Top best story games on PC. Favorite PC games with a great storyline

A selection of the best atmospheric games for the computer. If you have suggestions to add a game to this top, write the name of the game and why you think it has a cool atmosphere.

Blade Runner

Release date: 1997

A three-dimensional adventure game with third-person action elements, which tells the story of the confrontation between people and replicants (cloned half-adroids designed to work where no human will work) and is based on the 1982 film of the same name. During the game we will have to look for clues, communicate with various characters and fight against replicants.

An interesting feature of the project is that, firstly, before the start of the game, which of the characters encountered will be a replicant is randomly generated, and secondly, our hero can choose topics for conversation and answer options in dialogues. In general, the project turned out to be incredibly replayable (just look at the 16 ending options) and atmospheric. In terms of gameplay, it was far ahead of its time, so if you are not put off by the outdated graphics by modern standards, then familiarizing yourself with the game is highly recommended.

Silent Hill

Release date: 1999-2012

A series of incredibly atmospheric games in the survival horror genre, different in plot, but often united by the location of the action. The plot of most games in the series develops in the non-existent town of Silent Hill, associated with a certain mystical cult.

The features of the series include dark, multi-faceted plots and an incredibly frightening atmosphere, not least of which plays a role in the creation of the world, located in a constant fog, as well as various monsters drawn by the subconscious of the game characters. Also traditional for the series, the games contain various puzzles, tied not only to finding and using quest items, but also to solving various riddles and finding non-standard ways to solve them.

Gothic 1 and 2

Release date: The first - 2001, the second - 2002.

Two parts of an excellent atmospheric fantasy RPG from a third person, the action of which takes place in the kingdom of Myrtana, where a bloody war with the orcs is going on. At one time, these two games were the most popular in the genre, and many developers looked up to (and sometimes tried to outright copy) some of the game mechanics. On our website, Gothic is included in.

The features of the dilogy include a large game world for those times, an excellent plot, and a convenient combat and magic system. Also, one of the “chips” of these two games is that the main character is leveled up by teachers, who must be looked for in the game world. The first part of Gothic received mostly positive reviews, and the second was recognized by many gaming publications as the best RPG of 2003.

Max Payne

Release date: 2001

Genre: Third person shooter,

A third-person shooter imbued with noir and an atmosphere of hopelessness. In the game, we control Max Payne, a DEA agent who lost his family and was then brutally framed. The game features of the project include a fair amount of cinematography of what is happening, as well as the presence of a bullet time mode, which allows you to slow down time so much that you can see bullets flying at the main character.

In general, when playing Max Payne, you feel that the developers were inspired by films in the Hong Kong action genre. To date, two more parts of the famous game have been released, which also keep the high bar set by the first part, and even introduce some of their own gameplay elements.

Mafia 1 and 2

Release date: 2002

Genre: Third person shooter, open world,

Two parts of an excellent third-person action adventure with an open world and car simulator elements. Traditionally for both parts, we, represented by the main character of the game, travel through a huge seamless location, communicate with people, complete tasks, participate in shootouts and periodically race cars. Despite the open world, a lot of emphasis in the games is placed on the plot, which tells the story of the formation of the mafia. Moreover, the first and second parts, although located in the same universe, are not related to each other (with the exception of a few references).

Both parts of the game received mostly positive reviews from players, largely due to the incredibly atmospheric and exciting plot. At the moment, a third has been added to the two parts described above, which, however, received mixed ratings.

Series S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Release date: 2007-2009

An excellent survival horror with a first-person view, the plot of which is based on the novel of the same name by Dmitry Glukhovsky. Not surprisingly, the game turned out to be very atmospheric and very interesting in terms of plot. As for the gameplay, everything here is generally excellent - the project is a cheerful post-apocalyptic shooter, which clearly took inspiration not only from the book source, but also from the games of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

The game takes place in the Moscow metro, where people moved after a total apocalypse. The locations in the game are mostly corridors, but very ominous and often have many branches. Often the player has to move in pitch darkness, where dangerous monsters are often hidden. Reaching the surface is also fraught with dangers, however, of a different nature (radiation radiation, poisoned air, etc.).

Alan Wake

Release date: 2010

Genre: Action, mystery, horror

An atmospheric, psychedelic third-person action thriller with horror elements, in which we play as writer Alan Wake, who is trying to find his wife and is faced with a paranormal entity. Despite the fact that the game mechanics are based on a shooter component, the project is distinguished by very original solutions in terms of combat. For example, opponents are often vulnerable to light (and some can only be killed by first “illuminating” them).

The plot in the game is interesting, and it affects almost all the people encountered during the game. One of the features of the gameplay is the division into episodes (as if you are not playing a game, but watching a mystical television series), and at the beginning of a new episode you will definitely be reminded of the events of the previous “series”. The project received rave reviews, and Igromaniya magazine called the console version of the game “the main game-work in 2010.”


Release date: 2010

A monochrome platformer that tells us the story of a boy trying to find his sister in an extremely unfriendly world. On the way to his goal, the hero will often encounter dark creatures and all kinds of traps, and the slightest mistake will certainly lead to the death of the character.

