Do you agree that victory over the weak is like defeat?

Having won without risk, you triumph without glory.
Pierre Corneille

In a war, it is not the one who is right who wins, but the one who remains alive.
Bertrand Russell

IN civil war every victory is a defeat.

Great undertakings don’t even need to be thought through.
Julius Caesar

The greatest victory is victory over yourself.

The possibility that we may be defeated in battle should not stop us from fighting for a cause that we believe is just.
Lincoln A.

War makes the winner stupid, the vanquished - evil.
Friedrich Nietzsche

War loves victory and does not like duration.
Sun Tzu

It is impossible to win all the time, but you can make yourself invincible.
Sun Tzu

There is always victory with those in whom there is agreement.

It was not the one who gave who won the battle. good advice, but the one who took responsibility for its implementation and ordered its implementation.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Wins and losses travel in the same sleigh.
Russian proverb

Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself.
There are a thousand reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.
Mike Reid

The peace achieved is better and more reliable than the expected victory.

The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeats and disasters.
Nehru D.

If you live long enough, you will see that every victory turns into a defeat.
Simone de Beauvoir

Life is not a reward for the vanquished.
Lermontov M. Yu.

It is better to win with ingenuity and intelligence than with resistance.
John of Damascus

Either know how to win, or know how to be friends with the winner.

Sometimes the real fight begins on the podium.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

Whoever wants to perpetuate the victory must forget about it.
Hans Kasper

Peace must be won by victory, not by agreement.

Peace and harmony are useful for the vanquished, but only commendable for the victors.

People later wore many triumphal arches as a yoke.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The wise man wins this way. that no one feels his victory.
Justin the historian

We are not retreating - we are advancing in a different direction.
Douglas MacArthur

We are Russian and therefore we will win.
Alexander Suvorov

We are Russian and therefore we will win.
Suvorov A.V.

Don't be afraid of death, then you'll probably win. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Suvorov A.V.

Does it matter whether you defeated the enemy by cunning or valor?

Victory over those who are ready to put their chest on the line is not given for free.

Defeat is not as dangerous as the fear of admitting defeat.
Lenin V.I.

The injustice of the victors obscures the guilt of the vanquished.
Hans Habe

There is nothing more joyful than victory.

No winner believes in chance.

You cannot shy away from battle, nor seek battle yourself: then the victory will be more glorious.
John Chrysostom

No victory can bring as much as one defeat can take away.
Gaius Julius Caesar

To never know defeat means to never fight.
Morihei Ueshiba

You need to be able to lose. Otherwise it would be impossible to live.
Remarque E. M.

It is equal happiness to be victorious or defeated in the battles of love.
Helvetius K.

The first step to victory is objectivity.

Pyrrhic victory is the true victory: in one fell swoop, get rid of your enemies and your own.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Victory depends on the valor of the legions.
Julius Caesar

Victory and defeat often depend on fleeting circumstances. But in any case, it is not difficult to avoid shame: it is enough to die.

Victory over fear gives us strength.
Victor Hugo

Victory breeds hatred; the vanquished live in sorrow. The calm person who has renounced victory and defeat lives in happiness.

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, because it is short-lived.
Mahatma Gandhi

Victory... defeat... these lofty words are devoid of any meaning. Life does not soar at such heights; she... gives birth to new images. Victory weakens a people: defeat awakens new strength in it... Only one thing should be taken into account: the course of events.
Saint-Exupery A.

The winners sleep sweeter than the losers.

The winners can and should be judged.
Joseph Stalin

The winners are not judged.
Catherine the Great

For the winner, peace is beneficial, but for the vanquished it is simply necessary.
Seneca the Younger

No one will ask the winner whether he told the truth or not.
Adolf Gitler

A victorious army rarely rebels.
Karol Bunsch

Victory is determined by the art of war and the courage of the commanders and the fearlessness of the soldiers. Their chest is protection and strength for the fatherland.
Peter the First

Victories that come easily are worth little. Only those we can be proud of are those that are the result of persistent struggle.
Beecher Henry Ward

The instigator always wins.

It is not necessarily the just cause that wins, but the cause that was fought for better.
Egon Erwin Kisch

The one who beats the enemy with his own weapon wins.
Henrik Ibsen

Win, but give up the triumph.
Maria Ebner – Eschenbach

Winning is the stupidest thing. Not to win, but to convince - that is what is worthy of glory.
Hugo V.

