Stalker shadow of Chernobyl what artifacts to wear. Artifacts

A series of games "Stalker" captured the minds of gamers around the world. And let it not shine with a graphic component, but it takes with atmospheric, open world and diversity. In any of the three parts, you can play for hours, tens of hours - and always be extremely far from a complete passage. There are a huge number of topics regarding these games that can be discussed endlessly, but now we will talk about subjects that interest a lot of people. These are artifacts. Stalker offers you access to dozens of such objects, but finding them will not be so easy. If you still have no idea what it is, then this article will tell you in detail about this phenomenon. So what are artifacts? Stalker is a game in which any find can be extremely important for the survival of your character, so you should be very careful about this issue.

In many computer games, there are items that have special powers - these are artifacts. Stalker also has artifacts in the game world, but they are slightly different from those that people are used to seeing in other computer games. Here are objects whose origin is not fully known. They can be formed in radiation zones under its terrifying influence, or they can appear in completely different ways that are absolutely unknown to anyone. However, no matter how the artifact is formed, it is a goal for any gamer and NPC, as it allows you to gain certain powers. When you activate it, it begins to affect your body. Until the activation process is completed, you will not be able to find out exactly what effect this or that item will begin to have on you. By the way, it is worth noting that it can also be negative. This is just a general description, later in the article much more will be said about various game artifacts. "Stalker" does not suffer from their shortage.

What are they needed for?

In the game "Stalker: Clear Sky" artifacts can be useful to you in any of their forms, whether they are negative or positive. The fact is that these items are the main goal of lone stalkers - they hunt for artifacts in order to earn money in this way. Many people come to the Zone precisely because the journey through it, although extremely dangerous for life, promises great wealth if you can successfully find and sell artifacts in the anomalies. Given the fact that you initially start out as a lone stalker, you should also think about looking for these items in your free time from completing story missions. In the Stalker game, artifacts can really be a great source of income for you, as well as a good boost if you treat them carefully and use only those that will benefit you.

Origin of artifacts

In the game "Stalker: The Call" artifacts can be very diverse, but how are they perceived directly in the game world? It is believed that artifacts are formed in anomalies, and this happens due to a certain kind of impact that the remains of living beings, plants and various objects that are in the very center of the anomaly are subjected to. Naturally, no one can confirm this, so there is no single point of view. In addition, it is not even clear why such a process occurs - is the finished artifact an object on which the anomaly worked, that is, is it a fruit of its creativity, or is it just a random object that was simply processed and is its kind of waste? Among stalkers and other people there are various legends about what is still happening in the anomalies, but no one can tell you anything specifically. Also, hardly anyone knows where to find artifacts in Stalker, because if they knew this, they would have gotten them themselves long ago. So if you want to get this or that artifact - go looking.

Finding Artifacts

If you want to know where to find artifacts in Stalker, then you can only give one tip - look for anomalies. In the first parts of the game, the artifacts are not far from the anomaly that formed them, and they can be easily seen even with the naked eye. The search also simplifies the fact that artifacts are illuminated with a slight glow, and sometimes they can even move in space. As you can see, in this case, the search for an artifact is not so difficult, and it cannot be said that it is dangerous. However, with the release of the "Clear Sky" part, everything has changed a lot. First, artifacts are no longer visible to the naked eye - you need to use a special device called a detector to detect them. When you use a detector near the location of an artifact, it is highlighted on the screen. However, that's not all. Secondly, the location of the artifacts has changed - now you won't be able to find them near the anomalies, you will have to go straight into the anomalies, which is much more dangerous. It was in this way that the search in the game "Stalker: Pure" was complicated. Artifacts, however, have not lost their popularity, in part due to the fact that their cost and effectiveness have increased along with changes in gameplay.

Artifact Properties

Many gamers focus on the question, "Where are the artifacts?" "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is a game where you better focus on other questions like "What do they give?". Artifact properties are a very interesting topic that you should thoroughly study before you go to the nearest anomaly in search of this or that item. The fact is that they all have positive and negative properties that are similar in those artifacts that are produced by one type of anomaly. For example, if you find an item near the "funnel", you can understand that this artifact, when activated, will increase your protection against impacts and explosions. This is a very useful property, but at the same time, you should remember that in parallel with this, such an artifact will be extremely radioactive, which will cause you damage of a completely different kind. And if you take an artifact from the “rusty hair” anomaly for consideration, then, on the contrary, it cleanses your body of radiation - but if your character is injured, then he will bleed much more. It is worth noting that the more powerful the item, the stronger its impact, but this applies not only to positive, but also to negative effects. So in the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" artifacts should be used wisely.