A gloomy and atmospheric game, the gameplay style of which the developers themselves call the “trial and death” method. And indeed, you will have to die here often, very often, even somehow incredibly often. And the whole point here is that our hero does not have any superpowers, and the world around him is too aggressive. Be that as it may, quite quickly the difficult places in the game will become passable for you, after which they will no longer cause you so many problems.

L.A. Noire

Release date: 2011

Genre: Third person shooter, adventure, police,

A third-person action game with adventure elements, which is a real detective simulator. In the game, we, in the role of a Los Angeles police detective, will have to unravel a number of crimes, for which we will have to inspect crime scenes, find and compare evidence and all kinds of clues, and ultimately discover the criminals. In addition to the story missions, the game has many additional missions that can be obtained via the police radio.

The game has an excellent and incredibly atmospheric plot, as well as exciting gameplay that really makes you feel like you are in the role of a real detective. It is not surprising that gamers highly appreciated this project, and gaming publications gave it quite positive ratings.

Dear Esther

Release date: 2012

Genre: Quest

An experimental game from an independent developer, in which we wander around a desert island, listen to the voice-over of the narrator, read letters here and there and move forward. The main goal of the game is to get to the radio tower, while simultaneously exploring the island and trying to understand what is happening here, who Esther is, and what the narrator is talking about. On our website the game is included in .

A strange, unlike anything else, and incredibly atmospheric game that is akin to meditation. Of course, not everyone may like it, because... there are no opponents or even riddles here, but if it “comes to you”, then you will probably return to it from time to time. For what? Yes, at least for the umpteenth time to read “Dear Esther...”.


Release date: 2012

Genre: Quest

A game unlike any other, devoid of any words, but filled with music, an indescribable atmosphere and emotions. In the role of a strange creature, we have to travel to a far, far away mountain, while we can meet other players, but you cannot communicate with them, and you will only find out who this is in front of you at the end of the game (the names of the players encountered will be indicated in the end credits).

During the journey, players will encounter pieces of fabric, which will subsequently make it possible to fly a short segment of the way. Also, during the passage, the player will encounter various magical objects and ruins, which are traces of an ancient civilization. Such finds will help understand the history of the game world.

Dark Souls series

Release date: 2011-2016

A series of action RPG games that will literally make you cry. And this is not an exaggeration! The gameplay of all parts is built around battles with all kinds of monsters (including extremely gigantic ones) using melee weapons. The game also has an element of exploring the world, consisting of several levels connected to each other. Why is this series so famous and why will you cry? The fact is that games in the souls series are characterized by extremely high difficulty of completion and an equally high threshold for entry into the game for beginners.

Despite the extreme complexity, the games in the series have become incredibly popular among gamers. And really, what better way to stroke your ego than by killing some incredibly difficult boss in an equally incredibly difficult game? Add to this the incredible atmosphere and you get what players love this series so much for!

Kentucky Route Zero

Release date: 2013

Genre: Indie adventure

This atmospheric indie project is one of those that, despite its outward simplicity, hides a powerful atmosphere and depth. At first glance, the game is an unremarkable quest with vector graphics, but upon closer inspection it becomes clear that the project was clearly inspired by the films of David Lynch. There are no puzzles or inventory with items, and the main emphasis is on clicking on the right points on the screen and choosing lines in dialogues.

An excellent game in which the main emphasis is on history and surroundings. A project that for some may be a small revelation. The plot is intriguing from the very beginning and often presents players with many surprises.

Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons

Release date: 2013

A decent first-person survival horror in the Alien universe, in which we play Amanda Ripley (yes, this is the daughter of Ellen Ripley from the cinematic universe) space station you will have to escape from the xenomorphs. Most of the time we have to wander around locations, exploring them and finding items necessary for further plot advancement. At the same time, strangers will constantly complicate our lives. The “trick” is that xenomorphs here live according to their own laws and have artificial intelligence, so you are unlikely to be able to hide from them for a long time.

The game turned out to be very atmospheric, largely thanks to the defenselessness of the main character. Those. We, of course, can scare away the creature with a burner, but you won’t be able to kill a stranger, so there is only one way out - to hide!

This War of Mine

Release date: 2014

Genre: Simulator, stealth

A side-scrolling survival simulator that tells the story of how a group of civilians try to survive in a city during civil war. The project has an indescribable oppressive atmosphere and fully shows the real picture of the war.

In This War of Mine, the player controls several survivors trying to survive the war. Conventionally, the gameplay can be divided into two phases - day and night. During the daytime, the player needs to set up a shelter and interact with characters, and at night, make forays into the city in search of food, medicine, etc. The player’s main problems here include a lack of provisions and medicine, cold, and armed marauders. Events in the game are randomly generated, which makes each playthrough unique.

Ori and the Blind Forest

Release date: 2015

Genre: Platformer, fantasy

An exciting and very atmospheric 2D platformer. We control a character named Ori, as well as the spirit Sein who protects him. Sein can attack enemies and release energy. In turn, Ori is able to jump, climb walls, levitate in the air, swim under water, etc. The location is large and open all at once, but without some of Ori’s abilities (and their most of opens during the passage) we will not be able to advance to certain parts of it.

Players all over the world highly appreciated the visual style of the project, as well as its history and musical accompaniment. In addition, the game took second place in the “Best Platformer” category, only 1% behind the winner.


