Table-window sill in the kitchen (42 photos): design options and possible difficulties. Kitchen with low window sills: original design solutions! Kitchen countertop with window sill

When every meter in an apartment is worth its weight in gold, it is important to properly arrange the interior and make the most of every corner. This is especially true for the kitchen, because this room should be the most functional of all. Typically in the kitchen small size lacks work surface.

A window sill will help increase the work space in the kitchen.

Window sills in the kitchen are usually used as winter garden or small garden. Indeed, you can grow flowers, onions or dill on it.

A winter garden will decorate the interior of the kitchen and make the indoor air much cleaner.

However, when the kitchen is very small, you shouldn’t waste space. An ordinary window sill can be turned into a work surface or bar counter.

A functional window sill countertop in the kitchen can even replace a dining table.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why is a countertop instead of a window sill convenient in the kitchen? Let's consider the main advantages of such an interior solution.

  • Space saving.

You can store cereals, equipment or dishes on the windowsill-countertop. In this case, the countertop in the kitchen can replace a full-fledged table, which will save a lot of money. kitchen space.

It is also used in cooking as a surface for cutting vegetables, sausages or fruits.

  • Easy to install.

This product is easy to make with your own hands. To do this, you just need to follow the instructions presented in this article.

Installation does not require the use of any complex devices or expensive equipment.

  • Aesthetic pleasure.

A large countertop instead of a window sill will allow the housewife to enjoy the cooking process as much as possible.

During it, you will be able to see a pleasant view from the window, and not just an empty wall.

  • Saving electricity.

It's no secret that the cost of electricity today is quite high. Therefore, you need to use every opportunity to save. The work surface on the window does not require additional lighting.

During the daytime, you can cook on it without turning on the electric light.

  • Unlimited design possibilities.

The original solution is very relevant in our time. It makes the kitchen more modern and functional.

The area of ​​use of such a zone is practically unlimited.

  • Low cost.

If used during installation available materials, and perform the installation process yourself, then the cost of such a product will be very low.

For casement windows, it is important that the countertop does not interfere with opening the shutters.

Of course, such a design solution for the kitchen also has some disadvantages.

Firstly, it is absolutely not suitable for people who are prone to frequent interior changes.

Installing and dismantling countertop window sills is not an easy task.

Secondly, you will have to spend more time choosing curtains. They should not be easily soiled and water-repellent. If you don’t want to “bother”, then you don’t have to use curtains in the kitchen.

A new window and neat slopes will look good.

Role in the interior

In addition to functionality, the countertop will play a significant role in the interior of the kitchen and windows. In order for it to fit perfectly into the overall design, you need to follow some recommendations:

Types of products

Countertops can be divided according to several criteria:

  • F functional purpose;
  • Form.

By functional purposecan be a bar counter, work area, table or sink.

According to its shape, it is divided into: rectangular, round, oval or irregular.

Important! Most functional solution for the kitchen there is a counter combined with a window sill. In this case, it can completely replace the work surface and dining table, and you can install appliances or shelves under the counter itself.

This option will save space.

You should choose the type of product based on your own needs and technical capabilities. For example, if communications are located far from the window, then installing a sink will not work.

To ensure that the window sill fits harmoniously into the kitchen interior, you can think through the design of the set so that the countertop becomes an extension of the work surface.

Choosing material

To make a countertop with your own hands, you first need to choose raw materials. Let's consider their main types and characteristics.

  1. Marble.

This is an expensive option. However, if financial capabilities allow, then a marble countertop is perfect option. Marble is resistant to any type of damage. He will be able to serve for a long time for long years and will not lose its original external data. Marble in the interior is a sign of the excellent taste of the owners of the house.

Previously, such stone was used only in the houses of rich and noble people.

  1. Fake diamond.

It is a cheap alternative to marble. A countertop made of artificial stone will withstand any load. It will be resistant to water and high temperatures. However, over time, the appearance of the surface may suffer.

Artificial stone is not as resistant to external damage from sharp objects as, for example, marble.

  1. Ceramic tile.

This raw material is also relatively inexpensive materials. The tile is resistant to high temperatures and water, but it can be damaged by a heavy object.

Cracks in tiles cannot be repaired, so they will have to be replaced.

