Hip roof rafter system: description of installation options. Hip roof, how to make a hip roof with your own hands, useful tips Hip structures

The hip roof resembles a polygonal structure. You can do the installation of this type of roof with your own hands, but to do this you need to know the basic information and have the skills to use it electric tools. It is important to make a project with the correct calculations. And all connections are secured, as in any other types of roofs - using technology.

Types of roofs with specific shapes

There are several types of roofs with specific shapes:

These types are considered the most popular, but there are roofs with more complex design. They are less popular, for example: arched, spire-shaped, vaulted, folded and spherical. Each type has its own individual subtleties in installation, functionality and architectural design.

Hip roofing product It is considered one of the most frequently erected structures.

Description of the tent option

The hip roof has slopes in the form of a triangle, and all connections converge at one upper point. The very minimum of triangles is 4 pieces, but there can be many more angles.

Ideally, the top of the structure is mounted strictly in the center, but if desired, this point can be moved to the side, which will make the structure unique. It turns out that one side roofing structure will become longer, and the other will become shorter. Like a hip roof, the rafter system can also be divided according to the installation method:

  1. Hanging. The design does not include support points, and the rafters are mounted with a small span.
  2. Layered. On the inner and outer sides of the wall there should be support points spaced 450 cm apart.

The choice of installation method does not affect the appearance. The design itself can be done as follows:

  1. Broken. This type of construction is suitable for attics. But with this option, the slope of the slope changes downwards. The angle will become smaller.
  2. Endovaya. This roofing element is an additional part of the bay window.
  3. Attic. In this case, the attic is located on the roof slopes.

The structure looks like a tent, hence the name.

Pros and cons of the design

Any design has its positive and negative sides:

But, despite the complexity of installation and the extra consumables, a hip roof will pay off. For example, a gable roof of a gazebo will look much worse than a hip roof.

Roofing elements of the product

Standard technology requires the presence of the following parts, without which it is impossible to complete construction:

Auxiliary parts for the rafter system are purlins, crossbars, supports, and beds. They are intended to further strengthen all connections on the roof. If the climate of the region is windy, then you cannot do without them.

Before similar works a drawing is always created in which everything is already calculated and adjusted to size in advance.

This type of tent structure involves assembling all elements in order:

It is important to follow the sequence of work and not jump from one stage to another. Otherwise, the quality of the roofing structure may decrease.

Installing the system yourself

Installing a rafter system for such a roof is considered a difficult task. Therefore, everything must be calculated accurately. In this case, the ceiling is done only after the construction of the structure, but not before. Step-by-step installation is as follows:

To install diagonal beams, it is recommended to maintain a right angle. It is necessary to make the correct calculation of the rafter beams in order to obtain an overhang for arranging the box. To lengthen the rafter legs, “fillies” are used, which lengthen the beams.

The process of creating a roof

The pie layer of a hip roofing product looks like this:

If the installation technology is followed and all layers are completed properly, then a normal microclimate will be formed in the room.

Installation of vapor barrier, sheathing and waterproofing

There are two ways to install sheathing: for hard and soft roofing. In the first case, it is allowed to make a small gap between the boards, and in the second, chipboard sheets are used, since the material for covering the roof will be built-up. According to the standard, the thickness of the boards should be 25 mm and the width 150 mm. But under the sheathing a layer of vapor barrier is first laid.

You can choose a special membrane as waterproofing. But you can also use regular roofing felt. In the first case, the material is of better quality and the service life is longer. There are different options: breathable, insulating and others. The waterproofing layer is secured with a stapler and overlapped by 10 cm. An outlet of 15 cm must be left at the bottom.

To prevent condensation from inside the roof, special films are used, which are sold at any hardware store. For example, you can use polyethylene, special membranes or propylene coating. Fastening is done using a stapler. The sheathing is installed, and the cells are filled with insulating material - foam plastic or mineral wool.

Features of insulation of the structure

The hip roof must be insulated in any case. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam and penoplex are considered the main insulating materials. If the product will be insulated with mineral wool, then the sheets must be placed in the compartments between the rafters from top to bottom.

It is important to prevent cracks from appearing. If possible, use a stapler for fastening. This procedure is performed over the entire area. For high reliability, you should choose a material that meets the following requirements:

Roofing installation

For hip roof don't put it down roof covering one degree at a time, for example:

  • flexible tiles are installed at a slope of 8-18 degrees;
  • asbestos-cement materials are installed at 14-16 degrees;
  • metal tiles are installed at a slope of 30-60 degrees.

In addition to the main roofing materials, specific types can be used, for example, reed and reed options. The reliability and durability of such a roof is reduced to a minimum, especially if the region is in harsh climatic conditions.

Basically, for complex roof shapes, flexible and metal tiles. The material is significantly more expensive, but has a long service life. In the first case, a special gas-burner. The material is fused by heating flexible tiles and roof bases. And in the second case, the sheets are secured using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Coating is always done from the bottom up.

Roofing waste will be large because the roof has curly shape and you can’t do without pruning. This must be taken into account when calculating material consumption.

If the work will be carried out alone, then you should be patient and strong. After all, at all stages of assembling a roofing product, you will have to support a beam somewhere or supply a roofing sheet. Therefore, it is advisable to include another person in the work who will help in difficult situations. However, if such a roof is intended for a small gazebo, then in this case you can cope on your own.

The hip roof is symmetrical and its shape resembles a pyramid with a rectangular base. This design allows you to save on wall material because it has no pediments.

A significant disadvantage of a hip roof is the rafter system, which is more complex compared to its design for other types of roofs. The rafter structure must be installed with high quality, since the slightest error in the calculation can even provoke its collapse. For this reason, it is quite difficult to perform construction works yourself, it is wiser to resort to the services of professionals.

There are two types of rafters:

- inclined, which are installed, as a rule, on a hipped roof with an angle of inclination of no more than 40 degrees; such rafters are quite easy to install and are beneficial in terms of economy;
- hanging rafters, which are supported by external walls; this kind of rafters is quite difficult to manufacture and also to repair.

