Miter saw with broach. Miter saw with broach: how to choose a high-quality and durable tool

Miter saw Designed for sawing wooden blocks at any necessary angle, inclination or for sampling wood. A tool with a broach has a number of advantages compared to conventional trimming. Leading manufacturers offer many options, and budget-conscious home craftsmen construct it themselves.

Purpose of the miter saw

Often during finishing works It is necessary to perform diagonal cutting of materials with great accuracy. This is a rather difficult task without a special tool. Special device Will cope with wood of various species, soft metals, polymers, laminate. A miter saw helps to complete work quickly and accurately, for example, when laying out baguettes, baseboards or working with lining.

A miter saw belongs to the category of highly specialized tools. It can cut narrow bars, boards, slats. With its help it will not work to unravel along the board. The presence of a broach somewhat expands the capabilities of the tool, allowing you to cut wider workpieces.

Construction of a miter saw with broaching

The device for cutting wood is simple: it is a functional module consisting of an electric motor with a gearbox, a handle with a start toggle switch and a working circle. The entire module is attached to the base.

The electric motor can be asynchronous or commutator type. The commutators require periodic brush changes, but produce high speeds. Asynchronous ones are quieter and more durable.

As a rule, the electric motor is installed on the right hand side of the saw blade. But there are models with a motor behind the disc. It does not block the view, which is especially important if the design allows the working element to be tilted.

Through the gearbox, the movement is transmitted from the motor to the saw wheel. The transmission can be belt or gear. The toothed gear operates without slipping even at maximum speed. But the belt reduces vibration and is quieter, which is also very important for accurate cutting. Periodically, the belt wears out and requires replacement; during a sharp change in speed, it can jump off. There are also models with direct transmission. They are the most reliable, but their torque is lower.

To expand the capabilities of the saw, a broaching mechanism was created. The functional module is located on two guides along which it moves during the cutting process. A broached miter saw will cut wider boards. During operation, the operator pulls the circle towards himself, the working edges rotate away from the operator, so sawdust flies past, and the circle presses the part against the stop.

The functional block is installed on the base - the frame. It consists of a movable round part that moves when setting the angle and stop. The best bases are made of durable and lightweight metals: aluminum or magnesium alloys.

Saw is dangerous cutting tool, therefore, to prevent injury, a protective casing is included in its design. During idle time, the folding part covers the circle; during operation, the casing is removed using a special lever or automatically when moving the console to the working position. Additional safety is provided by an electrodynamic brake, which smoothly stops the electric motor when the power supply is interrupted.

High-power devices are equipped with a soft start; during wheel replacement, the torsion mechanism is blocked, and when the wheel is stopped, the engine stops. Any model is equipped with protection against electrical breakdown on the body.

Electronic and laser equipment

A broach miter saw rarely contains electronic components. But there are models with electronic speed control. This option allows you to more accurately control the progress of work, as well as configure the sawing mechanism various materials.

Some manufacturers have gone even further and equipped their mechanisms with the ability to maintain a stable speed. A useful option if you need to quickly cut a lot of workpieces, because when pressing, the rotation speed of the disk usually decreases greatly. In modified saws, an electronic controller will return the speed to the required limits. This will ensure a quick and even cut.

Laser guidance is another expensive, useful, but optional option. The laser clearly indicates the cutting line, this is very convenient for inexperienced craftsmen who have not yet developed automaticity.

Additional functions

Dust removal. When working with a miter saw, a lot of wood dust and sawdust are released, which are harmful to the operator. Modern models of the tool are equipped with a connection pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner. Garbage is removed directly from the point of release and does not have time to spread throughout the room.

Tabletop extension. A useful option when working with long bars or laminate. Most often, the table is attached to a frame and supported on two legs. Most tables are 50 cm long, but longer ones can be found.

Criteria for choosing a cross-cutting machine with broaching

To ensure that the money spent on purchasing a wood saw is well spent, you should consider:

Purpose of the tool. A saw with a broach is necessary for professionals who often work with wide workpieces. If the tool is used occasionally, regular trimming without bells and whistles will be sufficient, household class. Professionals are skeptical about combination tools that combine cross-cutting and circular saw. As a rule, the performance of one of the functions (or both) suffers. Therefore, combination saws are not bad for hobbyists; they will save space by getting two tools in one body. The rotation speed of a professional saw blade is the same as a household saw. But the power of the first is higher, so the energy consumption is higher.

Safety. Even the cheapest device must have a protective casing. The accidental start blocking function is also useful.

Weight and dimensions of the saw. Professional, powerful tools are larger and heavier. But the trimmer is a portable device, so its weight should be within reason. In addition, you should pay attention to the maximum free movement of the working head.

Diameter of working disks. Disks less than 0.2 m in diameter are suitable only for children's fun. The wider the saw wheel, the more convenient it will be to work.

Selection of consumables

The quality of cutting depends on the characteristics of the tool and the working element, in this case the saw blade. All wood miter saw blades are different:

  • outer diameter;
  • internal diameter;
  • shape of the teeth.

The internal diameter of the disk or mounting hole comes in two sizes: 25 or 30 millimeters. The size is indicated on the face of the wheel and in the characteristics of the saw. The outer diameter is also selected depending on the capabilities of the tool. It is more difficult to understand the geometry of the cutting surfaces:

  • The more teeth on the wheel, the rougher the part is processed. For example, you should not choose such a consumable for cutting laminate, painted or varnished wood. Fine-toothed wheels will work. There is a classification of saw wheels for miter saws with broaching: for cross cuts, longitudinal cuts and for finishing (universal);
  • slotted discs are good for long work. The slots prevent the wheel from deforming during heating and also reduce noise during operation.

The main manufacturers of professional saws with broaching for wood are Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, Metabo, DeWalt.

Videos demonstrating the operation of cross-cutting machines with broaching from well-known manufacturers:

Often during repairs you have to deal with the fact that individual parts need to be connected using an oblique connection (or as they say “in the miter”). This is most relevant in the manufacture of skirting boards, windows and door frames, and when laying floors. In such cases, miter saws come to the rescue because they cut materials at a given angle.

By its design, a miter saw is an electric sawing tool, which is characterized by high speed, reliability and accuracy in performing the intended cutting work. They are used for working and finishing parts made of wood, laminate, plastic, aluminum and some other non-ferrous metals. Such a tool is most widely used in finishing and carpentry work, and installation production.

The modern equipment market is represented by a large model range sawing power tools: panel, miter, circular and universal saws with different functionality.

Advantages of a combined miter saw as a two-in-one multifunctional tool:

One type of miter saw is a combination miter saw. This tool can be called “two in one”. It allows you to make a cut of any configuration. It combines the functionality of a miter saw and a conventional circular (or circular) electric saw. The combined model is used both for making straight cuts of any length (that is, longitudinal cuts) and cutting at an angle. As a result, instead of two saws, you can buy one, saving money and free space in the workshop.