Release date: 2015

Genre: Survival horror

The action of this horror film takes place on an underwater station, where machines take on human characteristics. The gameplay here is traditional for the developer’s past games (Penumbra and Amnesia), which means that the main emphasis here is on moving around locations, finding quest items and solving puzzles. However, an equally important part of the game is the plot and the constant oppressive atmosphere, which instills anxiety from the first minutes of the game.

SOMA received positive reviews from players and critics, who primarily praised the plot, as well as the constant feeling causeless fear that arises during the course of the game. Recommended for all fans of horror films with quest elements!

Pathologic Classic HD

Release date: 2015

Genre: Simulator, RPG, arthouse

HD re-release of a “simulator of human behavior in an epidemic” called “Walrus Utopia”. Many critics called the game the most unconventional project, and this is not surprising, because it is very, very difficult to “drive” it into the framework of any genre. There are RPG elements here, but very non-standard ones. There are also elements of adventure here, but also with their own “oddities”. There is also a combat element in the game, but it is also far from traditional “combat games”.

The game shows the fate of three people who found themselves in the city during a terrible epidemic. Each of the characters has their own goals, their own motives and attitude to what is happening. Everyone has their own principle of effective survival. The game turned out to be very atmospheric and grotesque, and the HD re-release made it possible to at least slightly brighten up the wretchedness of the old engine. It's time to get acquainted with this project if you missed it at one time.

Ghost of a Tale

Release date: 2016

Genre: Action, RPG

An atmospheric game in the action-rpg genre with elements of adventure and stealth, telling the story of the brave mouse Tilo, who was captured by the imperial rats. During his adventure, the mouse will have to overcome various obstacles, hide from guards, look for keys to numerous doors, and even change clothes, posing as an imperial.

Each component of the game is worked out perfectly, but stealth deserves special attention. Our mouse can make noise, the strength of which is influenced by the character himself, his speed, the surface on which he moves, etc. There are barrels and chests scattered throughout the levels in which you can hide. Opponents can be distracted or stunned. The RPG element here is also quite strong. The mouse can find different outfits that affect his parameters, complete quests, increase his level and even learn new skills.

Darkest Dungeon

Release date: 2016

Genre: RPG, indie, fantasy, roguelike

An original role-playing game with a touch of the roguelike genre, in which we, in the company of several adventurers, set off to explore the catacombs under an ancient estate. Before each trip, we can equip our “adventurers”, and after the trip, we can send them to restore their physical and mental health. I would like to emphasize the latter - the fact is that the game is quite atmospheric and gloomy, it is not surprising that such an emphasis is placed on the moral state of the characters. Our heroes, as opponents or unforeseen situations arise, may get scared, as a result of which they will go out of the player’s control, or acquire some unpleasant perks.

The project was clearly inspired by the works of writers such as H. P. Lovecraft. It is not surprising that the game is filled to capacity with such themes as fear of the unknown, loss of reason, and the insignificance of a person before unknown forces.

Layers of Fear

Release date: 2016

Genre: Survival horror, mysticism

An atmospheric thriller in which you, as a mad artist, must complete your life's work and create a Masterpiece. Will you find the roots of your own madness and be able to get rid of them? Or maybe you will get stuck headlong in a quagmire of fear and horror? You decide!

The gameplay here is very “on-rails”. A step to the left, a step to the right within the framework of this game is not something that is punished, it is in principle impossible here. At the same time, the project is inspired by its plot and atmosphere, which are quite good here. At the same time, the story is presented not only through videos and gameplay, but even through decorations, in particular through paintings. Ultimately, an understanding of the whole story comes, and what we, as the protagonist, are striving for throughout the game, and then it becomes truly scary.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Puzzle, quest, survival horror

An atmospheric platformer with puzzle elements, created by the developer of another similar game called Limbo. In principle, these two games are similar, like brothers, so the gameplay here is made with an eye on the company’s past project - we, represented by the boy, run mainly in one direction and try in every possible way to avoid traps, as well as opponents. Our hero has extremely low vitality, as a result of which he will die often and with style. However, when an understanding of actions in a particularly difficult moment comes, it begins to go through quite simply.

The project impresses not so much with its gameplay, but with its graphics and atmosphere. There is no presentation of the plot here either, so players have to navigate “as they go,” however, this does not interfere with enjoying the project while playing.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Scuba diver simulator

A colorful scuba diver simulator, with a minimum of actions required from the player, but at the same time with a maximum of positive impressions. The entire gameplay here comes down to freeing fish from traps, searching for shells and activating various mechanisms, but at the same time, the indescribable atmosphere of the underwater world makes you play this project again and again.

One of the main advantages of the game is its ability to constantly delight the player. And indeed, as you move further and discover new locations, it begins to literally take your breath away. The underwater world is very diverse and you really admire it, especially since both flora and fauna contribute equally well to it. An excellent meditation game with an amazing atmosphere and pleasant music.


Release date: 2016

Genre: Adventure

An exciting side-view game that tells the story of life in an extremely totalitarian state. We work for the government and our task is to monitor the residents, collecting information about them, compiling a dossier and reporting to superiors about all violations. We also have a family, so the game intelligently pushes us to realize our own interests. In the end, we have to frankly make a choice, follow the instructions of our superiors, or violate them for our own benefits. In this case, the violation may well go unnoticed.