The hip roof structure is made as follows. A support beam, the so-called Mauerlat, is placed under the rafter legs or along the entire length of the building. In case of brick house, the beam is installed on the inside of the wall, and moisture-proofing material must be placed between the wall and the Mauerlat. If the house is wooden, the top of the frame will act as a mauerlat.

In the upper part of the rafter structure, parallel to the support beam, it is necessary to lay a support beam (purlin). It is needed to support the rafters. The roof ridge will be higher. During the construction process, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the gap between the purlins and the Mauerlat should not be more than 4.5 meters. To withstand wind loads from the side of the pediment, diagonal braces, braces and struts are made. To insulate the roof, it is recommended to lay a layer of vapor and waterproofing material. After completing all this work, you can begin installing the roofing.

With the square type, the slope consists of four triangles. But the hip roof also has its drawback. Its frame is quite complex and requires precision and considerable effort during installation.

The biggest difficulty in creating such a roof is the correct calculation of the design diagram. By making inaccurate measurements and calculations, the builder risks exposing himself additional expenses to purchase additional materials and restructuring of the structure. Such an incident will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the cost of work and materials.

However, it is possible to make the correct calculations and install the roof without resorting to the services of professionals.

After making preliminary calculations, you can proceed to the actual installation of the roof frame.

There are basic principles for arranging a hip roof:

· the same wood must be used for the ridge and rafter system;

· intermediate boards require a steeper slope, and their size cannot be less than 5 centimeters by 15 centimeters;

· short elements are attached to the corner rafters;

· the central rafters are fixed to the ridge board;

· the rafters are supported in the ridge board and in the upper strapping end;

· the ridge plays the role of a load-bearing axis;

· slanted rafters are fixed at one end to the ridge, and the other protrude beyond the house;

· central rafters extend to all walls;

· branching of intermediate rafters is carried out from the ridge.

It is easy to find out more details about the schemes and procedure by contacting us: a hip roof - a hipped or other structure - will be made to the highest standard. Specialists will explain all unclear questions and recommend the necessary materials and tools.

The tools you will need to build the frame are:

1. Grinder, electric and hand saws.

2. Nails, hammer and dowels.

3. Axes and plane.

4. Electric drill.

5. Boards and beams of the same wood.

6. Roofing material.

7. Steel staples.

Attic area or attic floor significantly less than when using a gable roof. This problem can be partially solved by using attic type special hip roof. Let's look at the sequence of steps that need to be followed to build a hip roof. Carrying out calculations Carrying out calculations when building a hip roof To perform the difficult task of making a hip roof with your own hands, you must have certain knowledge and skills. First you need to perform calculations, which can be done by hand.

The technology for manufacturing the roofing pie and other roof elements should also be described. Based on the detailed design, it will be easy to calculate the required amount of materials. The development of such a project is quite challenging task and if you have any difficulties in developing it yourself, then it is better to involve specialists who will produce necessary calculations tailored to your requirements. Features of the rafter system during manufacture hipped roof slanted rafters are used, directed to the corners of the house (sometimes called diagonal)

It is more difficult to erect than a gable or pitched roof, but, contrary to this, it is preferred most often. The reason for this is best outlet water, provided by the installation of slopes, as a result - a long service life of roofing materials, hydro- and thermal insulation used for roof installation. In addition, the hip roof looks more presentable and original in comparison with other types of structures. The hip roof is characterized as one of the most reliable and practical. Main details of the original structure The design of the hip roof must be strictly symmetrical. It can be mounted on any building, but it is much easier if it is shaped like a square or rectangle. The basis of the roof in question is considered to be a rafter system, complex and intricate. To build it correctly, you must first make a careful calculation. Any mistake in its course can lead to irreversible consequences. If you plan to build a hip roof on a square base, then the structure will have four absolutely identical slopes.

To calculate the roof area in this case, it is recommended to determine the area of ​​the slopes and multiply the resulting figure by 4. The result obtained during the calculations must be increased by the area of ​​the eaves overhangs. Important! To determine the area of ​​the eaves overhang, you must use the following form: Skarn.=(BC+EF)/2*DG. The roof area is determined as follows: Sroofs = (Sslope + Skarn)*4. Before you start building a hip roof, you need to consider important details Calculation of a hip-type roof A do-it-yourself hip roof will be built flawlessly if the calculation of the rafter system is done correctly. If the design is based on a square, then first of all it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the slopes, the width and length of the base, then, using the data obtained, determine the area of ​​​​all four slopes. If the roof is based on a rectangle, then the calculation should begin by determining the height of the trapezoid and triangle, of which the structure consists. This figure is equal to the length of the hip rafters. Once the height is determined, you can begin to calculate the areas of these figures. Their total indicator will allow you to obtain the area of ​​the roof slopes. It is also important to accurately calculate the area of ​​the eaves overhang. To do this, you need to increase the height of the figure by ½ the sum of the length of the base. It is important to know! Calculations of the latter indicator can be carried out using the length of the roof and the height of the ridge or taking into account the length of the rafter legs and the length of the roof.

Once the roof area and slopes have been calculated, the main elements of the rafter system can be calculated. The calculation of a hip roof must be as accurate as possible. It is advisable to entrust this period of work to specialists. They will draw up the most competent and accurate drawing, from which it will be easy to determine the amount of materials required to install a hip roof with your own hands, the length of the rafters and the sequence of work. Types of rafter systems The rafter system of a hip roof is a supporting structure consisting of bars, racks, supports and other structural elements. It is considered not only the basis for fastening roofing material and other roof elements, but also a strengthening element of the entire building. There are hanging and layered systems. For heavy spans, when it is not possible to support the rafters with internal supports, a hanging system is used. It involves installation structural elements roofs on external walls and involves the installation of metal or wood ties.

