Fruitful varieties of peppers. Early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground

Nowadays it is difficult to find gardeners who have never tried to grow sweet peppers outdoors in their own garden. Are you one of them? Then we will help you!

There is a common misconception among amateur gardeners that in our climatic conditions it is impossible to grow high-quality sweet peppers. The reason for this, perhaps, is familiarity with old varieties, which are dry and bitter.
However, the work of breeders does not stand still! Now presented to gardeners big choice sweet pepper seeds for open ground. At proper care they will turn into juicy bright fruits, no worse than the “southerners”. Large and small, cube-shaped and round, long and short... And what colors! From soft pink to deep burgundy or even purple.

In addition, most types of peppers for open ground have a neat bush small size, which makes caring for the garden bed much easier.

Modern varieties are cold-resistant and almost not susceptible to disease. Most often, pepper does not require the construction of bulky and complex shelters.

To make it easier for you to choose the type of sweet pepper for open ground, we have organized short excursion according to varieties most suitable for a beginning gardener.

Photos of peppers provided by the breeding and seed-growing company "Manul"

Variety "Funtik"

  • The height of the bush is about fifty centimeters, sometimes reaching seventy.
  • Ripe fruits have a bright red color.
  • The shape is cone-shaped, usually not embossed.
  • The vegetable weighs from one hundred to one hundred and eighty grams.
  • The yield is average, up to sixteen to eighteen fruits from one bush.
  • This variety has excellent resistance to diseases such as tobacco mosaic and verticillium.

Variety "Csardas"

  • The height of the bush is usually about sixty centimeters, occasionally it can reach a meter.
  • Cone-shaped, the tip of the fruit is pointed.
  • The ripe fruit weighs from two hundred to two hundred and fifty grams.
  • During the season you can harvest up to eighteen vegetables (from one bush).
  • It is noteworthy that the fruits of this variety are suitable for consumption at any stage of ripening.

Variety "Barguzin"

  • The height of the bush varies from sixty to eighty centimeters above the soil level.
  • Ripe fruits can be either yellow or light orange in color.
  • The vegetables are cone-shaped, narrow, slightly elongated.
  • The weight of ripe fruits ranges from one hundred fifty to two hundred grams.
  • Under favorable climatic conditions, one bush can bear up to fifteen to eighteen juicy fruits per season.
  • The plant easily adapts to almost any growing conditions.

Variety "Cornet"

  • The height of the bush usually exceeds a meter.
  • Ripe fruits are colored in gradient shades from dark brown to deep purple.
  • The shape of the vegetable is cone-shaped, embossed.
  • Weight ranges from two hundred to two hundred and fifty grams.
  • The number of fruits from one bush depends on the growing conditions. Usually at least fifteen large juicy vegetables grow during the season.
  • Characterized by continuous fruiting throughout the season.

Variety "Accord"

  • The bush can be only fifty centimeters in height, or it can reach a meter. Depends on the degree of illumination.
  • Ripe fruits are usually colored deep red.
  • Shape: cone-shaped.
  • The weight also varies depending on the lighting - from one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams.
  • Number of fruits per bush: from ten to twenty.
  • Characterized by continuous fruiting throughout the season, loves well-lit places.

Variety "Pinocchio F1"

  • This variety is one of the shortest - it rarely reaches fifty centimeters;
  • Ripe fruits are colored in gradient shades from scarlet to burgundy, and spotted vegetables can often be found.
  • Shape: cone-shaped, very elongated.
  • The mass of a ripe vegetable ranges from eighty to one hundred and twenty grams.
  • Unfortunately, the yield of this variety is small, up to fifteen fruits.
  • "Pinocchio F1" recognized best view sweet pepper for preservation.

Variety "Junga"

  • The height of the bush is small, from fifty to sixty centimeters;
  • The color of ripe fruits is usually dark green (suitable for preservation), bright red (ready to eat in its pure form).
  • Shape: cone-shaped, with a pointed tip.
  • Weight ranges from one hundred thirty to one hundred eighty grams.
  • During the season, you can collect up to thirty medium-sized fruits from a bush.
  • It is rightfully considered one of the highest-yielding varieties.

Variety "Litsedey"

  • It is considered one of the tallest varieties of sweet pepper for open ground - the height of the bush can reach one and a half meters and is rarely less than one hundred centimeters.
  • Ripe fruits have a bright scarlet color.
  • Shape: cone-shaped, very elongated, with a round tip.
  • One of the meatiest varieties - its weight is usually approximately three hundred grams.
  • From one plant you can harvest up to fourteen fruits per season.

Variety "Bagration"

  • The bush is usually no more than a meter, but not less than eighty centimeters in height.
  • Ripe fruits are most often orange, sometimes with red or green spots.
  • The vegetable is cube-shaped and distinguished by attractive ribbing.
  • The weight of the ripe fruit is relatively small (from one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams), but the variety has excellent taste.
  • Number of fruits from one bush: up to fourteen per season.
  • This variety is resistant to diseases such as verticillium and tobacco mosaic.

