Steve jobs years of life occupation. Steve Jobs, "Think Different" history of Apple

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, chairman of the board of the Apple computer corporation, and founder of the computer animation manufacturer Pixar.

The main films of actor Steve Jobs

  • short biography

    Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. His biological parents were students Joan Carol Shibley and Syrian Abdulafatta Jandali. The parents of the young people were against their relationship, so it was decided to give the newborn boy up for adoption. Stephen was adopted by Paul Reinhold Jobs and Armenian-born Clara Jobs. His biological parents insisted on a college-educated couple, but they still signed the adoption papers when the Jobs promised that the boy would definitely go to college.

    Joan and Abdulafatta, however, later married and had a daughter, Mona Simpson, who later became a novelist.

    The Jobs family moved to Mountain View, California, when Steve was five years old, and soon another adopted child appeared in the family - daughter Patty. Paul worked as a mechanic and carpenter and taught the boy electronics, repairing radios and televisions with him. Clara was an accountant, she worked in one of the organizations that later grew into Silicon Valley, she taught her son to read and count, long before he went to school.

    Despite the fact that Jobs was a bully as a child, his teachers recommended that he skip two classes. primary school, but his parents decided that Jobs would only miss one.

    IN high school Steve became friends with his neighbor Bill Fernandez, who in turn introduced him to local computer prodigy Steve Wozniak. And in 1969, in the garage, they assembled their first computer, called the “Cream Soda Computer,” due to the fact that they constantly drank this drink.

    In 1972, Jobs attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Reed College was a very expensive school; Paul and Clara spent most of their savings on their son's education. But after only one semester, Jobs dropped out and spent the next two and a half years taking only creative subjects, including calligraphy. During this time, he slept on the floor of his friends' dorms, handed over bottles and ate free meals from Hare Krishnas. He later took a job at the video game company Atari to raise enough money to travel to India, returning as a Buddhist.

    In California, his friend Steve Wozniak was building his own computer by this time. Having sold 50 units of this new product and purchased the necessary components with this money, they created “Apple I” together. The Apple II followed in 1977, and Apple Computer was soon created, and by the time its production ended in 1993, it had sold more than six million units.

    In 1985, Steve was fired from Apple and immediately founded another computer company, NeXT, his machines were not particularly successful commercially, but still some of these technologies were later used at Apple when Jobs eventually returned there.

    At the same time, in 1986, he bought The Graphics Group, and under the new name Pixar, they began producing innovative animated films, starting with Luxo Jr. In 1991, the company signed an agreement with the Disney film studio, with which they released Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monsters, Inc. and many others.

    In 1996, Jobs, inviting British designer Jonathan Ive, began to introduce the cult of aesthetics into the company, as a result of which the iPod, IPad and IPhone, so popular today, appeared. In 1980, Steve found his biological mother, who introduced him to his sister, with whom they later became close friends; he soon found his biological father, but never became close to him.

    Lisa Brenna-Jobs, Jobs' first child, was born in 1978. Her mother, Steve's longtime friend, raised the girl on her own for two years, since Jobs denied his paternity, considering himself sterile, but later still registered her as his own.

    In 1991, Steve married entrepreneur Laurene Powell, and the couple had three children - Rick, Erin and Eve.

    Steve was a pescatarian, he ate fish, but did not eat any other meat, and was an ardent fan of The Beatles. Jobs always wore a black turtleneck by Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake, blue Levi's 501 jeans and New Balance sneakers. He always drove a silver Mercedes-Benz SL 55 without license plates, taking advantage of California's six-month license requirement, so he leased cars for six months.

Stephen Paul Jobs is a man who is one of the generally recognized authorities in the global computer industry, who largely determined the direction of its development. Steve Jobs, as he is known throughout the world, became one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and created one of the most odious smartphones in history - the iPhone, which has remained among the leaders in popularity among mobile gadgets for 6 generations.

Founder of Apple

The future star of the computer world was born in the small town of Mountain View on February 24, 1955.