  1. Glass.

By choosing glass, you can make your kitchen interior original and unique. Glass is not particularly popular, because many people are afraid that it will not withstand daily stress. However, there is nothing to be afraid of! Modern glass for such purposes they have a thick and dense structure.

In terms of their characteristics, they can even be compared with artificial stone.

  1. Natural wood.

If the table will not be used as a work surface, then natural wood- this is a suitable option.

As dining table wood can last for many years if properly cared for.

  1. Chipboard or MDF.

They can be used in the kitchen if the window sill will not be used as a work surface or sink.

You can make a product yourself from this raw material.

To decide which material is right for you, you need to consider some points. If the table will be used as a work area, then it is best to give preference to marble, stone, tile or glass. This raw material can withstand high temperatures and will not lose its external properties with daily use.

If you use the window sill as a bar counter or dining table, you can choose any of the options considered.

Durability Price Aesthetic properties Ease of installation Resistance to damage Variety of designs
Marble + high + +
Fake diamond + acceptable + + +
Ceramic tile acceptable + + +
Glass + high + + +
Natural wood high + + +
Chipboard acceptable +

Step-by-step instructions for installing countertops made of chipboard and ceramic tiles

  1. Purchase of material.

For such a window to come out, you need to buy the following equipment: chipboard, ceramic tiles, silicone, tape, ready-made table legs, polyurethane foam.

When all necessary tools and materials, you can begin work.

  1. Marking.

The table should be installed immediately after installing the new window. If the window and window sill have already been installed, you will have to first remove the old products. Dismantling is simple and only requires the use of male physical strength. When dismantling work run out, you need to measure the length of the concrete base near the window and decide on the width.

If you want a small table that will only hang slightly over the concrete base, then legs will not be needed.

  1. Preparing the board.

Chipboard must have a thickness of at least 12 mm. The board must be cut exactly to measurements. Accuracy must be maximum, so it is better to make markings first and check everything several times.

Sand the edges and entire surface of the tabletop with a plane and sandpaper(grit no less than 60).

  1. Surface treatment.

The ends of the board must be treated with silicone in two layers, and the bottom surface must be covered with packing tape.

Be sure to check the plane using a building level.

  1. Installation.

After installing the slab, all holes need to be sealed. polyurethane foam. When installing, do not forget about the level. The window table top must be level. If it has legs, they need to be screwed in advance.

Wait until the foam sets and foam the seams between the slopes and the window sill.

  1. Facing.

The countertop can be finished with ceramic tiles. It should be laid with minimal gaps. The gaps can then be painted to match the color of the slabs.

As you can see, installing a countertop with your own hands is quite simple.

In total, the work takes several hours. Installing a product made of marble or stone is even easier, because they come ready-made. They just need to be installed on concrete base at the window and secure it carefully.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, it must be properly cared for.

Firstly, the surface of the new window sill must be cleaned regularly. Especially if it is used daily for cooking.

Wash the product with soapy water and a soft sponge.

Secondly, you need to periodically pay attention to the grout joints. When installing ceramic tiles it is impossible to do without seams. During operation, the seams quickly accumulate dirt, and pathogenic mold often develops in this place.

The seams need to be cleaned special means at least once a week.

Thirdly, you need to pay Special attention any cracks or damage. If the tile is cracked, it should be replaced immediately. Bacteria can form in the crack.

VIDEO: Window sill-countertop in the kitchen.

Many housewives think that the window space could be presented from a more practical point of view. Most often, potted flowers or small household items are placed on the windowsill. Today designers offer interesting solution– make a countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen. Thus, the space is transformed into a comfortable work surface or relaxation area.

A window sill-countertop is an excellent solution for the interior of a kitchen in a small apartment.

Kitchen design options with a countertop instead of a window sill (photo selection)

The easiest and most affordable option is a direct countertop under the window in the kitchen. This option is ideal for a small room. There are no limits to perfection, so you can safely add functionality to this piece of furniture, for example, with the help of such modifications:

  • A work area that smoothly turns into a bar set. This design element is not entirely suitable for a kitchen with a small area. With its help, a U-shaped piece of furniture is created, dividing the space into several sections.
  • Folding table. It allows you to expand the dining area for various meals, celebrations and feasts. At the same time, the housewife does not feel discomfort while preparing and serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • Window sill in the kitchen, turning into a table. In most cases, this variation is placed along the wall where the window is located. This option is the easiest to implement, it does not take a lot of time and does not require significant financial expenditure.

