).

Tip: The optimal diameter is 25-28 cm - such dishes are quite spacious, light and compact. A frying pan with a dimension of more than 35 cm is too bulky for modern kitchens and household stoves.

External design and equipment

When choosing a wok pan, pay attention to its design features.

  1. Bottom. Flat models are suitable for all types of slabs. For gas burners you can buy a traditional convex wok with round stand for fixation.
  2. Pens. In addition to saucepan-like frying pans, there are models with a long handle and a small oval holder. There are also removable handles (this type of wok is more convenient to store).
  3. Equipment. The functionality of the frying pan is expanded due to the lid (it allows you to stew and cook food). It’s a good idea if the set includes a wire rack: you can use it to strain out oil from fried foods or prepare steamed dishes.

What and how to cook in a wok

As mentioned earlier, a deep frying pan with conical walls is convenient for implementing a wide variety of culinary ideas. And yet, the ideal recipes for wok are stews, roasts, pilaf, meat with side dishes of noodles and vegetables, fries.

Moreover, the meat can be of different types - from beef to chicken fillet, vegetables and seasonings are combined to suit your taste. It is advisable to learn in advance not only what is being cooked in a wok pan, but also how to do it correctly.

The basic principle of cooking is quick frying with continuous stirring (in English - stir-fry). The method is quite simple if you use a few signature techniques of Chinese chefs.

  1. All ingredients are cleaned and cut into small cubes or strips in advance. Hard vegetables are cut more thinly. The meat is chosen to be more tender so that it has time to fry.
  2. Dishes are prepared in sunflower, sesame or peanut oil (butter and olive oil are not suitable for frying).
  3. Before adding food, heat the frying pan, add oil and heat it up. Do not turn down the heat during frying.
  4. The order in which the components are introduced depends on the duration of their preparation. The order of the bookmark may look like this: pork pulp, carrots, onions, bell peppers, herbs, sauce, spices, vermicelli.
  5. The contents of the pan are constantly stirred during the cooking process from the center to the periphery. Thanks to this, the fried pieces will not burn and will reach condition on cooler walls.
  6. It is better to boil rice, noodles or spaghetti in advance.
  7. To cook juicy, fried meat with a crispy crust using a wok, you need to know a few nuances.
  • If you place the fillet in the freezer for 15 minutes, cutting it into small pieces will be much easier.
  • Short-term marinating (15-30 minutes) in soy or oyster sauce will help soften the meat fibers.
  • The meat is placed in hot oil in portions of 40-60 g. If the volume of the product is larger, the temperature in the wok will drop, meat juice will be released - and the frying process will turn into stewing.

After acquiring an appetizing crust, remove the meat with a slotted spoon so that it does not overcook. It's better to throw it back paper towel or grate. If there are a large number of other ingredients, they are treated in the same way (but, unlike meat, they are taken out half-raw). At the end, all components are returned to the frying pan and the dish is brought to condition.

Choose the best original wok noodle recipes on the website’s online page. Try the variation with mushrooms, different types meat, greens, colorful bell pepper, zucchini, green beans and other vegetables. Enjoy the rich taste of noodles with a variety of sauces. Replace vegetables with seafood.

Cooking Asian dishes is not complete without a round wok pan. Cooking food in a wok takes less than 15 minutes, so the dishes are: healthy (foods almost do not lose vitamins and nutrients) since the ingredients are fried for 1-3 minutes; not greasy (not enough for frying) large quantity oils). Meat and vegetables in a wok turn out crispy, especially aromatic and appetizing.

The five most commonly used ingredients in wok noodle recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Boil the noodles.
2. Cut the poultry meat into long pieces.
3. Finely chop the ginger, onion, garlic, and hot pepper.
4. Mix the chicken with chopped spices, add olive oil, soy sauce. Let marinate for about an hour.
5. Cut carrots, zucchini and multi-colored sweet peppers into long strips, green beans into 3 cm pieces.
6. Place marinated meat in a heated wok. Fry constantly stirring.
7. After a couple of minutes, add vegetables.
8. Fry for another 3-4 minutes.
9. Season with soy sauce and pepper.
10. Place the boiled noodles in the meat and vegetable mixture.
11. Fry until final readiness for a couple of minutes.
12. Serve.

