What to make an outdoor table from. Unusual ideas for a summer house: DIY garden table

Despite many variations plastic furniture, which can be easily purchased in a store, many people want to make a table for their garden with their own hands from natural materials. In order to make a table you do not need any special skills, the main thing is to prepare theoretically.

What does it consist of?

If it is possible to use it environmentally pure material, you should definitely use it. Making wooden country table will become ideal option.

Practically, the table consists of 8 parts: 4 legs and 4 planks for the tabletop.

  1. To make the legs, 50-gauge boards are sawn lengthwise into 2 bars. The length of the legs should be 75 cm minus the thickness of the table top and a height of at least 74 cm, otherwise the table will be uncomfortable. That is, if the thickness of the tabletop is 3 cm, the legs should be the same length - 73 cm;
  2. The bars for making the legs are processed with an electric plane, the edges are chamfered, and the ends and borders are carefully ground. This ends preparatory work for making a table;
  3. The table frame is necessary to ensure the rigidity of this piece of furniture. This project uses a 10cm wide piece of wood to make the frame. The board should be pre-planed and fixed together with the legs with self-tapping screws, having previously lubricated the contact points with a mixture of PVA glue and sawdust. If necessary, excess glue is removed and, after complete drying, sanded with sandpaper;
  4. For the tabletop, you can use a special furniture stand or separate planks. It all depends on your taste preferences.

The dimensions of the frame depend entirely on the desired volume of the future tabletop. After making the tabletop, proceed to making the frame, the size of which should be 25 cm smaller size countertops around the entire perimeter. The frame will ensure the stability and reliability of the structure.

The optimal dimensions for a country table are 82*102 cm, which are quite capable of accommodating three people, and the frame size in this case should be from 64 cm.

Assembly technology

Place the tabletop base on the surface of the frame and secure it metal corners With inside. This is necessary so that the structure can be disassembled if necessary.

Note! The assembled table should be covered with two layers of tinted antiseptic, and then with two layers of varnish. Such events will make the table resistant to weather conditions.

In a similar way, several designs can be made, as well as big table, capable of accommodating a large family.

There is another way self-made wooden country table. Pre-prepared elements must be connected to each other at a certain angle, and then carefully laid on top of the boards that form the tabletop. Initially, make the holes at right angles and tighten the nuts evenly. In the absence of minimal carpentry experience, you can purchase blanks ready for assembly.

Three prefabricated legs made of boards with dimensions of 6.2 * 3.5 cm act as a support for the table. The workpiece is a horizontal element fastened with bolts with two legs expanded at the base. Pre-planed boards with dimensions of 15*3.5 cm are attached to the legs with screws, thus forming a tabletop. Next, a bench is made from attached planks with a size of 6.2 * 3.5 cm, fixed at a height of 45 cm from the ground.

Assembling the legs

For the legs, you will need to cut 6 blanks from 92 cm boards and cut the edges at an angle of 30 degrees using a template. From the same boards you need to cut 3 horizontal crossbars, the edges of which should also be cut down.

Place the legs, 2 pieces at a time, on a flat surface, and horizontal planks on them. Make holes in two blanks that go through, insert centimeter bolts into them, put washers on top and secure the nuts. However, the nuts are only needed to maintain the shape, so they should not be fully secured. You should do the same with the other legs.

garden bench

In order to make your own bench for your dacha, you can use a couple of brick columns, stones or concrete blocks on strip foundation. The height of the posts should not exceed 45 cm for the convenience of sitting on the bench.

Install the pillars, and then make 4 planed wood planks with dimensions of 15 * 3.5 cm and the required length. They should be laid on the poles in such a way that there is a free edge of 15 cm on both sides. Next, secure three 7.5 * 5 cm slats - on two edges and in the middle. If desired, simply lay the boards on the posts and secure them with screws.

Even without minimal carpentry skills, you can make furniture that will delight you for a long time and make you proud.



Wood outdoor table for the dacha it is quite possible to make it with your own hands. For this, ready-made or independently developed drawings are used. To do it yourself beautiful table made of wood for outdoor use, must be purchased quality material, and follow the manufacturing rules.

A beautiful and comfortable country table is an indispensable attribute of a summer holiday. When choosing a finished product, you need to decide on the dimensions, as well as with the following parameters:

  • use of a piece of furniture on outdoors or indoors;
  • maximum amount people who can sit at the table;
  • budget allocated for acquisition.

