Let's learn how to properly cook dried mushrooms. How to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are one of the most common and profitable options for preserving this product before winter. Absolutely dry different types mushrooms: porcini, chanterelles, boletuses, honey mushrooms, moss mushrooms. During the process, beneficial vitamins are preserved and the smell is even enhanced. Dried mushrooms, when added to food, are very aromatic and cause a strong appetite. There are some nuances in processing dried, fresh and frozen mushrooms; it is important to know about them if you have to do some cooking the day before.

How to cook dried mushroom soup with barley

Recipe ingredients:

  • Dried mushrooms – 60 g.
  • Pearl barley – 1/2 cup.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Water – 3 l.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 g.
  • Parsley – 4 sprigs.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Black peppercorns – 5 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • Before cooking, dried mushrooms are soaked for 2 hours. Then they are washed and the water is drained. Pearl barley is soaked in parallel with the mushrooms for 2 hours. Then the cereal should be washed.
  • Pour 3 liters of water into the pan to boil. Add washed mushrooms to the water.
  • The potatoes are peeled and cut into medium cubes. The carrots are washed, peeled, and grated. Onion peeled and finely chopped.
  • The pan is heated to prepare aromatic frying. Onions and carrots are browned in vegetable oil.
  • Pearl barley is added to the soup along with potatoes. Cooking time for cereals and potatoes is up to 30 minutes.
  • In 5-7 minutes. until done, add the roast, salt and pepper.
  • Finely chop the greens and add them to the soup before turning off.
  • Dried mushroom soup is ready to eat, served with sour cream and black bread.

How to cook dried mushrooms with potatoes

Soup recipe ingredients:

  • Dried mushrooms – 20 g.
  • Potatoes – 800 g.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Tomato sauce – 400 g.
  • Dried ground herbs – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 g.

Recipe ingredients for sauce:

  • Wheat flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Butter – 1 tbsp.
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Meat broth – 1 st-n.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Sauce making process:

  • Mix the following ingredients: flour, butter, tomato paste, chopped onion, grated carrots, broth and seasonings, flavor enhancers.
  • The mixture of products is placed in the microwave before heating the butter. The sauce is ready for further use.

Soup making process:

  • Dry mushrooms are soaked for 2 hours. After this, they need to be washed and cooked until cooked for 50 minutes. The finished mushrooms are squeezed out and chopped.
  • The onions are peeled and finely chopped. The frying pan is heated over the fire, the onions are fried along with the mushrooms until the onion crust is golden brown, and tomato sauce with meat broth is added. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the ingredients over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • The potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into slices. Fry in an additional frying pan with vegetable oil. Pepper and salt to taste. After cooking, mix the potatoes with mushrooms and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Dried mushrooms and potatoes are ready. Served with greens and white bread.

How to Cook Dried Mushrooms - Basics

  • Dried mushrooms, unlike frozen ones, are long-term storage, be sure to soften them in water before cooking. Next, the mushroom water is poured out along with excess debris, washed and left for several hours (approximately 2 hours). The soaking time for mushrooms depends on aridity.
  • Mushrooms are usually dried on a string, which is not needed in the dish. If the mushrooms do not want to part with the thread easily, they are soaked together.
  • For 300 g of fresh mushrooms there are about 60 g of dry mushrooms.
  • Bay leaves in mushroom soup can overpower the smell and taste of mushrooms.
  • Dried mushrooms should be store in clean room, with regular ventilation. You cannot store mushrooms next to vegetables, fruits, or in a cellar with high humidity. Mushrooms that become damp during storage can be saved if they are sorted, dried, or immediately used for food. The shelf life of mushrooms is 1 year. It is advisable to eat them before this time.
  • To give pleasant aroma To the dish, just add a small pile of dried mushrooms.

Recipes for making dried mushrooms are simple and unpretentious. The main difference between the dry product is the cooking time. But the result always exceeds expectations. The dish turns out very fragrant. There are such recipes for dried mushrooms: cutlets, mushrooms in sour cream, fried mushrooms, all kinds of sauces, soups and salads. They are prepared from independently harvested mushrooms, as well as from store-bought assortment.

Mushrooms – excellent culinary ingredient, which is available in dried form all year round, while maintaining maximum amount organoleptic properties even after soaking. You can learn about which dishes are the most popular and how to cook dried mushrooms from the article.

Preliminary preparation

Drying is the most common, simplest and in an accessible way processing and further storage. Dried mushrooms are famous not only for their aroma and outstanding taste, but also for their very modest dimensions. Mushrooms are 85% water, so it’s not surprising that when dried, they shrink in size by up to 7-9 times. Current sanitary standards allow human consumption of umbrella polypores, all varieties of honey mushrooms, as well as champignons, morels, porcini mushrooms, Polish mushrooms, boletuses, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.