Hanging rafters rest on the outer walls from below, and are connected to each other from above. There are two types of rafter systems for hip roofs. The layered system involves installing rafters both on external walls and on the internal load-bearing wall or additional supports. The maximum permissible span between supports is 4.5 meters. If it reaches six meters, then it is necessary to install struts under the rafters. The advantages of this type of rafter system include efficiency, lightness and practicality. Component elements of the rafter system design The hip roof rafter system includes the following elements: slanted rafters - structural elements that are installed directly on the roof frame at the corners; splices - structural elements fixed to the rafters; mauerlats - massive beams that serve as support for the lower ends of the rafters; purlins, beams and crossbars and a number of other additional supports necessary for the reliability and rigidity of the structure of the roof in question; struts acting as leg holders.

The hip roof includes several important elements It is important to know! All of these elements of the rafter system create a reliable and stable structure that can withstand heavy loads. The absence of one of them can cause sudden destruction of the roof. Technology for installing a roof structure Installing a hip roof is not an easy task. It begins with collecting the main components and rafters on the ground, focusing on a pre-prepared template. Important! The beams, logs and boards needed to organize the roof rafter system are selected depending on the pitch of the rafters, expected loads and roof slope angle. Planks and mauerlats are mounted on the walls of the building, scaffolding is attached to them, and rafters are erected from two opposite corners. They are connected at the highest points. Then the remaining rafters are raised, the notch is adjusted and fastened at the ridge with special tightenings. Installation of a hip roof is carried out in a clear sequence. Important to know! Hip roofs, unlike other roofs, do not require adjustments. To strengthen it, an additional rack is used, which is mounted as a support in the center of the building. When the rafters are erected and secured, the installation of the frames with struts is carried out. Springels are mined under them, strengthening the rafter legs several times. Important Requirement installation of a tent roof: the rafters are mounted at an angle of ninety degrees. Overhangs will help protect the walls of the building from water; they are installed at a distance of fifty centimeters from the outer walls.

Non-protruding rafters are extended by fillets. On top of them, lathing, steam and waterproofing layers are placed, on top of which the roofing covering is mounted. Small country house with a hip roof Undoubtedly, you can install a hip roof yourself, but in view of the complex design features and rigid framework of its construction, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. They will make a competent drawing, calculate the most important parameters of the roof with extreme accuracy and install all elements of the rafter system correctly and quickly. If you nevertheless decide to build a roof of such a plan yourself, then due attention should be paid to calculating the most important indicators and drawing up a project plan. Any errors can lead to the fact that the roof structure will not be able to withstand even small loads and will collapse from the slightest serious impact. Hip roof on a country estate When selecting a team of craftsmen who will erect the roof, you should pay attention to their experience in construction. It is advisable to trust the installation of a hip roof only to professionals in order to avoid unnecessary nerves and material costs related to resolving emerging controversial issues

Of course, for self-construction It’s better to choose a simpler option, and in order for the result of the work to be as beautiful and high-quality as possible, you must definitely follow detailed instructions, which are proposed by professionals in this field.

Initially, you need to calculate the area for the future hipped roof (consider a hipped or pyramidal one). This is necessary in order to determine as accurately as possible the amount of materials required.

It will be very useful in this case school course geometry. After all, you will need knowledge of how to find the area of ​​a pyramid and calculate the area of ​​one slope. If for some reason you have forgotten this vital information, then here's a reminder:

Important! The area of ​​the lateral surface of a pyramid is the sum of the areas of the lateral faces. The area of ​​the pyramid is the area of ​​one slope multiplied by 4.

You can easily find it on the Internet online calculators, in which, by setting your parameters, you will quickly find out the calculation necessary materials. Usually measured:

· length of the roof base;

· width of the base;

· angle of inclination in degrees;

· material for roofing.

Important! Be sure to check all calculations several times. After all, it’s one thing when too many materials are purchased - it’s offensive, but not fatal, and it’s much worse when there are not enough of them because a situation may happen when you come to your senses, there will no longer be identical ones in the warehouse.

And remember these important points:

· almost all roofing materials are laid with overlap, so it is necessary to purchase them with some reserve;

· the area of ​​the slope must begin to be calculated from the overhangs;

· from 7 to 10 percent of the material goes to waste, this also must not be forgotten.

To avoid mistakes as much as possible, without contacting construction company, you can get a special program for carrying out such calculations.

In addition, be sure to create a clear action plan:

· everything must be taken into account additional elements such as roof windows, chimneys, air ducts, etc.;

· it is very important to measure the length of the slope as accurately as possible, and this must be done from the ridge to the eaves;

· in the calculations it is necessary to add the length of some elements, for example, overhangs, firewall walls, parapets, etc.;

· take into account the features of the material that is planned to be used for the roof. After all, each of them has its own characteristics;

· important point– the length of the slopes is reduced by about 70 centimeters if tiles or rolled material are used.

Be sure to consider all of the following:

· weight of the roofing;

· weight of steam and waterproofing;

· mass of insulation;

· snow, wind, rain load;

· the weight of people who will service the roof;

· the weight of the equipment that you are going to install on the roof (windows, antennas, lights, aerators, ladders, etc.).

· Taking into account the angle of inclination of the slopes, calculate the length and width of the rafter section.

Calculation of area for different materials:

By and large, a hip roof (see photo) is the same hip roof in which the length of the ridge is zero, i.e. there is no ridge, and all the corner rafters converge at one point. Most often it is erected on houses whose box is a square.

Let's look at one example of such a roof. Our rafters will rest on the floor beams. Let's say we have a house box measuring 10x10 meters with a load-bearing partition in the middle.

STEP 1: Install the mauerlats, floor and extension beams (see Fig. 1). We install the floor and extension beams starting from the middle, i.e. first the central ones, and then from them to the left and right the rest with a calculated step.

Picture 1

We see that the outermost floor beams and outermost extensions are at the same distance from the corner of the house. As we already said in the article “Construction of a hip roof with rafters supported on floor beams,” it is advisable to take this distance at least 0.8-1 meters.

STEP 2: In the middle of the future roof we install a central post made of 150x150 mm timber. Its height is determined from a preliminary sketch of the roof made on paper. We fix the stand strictly vertically using two temporary jibs (see Fig. 2). After we install the central rafters in the next step, the jibs can be removed. They are not shown in the following figures.

Figure 2

STEP 3: We make and install four central rafters of the slopes.

