How does the icon help St. Luke of Crimea? Saint Equal to the Apostles Nina

Complete collection and description: why is the icon of Saint Luke and prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

SAINT LUKE PRAYER FOR HEALING (health, pregnancy, well-being at home)

Saint Luke showed the image of a good shepherd, healing mental and physical ailments. Coming from the heart miraculous prayer about health, helps and supports the believer.

Orthodox prayer for healing from illnesses to St. Luke the Confessor Archbishop of Crimea

“Oh, all-blessed confessor, our holy saint Luke, great saint of Christ. With tenderness, we bow the knee of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: to the shepherds to give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction.

Comfort for those who mourn, healing for those who are ill, return to the path of truth for those who have gone astray, blessing from a parent, upbringing and teaching for a child in the passion of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy. Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that if we have such a prayerful intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms. Guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous and pray to the omnipotent God for us, that in eternal life we ​​may be worthy with you to continually glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To Him belongs all glory, honor and power forever and ever. Amen".

A mother’s prayer to Saint Luke for the health of her child is very strong and effective.

Akathist to St. Luke the Confessor, Archbishop of Crimea

“Chosen to the hierarch of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who has shone forth among our countries in the land of the Crimea, like a shining luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who has glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call to you in tenderness; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.”

“An interlocutor of angels and a teacher of men, the glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, his namesake, from God

You received the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you endured many labors, and, bearing the flesh, you did not care about the flesh; you glorified the Heavenly Father with good deeds. With the same gratitude we call you with tenderness; Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth. Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord. Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge; Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments. Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle; Rejoice, mentor of all doctors. Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist; Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church. Rejoice, illumination of our land; Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised. Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luko of the Crimea, good and merciful physician!”

There is an urgent need for interreligious dialogue. Today it should be noted that one of the most positive changes in recent decades has been the emergence of interreligious dialogue, which is increasingly meaningful.

Within the framework of the Abrahamic Brotherhood association, Jews, Christians and Muslims united in order, with full respect for their religions and faiths, to “realize everything that, since the time of Abraham, constitutes their common spiritual and cultural heritage, in order to work together for the true reconciliation of all descendants Abraham, to free the world from crimes born of hatred, from fanatical violence, from racial and tribal pride, revealing the true, divine sources of human brotherhood." There are very high hopes for this undertaking, and its influence is constantly growing.

Prayer to Saint Luke

Saint Luke the Evangelist is one of the seventy apostles (that is, disciples) of Christ, the author of one of the Gospels, the first icon painter. Alas, history has not preserved much information about St. Luke. What is known is that he was from a pious Greek family, and may have been an artist and doctor.

In Christianity, Saint Luke is considered the patron saint of all doctors and artists, because the first icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was created by his holy hands.

Luke was a companion of Saint Paul and until the end of his days, remained inseparable from him. He took part in all of Paul's missionary journeys, and after his martyrdom, he himself went to wander the world and spread the faith of Christ.

Saint Luke faced the same fate - martyrdom in the name of Christ, as the final test of the strength of faith.

Luke was hanged at Thebes in 82 AD.

The relics of St. Luke are kept in Padua, in the Basilica of St. Justina. He is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox.

Prayers are read to Saint Luke for well-being in the family, for eliminating conflicts between spouses, for improving relationships with relatives

Saint Luke of Crimea

Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky was born in late XIX century in Kerch in a family of impoverished spouses of a noble family. Before becoming a bishop and archbishop, St. Luke (or V. Voino-Yasenetsky) was a surgeon, writer, and professor of medicine. In 1946 he

became Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, but before that, he served two exiles.

In anticipation of his death, which was the logical conclusion of the lives of most of the repressed, he wrote a will, where he begged people to remain faithful to the church and not make concessions to the Bolshevik authorities. In total, Saint Luke served there for 11 years.

People said prayers for healing at St. Luke's grave long before he was canonized. The people trusted their archbishop. Later, the church canonized him and transferred his relics to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where today everyone can ask St. Luke for health in their prayers.

Prayers to Saint Luke for pregnancy

Saint Luke was not only a shepherd, but also a doctor. He healed the souls and bodies of the sick both with prayers and with his skills. Many women, who have long been abandoned by doctors, beg for the highest gift for a person - a child, precisely thanks to prayers for pregnancy to St. Luke.

Before reading the prayer, ask God for forgiveness for your sins.

Remember, there is no infertility, there is the will of God, which can either give you a child or deprive you of this miracle.

In order for Saint Luke to ask God for you, you need to lead a righteous lifestyle, not give in to temptation and get rid of bad habits, not use foul language, not talk in vain and, of course, be an exemplary Christian wife.

Saint Luke and deliverance from diseases

Saint Luke believed that the healing effect of prayers can be explained both scientifically and spiritually.

First of all, when a person gets sick, he begins to panic and get nervous: he is afraid that he will not be able to cope with the disease, that he will not have time to finish his work, that he will be fired due to his unsuitability, that he will not be able to provide for his family, etc. In this state, the sick body sinks even deeper into illness, and the disease may become “incurable.” Saint Luke said that reading prayers for illnesses helps to balance the patient’s state of mind, calm, pacify, and instill in him faith in recovery. In such a relaxed state, the patient can truly overcome any illness.

Prayer to the Apostle Luke for well-being in the home

Prayer to Saint Luke of Crimea for health

Prayer to Saint Luke for pregnancy

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Orthodox icons and prayers

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Icon of St. Luke: life, what helps

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For Orthodox believers, not only saints who are famous for their exploits before the Lord God are of great importance. Important role In the lives of believers, simple clergymen play a role, who have earned love and loyalty thanks to their all-consuming faith and ability to perform miracles. Among such servants of the Lord, Saint Luke stands out, whose feast day falls on June 11.

Saint Luke, life

Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky was born in the city of Kerch in 1877. His father was a pharmacist. As a child, the boy was interested in drawing, but in life he did not become an artist and did not choose his father’s profession. After the saint graduated from the Kiev University Faculty of Medicine, he received the training of a surgeon and went to war.

His practical activities had already begun there. At the same time, Valentin Feliksovich began his scientific work, thanks to which, upon returning to Moscow, he was hired to work at Dyakonov’s clinic. 1915 was a significant year. During this period, St. Luke published the monograph “Regional Anesthesia” and received a prize from the University of Warsaw.

After the death of his wife from tuberculosis in Tashkent, at the insistence of the bishop, Valentin Feliksovich was ordained and began to serve the Lord. At the same time, Father Valentin does not give up his medical practice and continues to work diligently and a lot.

He became a monk in 1923. At the same time, he was awarded the rank of bishop and given the name of the apostle and artist Luke. Because of his faith and service to God, Saint Luke was arrested more than once and sent into exile. But even there he did not stop treating sick people.

For his scientific works he was awarded the Stalin Prize, 1st degree. In 1942, he was awarded the rank of archbishop, and was also entrusted with the position of chief surgeon of the Krasnodar region.

After the Second World War, the bishop came to Crimea. He fought against the devastation that reigned at that time. He forced all clergy to strictly adhere to the canons of the church, and put churches in order. In addition, he treated those in need for free. They also said that healing from Saint Luke could only be obtained by touching his cassock during the service.

The life of Saint Luke ended in 1961 on All Saints' Day, June 11. He was buried in the Simferopol cemetery. People claim that even after death, one could come to Luke’s grave, drink water from it or take soil, and healing would certainly occur in the shortest possible time. But this must be done with deep faith and a desire to recover.

Today, the saint’s relics are kept in the New Trinity Church, where they were moved in 1995.

The icon of St. Luke, what helps

Considering the difficult life of the saint, it is not surprising that on the icon he is depicted with a look that conveys all the sadness and severity of human troubles. The icon of St. Luke serves as an excellent amulet for the seriously ill. People rush to pray to her in such cases:

  • ask for healing of body and soul;
  • women pray for a normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby;
  • if surgical intervention is necessary, they ask about its successful resolution;
  • hope to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

The icon of St. Luke is often placed in medical institutions so that patients have the opportunity to pray without leaving the room. An icon of St. Luke of Crimea is necessary in the home of every sick person.

If the disease comes on suddenly and it is not possible to make a correct diagnosis, you need to pray to this saint. Without an icon in the house, you should definitely purchase one. Near the icon they light 12 church candles and place a small glass of holy water. Believing and imagining your complete recovery, you can begin to read the prayer. Its text is as follows:

Saint Luke, healer and magician. Heal me from illness and disease, save me from mental pain. Cleanse me from sinful scourge, from carnal and tempting sweetness. Reject the villains and sorcerers and heal our souls forever and ever. Thy will be done. Amen.

