Theoretical aspects of logistics. Abstract: Logistics support for enterprises


    logistics support in the management system of the economic complex………………………6

    1. Basic forms of logistics management…………………………………………………………………………………...12

      The concept of logistics, organization and its application in the enterprise……20

2. ANALYSIS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT AT THE JSC "Chelny-Khleb" JSC................................... ........................................................ ...............................26

2.1. Characteristics of the enterprise................................................... ........................26

2.2. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise..................................29

2.3. Analysis of the work of the logistics department at the enterprise CJSC "Chelny-Khleb" for 2010-2012................................... .................42

3. IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT DEPARTMENT AT THE ENTERPRISE CJSC "CHELNY-KHLEB"................................... ........................................................ ...............................54

3.1. Justification of the need to improve the management of the logistics department at the enterprise Chelny-Khleb CJSC................................................... ........................................................ ...............................54

3.2. Project to improve the functioning of the logistics department of Chelny-Khleb CJSC.................................................... ...................57

3.3. Economic feasibility study of the project…………………………………….

Conclusion……………………......................................... .....................................63

List of references……………………………..………….66



Logistics management processes (hereinafter referred to as MTO) occupy an important place in the activities of any enterprise. From efficient work the entire chain of logistics - formation of orders, procurement of materials and technical resources, their delivery, distribution and storage depends on the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and its successful implementation production plans. In the cost structure of the enterprise, costs associated with the movement of material flows reach 50%. Successful management of these expense items is one of the company's main levers of influence on the cost of the final product.

Over the past five years, the majority large enterprises In Russia, in the process of reorganization and structural changes within the company, they were faced with the problem of a lack of real control over the logistics system and transparency of the movement of financial and material flows.

While the tasks associated with production management have developed significantly in previous decades, the area of ​​logistics continues to be the most resource-intensive, routine and ineffective area of ​​work for many companies.

The current situation at enterprises necessitates the formation of new methodological foundations and the development of practical recommendations for optimizing the logistics system, as one of the most important conditions for the development of domestic enterprises and system-forming factors for increasing production efficiency. Increasing the efficiency of corporate business and the competitiveness of an enterprise in the modern market is currently directly related to the tasks of optimizing the material and technical supply system. Problems related to optimization of the logistics system have been developed by many foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners. In the first half of the 20th century, a number of articles appeared on finding ways to reduce costs in the field of logistics - K. Andler, E. Deming, R. Wilson, D. Yuran. In recent decades, the following domestic researchers have considered the theory of management of the logistics system: G.L. Azoev, B.A. Anikin, E.A. Golikov, K.V. Kuznetsov, V.E. Nikolaychuk and foreign authors: D .Wardlaw, D.Wood, D.Johnson, P.Drucker, M.Linders et al.

These authors have developed a number of methods and models for the functioning of the logistics system intended for enterprises. However, for large enterprises, where the range of purchased products amounts to hundreds of thousands of items, and hundreds of counterparties are involved in the supply process, a more universal model is needed.

The above allows us to conclude that the problems of managing the improvement of the logistics system in Russia are modern stage issues have not yet been sufficiently resolved and require special attention. This determined the relevance of the topic of this study. The complexity and insufficient development of a number of theoretical and practical issues of optimization of the logistics system, the objective need for their scientific understanding and comprehensive analysis determined the choice of goals, objectives, structure and content of the study.

The purpose of the research project is to study the process of managing the logistics of an enterprise.

Achieving this goal predetermined the need to solve the following main tasks:

    define theoretical basis and features of the functioning of the logistics management system at the enterprise;

    analyze existing system logistics management at the enterprise ZAO Chelny-Khleb;

    determine ways to improve material and technical support in the management system of the economic complex;

The object of the study is the logistics management system at the Chelny-Khleb CJSC enterprise.

The subject of the study is management relations to optimize the logistics system at the Chelny-Khleb CJSC enterprise.

Theoretical and methodological basis research was based on the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of economic theory, entrepreneurship, marketing, logistics, and management of the logistics system of both domestic and foreign scientists and specialists. The work used methods of system analysis, methods general theory systems, management theory, logistics theory.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a concept for optimizing the logistics system.

  1. Logistics support in the management system of the economic complex

1.1. Contents, mechanism of functioning of the logistics system

The logistics system (MSS) is the delivery of products for industrial and technical purposes and provision of operating conditions for facilities from manufacturers (suppliers) to consumers (on commercial, market terms) by specialized firms.

