DIY hallway decoration. How to decorate the walls in the corridor in a practical and beautiful way? Light colors, soft shades

Often our compatriots do not give special significance design of such utilitarian premises as corridors, spaces near stairs and areas between flights of stairs. Some use leftover wallpaper, others simply paint the hallway surfaces one color. But any room in our home, be it a personal room or a small nook in the attic, is worthy of our attention and can serve as a canvas for realizing our desires in the field of space design. Even the most ordinary corridor can serve not only as a space that helps you get from one room to another, but also become an art object, fulfill a whole range of functional purposes and even become the highlight of the interior of your apartment or house.

If in standard city apartments with an old layout very small spaces are allocated for corridors, then in country houses or households located within the city, there is an opportunity to be creative when decorating utilitarian premises.

Before you start planning a hallway renovation, consider its functional rationale. Will this room serve only as an intermediary between rooms or perform any other functions? Perhaps you have enough space in the hallway to accommodate storage systems - open bookcases or chests of drawers. Maybe you'd like to display framed family photos or an art collection on the walls. Perhaps you brought cute souvenirs from different trips and simply have nowhere else to hang them, but the memory of your vacation is dear to you. The fact is that the choice of finishing for utilitarian premises depends on the answers to these questions.

What you need to consider when choosing options for finishing corridors and other utilitarian spaces:

  • size and shape of the room;
  • the location of the corridor in the space of the house (obviously, the hallway or the corridor following it will be subject to more pollution and mechanical stress than the corridor leading to the bedroom, for example);
  • the presence of small children and pets (level of pollution, claws leaving marks on the walls, drawings by small artists on the wallpaper);
  • the style of the entire house or apartment (if your entire apartment is decorated in a modern style, it will be strange to see a corridor in a country style or classicism);
  • you need to decide whether you want the corridor to become part of the selected color palette home ownership or has become an accent spot on the canvas of your home.

In this publication we would like to talk about design options for the walls of corridors, hallways and other utilitarian rooms. Examples of real design projects will help you not only present a complete picture of wall decoration options, but also consider ways of harmonious, creative or practical decoration.

Let's consider ways to decorate walls in corridors, spaces near stairs and hallways.

Wall panels are a practical, convenient and beautiful way to decorate surfaces

Wall panels are a finishing material that seems to be specially created for cladding corridors. They are easy to wash, easy to install yourself, and can be replaced if a cladding part fails. The color and texture options are varied; to install such cladding, it is not necessary to have perfectly smooth walls. Wall panels look respectable, but at the same time their cost is acceptable for most of our compatriots.

In terms of commercially available modifications of wall panels, there are three types:

  • rack typesetting;
  • tiled;
  • leafy.

As is clear from the names themselves, slatted panels are long, narrow rectangles of planks that are usually attached to wooden sheathing. Tile panels are produced in the form of squares or wide rectangles, which can be attached either to the sheathing or glued directly to the wall. Sheet panels are made in a separate large piece. In order to hide the seams connecting individual sheets of panels, moldings can be used.

Currently Wall panels can be made from the following materials:

The choice of one material or another for the manufacture of panels will depend on your financial capabilities, the size of the room and the requirements that you place on the color, texture and technological characteristics of the wall cladding.

By placing slatted wall panels horizontally, you can visually increase the space of the corridor. At vertical placement material, a visual increase in the height of the room is obtained.

Very often in corridors you can find a combination of wall decoration using wall panels. The upper part of the vertical surfaces is covered with wallpaper, painted or decorated with decorative plaster, and the lower part is lined with wall panels. This method is not only practical and convenient, but also has an attractive appearance.

For a country style home, wood panels will become best choice for finishing the walls of corridors and other utilitarian premises. By combining light wood for wall cladding and dark wood for flooring, you can visually enlarge the space.

Stacked slatted panels made of wood (or its artificial analogue) of various species, arranged in two tiers and in a chaotic order, create not only an interesting and textured appearance of the cladding, but also bring an element of home comfort and warmth into the cool atmosphere of a utilitarian room.

Decorating walls lined with wall panels, moldings, cornices and plaster stucco, you can get an excellent interior for a corridor or any other room in the classicist style.

With the help of embossed wall panels (or they are also called 3D panels), you can create an interesting design for an accent wall. Such surfaces do not need additional decor in the form of paintings or mirrors; they themselves are the subject of focusing attention. For lovers of original rigor in the interior and a minimum of decorations, this option can be a successful solution when choosing decor for the walls of the corridor.

Using wall panel finishing, you can imitate an almost limitless number of surfaces of various modifications. Masonry or Brick wall, wooden slabs or ceramic tiles, mosaic or fresco - your imagination is limited only by your financial capabilities.

Wallpaper for the walls of the corridor - a classic of the genre

If some 15-20 years ago our compatriots did not have much choice when buying wallpaper, now you can simply drown in the assortment of stores offering repair products.

Simple paper wallpaper, which is not suitable for utilitarian premises due to the lack of ability to clean surfaces, has been replaced by new modern technologies:

  • cork;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • quartz;
  • metallized with embossing;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • textile;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • linkrusta.

The most popular among Russian homeowners are vinyl wallpapers. This can be explained by several advantages of this type of wallpaper - they are easy to clean, resistant to mechanical stress, quite durable (as far as this concept is generally applicable to wallpaper), have a wide range of colors due to their dense base, hide defects in wall surfaces and are affordable. But vinyl wallpaper also has significant drawback– they don’t “breathe” at all.

Cork wallpaper suitable for large hallways or spacious corridors. Their main advantages are environmental friendliness and natural appearance, which is ideal option for supporters of the use of eco-materials who choose the appropriate style for their homes.

Liquid wallpaper will become the perfect way finishing walls with complex configuration and geometry. If there are a lot of arched openings in the corridors, non-standard constructive solutions, then a liquid cladding option will help to avoid many joints when using any paper wallpaper. Such wallpaper is easy to apply, hides defects in wall surfaces and does not require special effort in cleaning. The appearance of the finished wallpaper depends on the method of application and subsequent textured finishing and painting. You can repaint the resulting surface, changing the appearance of your corridor or hallway as many times as you like.