How the rafters are marked is shown in Fig. 3

Figure 3

In this way we make all four central rafters of the slopes and install them (see Fig. 4):

At the top they can be sewn together either with nails or using metal corners, as it shown on the picture.

STEP 4: Sew on the wind boards and install the corner extensions (see Fig. 5). How to make corner extensions is also described in detail in the article on the hip roof (link above):

STEP 5: We make and install corner rafters.

To do this, first of all we tighten the lace (see Fig. 6):

Now I want to show the method that we always use when installing corner rafters longer than 6 meters (when they have to be extended). First of all, we take two 6-meter boards. For one we do only the bottom cut, for the other only the top cut. Then we place these two boards, sewing them together with nails right in place. We also immediately place a stand under them (see Fig. 7):

Now, using a tape measure, we measure the lengths of the two pieces that we are missing - one with the top cut, the other with the bottom. We make them and sew them onto existing boards.

In this way we make all four corner rafters (see Fig. 8):

STEP 6: Add extensions to the corners that are missing, and if necessary, place racks under the rafters (see Fig. 9):

Figure 9

The need to install racks is determined by calculation, depending on the size of the roof and snow loads. It is advisable to rest the racks on load-bearing partitions, or install struts. The possibility of installing racks on floor beams is also checked by calculation. We talked about this in the article “Rafter system. Calculation of rafters and floor beams." At the same time, always try, if possible, to move the racks closer to the load-bearing walls to reduce the load on the beams.

STEP 7: We make and install all the spouts (see Fig. 10).

We place small supports under the sprigs, which rest on the stem, above the mauerlat.
After that, all we have to do is hem the cornices from below and make the sheathing.

During the construction of a gazebo or house, the question inevitably arises about choosing a roofing structure. If the structure being built has a quadrangular or, even better, square shape, architects and designers often give their preference to a hipped hipped roof. So difficult arranged structure fully pays for itself due to its original appearance, aerodynamic qualities and remarkable thermal insulation properties

This type of roofing is considered the most difficult to independent device, but, nevertheless, many choose it because of its originality and attractive appearance. Next, we will consider the technique of making a hip roof yourself.

A hip roof is a special hipped structure with a square base, and the roof slopes look like isosceles triangles that converge to this base. Such a roof may have many slopes, or it may even be round. The main thing when arranging it is to maintain symmetry. By appearance such a roof looks like a tent, which is where its name comes from.

It should be noted that the absence of gables in a hipped structure makes it possible to save on materials during its construction.

A roof with a hipped structure, if desired, can be erected on almost any building, but it will be much more convenient if the house has a square base. The basis of the hip roof structure consists of a rather complex rafter system, which can be constructed independently if you have certain skills in roof construction.

Types of hip roof rafter systems

The rafter system of a hip roof is a supporting structure made up of supports, racks, bars and other structural elements. It serves both as a basis for fastening the roofing material and other roof elements, and as a strengthening part of the entire building.

There are two types of rafter systems for hip roofs:

1. layered systems;

2. hanging systems.

If the span is significant and it is not possible to support the rafters with internal supports, then a hanging system is used, which involves installing roof structural elements on external walls and involves installing wooden or metal tie-downs. Hanging rafters rest on the outer walls from below and are connected to each other from above.

Under the layered system, it is assumed that rafters will be installed both on the external walls and on the load-bearing internal wall or additional supports. The maximum permissible span between supports is 4.5 meters. If the span reaches six meters, then struts must be installed under the rafters. The advantages of this type of rafter system are practicality, lightness and cost-effectiveness.
The main elements of the construction of a hip roof

A hip-type roof must have a strictly symmetrical structure, which can be mounted on any structure, but it will be much easier if it has a rectangular or square shape. The basis for the type of roof under consideration is the rafter system, which is intricate and complex.

For its correct construction, careful preliminary calculations should be made. The slightest mistake can lead to negative consequences. If you plan to build a hip roof on a square-shaped base, then the structure will have four completely identical slopes. To calculate the roof area, in this case, you should determine the area of ​​the slopes, and multiply the resulting figure by 4. The value obtained as a result of the calculations should be increased by the area of ​​the eaves overhangs.

It should be noted that to determine the overhang area of ​​the cornices, it is necessary to apply the formula S cornice = (BC+EF)/2*DG. To determine the roof area, use the formula S roof = (S slope + S eaves)*4.
Calculation of hip roof parameters

A self-built hip roof will be flawless if you make the correct calculation of the rafter system. If the structure is basically square in shape, first of all you should determine the length and width of the base, the angle of inclination of the slopes, and then, using the obtained indicators, determine the area for all four slopes.

If the roof has a base rectangular shape, then the calculation should begin by determining the height of the triangle and trapezoid that make up the structure. This indicator is equal to the length of the hip rafters. Having determined the height, we begin to determine the areas of these figures. Thanks to their total indicator, you can obtain the area of ​​​​the roof slopes.

It is very important to calculate as accurately as possible the area of ​​the eaves overhang, for which the height of the figure is increased by ½ the amount of the length of the base. It is important to note that this indicator can be calculated using the height of the ridge and the length of the roof, or taking into account the length of the roof and the length of the rafters.

After calculating the area of ​​the slopes and roof, you can calculate the main elements of the rafter systems. It is recommended to entrust the calculation stage professional specialists, who will draw up the most accurate and competent drawing, thanks to which you can easily determine the length of the rafters, the amount of materials required to erect a hip roof with your own hands and the further sequence of work.
Hip roof design

A hip roof is usually considered in construction as a type of hip roof, in which the ridge connection is transformed into a ridge unit, and more specifically, from a line it has changed into a point. The hipped roof is a pyramid, the sides of which are formed by four slopes in the shape of isosceles triangles. In this case, the square shape of the roof base will make it possible to obtain perfect symmetry, which will give the best result.

The hip roof structure includes the following main structural elements:
The ridge node, that is, the peak of the roof, its highest point, which is formed as a result of connecting the rafter slanting legs.