Logistics support is a link in production-commercial, flow-process activities in industrial production and operation of production and non-production facilities, the content of which is aimed at supplying the relevant facilities with the necessary means.

An uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, materials, equipment, and components is an indispensable condition for any production. This type of activity, in the totality of operations performed, forms the logistics system.

The logistics system, which plays an important role in social reproduction, accounts for the bulk of the time and costs of circulation. Thus, in the countries of the European Union, 90-95% of the time of movement of goods from the source of raw materials to the final consumer is spent passing through various channels of the logistics system. In these same countries, the costs of all types of logistics activities amount to about 13% of the gross national product, or approximately 30% of the cost of the final product. In many industrial companies, costs associated with the movement of material flows reach 50% of production costs, and in some cases even exceed them. Therefore, in all developed countries of the world, much attention is paid to the problems of increasing production efficiency by reducing distribution costs, primarily in the field of logistics.

The search for ways to reduce costs in this area is going in various directions:

Improving the organization and management of supply, sales and storage of goods;

Changing the technology of movement of material flows;

Study of product markets;

Strengthening interaction between suppliers, consumers and intermediaries using logistics technologies.

IN last years a number of transformations in the field of logistics are associated with the development of new equipment and technology in the field of computer science and communications. Information systems primarily provide large firms with data on market capacity and its saturation with goods. With the growing capabilities of modern information support for the spheres of production and circulation, the time of delivery of goods from suppliers to consumers is reduced to a minimum. A certain orderliness has also become possible both in their economic relations for various periods, including short-term ones, and in relations between industrial firms and intermediary organizations.

The industry of many countries around the world operates in conditions of strong competition, market saturation with goods, the absence of a departmental monopoly, and the independence of firms in choosing suppliers of products. State legislation prevents the emergence of monopolistic companies in the sphere of production and distribution. Competitive means of production must strictly comply with quality standards. Otherwise, based on the results of the work of the product quality control service, the product return mechanism comes into effect. Regardless of the distance required to deliver goods, quality mandatory requirement On the part of consumers, suppliers are required to comply with the declared quantity of goods of the required quality and range, as well as the time and regularity of their arrival. It is natural for consumers to want to purchase goods at the lowest possible prices.

The supply of goods and their sale, as a rule, are carried out through direct connections between consumers and suppliers of products and wholesale trade represented by various types of intermediary organizations. Service through forms of direct connections and with the help of intermediaries is not limited to any range of goods and directive instructions from above. Manufacturers compete with each other for the opportunity to supply products, regardless of who it will be supplied to - private business or the state. Their interactions with each other are based on competition in the search for a consumer, the terms of the agreement on price, quantity and quality of goods. Competition for the sale of products is carried out between its manufacturers and numerous wholesale organizations, which helps to improve the quality of customer service.

The desire to reduce distribution time and costs has given rise to the process of integration among wholesale intermediary organizations and vertical integration between wholesale enterprises and industrial firms based on the contractual and corporate nature of the relationship. As a result, various kinds of associations and associations have arisen that contribute to a more economical and accelerated promotion of goods from the supplier to the final consumer and a reduction in the distribution costs of firms.

IN Lately under the influence of the market, the production and logistics strategy undergoes significant changes, and above all that part of it that is associated with the sale of goods. If earlier the decision on the release of types of products preceded the development of a sales strategy, which actually involved “adjusting” the sales organization to production, now they prefer to move from justifying the optimal sales strategy to production, i.e., to choosing the optimal range of products that the company can sell.

As a result, in the sales activities of firms, the main attention is paid to identifying solvent needs for industrial products, studying their sales markets and generating consumer demand. In the supply activities of companies important is devoted to a technical and economic analysis of the possible impact of costs associated with the purchase of goods on profits and financial position firms This influence is manifested through the prices of purchased goods, the cost of manufactured products, depreciation charges and working capital, used to create inventories.

The development of the consumer sphere causes changes in the nature of material and technical support, primarily in its organization and management. In this regard, great importance is attached to the flexibility of the organization and management of logistics. As a rule, organizational forms are introduced into practice that can adapt to the dynamic requirements of production, supply, and sales of products, without fundamental structural restructuring.