Variety "Smile"

  • The height of the bush reaches eighty centimeters, but rarely exceeds a meter.
  • At the stage of technical ripening, the fruits are dark green; ripe vegetables are red-orange in color.
  • Shape: cone-shaped, with a round tip.
  • The weight of the fruit varies depending on the quality of watering. With plenty of moisture, vegetables can weigh up to two hundred and fifty grams.
  • Number of fruits from one bush: up to sixteen.
  • This variety is suitable for food at different stages of ripening.

Variety "Nafanya"

  • The height of the bush is relatively small - rarely exceeds seventy centimeters.
  • Ripe vegetables are colored burgundy (occasionally purple).
  • The fruits are cone-shaped, wide at the base, with a thin, sharp tip.
  • The weight is small, usually does not exceed one hundred and seventy to one hundred and eighty grams.
  • Number of fruits from one bush: up to fifteen.
  • The variety is characterized by a long period of flowering and fruiting.

Variety "Tomboy"

  • The height of the bush, depending on the illumination of the area, ranges from fifty to ninety centimeters above the soil level.
  • Ripe vegetables have a color ranging from yellowish to reddish and bright orange.
  • The fruits are cone-shaped, with a rounded tip.
  • The weight is relatively small, rarely exceeding one hundred and fifty grams.
  • During the season, up to twenty-five fruits are formed on one bush.
  • The plant brings big harvest, however, the fruits are often small, although sweet.

Variety "Zaznayka"

  • The height of the bush often exceeds a meter.
  • Ripe fruits are most often bright red, occasionally burgundy.
  • The vegetables are heart-shaped and prism-shaped, the fruits are directed upward.
  • Weight can range from one hundred sixty to two hundred and fifty grams.
  • During the season, one plant bears about fifteen fruits.
  • “Zaznayka” is considered perhaps the most juicy and meaty variety of sweet pepper for open ground.

Video about the best varieties of sweet peppers

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The best early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground and greenhouses

​Which is growing at a neighbor's place.​

​When choosing and purchasing seeds, pay attention to the note: “Sweet pepper. Varieties for Siberia." Specially selected or bred varieties for this climate zone guarantee you the proper quality of the harvest with proper care.​ ​You need to pay attention to the compactness and height of the bushes. This is especially true in cases where the planting area is limited or the height of the film tunnel shelter is small. In this case, preference should be given to low-growing plants.​

​Also one of the popular early varieties bred in recent years. The first fruits reach technical ripeness already on the 103-112th day after the appearance of the harvest. They do not yet have the full taste and aroma of fully ripened peppers, but they are still edible. At this stage, their color is white or cream. Full biological ripeness occurs on the 128-139th day. The fruits are light red, orange or red. Medium, weighing up to 110-130 g, cone-shaped, elongated, narrow. Wall thickness 6-9 mm. Inside they are divided into 3-4 chambers by partitions, with a large number of seeds. The period from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is up to 130 days. The plant is vigorous, the bush is straight. The fruits are very large, cube-shaped, four-chambered, with thick walls. Fruit weight is 180-200 g. Taste is high. Suitable for growing in open ground in the southern regions of the country. It is characterized by high yield and disease resistance. Suitable for preparing salads and canning.​

​"Cube-K"​​"Ox Ear"​

​. This is unusual medium grade pepper of Siberian selection. Approximately 110-135 days pass from emergence to fruiting. The bush is about 70-80 cm high, with elongated pyramidal fruits, weighing up to 130 g. The color varies from dark green to chocolate, the inside of the fruit is red. This is one of the best varieties sweet pepper, recommended for growing in open ground and in film shelters. Resistant to major diseases. Designed for salads.​ ​. Mid-early variety. About 110-115 days pass from emergence to ripening. Bush 70-80 cm high. Fruits are yellow- orange color, cube-shaped, very large, weighing up to 250-500 g, fleshy. The taste is high. The variety is very productive. Suitable for growing in open ground, in film greenhouses and film shelters. Resistant to some diseases. Used for making salads.​

​"Latino F1"​​When choosing bell pepper varieties for growing in your summer cottage, it is important to pay attention not only to their yield, but also to the conditions under which these crops are optimally grown. It is not recommended to grow some varieties of pepper in open ground, as they are too heat-loving and have high requirements for air humidity. Other varieties of peppers are productive, but are not suitable for canning. Third varieties of pepper are suitable for open ground, but ripen too late.​