He who conquers others is strong, and he who conquers himself is powerful.
Lao Tzu

True defeat, the only irreparable defeat, comes not from the enemy, but from oneself.
Romain Rolland

A true samurai does not think about victory and defeat. He fearlessly rushes towards inevitable death.
“Haga?kure” - the code of honor of the samurai

Sacrifice your life for victory.

Defeat is a school from which the truth always emerges stronger.
Henry Beecher

Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, courage - victory.
Alexander Suvorov

It is more honorable to defeat a brave enemy than a cowardly one.
Engels F.

The oath of Fabius’ soldiers is beautiful: they did not swear to “die or conquer” - they swore to return as victors and kept their oath.
Russo J.

I came, I saw, I conquered.
Julius Caesar

The problems that the winner has to solve are more pleasant, but not easier, than the problems that the loser has to solve.
Winston Churchill

Broken armies learn well.
Vladimir Lenin

The one who is first is stronger.

Courage is the beginning of victory.

Only in a cheerful, hot outburst, in passionate love for one’s native country, courage and energy, will victory be born. And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, but in the persistent mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning that slowly and steadily moves mountains, opens unknown depths and brings them to sunny clarity.
Lomonosov M. V.

The one who does not finish off the enemy is doubly victorious.

The winners' wounds do not hurt.
Publilius Syrus

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan.
John Kennedy in 1961, after the failure of the Bay of Cochinos landings

The achieved peace is better and more reliable than the expected victory.

More often than not, the one who is not taken seriously wins.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
Ernest Hemingway

Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
Ernest Hemingway

The more difficulties in the struggle, the more beautiful the victory will be.
Lope de Vega

I would rather be first here (in a poor town) than second in Rome.
Julius Caesar

Direction "Victory and defeat" of the final essay 2016-2017 in literature: examples, samples, analysis of work

Examples of writing essays on literature in the direction of "Victory and defeat." Statistics are provided for each essay. Some essays are for school purposes, and it is not recommended to use them as ready-made samples for the final essay.

These works can be used to prepare for the final essay. They are intended to form students’ understanding of the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas when forming your own presentation of the topic.

Below are video analyzes of work on thematic area"Victory and defeat."

Victory is always desirable. We expect victory from early childhood, playing catch-up or Board games. We need to win at all costs. And the one who wins feels like the king of the situation. And someone is a loser because he doesn’t run so fast or the chips just fell out wrong. Is victory really necessary? Who can be considered the winner? Is victory always an indicator of true superiority?

In Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's comedy “The Cherry Orchard” the conflict is centered on the confrontation between the old and the new. Noble society, brought up on the ideals of the past, has stopped in its development, accustomed to receiving everything without much difficulty, by right of birth, Ranevskaya and Gaev are helpless before the need for action. They are paralyzed, cannot make a decision, cannot move. Their world is collapsing, going to hell, and they are building rainbow projects, starting an unnecessary holiday in the house on the day of the estate auction. And then Lopakhin appears - a former serf, and now - the owner cherry orchard. Victory intoxicated him. At first he tries to hide his joy, but soon triumph overwhelms him and, no longer embarrassed, he laughs and literally shouts:

My God, my God, The Cherry Orchard my! Tell me that I'm drunk, out of my mind, that I'm imagining all this...
Of course, the slavery of his grandfather and father may justify his behavior, but in the face of, according to him, his beloved Ranevskaya, it looks, at least, tactless. And here it is already difficult to stop him, like a real master of life, a winner he demands:

Hey musicians, play, I want to listen to you! Come and watch how Ermolai Lopakhin takes an ax to the cherry orchard and how the trees fall to the ground!
Maybe, from the point of view of progress, Lopakhin’s victory is a step forward, but somehow it becomes sad after such victories. The garden is cut down without waiting for the former owners to leave, Firs is forgotten in the boarded-up house... Does such a play have a morning?

