Poems about leaf fall and autumn leaves. “Leaf fall, leaf fall - yellow leaves are flying” material (junior group) on the topic Children's rhyme leaf fall leaves are spinning and flying

Streltsova Galina
Summary of the autumn walk “Leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves yellow ones are flying»

Summary of an autumn walk in the middle group

« Leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves are flying in the wind...»

Target: systematize children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.


Continue to introduce children to the phenomenon autumn - leaf fall;

Introduce the variety of gold colors autumn;

Expand lexicon ("Golden autumn» , « Leaf fall» , "Nature's Golden Brush");

Develop the child’s observation, speech, attention, motor qualities;

Develop children's physical activity;

Foster a love of nature;

Cultivate the ability to see beauty autumn nature;

Nurture friendly relationships;

Cultivate interest in outdoor games and healthy image life.

Walking progress:

The teacher invites the children to go to the playground kindergarten. While driving, invite the children to repeat the verse they learned the day before about autumn leaves.

One two three four five

We will collect leaves.

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

Oak leaves

We will collect

To mom autumn bouquet let's take it.

N. Nishcheva

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful our kindergarten is, look how elegant the trees are! Come closer and listen riddle:

I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me!

Children: Autumn!

Educator: That's right in our yard - golden autumn! With coming autumn and cooling leaves on trees and bushes changed their color and began to fall off. Like sad colorful rain, they fall down leaves in autumn. This phenomenon in nature is called... « leaf fall» . Observe leaf fall we can when it gets cold and the tree cannot absorb much water with its roots and nutrients, can't get everyone drunk leaves, so they gradually die off, turn yellow and fall off. The tree seems to fall asleep until spring, but it is alive and needs to be protected. They fall especially hard leaves after freezing. You probably noticed on the way to the garden that in the mornings there is especially a lot of foliage under the trees and a chilly breeze drives them along the paths and paths.

Educator: Children, let's repeat what it is leaf fall?

Children: Leaf fall is the shedding of leaves from trees in autumn.

Educator: Look guys, there’s a lot under our feet foliage, what color is it?

Children: Yellow, red, brown.

Educator: That's how much you have autumn colors, every the leaf is unique, many colors and shades can be seen on them, which means what kind of leaves?

Children: Multicolored.

Educator: Now let's play a game « Leaf fall» take one in each hand leaflet and stand in a circle!

We - leaves, We - leaves, Children stand in a circle, holding in their hands


We - autumn leaves.

We sat on branches

The wind blew and they flew. - They scatter along the paths.

We flew, we flew - Running, waving leaves.

All the leaves are so tired.

The breeze stopped blowing - Blow on yours leaves in hands

Everyone sat in a circle. - Squat down leaves held above head.

The wind suddenly blew again - They scatter along the path.

AND blew leaves from branches. - Blow on leaves

All leaves flew - Throw up leaves up.

And they sat down quietly on the ground. - Squat down slowly.

The game can be repeated several times.

Educator: Guys, take your hands leaflet and tell me what color they are?

Educator: Guys, how great you are, how beautiful you chose the leaves for yourself! And now I propose to make fireworks, throw leaves high in the sky!

"I'll spin around, I'll spin around, like I'll get a piece of paper(on word "I'll fly" the teacher and the children throw their leaves up).

Educator: And how ours fell leaves?

Children: Slowly, spinning.

Educator: Why do you think leaves fall slowly?

Children: The leaves fell slowly because they are light.

Educator: Now take it in your hands again leaves and touch them, move your fingers along the veins leaf what do they feel like?

Children: rough, cold, dry. And how they rustle leaves? (Shhh)

Experimental activities: “What material can you rustle with? (Fabric, paper, plastic film).

Guys, what are the signs? autumn we know?- Late leaf fall - to a harsh winter; the leaf has turned yellow, but falls weakly - frosts will not come soon.

Educator: Guys, what are my leaves? Showcase different leaves for children. (pre-prepared bouquet)

Children: Different!