Fate sometimes throws out some very funny things. Coincidence or not, this city will become the heart of Silicon Valley in a few years. The newborn's biological parents, Syrian emigrant Steve Abdulfattah and American graduate student Joan Carol Schible, were not officially married and decided to give the boy up for adoption, setting the future parents only one condition - to give the child higher education. This is how Steve ended up in the family of Paul and Clara Jobs, nee Akopyan.

Steve's passion for electronics captured him during his school years. It was then that he met Steve Wozniak, who was also a little “obsessed” with the world of technology.

This meeting became somewhat fateful, because it was after it that Steve began to think about own business in the field of computer technology. The friends implemented their first project when Jobs was only 13 years old. It was a $150 BlueBox device that allowed you to make long-distance calls absolutely free. Wozniak was responsible for the technical side, and Jobs was in charge of sales. finished products. This distribution of responsibilities will continue for long years, only without the risk of being reported to the police for illegal actions.

Jobs graduated from high school in 1972 and attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon. He got bored with his studies very quickly, and he dropped out of college immediately after the first semester, but left the walls completely educational institution I was in no hurry.

For another year and a half, Steve wandered around friends’ rooms, slept on the floor, handed over Coca-Cola bottles and once a week had free lunch at the Hare Krishna temple, which was located nearby.

Still, fate decided to turn its face to Jobs and pushed him to enroll in calligraphy courses, attending which made him think about equipping the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

A little later, Steve got a job at Atari, where his responsibilities included development computer games.

Four years would pass, and Wozniak would create his first computer, and Jobs, out of old habit, would handle its sales.

Apple Company

The creative union of talented computer scientists very soon grew into a business strategy. On April 1, 1976, the well-known April Fool's Day, they founded Apple, whose office was located in the garage of Jobs' parents. The history of choosing the company name is interesting. It seems to many that behind him lies some very deep meaning. But, unfortunately, such people will be bitterly disappointed.

Jobs suggested the name Apple because it would appear right before Atari in the phone book.

Apple was officially incorporated in early 1977.

The technical side of the work still remained with Wozniak, Jobs was responsible for marketing. Although, in fairness, it must be said that it was Jobs who convinced his partner to finalize the microcomputer circuit, which later served as the beginning of the creation of a new personal computer market.

The first computer model received a completely logical name - Apple I, the sales volume of which in the first year was 200 units at 666 dollars 66 cents each (witty, isn't it?).

Quite a good result, but the Apple II, released in 1977, was a real breakthrough.

The stunning success of two Apple computer models attracted serious investors to the young company, which helped it take a leading position in the computer market, and made its founders real millionaires. Interesting fact: Microsoft was founded six months later, and it was the company that developed software for Apple. This was the first, but far from last meeting Jobs and Gates.


After some time, Apple and Xerox entered into a contract between themselves, which largely determined the future of the development of computer technology. Even then, Xerox's developments could be called revolutionary, but to find them practical application the company's management couldn't. The alliance with Apple helped solve this problem. Its result was the launch of the Macintosh project, within which a line of personal computers was developed. Everyone technological process, from design to distribution to the end consumer, was handled by Apple Inc. This project can easily be called the period of the birth of the modern computer interface with its windows and virtual buttons.

The first Macintosh computer, or simply Mac, was released on January 24, 1984. In fact, it was the first personal computer, the main working tool of which was the mouse, which made operating the machine extremely simple and convenient.

Previously, only “initiates” who knew an intricate “machine” language could cope with this task.

Macintosh simply did not have competitors who could even remotely come close in terms of their technological potential and sales volume. For Apple, the release of these computers was a huge success, as a result of which it completely stopped the development and production of the Apple II family.

Jobs' departure

In the early 80s, Apple turned into a huge corporation, releasing successful new products to the market over and over again. But it was at this time that Jobs began to lose his position in the company's management. His authoritarian style Not everyone liked the management, or rather, no one liked it.

An open conflict with the board of directors led to Jobs being fired in 1985, when he was only 30 years old.