The tabletop and body of an outdoor piece of furniture can be made of different types material:

  • plastic models are an ideal option for use in the country. The advantages are affordable cost, relative compactness and lightness. As a rule, they are produced in round or oval shape, and can accommodate approximately six to eight people. Despite the stylish appearance, they are not characterized by a very long service life. Disadvantages include the tendency to destruction as a result negative impact direct sun rays. Also lightweight design can turn over in strong gusts of wind, the need to use the most flat surface for installation and susceptibility to damage, which is accompanied by a rapid loss of the original aesthetic appearance;

  • wood models look very organic even in modern dacha landscape. Such pieces of furniture perfectly complement garden plantings. Such models belong to the category of quite expensive. On to the cons natural wood This may include the ability to collapse and warp under the influence of water and temperature changes, and the legs pressed into the soil can rot, which is why it is necessary to regularly treat with antiseptics;
  • graceful metal models are distinguished by high quality and incredible durability. Such furniture looks especially beautiful against the background forged fences and decorative elements. Such tables are distinguished by considerable weight and also very high cost. Often modern models are a very successful combination of metal with wood or glass countertops.

If you plan to use the table in a summer cottage all year round, then the best option there will be a metal structure that is very resistant to any adverse external factors. Legs metal structure They can even be concreted, which will provide additional stability to the piece of furniture.

How to make a wooden table for your garden with your own hands

Tables from wooden planks very often made independently. Of course, this option will require sufficient care throughout the entire period of operation, but it will give local area in the country bright style and identity. Among other things, build the most simple models you can do it yourself with little time and money, even in the absence of professional skills and special tool.

Making a drawing of a table with dimensions

Scheme self-assembly may already be ready, but to get original table with the most suitable size and shape of the tabletop, you need to complete the drawing yourself. When drawing up a drawing, it is recommended to focus on standard dimensions This piece of country furniture is 178x95x77.5 cm.

Required tools and materials

To make beautiful and practical table made of wood for a summer residence, need to prepare:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • saw;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • building level.

Work must be carried out using standard safety glasses and gloves. During production need to use Construction Materials presented by:

  • a pair of boards with dimensions 85x10x2.5 cm;
  • a pair of boards with dimensions 153x10x2.5 cm
  • four boards with dimensions 168x10x2.5 cm;
  • four boards with dimensions 75x10x5 cm;
  • board 95x10x2.5 cm - 17 pcs;
  • fastening tools in the form of nails, screws and bolts;
  • glue for woodworking.

It is also necessary to purchase antiseptic compounds for wood processing, wood varnish or special paint and brushes in advance.

How to make a table with your own hands (video)

Let's get started: making parts for a wooden outdoor table

All elements in the form of wooden boards must be smooth, natural humidity, from quality wood hard rocks. If necessary, before assembly, the boards must be leveled and, if necessary, sanded. To obtain durable design, the wood should be thoroughly treated with antiseptics.

It is not recommended to impregnate wood with oil compounds., which have proven themselves very well when used in conditions high humidity, but increase the level of flammability and give the structure an unpleasant and fairly persistent odor that persists long time. After applying water-soluble impregnations, it is recommended to always apply a layer of a special glazing antiseptic, which allows you to give high decorative properties product and providing additional protection.

Assembly and fastening of main elements

At the first stage of self-production of a wooden outdoor country table, the frame base of the piece of furniture is assembled. It is to the frame base that the boards will subsequently be fixed to create a tabletop and table legs. The frame base traditionally consists of four planed and smooth longitudinal boards measuring 168x10x2.5 cm and a pair of end boards measuring 85x10x2.5 cm.

Assembly must be carried out on the most flat surface possible, securing the end elements to the longitudinal boards using galvanized screws and adhesive. Very important prevent warping of the base during assembly and fastening. After checking the diagonal, additional boards 153x10x2.5 cm must be fixed, which will give the assembled structure additional rigidity, and will also hide the areas where the legs are attached.

The tabletop is assembled from boards measuring 95x10x2.5 cm. The boards can be fixed using either galvanized nails or self-tapping screws. Be sure to leave a gap of 0.5 cm between the tabletop elements. The legs are attached using self-tapping screws or bolted connections. The second option is more preferable and allows you to get a removable model, convenient for transportation and storage.