Quartz wallpaper- This is a base made of paper or non-woven fabric with colored quartz sand applied to it. This is an incredibly easy-to-clean canvas; it can even be cleaned with a brush; it is completely insensitive to mechanical stress. In addition, such wallpapers are fire-resistant, which is rare in this segment of finishing materials. Quartz wallpaper looks respectable and attractive. The joints between the sheets are not visible, creating the effect of the presence of a single wall canvas. Plain quartz wallpaper can be painted with latex paint and get new color walls at least every year. And the designs on quartz wallpaper can be very diverse - from colorful patterns to imitation of ancient frescoes.

Metallized wallpaper with embossing, as is clear from the name, they contain metal elements. More precisely, this wallpaper is a porous paper or fabric base with a thin layer of foil applied. Special paint is applied to the foil, then embossed or patterned. Such wallpapers are incredibly beautiful, elegant, look respectable and help create a luxurious interior atmosphere. Among other things, metallic wallpaper is quite durable and easy to clean. But there are also disadvantages to this method of finishing walls - the surface for pasting must be perfectly flat and absorb moisture, because the glue will not be able to evaporate through the structure of the wallpaper.

Is a fabric or paper base, onto which plastic is applied in a thin layer. This layer, as a rule, is of natural origin, made from a gel based on linseed oil. The working surface of such wallpaper is easy to wash and clean. Linkrusta can be painted using oil or water-based paints. This is an incredibly durable finishing material. All these advantages, of course, were reflected in the cost of the finishing material.

Glass wallpaper also refer to an environmentally friendly option for finishing materials. Fiberglass wallpaper is a base for painting (usually latex paint is used). This type of wall covering will easily withstand any mechanical stress, be it sharp claws of pets or scratches from constant friction. Fiberglass wallpaper can be painted in any color, or a pattern or pattern can be applied using stencils. And you can do this an infinite number of times, the wallpaper is resistant to any chemical exposure. Another key advantage of such wall coverings is the affordable price of the material.

Wallpaper with photo printing will help you realize your wildest fantasies in wall decoration. Gone are the days when photo wallpapers were represented by stereotyped landscapes with birch trees and lakes. You can order a print own photos entire wall or maps of your city, for example.

Decorative plaster - original design of corridor walls and more

Decorative plaster is an environmentally friendly material that allows you to quickly create an original design for vertical surfaces. The range of color solutions and possibilities for creating imitation structures of this finishing material are truly limitless. Such coatings allow your walls to “breathe”, but at the same time create a fairly durable and reliable coverage vertical surfaces.

Depending on the grain size of the plaster you use and what tool you use to apply the mixture, you will create one or another appearance of the finished surface. And, of course, a lot depends on the chosen color palette.

Brickwork as a way to decorate walls

Corridor wall decor – combining functionality with aesthetics

If you knew in advance that you would be placing a collection of family photos or favorite artwork on the walls of the hallway, then you probably decorated the walls in light neutral colors to focus on the decor.

A great way to combine functionality with beauty is to hang a mirror in a beautiful frame in the hallway or hallway. Designers from all over the world are at your disposal. Even the simplest and most ordinary interior will sparkle with new colors and be transformed with the appearance of an unusual mirror in a designer frame.

You can create entire compositions from mirrors in various frames, even empty frames unusual design can be used to decorate plain walls and add personality to the interior.

An excellent option to load the utilitarian space of the corridor with functionality is to place shallow shelving as storage systems. If there is enough space, then you can consider options with retractable, hinged cabinets. If the corridor is not wide enough, then it is better to opt for a bookcase with open shelves.

One of the most functional ways to decorate the walls of a corridor or hallway is with wall lamps and sconces. By placing original lighting fixtures on the walls, you not only provide a sufficient level of illumination in a utilitarian room, but also introduce an element of elegance and attractiveness into the interior.

Another way to not only diversify the interior of a corridor, but to radically change it, is also related to lighting. Built-in LED lighting of different shades can completely transform a bright space, erasing the edges of the room.

https://www..jpg 889 847 Dix https://www..pngDix 2015-05-17 18:36:55 2018-11-30 11:20:47 How to decorate the walls in the corridor in a practical and beautiful way?

A corridor or hallway is the room where apartment residents first enter when they come home from the street, so dirt and damage are sure to appear on their walls over time. If there are small children or animals in the apartment or house, then the finishing of the lower part of the wall will definitely be in a special risk area. Therefore, when starting a renovation, you need to carefully consider how to decorate the walls in the corridor so that the material is resistant to most mechanical influences.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the hallway is usually the “face” of the apartment, setting the tone for the interior design of all rooms, which means that one cannot help but think not only about the strength qualities of the material, but also about its aesthetic side.

A large assortment of modern materials, which can be found in construction stores today, makes it possible to choose a finish to suit any request in terms of style and financial capabilities. However, before settling on one of the many design options, you need to consider the positive and negative aspects of the chosen approach.

Wood finish

Wood has not gone out of fashion for many centuries, thanks to its amazing qualities, which create the most favorable microclimate in the apartment. Wooden ones are suitable for finishing the hallway and corridors. facing materials, produced in the form of lining or panels, depending on the chosen design style.

Natural lining

Wooden lining is a more affordable material compared to natural panels. It is manufactured in various forms, so it is possible to use it to create an interior that matches different styles.

Several types of lining are produced, but all of them are used when decorating a corridor in styles such as “Provence”, “country” or “Russian hut”.

Wood is a material with a structure that does not conduct heat well, thereby retaining it in rooms, so walls covered with it will always be warm to the touch. In addition, such finishing can partially reduce the level of noise coming from outside.

Wooden lining is often called a tongue-and-groove board in another way, although therein lies a contradiction - such a term is more suitable for flooring boards that do not have an external relief. However, a board with a smooth, non-profiled outer surface is often a good material for finishing walls in hallways and corridors.

In addition to the type of profile, lining is classified according to qualitative features - it is customary to distinguish between classes “extra”, “A”, “B”, “C”.