Slopes - four inclined planes of slopes, having a triangular shape, which make up a hip roof. They have an angle of inclination, the range of which lies within 20-50 degrees. Experienced craftsmen in terms of roofing they prefer optimal angle at 40 degrees.
The rafter system, that is, the frame that serves to support the roof structure. The rafter system carries the weight of the roofing pie and distributes it, defining the geometry of the slopes. It is built on the basis of triangles - the most stable and rigid figures that guarantee the reliability and stability of the hip roof.
Roof covering is a material in the form of sheets, rolls, individual elements or modules that has high degree wear resistance and good waterproofing qualities. For these purposes, slate, roofing felt, ondulin, corrugated sheets or metal tiles are used.
A roof overhang that extends beyond the perimeter of the roof base and protects the walls from wind and water during rain. A roof overhang of 40-50 centimeters in length is considered sufficient to effectively perform its functions.
Stages of construction of a hip roof

Creating a Project

It is allowed to build a hip roof with your own hands strictly on the basis of a competent design that will guarantee its reliability. Before making drawings, you need to know at least the minimum school course in geometry in order to calculate the angle of inclination of the slopes, the area of ​​the slopes and the height of the ridge. In order to make these calculations, there is a simple instruction, which is as follows:

First you need to find out the angle of inclination of the slopes using recommendations from the manufacturer of the roofing material, as well as indicators of construction climatology dividing the territory Russian Federation into 8 zones in accordance with wind and snow load. The optimally accepted slope is 30-40 degrees. This angle is suitable for almost any type of roof.

The next step is to calculate the height at which the ridge unit is located. For this calculation, you need to know the size of the roof base, as well as the angle of inclination roof slopes. If you depict a hip-type roof in the form of a pyramid, then its height will be a straight line connecting the ridge and its base. Its length can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

Having found out the height, angle of inclination and dimensions of the base, you can calculate the area of ​​the slopes and the length of the rafter legs. These calculations are necessary in order to calculate the amount of building material consumed, and more specifically for covering the roof and wood for the rafter system.

We must not forget that the hip roof, which has rectangular base, unlike a similar structure with a square base, will have slopes with various slopes and different lengths of rafter legs. It is important to take this into account when calculating and installing a hip roof.

The project is created using computer program or manually. The program not only performs all the necessary calculations for the length of the rafter system parts, but also selects the thickness for them. The result is a diagram with dimensions and relative position roofing parts, which will serve as a support for the installation work being carried out.
Hip roof truss system design

The rafter system of a hip roof is made from various coniferous wood. It consists of the following main and additional elements:
Lezhen and mauerlat are supports made of timber, which are necessary to distribute the load along the entire perimeter of load-bearing walls. The Mauerlat is placed on the external partitions, and the bench is placed on the internal ones. The role of the support beam in wooden house plays the upper crown, made of logs or timber. For structures made of blocks and bricks, a concrete slab is required. reinforced belt, in which metal studs are embedded. The Mauerlat is laid on them through a layer of waterproofing.
Racks, which are vertically mounted supports that support rafter legs or a ridge assembly.
Rafter slanted legs that extend to the corners of the structure from the ridge unit, forming the ribs of the hip-type roof slopes. The length of the mowing legs is longer than usual and they are subject to increased load. For this reason, they must be correspondingly twice as thick.

Narozhniks are rafters of different lengths, which are attached to the mauerlat and slanted legs. They form the surface of the slopes.
Struts are an element of the rafter system located at an angle of 45 degrees to the rafters.
Crossbar, tie - a jumper horizontally located between two rafters. Its function is to dampen the bursting effect that the rafters have on the walls.
Roof sheathing is the base on which the roof covering is laid. Depending on the type of roofing, a solid or lattice type of sheathing is used.

When constructing a hip roof, a layered or hanging rafter system is used, depending on the capabilities of the structure's layout. Although experienced roofers do not recommend using a layered type of rafter system if the slopes have a slope of more than 40 degrees.
The process of installation work of the rafter system

Having approved the project and purchased the necessary materials, you can begin self-installation hip roof. In this case, the following sequence of actions is performed:

1. First of all, the mauerlat, floor beams and floor beams are installed. If the project provides for outrigger beams, then they are also installed at this stage. Laying begins from the central beam, and steps are taken from it in both directions, moving towards the edges.

2. The central post is installed exactly in the middle of the hip roof being erected. It uses timber with a thickness of 15×15 centimeters or more. In order for it to maintain its vertical position, it is temporarily secured with two jibs.

3. Next, the central rafters are installed, which in the upper part are fixed to the rack using metal plates, and in the lower part - to the Mauerlat. Having pulled a cord for reference from the corners of the mauerlat to the ridge node, the rafter slanting legs are mounted. To install them, a double cut is made on the top. The overhangs of the rafters are connected by means of a wind board. If necessary, crossbars and struts are installed.

4. Then all the splices are sawed and nailed down. Those outriggers that rest on the outrigger beams are additionally reinforced with racks to unload them. The cornices are hemmed with moisture-resistant plywood or boards.

5. A waterproofing film is laid on the rafters in strips, which overlaps at the joints by 15-20 centimeters. The film is attached using construction stapler, and is fixed along the rafter legs by means of counter-lattice slats. The sheathing is installed. If you plan to install a continuous sheathing, then sheets of plywood will be required, and if lattice, then unedged board, measuring 15x4 centimeters.

6. Afterwards the roofing covering is laid. For this purpose, cutting is first done, taking into account the fact that the strips and sheets are not attached at the joint, but with some overlap. It is necessary to use special galvanized self-tapping screws as fasteners, which are supplied complete with the roofing material, or nails with a rubber cap, which deforms after screwing in, thereby closing the hole.

7. The final stage is the installation of a drainage system, which consists of a drainage pipe, a gutter, a water intake funnel, and snow retainers.

Some parts of the hip roof truss system have a value that exceeds 6 meters, that is standard length lumber. Therefore, it is necessary to produce stacked rafters, which consist of several elements, or glued ones.