tactical approach

So, if you find an artifact, then you can activate and use it, and not just sell it. Activation is extremely simple - you have five slots in your suit that can be used to place the artifacts you found there. As soon as an artifact is in one of these slots, it will activate, and its positive and negative properties will begin to affect your character. These five slots are present only in the first game - in other parts it all depends on your costume - there may be one slot, and there may be more. But their maximum number does not exceed five. It is worth noting that you can activate several artifacts at once. And this is where you can get creative. If you place your artifacts wisely, you will eventually be able to offset the negative effects of the items, making them much more beneficial to your character. Naturally, doing this is not as easy as we would like - you will have to spend a lot of time searching and selecting the necessary artifacts, but the result is worth the time spent.

Unactivated artifact

Many gamers are wary of going out in search of artifacts, as they think that their negative effects can expose their hero to too serious dangers while they return to sell the item they find. But you don't have to worry if you don't intend to use the artifact for yourself. After all, to use it, you need to activate it. While it is just in your inventory, it is inactive, so no effects will take effect. Until you activate it yourself, you will not receive any positive or negative properties of this artifact, so you can safely deliver it to the merchant and sell it.

Creation of anomalies

It was originally planned that with the help of artifacts it would be possible to create your own anomalies for their further use. However, in the end, the developers felt that this feature was not needed in a single player game, so they cut it out completely. But she remained in multiplayer mode. What is the essence of this function? If you have found an artifact and activated it, then you can perform a very interesting operation. Take the activated artifact in your hands and immediately throw it on the ground. In a few seconds, a miracle will happen - a new anomaly of the same type in which the item was found will appear in place of the artifact.

Artifacts "funnel"

So, you have learned all the basic data about what artifacts are in the Stalker series of games. Now it's time to look at some examples. To begin with, it is worth taking the most common anomaly - the "funnel". Here you can find Gravi, Coil and even Goldfish. All of these artifacts have the same properties - a positive one reduces damage from cutting weapons by 2-5 percent, but at the same time increases radiation damage by five percent.

Artifacts "Frying"

The next three artifacts belong to the "Frying" anomaly - this is a Drop, and a Crystal. Each of them reduces your character's stamina by 18 percent, but at the same time increases his protection against radiation by 10, 20 or even 30 percent.

Other artifacts

Naturally, there are far from two anomalies, but it makes no sense to list all the artifacts. It's just worth noting that one anomaly may have reduced bleeding but increased burn damage, while another may have increased stamina combined with increased electricity damage. So you should carefully look at the properties of the artifacts and try to use them in combination so that the positive conditions of one artifact overlap the negative conditions of the other - it is quite possible to do this.

Assembly "Chance"

Mercury+Eye+Crystal- can return to life in case of death from small arms, grenades or knives.

The assembly is applied anywhere in the Zone, at the moment you are hit. To do this, you need to die according to the general rules, show the "Chance" assembly to the players present and duplicate with a voice that you have the "Chance" assembly. After that, break the assembly card so that it can be seen by others and enter the game within 20 seconds. At the moment the assembly is shown, as well as a twenty-second interval of time after the card breaks, you are invulnerable to defeat from all types of weapons and hits on you will not be counted. It should be remembered that during this twenty-second interval, you also cannot attack, storm, or get artifacts from the anomaly. 20 seconds are only given to get into position for further combat.

Dear players, try not to cheat and use 20 seconds for resurrection only to enter the battle, and not to stampede!

It is important to remember that the "Chance" assembly and the real (game) body armor are two different things. Any player can use the "Chance" assembly, regardless of whether he has a real (game) body armor or not.

Let's talk about the essential: the best combination of artifacts in the Stalker series of games, which could make us practically invulnerable in the zone. Let's take for analysis the third part of the series: "Call of Pripyat". The mechanics of the impact of artifacts in the game is built in such a way that the positive properties of artifacts are offset by negative ones, usually increased radioactivity. For example, if the artifact "Battery" gives +2 points to the hero's endurance, then an additional unit of radiation also carries with it. Thus, the radioactivity of artifacts has to be compensated. This does not always apply to artifacts from numerous mods, but we are now talking about the original games of the famous trilogy. To compensate for the negative radiation of artifacts, unique artifacts are used, which only know how to simply remove radiation, for example: "Medusa" gives -2 units of radiation per organism. So, together with Medusa, we can hang two Batteries on our belts and generally forget about annoying radiation from artifacts.