This model is designed for cutting of varying labor intensity with a wide range of materials: from plastic to aluminum. However, in terms of the greatest depth of cut, combined models may be inferior to conventional miter saws, although their price segment is higher.

combination miter saw
miter saw with broach

Before purchasing a trimming tool, you need to decide in advance for what nature and scope of work it is needed. After all, you can buy a miter saw with or without broaching.

Miter saw with or without broaching, which is better?

An additional broaching option is as follows: a saw blade is mounted on two parallel slats, which is able to move freely along them.

A miter saw with a broach is used when working with wider sheets, since they are characterized by a fairly high cutting width of the part to be finished. Broach trimmers typically have fine teeth, which make them easier to cut parts made from man-made components.

A miter saw with a broach can have a laser pointer or backlight and some other convenient functions, and also stands out for its large overall dimensions and weight.

Miter saw, one of the most important tools when carrying out construction work. No matter what you are doing, renovating a room or building a shed in the country, you will definitely need a miter saw. Not everyone knows how to choose the right tool for the job. Professional builders and finishers have studied saw models from their own experience, therefore, it is easier for them to navigate the variety of models. We have compiled rating of the best miter saws and separated models with broaching and combined ones into separate categories. This will make it easier for beginners to navigate when choosing a tool for carrying out the planned work.

When you come to the store, there is nothing difficult to choose the miter saw you like. You can focus on the price or seek advice from the seller. However, before you go shopping, you should understand that choosing a miter saw depends not only on its price and popularity, but also on the type of work for which you need it.

Before we move on to the rating, here is a list of companies that have positively proven themselves in the field of reliable construction tools: JET, BOSH, Hyundai, Metabo, DeWalt, Festool. By purchasing a saw from one of these companies, you will be confident in its quality and reliability. , .

1. The best miter saw of 2018 - 2017 in the inexpensive category: Bosch PCM 7 - Price 11,500 rubles.

The Bosch PCM 7 miter saw belongs to the category of amateur tools and falls under the category of inexpensive tools. It is suitable for beginner builders and for individual use in small renovations. Customer reviews are positive, everyone likes the aluminum sole, which contributed to the overall weight of the saw, only 8 kg. This makes it easier to transport and install the saw. Bosch PCM 7 is equipped with a guide laser, the ability to select an intermediate tilt angle and a fixed table for more convenient and precise work. Bosch PCM 7 did not fall into the category of professional miter saws due to the small diameter of the disc, 190 mm and low power, 1100W. These figures are low for professional use when it comes to working on a large site. But there are enough of them for private use and for beginners.

According to consumers, the Bosch PCM 7 model is one of the best miter saws for home use. It’s not for nothing that it occupies the top line of the rating and leads the category of inexpensive saws.


  • Excellent cutting quality is ensured by the 4,800 rpm blade;
  • Built-in workpiece fixation clamp;
  • You can connect a vacuum cleaner to collect chips;
  • Affordable price.


  • The sawdust bag does not cope with waste collection.

2. The best miter saw of 2018 - 2017 in the inexpensive category: JET JMS-10 - Price 12,000 rubles.

Miter saw JET JMS-10 great choice, if you need to process or saw small wooden blanks. What distinguishes it from competitors in its class is a cast aluminum table with the ability to rotate. For beginners, the table helps them handle the saw, cut the workpiece safely and select the exact cutting angle. As we have already said, the JET JMS-10 miter saw is ideal for beginners and for home use. The manufacturer has done everything possible to make the work easier for people who do not have the skills to handle a saw. The disk included with the JET JMS-10 provides an even cut without unnecessary notches, and the built-in table clamps and end screw reliably hold the workpiece in the desired position.

You should take into account that the JET JMS-10 miter saw with a base blade is suitable for processing rough workpieces. In order to make even cuts, for example, for wooden furniture elements, it is worth buying an additional disc with small teeth. This will ensure a smooth cut.


  • Built-in laser pointer;
  • The table extender can be removed;
  • Good system removal of sawdust.


  • Needs to be adjusted before each job;
  • Not suitable for working with metal.

3. The best miter saw of 2018 - 2017 with broaching and combined: Metabo KGS 216 M - Price 19,000 rubles.

Experts and professional builders call the Metabo KGS 216 M miter saw the best model for the novice builder and renovation enthusiast. It belongs to the category of saws with broaching and combined versions, which strengthens the position of the Metabo KGS 216 M in the construction tools market. Here is just a small list of advantages that distinguish the Metabo KGS 216 M from its competitors: built-in illumination of the work area, great for working in rooms with poor lighting, built-in laser pointer, facilitates an accurate cutting line, Plus, cutting with a broach of up to 205 mm according to strict fixed direction. You may think that the price of the Metabo KGS 216 M miter saw is overpriced, however, this is one of the few models with an excellent price-quality ratio.

Hobbyists will love that the Metabo KGS 216 M miter saw is equipped with a pair of retractable extensions and a chip collection system. Metabo KGS 216 M is in the ranking of the best miter saws in the category of amateur tools. Before professional level it falls short due to a limited number of settings and a frankly weak assembly bag.


  • Excellent cutting quality;
  • Good set settings.


  • The laser direction line is blocked by sawdust;
  • There are too many fakes on the Russian market.

4. The best miter saw of 2018 - 2017 with broaching and combined: Hyundai M 2500-255S - Price 18,000 rubles.

The Hyundai M 2500-255S miter saw model is on the border of the rating, between the categories of amateur and professional saws. The manufacturer claims a broaching length of up to 340 mm and 2 kilowatts of power. Which is quite enough for professional use. But, we decided to leave it in the category of amateur miter saws, so that amateurs could consider it as an option when carrying out complex work. Hyundai M 2500-255S is equipped with a cast rotating tabletop, works with sawing discs with a diameter of 255 millimeters, plus, this is one of the few models equipped with an automatic brake for high-quality woodworking. Broaching and combined capabilities are both a plus and a minus of the Hyundai M 2500-255S saw. The broaching play is insignificant, and if there is strong pressure on the tool, an unpleasant chip may appear at the end of cutting the workpiece. This limits the use of Hyundai M 2500-255S in fine carpentry work, especially when it comes to processing furniture elements.


  • Good start with smooth running;
  • Adjustable disk speed;
  • Built-in guiding laser;
  • Protective disk lock.


  • The laser becomes clogged quickly;
  • Use in confined spaces only with a vacuum cleaner.

5. The best miter saw of 2018 - 2017 with broaching and combined: Festool with broaching KAPEX KS 120 EB - Price 120,000 rubles.