Mid-early pepper varieties

​Kolobok is small, but very productive.​

​Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the seeds. There may be several types of inscriptions on the packaging bag: In order not to waste extra time and money on chemical treatment of bushes, you need to choose varieties and hybrids that are highly disease-resistant. Today, peppers have been bred that have good resistance to bad weather conditions and are capable of bearing fruit well both in drought and in rainy, cool weather. In addition, different varieties need different light conditions. And if the pepper is not grown in a well-equipped greenhouse, you should pay attention to the zoning of the plant.​

The bushes are compact, semi-standard, of medium height. It is not necessary to specially form them; collecting and processing the plant is convenient. Ivanhoe is resistant to many diseases, but in a cool, long spring or hot, dry summer it can produce a very low yield. The variety is ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions, with proper care you can collect 7-8 kg per sq. m.​ ​"Capro F1"​

​. The period from germination to fruiting is over 120 days. The plant is 50-60 cm high. The bush is semi-spreading, the fruits are cuboid, smooth. Unripe fruits are dark green, ripe ones are dark red. The average fruit weight is 120-160 g. The wall thickness reaches 7 mm. Recommended for growing in unheated greenhouses. Productivity under such conditions reaches 5 kg/m2. Used as in fresh, and for canning.​ ​. From the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits, 110-135 days pass. Tall bush, up to 80 cm high.

The best medium varieties of peppers for the Moscow region

​"Golden Tamara"​

​"Red Elephant"​​. Approximately 100-110 days pass from emergence to ripening. The bush is up to 1 m high. The fruits are red, cube-shaped, reaching a weight of 200 g. Depending on growing conditions, the yield is up to 14 kg/m2. The variety is intended for cultivation in a greenhouse. Resistant to tobacco mosaic disease and potato virus. Mainly used in salads and suitable for fresh consumption.​

​Here are photos and descriptions of early ripening pepper varieties.​​Buy peppercorns at the store and take the seeds. Moreover, there seems to be no pepper from Europe now. We don't have GMOs yet. And they will not plant a low-yielding variety for sale.​

​Expiration date. “Best before...”​​The video tells how to grow strong, developed seedlings at home, reveals the nuances of further agricultural technology of the plant to obtain a larger harvest, and what to look for when choosing seeds.​

​This variety, bred in Dnepropetrovsk, is highly resistant to bad weather conditions and guaranteed high yield.​ ​. High-yielding variety. The period from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is about 130 days. The plant is medium-sized, the bush reaches a height of 1 m. The fruits are trunk-shaped, glossy, with thick walls. The fruits are green in technical maturity and red in biological maturity. Weight is 120-130 g. The variety is recommended for cultivation in open ground and in film greenhouses. Suitable for preparing salads and canning.​

​"Ruby"​​The fruits are elongated-cone-shaped, smooth, red, weighing up to 140 g, sometimes up to 220 g. Productivity per plant - up to 2.8 kg.​

​. Approximately 110-135 days pass from emergence to ripening. The bush is spreading, medium-sized, up to 60 cm high. The fruits are very large, weighing 200 g or more, flat-round in shape, fleshy, juicy. This variety is recommended for growing in open ground, as well as in film shelters. Resistant to a number of diseases. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.​ ​. From the appearance of the first shoots to ripening, 90-110 days pass. A tall plant with a powerful bush reaching a height of 90 cm. A high-yielding variety with elongated conical fruits, weighing 130-210 g. The fruits are dark red in color and tasty. This early variety of pepper is recommended for open ground and is resistant to major diseases. Good for salads, canning, and eaten fresh.​

​"Prince Silver"​​"Tenderness"​

​Kolobok, Belozerka, but I don’t put these in salads, I like thick-walled ones for these purposes​​Packing date. Remember that no more than two years should pass after the packing date. This maximum term for pepper seeds.​

​Who doesn't love bell peppers? This sweet vegetable has long and firmly gained popularity. In addition to its pleasant taste, pepper also has medicinal properties, which have long been used in traditional and folk medicine. Pepper contains most of the minerals, nutrients and vitamins vital for humans. Sweet pepper is very useful for people with skin diseases, diabetes mellitus suffering from edema, depression and insomnia.​

Thanks to this, almost all gardeners choose it. Due to the abundant fruiting, more than 12-15 fruits per bush, the plant must be tied to a support. The bushes are medium-sized, 60-75 cm high. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 160-195 g, with sufficient care they can reach 220-250 g. The shape is narrow, cone-shaped, elongated, slightly curved. Ripe peppers are even, dark red or cherry in color. They have a good sweet taste, a pleasant smell and a high market value. The pulp is juicy, crispy, but the wall thickness is not the same, in the upper part it is 10-13 mm, closer to the stalk - 6-8 mm. They are transported well, but are stored for a relatively short time - 1.5-2 months.​

Varieties and hybrids of late pepper with photos, names and descriptions

​Among the modern variety on the seed market, you can choose the most various varieties sweet peppers, which will differ not only in color, size, taste and aroma, but also in the period of fruiting and growth pattern. Since the ripening period is of this plant longer than the duration of the warm summer period, most gardeners, both amateurs and professionals, plant mainly super-early and early varieties of sweet pepper.​