The reduction of distribution time and costs is influenced by the so-called “logistics chains”, which have become widespread in the countries of the European Community. In recent years, they have been increasingly used in Russia. Logistics chains represent a single technological cycle for the delivery of goods from manufacturer to consumer and data flows about the movement of goods. This flow of information allows decisions to be made at various stages of the technological cycle to regulate the physical movement of goods. The main effect of using supply chains is to reduce inventories. Particularly effective in this regard were such logistics technologies as “just in time”, “zero inventories in production”, “Kanban” and some others.

The efficiency of supply chains leads to changes in transport, including public transport. This is mainly manifested in more strict consideration by transport workers of the clientele’s requirements and the formation of special logistics units. For example, at railway stations and junctions where industrial access roads adjoin the main roads, departments are created that deal with issues of transport support in logistics chains. Central logistics services are also being formed, based on the work of regional departments. They analyze existing cargo flows and distribute them along the communication network.

The generation of ideas, the exchange of economic experience and the determination of scientific and practical approaches to the strategy and tactics of logistics of modern production are carried out by national and international specialized societies or associations that unite industrial firms and scientific organizations. The prerequisite for their creation was the unity of logistics goals, integration processes in the economies of many countries around the world and the identity of solution methods production tasks. Associations of this kind have their own research centers with well-developed methods for analyzing the situation in industry, advisory departments, information banks, training centers and others. An example is the European Logistics Association, which includes dozens of national associations, including the Russian Association.

The economy of modern Russia, as a result of corporatization and privatization, has also undergone significant changes in the last 20 years. Along with production, the logistics system also changed. The functions of logistics in our country before perestroika and reforms were performed by State Committee Council of Ministers of the USSR for Material and Technical Supply (Gossnab USSR). Its system included: the Union-Glavsnabsbyty (main departments for supply and sales of certain types of products); main departments of material and technical supply in the regions of the RSFSR (territorial bodies); main departments for the acquisition of equipment for enterprises under construction and reconstruction in certain industries.

The USSR State Planning Committee carried out the planning and distribution of about two thousand types of products. Industry ministries and departments planned the distribution of products that were not distributed by the State Supply Committee and the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

Gossnab's tasks were multifaceted. He was engaged in:

    implementation of logistics plans;

    ensuring cooperative supplies;

    distribution to consumers of products not distributed by the USSR State Planning Committee;

    organization economic ties between suppliers and consumers;

    organization of wholesale trade in materials and equipment;

    sale of surplus and unused products;

    combating losses of raw materials;

    acceleration of inventory turnover;

    control over the timely implementation of product supply plans.

The USSR State Supply Committee was also entrusted with the task of determining the national economy's need for appropriate products and placing orders for their production while ensuring the most efficient utilization of production capacity and the rational attachment of consumers to suppliers.

Soyuzglavsnabsbyty developed balance sheets and product distribution plans in connection with its production. The material and technical supply plan consisted of material balances and plans for the distribution of material resources among ministries and departments.

In modern Russia, the logistics system is increasingly approaching the technologies that have developed in countries with developed market economies, where the logistics scheme is based on a system of warehouses of supplier enterprises, central warehouses and warehouses of supplied enterprises. The scheme of its application differs little in different countries.

The logistics system, based on the principle of storing inventories, is quite widespread in the manufacturing industries. The necessary materials are selected from the company's own warehouse stocks, which are then transported to the recipient or delivered directly to the workplace. In this case, the relevant documentation is drawn up.

In this case, if the required material is not available in the warehouse at hand, a request is made to the division of the company that deals with purchasing. Based on the request, an order is placed and sent to the supplier, who accepts the order and ensures dispatch of the goods. Large quantities of materials are sent to the customer enterprise, usually by road or rail. As they arrive, ordered goods are accepted at the company's central receiving point, where the quality of the materials and their compliance with the order in terms of quantity and nomenclature are checked. After completing the relevant documents on the receipt of goods, they are delivered to the workplace.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities.

Objectives of logistics support of production:

Timely provision of enterprise departments with the necessary types of resources of the required quantity and quality;

Improving the use of resources, increasing labor productivity, capital productivity, reducing the duration of production cycles for manufacturing products, ensuring the rhythm of processes, reducing turnover working capital, full use of secondary resources, increasing the efficiency of investments;

Analysis of the organizational and technical level of production and quality of products from the supplier’s competitors and preparation of proposals to increase the competitiveness of the supplied material resources or change the supplier of a specific type of resource. In order to improve the quality of input, enterprises should be afraid of changing uncompetitive resource suppliers.

To achieve the above goals, supply workers must study and take into account the supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, reduce transportation, procurement and warehouse costs.