Having lost his high position, Jobs did not give up, but, on the contrary, threw himself headlong into developing new projects. The first of these was the NeXT company, which was engaged in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. The low capacity of this market segment did not allow significant sales to be achieved. So this project cannot be called super successful.

With the graphics studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), which Jobs bought from LucasFilm for just $5 million (when its real value was estimated at $10 million), everything was completely different.

During the period of Jobs' management, the company released several full-length animated films, which were extremely successful at the box office. Among them are “Monsters, Inc.” and “Toy Story.” In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney for $7.5 million and a 7% stake in the Walt Disney company, while the Disney heirs themselves own only 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, 12 years after his ouster, Steve Jobs returned to Apple as interim CEO. Three years later he became a full-fledged manager. Jobs managed to bring the company to a new level of development, closing several unprofitable areas and completing the development of the new iMac computer with great success.

In the coming years, Apple will become a real trendsetter in the high-tech goods market.

Her developments invariably became bestsellers: the iPhone, iPod, iPad tablet. As a result, the company took third place in the world in terms of capitalization, surpassing even Microsoft.

Steve Jobs: speech to Stanford graduates


In October 2003, during medical examination doctors gave Jobs a disappointing diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

The disease, which is fatal in the vast majority of cases, developed in a very rare form for the head of Apple, which can be treated by surgery. But Jobs had his own personal beliefs against interfering with the human body, so he initially refused the operation.

The treatment lasted 9 months, during which none of the Apple investors even suspected the fatal illness of the company's founder. But it did not give any positive results. Therefore, Jobs finally decided to undergo surgery, having previously publicly announced his state of health. The operation took place on July 31, 2004 in medical center at the Stanford Institute, and it was very successful.

But this was not the end of Steve Jobs' health problems. In December 2008, he was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance. He underwent a liver transplant in the summer of 2009, according to officials at the University of Tennessee Methodist Hospital.

Steve Jobs: quotes

For the generation born in the 2000s, Steve Jobs is the inventor of the iPhone, a phone that, within six months of its appearance on the smartphone market, became the most desirable in the world. Although in reality this man was neither an inventor nor an outstanding programmer. Moreover, he did not even have a special or higher education. However, Jobs always had a vision of what humanity needed and the ability to motivate people. In other words, the success story of Steve Jobs is a chain of numerous attempts to change the world of computer and digital technologies. And although most of his projects failed, those that succeeded changed the life of the planet forever.

Steve Jobs's parents

In February 1955, Joan, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, gave birth to a son. The boy's father was a Syrian emigrant, and the lovers were unable to get married. At the insistence of her parents, the young mother was forced to give her son to other people. They turned out to be Clara and Paul Jobs. After the adoption, the Jobs named the boy Steve.

biography of early years

The Jobs managed to become ideal parents for Steve. Over time, the family moved to live in (Mountain View). Here, in free time The boy's father repaired cars and soon attracted his son to this activity. It was in this garage that Steve Jobs gained his first knowledge of electronics in his youth.

At first, the guy did poorly at school. Fortunately, the teacher noticed the boy’s extraordinary mind and found a way to interest him in his studies. It worked financial incentive for good grades - toys, sweets, small money. Steve passed the exams so brilliantly that after the fourth grade he was transferred directly to the sixth.

While still at school, young Jobs met Larry Lang, who got the guy interested in computers. Thanks to this acquaintance, the talented schoolboy had the opportunity to attend the Hewlett-Packard club, where many specialists worked on their personal inventions, helping each other. The time spent here had a huge impact on shaping the worldview of the future head of Apple.

However, what truly changed Steve's life was meeting Stephen Wozniak.

The first project of Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak

Jobs was introduced to Wozniak by his classmate. The young people became friends almost immediately.

At first, the boys simply played pranks at school, organizing pranks and discos. However, a little later they decided to organize their own small business project.

During Steve Jobs' youth (1955-75), everyone used landline phones. The subscription fee for local calls was not very high, but to call another city or country, you had to fork out extra cash. Wozniak, as a joke, designed a device that allowed him to “hack” a telephone line and make any calls for free. Jobs started selling these devices, calling them “blue boxes,” for $150 apiece. In total, friends managed to sell more than a hundred of these devices until the police became interested in them.