Installing amplifiers is a guarantee of table durability

If there is a need to obtain the most massive and robust construction, then amplifiers are used. To install such parts, you need to turn the product upside down. The transverse reinforcements in the middle of the tabletop are nailed, and the corners of the amplifiers are sawed off to save space. A pair of reinforcements with a shaped cutout that follows the shape of the tabletop crossbars is nailed to the sidewalls.

How to protect your table from external factors

Adverse weather conditions, represented by sun, rain and temperature changes, are an aggressive environment for wooden structure, used in outdoor conditions. To protect wooden crafts and to extend their service life, special film coatings and various impregnating compositions are used. Most often used protective films based on polyurethane. The disadvantage of such a film coating is the loss of appearance, reduced efficiency and wear after a certain time. Wood protection impregnations are presented as a mixture based on oils and repellent solutions. Both options for protection from external adverse factors have proven themselves well, but require periodic updating.

Wooden outdoor table: drawing (video)

We make a wooden country table from what is at hand

A variety of available materials are often used as materials for creating a wooden country table. Incredibly stylish and very reliable tables made from slabs are an option that you can make yourself if you have some woodworking skills. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the technology for manufacturing tabletops based on saw cuts is characterized by its own specifics and is quite labor-intensive, but the resulting finished product will be unique and inimitable.

Very original in garden design the designs look like:

Tables made from pallets have also become quite widespread. The fashion for such products came from Asia, where such furniture items are often made for lack of available funds. When creating such an option, you can show all your imagination, but it is highly advisable to replace nails from pallets with self-tapping screws, and all fastenings of the frame and boards must be reinforced with special furniture corners. If desired, you can supplement the design with ordinary furniture wheels, allowing you to make the table mobile and easy to use.

How to make a metal table with a wooden top

One of the interesting and durable options for garden furniture. For self-production you will need:

  • metal profile pipe or high-quality rolled metal of sufficient cross-section;
  • primer for working with metal surfaces;
  • paint on metal surfaces and brushes;
  • chalk or light marker;
  • flat surface for stencil;
  • wooden table top;
  • bars and adhesive to secure the tabletop.

The tool can be represented by a welding machine, grinder, metal saw, hammer, screwdriver, self-tapping screws and bolts. The metal is first cleaned of rust and dirt using a steel brush, after which a frame is created in accordance with the stencil.

Welding must be done carefully to avoid the formation of welding build-up. Wire brush The entire structure is cleaned, after which it is treated with a primer and painted. After the paint has completely dried, the tabletop is fixed, which also needs to be treated with special antiseptics, and then varnished or painted.

DIY log table (video)

Making your own country furniture from wood is a very interesting and creative process, accessible even to beginners. Such natural material goes well with metal, glass, and plastic, which allows you to create original, unusual and very decorative solutions with your own hands.

How to make a table for the dacha. DIY garden table and benches. We will talk about installing a new table with benches in the garden at the dacha. To unite the family, it was decided to install a new table through collective efforts. Old wooden table According to the quickly erected scheme, it was no longer suitable; it had to be updated every 5-7 years. New and traditional building materials - metal and wood - were used in the construction of the table and benches. The table turned out to be reliable and, compared to previous versions, it will last a long time. Provides detailed step-by-step instruction with photos and videos.

How to make a table with benches with your own hands

The design of the table was developed through collective efforts, taking into account material capabilities, skills and the availability of tools. The table is done and the choice of design option is probably no longer worth discussing. The old table was made of wood. Buried in the ground under open air raw posts and bench boards and table tops were attached to them. The lifespan of the pillars is 5-7 years depending on the thickness; the boards last up to 10-12 years. The table and benches were actively used from April to early October. Table and benches all year round exposed to precipitation in the form of snow and rain. New table made on metal frame, and the flooring of the table and benches is made of boards. The boards are dismantled in October and put away in a protected place, and in the spring they are fixed back to the frame. In this way, the life of the flooring and the entire table is extended. For critics, I want to say that there is a resting place under a canopy in the garden ( ).

Pile "Yuventa"

Materials for the construction of tables and benches:

  1. Six Yuventa screw piles for installing a fence, 2400 mm long, head section 50x50 mm;
  2. 10 — 12 edged boards 2000 mm long with a cross-section of 150×50 mm, to speed up the work it is better to purchase planed ones, pay attention to the thickness of the boards - it should be the same;
  3. metal pipe square section 60×60 mm 4 m long;
  4. metal corner with shelf 40-5o mm, length 3.5 m;
  5. metal paint 1 liter;
  6. yacht varnish 1-4 liters;
  7. paint brush;
  8. solvent for paint and varnish 0.5-1 l;
  9. self-tapping screws for fastening boards 50 pieces;
  10. cement, sand

Tool for building table structure:

  1. Welding inverter;
  2. a circular saw;
  3. laser level, tape measure, bubble level;
  4. electric plane;
  5. Sander with cutting and cleaning discs;
  6. screwdriver with a set of drills and bits.