    Planning that involves:

    study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise and the market for individual goods;

    forecasting and determining the need for all types of material resources, planning optimal economic relations;

    optimization of production inventories;

    planning the need for materials and setting their limit for supply to workshops;

    operational supply planning.

    An organization that includes:

    collecting information about consumed products, participating in fairs, sales exhibitions, auctions;

    analysis of all sources of satisfying the need for material resources in order to select the most optimal one;

    concluding business agreements with suppliers for the supply of products;

    obtaining and organizing the delivery of real resources;

    organization of warehousing, which is part of the supply authorities;

    providing workshops, sites, and workplaces with the necessary material resources.

    Control and coordination of work, which includes:

    control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations of suppliers, their fulfillment of product delivery deadlines;

    control over the consumption of material resources in production;

    incoming control over the quality and completeness of incoming material resources;

    control over production inventories;

    making claims to suppliers and transport organizations;

    analysis of the effectiveness of the supply service, development of measures to coordinate supply activities and increase its efficiency.

Logistics planning production includes a set of works on the analysis of specific costs of material resources for the reporting period, the use of technological equipment and tooling, forecasting and standardization of certain types of resources for the planning period, development of material balances by type of resource, source of income and the above-mentioned areas of use. The planning work listed above is very labor-intensive. They are carried out by economists and planners with the participation of other specialists. Managers do not take part in the development of plans; their task is to check compliance with planning principles, the composition of planning documents, and their quality.

In market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and therefore the right to purchase more efficient material resources. This forces the company's supply personnel to carefully study the quality characteristics of products manufactured by various suppliers.

Criteria for choosing a supplier may include reliability of delivery, the ability to choose a delivery method, time to complete an order, the possibility of providing a loan, and the level of service. The relative importance of individual criteria may change over time.

The organizational structure, nature and methods of operation of supply services at enterprises are distinctive. In small enterprises that consume small volumes of material resources in a limited range, supply functions are assigned to small groups or individual employees of the enterprise's economic department. At most medium and large enterprises, this function is performed by special logistics departments (LMTS), subordinate to the deputy head of the enterprise for production. Since the quality of the department’s work largely determines the quality of the production process, it must be staffed with highly qualified specialists. In addition, many of the issues resolved by the department are complex in nature and require knowledge in the field of marketing, logistics, engineering, technology, economics, regulation, forecasting, production organization and inter-industrial relations.

OMTS are built according to functional or material characteristics. In the first case, each supply function (planning, procurement, storage, release of materials) is performed by a separate group of workers. When building supply bodies based on material characteristics, certain groups of workers perform all supply functions according to specific species materials.

The typical type of structure of the supply service is mixed (Fig. 1),

Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the MTS department (mixed type)

. when product departments, groups, bureaus are specialized in supplying specific types of raw materials, supplies, and equipment. However, along with commodity departments, the supply department includes functional units: planning, dispatching.

The mixed type of structure of the supply department is the most rational method of structure, which helps to increase the responsibility of workers and improve the logistics of production.

The planning bureau (group) performs the functions of environmental analysis and market research, determining the need for material resources, developing a plan for providing the enterprise and its divisions with material and technical resources (part of the enterprise’s business plan), optimizing market behavior for the most profitable provision, formation of a regulatory framework, development of supply plans and analysis of their implementation, monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers.

A commodity bureau (group) performs a set of planning and operational functions to ensure production with specific types of material resources: planning, accounting, delivery, storage and release of material into production, i.e. regulates the operation of material warehouses.

The dispatch bureau (group) carries out operational regulation and control over the implementation of the plan for supplying the enterprise and workshops with raw materials and materials, eliminates problems that arise during the supply of production,

controls and regulates the supply of materials to the enterprise.

Departments (bureaus, groups) of external cooperation provide production with semi-finished products (blanks, parts, assemblies). They can also be built on a functional or product basis.

To carry out technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, the enterprise creates equipment departments, which are usually part of capital construction.

For large enterprises consisting of a number of branches, the most appropriate type of structure is the peculiarity of which is that the divisions have their own supply services with functions for planning and operational regulation of the supply of production workshops and sites with material resources, as well as for monitoring their implementation (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Diagram of the organizational structure of the supply service.

The formation of a regulatory framework, forecasting and development of MTS plans, the establishment of economic relations and coordination of the work of supply services included in the enterprise are concentrated on the basis of the enterprise's supply service. Interaction between the divisions of the enterprise supply service is carried out on the basis functional connections, and not administrative subordination.