Each type of modification will be discussed in more detail below. Therefore, each person will be able to choose the most optimal way for themselves to use the window space from a practical point of view.

Advantages and disadvantages of window sill countertops

The window sill table in the kitchen has a number of advantages, especially for small rooms:

  1. rational and beneficial use of the entire kitchen space;
  2. high-quality natural lighting in the room;
  3. the ability to move the sink to the area under the window, which will save space for placing other electronic devices and kitchen utensils;
  4. additional storage space small dishes under the windowsill instead of a battery.

This design can look very stylish and unusual, and can also significantly save space in a small kitchen.

The only disadvantage is that to use the surface for other purposes, you will have to take into account a number of technical parameters. Installation of a kitchen set with a window sill requires work in progress special knowledge and skills that apartment owners are not always capable of. Qualified construction teams will help realize all your interior design ideas.

Even in spacious rooms, this option is often used as an additional table.

Selecting materials for countertops

Construction stores display a wide range modern technologies and materials that allow you to beat the window sill in the form of a table top. Various ready-made designs and individual materials, taking into account the budget, chosen style and color palette apartment finishing.

Housewives really like this compact design that combines a window sill and a table.

Artificial stone - acrylic or agglomerate

Agglomerate for countertops is an excellent alternative to expensive granite. It has high strength and excellent appearance. During use, it does not stain, does not wear out, and does not fade under the influence of sunlight. It has significant weight, so you will need to install additional design for secure fastening.

Such a table will be quite narrow - most often this decision resembles a bar counter.

Acrylic – more a budget option. On the market such fake diamond Available in a wide range of shapes and colors. This makes it possible to realize all the most daring creative ideas. It has less weight and copes well with the effects of water and sun. If damaged, it can be easily restored.

Natural stone - granite or marble

Natural ingredients bring exclusivity and status. Granite and marble countertops will be the focal point of any kitchen. They are characterized by excellent wear resistance and have almost no negative consequences from liquid ingress.

This is ideal for a family of one or two people, however, for more people may find this option inconvenient.

Such furniture sets look elegant and do not require labor-intensive care. On the stretch long work retain their beautiful original appearance.

Designers advise you to pay attention to the fact that marble can become stained, so it is better to give preference to granite. If the surface is damaged, owners will have to completely replace it; local restoration cannot solve the problem.

The window sill-tabletop can serve convenient place for cooking.

Plastic or chipboard

This option is rightfully considered the most budget-friendly, but at the same time it is characterized by minimal strength. For this reason, such a window sill tabletop can serve exclusively as a decorative stand on which light accessories are placed.

Many people like the idea of ​​a countertop instead of a window sill because it allows you to enjoy the view from the window while cooking.

More reliable materials include chipboard (laminated chipboard). They are ideal for a bar table by the window in the kitchen. It is recommended to purchase tiles with a moisture-resistant treatment.

Note! Plastic quickly becomes stained when coloring liquids (coffee, wine, fresh juices) come into contact with it. Also, if the surface is treated poorly due to exposure to moisture, blisters form.

Wood or coated MDF

The window sill countertop in the kitchen is also made of wood (natural or special MDF with plastic or PVC coating). They do not emit negative components, therefore they are considered safe for human body. They demonstrate an excellent aesthetic appearance, which adds coziness and comfort to the living area.

If you have a large, bright window with a beautiful view, it’s definitely worth adding a small table to it - both as the main dining table and as an additional option.

This material can be easily restored, coated with impregnation or varnish to give it an elegant look. But there is one caveat - if long time If it is exposed to moisture, then fungus will appear and the wood will swell. During operation, defects also appear - stains, cracks, scratches.

It is better to decorate the table under the window from hardwood trees. They interact better with high humidity, are not so damaged by mechanical stress.

Options for arranging a window sill-countertop

This kitchen with a countertop by the window can be made in an unusual design. Let's take a closer look at each unique design idea.