  • “Extra” is the lining of the high class, free from defects and the core of the trunk.
  • “A” is a class of material that is also of high quality. In the production of this lining, wood is selected that is allowed to have one knot per 1500 linear millimeters on the front side or edge, as well as up to two non-through and small cracks With back side boards.
  • “B” is a class of lining that is of lower quality, so it can have up to four knots for every 1500 mm, with a diameter of up to 20 mm. Up to two non-through cracks, darkening and stains are also allowed.
  • “C” is the lowest class of finishing material. It may have knots up to 25 mm in diameter, several cracks up to 5% of the lamella length, bluish and dark stains, and even mechanical damage. This material has a low price, so it is often used for the manufacture of lathing. If such lining is planned to be used for decorative cladding, then you will have to work a lot on it, cleaning the surfaces and filling in flaws.

Any of the classes is suitable for covering the walls of the corridor, but some of them can be used in natural form, that is, preserving the textured pattern of the wood, while others need to be painted in order to mask the damage repaired with putty.

The lining is made from various woods, both coniferous and deciduous. The most affordable materials can be called pine, linden and aspen, and the most expensive finish is lining made of larch, cedar, oak, alder and ash.

The lining can be installed on the walls horizontally or vertically, depending on the effect you want to achieve. If the hallway or corridor is narrow and long, then it is best to install the slats vertically, otherwise the room will seem even narrower and longer. IN square hallway the lining can be mounted in different ways, as planned by the design. To give the room originality, you can use combined option fastenings, that is, sheath one wall horizontally, the other vertically, or even combine different directions on one wall.

Natural solid panels

More expensive finishing made from natural wood are massive panels, which can be used to completely cover all the walls, one of them, or they can be used to decorate only the lower areas. For the manufacture of this material, mainly expensive hardwood is used, which has a beautiful textured pattern, such as beech, oak, alder, cedar, ash. However, all these breeds have a high price and are not always affordable for a family with an average income. To reduce the cost of their production, most often different types of wood are combined with each other.

For example, the base of the panel is made from a less expensive material - it can be pine or spruce, and then its front side is covered with two to three layers of veneer made from valuable wood species. The veneer is bonded to the base using a special hot pressing technology, which gives the panels increased strength.

Panels are also made from plywood, which is also lined with veneer, and then coated with varnish or wax.

Wall panels, depending on their design, can be used in different styles - classic, classic English, Victorian, modern, neoclassical, rococo and other styles.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood finishing

If we talk about the negative sides of finishing a corridor with wood, then they practically do not exist, since it is devoid of disadvantages, with the exception of the high price of some of its options. But it has many more advantages than any other material.

  • Wood has excellent strength and resistance to mechanical stress, therefore, with proper processing and finishing, the claws and teeth of pets are not dangerous.
  • The environmental friendliness of wood is undeniable compared to other artificial finishes, so this design can create a favorable microclimate for apartment residents.
  • Durability wood finishing will allow you to avoid having to renovate your hallway for ten years.
  • Change if desired interior design rooms, the decoration can be easily painted in one or more colors.
  • Easy to install any type of wood trim, if available necessary tools, allows you to carry out this process on your own.
  • Each type of wood has its own textured pattern and color scheme, so choosing exactly the option that the apartment owners will like and will fit well into the intended interior of the hallway will not be difficult.
  • Wooden panels, well-fitted boards, and lining go well with a variety of materials, such as wallpaper or artificial stone, so this type of finish provides ample opportunity for imagination when developing an interior project.

Wallpaper finishing

Despite a large number of new finishing materials that have appeared in Lately freely available, continue to be popular, not only for living rooms, but also for the corridor or hallway.

But, as you know, wallpaper is a fairly thin material that is susceptible to damage and contamination. Therefore, if there is no perverse desire to renovate the corridor every year, then it is best to combine them with more durable finishes, such as wood, plastic, chipboard or MDF panels or artificial stone.

It is especially important to choose a combined option if there are animals in the house. Well, if you live in the apartment Small child, and it is decided to decorate only with wallpaper, then their washable version is best suited.

If previously in stores you could only find paper wallpaper, then today the range of this finishing material is extremely wide. So, non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass, metallized and photo wallpapers may be suitable for a hallway or corridor. You should not choose textile finishing fabrics for decorating these rooms, as dust can accumulate in them, which can cause the development of allergic reactions.

To make a choice, it is worth considering in a little more detail the most popular types of this material.

Non-woven wallpaper

The non-woven version of the wallpaper consists of two layers - a base made of non-woven cellulose fabric, as well as a top polymer coating. This type of material is not strong enough, but can hide small flaws in the walls. It does not shrink when gluing, is wear-resistant, environmentally friendly, and easy to use. self-installation, since when finishing the glue is applied only to the wall.

Non-woven wallpaper is suitable for decorating not only walls, but also ceilings. If you need to change the interior, they can be painted in the desired color.

If a cat can reach non-woven wallpaper, it will happily sharpen its claws on it, so it is best to combine it with high, durable panels.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper also consists of two layers - a base made of paper or non-woven fabric, and a decorative coating made of polyvinyl chloride, which can have different thickness and relief. This coating has many varieties, and one of them, which has become especially popular, is “silk-screen printing”.

Vinyl sheets have high strength and wear resistance, they are inert to ultraviolet radiation and retain their original color for a long time. long years. Such wallpaper can be called washable, as it can be easily cleaned with regular wet cleaning. The variety of colors and textures of this material is so great that they can be matched to any interior style.

If this particular finish is chosen to decorate the corridor, then it is not recommended to purchase wallpaper of dubious quality due to its low price, as it can be toxic. The best option for any of the rooms there will be non-woven fabrics, as they are “breathable”.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Wallpaper based on fiberglass has increased strength, as it contains strong fibers. This is an environmentally friendly material that can be painted after sticking to the walls with water-based or latex-based paints. Wallpaper is highly wear-resistant, its service life is about 30 years, and during this period it can easily withstand up to 15 repaintings. The material does not crack in the corners when the structure shrinks, it does not burn, is waterproof and is not a breeding ground for microflora colonies.

You can wallpaper the corridor yourself

Many owners have already tried their hand at carrying out such finishing with their own hands. But if you don’t have the relevant experience, then before starting this work, we recommend that you read the article on our portal.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are made from various materials - they can be paper, non-woven, vinyl and fabric. For the corridor, it is best to choose a vinyl or non-woven option, as they have characteristics suitable for this room.