​. Technical ripeness of the fruit occurs after 130-138. The plant is semi-spreading, medium-sized, reaches a height of 45-60 cm. The fruits are flat-round, 5-7 cm long. In the phase of technical maturity, the fruits are light green, in biological maturity - dark red. The wall thickness is 8-10 mm, the fruit weight is 116-150 g. The yield is about 5 kg/m2. It is used both fresh and for canning.​ ​The fruits can be stored for a long time. Designed for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses. Like many other varieties, this pepper hybrid is suitable for fresh consumption and canning.​

​"Golden-maned lion"​​Below you will find a description of varieties of sweet peppers with an average ripening period.​

​. It takes 90-110 days from emergence to full ripening. The plant is medium-sized, 45-68 cm high. The fruits are cone-shaped, red, average weight 95 g. The yield per plant is up to 2.6 kg. This one of the best varieties of early pepper is recommended for growing in film greenhouses and is also suitable for open ground. Resistant to a range of diseases. Used fresh and in salads. The ripening period of the variety is 110-120 days. The bush is medium-sized, semi-spreading, up to 80 cm high. The fruits are red, elongated pyramidal in shape, juicy, with thin skin. Fruits weighing up to 100 g. Productivity - up to 2 kg. This is one of the best varieties of pepper, but it is recommended for growing in film and glass greenhouses.​

​I liked the varieties “red bull”, “orange bull” and “yellow bull”, all F1, tall, large, thick-walled and very good. fertile.​ ​Validity period of a special germination test. Such seeds, even the most expensive ones, justify their purchase and delight you with an excellent harvest.​

​Even in such unfavorable climatic zone, in which Siberia is located, have learned to successfully grow such a useful product. This practice has been around for over twenty years. During this time, new varieties of sweet peppers were carefully selected and developed for Siberia. Early varieties and developed hybrids are most suitable for its cold climate. The practice of growing mid-early varieties has also been successful. This super-early variety, like the previous one, tolerates adverse weather conditions well. Suitable for growing in the southern regions of Siberia. Calmly tolerates low temperatures and prolonged rains. It has high productivity. The fruits are medium or small, weighing 120-140 g, but up to 35-45 fruits can be produced on one bush. The shape is cone-shaped, slightly rounded, wall thickness is 5-7 mm. Ripe peppers are yellow, orange or red in color, with a pronounced aroma and sweet taste.​

A variety is the result of selection. It was initially selected and adapted to certain climatic conditions and zoned by area. When pollinated, the seeds produce a similar variety, with the same taste properties and external characteristics. It is from these peppers that you can collect seeds. To do this, the best and characteristic fruits of the selected variety are selected from the tallest, most developed bushes. As a rule, an amateur gardener strives to harvest a larger harvest with less effort and time. Therefore, specially bred domestic varieties are much better adapted to the conditions of Russia and Ukraine than foreign ones. In order to compensate for the cold weather for the plant in spring period and too dry in the summer, quite a lot of effort must be made, and hybrid varieties will not become local in the coming decades. In addition, it should be borne in mind that plants planted in open ground, even with good and proper care, produce a much smaller harvest than the same varieties planted in a greenhouse.​ ​"Night"​

​Here are the names of pepper varieties with photos and descriptions, whose ripening period is more than 130 days.​ ​. Approximately 110-135 days pass from emergence to fruit ripening. The bush is spreading, medium-sized, reaching a height of 45-50 cm. The fruits are very large, cuboid-shaped, intensely yellow in color, weighing up to 270 g. This is a high-yielding variety of pepper, the best for the Moscow region, intended for cultivation in open ground and film shelters. Resistant to a number of diseases. It is most often used for fresh consumption and for preparing salads.​

​"Hercules"​​In this section of the article you will see photos and descriptions of sweet pepper varieties with mid-early ripening.​

Review of the best early varieties of sweet peppers


Which is better, hybrid or variety?

​In general, soil and care mean a lot.​

​The best varieties of the “sweet pepper” vegetable crop are amazing in yield and taste: “Triton”, “Kupets”, “Korenovsky”, “Red Flame”, “Belozerka”, “Player”, “California Miracle”, “Viking”.​ ​The climate of Siberia is inhospitable and not very suitable for growing anything, let alone heat-loving peppers. But the gardener’s great desire and enthusiasm, constant supervision and feeding make the impossible possible. Every lover of sweet and hot peppers has their own ways and secrets of obtaining abundant and beautiful harvests every year, overcoming all the vagaries of nature. To get a larger harvest, after planting it is necessary to remove the first ovary, otherwise the development of the bush is inhibited, and possible quantity fruit decreases.