Steve Jobs before Apple Computer

Steve Jobs in his youth, as well as throughout his life, was a purposeful person. Unfortunately, in order to achieve his goal, he often did not show his best qualities and did not take into account the problems of others.

After graduating from school, he wanted to study at one of the most expensive universities in the United States, and for this his parents had to go into debt. But the guy didn't really care. Moreover, after six months he dropped out of school and, becoming interested in Hinduism, began to desperately seek enlightenment in the company of unreliable friends. Later he got a job at the video game company Atari. After collecting some money, Jobs went to India for several months.

Returning from a trip, the young man became interested in the Homebrew computer club. In this club, engineers and other fans of computer technology (which was just beginning to develop) shared ideas and developments with each other. Over time, the number of club members grew, and its “headquarters” moved from a dusty garage to one of the classrooms at the Linear Accelerator Center at Stanford. It was here that Woz presented his revolutionary development, which allowed characters from the keyboard to be displayed on the monitor. An ordinary, slightly modified TV was used as a monitor.

Apple Corporation

Like most of the business projects that Steve Jobs launched in his youth, the emergence of Apple was associated with his friend Stephen Wozniak. It was Jobs who suggested that Woz start producing ready-made computer boards.

Soon Wozniak and Jobs registered their own company called Apple Computer. The first Apple computer, based on Woz's new board, was successfully presented at one of the Homebrew computer club meetings, where the owner of a local computer store became interested in it. He ordered fifty of these computers for the guys. Despite many difficulties, Apple fulfilled the order. With the money they earned, the friends collected another 150 computers and sold them at a profit.

In 1977, Apple introduced the world to its new brainchild - the Apple II computer. At that time, it was a revolutionary invention, thanks to which the company turned into a corporation, and its founders became rich.

Since Apple became a corporation, creative ways Jobs and Wozniak gradually began to drift apart, although they were able to maintain normal relations until the end.

Before his departure from the company in 1985, Steve Jobs oversaw the development of computers such as the Apple III, Apple Lisa and Macintosh. True, not one of them managed to repeat the tremendous success of the Apple II. Moreover, by that time, enormous competition had arisen in the computer equipment market, and the products of Jobs’ company over time began to yield to other companies. As a result of this, as well as numerous long-term complaints from employees at all levels against Steve, he was removed from his position as manager. Feeling betrayed, Jobs quit his job and started a new project, NeXT.

NeXT and Pixar

Jobs' new brainchild initially specialized in the production of computers (graphics workstations), adapted to the needs of research laboratories and educational centers.

True, after a while, NeXT retrained into software products, creating OpenStep. Eleven years after its founding, this company was purchased by Apple.

In parallel with his work at NeXT, Steve became interested in graphics. So he bought from the creator Star Wars animation studio Pixar.

At that time, Jobs began to understand the grand prospect of creating cartoons and films using computer programs. In 1995, Pixar produced Disney's first feature-length animated film created using computer graphics. It was called Toy story and not only appealed to children and adults all over the world, but also earned a record amount of money at the box office.

After this success, Pixar released several more successful animated films, six of which received Oscars. Ten years later, Jobs lost his company to Walt Disney Pictures.

iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad

In the mid-nineties, Jobs was invited to return to work at Apple. First of all, the “old-new” manager refused to produce a wide variety of products. Instead, he focused on developing four types of computers. This is how professional computers Power Macintosh G3 and PowerBook G3 appeared, as well as iMac and iBook intended for home use.

Introduced to users in 1998, the iMac series of personal all-in-one computers quickly conquered the market and still maintains its position.

In the second half of the nineties, Steve Jobs realized that with the active development of digital technologies it was necessary to expand the line of products. Created under his leadership free program to listen to music on computer devices, iTunes gave him the idea to develop a digital player capable of storing and playing hundreds of songs. In 2001, Jobs introduced the now iconic iPod to consumers.