Educator: Let's find and name the trees that each belong to sheet. (The teacher takes turns showing the children maple leaves, birch, oak, ash, linden, elm. Children move around the site, looking for trees with similar leaves, upon finding the right tree the name of the tree is spoken: Maple - maple, Birch - birch and the like)

Educator: Well done guys, they named all the trees and everything leaves! Now let's collect a bright bouquet and give it to the junior teacher (children collect a bouquet, secure with an elastic band, then walks it is included in the group and given to the junior teacher)

Educator: Now let's check how attentive you are!

Didactic game: "Call me kindly"(Wind is a breeze, leaf -,cloud, rain, sun., cloud, cat.)

Outdoor game "Cat on the Roof".

At the end, the teacher gives a short conversation: "With which natural phenomenon did we meet today? ( leaf fall, “What colors are there? autumn leaves» , “What trees did we find today?”

At the end of the conversation, the children play freely under the supervision of the teacher.

Individual work on movement development

Individual games "Jumping over the track from leaves» , "Collect leaves a certain color or quantity".

Labor on site: On the territory of the kindergarten, inspect the trees and shrubs, remove dried branches and plant stems.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the walk “Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind...”“Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind...” (IZO. Palm drawing) Goal: development fine motor skills through non-traditional artistic means.

Abstract of the educational activity “Yellow leaves are flying”“Yellow leaves are flying” Purpose: learning the ability to draw leaves by touching a brush to a sheet of paper; the ability to hold and use a brush correctly.

Goal: To arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Falling Leaves” Objectives: To continue acquaintance with autumn as a time of year. Interest.

Summary of the walk “Falling Leaves” (junior group) Goal: to form in younger preschoolers ideas about the state of nature in autumn, to reveal the new concept of “leaf fall.” Educational objectives:.

Entertainment summary “Yellow Leaves” Leading. Children, do you want to listen to a fairy tale? And this was when the summer died down, And rang out, and turned green, When the warm days flew by, And more.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Falling Leaves” PROGRAM CONTENT: a) educational objectives: continue to introduce children to brushes and paints, teach how to hold a brush correctly and carefully.

GCD: “How beautiful the leaf fall is!” Goal: summarize children's knowledge

Leaf fall, leaf fall
The leaves are spinning and flying!
Multi-colored, carved,
Like painted with a brush...
(A. Ryabinka).

Autumn gave me paint,
The leaves began to dance.

O. Kiseleva

Yellow leaves are dancing
They fall from the branches and fly.
This golden fairy tale
Called " leaf fall».

L. Aleynikova

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
The entire park and garden are covered!
Multi-colored carpets,
Spread out under your feet!
I will catch the leaf in my hands,
I will give it to my beloved mother!
Autumn is deciduous,
The most elegant!

G. Ilyina

Tells Leaflet sheet:
- Let's dance, brother, twist.
We'll just wait for the breeze.
And Sister: - better polka!
- Tango! - Waltz! - Quadrille! - Foxtrot! -
The leaves rustle. And so:
- Wind!
- Wind!
- Wind!
- Ve... -
It rolled through the foliage.
The wind is also happy to meet you.
Oh, what a leaf fall it was!

E. Pimenova

And everywhere - leaf fall!
Leaves fly under your feet.
The mischievous wind swirls -
Red leaf, gold...
Composes a round dance,
playing with leaves.
This autumn is coming to us
- dear guest!

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaves are falling and flying.
Yellow leaves are spinning
And everyone falls to the ground.

E. Grudanov

How beautiful leaf fall!
Yellow leaves are flying!
Above land and above water
The golden whirlwind is spinning!
Autumn drops rain
And strips the trees,
Covering everything around
A lush fairy carpet!

N. Kapustyuk

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Golden rain.
They're all flying, they're all flying
Leaves, leaves, leaves!
The leaves are different,
Carved leaves,
Yellow, red -
Choose any.
Along the path into leaf fall
We went for a walk.
And the guys have bouquets:
“Here they are!” - came out.
The leaves are different,
Bright bouquets.
We will remember for a long time
We are falling leaves!