Before subjecting this product to any heat treatment, they must first be soaked. The simplest way is this:

  1. Dried representatives of the fungal kingdom are washed under running water cold water to remove traces of sand and dirt.
  2. For 30 g of dried caps and legs you will need 350–400 ml warm water. Boiling water cannot be used in this case.
  3. How long will it take to soak? It depends on the type of mushroom, but on average the rules are as follows: the dishes should be covered plastic film and leave for 30–45 minutes at room temperature.
  4. After the specified period of time, the remaining liquid is poured into a separate container.

It is worth noting that dried mushrooms, after soaking, increase significantly in size and can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes in the same way as freshly collected specimens that have been cleaned of dirt and film.

How to soak such mushrooms? For such tasks, it is recommended to use exclusively clean water (warm or cold). By the way, you can also soak them in olive oil, to which various spices, herbs and aromatic herbs are added.


You can cook mushrooms either as an independent dish or use them as one of the ingredients for first and second courses, cold or hot appetizers, as well as for preparing various sauces. This product is often used as a filling for pies.

Mushrooms are an excellent source of plant protein, the digestibility coefficient of which is much higher than that of animal protein. When dried, the taste becomes more distinct and rich, so when preparing dishes it is worth using them in small quantities. For example, an average handful of dried mushrooms is enough for a pot of aromatic soup, and in this case it does not matter whether they were pre-soaked or not.

Some chefs make finely ground powder from dried mushrooms, which can later be added to various dishes as a spice or to create all kinds of sauces. It is believed that dried boletus and chanterelles the best way combined with garlic, bay leaf, as well as black and allspice.

It is not recommended to use boletus and aspen mushrooms for making soups. To speed up the process of cooking chanterelles, you should add a small amount of ordinary soda to the water. There is definitely no need to fry mushrooms for too long, since during prolonged heat treatment they lose useful substances.

Recipes for porcini mushrooms

How to cook dried porcini mushrooms? They are usually dried whole, so before cooking they are usually soaked, then squeezed and cut into pieces. A popular dish in Russian cuisine is cabbage soup, to which tasty and aromatic boletus mushrooms are added. Classic recipe as follows:

  1. The soaked mushrooms are washed and chopped.
  2. Then they are filled with clean warm water and bring to a boil.
  3. After half an hour, salt and spices are added to the broth ( Bay leaf, pepper).
  4. Next, you need to finely grate fresh carrots (1 piece), cut the onion into rings (1 medium-sized piece), and potatoes (5-6 pieces) into small slices.
  5. Add chopped potatoes to cabbage soup, sauté carrots and onions in olive oil.
  6. After 10–15 minutes, add 250–300 g of fresh or sauerkraut.
  7. After fifteen minutes of cooking over low heat, the cabbage soup is completely ready.

Try to cook something delicious, but at the same time quite affordable recipe, which involves dried porcini mushrooms, is a paste with aromatic boletus mushrooms. For cooking you need durum pasta ( durum varieties wheat). Pre-soaked mushrooms are fried, then mixed with paste and served along with greens.

No less popular is the sauce with the addition of broth, which remains after boiling the boletus mushrooms. The following seasonings are used to prepare the sauce: cloves, pepper (black peas) and thyme.

What else is worth knowing about cooking

How to properly cook mushrooms? If there is not enough time to soak them, you can put the product in boiling water and cook over low heat for at least ten minutes. Then drain the water, rinse the mushrooms and use them for preparing other dishes.

For those who are interested in the topic: “Dried mushrooms: how to cook boletus mushrooms in order to preserve their rich taste and aromatic qualities as much as possible?”, the following tips will be useful:

  • Firstly, when cooking, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportion of 1: 6. That is, for 200 g of dried boletus mushrooms you will need 1.2 liters clean water.
  • Secondly, they need to be cut into small pieces before blanching or mixing with other ingredients.

Oh, how many recipes for wonderful mushroom dishes there are! This product is equally good and healthy both fresh and dried. Choose, cook, try. Bon appetit!

Mushroom dishes can be called favorites of Slavic cuisine. However, you can only enjoy fresh mushrooms for a short time, since the mushroom season lasts only a few months a year. Therefore, cooks often use dried mushrooms in preparing dishes, which are not inferior in taste and aroma to fresh ones. You can purchase them at retail outlets or prepare dried mushrooms yourself at home.

What mushrooms are dried and how?