After prayer, you need to drink a little water and cross yourself. It is advisable to perform this ritual until complete healing. You should pray heartily, and Saint Luke will definitely hear and come to your aid.

There are many examples of miraculous healing near the image of the monk. And they all once again confirm the importance of this personality in Orthodox Christianity. Although during his lifetime the saint saved the lives of representatives of different religions.

Icon of St. Luke - what it helps with, where it is, meaning

The Lord constantly sends saints to earth to strengthen the spirit of believers. They set an example of how to put the biblical commandments into practice. This is exactly what Saint Luke was, whose icons are very popular today. People turn to him during illnesses.


At first, the future saint was not going to connect his life with the church, especially since during his youth they fought against religion in every possible way and mocked it. The young doctor had a family and a job. But after the death of his wife, he began to often attend divine services and strongly believed in the Lord. Over time, he was offered to become a priest, he agreed. On the icons, Saint Luke is depicted in the vestments of a bishop. He really for a long time was a bishop.

For his views, the saint was exiled to camps, where he continued to heal people. He helped the weak all his life, performed many thousands of operations, restored people's sight and more. He even did several significant scientific works, the results of which are still used by doctors all over the world.

  • 1923 - takes monastic vows with the name Luke (in honor of the apostle).
  • 1941 - consulted doctors in military hospitals, was the chief surgeon.
  • 1942 - receives the rank of archbishop.
  • He was awarded the Stalin Prize for his scientific work.

The last years of his life he served in Crimea, raising the diocese literally from the ruins left after the war. There were few clergy, the churches were destroyed. The saint devoted all his strength to restoring the Church, and when he returned home, people who needed help were already waiting for him. The righteous man did not refuse anyone, nor did he take payment from anyone. Many believed that healing could be achieved if only by touching the hem of the saint's robe.

Icons of Saint Luke

How does turning to the righteous help? Of course, first of all, those who have vision diseases remember him. In the images the saint is depicted as an adult, with shoulder-length gray hair and a bushy beard. With his right hand he blesses those praying - this is how many bishops are depicted, since their job is to care for the believers. Through them, the Lord reminds us of His love for people.

In his left hand he holds the Gospel or a staff - a symbol of a bishop; it is also a biblical symbol that shows that its owner is blessed by God for pastoral service. There is an image in which the saint is depicted only in a white cassock, with a panagia on his chest. He is captured at the table during scientific work.

Also on the icon there is sometimes a set surgical instruments- this indicates the type of activity of the saint. He not only saved lives, but often saved people from disability. After all, in those days medicine was just developing and many methods were inaccessible to ordinary people.

In what troubles do people pray to St. Luke?

  • when they want to get rid of bodily illnesses;
  • to strengthen faith;
  • before an upcoming surgical operation;
  • women ask for a normal pregnancy.
There are many testimonies about healings that took place at the saint’s grave. His relics rest in Simferopol, this is the last place of ministry of the saint. In 1995, he was recognized as a locally revered saint, special prayers were compiled, and canonical icons were painted.

In many Orthodox churches there are icons of St. Luke, but if not, it doesn’t matter. You can purchase it for your home and pray in front of it. The relics remain in the Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. They were found in 1996. Now the cathedral is located on the territory of a women's monastic monastery.

In 2000, Saint Luke was canonized as a confessor - after all, he never renounced his faith, even coming to surgery in vestments. There were always icons hanging in the room; he always prayed and baptized his patients. Holy Confessor Luke, pray to God for us!

Prayer to Saint Luke

O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ. With tenderness, we bend the knee of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: to the shepherds to give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction. Comfort for those who mourn, healing for those who are ill, return to the path of truth for those who have lost their way, blessing from a parent, education and teaching for a child in the Passion of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy. Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that if we have such a prayerful intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms. Guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous and pray for us to the omnipotent God, in eternal life we ​​will be worthy with you to constantly glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Description icons. . From life Saint Bows. This Saint

Prayer for the future saint Bows . There were hanging in the ward icons.

icon with Saints way, exactly Luke

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Description icons. . From life Saint Bows. This Saint born quite recently - at the end of the 19th century in the city of Kerch.

Prayer for the future saint Bows Krymsky has become a habitual activity since childhood. . There were hanging in the ward icons.

In every doctor's office you can see icon with Saints way, exactly Luke gives many surgeons strength during the most difficult operations.

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Even in the most difficult times, the Lord showed the world amazing saints. Under pressure, in exile, during periods of persecution of the Church, he became an example for many.

I asked the saint to help my grandson undergo a very difficult operation on the spine, the operation was successful, I give great glory to Saint Luke of Crimea, amen

Saint Luke showed the image of a good shepherd, healing mental and physical ailments. A miraculous prayer for health coming from the heart helps and supports the believer.

Orthodox prayer for healing from illnesses to St. Luke the Confessor Archbishop of Crimea

“Oh, all-blessed confessor, our holy saint Luke, great saint of Christ. With tenderness, we bow the knee of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: to the shepherds to give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction.

Comfort for those who mourn, healing for those who are ill, return to the path of truth for those who have gone astray, blessing from a parent, upbringing and teaching for a child in the passion of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy. Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that if we have such a prayerful intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms. Guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous and pray to the omnipotent God for us, that in eternal life we ​​may be worthy with you to continually glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To Him belongs all glory, honor and power forever and ever. Amen".

A mother’s prayer to Saint Luke for the health of her child is very strong and effective.

Akathist to St. Luke the Confessor Archbishop of Crimea

“Chosen to the hierarch of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who has shone forth among our countries in the land of the Crimea, like a shining luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who has glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs; But you, who have great boldness towards the Lady of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call to you in tenderness; Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.”

“An interlocutor of angels and a teacher of men, the glorious Luke, like the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, his namesake, from God

You received the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you endured many labors, and, bearing the flesh, you did not care about the flesh; you glorified the Heavenly Father with good deeds. With the same gratitude we call you with tenderness; Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth. Rejoice, former most honorable village of the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord. Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge; Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments. Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle; Rejoice, mentor of all doctors. Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist; Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church. Rejoice, illumination of our land; Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised. Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol. Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luko of the Crimea, good and merciful physician!”

There is an urgent need for interreligious dialogue. Today it should be noted that one of the most positive changes in recent decades has been the emergence of interreligious dialogue, which is increasingly meaningful.

Within the framework of the Abrahamic Brotherhood association, Jews, Christians and Muslims united in order, with full respect for their religions and faiths, to “realize everything that, since the time of Abraham, constitutes their common spiritual and cultural heritage, in order to work together for the true reconciliation of all descendants Abraham, to free the world from crimes born of hatred, from fanatical violence, from racial and tribal pride, revealing the true, divine sources of human brotherhood." There are very high hopes for this undertaking, and its influence is constantly growing.

Prayer to Saint Luke

Saint Luke the Evangelist is one of the seventy apostles (that is, disciples) of Christ, the author of one of the Gospels, the first icon painter. Alas, history has not preserved much information about St. Luke. What is known is that he was from a pious Greek family, and may have been an artist and doctor.

In Christianity, Saint Luke is considered the patron saint of all doctors and artists, because the first icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was created by his holy hands.

Luke was a companion of Saint Paul and until the end of his days, remained inseparable from him. He took part in all of Paul's missionary journeys, and after his martyrdom, he himself went to wander the world and spread the faith of Christ.

Saint Luke faced the same fate - martyrdom in the name of Christ, as the final test of the firmness of faith.

Luke was hanged at Thebes in 82 AD.

The relics of St. Luke are kept in Padua, in the Basilica of St. Justina. He is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox.

Prayers are read to Saint Luke for well-being in the family, for eliminating conflicts between spouses, for improving relationships with relatives

Saint Luke of Crimea

Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky was born at the end of the 19th century in Kerch into a family of impoverished spouses of a noble family. Before becoming a bishop and archbishop, St. Luke (or V. Voino-Yasenetsky) was a surgeon, writer, and professor of medicine. In 1946 he

became Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, but before that, he served two exiles.

In anticipation of his death, which was the logical conclusion of the lives of most of the repressed, he wrote a will, where he begged people to remain faithful to the church and not make concessions to the Bolshevik authorities. In total, Saint Luke served there for 11 years.

People said prayers for healing at St. Luke's grave long before he was canonized. The people trusted their archbishop. Later, the church canonized him and transferred his relics to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where today everyone can ask St. Luke for health in their prayers.

Prayers to Saint Luke for pregnancy

Saint Luke was not only a shepherd, but also a doctor. He healed the souls and bodies of the sick both with prayers and with his skills. Many women, who have long been abandoned by doctors, beg for the highest gift for a person - a child, precisely thanks to prayers for pregnancy to St. Luke.

