Temperature from nervous tension in adults. Questions

Science has long known that the work of all human organs is directly interconnected with the changeable states of his consciousness. Anxiety, joy, excitement - all these feelings are reflected in the level of pressure, heart rate, sweating and others physiological processes. Is it possible to nervous soil temperature rise?

All diseases come from nerves

The idea that changes occur in the human body under the influence of the soul dates back to the times of the ancient Greeks. To this day, scientists and doctors are convinced of this every day. The more nervous we are, the more our body suffers. It is stressful situations and negative thoughts that are most often the provocateurs of most diseases known to science.

Considering the fact that under the influence of stress the concentration of adrenaline in a person’s blood changes, blood pressure and pulse jump, there is simply no doubt whether the temperature can rise due to nervousness. In this way, the body reacts to emerging psycho-emotional changes.

Why is the temperature rising?

Often, stressful situations such as changing a job or daily routine, moving to another city, climate change and many other exciting events in life lead to changes in body temperature. Reacting to such changes, the body can experience conditions similar in symptoms to the common cold: headache, nausea, body aches or fever.

However, its level can be influenced not only external stimuli, but also internal. Negative emotions are what causes the body more harm. It is in the fears, resentments, self-doubt or envy hidden in the depths of the soul that the basis of most known ailments lies. And one of the first signs that negative processes have already started is the temperature from the nerves.

The consequence of severe psycho-emotional stress is often symptoms such as:

  • temperature rise to 37.5;
  • hypertensive crisis or heart attack;
  • indigestion;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • constant headaches.

All these signs indicate to a person that the body is struggling with stress. But if you don’t pull yourself together in time, something irreparable can happen - a disruption in the functioning of many or all systems. After all, it is the nervous system that plays the leading role in our body, and in the event of a malfunction in its work, a nervous temperature, symptoms of illness, and a sharp deterioration in well-being immediately arise.

Serious consequences

Often, strong emotional stress affects health very slowly. At first, a person may not feel any signs that any disturbances are beginning in the body. However, this does not mean that stress always passes without a trace and only spoils our mood. After all, the disease can manifest itself much later.

Psychological problems that worry a person (even at a subconscious level) are directly related to the emergence of such serious diseases and conditions as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • tumor development;
  • stomach ulcers and ulcerative colitis;
  • diarrhea and colon irritation.

All of these ailments occur against the background of systematic depression of the nervous system. It is this that can lead to muscle blocks and subsequently to the development dangerous disease. In conjunction with constant voltage any of these diseases can be accompanied not only by characteristic symptoms, but also by an increase in body temperature.

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It has been scientifically proven that many chronic diseases and various tumors quite often arise against the background of strong resentment, for a long time held back inside. Erosion and ulcers are the result of such negative emotions as guilt, self-dissatisfaction and self-criticism. Thus, most diseases are provoked by the person himself, who is constantly in a state of stress and tension.

How to avoid stress?

Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate stressful situations from your life. For reasons beyond our control, problems may arise in the family or at work, against the background of personality conflicts or dissatisfaction with one’s own life. And, perhaps, the only way to protect yourself from the serious consequences of stress is not to keep negative emotions to yourself, not to push them into the depths of your own soul.

No matter how strong the experiences may be, there is always a way that will help you at least partially free yourself from them. In order to allow negative emotions to go outside, you can take the following actions:

  • contact a psychologist who will help you understand the problem;
  • express negativity. Oddly enough, in order to throw out anger, resentment or pain, it is enough for a person to give vent to tears, hit a punching bag or even break a couple of plates;
  • workout. Physical activity is the best way to cope with stress. Swimming, running and any active species sports - The best way“correctly” use up the adrenaline accumulated in the blood;
  • meditate. Immersion in a state of “no thoughts” perfectly relaxes and calms, allowing you to take a fresh look at both what is happening and yourself.

Life modern man represents a continuous chain of rather complex, sometimes even stressful situations. Stress is mental, emotional, physical and chemical reaction the body to some frightening factors or external stimuli. A person becomes nervous, his pulse quickens, his blood pressure rises, and adrenaline is released into the blood. Thus, all systems switch to a forced operating mode, and the temperature rises accordingly.

Experienced stress is the cause of increased body temperature

An increase in temperature due to a stressful situation is physical reaction, and it is not accompanied by any inflammatory processes in the body. This phenomenon occurs quite often, it even has a special name - psychogenic temperature. Besides, heat from stress is often accompanied by other side symptoms, such as loss of strength, dizziness, shortness of breath, and poor health. Emotional or psychological stress, according to experts, in most cases over time becomes the cause of the so-called “chronic fatigue syndrome.”