The most successful early varieties


Hybrids are the result of crossing. They are marked on the packaging with the letter F1.​


​. Late ripening hybrid. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 135-140 days. The plant is standard, 120-150 cm high. The fruits are prism-shaped, slightly wavy, slightly ribbed, slightly curved, weighing 100-140 g. When technically ripe, the fruits are purple, when ripe they are red. The thickness of the fetal walls is 6-7 mm. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Recommended for fresh use.​


Marinkin Tongue

​"Iolo-miracle"​​. The ripening period is approximately 110-135 days. The bush is compact, spreading, 40-60 cm high. The fruits are cuboid, red. Weight -120-140 g. Productivity up to 3 kg. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. The variety is resistant to a range of diseases. Suitable for salads and canning.​


​"Orange King"​

​. The ripening period of this early pepper variety is 90-110 days. The plant is semi-spreading, medium-sized, 60-70 cm high. High-yielding with fruits weighing 60-80 g. The fruits are cone-shaped, smooth, bright red. Recommended for growing in open ground. Suitable for canning and eaten fresh.​

Atlantic F1

​The harvest depends on care​

How to choose a variety?

​Don’t forget that for good growth and harvest of peppers, they need to be fed. Without this, the fruits become fibrous, smaller and thin-walled. The soil in the greenhouse or garden bed should correspond to the usual growing medium for peppers. This way, seedlings are less susceptible to stress during transplantation and take root faster and gain strength for full growth and a bountiful harvest.​

When planting in the ground, the immediate age of the seedlings is very important - eighty to ninety days. And if you rush and don’t wait until the right time, then instead of the wonderful vegetable “sweet pepper”, the best varieties of which were specially selected for this region, you will get something small and incomprehensible.​

​Large-fruited hybrid, early ripening. Tall bushes, 85-105 cm tall. The fruits are very large, fleshy, weighing 350-450 g, elongated, barrel-shaped. Suitable for both growing in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. Has high resistance to many diseases.​

​They are distinguished by higher productivity, size, appearance and taste characteristics of the fruit, compactness of the bushes, which greatly facilitates care, and high resistance to many common diseases and pests.​

Video “Selecting and growing sweet peppers”

​"Black Cardinal".​

Sweet pepper. The best varieties for Siberia

​. The period from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is approximately 130 days. The plant is medium-sized, compact. The fruits are cube-shaped, weighing 120-130 g. Wall thickness 6-8 mm, with delicate juicy pulp. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Recommended for fresh use.​

​. From the appearance of the first shoots to fruiting, 110-135 days pass. The plant is medium-sized, up to 60 cm high. Compact bushes. The fruits are red, fleshy, juicy, cube-shaped, weighing up to 300 g. The variety is recommended for cultivation in open ground, film shelters and greenhouses. Resistant to a number of diseases. Well suited for salads, eaten fresh and for canning.​


​. Mid-early variety. It takes about 90-110 days from emergence to ripening. The plant is tall, the bushes can reach a height of up to 110 cm. Large-fruited, high-yielding variety. The fruits are orange in color and reach a weight of approximately 150 g. Productivity is 7-14 kg per 1 m2. Recommended for growing under film covers. Resistant to potato and tobacco mosaic virus. Suitable for salads.​

​"Lemon Miracle"​

Buy hybrid varieties. I like "Maradona" F​

With proper care, up to forty kilograms of an excellent harvest can be harvested from a small greenhouse of five square meters.

​The majority of those who love their own gardens are preoccupied with preparing for the winter, and the leader among all vegetables is, of course, sweet peppers. The best varieties for canning are medium-sized hybrids. Peppers of various colors look very elegant in a jar: red, white, green and yellow. And hybrids of brown and black colors, when preserved, lose color saturation and become dark green.​

  • ​When choosing a variety, you should focus not only on appearance and the size of the fruit, and primarily on the growing condition - greenhouse or open ground. Since not all varieties that give excellent harvest in a greenhouse or film shelter, similarly develop and bear fruit in open ground. Information about this is usually indicated on the package of seeds.​
  • ​However, hybrids require higher and higher quality agricultural technology. However, seeds are not collected from them, since plants grown from collected seeds will not have similar genetics. Therefore, planting material must be purchased again every season, and the market price for hybrid seeds is always high.​
  • ​Late variety of Italian selection. The period from germination to fruiting is over 118-120 days. The plant is medium-sized. The height of the bush is 40-60 cm. The fruits are black in technical ripeness, and bright red in biological ripeness. The shape of the fruit is a truncated pyramid. The pulp is dense and tasty. Productivity is about 10 kg/m2. Used fresh, for preparing salads and canning.​

​"Hottabych F1"​

​"Star of the East F1"​

​. The ripening period is approximately 110-135 days. The bush is spreading, medium-sized, 36-70 cm high. The fruits are cone-shaped, red, weighing 85-120 g. Productivity per plant is 2.3-2.7 kg. Designed for film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to a number of diseases. Good for fresh consumption and canning.​

Which bell pepper is the most productive?