The game is interesting for its atmosphere. The idea of ​​total surveillance of everyone and everyone is conveyed very well here, and any action you take will lead to certain consequences (and not always good ones). In any case, it is always interesting to see what this or that decision will lead to.


Release date: 2017

Genre: Puzzle, horror

A good horror story about two students stuck in a high school during bad weather somewhere in the mountains. Something sinister has started hunting us and now our heroes have to solve riddles and try to survive among the ghosts. Add to this the fact that the game takes place in Taiwan in the 60s, when the country was in dire straits, and you get a truly interesting, complex and incredibly atmospheric story.

The game has quite specific visuals and a soundtrack that may put players off at first, but give the project a chance. If you get involved, you are guaranteed a great time! An impressive and very touching game that is at least worth checking out.

Little Nightmares

Release date: 2017

Genre: Quest, puzzle

An adventure game with quest and arcade elements, in which we play as a girl named Six. Our heroine, constantly feeling hungry, found herself in a strange place called the Womb, and now we have to get out of there, using all our dexterity and ingenuity.

Despite the fact that the game is three-dimensional, we still run in a two-dimensional plane. Our heroine can perform various actions - run, jump, climb, grab, use objects, eat, hug gnomes. With such a meager arsenal of skills, we have to overcome various obstacles that arise on the way of the Sixth, as well as various monsters that live in large numbers in the Womb. An excellent project that carries very deep thoughts in a rather unique style.

The First Tree

Release date: 2017

Genre: Third person quest

An atmospheric "walking simulator" from a third-person perspective, with a strong focus on the story of two destinies - a fox trying to find his family and a boy looking for his father. Throughout the game we will be in two realities - spacious forest locations in the form of a fox and in a dark bedroom in the face of a child.

The gameplay comes down mainly to constant movement through beautiful locations and platforming, and the main driving force here is a story told in voiceover. You can activate the plot dialogue only in special places, which we will get to. The ending of the game deserves special mention, as it justifies the sometimes boring gameplay and successfully hits the player’s feelings.

FAR: Lone Sails

Release date: 2018

Genre: Indie

An indie adventure game with an indescribable atmosphere and meditative gameplay, in which we, on a unique land ship, must travel along the dried seabed in search of the remains of a dying civilization. As we progress, our ship will encounter various obstacles, among which dangerous weather conditions will become the lesser evil.

The game features of the project include an interesting setting, the possibility of upgrading the ship (upgrades really help in passing) and an incredibly atmospheric environment - a deserted dried seabed, filled with all sorts of relics telling about what happened here.


Release date: 2018

Genre: First person horror, indie

A free indie first-person horror game in the spirit of the “old school” with a touch of arthouse and psychedelia, as well as a perfectly conveyed atmosphere of fear and emptiness. In the story, the main character has been unsuccessfully searching for his missing wife for 3 years, but suddenly he receives advice to look for her in a city with the telling name “Hell”. Our protagonist’s misadventures begin with his arrival in this city.

In this project, players will explore a creepy empty city, look for clues for further advancement and solve puzzles varying degrees difficulties. The graphics in the game are quite dark, monochrome with a constant white noise effect. Often, as the player progresses, he will encounter all sorts of letters and newspaper clippings that shed light on what is happening.

Wandering around the Internet, I found on the top 10 games with the most exciting story. All this was done through voting by site participants...

P.S. I don’t agree with some places... but alas. -_-

Endless rain, echoing impacts on the water, dark and complicated story with kidnappings, murders and sudden twists and turns... Well, how can we get past this? Quantic Dream always takes a very long time and carefully studies each dialogue, verifies every word in the angry tirade of the villains and does it at a quite decent Hollywood level. "Heavy Rain" would make a great movie!

“Interactive Drama,” however, also turned out great. First they paint us an almost ideal American dream - big house, a well-paid job, a happy family. And then they sharply hit their face against the rough wall of reality, take away all the benefits of civilization and throw poor dad Ethan Mars to the very bottom of suffering and constant questions “Why did everything go wrong?”

Each scene with self-sacrifice is literally filled with that very “psychologism”, which more than once forces one to empathize with, albeit not real, but convincing virtual actors. Just cutting off a finger is worth it! It’s only for these “deep” and memorable moments that “Heavy Rain” is worth playing.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

The French pioneers of the “interactive drama” genre are not destined to reach prizes. But it’s still nice that two games from Quantic Dream hit the top ten at once. So the studio is on the right track!

"Fahrenheit" touches the soul from the first minutes. The camera sweeps over cold and snow-covered New York, looks into an ordinary American diner - the performance begins! The main character’s hands are covered in blood, a corpse lies nearby, and his memory has been lost! The screen, in the best traditions of modern cinema, is divided into two parts, showing how a policeman imposingly enters the cafe.

The nerves of the innocent “murderer” Lucas are slowly losing steam. Having hastily cleaned up the crime scene, he flies out of the restroom, leaves money for lunch and runs like a bullet to a taxi. The opening scene of Fahrenheit makes your jaw hit the parquet loudly, fill it with saliva and demand a continuation this very second.