Five of the fastest wok noodle recipes:

Helpful Tips:
. It is necessary to boil the noodles either before or in parallel with cooking the remaining ingredients. Seafood, meat and other ingredients must be hot when mixed with noodles. The main component itself will have dried well at this stage.
. The noodles are always placed last in the wok and heated with all other ingredients for no more than 2-3 minutes.

Can be considered an international dish. The form in which it was recognized in Russia, it owes to China, America, and other countries. The history of WOK noodles goes back more than 2 thousand years, and the recipe has gained mass distribution and respect over the past 100-150 years. It is cooked in a special frying pan, from which it took its name - Wok.

History of wok noodles

According to one version, the wok appeared in Canton, and after that it traveled a long way to get to Russia. A huge cone-shaped thin-walled frying pan with a slightly rounded bottom was a traditional kitchen utensil in China, and then among nomadic peoples. Its great advantage was that the food in it was cooked very quickly.

Woks were used by poor people who did not have the opportunity to install expensive stoves, and had to heat their own special small stoves with grass and straw, which burned quickly and did not provide too much heat. For the same reason, the wok took root among nomads. The bottom, small in diameter, had time to heat up to the required temperature, transmitting required heat and high walls.

Noodles were also considered the food of the common people. It was used along with cooked rice, soybeans and wheat. With the advent of the wok, it practically replaced them from the diet, mainly due to the simplicity and speed of cooking. Boiled pieces of Mien Pien dough used to be completely fried in a wok, only centuries later did the noodles acquire the appearance we are familiar with. According to one legend, it symbolizes longevity, so the longer the noodles, the better.

WOK noodles today

Today WOK noodles are considered a tasty and affordable dish. It is served in national restaurants of China, in various countries, as a dish of Chinese or Pan-Asian cuisine, as well as on the street, offering it as an analogue of fast food.

In a very small amount of oil, but over very high heat, heat a huge wok and fry all the ingredients very quickly, gradually adding each of them. At the same time, the cook continuously stirs the contents of the vat. This cooking technique is called stir-fry. Virtuosos even throw food into the air, and some recipes require the “caress of fire.” This is the name of the process when the prepared dish is set on fire and the fire burns inside the frying pan for several seconds.

WOK Noodle Recipes

Today, WOK noodles are not just pieces fried in a wok, but a complex dish that combines vegetables with meat, fish or seafood fried in a frying pan. And of course noodles.

Only noodles can be chosen from 5 options:

  • Udon;
  • Funchozu;
  • Spinach;
  • Soy;
  • Corn;
  • Wheat.
  • For fillings, beef, pork, chicken, red fish, and seafood cocktail are most often used. But there are also purely vegetarian combinations.

Another essential element is refueling. It can be very simple, consisting of salt and oil, or it can be complex, multi-component. In this case, it can be added to the dish lemon juice, soy sauce, sesame seeds, spices, kimchi dressing, vinegar and other ingredients.

Cooking method

All ingredients are pre-prepared for frying. Cooking over a fire takes 5-10 minutes, so you simply won’t have time to chop anything during the process, so all the products are chopped and placed in separate cups and bowls before the frying pan is put on the stove. It is very important to cut the ingredients thinly or into small pieces. This will make the roasting faster and more even. Most meat and vegetables are chopped into thin long strips so that these products go well with noodles of the same shape.

When it comes to frying, any wok noodle recipe starts with adding oil to the pan and heating it up. A good degree of calcination is when white smoke begins to emanate from the oil, or bamboo sticks dipped into the oil begin to “bubble.” Then you can add products.

The ingredients are added one by one. The ones that take the longest to fry are added first. As a rule, this is meat; after a minute or two of intensive stirring, carrots and other hard vegetables are added to it; those that require minimal heat treatment, for example, tomatoes, cucumbers or lettuce, are laid out last. Lastly, pre-boiled and well-washed noodles are laid out, and the dressing is poured in at the end. Everything is thoroughly mixed, heated in a frying pan and served or placed in boxes.

The most common recipes for WOK noodles are:

  • Rice noodles with chicken and eggplant;
  • Wheat noodles with beef;
  • Egg noodles with pork and green beans;
  • Buckwheat noodles with cheese and vegetables;
  • Funchoza with seafood;
  • Wheat noodles in sweet and sour sauce;
  • Soy noodles with teriyaki sauce;
  • Udon with pork and vegetables.

The cooking principle is the same everywhere: the one described above. The main thing is to follow the three rules of the Wok - cook over high heat, at high speed and stir constantly.