The finishing material is also divided according to texture. So, on sale you can find:

— Wallpaper with a smooth glossy and matte surface.

— Relief wallpaper imitating sand, canvas and other fabric weaves, as well as a variety of three-dimensional designs.

This finishing material can be decorated with images with different effects:

  • Background photo wallpaper decorated with frequent patterns of floral or other directions, arranged in a certain order. They differ in that they lack a specific plot. Like option will do for decorating a corridor or hallway, but it is necessary to choose washable varieties or combine them with other materials.

Background decoration, depending on the choice of color and pattern, can visually expand or reduce the area of ​​the room being decorated.

  • Panoramic photo wallpaper have images of natural or modern city landscapes, balconies or small courtyards. They can also create a room-enlarging effect, so they are ideal for decorating narrow rooms.
  • Photo wallpaper with realistic images are also often used to decorate the walls of corridors - these are photographs of flowers, grass, flowering trees, etc. Most often, these canvases have a volumetric 3D effect, which creates the illusion of expanding space, or HD, in which the drawings have the clearest detail.
  • Subject photo wallpaper , on which large images of one or several objects are printed, are better suited for rooms with large areas, since in small rooms they will look ridiculous and visually make them smaller. This is not the best option for a corridor.

Have you tried gluing photo wallpaper?

The question is not idle, since this finishing operation is quite complex, replete with nuances. To avoid mistakes and spoil expensive material, read in a separate publication on our portal.

Cork finish

An ideal finishing option for the corridor would be cork, which has antistatic properties, is fire-resistant and non-hygroscopic, resistant to deformation, ultraviolet radiation, and, most importantly, to mechanical stress. Thanks to the strength of this material, it is not afraid of animal claws and teeth. Cork is an environmentally friendly material; it is very light in weight, which simplifies its installation on walls.

plastic panels

Cork is natural material, which perfectly soundproofs the room and also makes the walls warm and pleasant to the touch. Cork finishing is produced in different versions - it can be wallpaper, slabs and roll fabric on a self-adhesive basis. The color scheme of finishing elements is varied, as it can have a large number of options, both plain and interspersed with different shades.

Cork finishing materials are made from the bark of oak trees that grow in the Mediterranean. Veneer is cut from the removed bark, solid panels are prepared, or it is crushed into crumbs with the subsequent production of wall and floor slabs, roll materials, baseless or paper-backed wallpaper. Cork is used to decorate not only walls, but also other surfaces of the room.

In stores you can find cork materials that require additional processing - they have a lower price. However, it is better to purchase a finish that does not require additional protective agents, since if you carry out this process incorrectly, you can easily ruin the appearance of the coating.

  • Cork panels

Cork tiles or panels are made on a plywood or MDF base, on which the connecting joints are made locking connections"tenon and groove". This allows you to assemble individual elements into a single covering with almost invisible seams.

Another version of cork slabs consists of three quite thin layers- the bottom one, which serves as the base, the middle one, and the top decorative one, connected to each other with natural glue. This finishing material is decorated with cork veneer.

  • Rolled fabric

Rolled cork consists of two layers - pressed chips, which is the base, and decorative thin veneer. The canvases are glued end-to-end to the surfaces of the walls and floors. After installing such a finish, the sheets merge into a single covering with invisible joints.

In addition to decorative ones, technical cork products are also produced. roll coverings, which are used as substrates for other types of finishing. They are used as an effective insulating and soundproofing material.

  • Cork wallpaper

Cork wallpaper has a thickness of 1 to 4 mm. They can be baseless, like a rolled web, or the basis for them is paper. Therefore, they are glued to prepared walls in much the same way as ordinary wallpaper, but, unlike them, they are able to disguise small flaws on surfaces.

It should be noted that any cork material goes well with other finishes, so various combined options can be developed and implemented.

Cork is well suited for finishing walk-through rooms, both in terms of aesthetic and technical characteristics. The only thing that can stop you from choosing it is the fairly high price.

Bamboo wall decoration

Decorating the corridor with bamboo is great choice, since this material has high strength and is not afraid of mechanical stress. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly and durable material that does not require complex care and can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

Bamboo trim is produced in different forms - these can be rigid panels or wallpaper mats assembled from slats of different widths.

  • Bamboo panels

To make bamboo panels, whole trunks or halves are most often used, but sometimes they are also assembled from slats glued to the base. They consist of one or two layers, are produced by hot pressing, and can have different dimensions and thickness.

Bamboo goes well with other finishes, such as wallpaper or tiles that imitate flat versions of stone. Most often, panels are used to decorate the lower part of walls, which are in greater need of their protective functions. Bamboo is not afraid of cat claws and any dirt - the latter can be easily removed by everyone accessible ways. The panels are fixed to the wall using " liquid nails", and installation is usually not difficult.

  • Bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper is made from slats into which the inside of solid trunks opens. The thickness of the canvas can vary from 3 to 5 mm. The slats are stitched with a thick, strong thread, which makes them look like mats (what they are, according to by and large, and are). Most often, rolls of size 10 × 0.92 m are found on sale.

Another version of wallpaper made from this material has a base made of technical gauze or rice paper, onto which slats are glued, cut from the outer smooth part of the trunk, which is its bark. The width of the planks ranges from 8 to 20 mm, and the thickness is 1÷2 mm. A roll of such wallpaper has standard parameters: its length is 10,000 mm, and its width is 2500, 2000, 1500 and 1000 mm.

Wallpaper is produced in different design options - they can be plain or have a natural pattern characteristic of this material.

a natural stone

For its decorative qualities bamboo wallpaper practically not inferior to panels. They can be combined with each other, but to do this you need to choose harmonizing shades.

Bamboo wallpaper is fixed to the wall using PVA polymer glue. Before installing them, it is recommended to level the walls with plasterboard, onto the primed surface of which they are attached quite easily. If the material will be glued to another, more complex surface, then for installation work It is better to use “liquid nails”.