One of the links in the MTS organization is warehousing, the main task of which is to receive and store materials, prepare them for production consumption, and directly supply workshops with the necessary material resources. Warehouses, depending on their connection with the production process, are divided into material, production, and sales.

Accepted materials are stored in warehouses according to product groups, grades, and sizes. Racks are numbered indicating material indices.

The delivery of materials and the operation of warehouses are organized on the basis of operational procurement plans.

14.3. Logistics support for production

Forms and systems of logistics support

In its activities, the enterprise uses material and technical resources (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, components, etc.). During the production process, they are transformed into products (services) and are subject to constant replenishment.

For this purpose, logistics are organized, including: determining the need for material and technical resources, searching and purchasing resources, organizing delivery, storage and distribution to consumers at the enterprise. The supply of material and technical resources must be timely, comprehensive and require minimal costs. This work is carried out by the logistics department of the enterprise.

The enterprise acquires material and technical resources on the market, where sellers and suppliers are directly enterprises - manufacturers or organizations - intermediaries. Purchasing material and technical resources directly from manufacturers, i.e. organizing supply through direct connections, has advantages in that it provides the ability to quickly take into account the buyer’s special requirements for products, specific wishes regarding its composition, design, design, planning delivery times, etc. etc. Through direct connections, we supply, first of all, those material and technical resources that are constantly needed in large quantities, as well as products for individual orders And complex equipment. However, the entire range of material and technical resources necessary for production sometimes reaches tens of thousands of items and standard sizes. It is clear that it cannot be supplied through direct connections. Those resources that are needed in small quantities, periodically and irregularly, are more economical to buy from intermediaries - wholesale companies and stores. The latter assemble a certain range of goods for sale and are geographically located near enterprises and consumer organizations.

Irregular or periodic purchases of material and technical resources, primarily with homogeneous standardized properties, can be carried out on commodity exchanges, where information about the sale of products and the level of current prices is concentrated.

The circle of the enterprise's main suppliers is quite stable, especially in conditions of mass and serial production, when there is a constant need for a large number of identical materials. But from time to time new tasks arise that require new material and technical resources and new suppliers (development new products, replacement and improvement technological systems, new construction, etc.). However, even without this, there may be a need to replace individual suppliers and expand their circle. Therefore, the problem of choosing suppliers is important.

When choosing suppliers of resources, you should take into account a number of factors, including: compliance of the production capacity of suppliers with the needs of the enterprise for materials, the quality and price of the latter, the reputation of the supplier, its territorial remoteness and promptness of deliveries, speed of response to buyer requirements, payment terms, the possibility of obtaining a loan and etc. These supplier characteristics are carefully analyzed and the partner who provides best conditions supplies at minimal cost.

An agreement is concluded between the supplier and the consumer of material and technical resources, regulating all supply conditions: quantity, quality, price of goods, delivery time, form of payment, liability for violation of the agreement. Resources arrive at the enterprise warehouse, from which they are then supplied to workplaces.

Equipment objects (machines, equipment, devices, etc.) that are needed occasionally are stored in the enterprise warehouse until they are put into operation. As for materials, the supply of workplaces with such is regular and is considered the final stage of the logistics of production. It is carried out according to a certain system. For each workshop or division, the logistics service sets a limit for the consumption of materials based on consumption rates and the planned volume of work. Within the limit, materials are issued from the warehouse to the workshops.

Depending on the type of production they are used various systems limiting and providing workshops with materials. At enterprises of single and small-scale production, a decentralized (passive) system of supplying workshops is widely used. The warehouse issues materials based on one-time requirements of the workshops, which independently receive and transport them. In conditions of mass and large-scale production with a stable range of products and rhythmic consumption of materials, a centralized (active) system for providing jobs is used. The warehouse delivers materials within the established limit directly to workplaces in the required quantity and at the right time in accordance with the calendar schedule. Centralized system allows you to use more efficiently warehouses, vehicles, more successfully mechanize and automate transport and warehouse operations.

Centralized supply of materials to workshops and workplaces is gaining higher form in the conditions of an integrated “just in time” production and supply system (Japanese version - “kanban”), when all processes and their support are carried out in accordance with a clear calendar schedule. Suppliers are also included in the unified work schedule, providing the production process often directly “from the wheels”, reducing inventories of mass-consumer materials to a minimum.