WOK noodles in a box

In many films, Chinese noodles are eaten not in restaurants or at home, but on the street or in a car from cardboard boxes. It is sold in take-away cafes and even from wheels and carts on the street. Such noodle boxes were invented not by the Chinese, but by the Americans. When the fashion for Chinese noodles came to them at one time, they made it an analogue of fast food, and instead of original packaging they began to use oyster boxes. It was for this sea delicacy that the boxes were originally designed and manufactured.

Selling oysters as a quick snack has become unprofitable; prices for shellfish have skyrocketed. But from the skies came a worthy analogue. Boxed noodles not only took root in America, but also became an independent dish and were warmly welcomed in many countries.

Europeans usually use pots, kettles, pressure cookers, duck pots and all kinds of frying pans for cooking. Residents of Southeast Asia in all cases use one single frying pan, shaped like a deep bowl. Recently, residents of other countries have also become interested in this Chinese kitchen item. Wok frying pan - what is it and why is it needed? We will talk about this in our article.

Historical facts

The classic version of this item is like a thin-walled metal cauldron with a convex bottom. This shape was not invented in vain - the evenly heated walls of the cookware and the rounded base allow you to cook almost any dish almost instantly.

At the same time, for uniform frying, the pieces must be constantly stirred using a special spatula. Thanks to the beveled sides of the pan, the top pieces easily fall down, and the cooked ones end up at the top.

In ancient times, woks had handles similar to saucepans, which was convenient for traditional Chinese cooking. wood stove- the pan was easy to put in and take out. Over time, different handles were invented for it, since this item is now used not only in Chinese stoves.

In order for the wok to stand on a normal kitchen stove, Western manufacturers redesigned the bottom - it became flattened. This has led to the fact that the heat in the frying pan is no longer distributed so evenly, but its advantages make it necessary to use this utensil all the time. larger number housewives.

Benefits of a wok

If we look at it in general, we can say that a wok is an ordinary frying pan that has a shape that is unusual for Europeans. But those who have already tried it in action are convinced that it is possible to prepare food not only tasty, but also quickly.

So, thin high walls and a rounded bottom provide the following advantages:

  • fast food preparation due to high temperature surface and heat concentration at the bottom;
  • versatility - the frying pan allows you not only to fry the ingredients of a dish, but also to stew, smoke, boil and steam;
  • maximum safety nutrients due to short-term heat treatment of products;
  • high walls prevent the contents from spilling, which makes cooking in a wok pan more convenient, reviews confirm this on numerous forums on the Internet;
  • excellent taste characteristics and appetizing appearance cooked food;
  • Constant stirring prevents fat from being absorbed into the ingredients, so dishes are obtained with minimal fat content.

Types of materials for frying pans

In the old days, Chinese craftsmen made woks from cast iron. Modern manufacturers have learned to make lighter models for the convenience of housewives.

The market currently offers the following types of frying pans:

  1. Cast iron wok pan. This metal tends to heat up for a long time, but maintains the temperature for a long time, and has non-stick properties. Minus: it is forbidden to leave prepared food in cast iron - the metal tends to rust from prolonged contact with liquid.
  2. Frying pans from of stainless steel. Practical, high temperature resistant, strong and durable. Minus - they do not have a non-stick effect and are difficult to clean.
  3. Aluminum frying pans. Lightweight products coated with a non-stick Teflon layer. An example of such a product is a Rondell wok pan (a brand that is famous for its quality). The problem is that scratches easily appear on the walls and high temperature the coating is destroyed.
  4. Ceramic frying pans. The fragile material from which they are made can crack when exposed to temperature changes. The advantage is that ceramics heats up quickly and does not absorb odors.

Which frying pan to buy

When purchasing this kitchen utensils Housewives have a question about what a wok is for and where it should be used. To clarify this issue, we can recommend the following.

First, it’s worth thinking about what material the product will be made of, studying the advantages and disadvantages of each.

It should be taken into account that cheap stamped steel woks can become deformed due to temperature changes. But they are suitable for cooking on any heating surface, as well as over an open fire. The same can be said about cast iron products. For use on gas and electric kitchen tiles Aluminum and ceramic frying pans. But for cooking on induction cookers, you will need products made of an iron-carbon alloy with the necessary magnetic properties.

It is also necessary to decide on the parameters of the product - what handles it will have, dimensions, whether the Wok pan will have a lid or not.