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Fatig syndrome is a rather complex disease, accompanied by dysfunctions of the nervous, immune and even endocrine systems. Therefore, even after a long rest, a person continues to feel tired and weak. Often the disease also causes a flu-like condition: stress causes an increase in body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, headaches, joint and muscle pain. In addition, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, allergies, and stress occur. Long-term development of chronic fatigue syndrome leads to a decrease in physical activity, mental abilities and memory.

Diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome

  1. Persistent weakness and decreased performance by more than 50 percent in healthy person over the past six months.
  2. There are no other causes of chronic fatigue.
  3. Temperature from stress up to 38 º C.
  4. Soreness and enlargement of lymph nodes.
  5. Sore throat.
  6. Unexplained muscle weakness.
  7. Insomnia or, conversely, increased sleepiness.
  8. Memory impairment.
  9. Irritability.
  10. Aggression and other psychological disorders.

Typically, experts advise patients to undergo a complete examination. If the body temperature is above 38 º C, then the cause may already be dangerous infectious or viral diseases.

Psychogenic fever is a state of the body when body temperature rises not due to any viral or infectious diseases, and under or a nervous breakdown.

Reasons why a person gets a fever due to stress

Thermoneurosis cannot be ignored, and if a person without visible disturbances in the functioning of the body has a fever, then it is worth considering whether the culprit of such an incident is not.

If the increase in temperature is provoked by exhaustion of the nervous system, in other words, then this indicates that something is brewing inside the body. serious problem physical nature:

  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;

Here are some side effects temperature surges. And depending on where certain physical ailments arise, you can begin to look for the cause of the disease. But it can also be determined, because any organ of the body reacts to nervous discomfort not only as a physical organ, but also as a messenger of the psycho-emotional background.

In the works of Louise Hay, a whole table is presented that says that, for example, an unreasonable increase in temperature is the burning of anger within oneself.

Indeed, often a person, due to social or moral principles, does not know how to correctly find a way out of the situation, and irritation, as well as anger and despair from the inability to overcome the situation, begin to destroy from the inside. Temperature rises due to stress.

Can stress cause fever? Of course yes. But still, you shouldn’t blame everything on stress - the reason can sometimes lie deeper.

Temperature as a consequence of depression

Fever after stress is also a common phenomenon. At the physical level, the body reacts to stress as to the presence of a disease, and it is natural that in some cases, after prolonged depressive states, body temperature rises. But, in some cases, it, on the contrary, decreases, and all the signs of a weakened state are evident, as after a long physical illness.

A person who is in a state of depression often overcomes this illness with the help of medications, the potent basis of which has complex side effects. And after this, low-grade fever is also acceptable. Stress, even already experienced, can nest in memories and, with each relapse, return the bearer of negative information to a state of nervousness. Such rocking of the body will naturally cause physical discomfort, and the brain will try to burn the virus, automatically heating the space of the skin.

Fever due to nervousness in adults

If there is an increase in temperature due to stress in an adult, then immediate assistance should be provided. Firstly, this may be accompanied by high blood pressure, and secondly, problems with the cardiovascular system. And here they are completely excluded traditional methods reducing fever, such as cold shower. This can trigger a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in such a matter it is necessary to be extremely delicate.

To gently lower the temperature:

  • take aspirin. It will not only help reduce fever, but also help improve the condition of heart problems;
  • drink warm tea with chamomile and mint - this will calm a person;
  • Pleasant conversation or the presence of other positive emotions can also help;
  • use mild herbal sedatives - they remove the presence of thermoneurosis;
  • a warm bath with soothing herbs and sea salt has a good effect on stabilizing the nervous system.

Important! Sometimes, with a respiratory disease, a low long-term temperature also persists. Therefore, it is worth thoroughly finding out the reason before taking any action.

Temperature fluctuations in children

The psycho-emotional background of children is extremely unstable. Children often actively move from one phase of the state to another, and all this is accompanied by the formation physical development And hormonal levels. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes children get feverish. This happens especially clearly if the child is very nervous. And this is not the only reason:

  • anticipation of the holiday;
  • unexpected loud sound;
  • changes in the environment;
  • fright

Such a wide range of experiences can cause a child’s temperature to rise due to stress. In this case, it is necessary to show maximum attention to the small family member, because lack of attention from parents also causes stress and can cause whims in children.


The presence of heat in the body is not always a negative thing. This is a completely natural phenomenon, an instant response of the immune system to the action of external aggressors. Sometimes it’s worth letting your body get over the disease and win.