Determining material requirements

The need for material and technical resources is determined differently, depending on their purpose. The number of technical means, i.e. machines and equipment, is calculated sporadically during design production systems. Calculations of material requirements are regular and carried out on a unified methodological basis. The amount of materials of a certain variety required by the enterprise in the billing period in physical measurement (Mn), and which should be purchased, is calculated using the formula

(Mpn) = Mp + Mn + Mk, (14.3)

where Mp is the consumption of materials in the billing period;

Mn, Mk - transitional stock of materials at the beginning and end of the billing period, respectively.

Materials are spent on the following needs: main production, production of technological equipment, repair and maintenance work, measures to improve the technical level of production, capital construction on our own. Material consumption is determined by multiplying the consumption rate by the volume of products (work). This fundamental principle is specified in accordance with one or another object of regulation. In particular, the consumption of materials for the production of Mp.p products is calculated using the formula

where n is the number of items of manufactured products;

Ni is the volume of output of products of the i-th item in physical measurement;

— rate of material consumption per unit of the i-th product;

Mn.p - material consumption for changing work in progress balances.

The value of Mn.p is calculated when the balances of work in progress change significantly. It is defined differently depending on the breadth of the product range and the magnitude of consumption rates. With a limited range of products and large consumption rates, the change in the number of products in work in progress is determined, which is multiplied by the consumption rate per product. In other cases, the value of Mn.p is calculated approximately based on the change in work in progress in value terms and the cost of materials for monetary unit for the last year.

In this way, the costs of production of basic materials, semi-finished products, components and technical equipment are calculated. auxiliary materials, which are standardized for the manufacture of individual products. The consumption of materials for auxiliary and maintenance processes is determined by multiplying the volume of work or the number of service objects by the consumption rate. The objects of rationing material consumption in this case can be one hour of equipment operation (lubricants, cooling materials, energy), a ton-kilometer of transportation (materials for vehicle maintenance), a unit of equipment repair complexity (repair materials, spare parts), the number of employees (working clothes , special food, etc.).

Material inventories and inventory control

The intervals for the supply of materials to the enterprise and the time of their use, with rare exceptions, do not coincide: many materials enter production continuously, that is, every day. Therefore, there is a need for stocks of materials. By purpose, stocks are divided into current, preparatory and insurance. They are stored in warehouses together, but standard values ​​are calculated separately.

The current stock ensures the operation of the enterprise in the period between two subsequent receipts of batches of materials. It is a variable value: it reaches a maximum at the time of receipt of a batch of materials, gradually decreases during use and becomes minimal immediately before the next delivery (Fig. 14.7).

The maximum current stock (Mz.t.max) is equal to the delivery batch of materials, which depends on the interval between two deliveries and the average daily costs of materials, i.e.

Mz.t.max = Ms tn(14.5)

where Ms is the average daily consumption of materials in physical terms;

tn is the interval between receipts of successive batches of materials in days.

A type of current is a seasonal stock, which is created under conditions of seasonal use, seasonal procurement or seasonal transportation of materials.

A preparatory stock is necessary when materials require special preparation (drying, cutting, straightening, etc.) before use. It is determined by the formula

Mz.pd = Ms tpreg, (14.6)

where tpred is the time to prepare materials in days.

A safety stock is created in case of a possible delay in the receipt of the next batch of materials. It is determined by the formula

Mz.str = Ms tn.z, (14.7)

where tн.з is the time of urgent stock replenishment in days or at standard supply intervals is the average deviation from it.

Thus, the total stock of materials is:

maximum Mz.t. max = Ms (tn + tpreg + tn.z), (14.8)

minimum Mz.t. min = Ms (tpreg + tn.z), (14.9)

average (14.10)

To maintain current inventories at appropriate levels, an inventory control system is important. The choice of a regulation system is influenced by many factors, and first of all, the magnitude of the need for materials, the regularity of launching into production, the form of supply, etc. Inventory regulation can be carried out using the “maximum-minimum”, “standard batches”, “standard intervals” and etc.

The most famous in our country is the “maximum-minimum” system, according to which stocks are replenished to a level not lower than their minimum value, and after the arrival of the next batch they will not exceed the established one maximum quantity. To ensure these conditions, an order for the next delivery of materials is allocated with a current stock amount sufficient to operate until the ordered material arrives. This stock amount is called the “order point” (Mr) and is determined by the formula

where tз is the time in days from the moment the order is placed until the shipment of materials arrives.