Before reading the prayer, ask God for forgiveness for your sins.

Remember, there is no infertility, there is the will of God, which can either give you a child or deprive you of this miracle.

In order for Saint Luke to ask God for you, you need to lead a righteous life, not give in to temptation and get rid of bad habits, not use foul language, not talk in vain and, of course, be an exemplary Christian wife.

Saint Luke and deliverance from diseases

Saint Luke believed that the healing effect of prayers can be explained both scientifically and spiritually.

First of all, when a person gets sick, he begins to panic and get nervous: he is afraid that he will not be able to cope with the disease, that he will not have time to finish his work, that he will be fired due to his unsuitability, that he will not be able to provide for his family, etc. In this state, the sick body sinks even deeper into illness, and the disease may become “incurable.” Saint Luke said that reading prayers for illnesses helps to balance the patient’s state of mind, calm, pacify, and instill in him faith in recovery. In such a relaxed state, the patient can truly overcome any illness.

Prayer to the Apostle Luke for well-being in the home

Prayer to Saint Luke of Crimea for health

Prayer to Saint Luke for pregnancy

Saint Luke (Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky) was born on April 27, 1877 in the city of Kerch in the family of a pharmacist. As a child, I became interested in drawing, but did not become an artist, deciding to choose another profession.

In 1898, Valentin entered the Faculty of Medicine at Kiev University; of all academic subjects, he preferred anatomy. After graduating from university, he planned to become a local zemstvo doctor to help poor people. But fate decreed otherwise. Russia entered the war with Japan, and V. Voino-Yasenetsky in 1904 went to Far East. There the young surgeon began his practical work. Here he met Anna Vasilievna Lanskaya, his future wife. In connection with scientific research in his specialty, after some time Voino-Yasentsky returned to Moscow, to the clinic of the famous scientist P. I. Dyakonov. In 1915, Voino-Yasenetsky published the monograph “Regional Anesthesia,” which was awarded a prize from the University of Warsaw.

In 1917, the family of the future saint moved to Tashkent due to pulmonary tuberculosis of Voino-Yasenetsky’s wife.

After the death of his wife, Voino-Yasenetsky completely went into work, but at the same time constantly attended church and spoke at theological meetings. His speeches made a great impression on the parishioners.

One day, Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan Innokenty (Pustynsky) said: “Doctor, you need to be a priest!”, and Valentin Feliksovich, without hesitation, replied: “Okay, Vladyka! I will be a priest if it pleases God!” In troubled times, the saint was not afraid to accept rank and serve God. Father Valentin successfully combined the priesthood with the activities of a scientist and surgeon.

In 1923, Priest Valentin made the important decision to become a monk. The tonsure was secretly performed by Bishop Andrei of Ufa (Prince Ukhtomsky), naming the saint after the apostle, evangelist and artist Luke. That same year the saint became a bishop.

For his faith, the saint was arrested three times and sent into exile. But even there he treated the sick. In 1934, his scientific work, still relevant today, “Essays on Purulent Surgery” was published. On the publication, the author's name was preceded by the rank of bishop.

Despite torture and abuse during the third arrest in 1937, Bishop Luka immediately after the start of the war, at the request of the authorities, became the chief surgeon of the Krasnoyarsk evacuation hospital.

In 1942, Bishop Luke was elevated to the rank of archbishop. He combined his service at the Krasnoyarsk department with the intense work of a surgeon and scientific activity. For his additional work on purulent surgery and his work “Late resections of infected gunshot wounds of joints,” he was awarded the Stalin Prize, 1st degree.

The archbishop arrived on Crimean soil in 1946. Here he was met with various problems: post-war devastation, closed churches, lack of priests. The Bishop made a lot of efforts to restore order in the diocese: he prevented the closure of old churches, opened new ones, demanded strict adherence to church rules from priests, and constantly fought against the heresy of sectarianism. At the same time, the saint did not give up his medical practice, consulting and operating at the Simferopol military hospital. Vladyka had an invaluable gift: he made diagnoses with amazing accuracy and could also foresee the future. In his house (at 1 Kurchatova Street), the archbishop received patients for free, who still remember him with gratitude. The authority of the Bishop was so high that the sick tried to touch his vestments during divine services, believing that just one touch would help them overcome their illness.

The earthly life of Archbishop Luke ended on June 11, 1961, on the Day of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land. He was buried in Simferopol in the cemetery near the Church of All Saints. And after his death, Saint Luke continued to help the sick: prayer at his grave, earth and water taken from it brought healing.

On November 22, 1995, by the decision of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Luke of Simferopol and Crimea was canonized as a locally revered saint. On March 20, 1996, the relics of the saint were solemnly transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, where they rest to this day, performing miracles of healing. In 2000, at the anniversary Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Archbishop Luke was numbered among the host of new martyrs and confessors.


April 27, 1877

Born into a family of a pharmacist. Third of five children.


Graduated from Kiev University of St. Vladimir (Faculty of Medicine)

1905 - 1917

Work in urban and rural hospitals in Simbirsk, Kursk, Saratov provinces, in Ukraine, in Pereslavl-Zalessky


Extern at the surgical clinic of Professor P.I. Dyakonova


Defended his doctoral dissertation "Regional anesthesia"

1917 - 1923

He works as a surgeon at the Novo-Gorodskaya hospital and teaches at a medical school, which was later transformed into the Faculty of Medicine. Actively participates in church life, attends meetings of the Tashkent church brotherhood.


Valentin Feliksovich's wife, Anna, dies of tuberculosis, leaving four children: Mikhail, Elena, Alexei and Valentin.

autumn 1920

Receives an invitation to head the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the newly opened State Turkestan University.


Gives a report on the current situation in the Tashkent diocese. The report was highly appreciated by Bishop Innocent of Tashkent. “Doctor, you need to be a priest,” he said to Voino-Yasenetsky. Without thinking for a moment, the future Saint answered: “Okay, Vladyka! I will be a priest, if it pleases God!”


He was ordained a deacon, and a week later, on the day of the Presentation of the Lord, a priest. Appointed to the Tashkent cathedral with the obligation to preach. He never stops operating and lecturing.


Actively participates in the first scientific congress of doctors of Turkestan


Due to the new wave of renovationism, Bishop Innocent leaves Tashkent without transferring the department to anyone. Fr. Valentin and Archpriest Mikhail Andreev take over the management of the diocese, uniting the remaining faithful priests and elders, and organize a congress.


Takes monastic vows with the name Luke (in honor of the Evangelist, physician and artist Luke) from the Most Reverend Andrey, Bishop of Ukhtomsky.

May 30, 1923


Hieromonk Luke was secretly consecrated bishop by Bishop Daniel of Bolkhov and Bishop Vasily of Suzdal. Appointed Bishop of Turkestan.

June 10, 1923

Arrested as a supporter of Patriarch Tikhon. In prison he completed the famous work “Essays on Purulent Surgery.”

December 1923
early 1924

Vladyka Luka performs a successful operation to transplant a calf kidney to a sick person.

March 1924
June 1924


Return to Yeniseisk

January 1925
May 6, 1930

Arrest in the case of the death of professor of the Faculty of Medicine I.P. Mikhailovsky, who shot himself while insane.

May 15, 1931




Life in Arkhangelsk, outpatient visits, continued research.

spring 1934

Visit to Tashkent, transfer to Andijan. Operations, lectures. Lord Luke falls ill with papatachi fever. After an unsuccessful operation, he becomes blind in one eye.


Edition "Essays on purulent surgery". Heads the department of the Tashkent Institute of Emergency Care.

December 30, 1937

New arrest.


Big Murtagh

September 1941

Big Murtagh

Work at a local evacuation center.


Vladyka Luka becomes Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk.


Transfer to Tambov by the Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsky. Continuation medical work: there are 150 hospitals under the care of the Bishop.


Awarded the right to wear a diamond cross on his hood. Awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War" Patriotic War 1941-1945."

February 1946

Vladyka Luka becomes the laureate of the Stalin Prize, 1st degree, for the scientific development of new surgical methods treatment of purulent diseases and wounds, set out in the scientific works “Essays on Purulent Surgery” and “Late Resections for Infected Gunshot Wounds of Joints”.


Work on the essay “Spirit, Soul and Body,” begun in the early 20s, was completed.

May 26, 1946


Vladyka Luke was transferred to Simferopol and appointed Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol.


Archpastoral ministry.


Complete blindness ensued.

June 11, 1961


The Most Reverend Luke died on the Day of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land. He was buried in the city cemetery of Simferopol.