In the story “The Garnet Bracelet” by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, the focus is on fate young man who dared to love a woman outside his circle. G.S.J. He has long and devotedly loved Princess Vera. His gift is Garnet bracelet- immediately attracted the woman’s attention, because the stones suddenly lit up like “lovely thick red living lights. “Definitely blood!” - Vera thought with unexpected alarm.” Unequal relationships are always fraught with serious consequences. The alarming premonitions did not deceive the princess. The need to put the presumptuous scoundrel in his place at all costs arises not so much from the husband as from Vera’s brother. Appearing in front of Zheltkov, representatives high society a priori behave like winners. Zheltkov’s behavior strengthens them in their confidence: “his trembling hands ran around, fiddling with buttons, pinching his light reddish mustache, touching his face unnecessarily.” The poor telegraph operator is crushed, confused, and feels guilty. But only Nikolai Nikolaevich remembers the authorities to whom the defenders of the honor of his wife and sister wanted to turn, when Zheltkov suddenly changes. No one has power over him, over his feelings, except the object of his adoration. No authorities can prohibit loving a woman. And to suffer for the sake of love, to give one’s life for it - this is the true victory of the great feeling that G.S.Zh was lucky enough to experience. He leaves silently and confidently. His letter to Vera is a hymn to a great feeling, a triumphant song of Love! His death is his victory over the insignificant prejudices of pathetic nobles who feel like masters of life.

Victory, as it turns out, can be more dangerous and disgusting than defeat if it tramples on eternal values ​​and distorts the moral foundations of life.

Total: 508 words

To answer the question: “What does Katerina’s suicide mean - her victory or defeat?”, it is necessary to examine the circumstances of her life, study the motives of her actions, and address Special attention on the complexity and contradictory nature of the heroine and the extraordinary originality of her character.

Katerina is a poetic person, full of deep lyricism. She grew up and was brought up in a bourgeois family, in a religious atmosphere, but she absorbed all the best that the patriarchal way of life could give. She has a sense of self-esteem, a sense of beauty, and she is characterized by the experience of beauty, which was brought up in her childhood. N.A. Dobrolyubov saw the greatness of Katerina’s image precisely in the integrity of her character, in her ability to be herself everywhere and always, to never betray herself in anything.

Arriving at her husband’s house, Katerina was faced with a completely different way of life, in the sense that it was a life in which violence, tyranny, and humiliation of human dignity reigned. Katerina’s life changed dramatically, and the events took on a tragic character, but this might not have happened if not for the despotic character of her mother-in-law, Marfa Kabanova, who considers fear to be the basis of “pedagogy”. Her life philosophy- to frighten and keep in obedience with fear. She is jealous of her son towards the Young Wife and believes that he is not strict enough with Katerina. She is afraid that her youngest daughter Varvara may be “infected” by such a bad example, and how would she future husband I didn’t later reproach my mother-in-law for not being strict enough in raising my daughter. Katerina, humble in appearance, becomes for Marfa Kabanova the personification of a hidden danger that she feels intuitively. So Kabanikha seeks to subjugate, break Katerina’s fragile character, force her to live according to her own laws, and so she sharpens her “like rusty iron.” But Katerina, endowed with spiritual gentleness and trepidation, is capable in some cases of showing both firmness and strong-willed determination - she does not want to put up with this situation. “Eh, Varya, you don’t know my character!” she says. “Of course, God forbid this happens! And if I get really tired of being here, you won’t be able to hold me back with any force. I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the Volga. I don’t want to be here.” I won’t live like that, even if you cut me!” She feels the need to love freely and therefore enters into a struggle not only with the world of the “dark kingdom”, but also with her own beliefs, with her own nature, incapable of lies and deception. A heightened sense of justice makes her doubt the correctness of her actions, and she perceives the awakened feeling of love for Boris as a terrible sin, because, having fallen in love, she violated those moral principles that she considered sacred.