Functional – additional work surface

Converting an ordinary window sill into a countertop allows you to expand the kitchen space, in particular the work area. The room is not cluttered with unnecessary things, and the hostess gets the opportunity to cook with a pleasant view.

The room is filled with natural light, which has a beneficial effect on vision.

Comfortable – bar counter or full table

Most often, a wide stand is used as an alternative to a table. But it is possible to arrange it in a more interesting modification - folding, corner and U-shaped. All the proposed projects are not difficult to complete; the main thing is to select the top surface and equip it with the necessary components (supports, underframe).

The end result will be a beautifully lit area for snacks and meals.

Window sill countertop with built-in sink

For most housewives, this is the most desirable option. But it is not as easy to implement as other mentioned projects. After all, in addition to designing the work area, you will also need to think about how to lay the pipeline to this place.

For most housewives, this is the most convenient and practical option.

There are also some nuances, for example, not wide enough window slopes, which will lead to regular splashing of glass and difficulties in opening windows. Therefore, you should be very careful in preparing a plan for the implementation of your idea.

Window sill - a place to relax

This unconventional approach is considered a classic option for American homes. Designers turn the window sill into a narrow sofa. A surface made of the most durable material, which is covered with dense fabric with padding polyester, is suitable. It is possible to complement the interior with bright pillows.

In such an atmosphere it is pleasant to relax and drink a cup of coffee or tea, peering into the distance of the landscapes.

Window sill-tabletop with small storage system

This variation allows you to store kitchen utensils not only from above, but also hiding them under the tabletop. For this purpose, a cabinet is made instead of or near the radiators. The designer is also offered to build in small open shelves, in which small Appliances, cups, towels or other items.

Modern solutions make it possible to successfully place such a structure both in an ordinary “Khrushchev” and in a spacious house in a classic style.

Window sill as a dining table

It is designed in the same way as the bar counter, but with the only difference - this tabletop is made counter and wide. This is necessary in order to withstand the massive weight and accommodate all family members.

This is an ideal solution for a small kitchen or studio apartment in which you want to free up as much space as possible.

Placement of window sill-table top

Today you can find many ideas for placing such a worktop under the windows, which should be discussed in detail.


When placing a kitchen unit near a window opening, it is recommended to combine the table and window sill in the form of a corner variation.

It will look stylish and harmonious.


At the renovation stage, you will need to think about the placement of furniture and the general appearance of the kitchen. An updated window sill can stylishly and correctly fit into a work island and become an integral part of it.

This is the most common layout option in small apartments.


May also be called U-shaped. Standard window sizes are not able to accommodate the whole family at dinner. If the area of ​​the room allows, the table can be continued and made spacious for all household members.

This option is only possible with a certain layout.


There is not enough free space in the Khrushchev-era apartment, so it is possible to expand the working or dining area with the help of a window sill-tabletop. It will flow into the kitchen island, thereby creating more space for maneuvering and cooking.

Most often, the window sill-tabletop has a rectangular shape.

How to decorate a window sill: tempting ideas for every taste

The window sill in the kitchen is a wonderful field for imagination. The countertop allows you to embody your wildest fantasies and creative ideas.

How to beat a low window sill

It is not necessary to level the surfaces in height. It is recommended to simply use the same materials for the countertops or decorate them with identical accessories. This way, harmony will be achieved in the interior, and the window sill will become a continuation of the working island.

If you are making a wider table in a small kitchen, it makes sense to make smooth corners so that you don’t accidentally bump into them.

Other ideas

The problem of a low set, in comparison with a new window-sill table, can be solved. To do this, they are placed instead of the battery or their height is increased using plinths. Construction crews and designers are able to offer harmonious variations of this method of arrangement.

When choosing a color, you should start from the style of your interior.

This kind furniture set, like a table top from a window sill, is very popular among housewives. And this is quite natural, because this way more natural light is achieved and the practicality of all areas and kitchen meters increases.

VIDEO: How to make a kitchen countertop with your own hands.

50 kitchen design options with a window sill countertop:

Reading time: 6 minutes.

Every person tries to arrange their home so that they can live comfortably and cozily. But practice shows that small apartments It's not that easy to set up. Why? Because you need to fit a lot of things into a small area.

