TV in the kitchen: installation options, photos of finished structures (76 photos). TV in the kitchen (54 photos): choosing and installing it correctly Corner kitchen design with TV on the wall

And if there's no point in fighting this, shouldn't I join these TV lovers in the kitchen? I don’t have to join their ranks, but at least I can consider some acceptable options for how to fit a TV into the interior of the most habitable room in the house.

You may call me a weirdo, but it infuriates me when the TV is hung on the wall, on a movable bracket. It looks more like a bar or a hospital room, which is a far cry from the impression that an updated kitchen design should create. Fortunately, there are other ways. I present them to your attention:

1. TV is the same household appliance

in the photo: TV in the kitchen above the oven

When in the interior the TV is perceived as one of these devices among others on the wall, it ceases to be striking. Overall I like the idea of ​​wall mounted hardware. This makes sense if you take them into account total kitchen. None of these specific devices have main control functions, so they can be located outside the main working area.

in the photo: TV in the kitchen above household appliances

My senses can easily fall for such tricks. This TV and two stoves installed one above the other feel the same. You can even mistake your TV for a microwave.

2. Placement in a niche

A good solution is to paint the back wall of a shallow niche in the color that is accentuated in the rest of the decor (in this case, orange), and thus disguise the TV.

3. Just put it on the shelf

Why not just put a small TV on a shelf the same way you do with a microwave. For the kitchen in classic style, in any case, any more modern solution it would be strange.

4.Hang high

in the photo: a high-hanging TV in the kitchen

However, looking for a place to place your TV where it won't be conspicuous may end up being a little higher than ideal for viewing. But, again, higher placement is better for viewers who are watching while standing or from across the room.

If you are in principle satisfied with the fact that the TV will be located high, you can place it, of your choice, on top of the refrigerator or pantry cabinet. And, if you still think it's disruptive, add some sliding doors that you can close when you're not using it.

5. Placement at eye level

in the photo: kitchen TV at eye level

Is the placement of the TV convenient for someone who cooks? Will he be able to watch news or cooking programs? When you're looking perfect place For the location of the TV, think about who will watch it and from what place. Does he need a TV?

6. It should be easy to view from the dining table.

Where exactly you should place the TV depends a lot on the layout of the kitchen: whether or not it will be easily visible to the person doing the cooking, children or guests. This arrangement works well because it provides seating and viewing areas on either side of a centrally located table.

The location of this TV is ideal for someone who is cooking within the work area or anyone else dining at the table or just hanging out here.

7. As part of your service center

in the photo: the everyday environment of a kitchen TV

Electronics are an integral attribute modern life. Consider placing the TV, radio-telephone base and music center in one place.

8. If you need to wash a mountain of dishes...

I'm not sure about the idea of ​​placing the TV behind the sink - I'd be a little worried about the risk of water getting in - but don't completely ignore this idea, which makes sense. What I really like is that the color of the TV body matches the tone of the tiles.

9. Oh, yes, and the notorious wall placement on a movable bracket

At least here it is tiny and almost invisible. Since there are no wall cabinets in this glamorous kitchen, the TV fits well into the overall design.

in the photo: placing a kitchen TV on a bracket

For certain reasons, for example, if placement on the wall is the only possible option, the TV looks better if it is parallel to the wall, and not at an angle, as is the case with a mounting bracket... In my opinion, after all, something can be done to hang it creatively, and not, again, like in a bar or hospital.

10. Push it into a corner

As mentioned earlier, sometimes the simplest solution is the best. A small TV in the corner might at least be an option worth considering.

It may sound funny, but I don't mind things like mixers, toasters or a small TV sitting on the countertop. Especially when it comes to a traditional style kitchen. Placing the TV in a closet can be a bit dull general style. The space in the corner is often dead, unused. So this place is ideal.

11. Folding TV

This solution in the style of an airplane cabin is always relevant. You can also hide it behind a curtain. However, there is also a drawback - limited dimensions.

I also don't mind installing flip-up TVs in combination with other small devices. All this metal looks good together.