Plastic panels

PVC panels are an affordable and easy-to-install material that can, however, significantly transform any room. Such cladding provides great opportunities in planning your own version of the interior of the corridor, as it is produced in a rich variety of colors, ornamental and relief patterns, with a very reliable imitation of natural materials - the texture of wood, stone, sand, etc.

This material is very popular due to its aesthetic appearance, durability and relative strength. The panels are easy to clean with wet cleaning, so they are perfect for decorating corridor walls, both the lower part of the wall and all surfaces completely.

If PVC panels are chosen for finishing the corridor, then the repair will take place quickly and relatively cleanly, without unpleasant odors of paint or spilled glue.

Using this material, it is quite easy to level the surfaces of rooms; it becomes possible to hide cables and communication pipes without stripping the walls. In addition, soundproofing material can be placed behind the panels.

Panels produced for interior decoration are environmentally friendly pure material, which does not emit harmful fumes.

The advantage of PVC panels is that such a coating will not attract animals, since it has a smooth surface that is not easy to claw into.

In order for the finish to meet all the qualities mentioned above, you should not purchase cheap materials. The stiffening ribs installed inside the panel should not be visible through the outer solid layers of plastic, and when you press them with your fingers, they should not wrinkle.

The surface of the panels should not have deformations or dents, and the joining of individual lamellas should be easy, with the tenon completely inserted into the groove.

One cannot help but remember that for finishing corridors and hallways it is necessary to choose PVC panels with a flammability category of G1 or NG. They have a special treatment that makes them more resistant to ignition and melting even when heated to extremes. high temperatures. This circumstance must be taken into account so that in emergency situations the exit from the apartment is not blocked by strong and toxic smoke or even open fire.

The process of installing PVC cladding on walls is accessible to everyone!

Any owner who is more or less “savvy” with basic construction skills is able to perform such cladding. Read how it is produced in a separate publication on our portal.

MDF or fiberboard panels

MDF is a wood fiber board produced by dry pressing of fibers using urea resins. The outer side of the panels is decorated with a coating that imitates natural wood different breeds or other natural materials. Some panels are coated with a special protective film- This process is called lamination.

In addition to MDF, fiberboard panels are also on sale, which have a lower cost, but experienced craftsmen Still, it is recommended to choose the first finishing option.

The significant difference between these materials lies in their technical characteristics:

  • MDF is a safer material than fiberboard, since the latter uses phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binder, which emit toxic fumes that can harm the health of apartment residents. MDF, from this point of view, is incomparably cleaner.
  • The strength of MDF is much higher than that of fiberboard finishing. Such panels are more resistant to external mechanical influences, which is very important for a room such as a corridor.
  • MDF, unlike fiberboard, has a water-repellent coating that allows wet cleaning walls without much regard for the frequency of this process.

However, for all its advantages, MDF has high category flammability - G4, and for different fiberboard models this parameter may be lower - from G1 to G4. Therefore, when choosing a finish, you must pay attention to this characteristic.

Installation of both MDF and fiberboard is carried out in the same way, approximately the same as PVC panels and natural wooden lining: along sheathing guides installed vertically or horizontally.

MDF panels are produced in different dimensional standards. Thickness usually varies from 6 to 14 mm, width from 98 to 325 mm, and they come in lengths of 1300 or 2600 mm, that is, they are perfect for filling the space from floor to ceiling in a standard city apartment.

MDF panels are produced in several variations, which are divided according to production method, characteristics and color features. They can be:

  • Whole pressed.
  • Laminated with a smooth glossy surface.
  • Moisture-resistant, intended for rooms with high humidity.
  • Veneered, imitating finishing with natural wood or cork.
  • Painted with a special paint that can smooth out unevenness and create a glossy or matte surface.

Fake diamond

Artificial is becoming quite a popular material for decorating corridors. decorative rock. They either completely lay out the walls, or combine it with plastered or otherwise decorated surfaces.

Gypsum and cement based stone

The most common one, which is used for finishing, is made on the basis of cement or gypsum using various plasticizing additives. This finishing material can be characterized as follows:

  • A wide variety of relief patterns and shades of artificial stone perfectly imitate a wide variety of natural materials.
  • Sufficiently high strength indicators guarantee the durability of the finish when the masonry is done correctly.
  • If the surface of a stone is accidentally damaged, you can easily restore it yourself, the main thing is to determine exactly what material it is made from. If the base is gypsum, then restoration should be done only with this material (the same applies to cement).
  • If you have masonry experience ceramic tiles, it will not be difficult to decorate the walls with artificial stone yourself.
  • Artificial stone also has several disadvantages:
  • Low resistance to abrasion of the material surface. Therefore, it will be necessary to periodically renew the paint or immediately coat the surface of the stone fixed to the wall with a varnish with high surface resistance (for example, polyurethane).
  • The cost of such finishing material is quite high.

You can make artificial stone yourself!

If you want to save on purchasing material and try your hand at this craft, the reader should read the article, which is located on the pages of our portal.

In addition to the above materials, more expensive ones are also used for production - they produce a more durable artificial stone that is not subject to abrasion and mechanical damage.

Acrylic stone

This type of artificial stone is made from 75% mineral natural environmentally friendly materials, which are released from white clay. In addition to it, it contains stone chips - this can be marble, granite, jasper and other minerals. Serves as a binder for ingredients acrylic resin(polymethylmethacrylic). The color range is created by special natural pigments that are harmless to humans.

Thanks to all the above components, acrylic artificial stone is a very wear-resistant and durable material, so even such elements as kitchen countertops and sinks.

Quartz stone

Quartz artificial stone is more durable than acrylic, since it contains about 90% natural crushed quartz. It is more resistant to scratches and any other damage, and is also used not only as a decorative finish, but also for making durable kitchen countertops.

The binding material for quartz and color pigments is polyester resins - thanks to these components, the material is stronger than granite. In addition to strength, quartz stone has such qualities as environmental friendliness and resistance to the appearance and development of microorganisms harmful to humans. This material is light in weight and easy to care for, it does not absorb dirt, and it is enough to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth.

Indoor walls, from a technical point of view, have no restrictions, since they are not flammable and do not contain substances harmful to humans. However, it is necessary to show a sense of proportion, otherwise the apartment will resemble some kind of cave. Therefore, stone finishing is most often combined with decorative or ordinary plaster, and sometimes even just with wallpaper.