During the normal functioning of the body, the body temperature always remains normal, but with the slightest disturbance in the immune system and in the presence of excitement and stress, the body responds by increasing body temperature. Many of us are concerned about whether the temperature can rise under stress.

Body temperature rises with immune system failure and stress

Reasons for rising temperature

An increase in temperature during stress is not a mandatory manifestation, but can occur in both an adult and a child. The reasons why it rises.

  1. Vasoconstriction. Against the background of severe emotional shock and stress, a narrowing of all blood vessels occurs in the body, which leads to muscle tension, which subsequently warms up. Due to the large heating, the temperature can rise very quickly.
  2. Increased hypersensitivity. In a healthy person who leads an active lifestyle, the temperature may depend on the state of the immune system, menstrual cycle and time of day. If a person is not suspicious or nervous, then he does not pay attention to such manifestations. Overly emotional individuals may develop a fever from stress.
  3. Availability accelerated process metabolism. If a person is constantly in a state of stress and anxiety, then his metabolism will accelerate. Due to this, an increased temperature is observed due to great stress.

In women, their body temperature may rise to approximately 37.3°C before menstruation. It may increase if a woman is nervous. If there is vegetative-vascular dystonia, it may increase in the evening if there is no inflammation in the body.

Stress speeds up metabolism, which causes a rise in temperature

Psychogenic fever and its symptoms

Temperature from stress can be either a temporary manifestation for some minor emotional stress, and a constant phenomenon. Being constantly in a state of stress and nerves, a person may develop psychogenic fever. Naturally, before drawing a conclusion about its development, it is necessary to go through a complete medical examination. If no health problems were identified during the examination, you need to familiarize yourself with the causes of psychogenic fever:

  • indicators for nervous disorders never exceed 37.5 °C;
  • after its appearance, a long period may pass, during which it practically does not decrease, but also does not cause any problems with general condition body;
  • the use of antipyretic drugs does not lead to a decrease in temperature;
  • normalization will occur only in those cases when a person is busy with something that distracts him from experiences and emotional turmoil;
  • when using two thermometers simultaneously, temperature readings under different mice may differ significantly from each other;
  • constant fatigue indicates that;
  • fever, but the hands and nose always remain cold;
  • as soon as you take a hot shower, you feel better for a certain time, and then it all starts again.

When answering the question of whether your temperature rises directly from your nerves, you can definitely say yes if you have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia or another psychogenic disease.

Eliminate temperature

If a change in temperature occurred in the presence of a short-term nervous shock, for example, on the eve of an exam, then its decrease will occur immediately after the exam is passed. Relaxation, massage and sleep are perfect.

You should undergo a medical examination to determine the cause of your fever. If it is psychogenic in nature, then you must completely change your entire outlook on life.

Will help experienced psychologist, who will conduct a course of behavioral-cognitive therapy.

People suffering from temperature fluctuations or a constant increase for no apparent reason are wondering: is the temperature caused by nervousness? Indeed, it is not uncommon for a person, experiencing stress, fatigue, strong emotions, etc., to notice changes on the thermometer. Want to know why? Read this article.

An increase in temperature due to nervousness is possible. Moreover, the root cause can be both negative and positive. Someone suffers because of the death of a loved one or troubles at work - and he develops a fever. Someone is in love, even reciprocally, and the hormones go off scale, leading to various negative reactions: tremors, fever, bear sickness, dizziness. The author of the article had a temperature of 39 degrees before the entrance exams to the university. The exams took place at intervals of 1.5 months. Both times, the temperature mysteriously appeared and disappeared immediately after passing the exams.

So yes, the temperature can rise from nerves, and to any level. If there are no other signs of illness, then the person has become a victim of his own psyche. But even the presence of flu-like or other symptoms along with a fever does not mean that they were not caused by nervousness. More on this later.

Why does your temperature rise when you're nervous?

There are several reasons why the temperature rises due to nervousness. Let's list the most common ones.

Decreased immunity

Nervous tension always has a negative effect on the immune system. If stress is prolonged, then a person begins to get sick often, especially colds and viral infections. The reason is the impaired functioning of the immune system, which can no longer effectively resist external influences. Despite the fact that the impetus for fever is given by the inflammatory reaction in the fight against pathogens, in this case it can be stated that indirectly the temperature rose from nervous tension.