Despite the fantastic popularity that the iPod gained, which brought huge profits to the company, its head was afraid of competition from mobile phones. After all, many of them could already play music back then. Therefore, Steve Jobs organized active work on the creation of his own Apple phone - the IPhone.

The new device, presented in 2007, not only had unique design, as well as a heavy-duty glass screen, but was also incredibly functional. Soon he was appreciated all over the world.

Jobs's next successful project was the iPad (a tablet for using the Internet). The product turned out to be very successful and soon conquered the world market, confidently displacing netbooks.

Last years

Back in 2003, Steven Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. However, he underwent the necessary operation only a year later. It was successful, but time was lost, and the disease managed to spread to the liver. Six years later, Jobs received a liver transplant, but his condition continued to deteriorate. In the summer of 2011, Steve officially retired, and in early October he passed away.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

As with all of his professional activities, so with regard to his eventful personal life, it is with great difficulty that it can be written short biography. No one knew everything about Steve Jobs, as he was always self-absorbed. No one could understand what was really going on in his head: neither his loving adoptive family, nor his biological mother, with whom Steve began to communicate as an adult, nor his sister Mona (he also found her when he grew up), nor his wife, nor children.

Shortly before entering university, Steve had a relationship with a hippie girl, Chris Ann Brennan. After some time, she gave birth to his daughter Lisa, with whom Jobs did not want to communicate for many years, but took care of her.

Before his marriage in 1991, Stephen had several serious affairs. However, he married someone he met during one of his lectures. For twenty years family life Lauren gave Jobs three children: son Reed and daughters Eve and Erin.

Jobs's biological mother, giving him up for adoption, forced his adoptive parents to sign an agreement, according to which they pledged to give the boy a higher education in the future. So throughout Steve Jobs’ childhood and early youth, he was forced to save money for his son’s education. Moreover, he wished to study at one of the most prestigious and expensive universities in the country.

Steve Jobs became interested in calligraphy in his youth while studying at university. It is thanks to this hobby that modern computer programs have the ability to change fonts, letter sizes and

The Apple Lisa computer was named by Jobs after his illegitimate daughter Lisa, although he publicly denied this.

Steve's favorite music is the songs of Bob Dylan and The Beatles. Interestingly, the legendary Fab Four founded Apple Corps, a company specializing in music, back in the sixties. The logo was a green apple. And although Jobs claimed that he was inspired to name the company Apple by visiting a friend's apple farm, it seems that he was lying a little.

For most of his life, Jobs adhered to the principles of Zen Buddhism, which greatly influenced the strict and laconic external design Apple products.

Films, cartoons and even theatrical productions were dedicated to the Jobs phenomenon. Many books have been written about him. Jobs' example of successful business is described in almost all textbooks or manuals for entrepreneurs. Thus, in 2015, the book “The Secret of Steve Jobs’ Business Youth, or Russian Roulette for Money” was published in Russian. In just a few weeks, it began to actively spread across the Internet. It is interesting that the book gained such popularity thanks to two phrases in the title that attracted readers: “the secret of business youth” and “Steve Jobs.” It is still difficult to find a review of this work, since at the request of the author the book was blocked on most free resources.

Steve Jobs achieved what many can only dream of. Along with Bill Gates, he became a symbol of the computer industry. At the time of Jobs' death, he owned just over ten billion dollars, which he earned through his labor.

Name: Steve Jobs

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: San Francisco, USA

A place of death: Palo Alto, USA

Activity: entrepreneur, founder of Apple

Family status: was married

Steve Jobs - biography

It’s easy to talk about a person gifted since childhood; such is the entrepreneur and founder of the era of continuous computerization, Steve Jobs.

Childhood, family of the inventor

A native American from San Francisco, he was born into a scientific family. His father is a university teaching assistant, and his mother received her education at the same institution. There was no official marriage in the couple, since the girl’s parents were categorically against their acquaintance and life together. Little Steve was born almost secretly, and then he was raised by adoptive parents.