Stone is most often placed around doorways, or they are used to decorate the corners of the room, which will contribute not only to the decorative design, but also to the protection of the most vulnerable places on the walls to damage.

Single inserts of stone on the plastered surface of walls are also possible. The main thing is to correctly think through the color scheme and the correct placement of the finishing material.

Now, after familiarizing yourself with which finishes are best suited for the walls of the corridor, it will be easier for the reader to choose best option, taking into account the quality of materials, design style and, of course, your own financial capabilities. And let him also be helped by the video selection below with very interesting design solutions for decorating a corridor in an apartment.

Video: There is a lot to learn - design options for finishing the corridor

With the traditional approach, the entrance hall and corridor, due to their auxiliary purpose, play a secondary role in the interior of the apartment, masquerading as the general concept of decorating living rooms. Meanwhile, ignoring this part of the house sometimes leads to uncomfortable and non-functional solutions. IN best case scenario these parts of the room are facelessly lost and hidden, at worst they introduce dissonance and spoil the overall impression.

The unique role of the hallway and the corridors leading from it is that, on the one hand, these are the most public parts of the house, on the other, they serve as a kind of boudoir for residents, who change shoes and clothes when entering and leaving.

These small areas are a kind of bridges not only between different rooms, but also styles, so their decoration, lighting and decor must be selected with special care.

Design Features

When choosing materials and colors for floors, walls and ceilings, you can take two approaches. In the first case, the design of the hallway and corridor completely coincides with the interior of the room to which they lead; in the second, they are designed separately, in a harmonious combination. It is clear that transitional options are also possible, in which the differences may consist of one or two independent elements.

The choice of material for flooring is one of the important tasks. Linoleum, tiles or heated wood, the use of carpets and rugs are determined by the layout and functions of the corridor.

Most often, this is the most trampled part of the apartment, and it is more advisable to focus on durable and washable materials for cladding.

When combined with the floors of other rooms in color and texture, you can use:

  • different shades of the same color,
  • the same color with a transition in two or more color combinations,
  • sharp color contrast.

The use of carpet runners and rugs for hallways can add a pleasant twist, creating coziness and geometrically expanding the space.

The photos of various apartment segments show the design of the corridor floors in all of the listed options.

Another feature of the design solution is the construction various types rectangular and rounded arched structures.

The design of ceilings is most often done in a single concept for the entire room, but even here you can take advantage of special opportunities for experimenting with mirror or reflective ceiling surfaces. Such extravagant decor will not get on your nerves, since people do not stay in these rooms for a long time.

Lighting can be built into the ceiling and walls, or you can choose lamps and fixtures. Ceiling chandeliers are used very rarely.

Visual Expansion Techniques

The problem of cramped hallways and narrow corridors is relevant in our time not only for owners of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. When planning any apartment or house, small utility spaces may arise, which, if properly designed, will ensure overall comfort and increased functionality.

Small corridors and hallways are an excellent platform for applying visual expansion effects. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of mirrors. It is justified, but you need to be careful with ceiling mirrors: they can narrow the space.

In other cases, mirror or reflective surfaces will become stylish and useful addition in small spaces.

In narrow corridors and hallways, regardless of the overall design of the apartment, dark colors and patterns in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, bulky furniture and lamps should be avoided. In this case, you need to take care of the light, using built-in options or flat shades.

Spaces can be optically expanded through the clever use of directional light in combination with mirrors. In small and square segments, evenly diffused light can be used through several spotlights.

Light blue, olive and beige tones will be a universal solution for painting walls. In low rooms, the ceilings should be a shade lighter; in the corridor you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes.

To expand the space, one of the walls can be covered with photo wallpaper. Wallpaper with imitation stone, brick and other textures will create the effect of a mysterious labyrinth.

The floor should be at least a shade darker. You can also use sharp contrasts using dark-colored tiles. Diagonal laying or contrasting floor segmentation can also create the desired expansion effect.

Zoning the hallway is another design technique in which wallpaper with textured imitations can be used. When applying this method, a separate entrance space near the door is formed, which is contrasting, sometimes in all respects (floor, ceiling, walls), different from the passage part. The latter, as a rule, merges with the design of the room with which the corridor is connected.

Inner side front door and the design of other doors facing the corridor, when there is a lack of space, become especially important. They should either be disguised as walls, which would be ideally embodied in a minimalist style, or be a contrasting spot.

Fans of abstract design can choose eye-catching geometric patterns or photographs for doors that change the configuration of the space.

Furnishings and decor

Properly selected furniture and decorative details will complement the decoration of the room. They can also do it without overhaul The apartment has changed the corridor and hallway beyond recognition.

If there is enough space, they can be decorated, like any living space, taking into account the tastes and needs of the residents, equipped with wardrobes for shoes and clothes, upholstered furniture and coffee tables, decorative items, plants, an aquarium, etc.

Vintage or other mirrors with bulky frames will also require a certain area.

The presence of furniture in small rooms should be limited to open shelves and corner or built-in cabinets. Cabinets with open shelves require a certain amount of space; in small rooms they look overly cluttered, creating the impression of cramped space and clutter.

An alternative could be narrow wardrobes various sizes. Single and narrow open shelves along the entire wall are also a good solution, as long as they do not interfere with movement.

The use of oval mirrors without frames, mirror doors on cabinets, as well as decorating walls and open shelves solid mirrors will visually expand the space. Decorative shelves and vases will add coziness by softening unused corners and narrow niches.

Photo of the corridor in the apartment

How to create it inexpensively and easily with your own hands unique design your corridor? So that the corridor looks incomparable and stylish, seems large and bright! The most important things in the hallway are wall decoration, hangers, lighting and accessories; These are exactly what we will talk about.

Read a selection of the most interesting ideas about decorating a corridor.

Wall decor in the hallway

Photo wallpaper in the corridor

What if you get away from boring plain walls and define the volume of space in the hallway? Stylish, interesting option– this is the use of photo wallpaper in the corridor. For example, the theme of Paris is laconic and elegant

They look irresistible! Especially the depth of the foliage in black and white. You can create a monochrome composition, setting a play of shades of white and gray not only in the design of the walls, but also in terms of other parts of the interior - a whitewashed floor, a white or silver door, a wet asphalt colored lamp. Clothes and shoes will be a bright, juicy spot.