So we got to the models of miter saws that fall into the category of professional construction tools. Reviews from builders about the Festool model with KAPEX KS 120 EB broach are clear. They call her the best saw in its class, despite the high price. The Festool broach saw KAPEX KS 120 EB belongs to the category of high-precision tools and is suitable for delicate work, especially in the furniture sector. An impressive broach of 308 millimeters expands the capabilities of the saw. Plus, processing 88 mm thick timber is not a problem for her. If you were looking for a miter saw for precise and precise work, then be sure to pay attention to the Festool with KAPEX KS 120 EB broach in the store. The high price is completely justified. Our rating of miter saws simply could not do without this tool.


  • Design and work at the highest level;
  • Precise workpiece processing.


  • High price for private use.

6. The best miter saw of 2018 - 2017 with broaching and combined: DeWALT DW 717 XPS - Price 57,000 rubles.

Another representative of the professional industry, the DeWALT DW 717 XPS miter saw. Everything in its design speaks of clear design and thoughtful placement of each element. Even the illumination of the work area has a dual function. Lighting the work area and creating an accurate cutting line for the saw blade. It is immediately obvious that experienced engineers and professional carpenters worked on the production of the DeWALT DW 717 XPS. Professional miter saw attracts potential buyers, not only with its capabilities, but also with its guarantee. None of the competitors offer a 5-year warranty on their tools, but the DeWALT DW 717 XPS model can boast of it. This speaks of its reliability and the manufacturer’s confidence in the quality of its product.

The DeWALT DW 717 XPS miter saw allows you to adjust not only the cutting angle, but also the depth, with millimeter precision. This will appeal to furniture manufacturers and builders who carry out precision woodworking work.


  • Good power;
  • Affordable price for the professional segment;
  • Good stability;


  • No soft start.

How to choose the best miter saw?

Our rating of the best miter saws with broaching and combined models is just an overview of popular models. When choosing a tool, you should take into account the type of work, volume, and how often you plan to use the saw. If you want to do something at home or in the country, then you should not spend money on expensive and professional tools. In the case when you are looking for a tool for work and fulfilling orders, it is better to spend more than to redo the job.

A miter saw is a circular saw with electric drive for cross cutting of long workpieces. Craftsmen use such saws for minor repairs, furniture making and other work related to cutting wood, plastic, plexiglass, etc. To help you choose the right tool, we have compiled a rating of miter saws, where we consider the 15 best models in different price segments.

Let's highlight the most important functions and features that should guide you when evaluating tools.

Comparison criterion Characteristics
Power, W The power of tools in all categories can be 1000 – 2000 W. The ability to process not only wooden parts, but also structural elements made of other materials - plastic, plexiglass, thin-walled aluminum, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, etc., depends on the power.
Number of revolutions, rpm The quality of the cut depends on the number of revolutions. Can be between 3200 – 6000 rpm
Speed ​​control function Allows you to better control the cutting process and configure the tool for processing workpieces from different materials. Not all models are equipped
Speed ​​maintenance function when load increases An increase in cutting load causes the disc to brake. The function allows you to maintain a constant speed, which improves cutting quality. Not all models are equipped
Disc diameter, cm The depth of cut depends on the diameter of the disc - what larger diameter, the larger the workpieces can be trimmed. Disc diameter in tools for household use– 21 cm, for professional tools discs with a diameter of 25 and 30.5 cm are used
Maximum depth and width of cut at different angles, mm Ability to process elements of a certain section. The cutting depth varies in the range of 60-120 mm, the cutting width ranges from 120 – 340 mm
Feed function Ability to process larger workpieces. Broaching allows you to trim parts with a width of more than 300 mm
Laser illumination The laser beam marks the cutting line, which makes work easier and improves the quality of processing. Not all models are equipped
Dust removal function Helps remove sawdust and wood dust generated during cutting from the work area. In one version, waste is collected in a special bag; in another version, the tool is equipped with a pipe to which a vacuum cleaner can be connected
Circular saw function The ability to unravel workpieces along the length. Not all models are equipped
Weight, kg Ease of use and transportation of the tool. Household tools can weigh up to 10 kg, professional models - 20 or more kg
Brief characteristics of miter saws
Model Power, W; frequency, rpm;

disc diameter, cm

Additional options price, rub.
Entry category - inexpensive, high-quality tools
  • - 1350 W
  • - 5000 rpm
  • - 21.6 cm
  • - laser marker
  • - backlight
  • - 1800 W; 4800 rpm
  • - 25.5 cm
  • - laser marker
  • - screw clamp
  • - table extension
  • - 1800 W
  • - 4800 rpm
  • - 25.5 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - smooth start
  • - 2000 W
  • - 5000 rpm
  • - 25.5 cm
  • - laser marker
  • - screw clamp for workpieces
  • - table extenders
  • - 1500 W
  • - 5000 rpm
  • - 21 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - screw clamp
Medium category - tools used regularly for household and repair work
  • - 2000 W
  • - 4500 rpm
  • - 25.4 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - backlight
  • - laser marker
  • - table extensions
  • - clamp for workpieces
  • - 2000 W
  • - 4500 rpm
  • - 25.4 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - backlight
  • - laser marker
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - clamp for workpieces
  • - 1430 W
  • - 4300 rpm
  • - 26 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - smooth start
  • - clamp for workpieces
  • - 1800 W
  • - 3800 rpm
  • - 30.5 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for workpieces
  • - 1450 W
  • - 4500 rpm
  • - 25.4 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for workpieces
“Pro” category – tools for professional builders
  • - 1600 W
  • - 5500 rpm
  • - 21.6 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - desktop extensions
  • - 1675 W
  • - 1900-3800 rpm
  • - 30.5 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - speed adjustment
  • - illumination of the working area
  • - 1650 W
  • - 3200 rpm
  • - 30.5 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - smooth start
  • - 2000 W
  • - 3900-5150 rpm
  • - 25.4 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - maintaining constant speed under load
  • - smooth start
  • - 1090 W
  • - 3800 rpm
  • - 25.5 cm
  • - horizontal movement (broaching)
  • - laser marker
  • - maintaining constant speed under load
  • - smooth start

1. Metabo KS 216 M Lasercut – from RUB 9,342.

An inexpensive, compact and ergonomic tool for the home craftsman from a German manufacturer. Designed for working with small cross-section workpieces. It has a solid solid body made of silumin and is lightweight, which makes it easy to move the tool from place to place.