But she also cannot give up her love, because it is love that gives her the much-needed feeling of freedom. Katerina is forced to hide her dates, but living a life of deception is unbearable for her. Therefore, she wants to free herself from them by her public repentance, but only further complicates her already painful existence. Katerina’s repentance shows the depth of her suffering, moral greatness, and determination. But how can she continue to live, if even after she repented of her sin in front of everyone, it did not become easier. It is impossible to return to your husband and mother-in-law: everything there is foreign. Tikhon will not dare to openly condemn his mother’s tyranny, Boris is a weak-willed man, he will not come to the rescue, and continuing to live in the Kabanovs’ house is immoral. Previously, they couldn’t even reproach her, she could feel that she was right in front of these people, but now she is guilty in front of them. She can only submit. But it is no coincidence that the work contains the image of a bird deprived of the opportunity to live in the wild. For Katerina, it is better not to live at all than to put up with the “miserable vegetation” that is destined for her “in exchange for her living soul.” N.A. Dobrolyubov wrote that Katerina’s character “is full of faith in new ideals and selfless in the sense that it is better for him to die than to live under those principles that are disgusting to him.” To live in a world of “hidden, quietly sighing sorrow... prison, deathly silence...”, where “there is no space and freedom for living thought, for sincere words, for noble deeds; a heavy tyrant ban is imposed on loud, open, widespread activity "There is no way for her. If she cannot enjoy her feeling, her will legally, “in broad daylight, in front of all the people, if something that is so dear to her is snatched away from her, then she doesn’t want anything in life, she doesn’t even want life...” .

Katerina did not want to put up with the reality that kills human dignity, could not live without moral purity, love and harmony, and therefore got rid of suffering in the only way possible in those circumstances. “... Simply as a human being, we are glad to see Katerina’s deliverance - even through death, if there is no other way... A healthy personality breathes upon us with joyful, fresh life, finding within itself the determination to end this rotten life at any cost !..” - says N.A. Dobrolyubov. And that's why tragic ending dramas - Katerina’s suicide is not a defeat, but an affirmation of the strength of a free person - this is a protest against Kabanov’s concepts of morality, “proclaimed under domestic torture, and over the abyss into which the poor woman threw herself,” this is “a terrible challenge to tyrant power.” And in this sense, Katerina’s suicide is her victory.

Total: 780 words

In my opinion, victory is the success of something, and defeat is not only a loss in something, but also the recognition of this loss. We will prove it using examples from the well-known writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol from the story “Taras and Bulba”.

Firstly, I believe that younger son, betrayed his homeland and Cossack honor, for the sake of love. This is both victory and defeat, victory is that he defended his love, and defeat is that the betrayal he committed: going against his father, his homeland is unforgivable.

Secondly, Taras Bulba, having committed his act: killing his son, is probably most of all a defeat. Even though it’s a war, you have to kill, and then live with it all your life, suffering, but it was impossible to do otherwise, since war, unfortunately, has no regrets.

Thus, to summarize, this story by Gogol talks about ordinary life which can happen to someone, but we must remember that when admitting our mistakes we must immediately and not only when it is proven by fact, but in its essence, but for this we must have a conscience.

Total: 164 words

There are probably no people in the world who would not dream of victory. Every day we win small victories or suffer defeats. Trying to achieve success over yourself and your weaknesses, getting up thirty minutes earlier in the morning, studying sports section, preparing lessons that are not going well. Sometimes such victories become a step towards success, towards self-affirmation. But this doesn't always happen. Apparent victory turns into defeat, but defeat is, in fact, victory.

In the comedy by A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit” main character A.A. Chatsky, after a three-year absence, returns to the society in which he grew up. Everything is familiar to him; he has a categorical judgment about every representative of secular society. “The houses are new, but the prejudices are old,” the young, hot-blooded man concludes about the renewed Moscow. The Famusov society adheres to the strict rules of the times of Catherine:
“honor according to father and son”, “be bad, but if there are two thousand family souls - he and the groom”, “the door is open for those invited and uninvited, especially from foreigners”, “it’s not that they introduce new things - never” “they are judges of everything, everywhere, there are no judges above them.”
And only servility, veneration, and hypocrisy rule over the minds and hearts of the “chosen” representatives of the top of the noble class. Chatsky with his views turns out to be out of place. In his opinion, “ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived,” seeking patronage from those in power is low, one must achieve success with intelligence, and not with servility. Famusov, barely hearing his reasoning, covers his ears and shouts: “... to trial!” He considers young Chatsky a revolutionary, a “carbonarius”, dangerous person, when Skalozub appears, he asks not to express his thoughts out loud. And when the young man does begin to express his views, he quickly leaves, not wanting to bear responsibility for his judgments. However, the colonel turns out to be a narrow-minded person and only catches discussions about uniforms. In general, few people understand Chatsky at Famusov’s ball: the owner himself, Sophia and Molchalin. But each of them makes his own verdict. Famusov would prohibit such people from approaching the capital for a shot, Sophia says that he is “not a man - a snake,” and Molchalin decides that Chatsky is simply a loser. The final verdict of the Moscow world is madness! At the climactic moment, when the hero makes his keynote speech, no one in the hall listens to him. You can say that Chatsky is defeated, but this is not so! I.A. Goncharov believes that the hero of the comedy is a winner, and one cannot but agree with him. The appearance of this man shook up the stagnant Famus society, destroyed Sophia’s illusions, and shook Molchalin’s position.