Of course, it is quite possible to build a hip roof with your own hands, but given the complex design features and strict limitations of its construction, you can trust this work relevant professionals. They will make a competent drawing, extremely accurately calculating all the most important parameters of the roof and produce installation work all parts of the rafter system correctly and in the shortest possible time.

If you still decide to build a hip-type roof yourself, then you need to pay due attention to the calculations of the most important indicators and drawing up a planned project. Due to any minor errors, it may be that the roofing structure will not be able to withstand even light loads, and as a result will collapse from a small serious impact. When selecting a team of roofing craftsmen, attention should be paid to their experience in the construction industry. It is recommended to entrust the installation of a hip roof only to experienced professionals in order to avoid unnecessary material costs associated with solving controversial problems that have arisen and to save your nerves.

The process of independently building a hip roof is hard and time-consuming work, however, the resulting result will be worth all the effort and effort spent, highlighting the gazebo or house among other neighboring structures.

Hip roofs attract attention from afar. The apparent simplicity and laconicism of the roof's shape is captivating, so the desire to make such a roof is quite natural. What needs to be provided for construction and how to properly build a hip roof with your own hands?

Among all the variety of roofs for private houses, a tent or hip roof is the most economical in terms of materials for construction. The roof slopes consist of isosceles triangles that form a common apex, and a square serves as the base.

A hipped roof is a type of hipped roof. Another name for a hip roof is hip roof. Its base is a rectangle: 2 side faces triangular, while others represent a trapezoid.

Perfect symmetry building system and roof slopes require coordinated actions and accurate calculations when self-construction. In order to make such a roof, it is important to carefully study the features of its design.

The main elements of the hip roof rafter system are:

  • Mauerlat support beam, which acts as a support for the ends of the rafters;
  • diagonal rafters located at the corners of the frame;
  • supports-struts;
  • shortened rafters or rafters, which are attached to the sloped rafters;
  • additional supports (beams, crossbars and purlins) that create rigidity for the roof.
But be that as it may, the complex arrangement of rafter and hip roof components creates a stable system that is used in the construction of private houses. Of course, to build a hip roof with your own hands you will need an accurate calculation, the formulas of which are based on trivial methods for calculating triangles.

How to perform hip roof calculations

The main goal of calculating such a roof is to find the volume of materials required for its construction (under-roof, roofing material), lathing and installation of the rafter system according to certain parameters. In addition to volumetric parameters, the slope angle of the slope is calculated, as well as the overall dynamic strength of the system.

Naturally, in terms of the number of parameters, the calculation is quite complex and voluminous, so it is best to use an online calculator, which you can easily find on the Internet.

As a result of this calculation, you will receive the following data:

  • total roof surface area (including overhangs);
  • angles of inclination of the side rafters;
  • lengths of side, diagonal and slanting rafters;
  • the required number of rafters for the system;
  • recommended rafter section;
  • number of rows of sheathing;
  • volumes of timber for rafters.

Do-it-yourself hip roof: photos, videos, process features

It is better to start erecting a hip roof with small architectural forms (for example, the roof of a garage or an open gazebo). An excellent opportunity to study roof construction technology and further improve your work skills.

Frame arrangement

The frame of such a roof has a simple design and consists of four diagonal rafters and eight struts (each rafter has two struts).

Roof installation always begins with the construction of the frame. It is important to understand that for wooden houses the frame rests on the upper rims, for houses made of foam concrete and brick houses - on the Mauerlat.

Installation of support bars and mauerlat

Methods for attaching the Mauerlat:
  • using rafter studs;
  • using steel wire;
  • using anchor bolts.

Fastening the Mauerlat using wire is done by laying steel wire at a distance of 20-30 mm. As soon as the masonry has dried, the beam is wrapped with wire, after which its ends are secured.

The studs for fastening the rafters have L-shape and depth of immersion in a concrete pad up to 450 mm. The Mauerlat is placed and holes are drilled for installing studs. Next, the studs are installed in place, and then tightened with a nut.

Regardless of which method of attaching the Mauerlat you choose, you need to provide a waterproofing layer. Before inserting the studs, the waterproofing material is pierced. After pouring concrete, you need to calculate the threads of the studs before the concrete has time to harden.

Mounting the Mauerlat on anchor bolts performed directly into the armored belt before pouring. To mark the holes for the anchor bolts, you need to prepare a board and mark the installation locations on it. Next, the board is applied to the edge of the Mauerlat and holes are drilled according to the markings. After preparation, the Mauerlat is put on the bolts, a washer is placed, then the nut is tightened.

Arrangement of the rafter system

Having aligned the Mauerlat along the perimeter of the roof, you can begin installing the rafter system, namely the diagonal rafters located along the diagonals of the hip roof. Please note that the main load of the system falls on the diagonal rafters. Diagonal beams are distinguished by their considerable length and significant weight.

Their installation is carried out according to a calculated non-thrust or spacer scheme, according to which the rafter leg of the beam can rest against the beam or mauerlat. The angle of inclination of the rafters can be up to 23°. The second pair of rafters is installed in exactly the same way. After installing the diagonal rafters, 2 short struts are adjacent to them.

During work, there may be a need to chip off the upper surface of the sloped rafter. It needs to be laid on the edge at an angle. The surface located in the valley is cut off with a groove. This makes laying the sheathing much easier.

Useful tips for erecting a hip roof

According to the selected project, all operations during the construction of a hip roof - the construction of sheathing, the installation of a valley, the framing of openings and pipes - are carried out during the installation of the rafter system. Strict adherence to construction technology will ensure excellent results.

In ancient times, our ancestors built their homes in the form of tents. Used for this natural materials: wood, stone, animal skins, etc. The modern tent house is a more fundamental structure. It has several varieties and is endowed with certain technical properties.

Ready-made house project with a hip roof

They can be of two types:

  • Full-fledged, built in the form of a tent;
  • Incomplete, when they are erected as an ordinary building, the roof structure of which is hipped.

The houses will differ in construction technologies and materials used in the work process.

Characteristics of full-fledged tent houses

Such buildings have. Quite often they can be found on summer cottages. Construction is economical, and the assembly of the structure itself is quite simple.