Alas, by the end, "Fahrenheit" lowers the quality bar, throws up some kind of "Matrix" with battles for the "main secret in the universe", but... But this cannot overshadow all those bright moments that David Cage and the team gave in "Fahrenheit" " For which we thank him in particular and Quantic Dream in general.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

To put it bluntly, the main storyline in Fallout was never that important. And what, in principle, is interesting there? The destroyed world with sparse cities and a small population, which always has a couple of tasks for a lonely wanderer, looked much more important and larger-scale.

This is what captivated everyone about the first two parts of "Fallout". Fallout 3 is proud of this too. Traveling around the world and completing seemingly optional, but very nice side quests here captivates you much faster than the search for your father.

Handy people from the shelter will come in handy everywhere - one wastelander will ask you to help defuse (well, or detonate) an atomic bomb. Another will instruct the letter to be delivered to relatives, without warning, however, that the search for relatives will turn into a whole investigation. Almost a drug! Although there are not many quests, wandering around lifeless lands does not become any more boring. Fortunately, the constantly changing trees of dialogues and choices with the obligatory decrease/increase in the character’s karma help to maintain interest.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

The Poles from CD Projekt not only managed to please the devoted Witcher fan club, but also made a game that would appeal to people far from the novels of the same name about the gray-haired hunter of evil spirits. The world and mythology created by the main “witcher” Andrzej Sapkowski was dragged by CD Projekt into the virtual world, flavored with a scattering of polygons and a fantasy spirit that captivates all those who like to wander around medieval villages and castles.

The rich system of forks in the dialogues also came in handy. What to do and which side to choose in a confrontation between several factions? We give answers to all these questions over the course of several chapters, wandering around the town of Vizima, checking the sewers for the presence of monsters, or wading through a disgusting swamp. Along the way, naturally, trying to unravel the tangle of intrigue and understand all the chaos going on around the royal throne.

In a word, The Witcher grabs you from the first minutes and doesn’t let go until the very final battle, where the fate of Geralt of Rivia will be decided.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10


That it’s hard to tear yourself away from the canonical “Godfather” and that from “Mafia” are both treasures modern culture They offer a plunge into the criminal world in which the Italian mafia was brewed in the 30s and 40s of the last century. And at the same time, look at the ascent to the heights of the “family”, which quickly becomes dear and unique, from the very bottom of the hierarchical ladder.

After all, everything starts small. Apparently he helped a couple of bandits escape from their pursuers in his taxi and even earned some money. The idyll, however, will quickly fall apart and leave the main character Tommy no choice. As they say, either to the coffin or to the family that will warm and protect.

For several years, the boy will be engaged in robbery, contract killings and searching for moles who do not sleep and are always ready to stick a knife in the back. And playing cat and mouse and searching for black cats is always exciting! Honestly, Mafia is worth going through just for the strong and stunning ending. A little bit of life, truth and very impressive. There's still time before the release of Mafia 2, so if you missed Mafia, trust me, it's worth your time to fill in the gaps.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

"BioWare" has always been different from other studios in that it can not only work out the main storyline to the smallest detail, but also create full-fledged worlds. With its own mythology, with its own rules, races, inhabitants and orders. Worlds in which you don’t just spend an hour or two after “hard work,” but in which you plunge headlong. You live, if you like.

"Dragon Age: Origins" did not drop the labor banner and continued the sacred fantasy work begun by the Canadians back in "Baldur's Gate." The influence of the Forgotten Realms universe is felt right from the threshold, the kingdom of Ferelden pleases with its scale, and the wicked, as befits in “dark and scary” worlds, try to frighten and tear to pieces the unwary wanderer. Several warring races only add color to the local universe and the relationships between the characters. It's very, very difficult not to fall in love with Dragon Age: Origins.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

All representatives of the GTA-like squad always have one plot - a difficult ascent to criminal Olympus. Over the heads of competitors, over mountains of corpses and through dozens of robberies. The plot may be the same, but the difference is in the presentation. Some games manage to convey the atmosphere of dashing chases and gangster shootouts, others - not so much.

Of course, GTA4 belongs to the first category. Rockstar Games really succeeded in telling the story of immigrant Niko Bellic. The story has all the elements of a good crime drama. Chase? Available. Large-scale shootouts and clashes of interests of various gangs on the streets? That's right, it's on the list. Convoluted relationships between characters and obligatory betrayals? That's it, the obligatory set of plot moves is in place!

Well, don’t forget about the acting. Rockstar spent a lot of money on voice acting. And the stern and cynical Niko, played by Michael Hollick, is one of the best characters in the entire history of GTA. This means something.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Bronze this time goes to theoretical physicists who are madly in love with saving the world, armed with one crowbar. Valve Software created an excellent story about a scientist who became an icon for a whole generation of players, and the attack on Earth by evil alien invaders, who soon enslaved weak humanity.

It seems to be not the most original story, but coupled with innovative technologies in 2004, Half-Life 2 en masse stole the hearts of more than one million people. But success, in fact, was built on the same silent Gordon Freeman and constantly wagging friends. However, coupled with dynamic and well-staged cut scenes, constant action and a very active narrative that literally drives forward and only forward, the second part of HL has become something more than just a game. You think what you want, but it was with Half-Life 2 that a new era in the development of shooters began. No more, no less.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

The second game from BioWare in the top was much more fortunate. Several hundred grams of silver go to Canadian astronauts who study and sometimes save the galaxy from various misfortunes.