In I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” two opponents collide in a heated argument: a representative of the younger generation, the nihilist Bazarov, and the nobleman P. P. Kirsanov. One lived an idle life, spent the lion's share the allotted time for love for the famous beauty, socialite - Princess R. But, despite this way of life, he gained experience, experienced, probably, the most important feeling that overtook him, washed away everything superficial, knocked down arrogance and self-confidence. This feeling is love. Bazarov boldly judges everything, considering himself a “self-made man,” a man who made his name only through his own labor and intelligence. In a dispute with Kirsanov, he is categorical, harsh, but observes external decency, but Pavel Petrovich cannot stand it and breaks down, indirectly calling Bazarov a “blockhead”:
...before they were just idiots, and now they suddenly became nihilists.
Bazarov's external victory in this dispute, then in the duel turns out to be a defeat in the main confrontation. Having met his first and only love, the young man is unable to survive defeat, does not want to admit failure, but cannot do anything. Without love, without sweet eyes, such desirable hands and lips, life is not needed. He becomes distracted, cannot concentrate, and no amount of denial helps him in this confrontation. Yes, it seems that Bazarov won, because he so stoically goes to death, silently struggles with the disease, but in fact he lost, because he lost everything for which it was worth living and creating.

Courage and determination in any struggle are essential. But sometimes you have to put aside self-confidence, look around, re-read the classics so as not to be mistaken making the right choice. After all, this is your life. And when defeating someone, think about whether this is a victory!

Total: 608 words

An example of a final essay in the direction of “Victory and Defeat.”

“Only the one who has defeated himself wins in this life,” these words from Viktor Suvorov’s book “Aquarium” imply deep meaning. Victories over hordes of the enemy are not as difficult as overcoming one’s own vices.

Demosthenes, the great orator of antiquity, suffered from tongue-tiedness since childhood. However, his cherished dream - to speak in front of the public, to lead the masses, forced him to tirelessly practice eloquence. Victory over himself was won - legends still circulate about the performances of the brilliant rhetorician, and his name lives on for centuries.

The fate of Demosthenes - good example for those who are convinced that it is useless to fight shortcomings. This is certainly an erroneous judgment. At strong desire each of us is capable of much, including victory over our weaknesses: laziness, uncertainty, fears. Another thing is that such desires often remain just desires. But to make a dream come true, you need to make efforts, and sometimes considerable ones. But there is no limit to self-improvement, and if you work hard, the result will definitely come.

Oblomov, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov, was never able to defeat himself. Ilya Ilyich is accustomed to a half-asleep existence; he is lazy and passive. At some point, he wanted to correct himself, this was during his romantic relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov tried to defeat himself - and was defeated. Laziness turned out to be stronger - the hero was never able to completely leave his beloved sofa... The reason, in my opinion, is that Oblomov did not know how to work at all: in the estate of his childhood, Oblomovka, this was not accepted. What is the result? Ilya Ilyich’s life passed colorlessly and aimlessly, and the dreams that worried him in his youth remained dreams.

There are also counter examples in the literature. Alexey Meresyev, the hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, can be considered a true hero, a Man with capital letters. Meresyev's plane, making a combat mission, was shot down by the enemy. Miraculously, the surviving pilot made it to his own people, but doctors were forced to amputate his gangrene-affected legs. Alexey did not lose heart, did not wilt, did not become a burden to his loved ones - he learned to walk again, and then returned to duty and continued to fight the Nazis. Meresyev’s admirable feat is nothing more than a victory over himself - brilliant and grandiose.

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote in the novel “Demons”: “If you want to conquer the whole world, conquer yourself.” It's hard to disagree with the classic. Conquering your weaknesses and shortcomings is not easy. But the one who has won it is able to conquer the world.