It is clear that it is better to wear anti-radiation artifacts on the belt with a margin so that the total negative effect on the removal of radiation is higher than the positive radioactive effect of ordinary artifacts, then you can forget about vodka and anti-rads, radiation will be quickly removed from the main character if he caught it in the zone .

So, wearing anti-radiation artifacts is simply necessary. First of all, we must stock up on Jellyfish, Twists and Bubbles, which have -2, -3 and -4 to the effect of radiation, respectively. There are unique combinations, for example, wearing five "Batteries" on the belt for "Shadows of Chernobyl", but this is already from the category of bugs and shortcomings of the game. Yes, and in the first game of the Stalker series, the Battery artifact had different properties, it gave + 30% to electric shock without negative effects, such an injustice was already corrected in Clear Sky - all artifacts received positive radiation, except for anti-radioactive artifacts.

The best artifacts that work to remove radiation are ‘ ‘. They give -4 units of radiation. Up to five artifacts can be hung on a belt. So, if we wear two "Bubbles", then we can pick up artifacts for +7 units of radiation in total: we leave one unit for the removal of radiation from the body, if we grab it in the conditions of the zone. What to do with these 7 units? There are several options that are more suited to your play style.

2 Bubbles + 2 Snowflakes + 1 Battery - the best combination of artifacts to increase stamina, our run will be endless with a moderate overload of the backpack.

2 Bubbles + 2 Goldfish + 1 Night Star is the best combination of artifacts to increase the carrying weight, gives +28 kilograms to our carrying capacity.

Other combinations of artifacts also take place, but they are not as effective, unfortunately. Instead of "Battery" or "Night Star", you can put on an artifact that removes bleeding or restores health, but the recovery rate will still be terribly slow.

By tradition, watch the video on the parameters of all the artifacts of the game "Stalker - Call of Pripyat":

FAQ on Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl (Russian Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl)
It is difficult to give advice on the game "Stalker", since the content of caches, boxes, the location of caches is changing, so in this article I will try to outline the features of this game in general terms.

Missions Stalker

In the game Stalker, the plot can be conditionally divided into main and additional tasks. It is advisable to complete the main quests, because in this way you will receive information on the next tasks and the location of objects, and as a result will lead to a denouement and, accordingly, answers to all questions. Side quests mostly come down to killing, clearing, finding an item. But... a few additional quests give you insight into the nature of the Zone and hints that will come in handy at the end of the game. (For more details, see the passage Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl).

Stalker tools (ammunition)

The stalker's ammunition is represented by weapons, cartridges, armor, means for restoring health, food (I brought vodka here :), cartridges, artifacts. In the game, the stalker armor tends to wear out, this leads to a decrease in its suitability (protection against certain types of damage decreases), so it needs to be changed from time to time, and preferably for the best one. The armor in the game is presented from ordinary jackets, to the "Seva" Overalls and an exoskeleton, which provides excellent protection against bullets and increases the allowable weight to 70 kg, but completely takes away the ability to run.

In the Stalker series of games, the weight of ammunition plays a huge role. An optimal weight of up to 50 kg allows you to run at maximum speed for a very long period of time, a weight of 50-60 kg will only allow you to run for a short period of time. A weight of more than 60 kg will not make it possible to move at all, which will cause problems for the stalker when meeting with the enemy.

Stalker Weapon

The player can switch using the keys 1,2,3,4 between the following types of weapons:
1 - Knife
2- Pistol
3-Main weapon (rifle, shotgun, RPG :)
4 - grenades (F1 and RGD 5 - just like in school :)
With the 5 key you can use the binoculars
Key 6 is responsible for the bolts (required for working with anomalies).
In the stalker game, weapons are subject to wear and tear, which affects the accuracy of shooting and "jamming" of the weapon (when you fire at the enemy, the weapon suddenly stops firing - you have to reload). Therefore, from time to time weapons have to be changed. Some weapon upgrades are also available. So you can put a scope on some machine guns and rifles. To do this, you need to find a device for the sight (optics), select it in the inventory (by default, the I key) and right-click to select the "Attach to weapon" option. In the expanses of the zone, you can immediately find modified weapons, ranging from an already installed sniper scope and ending with alterations for non-standard cartridges (the "addresses" of such weapons are indicated in the Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl walkthrough section).