Saw Features:

  • The laser located in the upper part of the working head allows you to mark workpieces of complex shapes;
  • Backlight with three bright LEDs;
  • Soft apron for collecting waste in the dust collector;
  • Desk extensions that increase its width up to 700 mm;
  • Clamp for clamping workpieces, which can be used to secure parts from above and from the side.
Basic specifications Metabo KS 216 M Lasercut
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1350
Number of revolutions, rpm 5000
Disc diameter, cm 21,6
Weight, kg 9,4
Features and Features
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
47 / 2
47 / 47
Additional options
  • - table lighting
  • - clamp for material
Germany / China
price, rub. 9342

Detailed video review demonstrating all the positive properties of the tool:

2. ZUBR ZPT-255-1800 PLR – from 12,750 rubles.

A Russian-made tool with high power that allows you to trim, in addition to wood, structural elements made of plastic and thin-walled aluminum. The main feature is the circular saw function, which allows you to cut workpieces to length. For this purpose, the tool is equipped with a special work table, which is positioned at a different level in relation to the miter table. Tools and more are rarely equipped with this function. high class. In addition, the ZUBR saw is equipped with other options, among which is a broach, which allows you to trim workpieces with a width of more than 300 mm.

Main technical characteristics of ZUBR ZPT-255-1800 PLR
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1800
Number of revolutions, rpm 4800
Disc diameter, cm 25,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 75
Maximum cutting width, mm 340
Weight, kg 19,9
Features and Features
  • - circular saw function
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 0
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 47 / 47
Additional options
  • - extension of the table in both directions
  • - table lighting
  • - clamp for material
Developer/Production Location Russia / China
price, rub. 12750

Watch a video with detailed instructions on assembling the tool and using it in two modes - circular or miter saw:

3. Elitech PT 1825 – from 10,730 rubles.

Tools made in Russia at an affordable price. Has characteristics and functions typical of models from more high categories– speed, power, disk diameter, broaching function, allowing you to work with workpieces of large cross-section and width. Light weight allows you to transport and move the saw from place to place. The laser marker is turned on using a separate button; rotations of the desktop are fixed after a certain angular distance. In addition to standard functions, the tool is equipped with a soft start and an electronic engine brake, and is equipped with work table extenders that allow you to work with long workpieces, and a clamp for clamping parts.

Main technical characteristics of Elitech PT 1825
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1800
Number of revolutions, rpm 4800
Disc diameter, cm 25,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 75
Maximum cutting width, mm 305
Weight, kg 15,5
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 0
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 45
Additional options
  • - smooth start
  • - electronic engine brake
Developer/Production Location Russia / China
price, rub. 10730

Watch a video showing all the additional options that improve usability:

4. Hyundai M 2000-255 – from 9164 rubles.

The tool was developed by a South Korean company. It has high power and speed, while being lightweight and compact. The saw has an electronic speed control function, which allows you to configure the saw for processing various materials, in addition to wood workpieces. Smooth start with protection against sudden switching on helps to start work in a convenient mode and get more high-quality surface I slept. The tool is equipped with work table extensions for working with long parts.

Main technical characteristics of Hyundai M 2000-255
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 2000
Number of revolutions, rpm 5000
Disc diameter, cm 25,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 75
Maximum cutting width, mm 135
Weight, kg 7
Features and Features
  • - speed adjustment
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 0
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 45
Additional options
  • - smooth start
  • - desktop extensions
Developer/Production Location South Korea / China
price, rub. 9164

Watch a video with an overview of the tool’s features regarding processing accuracy:

5. Einhell TH-SM 2131 Dual – from 11,990 rubles.

German saw, compact and lightweight. The body, frame and work table are made by casting, providing high strength and design reliability. The main function that distinguishes the saw from other tools in this price segment is the broach, which allows you to cut parts more than 300 mm wide. The rotation of the work table and the working head is easily fixed in the desired position using mechanical stops and screw clamps. The miter saw is equipped with rubberized feet, on which you can securely install the tool on any surface. A connection pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner is provided to remove cutting waste.

Main technical characteristics of Einhell TH-SM 2131 Dual
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1500
Number of revolutions, rpm 5000
Disc diameter, cm 21
Maximum cutting depth, mm 62
Maximum cutting width, mm 310
Weight, kg 11
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 45
Rotate the desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 45
Additional options
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
Developer/Production Location Germany / China
price, rub. 11990

Watch a video with a detailed analysis of all the characteristics of the tool:

Editor's Choice

In the entry-level category, the two most attractive tools are the Metabo KS 216 M Lasercut and the ZUBR ZPT-255-1800 PLR. The very compact Metabo KS 216 M Lasercut miter saw from a well-known Japanese manufacturer, at a low cost, has a wide range of functions that allows high-quality processing of small-section parts.

The domestic tool ZUBR ZPT-255-1800 PLR, which also has a low cost, in addition to other functions, is equipped with the ability to unravel wooden elements along the length.

6. Ryobi EMS254L – from 19,200 rubles.

A tool from a Japanese developer, with high power and speed, guaranteeing high-quality cutting. The main distinctive function is broaching, which allows processing parts with a width of more than 300 mm. The work area is illuminated using two LEDs, providing visual control over the cutting of parts. The laser marker and desktop backlight are turned on using separate buttons. It is equipped with work table extensions, a clamp for workpieces, and a socket wrench, which ensure ease of use of the tool.

Main technical characteristics of Ryobi EMS254L
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 2000
Number of revolutions, rpm 4500
Disc diameter, cm 25,4
Maximum cutting depth, mm 90
Maximum cutting width, mm 300
Weight, kg 16,2
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - laser marker
  • - illumination of the working area
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 0 / 45
Rotate the desktop left/right, degrees. 45 / 45
Additional options
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
Developer/Production Location Japan / China
price, rub. 19200

Watch a video with a brief demonstration of the tool's capabilities in action:

7. AEG PS 254 L – from 25,800 rubles.

The tool is made in Germany, ergonomic, convenient for work. High power and speed ensure high-quality cutting of workpieces. Workpiece processing parameters - cutting depth and width - are easily set using scales and fixed positions for rotating the work table and tilting the working head. The broaching function makes it possible to process workpieces of large width. The cutting depth adjustment function allows you to select grooves on parts the right size– this is necessary in the manufacture of complex furniture parts or construction carpentry.

Main technical characteristics of AEG PS 254 L
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 2000
Number of revolutions, rpm 4500
Disc diameter, cm 25,4
Maximum cutting depth, mm 90
Maximum cutting width, mm 305
Weight, kg 19,5
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - laser marker
  • - illumination of the working area
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 47 / 0
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 50 / 50
Additional options
  • - protective casing that covers the disk when not in use
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
Developer/Production Location Germany / China
price, rub. 25800

Watch a video with a visual display of all the characteristics of the tool:

8. Makita LS 1018 L – from RUB 26,399.

The tool is equipped with all the functions for high-quality processing of parts. Broaching allows you to work with workpieces of large width. Setting parameters for processing parts is carried out using convenient buttons that fix the desired position of the work table and the working head at certain angles. The tool has additional options for ease of work - work table extensions for long parts, a sliding removable ruler-fixer, a clamp for clamping parts. Adjusting the cutting depth allows you to process parts of complex shapes.