Vasily S.

​"Golden Calf"​

Vladimir Petrov

​. From the emergence of seedlings to fruiting of this early variety of sweet pepper, approximately 110–115 days pass. The plant is tall, the bush can reach 1 m in height. The fruits are large, rectangular shape, golden yellow color. Weight reaches 180 g. It tolerates adverse weather conditions well and is resistant to some diseases. Suitable for growing in open ground and under film covers. Used for salads, good for fresh consumption.​


​beginning of July. In the greenhouse.​


​Out of a couple of dozen varieties tested, the variety "Montero" F1 had the highest yield, appearance and best taste. All the neighbors in the dacha appreciated it. The variety is greenhouse, tall, fleshy, large-fruited. But the seeds are not cheap either.​


​If you want to grow bitter types of peppers, and not just sweet peppers, look for the best varieties from companies with an established positive reputation. Prepare another greenhouse for them in advance, since sweet and hot peppers cannot be grown side by side - the taste of the sweet variety will deteriorate. Hot peppers look great all season long and can be planted in flower beds. The harvest that you will harvest from small area, literally with five bushes, you will have enough for the whole year until the next season.​


Plants also differ in terms of ripening time. There are late, mid-early, early and super-early varieties. If you plant several bushes on a plot with different terms ripening, you can always have freshly picked fruits. In addition, some plants of late varieties can be transplanted into a pot and grown at home. At the same time, they are able to bear fruit until mid-winter.
​One of the most common early varieties of sweet pepper. Characterized by low standard bushes. The fruits are medium or small, weighing up to 100-115 g, golden-white or pale green, sometimes with a pinkish tint. Cone-shaped, elongated shape. Wall thickness 5-7 mm. They have a pleasant sweetish-watery taste and an unexpressed aroma. This variety is very popular among farmers, and it is Lumina that is most often found on store shelves, since it is not picky about the soil, does not require care and produces a harvest even in dry summers with scanty watering. However, in such a case, the pepper may acquire a bitter, pungent taste. Ripe fruits in suitable conditions can be stored for up to 2.5-3.5 months without losing their commercial appearance and are well transported. Market price quite low.​


​"Aristotle F1"​

Me, me and I

​. The ripening period is 170 days. The fruits are long, slightly curved, weighing 75-100 g. Wall thickness - 4-6 mm. At technical maturity the fruits are green, when ripe they are red. The pulp is tender and sweet. Has excellent taste qualities. Suitable for growing in film greenhouses. Good for fresh use.​
​. From the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits, 110-135 days pass. A powerful, medium-sized plant, 60-70 cm high. The fruits are prism-shaped, dark red in color, weighing up to 300 g. The pulp is juicy and sweet. A very productive hybrid. Recommended for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. Resistant to verticillium. Used in salads, suitable for fresh consumption and canning.​

Which eggplants were the most productive?

The most popular late-ripening varieties:

  • Gladiator is a mid-late, high-yielding Dutch variety. The fruits are pyramidal in shape, rich yellow in biological ripeness, weighing up to 350 g.
  • Aristotle ex 3 r f1 is a mid-late variety, resistant to TMV and bacterial spot. The fruits are shaped like a cylinder, red (ripe), thick-walled, weighing up to 200 g. They tolerate transportation well.
  • Black Cardinal - a variety bred in Italy. The fruits are in the shape of a truncated pyramid, black in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness, with very juicy pulp.
  • Bell - got its name because of the unusual shape of the fruit for pepper, reminiscent of a flower. The fruits have a piquant sweet and sour taste. Pepper of this variety belongs to perennial plants, and for the winter it is recommended to replant it in containers and place it in a lighted place. Up to 2 kg of peppers are collected from one plant. Ripening period is 150 days.

When growing hybrid varieties, it is important to remember that you will have to buy seeds every year. Such varieties do not transfer qualities with seeds mother plant. But it should be noted that hybrid varieties have undeniable advantages:

  • High yield.
  • Disease resistance.
  • Large fruits.
  • Excellent taste.

Popular hybrid varieties:

  • Madonna F1 is a disease-resistant, high-yielding and drought-resistant variety with a ripening period of 60-65 days. Fruits with thick walls weighing 180-200 grams, light green in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness.
  • Maria F1 is a large-fruited, mid-season, high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, weighing up to 120 g. Plants of this variety are semi-standard, semi-determinate, reaching a height of 80-85 cm.
  • Othello F1 is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits have an original purple color in technical ripeness and brown in biological ripeness, weighing up to 108 g. The variety is valued for its excellent yield, simultaneous ripening of fruits, and independent regulation of branching.
  • Maxim F1 is a mid-season hybrid. The fruits are oblong, 9-10 cm long, weighing 70-80 g, original purple color in technical ripeness and cherry red in the ripening phase. The variety is valued for its good fruit set, stable yield and resistance to Verticillium wilt.