Stalker artifacts

Artifacts play a very important role in the game. With them, you can significantly increase protection against certain types of damage, reduce radiation or increase life. You can find them in places with a large accumulation of anomalies, in hiding places, with opponents and simply in locations. Each type of anomaly has its own artifacts, which have, as it were, three levels. Artifacts in stalker can appear, disappear, and simply change position.

Artifacts Medusa, Stone Flower, Night Star appear in the springboard anomaly, which increase protection from bullets, but increase radiation.

Stone Blood, Chunk of Meat, Soul are born in the anomaly Carousel increase your health, but affect bleeding.
When exposed to an anomaly such as the Funnel, the artifacts Twist, Gravity, Goldfish appear, which will protect you from cutting weapons (including fangs).

Bengal Fire, Flare, Moonlight are the result of electr anomalies, which increase the player's stamina when used.

Drops, Fireball, Crystal - children of the Frying anomaly, reduce the effect of radiation.

Slime, Slug, Mica reduce bleeding, but also reduce resistance to burns. The result of the impact of the anomaly Kholodets.

Thorn, Crystal Thorn, Sea Urchin appear as a result of the anomaly Burning Down. Leads to bleeding, but also more resistance to radiation.

Among the anomalies of an unknown nature, you may encounter the following: battery (increases resistance to electrical discharges), dummy (health aid), spring (explosion resistance), film (burn resistance), mother's beads (reduces bullet damage), bun (increases resistance to bites and cuts).

Artifacts in stalker not only help you, but they can also be sold. It is most profitable to sell to other stalkers and Academician Sakharov (his whereabouts are written in the passage Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl).

Stalker PDA

One of the most essential items in the game. It contains a map of the stalker, which displays the location of characters, locations, caches, opponents. In the corner of the screen there is a mini-map that duplicates the data from the main one. Also in it you can find information about tasks and switch the pointers on the map to the one that interests you (this can be done by double-clicking on the circles to the left of the task stage). The PDA contains information about the Zone, your rating and attitude towards groups.

When searching dead opponents, you get information about caches that are desirable to search. If you find a cache, and there was no information on it, then most likely it will be empty.

Stalker Monsters

Opponents in the game will be represented by mutants, zombies, gang members and the military. And all of them are incredibly tenacious - some of them can't even be stopped by a clip in the chest, so it's better to shoot them in the head.

Mutants are armed in most cases with teeth, but the pseudo-giant attacks with powerful waves, and the controller grabs attention if you look at it for a long time. If you collect body parts of monsters, then you will see their cost, but you can only sell them from Sakharov. But don't forget that in a stalker game, the weight you carry matters a lot to your survival.

Zombies are more dangerous at close range, because from a long distance they may not notice you. But if you do not kill, then the zombie may well come back to life.

Also, in the game stalker pictures (screenshots) can be made with a special F12 key, and the folder for saving pictures will be located on the system disk, in shared documents.

The online game Stalker pleases with a ready-made and fairly large list of servers to which you can connect.

For the game stalker site site (that is, ours) will offer you a detailed walkthrough of the game, a chat where you can discuss the game Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, as well as wallpapers and screenshots from the game.

P.S. If you have an early version of the game, then stalker problems can give you a lot of trouble, which are solved by installing a patch.

Anomalies are not only a threat to the life of stalkers, but also a source of their income. In the process of interaction with the environment, they give rise to so-called artifacts that have certain properties. Artifacts have a high price, due to their properties or appearance. The same types of artifacts are not found in different parts of the game series, although many artifacts may have a similar name or appearance.

In the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl" artifacts can be found without the use of any additional equipment. In subsequent games, artifacts can only be found using special detectors. In this case, artifacts and some anomalies appear in the field of view only when the detector scans the area. There are several types of detectors:
"Response" is the oldest model of the detector. It is able to determine only the presence of artifacts and the distance to them using sound signals. The distance is determined by the frequency of the sound signals.
"Bear" - in the structure of the detector there is a locator of anomalous formations and an LED display. This allows you to react to the location of the artifact and determine which side of the detector the artifact is located. The distance to the artifact is determined by sound signals.
"Veles" - the detector shows the location of artifacts on a special screen.
"Svarog" - in design, this detector is similar to "Veles". However, it is able to determine the location of not only artifacts, but also anomalies. Theoretically, the detector made it possible to detect anomalous formations not yet known to science during the plot of the series.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Artifacts of this type are radioactive, but form a weak protective field that increases resistance to bullet wounds.