Main technical characteristics of Makita LS 1018 L
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1430
Number of revolutions, rpm 4300
Disc diameter, cm 26
Maximum cutting depth, mm 91
Maximum cutting width, mm 310
Weight, kg 19,9
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 45
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 60
Additional options
  • - smooth start
  • - engine braking
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
  • - pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner
Developer/Production Location Japan / China
price, rub. 26399

Watch a video with a detailed demonstration of its capabilities and positive properties:

9. JET JSMS-12L – from RUB 23,940.

A tool from a Swiss developer with high power and speed. The laser marker is equipped with a fine adjustment screw, which allows you to adjust the beam line to the desired parameters. The rotation of the worktable is fixed using a latch stopper, which allows for quick and accurate installation. The cutting depth adjustment function allows you to process complex parts in the manufacture of furniture or carpentry. The tool is equipped with work table extensions for working with long workpieces and a clamp for fixing parts.

Main technical characteristics of JET JSMS-12L
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1800
Number of revolutions, rpm 3800
Disc diameter, cm 30,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 105
Maximum cutting width, mm 305
Weight, kg 22,5
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 0
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 45
Additional options
  • - engine blocking
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
Developer/Production Location Switzerland / Taiwan
price, rub. 23940

Watch a short video overview of the characteristics of the tool:

10. Metabo KGS 254 M – from RUB 22,890.

A tool from a German developer. Equipped with all the functions necessary for work in the “medium” category - sufficient power and number of revolutions, disk diameter, broaching, allowing to process workpieces of large cross-section and width. The tool body is made of high-strength aluminum. The cutting depth adjustment function makes it possible to process parts of complex shapes. Bright LEDs provide desktop illumination. The spindle lock feature allows you to quickly and safely replace the drive blade.

Main technical characteristics of Metabo KGS 254 M
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1450
Number of revolutions, rpm 4500
Disc diameter, cm 25,4
Maximum cutting depth, mm 92
Maximum cutting width, mm 305
Weight, kg 16,3
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - laser marker
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 47 / 2
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 47 / 47
Additional options
  • - illumination of the working area
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
Developer/Production Location Germany / China
price, rub. 22890

Watch a video with a detailed description of the properties of the tool and a demonstration of it in action:

Editor's Choice

The most attractive tool in the “middle” category is the Ryobi EMS254L, which, at a relatively low price, is equipped with many functions that maximize the quality of machining parts.

11. Bosch GCM 8 SJL Professional – from RUB 35,150.

A tool from a well-known German manufacturer, designed for processing small-section parts. With a small saw blade diameter, it is equipped with all the functions necessary for high-quality processing of workpieces. The tool is equipped with additional options for ease of use - a depth limiter for cutting grooves, work table extenders, and a two-point waste removal system that effectively ensures the cleanliness of the working area.

Main technical characteristics of Bosch GCM 8 SJL Professional
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1600
Number of revolutions, rpm 5500
Disc diameter, cm 21,6
Maximum cutting depth, mm 70
Maximum cutting width, mm 312
Weight, kg 17,3
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - groove cutting depth limiter
  • - laser marker
  • - two-point dust removal system
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 47 / 2
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 45
Additional options
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
Developer/Production Location Germany / Taiwan
price, rub. 35150

Watch a video with a brief overview of the characteristics of the tool:

12. Dewalt DWS 780 – from RUB 57,940.

A tool from an American developer. The main function that greatly facilitates working with parts made of different materials is adjusting the number of revolutions. The broaching function and the diameter of the disk allow you to process parts of large width, and the cutting depth adjustment function makes it possible to work with workpieces of complex shapes. A distinctive feature of the model is the ability to adjust the cutting line using the XPS system, which provides higher accuracy compared to laser marking.

Main technical characteristics of Dewalt DWS 780
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1675
Number of revolutions, rpm 1900-3800
Disc diameter, cm 30,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 112
Maximum cutting width, mm 349
Weight, kg 24,8
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - speed adjustment
  • - illumination of the working area
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 49 / 49
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 50 / 60
Additional options
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
  • - XPS cutting line positioning system
Developer/Production Location USA / Italy
price, rub. 57940

Look detailed video overview of the properties and characteristics of the tool with a demonstration of it in action:

13. Makita LS 1216 – from 49,390 rubles.

A tool from a Japanese developer. It is distinguished by the presence of a function for maintaining speed under load, which guarantees high quality cutting Broaching and large diameter discs allow you to cut workpieces with a width of more than 350 mm. Double guides on linear ball bearings ensure perfect cutting accuracy of wide workpieces when broaching. Setting cutting parameters is carried out using locking screws. The angles of rotation of the work table and the tilt of the working head are fixed with an accuracy of half a degree. Electrodynamic engine brake, protection against accidental start-up, and a casing on the working disk guarantee safe operation.

Main technical characteristics of Makita LS 1216
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1650
Number of revolutions, rpm 3200
Disc diameter, cm 30,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 107
Maximum cutting width, mm 363
Weight, kg 26,1
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 45
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 52 / 60
Additional options
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
  • - smooth start
Developer/Production Location Japan/UK
price, rub. 49390

Watch video from detailed analysis features of the tool:

14. Metabo KGS 254 Plus – from 44,690 rubles.

A tool from a German manufacturer with great power. Includes a function for adjusting the number of revolutions, allowing you to work with parts made of different materials. In addition, the saw is equipped with a cutting depth adjustment function for processing workpieces of complex shapes. Smooth start and the function of maintaining speed under load ensures maximum precision in cutting parts. The tool is ergonomic and easy to use; all parameters for processing workpieces are set using simple, intuitive adjustments for the user.

Main technical characteristics of Metabo KGS 254 Plus
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 2000
Number of revolutions, rpm 3900-5150
Disc diameter, cm 25,4
Maximum cutting depth, mm 90
Maximum cutting width, mm 305
Weight, kg 24
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - laser marker
  • - speed adjustment
  • - cutting depth adjustment
  • - maintaining speed under load
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 46 / 46
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 47 / 60
Additional options
  • - desktop extensions
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
  • - smooth start
  • - sliding thrust profiles
Developer/Production Location Germany/Germany
price, rub. 44690

Watch a video with a brief overview of the tool’s features:

15. Hitachi C10FSH – from RUB 47,999.

A tool from a Japanese manufacturer, equipped with a full range of functions for high-quality processing of parts in construction or furniture manufacturing. The broaching function and disc diameter allow processing workpieces with a width of more than 300 mm. Smooth start, which reduces the recoil force when starting the engine, and the function of maintaining speed under load guarantee high quality cutting. The tool is ergonomic and easy to use.