A. Kolomeytsev

L the waters fall and swirl
AND on the ground and on the roofs.
WITH They lie down with a quiet rustle.
T This is what nature breathes.
ABOUT the canopy tears off the leaves,
P less often, painting with variegated colors.
A then he throws everything down.
D but what do we call it?

L. Kaplun

Autumn - leaves - leaf fall,
Leaves - butterflies are flying.
Yellow and red
All colors are different.
How glad the wind is,
What did the leaf fall cause?
He flew in and whistled,
The park rustled with leaves.
It's raining here and there,
He decided to wet us like this.
Autumn is golden,
Clear, radiant,
We love you any:

S. Kapitonova

Leaves as if they had gone wild:
They don't like peace.
The branches are bare in sadness
They just keep an eye on the fuss:
colorful foliage,
Not afraid of bad weather
In a wondrous dance near the trunk
Everything is spinning and spinning.

A. Teslenko

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying,
Collect, don't be lazy,
And smile at each other.
Yellow leaves are flying,
Like umbrellas circling,
The wind blew: one-two-three,
Got off the ground
And they flew high
But the sky is far away.
Circled again
They sank to the ground to sleep.

S. Belov

There lived two friends
We lived but did not grieve,
Let's go for a walk one day
In the afternoon they decided.
Just left the threshold -
They look - leaf fall!
-Well, let's call you soon
We are other guys!
The leaves are circling in a round dance
Bright colors autumn,
The whole firmament was full of colors -
They just dropped them off!
And friends in the evening,
How did you go home?
According to the autumn bouquet
They brought it to moms.

S. Ostrovsky

Over my head
Leaf fall leaves rustling.
The wind swirls in rows
Listyev. These leaves are birds.
The leaf-birds hesitate, knowing
Earthly life awaits them below.
Fox Leaves, Mouse Leaves
They crawl into holes and niches.
A bare maple tree is getting wet in the distance,
In the puddles there are leaves-ships.

O. Beygul

Look on the street: everywhere
Leaves are flying in the wind,
Spun in a wondrous waltz
Multicolored leaf fall!
Leaves fall under your feet
Soft colorful carpet,
And the rain makes them watery
Gold and silver.
Well, tomorrow, early in the morning,
We'll take the baskets
And along the forest rug
Let's go get honey mushrooms.
After the mushroom rain
All the mushrooms are right there!
The whole family has a stump
They lead a round dance with a song.

T. Morozova

The leaves are spinning in the air,
So weird at times
They lie quietly at your feet
Sometimes with carpets, sometimes with mountains...
Here Maple Leaf spinning
And dives into the lawn...
How can we not be surprised -
He fell so wonderfully!
As if filled with gold
Parks, squares and gardens...
Everything around is covered with leaves -
These are autumn traces.
My sister and I are very happy
See this beauty
We are playing with leaf fall,
We catch leaves on the fly.
And then we collect
Bright leaves in a bouquet,
We'll give it to mom
Hello from autumn.