In two and a half games, Commander Shepard managed to fall in love with millions of fans of serious science fiction with elements of conspiracies on a universal scale and a war of interests of each of the races living in the universe. Mass Effect 2 grabs the player by the breasts from the starting line. A quiet and calm beginning in one minute turns into the destruction of the Normandy and the death of the entire crew, leaving us with jaws hanging to the floor and the question “What the hell is going on here?” on our faces. Meanwhile, the Cerberus organization is brought onto the stage, the deceased Shepard is revived and they begin to throw new questions at the players.

BioWare has had a bunch of answers ready for a long time and no one doubts that in the third part of Mass Effect all the threads will definitely lead to a logical ending. All that remains is to wait. BioWare has never let us down so far.

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Games with the most exciting storylines. top 10

Fanfare, confetti, congratulations and a personalized golden cup are once again sent to the Ubisoft offices. "Assassin's Creed 2" was awarded high ratings and millions of sales not because of Ezio's beautiful eyes. The detailed recreation of 15th century Italy, the corrected acrobatic component, and many more small strokes on a huge canvas played a role here.

And one of the strong points of “Assassin’s Creed 2” is the plot, which has matured and become stronger. If in the first part the entire narrative part quickly slipped to the level of “sat on a bench, killed, listened to a couple of meaningless phrases,” then in the sequel watching the story of Ezio has become much more interesting. His path to becoming an assassin is laid out through decades of honing his skills. A bully and bully, as Ezio is depicted on the threshold of youth, over time turns into one of the central figures of the brotherhood of assassins. He grows stronger, acquires new uniforms and takes revenge for his family, following in the footsteps of the Templars. Whatever you say, revenge as a plot motivation sounds better than “find and bring back an artifact.”


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I decided to write my first entry in this section about my favorite story-oriented computer games. Although not only the plot was evaluated, but also its presentation, atmosphere and even, a little, the gameplay. Because the good stories a great variety, I described only the most memorable projects and those only released for personal computers.

10. Whispered World

The only representative of the genre on this list. To tell you the truth, I'm not a fan of classic quests. I think the gameplay as such only gets in the way of the story, with sometimes absurd puzzles. I prefer the increasingly popular interactive series: products from , although the latter is closer to the classics.

So why is this project in the review? It's simple - the story told here touches the soul, but you need to go through it to the end to catch it. This is a story about a sad clown who is trying to save a magical land from complete extinction, but the script is not as simple as it wants to look at first glance.

9. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Mafia- third-person action. The gameplay is incredibly annoying, especially that car driving thing. Several important tasks had to be completed for many long hours, grinding my teeth so as not to break the keyboard. I think everyone who played remembers the races. I had to learn every turn and bend of the track in order to win the competition. By the way, now you can choose the difficulty of the mission.

All this torment fully pays off with an excellent script, in the spirit of “ Godfather“- a simple taxi driver begins to work for the mafia and subsequently becomes a member of the mafia family. Made in the style of the main character's story about his life. 2K They have already tried to repeat this success twice, but it can only be called a worthy continuation.

Portal— a first-person puzzle game. The idea created by the students was embodied in this test product. It wasn't a full game because it was very short. The public reacted favorably to this creation and Valve took it seriously. — has already come out as a big project, the last one on this moment, the studio's masterpiece. The number of substances with which we can interact has been increased. Added interesting story and a separate one for co-op mode.

Atmosphere, plot, humor - all this came together harmoniously in this project. The puzzles attracted everyone with their novelty and low barrier to entry. What we have is a weapon that can open two portals connected to each other and the ability to carry small objects and that’s it! The challenges that it throws at us Portal, are performed by these three actions, physics and devices capable of influencing its laws. You can describe it in more detail, but why? If you haven't played yet, then I don't know what you're waiting for?

7. Deus Ex Human Revolution

Human Revolution— RPG and stealth action. We have a choice between stealth and regular shooting. It recreates the atmospheric world of cyberpunk, where artificial improvement of the body has become everyday life.

The plot revolves around Adam Jensen, head of the security service of Sharif Industries, a large company producing cybernetic implants. During an attack by an unknown group on a corporation, Adam is seriously injured, and a person he cares about is kidnapped. Thus, Jensen acquires a partially robotic body and finds himself drawn into a story full of conspiracies, intrigues and secrets.

An excellent, intelligent script, atmosphere and non-linear gameplay with a developed dialogue system provide this project with an honorable place in the review. A sequel was released not long ago, Minkind Divided, which is even better in places than its predecessor, but the piece of history that we are offered for a full-fledged script spoils the whole impression.

6. Dishonored

The second stealth action game on our list. To be honest, I don't like this genre. As in the previous project, we are given a choice of style, but it affects the ending. This is one of the few stealth games, the hidden passage of which I enjoyed. Not only because it had a good ending, but more because of the dialogues that I was able to overhear. Killing bosses without being noticed is another great feature Dishonored. It’s made simply gorgeous, you neutralize each individual differently and with a degree of non-linearity.