Often, owners of small apartments have problems with the arrangement small kitchen, in which you need to allocate space for a work area, an area for eating, for kitchen utensils and household appliances. Experts, faced with such a problem, offer a winning option - install a countertop instead of a window sill.

A window sill-countertop makes it possible to rationally use a small kitchen area. This is especially true for “Khrushchev” apartments, where a tabletop-window sill allows you to really free up a specific area for other needs.

By installing a countertop near a window, you free up space for washing and space for preparing food. Savings due to natural light Electric Energy, and under the table it becomes possible to place cabinets for storing kitchen items.

Tabletop shapes

The most commonly practiced option is the straight shape of the tabletop. However, designers do not stop there, so they are constantly improving its shape, improving its appearance and expanding functionality. Let's look at the main options that are used for small kitchens.

Straight table top-window sill. This is the easiest option that you can install yourself.

Window sill-tabletop with folding table. The design allows you to free up space for movement, and at the right time allows you to install a table at which you can comfortably sit with your family.

A table top that smoothly turns into a bar counter. This option is more often used in large kitchens. Well-chosen and correctly placed kitchen furniture will create comfortable conditions for those who are in the kitchen.

What material to choose for the countertop?

Before you begin installing the countertop, you need to carefully study the types of material from which it is made. It is also important to know the strengths and weaknesses of each option.


Plastic table top- this is the cheapest and effective option of all existing offers on the market. The plastic model is in perfect harmony with kitchen sets made of chipboard and MDF.

Today, numerous design solutions offer chic color options that perfectly imitate wood and stone.

Advantages. The material has beautiful external characteristics. PVC has a low cost, a wide range of colors, can be combined with any fittings, is easy to clean, and does not fade from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Flaws. The material is damaged by temperature changes and may be scratched. If moisture gets into the joints inner part slabs can swell and deform, so plastic plates Recommended for use in the living room, on the loggia, and for the bedroom window. If a plastic countertop is chosen for the kitchen, it should be made from moisture-resistant chipboard or HPL plastic.

Table top made of MDF and chipboard

Construction board material has skyrocketed in popularity due to its attractive appearance. Another advantage is that the color of the stove can be chosen to suit every taste. It is even possible to choose a design that resembles stone or natural wood.

Advantages. A wide range of colors and patterns, high wear resistance, easy care of the canvas. Thanks to the inexpensive materials used, countertops made of MDF and chipboard have a low cost.

Flaws. The countertop must be washed carefully so as not to damage it. protective layer. Water entering damaged areas can lead to swelling and, accordingly, deformation of the slab. Also in practice, low resistance of the fabric to impact loads is observed.

Wooden table top

It is installed in cases where it is necessary to preserve the uniqueness of the kitchen style.

Advantages. Wooden canvas has high environmental performance. The material has an elite look. Depending on the type of wood, you can choose the ideal option with the best technical characteristics.

Pine, oak, as well as mahogany and beech are ideal for making countertops. The most expensive option will be made from cherry, the cheapest from pine. To enhance the water resistance of the slab, a wax layer is applied to it.

Flaws. Wooden canvas does not like water, under the influence of excessive high temperatures it may catch fire. Under the influence of impact loads and heavy weight, a wooden tabletop can become deformed. In addition, the material requires proper care and periodic special processing.

Stone window sill-table top

Window sills and countertops made of stone are very popular. The basis of such a slab is laid on both natural and artificial stones. The greatest demand is for quartzite, granite, polymer-mineral and marble slabs. Most often, buyers prefer granite. At the same time, they don’t even realize that the stone has the ability to accumulate radiation, which over time will undermine the health of the apartment’s residents.

Therefore, when ordering a countertop, you should inquire about the safety class of the stone (only the first class is allowed). A marble countertop cannot have problems with radiation, since the stone is not capable of absorbing radiation. However, the problem may arise that spilled tea, coffee or wine on the stove will leave behind stains that cannot be removed.

If we talk about artificial stone, then the list of advantages includes durability, resistance to shock loads, inability to deform from water and exposure to high temperatures. Artificial stone has two disadvantages. This is a large weight of the structure and a high price.