12. Use a living room wall for it

in the photo: TV between the kitchen and living room

If you have a kitchen combined with a living room, and you are lucky that all together this is a vast space, the dilemma can be solved by placing a TV big size in the living room so that it can be seen from the kitchen.

13. As an element in the dining nook

Thoughtful niche in location soft corner- perfect solution. Even better if you can make built-in shelves to hide it a little.

14. Built into the kitchen island

in the photo: TV built into the kitchen island

Use the end of the island that is open towards the living room. True, the TV may be a little low, almost to the floor, but there are often disadvantages to design and redesign. If it had a slightly smaller screen, it could be placed on a shelf, thus moving it a little away from the field. I would also consider adding sliding doors to hide the TV when not in use.

The viewing angle (its value) strongly depends on the quality of the matrix; the higher it is, the correspondingly larger the angle, but the price of the TV is higher. Screens based on IPS matrices have the largest angle (178°), but such TVs belong to the premium class and are quite expensive. Therefore, a TV with a viewing angle of 170° is quite suitable for the kitchen. Some companies offer very affordable TV models especially for the kitchen, with a viewing angle of about 160° - this is quite enough for small kitchen, elongated in length - in such a room there are almost no places from where the image will be visible with distortion. Much more important for a kitchen TV is the value vertical angle viewing - for LCD screens they are much smaller than horizontal ones. This is important to consider if you plan to place the TV motionless well above eye level - in this case, the vertical angle may reach a critical value

  • volume - the level of background noise in the kitchen is significantly (sometimes several times) higher than that for residential premises. Therefore, it would be a good idea to test the TV at maximum volume to assess not only the strength of the sound, but also to make sure that there is no acoustic distortion and speech remains intelligible.

The remaining parameters can safely be classified as secondary, for example, screen resolution; you shouldn’t go too deep into the features of Full HD, HD Ready and other standards. Picture quality is important for a TV in the living room, but in the kitchen it’s more like a radio with video elements, because while cooking, you’ll be distracted by the screen from time to time. But nutritionists categorically do not recommend eating or watching TV - this is one of the reasons for gaining excess weight.

Nowadays fashionable functions such as Smart TV, Wi-Fi or 3D image will also be superfluous for a kitchen TV. It’s simply impossible to imagine a housewife cooking cutlets using 3D glasses. And there’s no time to be particularly distracted by the Internet, but a USB connector won’t hurt – the right recipe you can download, save to a memory card and then cook and watch. You don't need the ability to connect a TV to a computer or a TV with a hard drive. In general, the minimum functionality will be enough.

Ideas for placing a TV in the kitchen: choosing a place

When choosing a place to hang the TV in the kitchen, you should take into account the features of the kitchen and try to place the TV away from sources of open fire and water. However, now you can choose special, waterproof models for the kitchen - they can be placed directly above. Their screen is covered with red-hot glass, resistant to hot oil, it is easy to wipe, but this seriously affects the price of the TV in an upward direction. Another important point, which should be taken into account - in an effort to minimize the size, manufacturers remove the power supply from the case (as they do in laptops). Therefore, you may have to decide where and how to secure this block.

Advice! The placement of the TV should be thought out at the design stage in order to connect (and disguise) the TV cable and install an outlet.

Let's consider placements to make watching TV in the kitchen as comfortable as possible.

Small kitchens in a “Khrushchev”, “gostinka” or “small family” have small space for placing furniture and household appliances. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a floor plan in advance to provide for all the smallest details. This article is devoted to where to place the TV in the kitchen, placement options, photos of interiors. Such recommendations will help owners who have a small area but want to make it as functional as possible.

TV on the kitchen wall

This option is the most common. It's perfect for the kitchen different sizes. So, in a large room, you can select a free wall to place a large or medium-sized TV on it. In this case, it is necessary to plan the location of the table in advance so that it is convenient to watch your favorite TV shows.

The wall TV will become ideal solution for a small kitchen. Just choose suitable model. The equipment may not occupy the entire wall. A separate zone can be allocated for these purposes.

Modern mounting devices allow you to mount equipment in any position and at different levels. Using special brackets you can rotate the diagonal to optimal angle view or height.