Instructions for making a table with benches with your own hands

A drawing was prepared to install the table. See photo. The table width was chosen to be 1100 mm (6 boards 150 mm wide and one 200 mm wide). When changing the width of the table, pay attention to the distance between the bench and table posts.

  1. The location of the table was chosen a long time ago, under the crowns of apple trees and next to artificial pond with fish. On site, pegs mark the places where the piles will be installed.
  2. We install Yuventa piles. To do this, a device for wrapping was made from a piece of 60x60 mm pipe. See photos and videos. In view of the features of my area, which are described in detail during construction on sandy soil, we had to make recesses for each pile. Without this recess, the pile would collapse before it was fully tightened. The recess is made petrol hole drill . The recesses for the bench piles are dug at right angles. And for two table piles at a certain angle towards each other. This was done deliberately to make the table more stable.

    Digging a hole with a motor drill

    "Iuventa" piles for the table
  3. The Yuventa piles were driven according to the standard scheme. Watch the video. Be sure to control your efforts so as not to destroy the pile before it is fully tightened. In my case it was a team effort. When tightening, you must try to comply with the intended locations of the pile and their inclination. Small errors in accuracy can be compensated for during subsequent assembly. See the details of the work at video example .

    The Yuventa pile is twisted
  4. After tightening the pit piles covered with sand in layers with humidification and compaction.
  5. For long service piles, the internal space of the pile is necessary, small mechanization was used. After concreting, we close the heads from exposure to precipitation and allow the concrete to harden. The piles must be cleaned of contamination immediately.

    Concreting piles
  6. We cut square pipes 60x60 mm into 4 pieces of 550 mm and 2 pieces of 900 mm.
  7. We insert the pipes into the pile heads at a distance of 10-20 mm from the ground.
  8. We weld 60x60 mm pipes onto the heads, using the installation gap to eliminate inaccuracies in installing the piles. Try to install the bench posts strictly vertically, and the table posts coaxial to each other. Welding was carried out at 6-8 points at the points of contact between the head and the stand. Immediately clean the welding areas from scale.

    The posts are welded to the piles
  9. mark the pipe cutting lines. Do it exactly. The cutting level from the ground surface for bench posts is 500 mm, table posts are 760 mm.
  10. Bulgarian with cutting disc cut the posts according to the markings. You need to cut carefully and precisely. The surface of each cut must be horizontal. Corners will be installed and welded to the ends of the racks.

  11. We cut the corners. The size of the corners for attaching the bench boards is 250-300 mm, you only need 4 pieces. The table will require two corners of 1000-1100 mm each (determined by the selected table width). The edges of the corners in vertical plane are cut into a cone, and all edges are rounded. The surface should be smooth and free of burrs.
  12. We weld the corners to our racks, controlling the horizontal plane of the shelf along two axes using bubble level. Just in case, gussets were welded to reinforce the welding site to the rack. When welding the corners of the benches, you can slightly shift the center of the welding of the corner to compensate for errors in installing the pile (the distance of the table stand from the bench stand).

    Welding corners

    Corners are welded to the posts
  13. I used boards for the table and benches from construction scraps. frame house. The boards were not planed. Therefore, half a day was devoted to partial planing and sanding of the boards.
  14. We try on the boards and place them on the corners. The boards of the benches should be parallel to the boards of the table. The boards are marked for subsequent assembly. The position of the boards at the corners is also marked.

    Trying on boards
  15. We mark holes in the corners for the screws for fastening the boards. A total of 14 holes for the corner of the table and 4 holes for the corner of the bench. We drill holes.

    Drilling holes in the corner

    Holes on the corner of the bench

    Holes on the corner of the table
  16. The boards are impregnated with an antiseptic and, after drying, covered with paint or varnish. I coated the boards with yacht varnish.

  17. At the same time as varnishing the boards, the posts and corners are painted with protective paint. To prevent water from getting inside the racks, plugs are made ( polyurethane foam) at the ends of the pipes.