Drying is the most common, affordable and simple method of processing and preserving mushrooms. As a result of this processing, mushrooms are not only stored for a long time, but also retain all nutrients, taste and acquire a rich aroma. Dried mushrooms are valued not only taste qualities, but also compact. Their storage does not require a lot of space or large bulky containers. They are easy to pack and weigh a little, so they are very convenient for transportation.

According to sanitary standards It is allowed to dry such mushrooms as: White mushroom, boletus, boletus, boletus, Polish mushroom, white truffle, morel, champignons, deer spittle, all types of honey mushrooms, meitake, umbrella tinder fungus.

Mushrooms are dried whole and chopped. Selected mushrooms of medium and small sizes are dried entirely. For large mushrooms, the caps are separated from the stem. To speed up the process, the mushrooms are chopped.

Also from dried mushrooms prepare mushroom flour or powder. The powder may consist of one or more types of mushrooms.

What to cook from dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are used to prepare independent dishes: hot and cold appetizers, first courses and a variety of sauces. Very often, mushrooms are added to various fillings for pies and dumplings.

Mushrooms are a source of vegetable protein, which is not inferior in digestibility to animal protein, which is found in meat and seafood. Therefore, all dishes made from dried mushrooms can be included in the menu while fasting. They can serve as an excellent substitute for meat.

Preparing dried mushrooms for cooking

Before preparing any dish with dried mushrooms, they should be prepared in advance. Whole mushrooms and mushroom pieces must initially be carefully sorted and washed under running water.

Then the mushrooms are soaked for 15-20 minutes to remove soil debris from them. Afterwards, the mushrooms are washed several times, discarding the dirty water.

Cleaned mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours. At this time, they will be saturated with moisture and restored. If mushrooms are prepared for poaching, stewing or frying, they are soaked in a minimal amount of water. When preparing mushroom broth, the amount of water is increased to seven times the volume.

Final stage preliminary preparation- this is boiling. The swollen mushrooms are boiled in the same water in which they were soaked. The cooking time depends on the type of mushroom. Porcini mushrooms are cooked for 1.5-2 hours. Other varieties cook a little faster. You can determine the edible readiness of mushrooms by tasting them during cooking. Readiness indicator: easy chewing.

Before use, mushroom powder is soaked to swell in clean water for half an hour. The resulting mushroom pulp is not subjected to preliminary heat treatment.

Cooking dishes from dried mushrooms: techniques, methods and subtleties

Whole mushrooms and mushroom pieces are used to make soups, broths, salads, vegetable stews and pie fillings. Mushroom powder is often added to minced meat, sauces, and gravies. Used as a seasoning for meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and in salad dressings. It is also used to prepare mushroom dough for pies.

Dried mushrooms are used in the preparation of boiled, stewed, baked dishes from meat, vegetables and fish, and are included in marinades.

Some subtleties of preparing dried mushrooms:

  • The mushroom taste and aroma is most pronounced in dishes prepared with dairy products: dairy mushroom soup, creamy sauces, mushrooms fried in butter, sour cream and cream sauces.
  • You can revive the taste of dried mushrooms by soaking them in salted milk.
  • To save nutrients dry mushrooms are soaked in a small amount of water and boiled in the same water.
  • When calculating the required volume of mushrooms, it should be taken into account that a serving of dry mushrooms replaces 5-7 servings of fresh ones.
  • The aroma of dried mushrooms is quite rich, so when preparing dishes, use minimal amount spices
  • The following spices best highlight and highlight the mushroom taste: allspice, black pepper, bay leaf, garlic.
  • To speed up the cooking of dried chanterelles, it is recommended to add a pinch of baking soda to the water.
  • Boletus and boletus mushrooms are not used for preparing first courses.
  • Stewing them in sour cream sauce will give porcini mushrooms a special tenderness.

It is necessary to prepare dishes from mushrooms in small quantities, since when reheated (reheated) they release toxic substances that can cause poisoning.

Delicious dishes made from dried mushrooms

Cheese creamy soup with mushrooms


  • dried mushrooms 50 g,
  • onion 50 g,
  • carrots 50 g,
  • boiled beans 200 g,
  • butter 20 g,
  • processed cheese 1 pc.


  1. Soak the mushrooms and boil for an hour. Change the water and cook for another hour.
  2. We take the mushrooms out of the broth, grind them in a blender or cut them into small pieces.
  3. Grind the beans through a sieve or prepare puree using a blender.
  4. Cut the onion and carrots into small strips and fry in butter until golden brown.
  5. Add bean puree, mushrooms, fried vegetables and processed cheese to the water where the mushrooms were cooked.
  6. Boil over low heat until the cheese is completely dissolved, add salt and spices to taste.
  7. When serving, decorate with greens.