Main technical characteristics of Hitachi C10FSH
Characteristics Meaning
Power, W 1090
Number of revolutions, rpm 3800
Disc diameter, cm 25,5
Maximum cutting depth, mm 90
Maximum cutting width, mm 312
Weight, kg 19,5
Features and Features
  • - broach
  • - laser marker
  • - maintaining speed under load
  • - dust removal function
Head tilt left - right, degrees. 45 / 45
Rotate desktop left/right, degrees 45 / 47
Additional options
  • - clamp for fixing the workpiece
  • - smooth start
Developer/Production Location Japan/Japan
price, rub. 47999

Watch a video with a brief overview of the characteristics of the tool:

Editor's Choice

The most attractive tool for professional builders is the Makita LS 1216, equipped with a set of functions that ensure high-quality processing of parts. The tool fully meets the “price + quality” criterion.

Very often, when performing finishing work, it is necessary to carry out diagonal cutting of the material with high precision. For these purposes you should use special tool. It is a miter saw with a broach that can accurately and quickly cut a product at any inclination and angle. The features of choosing a tool and its main advantages are described in detail in this article.

A miter saw, pendulum saw for wood and metal, or angle cutter is a stationary cutting-off highly specialized tool that is used for cutting materials at a certain angle. This possibility is provided by a turntable and a movable working part with a disk above the bed. A miter saw can process narrow wood products in the form of slats, bars and boards. Can also be used for cutting hardboard, laminate and OSB. The tool copes well with cutting plastic, aluminum profiles and stucco decoration made of polyurethane.

Thanks to its high speed, precision and ease of operation, the miter saw has a wide range of applications. It is used for carpentry, installation and finishing work related to the use of wooden products. The tool is indispensable in furniture manufacturing workshops where it is necessary to perform precise and high-quality cutting of products.

There are universal tools that perform metal trimming. Thanks to a special disk, cutting is carried out using the tool metal products made of steel, iron and cast profiles. Such miter saws for metal are widely used in enterprises that manufacture window frames made of metal-plastic profile.

Important! Do not install a diamond or abrasive wheel on the tool instead of a saw blade.

IN technical documentation Each specific model indicates the maximum parameters of the product that the tool can handle. Small miter saws cut products up to 60 mm thick. A medium-sized tool can handle workpieces with a thickness of 70-80 mm. Large saws are used for processing products with a thickness of 100 mm or more.

Important! Miter saws cannot be used for processing stone, ceramics and ferrous metals.

Miter saw with broach: design features of the tool

The wood miter saw has quite simple design, which includes a saw blade, a motor with a gearbox, a base and a handle with a start button. The saw motor can be commutator or asynchronous. The first option carries out a greater number of revolutions, does not require regular maintenance, and only requires periodic replacement of brushes. And the second one is much quieter and more durable. In the classic design of the device, the engine is located to the right relative to the disk. However, there are improved models where it is placed at the back, which increases the viewing angle during cutting, thereby making it more convenient to use.

The rotation of the saw blade is carried out by the operation of a motor, which transmits a gear or belt drive through a gearbox. When operating in first gear, the possibility of the product slipping is eliminated even at high engine loads. Second gear provides less noise and reduces disc vibration. And this has a positive effect on the quality of work and the service life of the tool. However, in such devices the belt wears out quickly, which can also come off during a sudden change in speed. There are more reliable and durable models that feature direct transmission. However, their torque is significantly lower than their analogues.

To expand the capabilities of the usual miter saw, a broaching mechanism can be built into it. In this case, a regular saw turns into cross-cutting machine on wood. In such models, the functional module is installed on two rails, which are located parallel to each other. This design allows the saw blade to move freely during cutting, which allows you to cut wider products.

The functional module is fixed to the frame. This base is a movable round part that can move when the angle and stop are set. The miter saw bed is usually made of magnesium or aluminum alloys. The design of the saw includes a protective cover, which is put on the wheel when the device is not in use to avoid injury.

Stand, saw table and additional stops

One of the main and complex elements of a wood angle cutter is the saw table. On one side, a stand is attached to it, on the other side, a disc moves over the bar. Saws with broaching have a much longer neck. At the end of the device there is a clamping handle, which serves to fix the table relative to the base, and a push lock, used to quickly adjust the most common angles.

On the table and stand there are angular scales on which the angles of rotation and tilt are indicated. The table can be rotated in both directions from 0 to 45 degrees. And securely fixed in the chosen direction using a special groove with a latch.

The stand can be stationary or tilted to the left by 45 degrees. A tool with a stand tilted to the right is extremely rare, which is explained by the need to significantly complicate the design of the saw. In addition to the main graduations, several special ones may be provided, which make it possible to select optimal angle for cutting skirting boards and moldings.

To securely fix workpieces of any size, built-in clamps and various stops are used. When working with long products, using folding or retractable stands, which are located on both sides of the frame, you can expand the dimensions of the base. These additional stops are usually included with the miter saw. They are represented by U-shaped steel rods, bent upward to table level.

There are more complex designs of bases with cast stands, which are fixed relative to the support with thumbscrews. Many manufacturers equip miter saws, the price of which will not be much higher than classic tools, with separate stands or special tables. They can be placed at a certain distance from the tool depending on the length of the products.

Basic and additional trimming options

All devices are equipped with a soft start, which allows you to block the mechanism during wheel replacement and stop the engine accordingly. All models of miter saws are protected against electrical breakdown of the body.

The classic design of miter saws does not include electronic elements. However, there are models, usually metal miter saws, that are equipped with electronic speed control. Thanks to this function, more precise control over the work process is provided. It also becomes possible to configure the equipment for cutting various materials.

Helpful advice! For cutting hardwood, it is advisable to use a saw with electronic engine speed control.

New models are being released in which it is possible to set a certain stable speed. This is advisable when it is necessary to complete several workpieces in one short term. After all, with strong pressure, the speed of the device decreases. At this time, thanks to the electronic controller, a certain speed range is set, which allows you to get an even and fast cut.

Another useful but expensive feature that increases the cost of the tool is laser aiming. It can be powered from the mains or from a battery. In the first case, a switch is located next to the handle on the tool body. The beam creates a cutting line, which is especially valuable for an inexperienced craftsman who has not developed intuitive cutting skills with a miter saw. The trimmer can also be equipped with powerful LED lighting, which is placed behind the disc. When it is turned on, the shadow from the disk falls on the workpiece, forming a kind of illumination.

When using the tool, a large amount of wood dust and sawdust is generated. To prevent them from spreading throughout the room, some models are equipped with a connection pipe for a vacuum cleaner, through which debris is removed directly from the place of its formation. Modern models provide for the expansion of the tabletop by 50 cm or more, which allows you to work with long products such as laminate.