Built-in TV for the kitchen

Modern manufacturers are trying to take into account the needs of people. Therefore, built-in appliances have taken a strong place in the interior. TV is no exception. Built-in models significantly save space. Therefore they are ideal for small rooms.

This technique can be built into furniture facades. This is the most common option. There are other solutions. A significant disadvantage of this arrangement is its price. The cost for built-in models is significantly higher than for other placement options.

Hanging TVs for the kitchen

There are special models that are attached to the lower tier of furniture or cabinets. As a rule, such devices are located near the work area. They have a top base with which they can be mounted to any surface.

These TVs are easy to use. The diagonal can be moved back or completely removed if necessary. Experts recommend giving preference to models with protective glass. In this case, the TV can be mounted close kitchen sink or hoods.

Other equipment placement options

Even in the smallest kitchen you can find a place for a TV. So, to save space, you can use the window sill as the main tabletop. To prevent curtains from interfering with watching programs, you can hang blinds that do not take up extra space. This solution is ideal for owners of classic models and flat-screen TVs.

Any shelf in the kitchen can serve as a surface for equipment. Therefore, it is enough to reconsider your own interior to find free space for a small device. After all, for many owners it is important to have a TV in the kitchen, placement options, photos of various layouts - they will help create harmonious interior without disturbing the working and dining areas.

For standard kitchens in apartment buildings(as a rule, we are talking about 9 m2) experts recommend choosing TVs with a diagonal of no more than 20 inches. Define optimal size TV size can be achieved by multiplying the length of the kitchen by 6. You will get the minimum TV diagonal in inches, which will ensure comfortable viewing.

So that you don’t have to approach the TV or, conversely, move away from it, from the intended viewing location. In addition, it is desirable that the TV is at eye level of a sitting person.

Don't place the TV in front of a window - sunlight will create glare on the screen and interfere with viewing. For the same reason, lighting devices should not be reflected on the TV screen.

Do not install the TV near a stove or sink. Water and grease can quickly damage equipment. In addition, such a neighborhood is dangerous for the life and health of people: you can get an electric shock. Doesn't like TV and installation on a refrigerator: vibrations can be detrimental to it.

If the kitchen is so small that a separate cabinet for the TV is an unaffordable luxury, hang the gadget on a special bracket. The screen can be mounted in one of the corners of the kitchen, on the wall or in the space of the kitchen apron.

Today, hanging TV models are produced for the kitchen. As a rule, they are installed under hanging kitchen cabinets and attached to outside cabinet below. These TVs are usually small size And

Great idea for studio apartments without interior partitions. Between the kitchen and the living room you can make a conditional partition with a movable part, and we fix the TV on it (make sure that the base can support its weight). Rotate the screen to where you need it at a particular moment.

TV has become an integral part of living spaces. Just a few years ago it was difficult to imagine that it would take a firm place in the kitchen. But today they are producing special models that can be mounted directly above the sink.

It is the issue of placement that interests most modern consumers. We offer you several interesting and practical way solutions to this problem.

TV in the kitchen

The easiest method for installing a TV on the wall with your own hands is to use hanging brackets. But we will not talk about how to hang a TV in the kitchen using a bracket, but about how to aesthetically fit the equipment into the interior of the room. Let's call it - brief instructions to maintaining style.

  • First of all, TV is the same household appliance, as well as the oven and microwave. That is why placing it together with the listed equipment is a logical solution.
  • Installing all equipment in one place avoids the unnecessary attention that a TV requires when hanging on the wall.

Note! The main preposition in this method is the installation height of the TV in the kitchen, since it will be placed above eye level. This is required for comfortable and practical placement of the oven in the cabinet.

TV installed in one cabinet along with kitchen appliances, creates unity with it, it can even be mistaken for some kind of microwave oven.

If you are about to renovate your entire kitchen, then this is another answer to where to place the TV in the kitchen.

  • Initially, it is necessary to build an artificial niche from plasterboard. It should not be very deep, about 10-15 cm.
  • Then you need to finish it with the same material as all the walls.
  • After this, the TV is either mounted through a bracket, with the ability to change the angle of inclination, or placed on a stand.