Sweet peppers are grown mainly (even in the southern regions) by seedlings. Seeds, having previously been prepared, are sown in February.

Seed preparation consists of:

  1. Disinfection - soak for half an hour in a weak (1%) solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Treatment with growth stimulants.
  3. Treatment with antifungal drugs.

After treatment, the seeds are sown in separate containers to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. To germinate sweet pepper seeds, it is advisable to maintain a temperature of 25-30 degrees. After germination of the seedlings (usually on the fourth day), the temperature is lowered to 18 degrees for a week, after which it is raised again to 25 degrees. A decrease in temperature prevents seedlings from stretching.

  • The first time is after the appearance of three true leaves.
  • The second time - in the phase of eight leaves.

For 10 liters of water:

  • Urea – 50 g
  • Potassium salt – 30 g
  • Superphosphate – 125 g.

After fertilizing, seedlings need to be watered immediately clean water. As the seedlings grow, sprinkle soil into the containers. Two weeks before planting in the beds, seedlings need to begin to be hardened off: during the day, the plants are taken out to the balcony or loggia (if the weather is warm), and at night they are brought indoors again.

A week before planting, you can feed the plants with potassium salt, and a day before planting - with a growth stimulant.

This treatment contributes to better viability of pepper, reducing the nitrate content in fruits by 2 times and increasing yield by 30-40%.

The seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground at the age of 55 days: the plants have 12 leaves, reach a height of 25 cm, a rather thick stem and acquire an even green tint. The soil must be heated to a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

It is advisable to add the following to the soil for planting pepper per 1 sq.m:

  • Phosphorus fertilizers – 40 g.
  • Humus or compost - 1 bucket.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers – 30 g.
  • Potash fertilizers – 40 g.

The seedlings are transplanted into holes, which are pre-moistened with 2 liters of water each. Planting density is determined by the characteristics of the variety:

  • Peppers of low-growing varieties are planted at intervals of 15 cm.
  • Medium-sized peppers - at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Plants of tall varieties - at a distance of 35 cm.

The beds are usually made about a meter wide and row spacing is half a meter. Since bell peppers are heat-loving plant, it is more advisable to grow it in closed ground. To stimulate growth in initial stage development, it is recommended to remove one lower bud and all leaves and branches before the first branching on the main shoot. Remove diseased and fruitless branches too.

An important part of caring for sweet peppers is timely and maintaining a constant (without sudden changes) temperature in the greenhouse. When there is a lack of moisture, plants are affected gray mold, and temperature changes cause a significant reduction in yield.

Since time immemorial, humanity began to cultivate land in order to receive the rich gifts of the earth. Vegetables, fruits, grains - all these products have become an integral part of the diet of any person.

Among vegetable crops especially important place takes sweet or bell pepper. Interestingly, bell pepper is called mainly in Russia. In other countries it is known as paprika or sweet pepper. This is due to the fact that after the “migration” of the culture from Central America to Europe, and then to Bulgaria, sweet peppers found a “second wind” in the form of new varieties. Scientists in this country began to actively engage in selective breeding of the plant and developed the best varieties of sweet pepper, which were appreciated by residents of the Russian state at the very beginning of the 20th century, and then switched to mass purchases of the vegetable in Bulgaria. Since then, in Russia, all varieties of sweet peppers are called Bulgarian.

On this moment A huge variety of pepper varieties have been developed. There are a large number of criteria influencing the selection planting material, for example, for greenhouses. You should choose the seeds of the best varieties of sweet peppers, taking into account the following characteristics.

Ripening time

Fruit ripening dates are the most important indicator, therefore, when choosing seeds, you need to pay attention to it first. In the northern regions, where the summer is short, it may not ripen, and the efforts expended will be in vain.

For example, residents of the Moscow region have already identified for themselves the most suitable varieties. The answer to a common question: what are the best varieties of sweet peppers for the Moscow region - reviews from people who have tested in practice the suitability of certain varieties of vegetables for greenhouse cultivation in this region. The most popular varieties are Dobrynya, Aries, and Mercury F1. Farmers assessed their early ripening (90-95 days) and productivity (12-14 kg/m2). The best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses in the Moscow region: Bagration, Nochka F1, Alyonushka, Orange King, Cardinal, Latino F1.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for the Moscow region, suitable for cultivation under open air": Atlantic, Gogoshary, Golden Taurus. What all three varieties have in common is that they belong to mid-early varieties, can be grown without film cover, and produce a good harvest.

The most pressing issue is the early ripening of fruits for residents of the northern parts of Russia, for example, for the Urals. The most suitable varieties of sweet pepper for the Urals: Montero, Pioneer, Kupets, Bogatyr, Red (or Yellow) Bull, Winnie the Pooh. All of them are the best varieties of sweet pepper for the Urals for the winter, since they are classified as early and mid-early varieties, they give good harvest in unheated greenhouses, as well as in open ground under film.