Artificial stone countertops are top sellers thanks to high strength. The technology for producing artificial stone slabs allows you to cast shapes of any complexity and create beautiful openings. In this case, there will be no joints or seams on the surface of the structure.

Glass table top

Rich and extraordinary beautiful view have glass countertops, the popularity of which never fades.

Advantages. Indelible designs can be easily applied to the glass window sill-tabletop. The plate is easily washed off from dirt and is not damaged by aggressive substances. The material is resistant to mechanical stress. Manufacturing technology allows you to give the slab the most unusual shape.

Flaw. Glass table top afraid of temperature changes.

1. You should select a simple headset simple table top. That is, you should not install a marble window-sill table with a kitchen set made of chipboard. It would also not be appropriate to install a laminated chipboard countertop to an expensive wooden set.
2. Any matte countertops are more practical than glossy ones.
3. Plates made from natural stone, are quite hard, so the owner of such a kitchen will have to learn to place the dishes very carefully.
4. Installation of the countertop must be carried out in the presence of the apartment owner.
5. Natural stone slabs look more impressive in spacious kitchens because of its massiveness.
6. When choosing a material for a tabletop, it is worth seeing and touching the exhibition model you like. No piece of canvas will allow you to imagine it in finished form.
7. When ordering a tabletop from MDF and laminated chipboard, it is better to give preference light colors. During use in frequently washed places, the plastic loses color and becomes lighter. On a darkened countertop, light spots will be especially noticeable.

Table window sill in the kitchen real photos

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To make the most of the kitchen area, you can replace the window sill with a bar counter or continue the work area in this part. In our article we will look at real examples in photographs that will help you decide on a renovation idea for your home.

Thanks to natural light in the work area, during the day there is no need to turn on additional light sources during cooking. The window makes the room feel more spacious.

1. Working surface in place of the table top-window sill

Upper modules on U-shaped kitchen located along two walls, so there is enough storage space in this headset.

Country-style kitchen-living room with dining area. One of the most common solutions, especially for foreign interiors, is a sink by the window on a countertop-window sill.

If the room is elongated, it can be adjusted thanks to the proper arrangement of furniture. Place some of the modules along narrow wall with a window. This way you can increase usable area rooms. And along long wall, it is better to reduce the depth of the cabinets relative to standard parameters (less than 60 cm).

The black countertop is in harmony with the color of the floor, against the background of the facades and decoration of the room in a contrasting white color scheme.

Compact kitchen in Khrushchev on 6 square meters. m. Washing near the window will add variety to the routine process of washing dishes. Specialists must check the angle of inclination of the drainage pipe dirty water into the sewer to ensure proper operation of the system.

Most often, radiators are located under the window. If you do not want to cover the heating system with a headset, you should move the radiator to another place in advance, or make a heated floor, you can also choose lattice facades that promote air movement in the room And.

Interior in Provence style in a small area.

Pay special attention to the opening of the window sash. Its movement should be free and not interfere with the mixer or household appliances installed on the work surface.

Neoclassical kitchen-dining room with a work surface instead of a window sill and a U-shaped set.

U-shaped white kitchen in neoclassical style.

To avoid excessive splashes of water on the glass, the window sill-table must be wide enough. You can also put houseplants in pots, in the space between the sink and the window. Such an obstacle will correct the situation - the splashes will remain on the flowers.

Corner modern kitchen with white facades and cornices, visually unifying the furniture composition.

U-shaped set in minimalist style. The wooden texture dilutes the restrained gray and white palette, making the interior warmer.

IN this option Instead of a window sill, we made a work surface. The set is completed by a bar counter, which, due to its shape and black color, separates the kitchen space from the living room space in the studio apartment.

Light colors in the interior decoration of the kitchen. Instead of a window sill we made two additional modules and installed a double sink.


2. Table or bar counter instead of a window sill

The dining table was replaced with a bar counter to save useful space in the small kitchen.

This solution is perfect for a family of two.

There can even be functional modules under the bar counter; the main thing is to make the correct overhang of the tabletop so that the furniture doors do not interfere with your feet.

The bar counter top is made of artificial stone.

U-shaped classic set with a dining area near the window.

Corner set with wooden texture of facades.