So, a tent house is based on a frame. The projects are quite varied. You can create them yourself or seek help from a professional architect.

Projects for tent houses are drawn up in a similar way to planning a roof structure of this type.
Only the load-bearing walls of the house, for which slopes will be used, are not taken into account.

Option for a house project with a hip roof

Their shape can be with one or two slopes, with four, or multi-slope.

That is, in fact, a tent house is a roof that is immediately installed on a prepared base.

The most interesting are the projects of houses with multi-slope walls. The number of such slopes can be any.

But it’s worth considering that the functionality of such a house may decrease, since it will be quite a large number of limited space due to the construction of additional supporting frame elements.

The most functional and practical are houses with one, two and four slopes. Distributing space in them is much easier.

Note. It is worth considering that the height of such a house can be any. But it is necessary to make it in such a way that the ceilings inside the house reach at least 2.4-2.5 m. In this case, the walls will be inclined.

Although you can make them even and reduce them a little accordingly usable area Houses.

Hip roof design diagram

There are several ways to operate a building. Firstly, you can use a tent house only in the summer. In this case, a large amount of money is not spent on its construction. Secondly, you can live in it all year round, which requires high-quality insulation and insulation work. Especially if houses with a hip roof are built from the usual building materials.

How to build a tent house

First, you need to select building designs, which are divided into foundation plans and structure walls. Secondly, you need to initially decide on the choice of building materials. The cost of the future home will depend on them.

So, as soon as there is an exact certainty with all this, you can begin work, which is divided into several stages:

All these stages have their own characteristics.

Selection and construction of the foundation

To build a high-quality tent house, you need to choose the right foundation for it. The following foundations are very popular:

Foundation designs are drawn up in advance, after the selection of building materials. For example, if preference is given to metal for the construction of a frame, then it is better to make a monolithic or pile foundation. They are considered the most durable.

The first type is characterized by production using concrete mortar and fittings. And the second is made using metal piles, which are also concreted in the ground at a certain depth.

In most cases, strip and tile bases are constructed under a wooden frame tent house, since the material itself does not have large mass.

  • Determine the composition of the soil on the site;
  • Establish the groundwater level;
  • Define specifications terrain.

The last requirement is characterized by studying the terrain: are there any unevenness, slopes and other defects on the site. On such planes, only a pile or pile-strip foundation is preferred.

Construction of a frame for a building

As mentioned above, a full-fledged tent house is based on a frame. It is constructed from two materials: metal and wood.

Detailed project of a two-story house

Note. You can give preference to special profiles. But this is the case if the structure is light, and its period of operation is limited to the warm season.

First you need to draw up design plans. They will allow you to correctly calculate the amount of materials needed to build the frame.

The elements are as follows:

  • Bearing (support);
  • Additional (supporting);
  • Auxiliary (partitions between small cells).

In its principle, the design resembles the frame of a hip roof. All elements are connected with special fasteners, and a bedding made of roofing felt sheets is first constructed on the foundation.

Important. There should be pins and hooks on the surface of the base that serve to secure the frame to it.

It is to them that the supporting beams of the frame are welded or screwed.

External and internal finishing of the frame

Firstly, the tent house must be properly lined. Secondly, do not forget about insulation and insulation work. When conducting them, they use such modern sheet materials, such as polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam.

In rare cases, preference is given to mineral wool.

Important. This material is least often used in insulating tent-type houses. This is due to the fact that over time it loses its properties and is able to absorb moisture.

Projects for cladding tent houses are quite varied. Today there are a lot of means and materials to make the appearance of a building unique.

Initially, they are mounted on the surface of the frame OSB sheets or thick plywood. Insulating or insulating material is already attached to them.

Scheme of cladding a frame house with a hip roof

A low sheathing is created on top of it, on which sheets of plywood or OSB are again mounted, prepared using primers. This will further make it possible to choose any finishing materials for cladding the building.

The following are very popular now:

  • Wood;
  • Decorative cladding panels;
  • Plaster;
  • Plastic lining;
  • Natural and artificial stone.

The latter material has a large mass and it is not recommended to install it without surface reinforcement. It is best to use stone to finish the lower part of houses.

The inside of a home may look different. For example, you can leave the walls of the building inclined or build profile frame, which will align them. It is fixed to the slope of the structure and to the floor surface. You can already install OSB, plasterboard, and plywood on top.

Example of a frame house interior

The surface of these materials is treated with a primer and finished with any modern materials. You can also pre-insulate and insulate the house using similar means from the outside.
The tent house is a fairly simple structure. It must be airtight, since there is no roof in such a structure.

The hip roof structure consists of triangular slopes. As a rule, the number of stingrays is four, but the owner can change their number if desired. The main thing is that the finished structure is reliable and symmetrical.

Externally, such a roofing structure looks like a tent, which is why it got its name. The roof does not have gables, which makes it possible to further save on construction and finishing roofing materials. If properly arranged, such a roof will have an attractive and original appearance.

The installation of a hip roof requires the contractor to have special knowledge and skills. You can handle the construction of a hip roof structure with your own hands. The main thing is to correctly perform the necessary calculations and strictly follow the instructions when performing each activity.

Before you go to the store to buy the required materials, familiarize yourself with the procedure for performing calculations and draw up a roofing project that is suitable specifically for your case.

Basic information

Traditionally, the roof in question includes 4 inclined slopes.

If the base of the structure has the shape of a regular square, the area of ​​the structure is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​one roof slope by 4.

However, if the base of the system has the shape of a rectangle, then first you need to determine the total value of the areas of two different rectangles, and then double the resulting number.

To determine the area of ​​the roof slope, which is an isosceles triangle, it is necessary to multiply the length of the base of the figure by the value of its height, and then double the resulting number.

When performing calculations, you need to find out the area of ​​eaves overhangs that have the shape isosceles trapezoids. This calculation is performed by multiplying the height of the figure by exactly 50% of the sum of the lengths of the bases of the trapezoidal figure.

Calculation of a hip roofing system can be done in two ways. The first involves calculation using the height of the ridge and the length of the base of the roof structure. In accordance with the second calculation method, it is necessary to take into account the length of the diagonal rafter element, as well as the length of the perimeter of the base.