Final essay.
Thematic area “Victory and defeat”
In essays in this area, one can speculate about victory and
defeat in different aspects:
socio-historical, moral-philosophical and psychological.
Reasoning can be associated with both external conflicts
events in the life of a person, country, world, and with internal struggle
a person with himself, its causes and results.
IN literary works often shows ambiguity and
the relativity of the concepts of “victory” and “defeat” in different
historical conditions and life.

"To live honestly,
you have to rush, get confused, fight,
make a mistake
and peace of mind is meanness"
L.N. Tolstoy

Victory and defeat. Aphorisms on the topic

You need to be able to lose. It wouldn't be possible otherwise
e. M. Remarque
Success is always someone's failure.
Man was not created for defeat.
A person can be destroyed, but cannot be overcome
Ernest Hemingway

Sample essay topics

Is it possible to live happy life without victories?
The most important victory is victory over yourself.
Victory can be achieved quickly, the most difficult thing is to achieve it
Victory over fear gives a person strength.
To win a "war", sometimes you have to lose
"the battle".
Failure helps you understand yourself.

How to write an introduction on a topic? First introduction.

Victory and defeat...B human life they always exist nearby.
Each of us strives to achieve a certain success, to win
and secure it.
The life path of any person is very difficult. How is that
usually the path of victories and defeats. A person strives to
make fewer mistakes that lead to complete defeat.
In life, we take any defeat hard. This is very difficult, because
the person is in a difficult situation.
But there is another situation when a person wins, which then turns out to be
complete defeat. There is a third situation when a person wins more than one victory and
always knows how to consolidate this success.
Why does this happen in life?

Transition from the introduction to the main part of the essay

These and other questions related to the problem of victory and defeat,
have always been interested in world literature.
Thus, in Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” we see
how difficult life path his favorite heroes pass - this is the way
the path of quest, the path of victories and defeats.
We analyze the pages of the novel from the point of view of what victories
Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov dominated in life, through
what failures and defeats they went through.

Second argument to the main part of the essay

And in the story by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” we
We meet with a simple Russian soldier who was captured by the Germans.
Yes, captivity is a terrible defeat. But we are convinced that the author
story, showing such a complex life situation,
emphasizes that defeat turns out to be a high moral
victory of the Russian man. In the interrogation scene, Andrei's defeat
Sokolov becomes his moral victory when the camp commandant
Müller admires the dignity of prisoners of war near Dresden,
the courage and fortitude of the prisoner and highly appreciates him for this, saving his life, calling him a real Russian soldier.

Conclusion to the essay

So, what conclusion can we draw? What have they brought me to?
reasoning based on the books of L.N. Tolstoy and M.A. Sholokhov?
Rereading and remembering the pages of these works, I come to
the conclusion that in the life of any person the problem of victory and
defeat plays a serious role, since it is difficult to get through life
a path without victories and defeats. And how a person endures victory and
defeat depends entirely on himself, on his character. This
very important in the life of each of us. So let in our real
there will be more people in life who win,
than they fail.

Chatsky. Who is he? Winner or loser?

In the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, we
We see that few people understand Chatsky in Famusov’s house. Hero with his
His looks turned out to be completely out of character.
Moscow society pronounces its verdict on Alexander Chatsky:
And when the hero makes his main speech, no one wants to listen to him.
What is this? Chatsky's defeat?
Writer I.A. Goncharov in his essay “A Million Torments” argued that
Chatsky is the winner. Why did the author of the essay come to this conclusion?
It’s hard to disagree with Goncharov: after all, Chatsky shook up
stagnant Moscow society, destroyed Sophia's hopes, shook
Molchalin's position.
And this is a real victory!

Scenes from the play "Woe from Wit"

A.S. Pushkin. The tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"

The Italian Salieri perceives the personality of the Austrian composer Mozart as
some kind of miracle that refutes his entire life as a person and composer.
Salieri is tormented and tormented, as he is insanely jealous of the great Mozart.
The Italian is a dry person, selfish, rational, terribly envious. He
poisoned the Austrian genius. The actual victory goes to Salieri. But what did you achieve?
Italian composer?
After all, he understands and realizes the superiority of Mozart over himself, feels the great
the strength of his talent and the great power of his music.
Having killed Mozart, Salieri could not free himself from that terrible envy,
which is the source of his real moral torture. He lost
the ability to perceive life easily and joyfully, his soul is burned by envy and pride.
And life in such a psychological state is torture, this is real defeat.