And another elegant monochrome option, which combines the depth of an autumn forest, softly covered with fog, elegant forged objects and dynamic images in the photo.

Photo wallpaper is a wonderful solution in the interior of a corridor - simple and inexpensive, and at the same time, like nothing else, it sets the spirit of your apartment. The giant dandelions depicted on the walls of the corridor are like a state of flight and airiness, a dream and something fantastic.

An unusual design solution for a girl’s apartment – ​​photo wallpaper with magazine covers and pages. Glamorous.


Neutral background - beige, blue, soft yogurt or pistachio, or white. On accent wall There is a composition of large family photographs. It looks especially stylish if the photos are black and white. The photographs are placed in a frame under glass; they create a single stylistic composition.

World maps

The whole world can be placed in one small hanging maps on the walls. Unusual and educational

Play of light in the corridor

The play of light in a room is a separate, self-sufficient piece of decor. With interesting and unusual lighting, the walls can be left neutral, then lamps, lighting - reflection on the walls, chiaroscuro, glare and light patterns themselves are the strongest elements of the interior of the corridor.

Airy, light cobweb ball lamps create a light mesh-like light pattern on the walls and ceiling of the corridor.

Multi-colored flower moths, as if floating in the air, blooming at sunset, illuminate the corridor with their lilac, scarlet, beige and cornflower blue radiance.

A circle of night fireflies, dynamically circling, creating their unique dance.

Lilac hallway, soft flowing light from the lampshade, illuminated niches - very stylish and harmonious.

Unusual hanger Love

Accessories for the corridor

Humor and corridor

We are usually not spoiled with corridors: they are either completely small or too narrow. And if you have good mood, then the small corridor looks spacious and loved. Humor in the hallway is a great design find.

Wood hanger– takes up little space, unusual and cheerful. I haven’t seen exactly this one on sale, but you can cut it out yourself and carefully paint it. The design can be straight or rounded, and the color is any of your choice - you can green, silver, birch - white with black specks or exactly as in the picture. Please note that the author of the project, in continuation of the tree, placed brick-colored plinths in the corridor, which set a unified direction in the design of the room.

And this wonderful tree hanger is a whole artistic solution.

Products own production made from twigs and twigs look great in any hallway

People's imagination works so well, so interesting and complex things come out of simple things. I was surprised by this mirrored hallway of disks, shimmering blue and radiating from the center of mirror bubbles.

In a word, the style and beauty of your corridor, your apartment, often depend on your creative imagination, sense of style and taste.

Another interesting technique for decorating a room or hallway is creating designer furniture with your own hands - decoupage. Wonderful technology, simple, accessible, very inexpensive. I recommend that you read the article on the topic of furniture decoupage. Read it, you won't regret it

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we would like to talk about such a part of the living space as the corridor.

Very often, people do not attach much importance to its decoration and use inexpensive materials during renovation, which they then hide behind cabinets, shelves and other furniture. However, even the most narrow corridor can become a highlight in your home - you just need to show your imagination and decorate the walls in the hallway with an idea.

What are we missing?

We will begin our publication by trying to take a fresh look at the hallway, and determine what we would like to see new here, and try to understand the pros and cons of the existing layout. We will also talk about small details that can be used to transform the appearance of an existing renovation. So, let's go!

A new look at your corridor

If you live in an apartment, then you most likely will not be able to radically change the functionality of a room such as a hallway. Residents of the private sector have much more room for imagination, but do not rush to get upset, as we will definitely find a way to quench your thirst for change without losing precious space.


  • Before you start planning a renovation, carefully study the available space and think about its functional purpose.
  • Pay attention to all the things you need in your home, whether it’s placing open shelving or installing built-in furniture. Or maybe you want to see photographs on the walls that depict people dear to you or wonderful moments of your youth.
  • Many people keep souvenirs brought from an unforgettable vacation, but unfortunately, they still haven’t found a place in the interior and are forced to gather dust somewhere on the closet.

Every little detail like this will help you form an image of the future decoration in your head, and will tell you the design direction in which to move.

A creative approach is necessary in everything. Thanks to this, familiar things will appear before you in a completely new light. Look at the photo above and appreciate the author's idea. The implementation of such a project will not require much effort and time from you.

What you need to consider first before choosing the finishing option for any utilitarian room:

  • Functional purpose of the corridor. For example, if you are planning to decorate the passage leading to the bedroom, then you will not have to worry about ensuring that the materials used are protected from street dirt that accumulates in the hallways.
  • Shape and size of the room.
  • General style of living space, or at least adjacent rooms. Consideration of this issue is necessary so as not to cause a person to feel disharmony and bad taste.
  • Color palette- this is another tool with which you can harmoniously fit the hallway into the style of the house, or, on the contrary, highlight it and create a kind of buffer zone for the transition between rooms.
  • If you have small children or pets in your apartment, then you should think about using non-staining materials that, if necessary, can be washed or restored by processing.

Of course, this information is not enough to fully imagine the appearance of the future premises, unless you are an artist or designer. Therefore, throughout the article we will provide many photographs with design projects, some of which will certainly suit you.

Decorating the walls of the hallway - combining beauty with functionality

One of the most common decorations for narrow spaces for many years has been paintings (see How to hang pictures on the wall: options) and artistic photographs. If you want to decorate your corridor in this way, then you should make sure that the overall color scheme of the room is done in light, neutral colors.

Another great way to decorate your hallway is to place a mirror in a designer frame on the wall. This technique will increase the functionality of the room, visually expand its boundaries, and add new colors to any interior. There are many solutions at your disposal that designers around the world tirelessly offer to customers.

To increase the functionality of the corridor, you need to place narrow shelving around its perimeter - on the shelves you can store shoes, clothes and other accessories. If the width of the hallway is enough to comfortably accommodate options with hinged or pull-out cabinets, then we use them.