Source - http://numama.ru/blogs/kopilka-detskih-stihov/stihi-pro-listopad.html

Poems for children about autumn and leaf fall. A. Rowan Leaf fall, leaf fall Leaves are spinning and flying! Multi-colored, carved, As if painted with a brush... Autumn gave the paint, Spun the leaves in a dance. O. Kiseleva Yellow leaves are dancing, falling from the branches, flying. This golden fairy tale is called “leaf fall.” L. Aleynikova Leaf fall! Leaf fall! The entire park and garden are covered! Multi-colored carpets, Spread under your feet! I’ll catch the leaf in my hands and give it to my beloved mother! Autumn is deciduous, the most elegant! E. Pimenova And leaves are falling everywhere! Leaves fly under your feet. A mischievous wind is circling - A red leaf, a golden one... Makes a round dance, playing with the leaves. This autumn is coming to us - dear guest! E. Grudanov How beautiful the leaf fall is! Yellow leaves are flying! A golden whirlwind is spinning above the earth and above the water! Autumn drops the rain and undresses the trees, covering everything around with a lush fairy-tale carpet! N. Kapustyuk Leaf fall, leaf fall, Golden rain. Everything is flying, everything is flying Leaves, leaves, leaves! Different leaves, carved leaves, yellow, red - choose any. Along the path into the leaf fall We went out for a walk. And the guys had bouquets: “That’s what they are!” - came out. Different leaves, Bright bouquets. We will remember this leaf fall for a long time! A. Teslenko Leaf fall, leaf fall, Yellow leaves are flying, Collect, don’t be lazy, And smile at each other. The yellow leaves are flying, Like umbrellas circling, The wind blew: one-two-three, They took off from the ground, And flew high, But it’s far from the sky. They circled and again fell to the ground to sleep. O. Beygul Look at the street: everywhere Leaves are flying in the wind, Multi-colored falling leaves are spinning in a wondrous waltz! The leaves lie under your feet like a soft, colorful carpet, and the rain makes them water with gold and silver. Well, tomorrow, early in the morning, We will take the baskets and go along the forest rug for honey mushrooms. After the mushroom rain All the mushrooms are right there! The whole family dances around the stump with song. A. Mokhorev Autumn, like summer, is also a time of year. Yellow leaf from dawn, And rainy weather. And in the morning there is bad weather, And in the morning it is cool. Maple leaf for luck - Autumn's reward. The sun's ray plays on a maple leaf, Autumn again invites you to the kingdom of snow. L. Lukanova In the morning the sky was gloomy, and everything seemed gloomy. Autumn loves to cry and drop rain on the ground. He loves to rustle leaves and pick them from trees. G. Sorenkova Autumn came to us yesterday, It’s cool outside. The warm season of summer flew away from the garden. Paths and paths were covered with yellow foliage. And the rowan trees dressed up in red earrings. Clouds are flying in the sky, fighting with the sun. Birds fly away to the south and gather in flocks. Autumn is walking towards us through fields, forests and valleys. In September he approaches the schools and opens the doors. E. Osipova This, children, is the time of year that brings a lot of bad weather. Gives wind, rain and puddles, leaves falling in the sky. This season is the beginning of school, Where problems and verbs are Our best friends, And you can no longer go to the beach. The days go much shorter, but the nights are longer. Birds will fly to the south to return to summer. What time of year we ask? And in response we will hear - autumn. G. Ryaskina Autumn has cooled the air, shortened the white day, decorated the leaves, poked mushrooms, scattered cobwebs, discolored the blades of grass, collected the fruit harvest, plowed all the arable land, saw off flocks of birds, drizzled with rain. I got tired...and decided - I’ll tear off another leaf and call it a day, I’ll go to the forest to rest, Wait for the gray winter to come.

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Autumn. The leaves are spinning
There are puddles on the paths,
And everywhere, like flowers,
Umbrellas open.

Leaf fall, leaf fall
The leaves are spinning and flying!
Multi-colored, carved,
Like painted with a brush...
Autumn gave me paint,
The leaves began to dance.

A. Ryabinka

Yellow leaves are dancing
They fall from the branches and fly.
This golden fairy tale
They call it “leaf fall.”

O. Kiseleva

I'll pick up a pile of leaves,
After all, they are everywhere now.
In October, both old and young,
Watching the leaves fall.

L. Lukanova

Leaf fall

Yellow, red leaf fall -
Leaves are flying in the wind.
What will happen to our garden?
What if the leaves fall off?

Golden Rain

The leaves were filled with sunshine.
The leaves are soaked in the sun.
Filled up, heavy
And they flew with the wind,
They rustled through the bushes,
We jumped on the branches,
The wind swirls gold,
Sounds like golden rain!


Autumn treasure

Yellow coins fall from a branch...
There's a whole treasure underfoot!
This is golden autumn
Gives leaves without counting.
Golden gives leaves
To you and to us
And to everyone.

I. Pivovarova

Leaf fall

Foliage flutters in the air,
IN yellow leaves all of Moscow.
We are sitting by the window
And we look outside.
The leaves whisper: - Let's fly away! -
and dive into a puddle.

Yu. Korinets

Leaf fall

Wind, wind, wind,
Wet leaf fall.
Adults and children
The sad ones are sitting.
The rain is pouring down
Into the blackened garden.
Clouds, clouds, clouds
They fly across the sky.