"Mozart and Salieri." Scenes from the play

Victory and defeat of Salieri

Raskolnikov's theory and its collapse

Reading F. M. Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, we learn that thought
about saving the world forced Raskolnikov to create his own theory. As a sacrifice
he chooses an old money-lender. The idea haunts the hero. Everything that happens around
pushes Raskolnikov to kill the old woman. A noble crime turns around
bloody murder. Murder is a terrible crime, it cannot be calculated.
Raskolnikov kills the old pawnbroker and, together with her, takes the life of a kind, humble woman
Lizaveta. Dostoevsky's hero experiences unbearable mental anguish and is terribly tormented.
Inhumane thoughts and deeds can never serve the good of humanity. Happiness is impossible
build on blood, cruelty and violence. Therefore this theory failed. This is complete
Raskolnikov's defeat. He comes to a rethinking of moral values:
“Did I kill the old lady? I killed myself."
And, reading the pages of the novel, we clearly realize and understand that only through a humane beginning
humanity can rise and ascend, that there is no other way and cannot be.

Stills from the film “Crime and Punishment”

Defeat and victory of the old fisherman Santiago

The old fisherman Santiago is the hero of the story by the American writer, laureate
Ernest Hemingway Nobel Prize.
Santiago lived a very difficult life, he had no family. The Cuban old man has
faithful boy friend Manolino.
For eighty-four days the old man returned with nothing. And on the eighty-fifth day all of him
the efforts were rewarded. The fish pulled the old man and the boat forward. For the first time
had to fight with this a huge fish. An exhausted Santiago wins. When
the fisherman courageously protected the fish from sharks,
who attacked in whole flocks, he lost his harpoon. The old man only pulled him to the shore
huge skeleton.
“They defeated me, Manolin,” the fisherman said to the boy.

What did Ernest Hemingway show?
What does his story “The Old Man and the Sea” make you think about?
How did it all end? Victory or defeat? Of course, a victory!
It was not just a victory, but a victory of the human spirit, endurance and
courage. While on the open sea, Santiago was talking to himself
and said: “Man was not created for defeat. A person can
destroy, but cannot be overcome.” How wonderfully said! Tale
American writer about a man who does not give up. Duel
an old man with a huge fish, which carried his boat along the Gulf Stream for a long time, was rendered
the writer was greatly impressed.
And he decided to talk about the dignity of man,
about the grief and happiness of the winner. The theme of victory and defeat in
the story takes on a special role. The old man defeats not only the fish, but his own
weakness, fatigue and old age.

Ernest Hemingway's story "The Old Man and the Sea"

Hemingway's story "The Old Man and the Sea"

And the hero asks himself: “Who defeated you,
old man?" Rybak explains the defeat very simply and philosophically:
“I just went far out to sea.”
Approaching his native village, the old man refuses to consider himself
defeated, as his human dignity triumphs.
And this is the most important thing for a person.
The man is invincible!
Santiago comes to a wise philosophical conclusion, so in his soul
incredible lightness.

Defeat and victory of Andrei Sokolov

The main character of M. A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” is the Russian soldier Andrei Sokolov.
. He is the same age as the century, his life has absorbed the history of the country.
The Russian soldier was captured by the Germans and is in camp B-14 near Dresden. Here about
two hundred thousand prisoners of war. This is a terrible defeat.
Someone reported on Andrei Sokolov, who was outraged by the excessive production rate. Prisoner
Müller, the camp commandant, calls in for questioning.
The dialogue with Muller is a psychological duel from which the Russian soldier emerges victorious.
At the end of the interrogation, the commandant came out unarmed and said that Sokolov was a brave Russian soldier and
Mueller will not shoot him. The commandant rewarded the prisoner: he gave him a loaf of bread and a piece of
lard Sokolov is a winner, since he managed to survive, preserved the honor of a soldier, and showed perseverance
unbending willpower, courage, self-control, bravery, showed his strong character. He
a real Russian soldier!
And we see that “A person’s character depends not on how he handles victory, but on how he
suffers defeat."