We continue to develop our summer cottage. Today we’ll talk about how and with what to fill dining area or a relaxation area. It’s hard to imagine a cozy gazebo or shady canopy without a table and comfortable benches or chairs.

Today, garden furniture manufacturers offer a huge variety of tables: large and small, wooden, forged, wicker or plastic.

Of course, you can buy a finished product, but many prefer to make garden furniture with your own hands.

How and from what material to make a table and how to decorate the tabletop will be discussed in this article.

Outdoor table for a summer cottage made of wood

Undoubtedly, the most pliable and environmentally friendly material is wood. A wooden table can be made round, square, rectangular or irregular shape, it all depends on the size of the gazebo or the number of seats. You can use a regular stump as a tabletop leg.

The shape and appearance of the table largely depend on the style of your country house and exterior. Log house can be complemented with furniture made from logs and boards. The main tool for processing parts is a grinding machine, since the surfaces of the table top and benches must be smooth, without nicks.

The tabletop can be made from slats or narrow boards, strung on metal rods, or by connecting them using short slats.

A table made of wooden cuts looks interesting, especially if there is one on the site.

You can make such a table in several ways:

  • connect the cuts together with staples or tongue and groove joints, forming a flat surface;
  • secure the cuts to some kind of base (in this case, the parts must be of the same thickness to form a flat surface). The product must be sanded and varnished. If desired, the gaps between the cuts are filled epoxy resin, after drying, the surface is sanded again and coated with a protective compound.

A garden table made of wood with benches, made in a single design, looks great both in a gazebo and in an open area.

It's easy to make. Use the diagram below to make your own drawing and calculate materials.

When drawing up a drawing, consider some generally accepted standards:

  • bench seat height from ground level – 400-500 mm;
  • seat width – 300-400 mm;
  • tabletop height from floor level – 700-750 mm;
  • tabletop width – 580-900 mm.

The length of the table and benches is individual. The figure shows an example of making a table with benches located on two long sides of the tabletop. Similarly, you can make a structure with benches on four sides.

Here's a small version round table with stationary benches-stools for four seats. It is easy to move it to the desired location this moment place: in an open area, under a canopy or in a house.

If you wish, you can purchase or make your own folding garden furniture, which can be easily installed in any part of the garden or in the house.

Such furniture will last longer, as it will not be constantly exposed to precipitation. The weight of such products is small, they can be easily and quickly transferred to permanent place storage in a house or barn, where they do not take up much space.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, everything wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic and coated with varnish, wax or paint. To give the wood the desired shade, use stain or special impregnation with pigment.

Garden table made from scrap material

We have previously talked about furniture made by. A stylish table made from pallets is cheap and looks natural in the garden. The design, supplemented with furniture wheels, is also mobile.

Ordinary stumps decorated with mosaics look very original and can serve as a small table or stools in a recreation area. Suitable for mosaic decor various tiles, left over from the renovation, chopped into small fragments and laid on tile adhesive or cement mortar.

The originality of this composition lies in creative approach owners. The most ordinary stumps are turned into a work of art.

An old table that has fallen into disrepair can also be decorated with mosaics and thereby update the tabletop. Needs to be removed from legs old paint, sand them and paint them again. Such garden table It will serve its owners for a long time and will gather the family around it for dinners and tea.

A wooden reel for winding cable can also serve as a table, just process it and decorate it a little or simply paint it in the desired color. The table will be easy to move if wheels are attached to the bottom.

Many people have inherited things, as they say: it’s a shame to throw them away and there’s nowhere to put them. Try to be smart and use them when arranging summer cottage. You can use the base of an old table as legs for a table. sewing machine, metal headboards and much more. By the way, you can simply buy a tabletop and install it on top of a metal structure.

Those who have weaving skills can make garden furniture from wicker with their own hands. If you are not capable of such feats, but really love wickerwork, then go to the store. Manufacturers offer tables and chairs made of wicker, rattan or artificial fibers for every taste and budget.

Metal garden furniture

If you are “friends” with metal, you have welding machine, then you can make garden furniture from of this material. Such furniture, as a rule, is openwork and original. In order for the product to serve for a long time, the metal must be protected from corrosion before use. One of the most simple ways protection metal surfaces is a primer that is applied to the product before final painting.

Forged garden furniture is an excellent solution for respectable home owners. Only masters can make one blacksmith forging with appropriate equipment and the presence of a forge.