The place where the events take place is beautiful and very atmospheric in its own way. Excellently drawn faces, caricatured and speaking. The style is unique. The gameplay is varied, given that we can not only carry bladed weapons and firearms, but also use a kind of magic that we upgrade as we progress. There are many DLCs and even a full-fledged one is being prepared for release in this universe.

When I met Half-Life, I was still young enough to appreciate the plot. I was more interested in the network component. And later it didn’t hook me, but I really liked the second part of this first-person shooter. At that time the engine Source was a real breakthrough in graphics and physics. The developers took full advantage of this. The possibilities for interacting with the environment are simply enormous. In addition to the usual reprisal against the enemy, we can throw something heavy or sharp at them, break the support under them, and so on.

The animation is also excellent. You can’t say this now, but then it was a pleasure to look at Alix’s face. The atmosphere of a world invaded by aliens and the script are excellent. In addition to shootings, we will have to solve physical problems and drive various vehicles. The first and second episodes also did not disappoint and I am still waiting for the third or third part, like many other fans of this masterpiece.

A great RPG with a space theme. The story stretches over three games, in which we have to explore planets, complete dangerous tasks and reveal the secrets of the universe. You will learn that the world is in danger, try to try on warring races, gather an army and save everyone. Each member of your crew is an individual with his own biography, character, desires and ambitions. Every decision you make affects how your teammates treat you and even their lives.

Here is everything you need for a good role playing gameBig world, many side quests and dialogues, exploration of populated and desert planets. The battles are third-person shootouts using futuristic weapons and biotic abilities such as telekinesis. Cinematic productions of truly Hollywood proportions.

A lot of time passed between the first and third parts - Bioware was no longer the same as before. The dialogue system became flatter; the state of affairs in the universe was influenced by points in the network component. The ending was not what was expected. Overall, though, the trilogy was excellent.

In fact, the previous series became the studio’s last projects Bioware worthy of attention. The fantasy RPG has a number of excellent qualities. An interesting, long, epic and sometimes unpredictable and non-linear plot that will require us to gather all possible forces to save the earth from the impending threat. Only first we will have to help future allies, and in each individual case something unique awaits us.

When creating the main character, we will be allowed to choose a race and even several options for origin, which will affect the introductory chapter and later on the attitude of other intelligent beings towards us. The dialogues, the characters of the comrades, their biography and motives are even more developed than in the previous project. For example, in a conversation we are offered a whole range of answers, only knowing the interlocutor can we determine his reaction to a particular phrase. No stupid wheels where it is clearly visible whether we say good, bad or something else.

The combat system is a tactical battle with an active pause, during which we give orders, push through and look at the result, and the higher the difficulty, the more often we will need to use it. A large number of abilities gives free rein to the imagination.

This game already has three parts, but none of the next ones came close to this one, both in terms of the plot component and in some aspects of the gameplay.

Original Bioshock about an underwater city had a good script and atmosphere, but still inferior Infinite And although the gameplay hasn't evolved much over the years, it can be forgiven for its deep and amazing story.

A beautiful and at first glance simple story immerses us in a charming floating city, but the further we move through it, the more questions will arise. As a result, in order to fully understand what is happening, you need to fully study the environment and possibly go through Infinite more than once (or just look on the Internet). When the picture forms in your mind, you will be shocked by its depth.

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / Witcher 3: Wild Hunt



Witcher was just a good game. The gameplay did not impress with its variety, but the story was interesting, although it partially repeated the events of the book of the same name authored by Andrzej Sapkowski. The second game was more original and it had its own and rather non-trivial plot, and its graphics were not inferior to other projects, and the culmination of this work was The Witcher 3. The Poles jumped above their heads and not only their own.


A stunning open world with a non-linear story - a hot cocktail. Moreover, the plot itself is great. It begins with Geralt, the main character of the story, on the trail of his adopted daughter, Ciri, a girl of imperial blood with unusual abilities. Its exact location is unknown, but you will have to look for it in three provinces - Velen, Novigrad and Skellige. All this in the context of a military conflict with the empire in the south and the kingdoms of the north.

Velen is a swampy plain through which the war has just passed. It has its own atmosphere with ghosts and witches, the long-time mistresses of these lands. Small settlements with superstitious people. Novigrad is contrastingly different - a large city that both warring sides dream of taking over, under the rule of crime bosses. Skellige is an island inhabited by “highlanders” with their own morals and customs, druids who protect nature and a ruler who has just died. We also face a struggle for power over the islands.

The story is amazing in its scale and epicness. According to the staging of some scenes The Witcher can surpass the trilogy combined. In addition, our actions influence the environment, and it changes under this influence. Side missions are sometimes not inferior in depth to the main story; they are also non-linear and sometimes even change the balance of power. The gameplay is rich in its capabilities both in terms of the combat system and world exploration. About beauty and positive sides games can be talked about endlessly.

Additions and other information

Later to To the Witcher Two more additions were released, modestly called by the developers - DLC. “Hearts of Stone” had an excellent script, second only to the main one in length. And “Blood and Wine” added not only an entire continent with its own contingent of people, whose characters, morals and customs were just as different from the population of the rest of the world as Velen was different from Skellige, but also new monsters, new gaming opportunities. A huge number of additional tasks, the quality is still not inferior to the main ones, and another interesting story, like the previous two. Yes, what can I say - other developers, without a twinge of conscience, would call this addition a full-fledged fourth part.