Pan diameter and thickness

Manufacturers offer frying pans with a circumference from fifteen to seventy-six centimeters. The selection criterion for this parameter is the number of servings - the greater the number of servings you need to prepare at the same time, the larger the product you need to use.

To prepare one or two servings, pans with a diameter of fifteen to twenty-eight centimeters are suitable, and for three to five servings - from thirty to thirty-eight centimeters. The latter sizes for the kitchen will be somewhat bulky, and a wok pan with a diameter of 28 cm is perfect for modern household stoves.

As for the wall sizes, cast iron products are produced with wall thicknesses of three and nine millimeters. The former often crack over an open fire, while the latter are too massive and have a lot of weight. For steel and aluminum, these dimensions range from three to six millimeters. Thin-walled products have good thermal conductivity, quickly warm up and cook food in short term, but require constant presence and stirring.


Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to structural elements, since you need to understand that a wok is an item of everyday use and should be convenient.

As for the bottom, the flattened design is suitable for all types of slabs. And for gas ones, in addition, you can purchase frying pans with a regular convex bottom complete with a stand round shape for fixation.

Wok handles also come in different shapes: pan-like, long or removable. The last option is very convenient for storage.

Lids also serve as an extension of the functionality - they can come as a set or be purchased separately according to the size of the frying pan. The lid allows you to cook and stew food.

The delivery package may also include a grate - it can be used to drain oil from ready-made dish and stew food.

What to cook in a frying pan

It is already clear that a wok pan is an opportunity to realize a variety of culinary delights, but perfect recipes for her are pilaf, roast, stew, deep-frying, meat with side dishes.

Moreover, the ingredients can include both various vegetables and meat. different varieties and types - from beef to chicken. Any product in a frying pan will turn out tasty, juicy, original and tender. And most importantly, it will take a minimum of time to prepare. Of course, you need to study this issue in advance - stewing can last from three to thirty minutes, depending on the type of product.

Sunflower, sesame or peanut oil is used for cooking in a wok - they are best suited for frying.

The frying temperature in a frying pan varies from two hundred eighty to three hundred twenty degrees Celsius.

How to cook with a wok

Do not forget about the basic principle of cooking - fast frying over high heat with constant stirring in the direction from the center to the edges. According to customer reviews, the Rondell Mocaccino wok pan is perfect for these purposes.

And the process and preparation itself can be described as follows:

  1. Cut the ingredients into small strips or cubes in advance. Moreover, tough or hard vegetables are cut smaller than others.
  2. Heat the frying pan over high heat and add it inside vegetable oil. The fire is not reduced.
  3. Products must be added depending on their hardness - first those that take longer to cook, and then the rest.
  4. Noodles, rice or spaghetti are boiled in advance and added to the pan last.
  5. The meat is added to the heated oil in parts of forty to sixty grams, otherwise when large volume The temperature in the pan will drop, causing a lot of juice to form. And this risks turning frying into stewing.
  6. When a crispy crust appears on the meat, remove it to a wire rack using a slotted spoon. Do the same with the remaining ingredients once they are half-ready.
  7. All parts of the dish are put back together in a frying pan and brought to the desired condition.

Like any device, a wok has its secrets.

Key tips are as follows:

  1. To prepare fried juicy meat with a crispy crust, the piece is first placed in freezer for fifteen minutes - this will make it easier for frozen meat to be cut into equal pieces.
  2. To soften the meat fibers, a piece of meat is soaked in the marinade for fifteen to thirty minutes or placed in soy or oyster sauce for the same time.
  3. Since the cooking technology involves quick and constant stirring, the ingredients for cooking must be prepared in advance - in this case, you will not have to be distracted during the work. Vegetables and meat should be chopped, and seasonings should be on hand.
  4. First, a dry frying pan heats up - if the water splashed on the bottom collects in droplets, it means that the product has reached the desired temperature and you can add oil.
  5. You should start frying the ingredients of the dish when the oil begins to smoke slightly.
  6. Soy sauce must be added at the very end of cooking, otherwise it will burn.