Stills from the film “The Fate of Man”

Defeat and victory of Nikolai Pluzhnikov

The main character of the novel by Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “Not on the lists”
was listed" met the war as a young lieutenant. Nineteen year old
Muscovite Nikolai Pluzhnikov graduated military school. Not destined
was a young officer
get into your regiment and register for military service. This is the military
reality. From the first day of the war he becomes a fighter
invisible army of rescuers of the Brest Fortress. Defenders of the fortress
They knew that they were doomed to death, but they continued to fight to the end.
Nikolai Pluzhnikov stated before his death: “A person cannot
win if he doesn't want to. You can kill, but you cannot win.”

There are probably no people in the world who would not dream of victory. Every day we win small victories or suffer defeats. Trying to achieve success over yourself and your weaknesses, getting up thirty minutes earlier in the morning, studying in the sports section, preparing lessons that are not going well. Sometimes such victories become a step towards success, towards self-affirmation. But this doesn't always happen. Apparent victory turns into defeat, but defeat is, in fact, victory.

In A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” the main character A.A. Chatsky, after a three-year absence, returns to the society in which he grew up. Everything is familiar to him; he has a categorical judgment about every representative of secular society. “The houses are new, but the prejudices are old,” the young, hot-blooded man concludes about the renewed Moscow. The Famusov society adheres to the strict rules of the times of Catherine:

“honor according to father and son”, “be bad, but if there are two thousand family souls - he and the groom”, “the door is open for those invited and uninvited, especially from foreigners”, “it’s not that they introduce new things - never” “they are judges of everything, everywhere, there are no judges above them.”

And only servility, veneration, and hypocrisy rule over the minds and hearts of the “chosen” representatives of the top of the noble class. Chatsky with his views turns out to be out of place. In his opinion, “ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived,” seeking patronage from those in power is low, one must achieve success with intelligence, and not with servility. Famusov, barely hearing his reasoning, covers his ears and shouts: “... to trial!” He considers young Chatsky a revolutionary, a “carbonari,” a dangerous person, and when Skalozub appears, he asks not to express his thoughts out loud. And when the young man does begin to express his views, he quickly leaves, not wanting to bear responsibility for his judgments. However, the colonel turns out to be a narrow-minded person and only catches discussions about uniforms. In general, few people understand Chatsky at Famusov’s ball: the owner himself, Sophia and Molchalin. But each of them makes his own verdict. Famusov would prohibit such people from approaching the capital for a shot, Sophia says that he is “not a man - a snake,” and Molchalin decides that Chatsky is simply a loser. The final verdict of the Moscow world is madness! At the climactic moment, when the hero makes his keynote speech, no one in the hall listens to him. You can say that Chatsky is defeated, but this is not so! I.A. Goncharov believes that the hero of the comedy is a winner, and one cannot but agree with him. The appearance of this man shook up the stagnant Famus society, destroyed Sophia’s illusions, and shook Molchalin’s position.

In I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” two opponents collide in a heated argument: a representative of the younger generation, the nihilist Bazarov, and the nobleman P. P. Kirsanov. One lived an idle life, spent the lion's share of the allotted time on love for the famous beauty, socialite - Princess R. But, despite this lifestyle, he gained experience, experienced, probably, the most important feeling that overtook him, washed away everything superficial, arrogance and self-confidence were knocked down. This feeling is love. Bazarov boldly judges everything, considering himself a “self-made man,” a man who made his name only through his own labor and intelligence. In a dispute with Kirsanov, he is categorical, harsh, but observes external decency, but Pavel Petrovich cannot stand it and breaks down, indirectly calling Bazarov a “blockhead”:

...before they were just idiots, and now they suddenly became nihilists.

Bazarov's external victory in this dispute, then in the duel turns out to be a defeat in the main confrontation. Having met his first and only love, the young man is unable to survive defeat, does not want to admit failure, but cannot do anything. Without love, without sweet eyes, such desirable hands and lips, life is not needed. He becomes distracted, cannot concentrate, and no amount of denial helps him in this confrontation. Yes, it seems that Bazarov won, because he so stoically goes to death, silently struggles with the disease, but in fact he lost, because he lost everything for which it was worth living and creating.

Courage and determination in any struggle are essential. But sometimes you need to put aside self-confidence, look around, re-read the classics so as not to make a mistake in the right choice. After all, this is your life. And when defeating someone, think about whether this is a victory!