Potato boats


  • potatoes 4 pcs,
  • dried mushrooms 30 g,
  • hard cheese 50 g,
  • minced meat 100 g,
  • salt, spices, vegetable oil.


  1. Cut the soaked and boiled mushrooms into small pieces, combine with minced meat, add salt and spices.
  2. Pre-boil the potatoes in their skins. Peel the potatoes and cut them into halves. Using a teaspoon, make indentations in them.
  3. Stuff the potatoes with minced meat.
  4. Place foil on a baking sheet and place potatoes. Sprinkle vegetable oil on top.
  5. Cover the top with foil and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 170˚C.
  6. Then sprinkle the potato boats with grated cheese and leave in a hot oven for 5 minutes.

The dish is served hot.

Delicious dishes made from dried mushrooms not only diversify the daily menu, but can also become the main decoration of the holiday table.

Dried mushrooms are easy to prepare for the winter, they are stored well and for a long time at home, and you can easily buy them in the store throughout the year. Dried mushrooms are often used to make a delicious mushroom soup and used to prepare other dishes, so in this article we will look at how long and how to properly cook dried mushrooms until tender in a saucepan.

How long to cook dried mushrooms?

Dried mushrooms are usually used to cook mushroom soup, since it is from dried forest mushrooms that a tasty, rich and aromatic broth is obtained. The cooking time for dry mushrooms depends on their type (some cook faster, others longer):

  • How long should you soak dried mushrooms before cooking? Usually dried mushrooms are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water(sometimes in milk) or leave them overnight the day before cooking.
  • How long to cook dried mushrooms for soup? Depending on the type, dried mushrooms are boiled for 30 to 90 minutes until cooked (when they sink to the bottom of the pan, they are cooked).

Note: if for some reason you do not have time to soak dried mushrooms before cooking, you can immediately place them in a saucepan and cook for 10-15 minutes after the water boils, then drain all the water and continue cooking them further according to the recipe.

Having learned how long to cook dried mushrooms, we will now consider the main secrets of cooking them in a saucepan.

How to cook dried mushrooms?

To properly boil dried mushrooms for preparing your favorite dishes that contain them, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

  • We measure required amount dry mushrooms, put them in a deep container and fill them with cold water so that the water completely covers them and its level is 2-3 cm above the mushrooms. Let the mushrooms steep in water for 2-3 hours (you can leave them overnight).
  • After soaking, transfer the mushrooms into a saucepan and fill with water (if it is not cloudy and dirty, you can use the water in which they were soaked, since the broth will be richer after this).
  • Over high heat, bring the water in the pan to a boil, then remove the foam that has formed on the surface of the water, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and cook the mushrooms for an average of 30 minutes until tender (the most popular forest mushrooms, such as porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, Russula, honey mushrooms have such a cooking time).
  • When the mushrooms are cooked, they can be immediately used for making soup, frying, or making pie fillings, etc.

Note: if dried mushrooms are purchased and you are not sure of their quality and purity, then it is better to rinse them with running cold water before cooking, placing them in a colander to wash away dust and possible small debris from them, and when cooking the soup, you can drain the first water after boiling and cook the broth in new water.

How to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms?

Cooking soup from dried mushrooms is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. Let's look at how to cook dried mushroom soup step by step:

  • First of all, we prepare everything necessary ingredients for preparing mushroom soup: dried mushrooms (30-50 grams, which is equivalent to 300 grams of fresh ones), potatoes (2-3 pieces), carrots (1 medium), 1 onion, salt, pepper, herbs (parsley).
  • First of all, soak the dried mushrooms, then cook in a saucepan for an average of 30 minutes until tender.
  • We take out the cooked mushrooms and additionally cut them into small pieces (if they have become large sizes after cooking).
  • In a heated frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion until golden brown, add the grated carrots and after a few minutes chopped boiled mushrooms, after which everything is fried together for an average of 5-7 minutes.
  • Place the roast in a pan of boiling water, add salt to taste, then add the potatoes cut into pieces and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Leave the pan with the cooked mushroom soup off the heat and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before serving.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to prepare dried mushrooms (how to boil them), you can easily cook delicious and aromatic mushroom soup or boil wild mushrooms dried for the winter to prepare your favorite dishes. Your feedback and useful tips how and how long to cook dried mushrooms in time, leave it in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks, if it was useful to you.