Forged products go well with many materials: wood, glass, marble. If you wish, you can purchase a forged table blank and fill it yourself.

Stone table

IN Lately Small architectural forms made of stone are gaining popularity. Also on sale you can find tables and benches made of marble or granite. Such products have a high cost.

But it is not only decision. You can make your own stone base for tables and benches, for example, from rubble, flagstone, brick or blocks, fitting them into the overall appearance of the garden, combining them with other stone buildings.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options for arranging a recreation area on a personal plot: from cheap, practically costless, to expensive. A table made with love will definitely gather around itself wonderful people, and gatherings together bring pleasant moments.

What could be better than a summer holiday? own dacha? Indeed, the popularity of this type of recreation not only does not decrease from year to year, but also attracts everyone with its accessibility. more people. Dacha for many of personal plot with beds and greenhouses turned into full-fledged place recreation, a full-fledged culture is formed in society country holiday. And, you must agree, what would a vacation be without comfortable and comfortable furniture? The dacha has already ceased to be a place where all the junk from the apartment is taken, and the arrangement of the dacha requires a full functional furniture, created specifically for the dacha.

Advantages of making country furniture

Choosing furniture for your dacha, of course, will not be difficult, given the variety of furniture that manufacturers offer. But besides the trivial purchase of the items you like country interior There is another way out - making your own country furniture.

This approach to arranging country house will not only allow you to save money, but will also bring a lot of positive emotions. If you like to do something “with your own hands,” then making furniture yourself will help you realize your creative inclinations, enjoy working with wood, and the result of the work done will be a useful and necessary thing for the household. You can rightfully be proud of the result of the work done, because there is nothing better than seeing something you personally created. If you are already excited about the idea of ​​​​making your own country furniture and have firmly decided to try yourself in this matter, then, for sure, you are now tormented by many technical questions. But first things first. Let's try to roughly divide all the questions that concern you into 2 large groups: "what to do?" and “how to do it?”

The answer to the first question is actually the most important. This is the area of ​​strategic planning. You should not take on work that you cannot complete, otherwise, instead of enjoying the work and excellent result you'll turn out to be another one headache. If you do not have special skills and special tools, you should not take on very complex work.

An indispensable attribute of a country house is a large wooden table with a set of chairs attached to it. A large comfortable table at which all family and friends could gather will never be superfluous - this, one might say, is the basis of a set of country furniture. It is its creation that can be done first.

Material selection

Now it's time to answer our second question. And first of all, you should decide on the choice of material for the future table. Naturally, a person comes to the dacha to take a break from the bustle of the city, to spend a little time in nature, so in our table you will refuse all artificial materials that are used in modern furniture. Our table will be comfortable, beautiful and environmentally friendly, and the most environmentally friendly material- this is, of course, a tree. It is from wood that it is best to make a table for a summer house with your own hands, because in addition to being environmentally friendly, wood is also very convenient for processing. After choosing the material, you should focus on creating the table design. To create a table you can use ready-made design solutions or spend a few hours creating your own original design project. As an option, you can use a simple table design shown in the diagram.

Materials and tools for work

After choosing a table model, you should calculate in detail the need for materials to create the table: the number of boards, timber, fasteners and paint. It is, of course, better to purchase the required materials with a small supply. Before you start, you need to have everything necessary tool, preferably electric. Your tool list should look something like this:

  • Electric planer. For primary surface treatment of boards.
  • Electric grinder. For “finishing” surface treatment of boards, sanding boards.
  • Drill-driver. Used for installing fasteners and drilling holes.
  • Jigsaw. For making curved surfaces and cross-cutting boards.
  • Roller and brushes for painting, hammer, set of chisels.

The assembly order will look something like this. First of all, the tabletop boards are cut and prepared. They can be installed closely or left a distance of 3-4 mm, which is somewhat simpler. We fasten the treated boards to two bars with self-tapping screws or special furniture bolts, while the heads of the screws must be recessed into the wood. To make cross-shaped racks, we cut the ends of the boards at the desired angle, joining the boards is done in half of the board. To select the joining grooves, we make cuts limiting the groove, and select the excess wood with a chisel or a router with a barrel cutter. We securely fasten the assembled supports to the tabletop, after which we measure the required length of the longitudinal stiffener. It is advisable to attach the finished and processed stiffener to furniture screws, which will allow it to be adjusted in the future if necessary. Ready product It is advisable to cover it with a natural water- or oil-based stain.