The main criteria for choosing a miter saw for wood with a broach

Before choosing a miter saw, you should study its basic parameters. The main criterion is the purpose of the tool. If you plan to use the saw in fairly rare cases for domestic purposes, then it is enough to buy a miter saw with standard set functions. For frequent use of the tool for cutting workpieces of various widths, it is advisable to purchase a universal miter saw with a broach, which expands the range of capabilities of the tool. It is the broaching function that is used to work with material of fairly large thickness and allows you to increase the cutting width, which in conventional models is not very large, which in turn expands the functional range of the tool.

Helpful advice! In case of one-time or rare use of the tool, you can make a mobile and collapsible miter saw with your own hands from an ordinary grinder and available tools and materials.

The next criterion is the security of the device. Despite the cost of the tool, its design must include a protective casing and an option to block accidental startup of the device. When choosing a tool, you need to consider its dimensions and weight. It must be mobile and ergonomic so that working with the saw is as comfortable and easy as possible in certain conditions. For work at height it is advisable to use a small and lightweight tool, which will not necessarily have less power than a large, heavy miter saw.

Important! Professional models are more powerful, which is reflected in the weight and dimensions of the device.

The width and depth of the cut determines the purpose of the tool, namely, it indicates what can be processed with it. For high-quality work, you should choose a saw blade with a diameter of at least 20 cm. The larger this figure, the easier it is to work with the tool. When choosing a specific model, you should take into account the quality of the material from which the rotary block and frame are made.

Choosing a saw blade for a miter saw

The quality of the cut depends on the characteristics of the miter saw and the cutting part. Saw blades are distinguished:

  • according to the shape of the teeth;
  • along the outer diameter;
  • along the mounting hole.

The mounting hole or internal diameter of the disk is usually 3 cm. The external diameter can be 21, 25 or 30 mm. This indicator is indicated in the characteristics of the tool and on the front surface of the disk. When choosing the parameters of a cutting product, you should pay attention to the engine for which a specific disk size is selected. For powerful engines it is not advisable to use large discs. As a result, you can get a poor-quality and sloppy cut.

Related article:

Descriptions and technologies for manufacturing useful structures for arranging a garage workshop, recommendations.

How more value outer diameter, the more teeth there are on it, and therefore, the less the load on each of them. This suggests that larger disks have a longer service life. It is advisable to use discs with a small number of teeth for longitudinal cutting, and with a maximum number for transverse cutting. On the surface of any disk its marking is indicated, maximum speed rotation, direction of rotation and compatibility with the tool.

It is necessary to choose based on the power of the tool

Helpful advice! For high-quality and durable operation of the disk, the proportionality of its size and thickness must be observed. Otherwise frequent breakdowns details are inevitable.

Blade teeth design for a wood miter saw

The quality of product processing is influenced by the size, sharpening, geometry and material of the disk teeth. The smaller the size of the teeth, the better and more accurate the cut. This is especially important for laminate and varnished or painted wood. For rough processing, discs with a small number of large teeth can be used. They are used for cutting plywood and softwood.

For processing plastics and composites, it is better to choose disks with trapezoidal teeth or triple-chip brazing. For hard wood, it is advisable to use products with carbide-tipped teeth made of tungsten carbide or cobalt alloy. For cutting chipboard, plywood and veneer, ATV-tipped discs are preferable.

Helpful advice! To obtain a high-quality cut in products made from valuable wood, you should use combined discs, where several beveled teeth alternate with one stripped one.

The geometry of the teeth indicates the nature of the cut. Depending on this, discs are distinguished for longitudinal, transverse cuts or for finishing and neat processing. Some discs for long-term operation have thin slots and smooth lines, thanks to which the thermal deformation of the wheel is compensated and the noise level during operation of the tool is reduced. The surface of the teeth should be smooth, without jagged edges, and the edge should be sharp enough. The discs are made of heat-treated steel with composite surfacing.

Power and number of revolutions

When choosing a saw, you should pay attention to its power and the speed of rotation of the cutting part of the tool. These parameters are closely related to each other. The greater the power of the device, the higher the rotation speed of the dusty disk.

The service life of more powerful devices is slightly longer than that of analogues with a lower rating. The standard power value is 1.6 kW. This value is quite sufficient to perform any kind of task. However, many modern models have a power of 1.8 kW. But this directly increases the weight of the unit and complicates the work with the tool. In addition, powerful models require proper wiring so that there are no short circuits and no interruptions in the power supply when the saw is operating.

The number of revolutions the blade makes affects the quality of the cut. The higher this value, the neater and cleaner it will be. U modern models Built-in function for adjusting the number of revolutions, which is convenient for processing specific type material.

Rating of miter saws from famous manufacturers

One of the important parameters when choosing a miter saw is trademark. Units from different manufacturers may have the same characteristics but differ significantly from each other. This is due to the fact that each manufacturer uses different materials, own technologies and assembly options. Depending on this, the price of trimming may vary significantly.

The cost of the instrument is also influenced by the fame and calling of the manufacturer. It happens that professional models from little-known brands will cost the same as simple execution equipment from a famous brand. Also the price of a saw blade is from famous manufacturer can be equal to the cost of an inexpensive miter saw.

When choosing a tool, you should keep in mind that budget models usually have a simple disc designed for working with soft wood. Universal disks are installed on devices high level. Disks for working with hard wood, plastic and metal are usually purchased separately. Budget models can be used as training devices for work where high precision and cutting quality are not required. They are suitable for building a house or erecting a fence.

When the device is tasked with a serious task that requires high precision and level of performance, then it is better to purchase a more expensive miter saw. For continuous use, preference should be given to high-quality professional equipment.

Among the well-known manufacturers of miter saws are the following brands:

  • Bosch;
  • Makita;
  • Metabo;
  • Hitachi;
  • DeWalt.

Makita crosscutters: overview of tools of different classes

The first company in the ranking of manufacturers of miter saws is Makita. Building tools from a world-famous manufacturer are characterized by an increased degree of safety and high quality workmanship of every detail. Thanks to the presence of a traction function in most models of the brand, it is now possible to independently select the cutting width.

At the base of the tool there are two rods on which the surface for placing the working unit is installed. An example of such a small table with basic equipment is the budget model Makita LS 0714. The tool can carry out oblique, inclined and combined cuts at an angle of up to 45 degrees. to the right. The engine power is 1 kW. The cost of a miter saw is about 25 thousand rubles.

Among the professional miter saws, we can highlight the Makita LS 1216 model. This is the best tool for carpentry workshops, which is designed for working on wood and plastic, where high quality cuts are required. This is achieved thanks to double guides that allow the saw to move evenly, ensuring an even cut. The engine power is 1.65 kW. The tool is capable of cutting with a depth of up to 107 mm and a width of up to 363 mm, which is the maximum for devices of this class. The cost of installation is on average 45 thousand rubles.