By the way, good news for fans, a movie adaptation based on the book universe ““ is being prepared. It will be attended by Netflix, the director of game videos from the game, Andrzej Sapkowski himself and many other famous people and companies. I hope they come up with something worthwhile.

If you are interested in fantasy literature in general, I recommend reading it.

It's no secret that success is good computer game consists of several criteria. Graphics, controls, physics, realism, leveling system and, of course, the storyline.

In this TOP we will talk specifically about those games that are in the top ten according to the last criterion.

10. Alan Wake

The game gets an honorable tenth place Alan Wake, which tells about the adventures of a famous writer. A good storyline with non-trivial characters.

In this case, the main character is the writer Alan Wake, who decided to find his once missing wife. This is not so easy to do, because along the way a real nightmare begins, as reality gradually mixes with the imagination of the character himself. This idea is really quite interesting and at one time gamers really appreciated this new product.

9. Fahrenheit

The ninth place in our TOP of the best plots in games is occupied by the game Fahrenheit, which has become a real breakthrough since its release into the gaming industry.

The main character is a simple guy who is accused of a murder that he, of course, did not commit. The passage itself is an interactive drama, where a special role is prepared for gamers. Players need to make decisions in different situations in order to reach the end. By the way, the end of the story depends on the decision options that the gamer himself chooses.

8. Fallout

Eighth place is occupied by an equally famous series of games called Fallout, considered the first project in which gamers are invited to dive into the dizzying and dangerous world, on the verge of death.

The features of this game were alternative solutions in the storyline, which led to quite interesting and unexpected events. Over time, a whole series of games based on this project were released, which only became better and more interesting each time. The third part of the game has long ago achieved high ratings in all criteria and is rightfully considered the best in the series.

7. The Witcher

Our rating of games with the best plot continues from the well-known series "The Witcher", created based on the work of Andrzej Sapkowski. The main character will have a considerable number of adventures, and in order to complete them, the Witcher will have to defend not only the people dear to him, but also the entire kingdom.

The most unusual thing for such a bright genre is a love line, filled with constant intrigue, betrayal and conspiracies. Throughout the series, players will be able to personally observe how the Witcher gradually ages and how his journey ends.

6. Mafia

Of course, we can’t ignore two well-known parts of the third-person shooter called "Mafia". For personal computers, finding a project that has a good storyline is not so difficult, especially when compared with games for consoles or mobile devices. So PC owners don’t have to worry about the “interesting plot.”

As for the Mafia, it tells the story of the thirties, when criminal incidents were at the very center of all events. This game is difficult to describe in words, because since the first part many other projects have been released with improved graphics, new features and advanced engines. But it is this storyline that will never become outdated and will remain relevant at any time.

5. Dragon Age

Dragon Age is a project that you've probably heard about, even if you haven't played it. Of course, in order to understand the whole essence of the story, to enjoy a well-developed and compelling plot, you need to play all the series of the game. Nobody knows how events will develop in the next minute. Which of the heroes is destined to die at the very beginning, and which will remain throughout the entire series. Perhaps this is the only game that can serve as an example for other developers who want to create a project with an alternative history.

Story line allows you to fully reveal all the capabilities of the main character, not only in basic characteristics and skills, but also as a person as a whole. There is also a love line, which can cause a lot of problems in the future. But this all depends on the actions of the players themselves.

4. Grand Theft Auto

GTA is a whole series of games, but in this TOP it is worth focusing on the latest releases of this project, since the first parts did not have a special storyline. The game genre itself is in many ways reminiscent of the “sandbox” direction. A little later, the developers decided to outline the storylines in more detail, adding clarity and meaning to them.

Starting from the third part, freedom of action has increased, and the already vast world has become even more interesting. Each hero has his own story, in the development of which players are directly involved. Here, gamers can watch how characters rise from the very bottom of the dark world, becoming real crime bosses in their business.

3. Half-Life

So, we finally made it to the top three. A project called Half-Life, which amazed with its story about the silent doctor Gordon Freeman, who is fascinated by physical phenomena. He is the only key to saving the entire universe. As a weapon to save the world from the extraterrestrial world government, he uses a crowbar, as well as any other objects that come to hand.

The first part of the game tells how the doctor investigates the essence of the research "Black Mesa", after which he tries to save his life. The continuation of the project tells about the takeover of the world by strange authorities who are too actively involved in all spheres of society. Both projects are considered legendary, and deservedly receive third place in our list of the best story games.

2.Mass Effect

Silver goes to the trilogy Mass Effect for a very memorable story about one captain and his crew, who spaceship roamed the universe, trying to save it from the invasion of alien creatures.

The game awaits you a large number of various missions united by a common goal. The gamer risks plunging into a dizzying kaleidoscope of history with incredible speed, despite the fact that it consists of three whole parts.

1. Assassin's Creed

According to many fans, honorable first place should be given to the series of games about the Order of Assassins. The developers very skillfully intertwined modern world with the historical era. The storyline moves one main character into the guise of various assassins, and players will be able to watch the fate of each of them until the end of all series.

For its rich dramatic story and unique cult style, this game rightfully receives gold in our TOP.