3. Wardrobe under the windowsill

Currently, the refrigerator in Khrushchev apartments is often used as extra space for storage, organizing a closet in it. If you plan to use a niche for storing pickles or vegetables, you need to insulate this structure by sealing the hole in external wall(for example, using brickwork).

Rational use of space in the apartment allows you to significantly save space, freeing it up for necessary needs. A window sill-countertop in the kitchen is an excellent solution for those who want to save some space and gain space for dining area, work surface or storage system. Various types of tabletops-windowsills made of a certain material will allow you to correctly use them in the kitchen area.

Arrangement of a tabletop on a windowsill begins with the selection of material. Today, plastic, MDF and chipboard, wood, natural or artificial stone, and glass are used for this. The features of each product will help you fit them correctly into the interior.

The most affordable and popular option is plastic for making a table top combined with a window sill. Thanks to this design, an angular work surface is obtained. At the same time, the place near the window can be used in different ways: for cooking, as an area for storing various small items, or as a decorative area where the housewife keeps her favorite interior items.

Tabletop-window sill made of PVC, covered with a special decorative film

The plastic table top-window sill has the following properties:

  • moisture resistance;
  • thermal strength;
  • availability;
  • plastic is available in a wide variety of textures and colors, so every user will find an option to suit their taste.

This kitchen looks great in any color, but designers advise choosing a glossy acrylic surface. This classic version, is not so easily soiled and goes well with decoration in any shade.

These materials are perfect for decorating the continuation of the tabletop, but they must be used with special condition. If you plan to create a work surface on the windowsill or make a built-in sink, from MDF applications and it is better to refuse chipboard. Wood boards do not tolerate moisture very well, and the surface coating is unlikely to be able to effectively protect the product from water.

The MDF worktop has an attractive appearance and fits perfectly into the kitchen interior

Often the window sill and tabletop are made in the same style: if the surface is made of MDF Brown serves as a working area for the entire kitchen, it is recommended that its continuation be done in the same shade. Contrasting colors are allowed (for example, black and white). Products made from MDF and chipboard can replace a business area and a snack area. It will be inconvenient for the whole family to have a full dinner at such a table, but drinking a cup of coffee before work will be pleasant and cozy, especially while enjoying the view from the window.

Making a window sill combined with a wooden countertop is an excellent solution for those who decorate their kitchen in classic design. Manufacturers offer a variety of wood for arranging a table under the window. For this purpose, pine, walnut, oak, ash, and larch are used. Depending on the choice of breed, the color of the tabletop will be determined. To avoid scratches, chips and other damage, developers coat products with a protective varnish.

Wooden surfaces always look natural and stylish

Several advantages in favor of choosing a wooden tabletop-window sill:

  • natural wood has an attractive appearance;
  • the material is environmentally friendly for humans;
  • with proper treatment the wood will last a large number of years;
  • such a tabletop can be used as a dining area.

Due to its susceptibility to moisture, wood is not recommended for decorating a work area or installing a sink. This window sill is well suited as a tabletop for a balcony. Special care behind the surface will help preserve its original appearance for a long time.

All countertops made of stone can be divided into two categories: natural and artificial. The first option is different excellent characteristics durability, style and practicality. The second one is inferior in appearance, but technical indicators also top notch. The advantages of stone countertops and window sills are:

  • resistance to mechanical and chemical damage;
  • beautiful view;
  • UV resistance, which is especially beneficial when placing the tabletop near a window;
  • durability;
  • resistance to hot temperatures.

Designer window sill from natural stone can replace a work surface and serve as a dining area. It is possible to build in a sink here, as well as organize the storage of small items.

The countertop made of natural marble looks solid and is suitable for classic interior and kitchens in retro style

Glass window sills, made like table tops, look stylish and modern. It is known that glass is considered a durable material, especially since only thick glass is used for such a surface. However, the material is not particularly popular due to user concerns due to fragility. But these are unnecessary worries: the thick and dense structure of the glass allows you to organize a dining area, a work surface and a place to store dishes on the windowsill. In this case, the kitchen set should also be decorated with glass to maintain the harmony of the interior.