How to care

To prevent food from burning or the non-stick layer to last longer, you need to follow some rules. They are as follows:

  • After purchase, wash the new product with a soft sponge and soap and boil water in it;
  • heat the walls of the dish over the fire, turning the frying pan at an angle to the flame;
  • pour half a glass of vegetable oil onto the hot bottom, distribute it over the entire inner surface without removing from the heat;
  • After removing from heating, after two to three minutes the pan is placed under cold water- first outside, then inside;
  • put the utensils back on the fire to evaporate the moisture, then add fifty grams of oil, which is again distributed over the entire surface and heated until smoke appears;
  • remove the frying pan from the heat and rub the fat into the surface from the inside and outside with a paper napkin;
  • Allow the product to cool - it is ready for use.


Despite the fact that the wok is an alien kitchen item, it has taken root perfectly in the European kitchen. With this frying pan you can prepare delicious, healthy food from any product.

Chinese dishes, like food, are unusual. A striking representative of authentic kitchen utensils is the traditional wok frying pan. It is multifunctional, so it is popular not only in Asia, but also in Europe.

The wok frying pan, due to its prevalence, has many variations that are suitable for almost all needs and processes in the kitchen.

The history of the device goes back more than a thousand years. The dishes practically did not change, but only over time adapted to the place of distribution.

A traditional wok has a rounded or trapezoidal bottom, which makes it suitable for cooking over a fire. Today on the market there are models with a flat and slightly curved base.

The authentic model is characterized by the presence of 2 symmetrical handles. Over time, options have appeared that have one handle, which makes them look like a familiar frying pan.

Why do you need a wok?

A wok is a utensil designed to perform many tasks. It is used not only for frying foods, but also for preparing soups, cereals, stews, meat and other delicacies. It is great for stewing food or deep frying.

Wok completely replaces many others kitchen items, such as a stewpan, saucepan, cauldron, duck pot. Thanks to its design, the wok is spacious and suitable for cooking large quantities of food.

Wok: pros and cons

Wok has its strengths and weak sides. Pros:

  1. Heat treatment time. Thanks to the shape, food cooks much faster. The thin narrow bottom promotes rapid heating and uniform heat distribution.
  2. Versatility. A wok is suitable for frying vegetables or meat. It is convenient to prepare first and second courses in it. If the set includes a grill, the products can be steamed.
  3. Food quality. A small amount of oil is needed for cooking, which reduces the fat content in food, which makes it possible to classify dishes as healthy eating. Thanks to unusual shape wok pans, food is cooked several times faster, while retaining many vitamins and microelements.
  4. Multitasking cookware. The equipment allows you to carry out several cooking processes simultaneously. You can stew the stew as a base and at the same time steam meat or fish. This reduces time, energy or gas costs, and workload on the hob.
  5. Equipment. Additional accessories Woks provide versatility and convenience during operation.

  1. Dimensions. Wok pan is enough big size, so you can’t call it compact. If the stove is small, you should make sure that the wok fits and does not fill its entire area.
  2. The second handle often causes burns. It is located directly above hob, so it can be heated.

Varieties of wok

There are many variations of woks on the market today. They differ from each other in size, thickness of walls and base, shape and diameter of the bottom, coating and main material of manufacture.

Sizes vary from 15 to 76 cm. The diameter depends on the number of servings prepared at the same time. The most popular options are designed for 1-5 servings. Their diameter is 15-38 cm.

The wall thickness varies from 3 to 9 mm. This characteristic affects price and durability. The shape of the wok bottom can be either traditional - convex, or flat, suitable for use on all cooking surfaces.

Coverage Matters

The quality of food preparation depends on the coating of the frying pan, among which the following are in demand:

  1. Teflon. A material often used in making woks. Its non-stick protective layer Helps protect food from burning during cooking. In order for Teflon to retain its qualities for a long time, careful and thorough care is needed. Metal utensils and brushes are taboo. They damage the structure and integrity of the coating. It is not recommended to heat the container or hold long time on fire without food. When damage occurs and the protective layer becomes unusable, toxic substances begin to be released that are harmful to human body.
  2. Granite. Durable and solid foundation. The granite coating of the wok has high thermal conductivity, so food cooks quickly and evenly. These dishes are convenient and easy to use.
  3. Titanium. Durable and environmentally friendly pure material, which has non-stick properties. The coating is safe for the human body and does not emit harmful substances and does not interact with food during cooking. Titanium is resistant to mechanical stress and suitable for long-term use.
  4. Ceramics. An ecological coating that cooks food evenly and quickly. Wok cookware is not picky about cleaning. You can use steel blades and instruments on it without fear of causing damage to the product. Disadvantages: instability to temperature changes and fragility.
  5. Enamel. Unreliable coverage. It is prone to damage from temperature changes or shocks. But it perfectly protects steel from oxidation.