The Jobs couple were happy to pay attention to the baby, since they could not have their own children. The real mother wanted her son to receive a good higher education. From the very beginning, it seemed that the biography of an unwanted child could not be happy.

Steven Jobs - businessman

Soon the couple adopted the girl so that the boy would have a sister. The whole family chose Mountain View as their permanent residence and left San Francisco. The adoptive father was a car mechanic; he found a well-paid job to pay for his children’s education. Steve was not interested in mechanics; he preferred electronics. Although the town was small, it was believed that everything high tech are in it. The boy's biography was predetermined. Stephen was not stupid, but his studies did not interest him.

One day a miracle happened: one of the teachers managed to instill diligence, and the boy completed two classes as an external student at once. The student was familiar with radio electronics, he himself managed to assemble a frequency meter using electronics, and worked in one of the famous companies. Like many teenagers, at the age of 16, a passion for hippie culture and the Beatles began. He started trying drugs and became acquainted with a guy much older than himself. Stephen Wozniak became Jobs's friend for many years.

The guys were brought together by their passion for computers and electronic equipment. They knew how to invent, and the first device they came up with was a tool for hacking a telephone network. The guys learned how to select tone signals. Then the device began to be in demand, and friends earned a lot of money. Steve Jobs had no trouble getting into a liberal arts college. But after 6 months he quits his studies, because at that time he was interested in the practices of the East and vegetarian food.


Steve gets a job at a computer game company. A old friend creates boards and improves them. The two Stephens started their own company. In this duo, it was necessary to take leadership, and Jobs did it perfectly. This is how the biography of the first computers began.

The first specimens were primitive, but the partners continued to work on perfecting their creations. As a result, the improved Apple II has a plastic body and a beautiful appearance. Financially, the company prospered, but due to difficult character Jobs, scandals often arose between friends. Jobs quit, but immediately founded a new company.

Jobs retrained

Stephen bought out George Lucas's animation studio to create commercials, but his cartoons receive prestigious awards. Jobs creates animation, and after some time he manages to profitably sell his studio to the famous company Disney. He returns again to his beloved company, of which he was the founder. Managed to find a new market and always strived to act in the spirit of the times. He owns the production of a media player, a touchscreen mobile phone iPhone, and a tablet with Internet iPad.

Steve Jobs - biography of personal life

Steve had many loved ones and loving women. The first was Chris Ann Brennan. Relations with her were always complex and confusing. When their daughter Lisa was born, father Steve recognized her only after taking a DNA test. Then in life young man Advertising agent Barbara Jasinski, singer Joan Baez, and Tina Redse, who works with computers, appeared. None of these women became Steve's official wife. Lauren Powell became the official wife; she worked in a bank.

A year after the marriage proposal, they got married. The couple had a son, Reed, and daughters, Erin and Eve. The father understood that electronic technology was harmful to the health of young children, and computers and phones were banned for a long time for Jobs’ children. Later, Steve decided to find his real mother and sister and began to communicate with them, something he had been deprived of since childhood.

Steve Jobs - Illness and Death

The entrepreneur was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer; all the treatment undertaken by his family did not produce results. The businessman died, the whole family was with him. Cause of death apple genius was struck by cancer. A film was made about Steve Jobs, books and memoirs were written. His biography is of interest to many screenwriters and directors. But we should not forget that this man had a talent not for entrepreneurship itself, but for invention and the latest computer developments.

Steve Jobs - documentary

What is Steve Jobs famous for? What is his biography? What is the story of the biopic "Steve Jobs" and the book of the same name?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Edward and Dmitry are with you.

Our article is dedicated to a man whose name has already become a legend. This is Steve Jobs, an American entrepreneur, pioneer of IT technologies, founder of the largest corporation on the planet, Apple.

So, let's begin!

1. Who is Steve Jobs - biography, official Wikipedia data, success story

Steven Paul Jobs is a gifted businessman, inventor, workaholic and a man who set the direction for the development of modern digital technologies for many years to come.

He looked at the world in his own way and was always guided by indestructible ideals, which helped him achieve fantastic success.