This allows you to “disguise” the equipment as much as possible and free up space in the room.

If you don’t know where to place the TV in the kitchen, then use the kitchen set directly.

  • To do this, you need to make a wall cabinet according to the dimensions of the device.
  • It is necessary not to forget about the reinforcement of the shelf, which will bear the entire load.
  • A hole should be made in the back wall of the cabinet to route the wires.

For your information! Running the outlet directly behind the wall cabinet will make it easier for you to route and hide the wires.

One disadvantage of this method is that TVs that are too large will look ridiculous in closets, and the set itself will lose its attractiveness. Therefore, devices that are no more than 72 cm diagonally are allowed.

Another answer to the question of how to place a TV in the kitchen. Yes, it is not suitable for small rooms, but on the other hand, it is so convenient to watch your favorite TV shows from the opposite corner of the room.

This method does not require special fastening; the household appliance can be installed directly on the shelf of the upper cabinet. The main thing is to position it so that the angle of inclination can be perceived from any point in the room.

Interesting! A refrigerator can also serve as a support for the TV, if it is harmoniously combined with it. If, for example, one appliance is light and the other is black, this can lead to an imbalance in the interior of the kitchen.

Try to combine business with pleasure. And besides, answer the question, who will watch TV - you or the guests? Who needs it correctly installed?

This method may seem very strange to you, especially for those who are hearing about the existence of waterproof TVs for the first time.

But you can beat it in three ways:

  • Buy equipment that is very overpriced. If you have no budget restrictions, then this TV will be a godsend for you. It can be placed directly above the sink, thereby making it convenient for you to watch programs when you are cooking and guests can see everything from the dining area.
  • Install a special frame that protects the TV from water. It can be ordered in clear glass. This method may be cheaper than the first option, however, finding an organization that produces such cases is quite problematic.
  • Make a niche behind the sink and build a TV into it, covering the top with apron material. Such a device will look consistent with the interior, while it is protected from direct contact with water.

Note! Remember, it doesn’t matter where you place the TV in the kitchen, it’s important how you install it. After all, any room requires harmony in the interior.

If you have one free corner, then you can designate the location of the TV in the kitchen in it.

You can use anything for this:

  • Corner shelf made of the same type of material as the set. This is how you add another piece of furniture on which your TV will be located.
  • Use one of several types of brackets designed for corner mounting.

Interesting! There is a type of fastening that is mounted to the ceiling; if you are not sure of the reliability of your walls, then the ceiling bracket is created for you.

  • Install a TV in a corner wall cabinet. Unfortunately, you will have to sacrifice space in this cabinet, but such a place can be called ideal for small-sized equipment.

The method is quite labor-intensive, it will require special fastening, but in any case it is justified. It can be placed in a closet or on the wall (if space allows). However, there is a disadvantage of this method - it will require a lot of space, which may not be enough in ordinary apartments.

If you are puzzling over the question of where to place the TV in the kitchen, then you may like this option.

It will take some effort, but small apartments this is quite effective.

  • It is necessary to make a hole in the wall between the kitchen and living room slightly larger than the size of the TV. 1-2 cm from each edge is enough.
  • After a through window has appeared from room to room, it needs to be refined, leveled using a level and finished with a neutral material.
  • After installing the TV, secure it through the stand on which it stands. You can use regular screws or glue.

As a result, you have a big favorite TV for two rooms. This is relevant for one-room apartments when installing two devices is difficult due to lack of free space. And also in cases where purchasing a second TV is not possible due to a limited budget.

Note! The wire should be in a free position so that it does not become strained when the device is rotated 180 degrees.

This option is suitable for those who often cook in rooms where dinner Zone moved from the kitchen to the living room. Ask how to place the TV in the kitchen so that the screen is horizontal? It’s easy, to do this you need to build it into the island, right into the work surface, using protective glass over the screen.

For your information! You can also make a retractable device, but this will require an expensive mechanism, and the TV itself must be a small device.


And now we provide you with several photos in which you can visually find the answer to the question of where to hang the TV in the kitchen. At the end of the article there is also a video with tips and recommendations for installation process. We wish you good luck and inspiration!