In addition, during the calculation process it is necessary to pay attention to the parameters of various additional components, included in the roofing structure. These elements include:

  • diagonal rafter legs;
  • lying down;
  • support bars;
  • racks;
  • Mauerlat, etc.

Calculation example

To make the calculation principle more clear, we offer you a simple example of performing basic calculation activities. Initial data:

  • house dimensions – 6x6 m;
  • length diagonal rafters– 521 cm;
  • ridge height – 297 cm;
  • slope of roof slopes – 35 degrees;
  • the width of the eaves overhang is 600 mm.

Using the first of the two methods mentioned earlier, determine the height of the roof triangle. To do this, use the Pythagorean theorem, according to which, to calculate the square of the height, you need to subtract half the width of the base, also squared, from the square of the length of the roof slope.

In the example under consideration, the calculation will show that the square of the height is 4.24 m squared. Using a simple formula, you can determine that the area of ​​one triangular slope will be 12.72 m2.

Due to the fact that the base of the roof is a square with a side of 6 m, the calculated area value must be increased by 4 times. As a result, you will determine the total area of ​​the roof slopes, equal in this example to 50.88 m 2.

Determine the area of ​​the cornice light. You already know the length of the shorter base of a trapezoidal figure - 6 m. To establish the length of the larger base, you need to use simplest form, relevant for such figures.

According to calculations, the length of the larger base will be 704 cm, and the resulting area of ​​the figure will be 4.76 m2.

To set the total area of ​​the overhangs, multiply the value calculated in the previous step by 4.

As a result, the total amount of the hip roof structure will be 69.91 m2.

What do you need to know about the rafter system?

A hipped roof structure can be erected using a layered or hanging system. The final option is selected in accordance with the conditions of a particular situation.

For example, it is quite difficult to handle the installation of hanging rafters yourself, and repairing such a structure will take an irrationally long time. Such rafters are usually installed in situations where there is no interior walls, and the rafters can rest solely on the load-bearing walls of the structure.

Layered rafters are simpler and more financially profitable to install. The system is located on the middle load-bearing wall, as well as intermediate support pillars, fixed on a reinforced concrete base.

Layered rafters are most often used when installing hipped roof structures with a slope of more than 40 degrees.

It is important to choose correct option supports for the system roof rafters. If the house is frame, the roof must be supported on top harness. In the case of brick and stone buildings, the function of support is performed by the mauerlat, and when arranging the roof of a log house roofing system fixed to the upper crowns.

Define optimal cross section rafter legs. To do this, you need to know a number of parameters, namely:

  • installation step of rafter system elements;
  • slope of roof slopes;
  • expected snow, wind and other loads;
  • span size, etc.

It is important to know the basic parameters of the elements of a hip-type roofing structure.

So, if the rafter legs have a length not exceeding 300 cm, the rafters should be placed in increments of 110-135 cm. The optimal diameter of the log for this situation is 100 mm, and the size of the board is 100x80 mm.

If the rafter legs have a length ranging from 300 to 400 cm, they need to be fastened at a distance of 140-170 cm. To arrange such a rafter system, it is recommended to use logs with a diameter of 150 mm or boards measuring 100x90 mm.

If the rafters have a length of 400-500 cm, they need to be fastened in increments of 110-135 cm, using logs with a diameter of 200 mm, as well as boards measuring 200x80 mm to construct the structure.

When arranging a rafter system from elements no longer than 650 cm, the rafters must be placed in increments of 110-140 cm, using logs with a diameter of 240 mm or boards with dimensions of 220x120 mm to construct the structure.

To arrange the purlins, use 100x50 mm timber or logs with a diameter of 160 mm.

The Mauerlat is traditionally built from timber 100x50 mm or logs with a diameter of 120 mm.

Racks, crossbars and struts are made of timber with a section of 100x50 mm or logs with a diameter of 120 mm.

It is important that the rafter legs are strictly the same length, and that the rafters are joined apart.

The most common slope of the slopes of hip roofing structures is maintained in the range of 40-60 degrees, however, depending on the parameters of the finishing roofing material, the slope may vary slightly. The dependency is as follows:

  • when using tiles, the slope is maintained within 30-60 degrees;
  • when using sheet roofing materials and materials based on asbestos cement, the slope will be in the range from 14 to 60 degrees;
  • using roll materials the slope will be 8-18 degrees.

Roof installation procedure

The process of arranging a hip roof includes several stages.

First stage

Draw up a design project and make the necessary calculations in accordance with the previously given recommendations.

Second phase

Buy the required amount of materials, taking into account the dimensions and characteristics approved by the project.

Third stage

Lay the mauerlat along the entire length of the building. The rafter legs will be installed on it.

If the house is built of brick, it is best to lay the Mauerlat along the inside of the walls. In this case, it is necessary to lay moisture-proofing material between the Mauerlat and the wall. Roofing felt is often used for waterproofing. To prevent the rafter legs from sagging, you need to install a grille with the appropriate parameters.

If the house is built of wood, in most cases the Mauerlat will be able to cope with the functions top part log house

Fourth stage

Install the support beam for the rafters (purlin) at the top truss structure. The support beam must be placed parallel to the mauerlat. The recommended distance between the two mentioned elements is up to 450 cm.

Fifth stage

Install diagonal braces, braces and struts.

For the manufacture of diagonal connections, boards of 250-450 mm are usually used. They must be nailed to the base of the rafter leg.

You need to arrange the planned number of ramps (usually 4). At this stage, work according to the drawings you have.

Sixth stage

Insulate the roof. First attached waterproofing material, under it there is insulation, and under the insulation there is a membrane vapor barrier film.

At the end, all you have to do is lay the desired finishing roofing material and install various kinds additional elements such as gutters, etc.

Now you are aware of the main features of a hip roofing structure, you know in what order the system is calculated, what its main elements should be and in what sequence the roof itself is installed. Follow the instructions, while at the same time focusing on the provisions of the existing project, and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - DIY hip roof