Other inventory control systems, as their names suggest, strictly regulate the size of delivery lots or the interval between them.

The amount of materials stock significantly affects the efficiency of the enterprise, and the impact is not at all clear. On the one hand, an increase in inventories due to supply in large quantities requires large working capital, additional costs for storing materials, compensation for possible damage and losses. These losses and costs can be considered proportional to the size of the stock, that is, the delivery lot. On the other hand, supplying in large quantities reduces the number of deliveries and, accordingly, transportation and procurement costs, because the latter depend relatively little on the size of the delivery batch, but much more on the number of these batches (costs of registration, sending documents, traveling agents, transportation, etc. ). Increasing the size of the supply lot gives reverse effect: losses and costs associated with storing inventories are reduced, and transportation and procurement costs increase (Fig. 14.8).

The optimal delivery batch (nо) is one that ensures the minimum total costs (Sm.z) for the acquisition (Spr) and storage (Sхр) of materials, i.e. when

See з = Ср + Схр → min(4.12)

Substituting the corresponding values ​​into the components of this form, we get

where Mg is the annual demand for materials;

Stz.r - transportation and procurement costs;

Cm - price per unit of material excluding transportation and procurement costs;

Kp is a coefficient that takes into account losses from the diversion of funds into inventories and the costs of storing materials.

From here, the optimal delivery batch is determined by the following formula:


Logistics support

Logistics- strategic management of procurement, supply, transportation and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (equipment, etc.). The concept also includes the management of relevant information flows, as well as financial flows.

Logistics is aimed at optimizing costs and rationalizing the process of production, sales and related services, both within one enterprise and for a group of enterprises. Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities, various logistics systems are used.

Logistics system - a set of actions of participants in the logistics chain (manufacturers, transport, trade organizations, shops, etc.), built in such a way that the main logistics tasks are fulfilled.

The term is of foreign language origin, the Russian equivalent is supply(similarly, logistician - supplier).

Origin of the term

The term appeared originally in the Army Quartermaster Service. The term “logistics” itself comes from the Greek λόγος (logos) and was first used in treatises on the art of war by the Byzantine emperor Leo VI.

Military logistics

The most striking manifestation of military logistics was during the Second World War. The American military contingent, leading fighting in Europe, was fully provided by rear units from another continent. The joint and well-functioning work of the military industry, transport (aviation, sea and land transportation) and logistics services after the end of the war gave impetus to the use of military logistics experience in the peaceful economy.

Nowadays, the concept of “military logistics” is still preserved in some countries, but in Russian the term “logistics” is now associated primarily with business.

Business logistics

According to economic understanding, logistics is the science of managing material, financial and information flows in an enterprise with the aim of optimizing them and reducing production costs.

Logistics systems are very diverse in terms of the scope of the enterprise’s activities (and in terms of the understanding of modern Russian management). For some, logistics is simply the ability to work with databases; for others, it is supply or warehouse activities. But for its purpose (and its main purpose is to reduce costs, provided that planned tasks, and therefore increased efficiency production activities) logistics systems should cover almost all (except accounting, personnel, etc.) areas of activity.

The concept of logistics includes many subdisciplines: purchasing, transport, warehouse, production, information logistics and others.

Companies can develop their own logistics departments, or they can attract transport and logistics organizations to resolve supply, warehousing and procurement issues. Depending on the level of involvement of independent companies to solve business problems in logistics, different levels are distinguished: 1PL - from English. "first-party logistics"- an approach in which the organization solves logistics issues independently; 3PL from English. "third-party logistics"- an approach in which the full range of logistics services from delivery and address storage to order management and tracking the movement of goods is transferred to the side of the transport and logistics organization. The functions of such a 3PL provider include organizing and managing transportation, accounting and inventory management, preparation of import-export and freight documentation, warehousing, cargo processing, and delivery to the end consumer.

Purchasing logistics

Main article: Purchasing logistics

The main goal of purchasing logistics is to satisfy production with materials with maximum economic efficiency, quality and the shortest possible time. Purchasing logistics involves the search and selection of alternative manufacturing suppliers. The main methods of purchasing logistics are traditional and operational methods. Traditional way carried out by delivery required quantity goods at a time, and operationally as needed for the goods. An important part of purchasing logistics is supply planning based on inventory management.