The Most Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate decided to canonize His Eminence Archbishop Luke as a locally revered saint as a Saint and Confessor of the Faith.

March 18, 1996


Finding the holy relics of Archbishop Luke.

March 20, 1996


Transfer of the honorable remains of the Bishop to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol.

May 25, 1996


The solemn act of canonizing His Eminence Luke as a locally revered saint. From now on, every morning at 7:00 in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Simferopol, an akathist is performed to the Saint at his shrine.

The icon of St. Luke (Bishop of Crimea) is especially revered in the Orthodox world. Many Christian believers say warm and sincere prayers before the image of the saint. Saint Luke always hears requests addressed to him: through the prayers of believers, great miracles are performed daily - many people find deliverance from various mental and physical ailments.

The relics of Luke of Crimea show various healings these days, testifying to the great spiritual power of the saint. To worship the shrine, many Christians come to Simferopol from different cities of the world.

The icon of St. Luke is intended to remind people of the life of a great man, fearlessly following in the footsteps of the Savior, who embodied the example of the Christian feat of bearing the cross of life.

On the icons, Saint Luke of Voino-Yasenetsky is depicted in archbishop's vestments with his hand raised in blessing. You can also see an image of the saint sitting at a table over an open book, in the works of scientific activity, which reminds Christian believers of fragments of the saint’s biography. There are icons depicting a saint with a cross in his right hand and the Gospel in his left. Some icon painters represent St. Luke with medical instruments, recalling his life's work.

The icon of St. Luke is highly revered by the people - its significance for Christian believers is very great! Like St. Nicholas, Bishop Luke became a Russian miracle worker, coming to the aid of all life’s difficulties.

Nowadays, the icon of St. Luke is found in almost every home. This is primarily due to the great faith of the people in the miraculous help of the saint, who is capable of healing any illness by faith. Many Christians turn to the great saint in prayer for deliverance from various ailments.

The early years of Archbishop Luke Voino-Yasenetsky

Saint Luke, Bishop of Crimea (in the world - Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky), was born in Kerch on April 27, 1877. Since childhood, he was interested in painting, attending a drawing school, where he demonstrated considerable success. After completing the gymnasium course, the future saint entered the university at the Faculty of Law, but after a year he stopped classes, leaving the educational institution. Then he tried to study at the Munich School of Painting, however, the young man did not find his calling in this area either.

Desiring with all his heart to benefit his neighbors, Valentin decided to enter the Faculty of Medicine at Kiev University. From the first years of his studies, he became interested in anatomy. Having graduated from the educational institution with honors and received the specialty of a surgeon, the future saint immediately began practical medical activity, mainly in eye surgery.


In 1904, the Russo-Japanese War began. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky went to the Far East as a volunteer. In Chita, he worked at the Red Cross hospital, where he carried out practical medical activities. Heading the surgical department, he successfully operated on wounded soldiers. Soon the young doctor met his future wife, Anna Vasilievna, who worked as a nurse at the hospital. In their marriage they had four children.

From 1905 to 1910, the future saint worked in various district hospitals, where he had to conduct a wide variety of medical activities. At this time, general anesthesia began to be widely used, but there was not enough to perform operations under general anesthesia. necessary equipment and specialists - anesthesiologists. Interested in alternative methods of pain relief, the young doctor discovered a new method of anesthesia for the sciatic nerve. He subsequently presented his research in the form of a dissertation, which he successfully defended.


In 1910, the young family moved to the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, where the future Saint Luke worked in extremely difficult conditions, performing several operations daily. Soon he decided to study purulent surgery and began to actively work on writing a dissertation.

In 1917, terrible upheavals began in the fatherland - political instability, widespread betrayal, the beginning of a bloody revolution. In addition, the young surgeon's wife falls ill with tuberculosis. The family moves to the city of Tashkent. Here Valentin Feliksovich holds the position of head of the surgical department of the local hospital. In 1918, the Tashkent State University, in which the doctor teaches topographic anatomy and surgery.


During civil war the surgeon lived in Tashkent, where he devoted all his energy to healing, performing several operations every day. While working, the future saint always fervently prayed to God for help in completing the work of saving human lives. There was always an icon in the operating room, and a lamp hung in front of it. The doctor had a pious custom: before an operation, he always venerated icons, then lit a lamp, said a prayer, and only then got down to business. The doctor was distinguished by deep faith and religiosity, which led him to the decision to accept the priesthood.

Health A.V. Voino-Yasenetskaya's life began to deteriorate - she died in 1918, leaving four small children in the care of her husband. After the death of his wife, the future saint began to participate even more actively in church life, visiting churches in Tashkent. In 1921, Valentin Feliksovich was ordained to the rank of deacon, and then to the rank of priest. Father Valentin became the rector of the church, in which he always very lively and diligently preached the Word of God. Many colleagues treated his religious beliefs with undisguised irony, believing that the scientific activity of a successful surgeon had finally ended with his ordination.

In 1923, Father Valentin took the new name Luka, and soon assumed the rank of bishop, which caused a violent negative reaction from the Tashkent authorities. After some time, the saint was arrested and imprisoned. A long period of exile began.

Ten years in captivity

For two months after his arrest, the future Saint Luke of Crimea was in Tashkent prison. Then he was transported to Moscow, where a significant meeting of the saint took place with Patriarch Tikhon, imprisoned in the Donskoy Monastery. In the conversation, the Patriarch convinces Bishop Luke not to give up his medical practice.

Soon the saint was summoned to the KGB Cheka building on Lubyanka, where he was subjected to brutal interrogation methods. After the verdict was pronounced, Saint Luke was sent to Butyrka prison, where he was kept in inhumane conditions for two months. Then he was transferred to Taganskaya prison (until December 1923). This was followed by a series of repressions: in the midst of a harsh winter, the saint was sent into exile in Siberia, to distant Yeniseisk. Here he was settled in the house of a local wealthy resident. The bishop was given a separate room in which he continued to carry out his medical activities.

After some time, Saint Luke received permission to operate in the Yenisei hospital. In 1924, he performed a complex and unprecedented operation to transplant a kidney from an animal to a human. As a “reward” for his work, local authorities sent a talented surgeon to the small village of Khaya, where Saint Luke continued his medical work, sterilizing instruments in a samovar. The saint did not lose heart - as a reminder of bearing the cross of life, there was always an icon next to him.

Saint Luke of Crimea was again transferred to Yeniseisk the following summer. After a short prison sentence, he was again admitted to medical practice and to church service in a local monastery.

The Soviet authorities tried with all their might to prevent the growing popularity of the bishop-surgeon among the common people. It was decided to exile him to Turukhansk, where there were very difficult natural and weather conditions. At the local hospital, the saint received patients and continued his surgical activities, operating and using the hair of patients as surgical material.

During this period, he served in a small monastery on the banks of the Yenisei, in the church where the relics of St. Basil of Mangazeya were located. Crowds of people came to him, finding in him a true healer of soul and body. In March 1924, the saint was again called to Turukhansk to resume his medical activities. At the end of his prison term, the bishop returned to Tashkent, where he again took on the duties of a bishop. The future Saint Luke of Crimea conducted medical work at home, attracting not only the sick, but also many medical students.

In 1930, Saint Luke was arrested again. After his conviction, the saint spent a whole year in Tashkent prison, subjected to all kinds of torture and interrogation. Saint Luke of Crimea endured difficult trials at that time. The prayer offered to the Lord daily gave him spiritual and physical strength to endure all adversities.

Then it was decided to transport the bishop into exile in northern Russia. All the way to Kotlas, the accompanying convoy soldiers mocked the saint, spat in his face, mocked and mocked him.

At first, Bishop Luke worked in the Makarikha transit camp, where people who became victims were serving their sentences. political repression. The conditions of the settlers were inhumane, many decided to commit suicide out of despair, people suffered from massive epidemics of various diseases, and they were not provided with any medical care. Saint Luke was soon transferred to work at the Kotlas hospital, having received permission to operate. Next, the archbishop was sent to Arkhangelsk, where he remained until 1933.

"Essays on purulent surgery"

In 1933, Luka returned to his native Tashkent, where his grown-up children were waiting for him. Until 1937, the saint was engaged in scientific activities in the field of purulent surgery. In 1934, he published a famous work entitled “Essays on Purulent Surgery,” which is still a textbook for surgeons. The saint never managed to publish many of his achievements, an obstacle to which was the next Stalinist repression.

New persecution

In 1937, the bishop was again arrested on charges of murder, underground counter-revolutionary activities and conspiracy to destroy Stalin. Some of his colleagues, arrested with him, gave false testimony against the bishop under pressure. For thirteen days the saint was interrogated and tortured. After Bishop Luke did not sign the confession, he was again subjected to conveyor interrogation.