Types of wok pans

Not only the price, but also the quality of the cooking process depends on the material.

A cast iron wok has natural non-stick properties. It has a porous structure, which promotes uniform distribution of oil on the surface. The food is prepared quickly. A cast iron wok retains heat well, keeping food warm for a long time. Disadvantages are: heavy weight, rust resistance and fragility.

An aluminum wok pan is a lightweight and inexpensive product that is suitable for use on gas and electric stoves. Food in such dishes cooks quickly, because the pan heats up easily. At the same time, aluminum is unstable to high temperatures and mechanical stress.

A steel wok is strong, durable, heats up and cools down quickly. It can be used on various surfaces and even on an open fire. But from high temperatures it becomes deformed, loses its shape and original appearance.

Ceramic wok is durable, environmentally friendly, and easy to maintain. At the same time, it is quite fragile, expensive and unstable to temperature changes.

The stainless steel model is widely used in professional and home kitchens. Lightweight material and durable. The wok is easy to clean. It does not oxidize or deform, which makes it practically trouble-free to use. The disadvantage is the lack of non-stick coating.

Electrical appliances have only recently appeared on the market. They come with a special stand-plate, which promotes fast and uniform heating and protects against overheating. The built-in panel has a sensor and several cooking modes. Fixing makes the process easier and safer.

When buying dishes, you need to take into account the size, material of manufacture, bottom shape, type of coating. Wok for induction cooker must match the diameter of the burner. In addition, its material must have ferromagnetic properties.

Bottom shape

If the stove is gas, you can afford a rounded bottom. For induction and glass-ceramic panels, cookware with a smooth, flat base is selected.

Pan sizes

When choosing the size of a wok, you should take into account the dimensions of the kitchen and burner, as well as the desired number of servings. If the family is large, the diameter of the frying pan is larger. For a small one, a container up to 25 cm in size is sufficient.

Types of pens

A traditional Chinese wok has 2 handles. They can be solid metal or with silicone tips. There are models with one handle. In terms of convenience, such products are close to a standard frying pan.

For cooking in the oven, you should pay attention to the option with a removable handle.


Complete set: main container, grill and lid. All these parts are sold separately.

A wok with a lid is perfect for stewing and cooking soup. The grate is used as a steamer or for draining oil.

Operating rules

For a long and high-quality service of the product, you need to use such equipment correctly. Depending on the model and its characteristics, additional devices and cleaning products are selected.

How to open wok?

A newly purchased cast iron or steel model must be prepared for use. This process is called "discovery." It consists of the following steps:

  1. Thorough cleaning. The container is cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. Calcination. Under the influence of high temperature, the bottom and walls are well burned until a dark shade appears.
  3. The frying pan or wok is filled with water.
  4. Repeated cleaning. After draining the water, you need to clean the surface: inside and outside.
  5. Repeated calcination. Clean dishes put on maximum heat.
  6. Adding oil. When the product has darkened, vegetable oil is poured in and distributed over the entire area.
  7. Break. Turn off the heat source and leave the pan on the stove for about 3 minutes.
  8. Rinse. Under running water The wok is cooling. First from the outside, and then from the inside.
  9. Lubricate with oil and place again on the fire.
  10. The final stage is getting rid of excess oil. After smoke appears, the stove is turned off. Oil is gently rubbed into the hot surface paper napkins. For best effect, wipe and outside dishes.

After the pan has cooled, the procedure is considered complete. It is not recommended to “open” the wok with non-stick coating. Such manipulation will negatively affect its surface.

How to cook in a wok?

In order for the prepared food to have a unique taste and color, it is necessary to take into account the structural features of the dishes, so the products are cut finely and preferably of the same size. They are placed in the prepared container one by one, in accordance with the time and degree of frying.

To ensure even cooking, the contents must be stirred constantly. Cook at maximum heat, so the food retains nutrients.

How to care for a frying pan?

Caring for a frying pan consists of several recommendations:

  1. Avoid sudden temperature changes.
  2. Use gentle cleaning products and soft washcloths.
  3. Give preference to wooden or plastic spatulas.
  4. Carefully remove dirt after each use.

When buying a wok pan, you need to make sure it is necessary, taking into account all the pros and cons.