Sales logistics

The goal of sales logistics (distribution logistics) is to ensure the delivery of goods to the right place at the right time at a certain cost. Closely related to the concept of sales logistics is the concept distribution channel- a set of various organizations that deliver goods to the consumer.

Transport logistics

The main task of transport logistics is to carry out planning activities and organize the delivery of material resources from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. Transport logistics is a system for organizing delivery, namely for moving any material objects, substances, etc. from one point to another along the optimal route. The optimal route is considered to be one along which it is possible to deliver a logistics object, in as soon as possible(or stipulated deadlines) with minimal costs, as well as with minimal harm to the delivery object. Damage to the delivery item is considered negative impact to the logistics facility both from the outside external factors(conditions of transportation), as well as from the time factor during the delivery of objects falling under this category.

Transport logistics market participants

Inventory logistics

Inventory management policy consists of decisions - what to purchase or produce, when and in what volumes. It also includes decisions about the allocation of inventories to manufacturing enterprises and in distribution centers.

The second element of inventory management policy concerns strategy. You can manage the inventory of each distribution warehouse separately, or you can centrally (requires more coordination and information support)

Warehouse Logistics

The main task of warehouse logistics is to optimize the business processes of acceptance, processing, storage and shipment of goods in warehouses. Warehouse logistics determines the rules for organizing warehousing, procedures for working with goods and the corresponding resource management processes (human, technical, information). For information and technical support of such processes, specialized warehouse management systems are used

Environmental logistics

Main article: Environmental logistics

Ecological logistics ensures the movement of material under any production processes up to its transformation into a marketable product and waste, followed by waste management until disposal or safe storage V environment. Environmental logistics also ensures the collection and sorting of waste generated by the consumption of commercial products, their transportation, disposal or safe storage in the environment. It allows you to radically clean large areas contaminated with unauthorized waste.

Lean logistics

The synthesis of logistics and lean concepts made it possible to create a pull system that unites all firms and enterprises involved in the value stream, in which partial replenishment of inventories in small batches occurs. The principles of Lean technology extend to the areas of logistics, warehouse, inventory and transport management within enterprises, and then to the management of flows external to factories. Lean logistics uses the principle of total logistics cost, Total Logistics Cost, TLC, What allow:

  • Reduce inventories throughout the chain;
  • Reduce transportation and storage costs;
  • Establish logistics cooperation.

Other Applications

Recently, there has been a tendency to apply the principles of logistics not only in economics and finance, but also in the social field (social logistics): politics (political logistics), municipalities (municipal logistics), pedagogy (pedagogical or educational logistics), psychology (pedagogical psychologized logistics ), medicine (medical logistics) and demography demographic logistics); virtual logistics, city logistics, etc.

Problems solved by logistics

  1. choosing the type of vehicle;
  2. selection of vehicle type;
  3. route determination;
  4. organization of cargo transportation;
  5. responsible storage in warehouse areas;
  6. formation of prefabricated orders;
  7. customs services

Logistics training

Logisticians are trained according to a comprehensive program. Logistics training itself includes topics:

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations of logistics
  • Logistics management objects
  • Logistics functions
  • Basic logistics concepts and systems
  • Applied logistics applied to production processes
  • Applied logistics as applied to supply and procurement
  • Applied logistics as applied to transport processes
  • Applied logistics as applied to warehousing and inventory management
  • Environmental logistics
  • Municipal logistics
  • Integrated Logistics
  • Lean logistics
  • Distribution and Marketing Policy

see also



  • Anikin B.A. Workshop on logistics. Tutorial.- M: Infra-M, 2007. ISBN 9785160024929
  • Krumins N., Vitolins K. Logistics in Eastern Europe. - M: SIA, 2007 ISBN 978-9984-39-171-7
  • Serbin V.D. Fundamentals of logistics: Textbook. Taganrog: TRTU, 2004.
  • Stock D.R. Strategic management logistics. - M: Infra-M, 2005. ISBN: 5160020071
  • Johnson D., Wood D., Wardlaw D., Murphy Jr. P. Modern logistics. 8th ed. - M.: Williams Publishing House, 2009. ISBN 978-5-8459-0969-5
  • Environmental management: Textbook for universities. / N. Pakhomova, K. Richter, A. Endres. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. ISBN 5-94723-494-7
  • Y. E. Tashbaev Current issues and trends in the development of logistics
  • Mirotin L. B. Nekrasov A. G. Efficiency of integrated logistics.
  • [ Forum of suppliers and suppliers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Material beginning
  • Material body

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