For the next two years he was imprisoned in Tashkent, periodically subjected to aggressive interrogation. In 1939 he was sentenced to exile in Siberia. In the village of Bolshaya Murta, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the bishop worked in a local hospital, operating on numerous patients under incredibly difficult conditions. The difficult months and years, full of hardships and adversity, were worthily endured by the future saint - Bishop Luke of Crimea. The prayers he offered for his spiritual flock helped many believers in those difficult times.

Soon the saint sent a telegram addressed to the Chairman of the Supreme Council asking for permission to operate on wounded soldiers. Next, the bishop was transferred to Krasnoyarsk and appointed chief physician of a military hospital, as well as a consultant to all regional military hospitals.

While working at the hospital, he was constantly monitored by KGB officers, and his colleagues treated him with suspicion and distrust, which was due to his religion. He was not allowed into the hospital cafeteria, and as a result he often suffered from hunger. Some nurses, feeling sorry for the saint, secretly brought him food.


Every day, the future Archbishop of Crimea Luka independently came to railway station, selecting the most seriously ill patients for operations. This continued until 1943, when many church political prisoners fell under Stalin's amnesty. The future Saint Luke was installed as Bishop of Krasnoyarsk, and on February 28 he was able to independently serve the first liturgy.

In 1944, the saint was transferred to Tambov, where he carried out medical and religious activities, restoring destroyed churches, attracting many to the Church. They began to invite him to various scientific conferences, but they always asked him to come in secular clothes, to which Luke never agreed. In 1946 the saint received recognition. He was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Crimean period

Soon the saint's health seriously deteriorated, Bishop Luke began to see poorly. Church authorities appointed him Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea. In Crimea, the bishop continues his busy life. Work is underway to restore the churches; Luka receives patients for free every day. In 1956 the saint became completely blind. Despite such a serious illness, he selflessly worked for the good of the Church of Christ. On June 11, 1961, Saint Luke, Bishop of Crimea, peacefully departed to the Lord on the Sunday of All Saints.

On March 20, 1996, the holy relics of Luke of Crimea were solemnly transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. Nowadays, they are especially revered by the inhabitants of Crimea, as well as by all Orthodox Christians who ask for help from the great saint.

Icon "St. Luke of Crimea"

During his lifetime, many Christian believers who were personally acquainted with this great man felt his holiness, which was expressed in genuine kindness and sincerity. Luke lived a hard life, full of labor, hardship and adversity.

Even after the saint’s repose, many people continued to feel his invisible support. Since the archbishop's canonization as an Orthodox saint in 1995, the icon of St. Luke has continually shown various miracles of healing from mental and physical illnesses.

Many Orthodox Christians rush to Simferopol to venerate the great Christian treasure - the relics of St. Luke of Crimea. The icon of St. Luke helps many sick people. The importance of her spiritual power is difficult to overestimate. Some believers received help from the saint instantly, which confirms his great intercession before God for people.

Miracles of Luka Krymsky

Nowadays, through the sincere prayers of believers, the Lord sends healings from many diseases thanks to the intercession of St. Luke. Real cases of incredible deliverances from various diseases that occurred thanks to prayer to the saint are known and recorded. The relics of Luke of Crimea exude great miracles.

In addition to deliverance from bodily ailments, the saint also helps in the spiritual struggle against various sinful inclinations. Some believing surgeons, deeply revering their great colleague, following the example of the saint, always pray before surgery, which helps to successfully operate even on complex patients. According to their deep conviction, Saint Luke of Crimea helps. Prayer addressed to him from the heart helps solve even the most difficult problems.

Saint Luke miraculously helped some students to enter a medical university, thus their cherished dream came true - to devote their lives to treating people. In addition to numerous healings from illnesses, Saint Luke helps lost, unbelieving people find faith, being a spiritual mentor and praying for human souls.

The great holy Bishop Luke of Crimea still performs many miracles to this day! Everyone who turns to him for help receives healing. There are known cases when the saint helped pregnant women to safely bear and give birth to healthy children who were at risk according to the results of multilateral studies. Truly a great saint - Luke of Crimea. Prayers offered by believers in front of his relics or icons will always be heard.


When Luke's grave was opened, the incorruption of his remains was noted. In 2002, Greek clergy presented the Trinity Monastery with a silver shrine for the relics of the archbishop, in which they still rest today. The holy relics of Luke of Crimea, thanks to the prayers of believers, exude many miracles and healings. People come to the temple all the time to venerate them.

After the glorification of Bishop Luke, his remains were transferred to the cathedral of the city of Simferopol. Pilgrims often also call this temple: “Church of St. Luke.” However, this wonderful one is called Holy Trinity. The cathedral is located at the address: Simferopol, st. Odesskaya, 12.

Miracle of St. Luke

Bright and joyful even in late autumn and winter, Simferopol is, first of all, the Holy Trinity Cathedral. And in the Holy Trinity Cathedral there is a shrine with the relics of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky).

I have wanted to visit St. Luke for a long time, but never had the opportunity - and finally, the long-awaited meeting. I, of course, knew that the relics of saints were fragrant, but what I felt as I leaned over the shrine of St. Luke cannot be expressed in words. A strong, indescribable aroma rose from the crayfish...

A significant part of the life of St. Luke, who was born on April 27, 1877 in Kerch, is connected with Crimea. In the world he bore the name Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky. An unusually talented surgeon, he was one of the first in Russia to perform complex operations on the bile ducts, intestines, stomach, kidneys, operated on the heart and brain, and literally restored sight to blind people. Even when he was operating in a rural hospital in Kursk province, people from neighboring provinces gathered to see him. In his autobiography, the Saint describes the incident: “A young beggar, blind from early childhood, received his sight after an operation. About two months later, he gathered many blind people from all over the area, and they all came to me in a long line, leading each other by the sticks and drinking tea of ​​healing.”

Voino-Yasenetsky achieved fame and glory as a famous surgeon. But he saw his life as serving people, and God led him along truly Heavenly paths. The Lord sent sorrows to His chosen one, purifying his soul for high hierarchical service. The tests began back in 1917, when his 38-year-old wife Anna Vasilyevna died after a transient consumption, leaving four children in his arms.

In 1920, one of the speeches of professor of medicine Voino-Yasenetsky at a theological meeting was heard by Bishop of Tashkent and Turkestan Innokenty (Pustynsky). Speech on topics Holy Scripture Vladyka was so impressed that he immediately turned to Voino-Yasenetsky: “Doctor, you need to be a priest!” Saint Luke had no thought about the priesthood, but he accepted these words as God’s call and, without thinking, said: “Okay, Master! I will be a priest if it pleases God!” This happened at the same time when other clergy, fearing reprisals, were deprived of their ranks.

In a cassock and with a cross on his chest, he lectured on topographic anatomy and operative surgery. An icon hung in the corner of his operating room, and he never began an operation without prayer. All week he worked as the chief surgeon of the Tashkent city hospital, and on Sundays he served in the cathedral. He categorically forbade his flock from visiting churches occupied by “living churchmen.” In the most difficult times for the Church, Father Valentin showed the determination characteristic only of great ascetics. In 1923, the ruling Bishop Innocent disappeared from Tashkent. Ahead of the arrival of the appointed renovationist bishop, Father Valentin united all the priests who remained faithful to Patriarch Tikhon and convened a congress of the clergy. The people of God, as in the first centuries of Christianity, themselves placed a Bishop over themselves. Bishop Andrei of Ufa (in the world Prince Ukhtomsky) was in Tashkent, who approved the election of priest Valentin as Bishop and secretly tonsured him as a monk with the name Luke.

An absurd accusation was brought against Vladyka Luke “of connections with the Orenburg counter-revolutionary Cossacks and of espionage for the British.” Taganskaya prison in Moscow, then Yeniseisk, Turukhansk... Wherever Vladyka appeared, church life revived there. And in exile, Vladyka performed a lot of surgeries; a list of patients for him was drawn up three months in advance. Once he restored sight to an entire family of blind people. Of the seven people, six began to see. His activities irritated not only the authorities, but also local doctors, who were losing their usual earnings. The Bishop recalls that one day, having fallen into despondency, he poured out his murmur and impatience in prayer: “And suddenly I saw that Jesus Christ depicted in the image sharply turned His Most Pure Face away from me. I was horrified and desperate and did not dare look at the icon anymore. Like a beaten dog, I left the altar and went to the summer church, where on the choir I saw the book of the Apostle. I mechanically opened it and began to read the first thing that caught my eye... The text had a wonderful effect on me. They exposed my folly and the impudence of murmuring against God, and at the same time confirmed the promise of the liberation I was impatiently awaiting. I returned to the altar of the Winter Church and saw with joy... that the Lord Jesus Christ was again looking at me with a bright and gracious gaze.”