The disadvantages of a miter saw include its fairly large weight, which makes it difficult to use the tool as a portable one. It is better to use it as a stationary machine. The saw does not include a laser pointer or backlight, but they can be purchased additionally. There is also no way to regulate the number of revolutions.

Some of the best all-purpose miter saws include: professional model Makita LF 1000. Its design is complemented by special folding stands, which greatly simplify the work with the tool and expand the range of its capabilities. This tool is used for longitudinal, transverse, inclined and angular cuts of wood, aluminum and plastic workpieces. The engine power is 1.65 kW. It creates a high torque, which allows you to process hard materials. The model is also equipped with a speed control function, which allows high-quality cutting of material of any hardness. The price of the tool is on average 53 thousand rubles.

Bosch miter saws

The Bosch company has established itself as one of the leaders in the production of high-quality specialized tools. Miter saws from a global brand are equipped with a special wheel and a stand, thanks to which you can adjust the cutting angle yourself. The most reliable and durable are frames made of pure aluminum and magnesium alloy. Such circles not only provide a safe and convenient cut, but are also lightweight, which makes the saw mobile and easy to use.

The Bosch PCM 7 model is considered the best Bosch crosscut machine in the budget tool category. This is a good option for a beginner or for infrequent work. simple tasks. The working unit can be fixed on the table, which makes work easier, making the cut more accurate and precise. The engine power is 1.1 kW. The model is equipped with a laser for more precise cutting. The miter saw has a small diameter blade, which limits its range of capabilities. You can buy a crosscut for only 11.5 thousand rubles.

As a professional device, you can choose the Bosch GCM 8 SJL Professional miter saw. The model is equipped with a large number of settings, which allows you to set the required parameters to perform fast and high-quality cuts of wood and plastic products on which decorative coating. The engine power is 1.6 kW. There is no speed control function. To make precise cuts, the design includes a laser pointer. The tool is equipped with a reliable dust collection system. The cost of the saw is 32 thousand rubles.

Metabo miter saws

Metabo miter saws have a unique feature. Here it is possible to arbitrarily tilt and rotate the disk. This allows you to perform work in hard-to-reach places without worrying about the quality of its execution. This possibility is achieved thanks to a special regulator, which is located near the desktop. Some models of this brand are equipped with special projectors that create a shadow from the disk. This feature allows you to make cuts as accurately as possible.

One of the most popular models from the German manufacturer is the Metabo KGS 305 miter saw. The tool is equipped with a broach, a reliable support platform, a powerful 2 kW motor, and convenient levers for adjustment. A disk with a diameter of 305 mm ensures high performance of the device. The maximum tilt angle reaches 47 degrees, the rotation angle is 60 degrees. The tool is capable of performing high-quality and accurate cuts of products of any hardness. It can even cope with wooden beams 100x100 mm. You can buy a miter saw with a broach for 26 thousand rubles.

Another equally popular model with broaching is the Metabo KGS 216 M miter saw. The tool is ideal for a novice craftsman and belongs to the category of amateur devices. The miter saw is equipped with a bright LED and a laser guide. The power of the brush motor is 1.2 kW. The maximum cutting width is achieved at an angle of 45 degrees. and is equal to 205 mm. The price of the device is 19 thousand rubles.

DeWalt Metal and Wood Miter Saws

A professional range of miter saws is produced by DeWalt. Models of this brand are characterized by the presence of a unique XPC system, which allows the shadow of the disk to be projected onto the product, thereby ensuring accurate and high-quality cutting of any material.

One of the popular models is the professional cutting saw for wood and metal DeWalt DWS 780. The rigid and stable design makes work convenient and safe. Thanks to the presence of a large disk with a diameter of 305 mm, it is possible to work with wide workpieces. The engine power is 1.65 kW. Thanks to the belt drive, more quiet operation saws. The device has a speed control function, which allows for high-quality cutting of products of any hardness. Maximum cutting accuracy is ensured by the built-in backlight, which, compared to a laser pointer, does not become clogged with dust. The cost of the tool is 53 thousand rubles.

Another combination saw for metal and wood is the DeWalt DW 717 XPS. The design of the instrument is thought out to the smallest detail. Here you can adjust not only the cutting angle, but also set the required depth to the nearest millimeter. This is especially important for furniture makers and construction workers, where precision work is required on products. The motor power is 1.65 kW, which is most suitable for cutting hardwood, plastic and aluminum. To create a better quality cut, the device has a rotation speed control system. The model is equipped with a cooling function that affects the entire power unit. The price of a miter saw is 52 thousand rubles.

Other manufacturers of wood and metal trims

Interskol miter saws from the Russian manufacturer are characterized by a simple design, which consists of a base, a saw blade, a motor and a handle with a start button. To make a cut at a certain angle, you simply need to rotate the disk or table. The disk can be rotated both to the right and to the left.

A popular budget model is the Interskol PTK-216/1100 P miter saw, which is designed for efficient processing blanks from different materials. Thanks to the saw blade with a diameter of 216 mm, you can make complex cuts at an angle of up to 45 degrees. round trip. The maximum cutting depth is 58 mm, width – 133 mm. Thanks to the motor power of 1.1 kW and the disc rotation speed of 5000 rpm. an even and neat cut is created. For added safety, the device is equipped with a braking system. The price of the saw is about 11 thousand rubles.

Another popular electric saw for metal and wood is the universal model Interskol PTK 250/1500 with a power of 1.7 kW and a saw blade size of 255 mm. Thanks to the wide upper work table, the tool can be converted into circular saw for cutting products up to 40 mm thick. The tool can perform not only through, but also blind cuts. The cost of the saw is 16.5 thousand rubles.

Miter saws from the Chinese manufacturer Hitachi are distinguished by high accuracy of cross-cutting wooden products at a given angle of up to 45-47 degrees. The tool is widely used in the production of window frames, installation of platbands and baseboards.

The most popular classic model is the Hitachi C10FCH2 miter saw. When cutting panels, skirting boards and profiles, it simultaneously trims the edges of the products. The saw is equipped with a laser pointer and an electronic cutting speed control system, which allows you to get a neat and even cut. To perform bevel, combined and angled cutting, the saw blade can only tilt to the left up to 48 degrees. The table can be rotated in both directions up to 52 degrees. You can buy the tool for 12 thousand rubles.

Important! This model is not used for working with metal.

Another budget option is the PIT miter saw. The tool has a fairly simple design and is easy to use. When making preliminary settings, the saw will cut similar parts at an angle of up to 45 degrees. in a matter of minutes. The cost of the tool usually does not exceed 9 thousand rubles.

Choosing a miter saw is a very serious and responsible undertaking. To select a quality tool according to affordable price First you need to decide what tasks it will perform. After which you should carefully study the characteristics of the chosen option and only then make a final decision.