The boletus mushroom is considered the king among mushrooms growing in middle lane Russia. These mushrooms are the most delicious, the healthiest among all. Boletus mushrooms can be boiled, fried, stewed, baked, salted, pickled and dried for future use. Moreover, their taste and aroma do not deteriorate at all; on the contrary, they only become more appetizing from the spices added to them.

Today we will talk about popular dishes made from dried mushrooms, the recipes of which we will definitely discuss and prepare something delicious for lunch. But first, let's learn about the nutritional qualities of dried boletus mushrooms:

Are dried mushrooms healthy?

Of course, they are very healthy, tasty and do not lose their valuable qualities that are inherent in fresh porcini mushrooms. Nutritionists generally recommend consuming dried boletus mushrooms, since after drying they are absorbed by the body almost completely.

Just like fresh, dried mushrooms contain a variety of useful substances, including vitamin C, folic acid. They contain very necessary for a person tocopherol, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and many other useful substances.

In addition, these forest gifts of nature - boletus mushrooms - contain certain enzymes that improve digestion and promote the active breakdown of fats and glycogen.

From dried porcini mushrooms you can prepare almost the same dishes as from fresh ones, just collected at the edge of the forest. They are dried and used to prepare soups, borscht, and solyanka. They are used for stewing, preparing fillings for pies and cabbage rolls. They are baked and made into caviar. Just before cooking, they must be soaked in cool water for several hours, and then boiled in the same water.

Dried porcini mushrooms cannot be confused with other dry mushrooms due to their subtle, characteristic aroma. Therefore, soup made from them is simply a culinary masterpiece. Let's start with it. Here is the recipe for making real mushroom soup:

Dry boletus soup

To prepare, we will need: a handful of dry boletus mushrooms (about 50 g), the same amount of vermicelli, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, half an onion, a piece of butter, 1 bay leaf, finely chopped dill, parsley, sour cream.

How to cook:

The night before, place the mushrooms in a bowl and pour clean water, cover and leave overnight. In the morning you can prepare soup.

So, remove the softened mushrooms using a slotted spoon and let the water drain. And pour the remaining infusion into a saucepan. You will need it to make soup.

Heat some butter in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms in it. Cook for approximately 10 minutes over medium heat. While the mushrooms are frying, add a little water to the pan with the infusion, as much as you need for the soup, and boil. Place the fried mushrooms in the pan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Now, in the frying pan where the mushrooms were fried, brown the vermicelli a little. Then it will not boil and soften in the soup.

Peel and wash the potatoes and carrots. Cut the tubers into small slices, add to the soup, continue cooking, stirring occasionally. After 10 minutes, add vermicelli.

Now melt a little butter in a clean frying pan, fry the grated carrots and finely chopped onions. Add to the soup, add salt and bay leaves. Cook for another 5 minutes. Now pour the soup into portions, season each with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs, and serve.

Buckwheat porridge with porcini mushrooms

To prepare this dish of Russian cuisine, we will need: 1 glass of buckwheat, 2 glasses of clean water, 1 glass of dried mushrooms, 2 onions, 1 carrot, salt, vegetable oil, parsley.

How to cook:

Just like in the previous recipe, cover the mushrooms with cool water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the infusion and leave the mushrooms in a bowl for now. We'll deal with them a little later, but for now let's cook the buckwheat.

First, sort the grains and fry them in a dry frying pan. Place in a saucepan, pour 400 ml of boiling water, add salt, and cook at a very low boil for half an hour. There is no need to stir the porridge during cooking. When the buckwheat is ready, turn off the heat, cover the pan with something warm, and leave it like that while we prepare the mushroom dressing.

Peel the onions and carrots, wash them and finely chop them. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Fry everything until cooked in a deep frying pan with vegetable oil. Now put the roast into the cooked buckwheat, stir, season with finely chopped herbs.
Mushroom caviar from dry boletus

This appetizer is especially good to prepare in winter from pre-dried porcini mushrooms. It is very tasty with boiled potatoes; it is good to spread on breakfast sandwiches.

To prepare delicious caviar , prepare the following products: half a kilo of dry boletus mushrooms, 3 fresh onions, a little white wine vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper to taste, vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Soak dry mushrooms overnight, as described in previous recipes. In the morning you can start preparing a snack. Boil them in the same infusion as the mushrooms, just add a little salt. When the boletus mushrooms become soft, drain in a colander, rinse, and drain.

By the way, the broth itself can be used to make sauce or soup.

Pass the prepared mushrooms through a meat grinder, peel the onion, chop finely, and fry in vegetable oil. Place mushroom puree in a bowl, add frying, a pinch of sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar, pour over vegetable oil (if necessary), stir. Bon appetit!