Liberation came in 1926. However, a second exile soon followed - to Arkhangelsk, where Vladyka again worked as a doctor and even developed a new method for treating purulent wounds. He was summoned to Leningrad, Kirov himself persuaded him to remove his rank and become director of the institute. However, the faithful confessor of Christ did not agree to this and, moreover, did not agree to print his book without indicating his rank. Is it any wonder that the second link was soon followed by new arrest and a new link, this time to Krasnoyarsk. In October 1941, Bishop Luke was appointed consultant to all hospitals Krasnoyarsk Territory and the chief surgeon of one of the evacuation hospitals. Vladyka continued to work on “Essays on Purulent Surgery.” In mid-1942, his exile ended, the Patriarchal Locum Tenens Metropolitan Sergius elevated him to the rank of Archbishop and appointed him to the Krasnoyarsk see.

Devoting a lot of energy to the organization of the Krasnoyarsk diocese, the sixty-year-old Bishop worked eight to nine hours a day as a doctor, performing four to five operations daily!

In 1944, Archbishop Luka was transferred to the Tambov See, and two years later - to the Crimean See. In Crimea, the gifts of God given to him, including clairvoyance and miracles, were most fully revealed. Anastasia Demidova scalded both legs in a boiling tank. The council of surgeons decided to amputate the legs. Thanks to the Lord’s prayers and his surgical skill, the matter was avoided without amputation. Now the woman is alive and completely healthy, and gratefully remembers her savior in her prayers. The hopelessly ill Semyon Trofimovich Kamenskoy asked Vladyka to be present at his operation.

- Do you believe in God? - asked Saint Luke.

“I believe, Vladyka, but I don’t go to Church.”

- Pray, I bless you and remove you from the operation. For fifteen years you will not have any illness.

This is what happened through the prayers of the Saint.

One day they brought to the Lord a twelve-year-old boy whose tumor was hanging from his neck onto his chest. The Bishop forbade the operation and ordered his mother to bring him back in three days. The saint’s prayer was strong: three days later the mother brought her son to him without any trace of tumor.

Nun Alexandra told me in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol how she received healing twice at the relics of St. Luke. The first time her hand was swollen. She went to the Trinity Cathedral, with the blessing of Priest Leonid, who was on duty at the shrine with the relics, she put her hand to the relics of the Saint - and after half an hour all the swelling subsided. The second time I caught a bad cold. I took the flower petals that stood near the shrine with the relics, made a foot bath at home with these petals - and everything immediately went away.

Saint Luke reposed on June 11, 1961 - on the feast of All Saints who shone in the Russian land and was buried in the fence of the Church of All Saints. There are many known cases of people being healed through prayers to St. Luke even before his canonization by the Orthodox Church. Saint Luke also helps those who are threatened with unjust punishment.

For almost 35 years the relics of the saint rested in the ground. After the decision was made to canonize the Saint, his relics were discovered in March 1996. Protodeacon Vasily Marushchak describes the events of that night as follows: “About two o’clock in the morning they opened the grave and began to remove the soil. The priests continuously sang dirges and stichera to the Cross (it was the Week of the Cross - V.M.). It was very cold, the piercing wind shook the old cemetery trees. But when Vladyka Lazar descended into the grave and raised the relics of the Saint with his own hands, the wind instantly died down and reverent silence reigned. The clergy and laity with lit candles, kneeling, tenderly sang the dirge “Holy God.” The priests brought the relics into the Church of All Saints. And at the walls of the temple she is possessed in a scary voice shouted: “Don’t torment me, Saint!..”

After three days, the incorrupt relics of the Saint were transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral. And here a real miracle happened: the photograph (see page 3) clearly shows that when the relics of the saint were brought into the cathedral, he showed his face to everyone through the mantle!

The glory of Saint Luke went beyond the borders of our country. Through his prayers, for example, miraculous healings took place in Greece, where he is highly revered. A boy, the son of the mayor of a small Greek town, was healed of a serious illness simply by placing a photograph of the Saint on his chest under his shirt. Then other people were healed in the same way. A delegation of Greek hierarchs has already arrived in Crimea. Now in Greece a new, pure silver shrine has been made for the relics of the Saint. Soon it, together with a new panagia and vestments, will be donated to the Crimean diocese.

The feat of Saint Luke is a feat of zealous standing in Orthodox faith in the troubled era of obvious and secret rebirths - is now especially relevant. And many of us today will say with hope and love: “St. Father Luke, pray to God for us!”

Vladimir Melnik

The obvious help of St. Luke

The obvious help of St. Luke. Teacher, director of the Center for Children's Creativity Valentina Andreevna Yashchuk (Crimea, Krasnogvardeyskoe town) tells: After suffering an ischemic stroke CT scan showed on January 21, 2003 that I was developing a cyst. I began to fervently pray to St. Luke. Exactly two months later, a repeat tomography was performed, after which the doctor asked whether I had had surgery to remove the cyst. I answered no. This question was caused by the fact that the operation was completely unnecessary: ​​the doctor concluded that there was no cyst at the time of the repeat tomography (March 21). I am grateful to St. Luke with all my heart for his obvious help and turn to him in prayer every day. (from the newspaper of the Simferopol and Crimean diocese “ORTHODOX TAVRIDA”, No. 8 (91) APRIL 2003)