As a talented engineer and pioneer of the era of IT technologies, he made several revolutions in different areas our life. Thanks to Steve Jobs, the world has become more perfect, more harmonious and more convenient.

His achievements are varied and numerous:

  • he founded Apple, which later became a mega-corporation and the most valuable company in the world;
  • created personal computers as we use them today;
  • improved the graphical interface and management of computer devices;
  • was directly involved in the creation of iPads, iPods (new generation digital music players) and iPhones;
  • founded the next-generation animated film studio Pixar, which currently produces cartoons for Disney.

We will definitely talk about all these projects in the relevant sections of this article, but let’s start in order - with the biography of this amazing person.

Biography of Steve Jobs

The year of birth of our hero is 1955. Place is San Francisco, California. Jobs' biological parents (Syrian and German by birth) abandoned their son a week after his birth. The child was adopted by a couple from Mountain View, who gave him their last name.

Steve's adoptive father was an auto mechanic by profession: he repaired old cars and tried to instill in his son a love of mechanics. Steve was not inspired by working in the garage, but it was through car repair that he became acquainted with the basics of electronics.

Stephen also didn’t particularly like school, which affected his behavior. Only one teacher named Hill noticed extraordinary abilities in the boy; the rest of the teaching staff considered him a mischief maker and a slacker.

Miss Hill managed to stimulate Steve's thirst for knowledge with bribes in the form of sweets and money. Soon, Jobs was so attracted to the learning process that he began to strive for education on his own, without additional encouragement.

Result: brilliantly passed exams, which allowed the boy to move from 4th grade directly to seventh.

Steve Jobs saw the first personal computer (a programmable calculator, primitive in modern times) at the Hewlett-Packard research club, where his neighbor, an engineer, invited him.

The thirteen-year-old teenager became a member of a circle of inventors: his first project was a digital frequency counter, which interested the founder of HP himself, Bill Hewlett.

The hobbies of that time were not alien to the young inventor - he talked with hippies, listened to Bob Dylan and the Beatles, and even used LSD, which caused conflicts with his father.

Soon he had an older comrade, Steve Wozniak, who became a friend for life and largely determined the fate of the young genius.

The couple's first joint project was a device called the Blue Box, which allows you to crack telephone codes and make free calls. phone calls Worldwide.

Jobs proposed organizing the mass production and sale of these devices, and Wozniak improved and simplified the scheme of the invention.

This story laid the foundations for many years of collaboration between two geniuses: Wozniak invents some revolutionary thing, and Jobs determines its market potential and implements it.

Further stages of the long journey: college, work at Atari, a company developing computer games, a trip to India in search of enlightenment (a fashionable youth hobby of those years).

And finally, the revolutionary event that occurred in 1976 was the creation of a personal computer by Steve Wozniak, at the initiative of Jobs.

The model turned out to be so successful that friends decided to start mass production. This is how the Apple company was born, which managed to maintain a leading position in the computer technology market for 10 years.

In 1985, the “founding fathers” left the parent corporation and took up other projects. The hero of our article created the hardware company NeXT, and later became one of the founders of the Pixar animation studio (another revolutionary project).

In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple, sold the Pixar studio to Disney, but remained on the board of directors. In 2001, Jobs introduced the first model of the iPod to the public - the device was a fantastic success in the market and multiplied the corporation's revenues.

In 2004, Jobs made a public statement about health problems - he was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. For 7 years, he managed to fight the disease with varying success, but in October 2011, the life of the brilliant entrepreneur and IT revolutionary was cut short.

2. The main projects of Steve Jobs - TOP 5 most famous inventions

The author of many of the developments attributed to Jobs was Stephen Wozniak. However, it is believed that it was Jobs who inspired the brilliant engineer and the person who brought his crude and unfinished inventions to fruition.

It was precisely this scheme that the partners worked on, creating a new market for personal computers in 1976. Wozniak translated technical ideas into reality, Jobs adapted them to sales, working as a marketer and head of the company.