This way you can organize more storage spaces, which is very important in houses where there are many residents or guests often come. In more compact corridors, it is recommended to use narrow, open shelving, or cabinets with compartment doors.

Combining an open shelving unit with an arched opening Compact wall shelf

Another element that can change beyond recognition appearance rooms are sconces and lamps. In addition to aesthetics, when installing additional light sources, you improve the level of illumination in the room.

The next way to diversify the appearance of the hallway is to place it around the perimeter LED backlight. This design technique will allow you to visually separate or connect individual parts of the space, or highlight individual interior elements against the general background. If you place such lighting from below the walls and cabinets, you can achieve a floating effect.

You can also try designer light installations to create accentuated details in the interior. Such elements look very advantageous against the background of dark walls and furniture.

Such devices have little effect on the overall illumination of the room - and, however, they are not intended for this, since they have a purely decorative purpose. With their help, you can easily create an atmosphere of intimacy and some kind of mystery.

Wall finishing methods

In this part of the article we will talk about construction and finishing materials that are most often used in modern renovation. Their assortment is very large, and therefore not everyone can immediately figure out what is the best way to make the walls in the hallway. We will try to help you in this matter and present various design finishing options for consideration.

Wall panels

Wall panels are a modular material that is ideal for finishing small utilitarian spaces, such as a hallway.

Let's briefly list the advantages of these materials:

  • Installation of the panels is easy and can be done by almost any craftsman;
  • Wall panels are easy to maintain and can easily withstand wet cleaning;
  • The price of these products is very attractive for buyers;
  • This type of finishing can be done on unprepared, curved walls;
  • Over time, such cladding can be easily replaced with a new one, without creating a pogrom in the house.

Advice! Many types of panels will not require replacement after long-term use. It will be enough to repaint them yourself.

Another advantage is the wide selection of colors and textures on the market today.

Wall panels are made from the following materials: natural wood, fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, PVC, glass, plasterboard and gypsum vinyl, among which there are three types:

  • Typesetting (rack and pinion)– long narrow strips that are attached to a wooden or metal sheathing;
  • Leafy– are produced in the form of solid modules, the width of which can reach 2m 44 cm, which is very convenient when covering long rooms;
  • Tiled– these panels are produced in the form of solid squares or wide rectangles, which, in addition to being mounted on the sheathing, can be glued directly to the wall.

Advice! To hide single-level and corner joints of sheet panels, special moldings are used.

The choice of specific models, first of all, depends on the size of the room, the desired texture and color, and, of course, your financial capabilities.

When using stacked panels, you can play a little with the visual perception of a person. So, for example, if you place them horizontally, the length of the room will visually increase, and if vertically, the height will increase. Combining this finish with mirrors or glossy stretch ceilings, you can change the appearance of the room beyond recognition.

Many wall panels combine beautifully with plaster and polyurethane moldings and stucco. This way, you can focus the attention of the person in the room on certain areas of the walls.

In addition, with the help of panels you can imitate almost any covering, from masonry to mosaic or fresco.

Wallpaper in the hallway

And, of course, how to do without the classics of the genre - wallpaper (see Choosing wallpaper for the hallway and creating a unique design). If in the recent past all houses and apartments had standard wallpaper, today the choice is so huge that it is almost impossible to cover all the variety of materials, colors and textures.

What can we choose from today when we think about what to cover the walls in the hallway with:

  • Cork wallpaper is made from a natural, environmentally friendly material that is suitable for natural interiors.
  • Non-woven - in fact, can have any surface. They differ in their base, which perfectly absorbs moisture, making such wallpaper easy to glue.
  • Vinyl is the most popular type of wallpaper in Russia. They are durable, easy to clean, have a durable surface, and the choice of colors is truly great.
  • Quartz - this wallpaper is painted quartz sand, applied to a paper or non-woven base. This coating is unique in its kind - it does not suffer at all under severe mechanical loads, and can easily even withstand cleaning with a stiff bristle brush. It has fire-resistant properties, but at the same time has a rich appearance, and when gluing it creates the feeling of a solid canvas without joints.
  • Liquid wallpaper is an ideal solution for finishing rooms with complex curved geometry.
  • Metallized with embossing - the surface of such wallpaper contains a thin metal layer with embossing, making it incredibly elegant and beautiful. With this coating you can create a feeling of luxury in the interior.
  • Textile - are fabric sheets for upholstery. They look very elegant and rich.
  • Linkrusta is a fabric base with a layer of plastic applied. This wallpaper is easy to paint, wash and has a very long term services. They have only one drawback - the most complex gluing technology, when performing which you need to keep in mind that these canvases are soaked in water before gluing, and after drying on the wall they shrink significantly. It is better for an inexperienced person not to take on this work.
  • Photo wallpaper - everyone is probably familiar with this material. Do you want a waterfall in your room that scatters millions of refreshing splashes? Please, photo wallpapers are at your service.

Unfortunately, we cannot describe all this diversity in more detail in this article, since the volume allocated for the article is limited.

Other materials and finishing methods

What else can you decorate the walls with to diversify the look of your hallway? How do you like this solution to leave them without finishing at all?

The use of exposed brickwork, which can also be done using brick-like tiles, in the interior is very popular in America and some European countries. This style is called “Loft”. The rough masonry element can be successfully combined with almost any other style, but this requires some skill and an artistic eye.

To create an original coating on the walls, you can use decorative plaster, which is a natural, environmentally friendly material. A truly huge selection of imitation solutions and colors is at your service.

The surface of these materials perfectly allows steam to pass through, which promotes normal gas exchange in the room. In addition, the durability of the coating will last for many years - it is enough to periodically paint the walls.

Another finishing material is tiles, which are used not only for floors, but also for walls. Very often, when creating an interior, designers combine various materials, for example: the bottom is made of wood panels, A top part the rooms are whitewashed or decorated with stone.

In any case, to summarize, we want to say that the finishing method is limited only by your imagination. If you doubt your decision, then try to involve a person in the work who can make a design project for your hallway and show you clearly the future result.

Installation instructions for any of the listed materials, as well as a more detailed description of them, can be easily found on our website. After reading the relevant articles, you will be able to make the hallway walls yourself. Also watch the video in this article, where individual design projects can be viewed in more detail.