Yellow leaves are spinning
They lie down on the ground with a mat.
Round dance of yellow leaves
It happens in the fall.
This dance happens every year.
What is it called?

V. Chernyaeva

Autumn leaves

The birdhouse is empty,
The birds have flown away
Leaves on the trees
I can't sit either.
All day today
They're all flying and flying...
Apparently, also to Africa
They want to fly away.

I. Tokmakova

One two three four five
We will collect leaves.
Birch leaves,
Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
Oak leaves
We will collect
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.

Golden leaves fall, fly,
Golden leaves cover the garden.
There are many golden leaves on the paths,
We will make a nice bouquet out of them,
We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table,
Golden autumn has come to visit us.

E. Blaginina

Leaf fall

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
Yellowness, yellowness,
This means that autumn is not spring.

V. Nirovich

Leaf fall

How beautiful the leaf fall is!
Yellow leaves are flying!
Above land and above water
The golden whirlwind is spinning!

Autumn drops rain
And strips the trees,
Covering everything around
A lush fairy carpet!


Leaf walker

Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves...
Leaf fall,
Change of season
Leaf walker on the river, leaf walker.
The sides of the river are freezing,
And there is nowhere to escape from the frost.
The river was covered with a fox fur coat,
But he's shaking
And can't get warm.


Mischief makers

Spun around me
The rain of leaves is mischievous.
How good he is!
Where else can you find something like this?
Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under it,
We danced like friends -
Rain of leaves and me.

L. Razvodova

fallen leaves
The conversation is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the way!


Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch...
Stunted rowan
Gets wet under the window
Looks at the village
A gray spot.
Why are you visiting early?
Has autumn come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth!..

A. Pleshcheev

The leaves sparkle with bright colors -
The wind blows - they fly around...
Like butterflies, the leaves are fluttering,
Spinning in the sky, flying, flying
They lie on the ground like a motley carpet
They rustle under our feet -
Everyone is talking about autumn coming soon

D. Gerasimova

Yellow leaves are dancing
They fall from the branches and fly.
This golden fairy tale
They call it “leaf fall.”

There are a lot of yellow leaves everywhere.
The target is looking for a den.
The hedgehog climbed into the hole to sleep -
This is how it will spend the winter.

O. Kisileva

Leaves are falling, falling -
In our garden the leaves are falling...
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
Birds fly south -
Geese, rooks, cranes.
This is the last flock
Flapping its wings in the distance.
Let's take each basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms,
The stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom.

M. Evensen

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Golden rain.
They're all flying, they're all flying
Leaves, leaves, leaves!
The leaves are different,
Carved leaves,
Yellow, red -
Choose any.
Along the path into leaf fall
We went for a walk.
And the guys have bouquets:
“Here they are!” - came out.
The leaves are different,
Bright bouquets.
We will remember for a long time
We are falling leaves!


The leaves are falling and spinning
Both on the ground and on the roofs.
They lie down with a quiet rustle.
Nature breathes silence.
Autumn tears off the leaves,
First, painting with variegated colors.
And then he throws everything down.
Well, what do we call it?

A. Kolomeytsev

Suddenly it became twice as bright,
The yard is like in sun rays
This dress is golden
On the shoulders of a birch tree.
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly... they fly... they fly...
Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground
Cranes fly by.
Everything is flying! This must be
Our summer is flying away.

E. Trutneva

Leaves are falling

Are the leaves falling, falling?
In our garden the leaves are falling...
Yellow, red leaves
They curl and fly in the wind.
Birds fly south
Geese, rooks, cranes.
This is the last flock
Flapping its wings in the distance.
Let's take each basket in our hands,
Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms,
The stumps and paths smell
Delicious autumn mushroom.

The leaves seem to have gone wild:
They don't like peace.
The branches are bare in sadness
They just keep an eye on the fuss:
colorful foliage,
Not afraid of bad weather
In a wondrous dance near the trunk
Everything is spinning and spinning.