Project 1. Apple

The debut model of a new generation personal computer was called Apple I: within a year, 200 devices were sold at a price of $666.66. For ’76, the number is quite decent, but sales of Apple-II exceeded this result tens of times.

The emergence of serious investors made the new company the sole leader in the computer market. This situation lasted until the mid-80s: both Stephens (Wozniak and Jobs) by this time became millionaires.

Fun fact: software for Apple computers was developed by another company that later became the leader of the digital universe - Microsoft. The brainchild of Bill Gates was created six months later than Apple.

Project 2. Macintosh

Macintosh is a line of personal computers developed by Apple. Their release was made possible thanks to a contract between Apple and Xerox.

Almost the entire modern interface familiar to us (windows, virtual buttons controlled by pressing keys on the mouse) arose precisely thanks to this commercial agreement.

It can be said that the Macintosh (Mac) was the first personal computing device in the modern sense. The first device of this line was released in 1984.

The computer mouse has become the main working tool. Before this, all machine processes were controlled using commands typed on the keyboard.

Working on a computer required knowledge of programming languages ​​and other special skills: now the device could be controlled by anyone, regardless of education.

Steve Jobs created each of his devices as convenient as possible for people, and the Mac was no exception.

At that time, there were not even the closest analogues of Macintosh computers on the planet that were comparable to them in terms of technological capabilities. Almost immediately after the release of the first machine in the series, Apple production was discontinued.

Project 3. NeXT Computer

Jobs began creating the latest generation of computers after leaving Apple in the mid-80s. The first batch of new devices went on sale in 1989.

The cost of computers was quite high ($6,500), so the machines were supplied only to leading US universities in limited editions.

Soon demand for Next computers became widespread, and modified versions went on sale at retail.

Interesting fact

The OS, which was called NeXTSTEP, included: an Oxford dictionary, a thesaurus, and a set of Shakespeare's works. These digital additions were the forerunners of modern e-readers.

In 1990, the second generation of computers was released, supplemented by a multimedia communications system. Innovation opened up limitless possibilities communication between device owners and allowed the exchange of graphic, text and audio information.

Project 4. iPod iPad and iPhone

In the late 90s, Apple, where Jobs returned, experienced some stagnation. The impetus for development came from an unexpected direction: the company's new application product, the iPod player for playing digital music, began to enjoy enormous popularity.

The advantages of the new device were truly impressive:

  • aesthetic and stylish design;
  • convenient control and interface;
  • synchronization with iTunes - a media player for playing music and movies online.

The first players came out in 2001 and immediately became a bestseller. Commercial success has greatly improved financial position company, which allowed for further development.

In 2007, Jobs presented another new product to the public - a smartphone running on iOS. The new device was called the iPhone and was a modified communications device - a combination of a telephone, a media player and a personal computer.

Time magazine declared the iPhone the invention of the year. Over the next 5 years, more than 250 million original iPhone copies were sold worldwide, bringing the corporation a profit of $150 billion.

In 2010, Apple released the iPad, a digital tablet that was designed to replace laptops and personal computers.

The new device was primarily intended for convenient use of the Internet, and due to its larger sizes than a telephone or an iPhone, the iPad has become very popular especially among connoisseurs of other products from Apple and its founding father, Steve Jobs.

This invention also became successful and the new fashion for Internet tablets was picked up by other companies producing digital devices.

Project 5.

One of Apple's divisions was developing software for working with graphics and producing short animated films. Jobs intended to use the power of a workstation called Pixar Image to create programs that would allow anyone to create realistic three-dimensional images.

However, the consumer was not interested in 3D modeling, and the department's capabilities were directed in a different direction. The studio began creating cartoons. One of them (“Tin Toy”) was unexpectedly nominated for an Oscar. The new kind computer animation interested the Disney studio.

The famous film company entered into an agreement with Pixar on cooperation and production of the film Toy Story: the conditions were unfavorable for the animators, but the studio was on the verge of bankruptcy at that time. The film brought recognition, fame and multimillion-dollar profits to the studio.