Miracles of St. Luke in the hospital church. The times in which God destined us to live are called difficult and difficult. Other believers say more than that: we live in a time without grace. But I would like to tell you about a miracle, so that both believers and doubters will know about it, and testify: God is with us! He is still the same now and forever. The beginning of this story cannot be called joyful. Six months after the consecration of our home church of St. martyrs Cosmas and Damian, in the regional hospital. Mechnikov, an ambulance delivered the priest Father Vladimir Tseshkovsky and his mother to the emergency room who had been injured in a car accident. The injuries were not easy, and the doctors performed more than one operation to get the priest and mother back on their feet. Many came to visit and encourage the sick, many prayed for their recovery. Our parish also prayed about this. And from the Crimean diocese, his brother (also a priest) came to Father Vladimir and brought the sick a cross - a reliquary with a particle of the relics of the recently canonized saint - saint - surgeon Luke Voino-Yasenetsky. Through the efforts of doctors and the prayerful intercession of St. Luke, Fr. Vladimir began to recover. And already in the first week of Lent, he came to church every day - still on crutches, but already without outside help. At the Great Canon of St. Andrei Kritsky Fr. Vladimir, not sparing himself, stood on his knees, like all the parishioners, and prayed. After a short time Fr. Vladimir and his mother left the hospital recovered. And in gratitude for the healing and as a prayerful memory, they left a cross in the hospital church - a reliquary, which was in their hospital room during their illness. Our temple is still very young, but from the very first day the Lord poured out His grace abundantly. Great shrines arrived at the temple. Bishop Irenaeus presented the Altar Cross with a particle of St. The Tree of the Holy Cross and a particle of the relics of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Particles of the relics of the New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and the Hieromartyr Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv, were placed into the altar of the temple. Particles of the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk saints arrived, new icons were painted. The temple was filled with shrines, among which the cross with the relics of St. Luke took a worthy place. The building in which our church is located is a surgical building. Every day the sick and their relatives come to the temple with their ailments and sorrows, turning to God and His saints. More and more often, not only patients, but also doctors came to pray to the relics of St. Luke to pray for a successful outcome of operations, testifying later that the Lord heard their prayers. Having many testimonies of God’s immediate help through the intercession of the holy surgeon, the rector of the temple, Fr. George ordered an icon of St. Luke to be painted. When the icon arrived at the temple, particles of the relics and vestments of the saint - the surgeon - were inserted into it. Some time has passed. People working in the temple, some parishioners and many sick people began to feel a rather strong fragrance in the temple. As a rule, it arose on weekdays with a small crowd of people praying in the church or during a sermon on Sundays and holidays. Reminiscent of the smell of the world, the fragrance moved in waves throughout the temple. Therefore, it was impossible to determine its source. Many have managed to get used to this miracle. Last summer, on July 17, an incident occurred that confirmed the assumption that previous events were miraculous. On the eighth floor of the surgical building, in the ENT-somatic department, a parishioner of the Trinity Cathedral, a student at the medical institute, Lyudmila K., was being treated. On this day, her neighbors, believing parishioners of the Transfiguration Cathedral, Pavel and Anna, visited her. As they climbed the central staircase, they heard a strong smell of church ointment or incense. The smell came from closed doors churches. From behind the doors they heard prayer singing, distinguishing priestly exclamations and loud, harmonious singing of voices. Pavel says: “I walked up to the door and pulled the handle. The door was locked, there was no light coming through the frosted patterned glass, the temple was dark. I decided that Fr. George is serving a prayer service, and wanted to be there and pray. And since the door was closed and there was no lighting, I thought that they were serving a custom (i.e. private) prayer service for the health of one of the sick in the presence of only the people who ordered the prayer service. I decided not to disturb anyone and continued climbing the stairs. The smell floated upward, all the way to the eighth floor I needed.” It is worth noting that it was a Wednesday—a weekday. On Wednesday evenings it is always quiet in our church. There are no services, choir rehearsals on other days. In response to our testimony about this and the hint that perhaps Paul had heard a tape recording of church chants, he categorically noted that he could distinguish the recording from live singing, and that he had heard priestly exclamations at the prayer service and real church singing of the choir, and had no doubt, that a prayer service is being served in the church. Having come to a neighbor, Paul told about the prayer service. To which Lyudmila said what’s wrong strong odor There has never been incense on the eighth floor before. And together they watched in amazement as the patients lying in the department opened the windows in the corridor, grumbling: “What, they made a fire out of incense in the church, we can’t breathe!” What needs to be done for such a strong smell to reach from the third floor to the eighth?” Pavel, Anna and Lyudmila went down to the third floor to the church. It was still dark there. The door was locked. The smell gradually dissipated. Early in the morning Lyudmila came to the temple with questions about yesterday's events. The watchman was surprised and said that nothing happened in the temple in the evening. But when I went to look at the icons, I saw that there was a drop of peace on the glass of the icon of St. Luke. Afterwards, many believers came to the temple to venerate the icon with the relics. They talked more and more about the grace-filled help and alleviation of the suffering of the sick who prayed at this icon. More than once the icon with relics showed itself to people. Before the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos arrived in our church, “look at the humility”, the day before, not only the icon of St. Luke, but even the dried wildflowers standing next to it, smelled fragrant in the church. I was so happy about the upcoming meeting with the Mother of God heavenly patron surgical art Saint Luke. And when, having spent five hours on the territory of the hospital and in our church, the icon “Look at Humility” continued its procession through the city churches and the tired clergy returned to the church, priest Fr. Vasily N. He turned to us with a joyful smile: “Why is it that your church smells like Simferopol?” And although the icon was in the altar at that moment, he asked: “Do you really have a particle of the relics of St. Luke?” and told us about his visit to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol. It’s probably worth saying that many who visited the Simferopol Cathedral, near the shrine with the relics of our holy contemporary, famous for his scientific works and the ascetic life of the professor of surgery and Archbishop Luke Voino-Yasenetsky, they recognized this holy fragrance, abundantly exuded by the incorruptible relics of the Crimean Saint. The abundant flow of grace healed more than one sick person both in Crimea and in our church. The presence of holiness is always felt in a particularly strong feeling of repentance that visits human souls upon contact with the inexhaustible grace of the Holy Spirit, poured out by the merciful God through the relics of His holy saints, who served with all their earthly life To the Lord and to your neighbors. And we testify. That God's mercy towards us sinners has not diminished. And today the Lord is close to us. He hears the prayers of His suffering, sick, sorrowful people! Many patients and their relatives received relief from suffering and a quick recovery. We came to faith, to an understanding of the need for a repentant change in our entire life. And the disease, as believers say, “a visit from God,” turned people to God, to His Holy Orthodox Church, which testifies to its holiness with an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, turning people from unbelief to faith, from despair to hope, from callousness and selfishness to love for neighbor and God. The icon remains in our church to this day. Spiritually strengthens the sick, spreading a joyful, gracious fragrance after prayer - a greeting to us from the Heavenly Church of the holy saints of God, who stand for us before the heavenly King - our Lord Jesus Christ. The day of remembrance of St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea (in the world of professor - surgeon Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky), is set on June 11 according to the new style. The first celebration of the saint's memory took place in 1996 at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Simferopol, Crimean diocese. About himself, Vladyka Luke left the memory of a zealous and pious archpastor. He was a great Pleasant of God. Having accepted the rank of priest, and then the rank of bishop in the most difficult years for the Holy Church (1923), new bishop, a well-known professor and surgeon by that time, began his ascent to Calvary of archpastoral service - the mournful path of confession and martyrdom. Years of exile and imprisonment did not break the courageous ascetic. Until the end of his days, he remained a merciful doctor and good shepherd, treating both physical and spiritual ailments of his flock. Saint Father Luke, pray to God for us! Elena Romanova (Magazine “Save our souls!” No. 5 (8), 1999, Dnepropetrovsk)

Greek family received healing with the prayers of St. Luke of Crimea. In the fall of 2003, a delegation of pilgrims arrived in Crimea, which included representatives of medical institutions and medical universities in Greece. The trip took place through the efforts of a frequent guest on the Crimean land, Archimandrite Nektarios Antonopolous. The leitmotif of the meeting was the personality of St. Luke, who is greatly revered in Greece. According to Father Nektarios, this year a Muslim family was taken to one of the city hospitals in Athens with signs of severe poisoning: husband, wife and Small child. They were brought too late - the poison had already penetrated deeply, so death was inevitable. It so happened that the Greek doctor, a man of ardent faith and admirer of St. Luke, had with him a particle of the relics of the archbishop-surgeon. “Holy Father, you helped not only Christians, but all those who suffer. Intercede for these people who are dying without your help!” — the doctor prayed until the patients felt much better.

One woman has A resident of the village of Zuya, her three-year-old daughter fell ill. The girl's eye hurt. The mother turned to a local pediatrician, who treated the girl for about a month, but there was no improvement. After almost six months of treatment in the hospital. Semashko found out that the girl had a thorn growing. Desperate, the woman turned to Archbishop Luke for help. He carefully examined the patient and wrote a letter of recommendation to the famous surgeon at the Invalid War Hospital on Rosa Luxemburg Street. In a very delicate manner, he asked him to perform an operation on the girl, described the disease in detail, made a drawing of the eye, gave recommendations for preparing for the operation, and even indicated what diet should be before and after the operation. But not only that: through his subordinate, the ruler transferred to the hospital everything necessary for the girl. When the mother and the operated child found themselves in the saint’s office, he looked at the eye and said: “Thank God, everything is fine. Pray, and I will pray, and the Lord will help us.”

Maria Germanovna Trinikhina says that around 1956, her daughter fell ill with intestinal peritonitis. Doctors determined her to be hopeless. Then she turned to Vladyka Luke. He examined the girl, got acquainted with the medical history and said that she could be saved. He gave me a referral for surgery, but the doctors refused to operate. Then the bishop personally came to the hospital and consulted the doctors in detail. Operation was successfully completed.

Cleric of the Crimean diocese Archpriest Leonid Dunaev recalls: “In the Moscow region there lived a woman who was seriously ill. Her son, a big boss, organized the best doctors, purchased many expensive medicines, but the patient did not receive relief. In desperation, she wrote a letter to Archbishop Luke. The Bishop answered her, advising her to fervently pray to God, place all her hope in Him and stop taking all medications. After some time, the recovered woman came to Simferopol to personally thank the saint for her recovery.

With mother Anna Mikhailovna Kudryashova her stomach was upset, and after every meal she began to experience severe pain, which was so unbearable that she screamed and had to lie for a long time until the pain subsided. Doctors, after a thorough examination, said that surgery was necessary. Then they turned to the bishop. He examined the sick woman, prayed, gave her medicine and, miraculously, the illness passed without any trace.

Semyon Trofimovich Kamensky was hopelessly ill and asked Archbishop Luke to be present at his operation. Saint Luke asked: “Do you believe in God?” “I believe, Vladyka, but I don’t go to Church,” came the answer. - Pray, I bless you and remove you from the operation. For fifteen years you will not have any illness. And so it happened according to the word of the saint of God.

Zoya Kuzminichna Orlova testifies to the foresight of Saint Luke. Her mother, Derzhakova Akilina Feodulovna, helped bake prosphora at the cathedral in 1959-1960. The saint, apparently, was impressed by the selflessness of the prosphora-maker Aquilina (she did not take payment for her work), and he predicted the future of her children and grandchildren. He said that Aquilina's children would survive through their work. And so it happened. Zoya Kuzminichna, being retired, worked in the same production for 13 years. And he also said that before the end they will know God. The author of this message testifies to his faith in God. Zoya Kuzminichna was not yet married, and Saint Luke said that she would be equal with her husband and that they would have a son who would better than father. The son has a higher education, and the father has an incomplete secondary education. Next, the bishop told Akilina to leave her job as a prosphora baker and nurse her grandson, because she would only just have time to raise him. And indeed, in 1966 a boy was born, very sickly, in the first year of his life he suffered from pneumonia, he needed special care. My grandmother watched it only until she was four years old and died. And the last thing Archbishop Luke said was that Aquilina’s son-in-law would die unexpectedly, and her daughter would end up with a lot of money. The prediction came true. Zoya Kuzminichna's husband died unexpectedly. He sat, talked, then suddenly bowed down and died. And the same goes for money.