Hormonal release

When a person experiences severe stress, fear or a feeling of threat, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. In response to external threat The brain turns on the fight or flight response. In both cases - to attack danger or escape from it - muscles need energy. The adrenal glands begin to produce cortisol (the stress hormone with which the body mobilizes energy) and adrenaline, which puts the muscles on high alert. Blood from the internal organs rushes to the muscles of the arms, legs and head, simultaneously raising the temperature. Once the threat is eliminated, the blood returns to internal organs, the thermometer reading returns to normal. However, if a person is constantly under stress, then cortisol and adrenaline continue to circulate in his blood. Accordingly, the heat doesn’t go away either.


VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia, disorder of the autonomic nervous system) is another misfortune that happens to a person due to nervousness and entails changes in values ​​on the thermometer scale.

The part of the brain that regulates the autonomic system is the part that is also responsible for emotions. If emotions are not in a balanced state (for example, a person is depressed, increased anxiety or even falling in love), then the regulation of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted. The result is thermoneurosis. In this condition, the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus does not work correctly - hence the patient has no visible reasons The temperature rises or falls, returning to normal after a while or lingering for several months or even years.

Other symptoms of VSD are:

  • weight disorder;
  • appetite disorder;
  • dysfunction of organs;
  • change in libido;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • tremor, sweating;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • abnormal periods of agitation;
  • drowsiness or insomnia.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is also characterized by other manifestations that masquerade as various diseases. Sometimes a person spends years visiting cardiologists, infectious disease specialists, gastroenterologists and other specialized doctors, and autonomic disorder is to blame. So, it was necessary to contact a neurologist and psychotherapist.

Psychosomatics and flight into illness

Increased or decreased temperature of a psychosomatic nature is closely related to the phenomenon of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In some cases, doctors call this anomaly a flight into illness. What it is?

A typical manifestation is that before some important event a person suddenly falls ill with a fever with all the ensuing consequences. The condition is often attributed to the flu. As a result, this may result in the patient simply not attending the event. And then the “flu” goes away on its own - and everything subsides until the next time.

The meaning of escaping into illness is that the body, with the help of fever and other manifestations of malaise, protects itself from what a person does not want to do, or from possible failure. It eliminates the disturbing factor itself - participation in a responsible event. It is interesting that this does not always work: many, by force of will, still go where they do not want and do what they do not want. But our organism is naive: it thought that sabotage would succeed.

If you actively don’t want something, then your body “plays along” with you.

What temperature occurs due to nervousness?

Temperatures vary greatly due to nervous conditions. It may decrease, or it may rise to 37-37.5-38, even to 39-40 degrees.

High temperature due to nerves

Massage and self-massage is another excellent method that helps strengthen and relax muscles, influence biologically active points on the body, calms, and has other beneficial effects.


There is no specific prevention of fever due to nervousness. However, methods have been developed to help reduce risks and improve health.

If it is foreseen or has occurred stressful situation(interview, exam, wedding, etc.), then start taking mild sedatives, for example, Novopassit or Nottu. They will produce a sedative effect. To help with intellectual stress, Aminalon is suitable.

Vegetative nervous system, which is often to blame for the rise in temperature during stress, is powered by the energy of the muscles when they work. Therefore, moderate exercise is an enjoyable sport. excellent prevention autonomic disorders. Classes should be daily, and light warm-ups should be done several times a day.

In addition, you need to strengthen the immune system, observe a work and rest regime. Chronic fatigue- the result of inability to finish work on time. Set aside 8-10 hours a day for work, the rest of the time - for yourself, family, sports, walks, entertainment, self-improvement. Having established a daily routine, you will see that in work time became more productive. This will eliminate another provoking factor - nerves due to the constant rush and dissatisfaction with not having time to do anything.

Zapara at work - common reason stress

Don't forget about psychological aspect. The stress mode is activated in a person not only when there are strong emotions (anger, falling in love, fear), which cannot always be avoided, but also when there is a feeling of one’s own unwellness, a dead end in the situation, and a discrepancy between what is desired and what is actually done. If it is difficult to work with the first group of states, because Some of them are fleeting, and you don’t want to fight with others, then with the second group - please. Spiritual improvement, sessions with a psychologist, meditation, yoga, group psychotherapy, and, ultimately, open expression of emotions - all these are effective tools against stress.

Well, always remember that the brain takes memories and fantasies at face value, as if they were happening here and now. Therefore, turn on awareness: if you thought something bad, immediately stop the flow of thoughts and get distracted. If you see bad news, don't read it. The neighbor started telling scary story- interrupt her. If you think less about the bad, there will be less stress. There are real negative situations in life that you cannot escape. Don’t burden yourself with things that haven’t happened to you or your loved ones and will never happen.