When the material has already been selected, it is worth thinking about overall design kitchens. Depending on the purpose of this zone, you can choose a certain finishing style, and also decide where the remaining areas for cooking, storing dishes, and eating food will be located.

Such a decision will excellent option for owners small kitchens. The design of a kitchen with a window sill-countertop, where it plays the role of a working surface, involves the use durable materials, because in this area there is a constant load on the table. To reschedule finished premises, you will have to knock down part of the wall under the window sill: this will free up more space for your legs.

A good example of a small kitchen design with a work surface on the windowsill

When decorating such a kitchen, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • if there is a battery under the window, you must first hide it by venting the air upward using special ventilation grilles;
  • it is advisable to continue the existing tabletop by connecting it to the window sill: this will create more space from the window, and several people can cook here at once;
  • if there is free space, it is advisable to extend the tabletop by turning it 90 degrees and setting up a bar counter;
  • To adjust the height to the window sill, it is best to use legs.

In cases where residents do not want to change the parameters of the space under the opening, the window can be redesigned. To do this, part of the hole is replaced with a special blind insert made of glass or plastic, and the window itself becomes slightly higher than the previous window sill. Such actions are possible in a private home.

To install a built-in sink in a window sill, you will have to think about the choice of material. You should not decorate the tabletop with wood, chipboard or MDF. It is better to give preference to stone or plastic. Don’t know how to organize a sink if water hoses must be connected to it? Designers advise using the following techniques:

  • all communications are hidden behind kitchen set, while the drain should have a smooth downward slope so that the water drains correctly;
  • when moving the sink to the opposite wall, approval from the authorities is required;
  • it is necessary to install the sink near the window so that the tap does not interfere with the opening of the sash;
  • if the window is three-leaf, then the washbasin should be placed at the blind central sash;
  • It’s better to choose one tap - the window sill is not the place where it is possible to create an entire water system;
  • To prevent splashes from flying onto the glass, it is recommended to buy a deep sink.

Perhaps any housewife will be pleased to wash dishes with a view of the street: it calms you down and lifts your spirits when performing a difficult daily task. Photos of a table top-window sill with a built-in sink can be found in this material - they will serve great ideas to planning your own kitchen.

In this case, the mixer is located at the corner, which will not interfere with the normal opening of the window sash

In houses built in the last century, the kitchen area often does not exceed 6-8 square meters. m. That is why it is recommended to arrange a dining area on the windowsill, freeing up part of the kitchen for free movement. On small space There is simply no room left to place a traditional dining table, so this window sill comes to the rescue:

  • this type of redevelopment is considered less expensive and less labor-intensive; all that is required is to replace the space above the window with a tabletop, screwing stable supports from below;
  • to make eating comfortable, but at the same time the chairs do not take up much space, it is recommended to purchase bar stools or chairs: they are compact, comfortable and modern;
  • If necessary, the table top-window sill should be moved forward a little so that the feet of the person sitting do not rest against the wall or radiator;
  • The shape of the table can be any: round, square, or connected into a corner with a subsequent bar counter - this solution will be ideal for a large family.

If the place is too narrow and it is not possible to eat in this area, there is a way out: install folding table near the window sill, which will be located in front of it. A family of 4 people can fit behind it.

Bar stools are perfect for a dining area converted from a window sill

Another great use for a countertop on a windowsill is organizing storage areas. The surface is recommended to be used for small things – spice jars, lid holders, decorative items. And the lower part can be made into a full-fledged kitchen cabinet.

To transition between different levels of the window sill and tabletop, special strips are used

Corner kitchens with a window sill look good and have good functionality (photos of such rooms can be found in this material). Here the junction of the surfaces is a transition zone between the table top and the window sill, and this is where the arrangement of the set for storage begins. Most likely, it will not be possible to select below large space under pots and pans, since the depth of the cabinet is too small. Jars of pasta, tea, as well as small dishes will fit in such a cabinet.

Organizing a window sill-countertop in the kitchen will not only save space, but also significantly transform it. Interiors with this layout look stylish and modern. A cozy window can be framed with Roman or roller blind, and if there is a level difference between the window sill and the table, it can be easily hidden with a special corner. Before planning the interior, it is better to first study photographs of examples in order to know exactly what the idea will be.