Another case happened to the wife of the secretary of the diocese, Mother Nadezhda Ivanovna Miloslavova. When Bishop Luke arrived for the evening service, Father John reported to him that Mother Nadezhda had suffered an attack. Doctors. Those who arrived by ambulance did not see anything serious. The children of Father John, who had a medical education, having examined their mother, also did not recognize anything dangerous. After listening to the secretary’s father, the bishop became very excited. I urgently demanded a car. Mother met the bishop in great embarrassment: “God save you, Vladyka, but your labors are in vain: the attack has passed and I feel good.” After carefully examining her, the saint called Father John. The conversation was short: if his mother does not undergo surgery within two hours, she will die. Mother Nadezhda was urgently brought to the hospital, a council of doctors was gathered, but they said that the operation was not necessary. An hour has passed. Mother herself began to ask for the operation to be performed on her, since she undoubtedly believed in the words of the saint. The operation was performed, and when they opened the abdominal cavity, they discovered a huge abscess that was about to burst. The doctors were amazed at Archbishop Luke's accurate diagnosis. Mother Nadezhda was saved.

Galina Fedorovna Five-door testifies to the Bishop as an outstanding diagnostician. “A patient was admitted to our hospital for follow-up treatment with complaints of pain in the right thigh and inability to move. During the battles he received a concussion, but was not wounded. When examining the patient by all the leading specialists of the hospital, no pathology was found, either in the pictures or in the tests. He needs to be discharged, but he can’t walk. Our leading surgeon, a sharp and decisive man, said during his rounds: “He is a malingerer, discharge him.” I felt very sorry for him, and I asked Professor Voino-Yasenetsky to look at this young man. Vladyka examined him carefully and looked into his eyes for a long time. They gave him pictures and tests, but he didn’t take them: “Nothing is needed, take the patient away.” When the young man was taken away, the professor said: “The patient has prostate cancer with metastases to the thigh.” It sounded like a bolt from the blue. “Don’t believe me? Let's take him to the operating room." In the operating room, after a calming conversation, under local anesthesia, an incision was made in the outer cavity of the thigh and a 5x6 cm tumor conglomerate, reminiscent of red caviar, fell out of it. He was sent for urgent histology. After 30 minutes, a histologist ran out into the preoperative room, where all the doctors headed by the professor were sitting, and said: “You sent me a metastasis from a prostate cancer tumor.” Vladyka Luke said: “If possible, call the patient’s mother.” Two weeks later the young man died.”

After every service the bishop was escorted home by parishioners cathedral. His sincere love for people resonated with mutual love. At the door of the house he blessed everyone again. The grace of God rested on the saint, and people did not want to leave him. Vladika Luka generously provided medical care to all those in need. The clergy of the Crimean diocese were closest to the bishop’s heart as co-pastors and prayer partners. One day he gathered them and said: “If you or members of your family suddenly fall ill, contact me first.” At the end of the 40s, priest Leonid Dunaev’s wife, Mother Capitolina, fell ill. Father Leonid told the bishop about this, he replied: “Don’t you dare give her medicine.” The next day he inquired about mother’s health and again repeated the prohibition to give medicine. On the third day after the liturgy, Father Leonid invited the bishop to visit his mother. She lay bedridden by illness and could not even eat. The saint entered the house. - Where is the patient? He was taken to the sick room. - Your father Leonid is disobedient. I told him not to give you medicine. - No, sir, he did not give me medicine. “Then here’s the medicine for you: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” - With these words, he blessed the sick woman with a wide cross. Vladyka left, and mother got out of bed and began to eat. Her health has improved.

One day a woman came to the bishop with his twelve year old son. He had a huge tumor on his neck that hung down onto his chest. The doctors insisted on an operation, but the saint, having examined him, smiled and said: “No operations. In three days you will come to me.” Three days later, the grateful mother brought her fully recovered son to the bishop for his blessing.

At the rector of the Dzhankoy temple Archpriest Boris Libatsky had a seizure. The emergency doctors said that surgery was needed. Remembering the bishop’s order, Father Boris reported to him about his health. He said that in addition to this operation, two more would need to be done and that the outcome of these operations could be bad. He predicted that there would be two more attacks. Relying on the will of God, Father Boris suffered these attacks and remained alive. Simferopol military doctors asked the professor to give a course of lectures on purulent surgery and advise their hospital. More than once the consultant had to take up a scalpel. One patient, the secretary of the Kerch city party committee, was taken to Simferopol with a purulent process in the pelvic bones. The case is difficult, almost hopeless. And then the chief surgeon asked Professor Voino-Yasenetsky himself to operate. All the hospital doctors came to watch this complex operation. Even before the first cut, he showed all the points where he expected to encounter suppuration. The operation went brilliantly, and the hospital doctors received a wonderful lesson in medical skills.

Miraculous restoration of severed fingers through prayer to St. Luke

In the summer of 2002, the Stadnichenko family came from distant Murmansk to Feodosia on vacation. Nazariy, who repeatedly visited his grandmother in Feodosia in the summer, could not imagine how his life would change after these holidays. The boy studied at a music school, studied seriously and decided to connect his life with music. Summer in Crimea is hot, so the doors and windows were wide open that day. After another lesson with the instrument, Nazariy got up and went into the next room where family members were sitting. The hand automatically leaned against the door frame. The next moment, from a sharp pain in his fingers, he lost consciousness. A gust of wind slammed the door and the phalanges of the 3rd and 4th fingers turned into a bloody mess. The first thought that appeared in the child’s clearing mind was that he would never be able to play the piano again. And this could have been a real disaster for him.

When we arrived at the Feodosia hospital and took an x-ray, it became clear that the fingers could no longer be saved and urgent amputation was necessary. The parents and grandmother tried their best to calm the child, but it was in vain. During the operation, the surgeon amputated two phalanges, completely removing the joint capsules.

After the operation a few days later, grandmother - Varvara Shavrina - seeing how her beloved grandson was suffering, said that in Simferopol there are the relics of the great saint of God - St. Luke, who heals people from various diseases and everyone who comes with faith to his incorruptible relics receives what is asked from the Lord. The parents took the child and went to Simferopol. Having reached the Holy Trinity Convent, they fell to the shrine with the relics and began to ask for healing for their son. As a souvenir of his visit to the shrine, they bought Nazarius a laminated icon of the Saint and oil from his relics.

The boy asked to bandage this icon to his crippled fingers and anointed it with oil every day. A few weeks later, when the pain subsided, he began to feel slight discomfort at the amputation site, later the area began to itch and the family consulted a doctor. When examining the fingers at the amputation site, small tubercles were discovered, which over time began to increase until they acquired the shape and size of normal phalanges, and after some time the nails grew back.

When the surgeon from Feodosia, who performed the operation, found out about what had happened, he did not believe it, he said that this was some kind of nonsense, this does not happen in nature: an amputated joint cannot recover. He demanded x-rays. They showed that joints and bones that were completely removed were restored. The doctor stated that a miracle had happened.

Today, regrown fingers are virtually indistinguishable from other fingers, except that the lobes have slightly less muscle tissue than the other phalanges, making them look somewhat thinner than the others.

By the inscrutable ways of the Lord, the fate of Nazarius is intertwined with the life of the Saint. He was born in the Cherkasy region, where the parents of St. Luke lived for a long time and where he himself visited several times. Nazarius received Holy Baptism from the hands of Archpriest Anatoly Chepel (city of Feodosia), who was ordained to the priesthood by Saint Luke.

After the healing received, the Stadnichenko family came several times to the relics of the Saint to thank him for the healing received. This year there was a warm meeting between Vladyka Lazar and Nazarius and his family. Metropolitan Lazar, in the presence of the boy’s parents and Crimean journalists, spoke about the miracle that had occurred and said that “...our life is in the hands of the Lord, and if the Lord pleases, then a miracle can happen that will not fit into any of the laws of the material world. We are all children of God and according to our faith it is given to us.”

At the end of the meeting, Vladyka presented Nazariy with a large icon of St. Luke as a blessing and invited him to enter the revived Tauride Theological Seminary. Today Nazariy and his family live in Podolsk near Moscow and study piano at the Moscow Music School.