S. Kapitonova

Over my head
The falling leaves rustle.
The wind swirls in rows
Listyev. These leaves are birds.
The leaf-birds hesitate, knowing
Earthly life awaits them below.
Fox Leaves, Mouse Leaves
They crawl into holes and niches.
A bare maple tree is getting wet in the distance,
In the puddles there are leaves-ships.

S. Ostrovsky

Leaf fall

Leaf fall?
Leaf fall!
Autumn caulking forest.
The hemp came,
The edges turned red.
The wind flew by
The wind whispered in the forest:
- Don't complain to the doctor.
I treat the freckled ones:
I'll tear off all the red flowers,
I'll throw them in the grass!

Why did the oak tree's leaves fall off?

They spoke at the edge of the forest
Two visiting cuckoos:
“The oak is green, why
Aren't you coming for us?
It will be sad alone
Winter nights."
The green oak heard
I thought for a long time,
I waved the branches for a long time,
There was a lot of noise.
The leaves turned yellow overnight
And the next morning they flew around.

V. Boyarinov

Leaf fall

fallen leaves
The conversation is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From oak...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the way!



Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind,
There is a quiet rustling noise under the children's feet.
And, swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance.

The leaves are flying now to the right, now to the left,
Our cheerful garden says goodbye to us.
The leaves, swaying, dance in a circle.
And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

A. Mashkantseva

Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
The entire park and garden are covered!
Multi-colored carpets,
Spread out under your feet!
I will catch the leaf in my hands,
I will give it to my beloved mother!
Autumn is deciduous,
The most elegant!

L. Aleynikova

The leaf says to the Leaf:
- Let's dance, brother, twist.
We'll just wait for the breeze.
And Sister: - better polka!
- Tango! - Waltz! - Quadrille! - Foxtrot! -
The leaves rustle. And so:
- Wind!
- Wind!
- Wind!
- Ve... -
It rolled through the foliage.
The wind is also happy to meet you.
Oh, what a leaf fall it was!

G. Ilyina

And everywhere - leaf fall!
Leaves fly under your feet.
The mischievous wind swirls -
Red leaf, gold...
Composes a round dance,
playing with leaves.
This autumn is coming to us
- dear guest!

E. Pimenova

E. Pimenova

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaves are falling and flying.
Yellow leaves are spinning
And everyone falls to the ground.

E. Pimenova

How beautiful the leaf fall is!
Yellow leaves are flying!
Above land and above water
The golden whirlwind is spinning!
Autumn drops rain
And strips the trees,
Covering everything around
A lush fairy carpet!

E. Grudanov

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Golden rain.
They're all flying, they're all flying
Leaves, leaves, leaves!
The leaves are different,
Carved leaves,
Yellow, red -
Choose any.
Along the path into leaf fall
We went for a walk.
And the guys have bouquets:
“Here they are!” - came out.
The leaves are different,
Bright bouquets.
We will remember for a long time
We are falling leaves!

N. Kapustyuk

Autumn - leaves - leaf fall,
Leaves - butterflies are flying.
Yellow and red
All colors are different.
How glad the wind is,
What did the leaf fall cause?
He flew in and whistled,
The park rustled with leaves.
It's raining here and there,
He decided to wet us like this.
Autumn is golden,
Clear, radiant,
We love you any:

Municipal institution

"Preschool Education Department"

Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk region

And the city of Nizhnekamsk

Republic of Tatarstan

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world.

On the topic: “Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying”

(First junior group.)

Compiled by:

Mirzafatikhova Gulia Ravilevna.

Nizhnekamsk 2013

Software tasks:

Educational: - give basic ideas about autumn changes in nature;

To develop the ability to determine the weather by external signs, and consistently, according to the season, dress for a walk.

Developmental: - learn to identify the trunk, branches, and leaves of trees;

Strengthen the ability to recognize and name colors;

Educational: - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and one’s health.

Vocabulary work:

Form of implementation: Situation-exercise.

Materials and equipment: -wood

Leaves are yellow, red, red.

Record player.

Sounds of the autumn forest.

Preliminary work with children.

Communication: Conversations about autumn changes.