Stone Flower
A beautiful formation with a mirror surface and yellow-red blotches. It is the remains of plants, soil and, in general, everything that falls into the immediate vicinity of the anomaly, compressed and intricately bent by strong gravity. Because of the metallic inclusions in the light of the fire, it glows, calming the owner.
Night star
Rare artifact. A beautiful formation with a mirror surface and colored phosphorescent patches. At night, it illuminates everything around it with a greenish light within a radius of 1-2 meters, for which it received such a name from stalkers. In the light of a fire, it has a calming property. It is the remains of plants, soil and, in general, everything that falls into the immediate vicinity of the anomaly, compressed and intricately bent by strong gravity.
Artifacts of this type are radioactive, but thicken the skin, increasing resistance to stab wounds and claws.
It is the remains of plants, soil and, in general, everything that falls into the immediate vicinity of the anomaly, compressed and intricately bent by strong gravity.
A beautiful artifact. It is the remains of plants, soil and, in general, everything that falls into close proximity to the anomaly, compressed and intricately bent by strong gravity.
Gold fish
Beautiful formation with a mirror surface. At night, it illuminates the space around it within a radius of 1-2 meters. It is the remains of plants, soil and, in general, everything that falls into the anomaly at the moment of discharge, compressed and intricately bent by strong gravity.
Artifacts of this type increase the rate of cell regeneration, but the body becomes more susceptible to lacerations, impacts, and bullet wounds.
Blood Stone
It is an ugly reddish formation of compressed and intricately curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. The artifact stimulates the growth and development of young cells, although they are very vulnerable to various physical influences.
hunk of meat
It is an ugly yellowish formation of compressed and intricately curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. The artifact stimulates the growth and development of young cells, although they are very vulnerable to various physical influences.
Rare artifact. It is a yellowish-red shiny formation of compressed and intricately curved polymerized remains of plants, soil and bones. When worn on a belt, wound healing is significantly accelerated.
These artifacts increase stamina, but reduce resistance to electroshock.
A translucent amorphous formation, sometimes generating small lightning-sparks around itself. Widespread, but in demand.
A translucent amorphous formation with rays of light beating from the inside and sometimes generating small lightning-sparks around itself. Wearing an artifact on a belt significantly increases stamina, however, it is not recommended to approach the parent anomaly. Used to power the ultra-precise Gauss rifle.
A translucent spherical formation with a luminous core that generates small lightning-sparks around itself.
These artifacts speed up metabolism, which increases the rate of excretion of radionuclides, but reduces endurance.
Dark drop-shaped formation with a cracked, glossy surface.
Fire ball
Red spherical formation.
Its name very accurately describes the shape of the artifact. It is a large iridescent reddish crystal. It is formed when a heavy metal is exposed to a high temperature of the "Frying" anomaly. The price is high.
Artifacts increase blood clotting, as a result of which bleeding stops faster, but sensitivity to conventional and chemical burns increases.
Translucent jelly-like formation. The price is low and the positive impact is weak.
Translucent jelly-like formation. Price and positive impact are average.
Translucent jelly-like formation. The cost and level of positive impact are high.
Burning fluff
Artifacts increase blood pressure and injure the owner's body, as a result of which radionuclides are eliminated from the body faster, but bleeding increases.
It is a striking element of the anomaly.
Crystal Thorn
The product of the impact on the anomaly.
Sea urchin
A rare artifact of this anomaly, has a higher price and a stronger positive effect than the rest.
Of unknown nature
Ribbed shiny formation with dielectric elements in the composition, which makes it a good protection against electric shocks. Origin unknown.
Two hard drives stuck together with goo. Reduces the process of protein denaturation due to thermal effects.
Two hard drives stuck together with goo. It can move independently by means of small jumps. When worn on a belt, it significantly reduces damage from all gravity anomalies and explosions by absorbing shock waves.
The thinnest film of vitreous substance with unusual refractive properties. Protects the wearer from exposure to harsh chemicals.
Mother's Beads
The artifact mysteriously reduces damage from firearms. An intricately curved spiral, studded with brilliant drops-pearls. It is of great interest to scientists.
harmless artifact. When worn on a belt, the skin becomes noticeably coarser, as a result of which resistance to cuts and bites increases. The price is high.