Pepper ripening time: early, middle, late

Peppers are considered early if the time from the moment the plant sprouts until the first fruit is received is about 80 days (maximum - 100).

Medium varieties of sweet peppers. A plant of medium ripening will bear fruit on the 115-130th day.

If bell pepper belongs to late varieties, then the ripening process will take up to 140 days.

Fruit color

It would seem, why pay attention to the color of pepper? After all, the color of the fruit only adds decorativeness to one or another variety. It turns out that in some cases, color can tell you something about beneficial properties fetus By growing a red vegetable, a person receives more vitamin C than, for example, yellow pepper. Yellow variety, in turn, is rich in potassium, which is necessary for maintaining cardiovascular and nervous system. Orange sweet peppers “signal” the presence of carotene.

You should also remember about the changing colors of peppers during ripening. At the technical ripening stage, the fruits are usually green. Fully ripe vegetables acquire the color characteristic of the variety.

Fruit shape

Bell peppers come in different shapes: cone-shaped, prism-shaped, almost round, cube-shaped. The shape of the vegetable is taken into account depending on the purpose for which it will be used. For example, round peppers, such as the Solnyshko variety, are best suited for stuffing.

"Place of residence"

When choosing seeds, we must not forget about the conditions in which the pepper will “live”: greenhouse, “ Fresh air", room. Each packet of seeds indicates whether the plant should be grown in open, closed ground or on a loggia in an apartment. When purchasing seed material It is advisable to pay attention to the packaging of the seeds, which indicates the conditions for growing the plant. Many sweets for greenhouses will most likely not produce the promised harvest outdoors. Today, the best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses include the following representatives: California Miracle, Agapovsky, Atlant F1, Apricot Favorite, Belladonna F1, Eastern Star, Lastochka, Cardinal F1, Bogatyr, Isabella F1.

The best option for a garden bed

Everyone wants to grow the best pepper, which would be the largest, tastiest, most beautiful and juicy.
Having tried to compile a rating of bell pepper based on its best indicators, you can get the following picture.

The largest pepper

Purchasing high-quality seeds of giant peppers increases the likelihood of getting a high yield of large, juicy “elephants” weighing up to 0.5 kg. Experienced vegetable growers have identified the most large varieties sweet peppers, giving simply gigantic fruits:

In addition, the varieties that produce the most massive peppers include other varieties of the southern vegetable: Atlant, Gems, Ox Ear, Bogatyr, Bychok, Red Shovel, Big Papa.

The most productive pepper

An important role in obtaining a good harvest is played by the yield indicator of the variety.

What are the most productive varieties sweet peppers are loved by domestic farmers? Which plant produces the greatest amount of juicy, aromatic produce?

Other varieties of bell pepper also showed good yield indicators: Mammoth, Golden Calf, Don Pedro, Three Fat Men, Samotsvety, Fat Baron, Kolobok.

The earliest pepper

Ripening time is perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing peppers for planting. Early varieties in this sense occupy a leading position, since they guarantee a harvest in northern regions, and in the southern regions early peppers are sometimes used to obtain two harvests per season.

The early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground, which are also suitable for greenhouses, have most earned the trust of vegetable growers:

The shortest pepper

In cramped conditions of small personal plots It is very important to place all your favorite garden crops. Often the most productive pepper varieties are tall plants that require a lot of space. In addition, there is a problem with supports to which the bush needs to be attached so that under the weight of the fruit it does not break and end up on the ground. Such problems can be easily avoided if you choose the most low-growing varieties sweet peppers for the garden plot.

What varieties of “small growth” are considered to be the best?

Slight growth is also typical for the following varieties of sweet pepper: Agapovsky, Eroshka, Albatros F1, Gemini F1, Timoshka, Ilya Muromets.

The thickest pepper

Sometimes the wall thickness of the pepper plays a decisive role in the selection of seeds. For lovers of this product, it is very important to choose the best varieties of sweet peppers with thick walls for preparing all kinds of fresh and pickled salads. The following varieties of sweet peppers with thick walls (more than 6 mm) and juicy pulp can boast positive reviews: Red Giant, Californian Miracle, Ox's Ear, Tolstyachok, Anastasia, Belozerka, Kolobok, Fat Baron. By the way, all of the listed representatives are the most acceptable varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for open ground, giving bountiful harvest without covering with film.

- a vegetable crop that people love for its pleasant taste and healing properties, which make the vegetable an essential ingredient in many summer salads and other dishes. Right choice seeding material largely determines the quality of the future harvest, so you should approach this problem with all responsibility. Specialized stores will help with this, where you can choose a variety that takes into account all the wishes of the farmer.