Fiction readings:



Artistic creativity:

Physical development:

Technical support:

Interaction with specialists:

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, look, what day is it today? Is it warm or cold outside? Is the sun shining or hidden behind the clouds?

Children: It's cold.

Educator: It became cold outside. The wind blows. What time is it?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: That's right, autumn has come. In autumn the weather is often cloudy, there are clouds and clouds in the sky, and it is raining. Guys, today I invite you to the forest. Do you want to take a walk in the autumn forest?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But for this you need to dress warmer. After all, it's cold outside. What should we wear first?

Children: Pants.

Educator: What else should we wear? To myself…?

A jacket.

What about the legs?

Boots, boots.

And on the head...?

A hat.

Educator: So we got dressed. Why do you need to dress warmly?

Children: It's cold outside.

Educator: That's right, it's already cold outside. If we don't get dressed, we'll freeze and get sick. To avoid getting sick, you need to dress. But now we lined up and walked:

They're going. They're driving along the path

Our little feet.

We are taking little steps.

We have trodden the path.

We walked. Let's go.

They came to the forest.

(The music “Sounds of the Autumn Forest” is turned on. There are colorful leaves on the floor.)

Educator: So we came to the forest. Guys, do you know what animals live in the forest? White, fluffy, sitting under a bush. His tail is shaking. Who is this guys? (Hare). He lives in a hollow and gnaws nuts. Who is this? (squirrel). In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. And who is this? (Bear). Right.

Bear: Who remembers about me? (See the children and say hello).

Educator: Hello, Misha. And we came to visit you. How beautiful it is in your forest. How many leaves? Guys, how many leaves are there?

Children: A lot.

Bear: Guys, there are a lot of leaves here, but I know what color they are.

Educator: Guys, the bear doesn’t know what color they are. Let's help him! Christina, show me the red leaf. Guys, is this a red leaf? You are right, well done! Where's the green leaf? Grisha, show me? Is this a big leaf or a small one?

Children: Little.

Educator: Correct, what other color are the leaves?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: Masha, show me the yellow piece of paper. How big or small is it?

Children: Big.

Educator: That's right, well done guys. Bear, have you filled out the yvet?

Bear: Filled it out. Oh, thank you guys. I have a lot of colorful leaves, red, green, yellow. I collect them in my den so that I can sleep warmer in winter. I also like to play with leaves.

Educator: our children also love to play. Do you want to play with us?

Bear: Yes.

Educator: Everyone stand in a circle and take a piece of paper.

Lots of leaves and red ones!

Collecting leaves

Let's all stand in a circle!

(children take a piece of paper and stand in a circle)

We raise our hands up

We grow like trees.

(Children demonstrate by raising their hands and lowering them down.)

The wind blows from the north,

The tree swayed.

(They swing their arms over their heads)

The wind is blowing,

It's tearing leaves off the tree!

(Children lower the leaves to the floor and rise from the floor)

Leaves are flying in the wind,

The falling leaves are spinning and spinning!

(Children turn left and right)

Educator: when many, many leaves fall, it is called “leaf fall.”

Our legs ran

And we sit down on the stumps.

(Children sit on chairs)

Bear: thank you guys for playing. I’m kind of tired, I’ll go and sit.

Educator: Rest, Misha. Guys, please tell me what is this?

Children: Tree. Birch.

Educator: This is a tree. Birch. How beautiful and tall they are. This, guys, is the trunk. The trunk is thick, and the thinner ones are the branches. What else does the tree have?

Children: leaves.

Educator: Correct, what color is this leaf? What color is this leaf?

Children: Green, yellow.

Educator: The tree wants you to show where its trunk, branches and leaves are. Anya, show me where the trunk of the tree is? Evelina, show me where the branches are on the tree? Nastya, can you show me where the leaves are? What's this? Well done boys. The tree says thank you to everyone. Guys, it's time for us to go to kindergarten.

Let's say goodbye to the bear and say thank you. We will come to visit you again. Goodbye.

(The bear says goodbye to the children. Gives the children colorful balls.)

They are driving, driving along the path

Our little feet.