Installing a wooden staircase at home by hand. Step-by-step instructions for making a wooden staircase yourself

Normal, correct installation Making a wooden staircase with your own hands requires compliance with the basic rules for installing the structure and accurate calculation of the parameters of the staircase. All this is laid down during the design period, which takes into account not only the wishes of the customer, but also the location of the staircase, the area of ​​the room, and design aspects.

The choice of design is always made based on space calculations, convenience of location, configuration, angle of inclination, and aesthetic considerations.

Types of stairs for home

Basically, there are several types staircase structures, which are installed in different buildings, but for private low-rise construction the most suitable are:

  • Screw.
  • Marching.

Flight staircases can be single-flight, double-flight or multi-flight.

Moreover, in relation to independent work In terms of manufacturing and installation, the most preferable option is the marching version, on the basis of which you can consider the entire process of installing a staircase in your own home.

It is worth saying a few words about the screw version. First of all, this design is interesting because it allows you to install a staircase to the second floor even with extremely limited room space.

Of course, such a staircase design can be very beautiful and add its own “zest” to the design of the room, but it is worth remembering that by choosing a screw option, you can greatly lose functionality. Screw metal stairs not intended for normal communication between floors, subject to lifting furniture or household appliances.

Marching staircase

But the marching version of the staircase is perfect for self-production and installation. A march is a flight of stairs, which consists of steps and platforms separating the flights.

If the staircase is simply straight and single-flight, then the entire structure consists of supporting load-bearing beams and steps, and it is this type that can be taken as an example to show how the instructions for calculations and assembly and installation of the staircase work.

But first, it’s worth determining which elements will require installation:

  • Kosour. This is a supporting, load-bearing beam on which the steps of the span rest.
  • Bowstring. This is also a support beam, but unlike the stringer, here the steps are inserted into special grooves, and fastening occurs at the ends of the steps.

Important! In the calculations it will be necessary to proceed from the presence of the wall, which can be another supporting element, thus eliminating the need for two supporting beams.

  • Steps. This wooden beams, boards that consist, if the design so requires, of a tread and a riser.
  • Railings, fencing. These are wooden balusters and handrails. There is never any for this element standard sizes, since they are carried out strictly at will in any form.


Step height

Step by step it looks like this:

  • The height is measured from the finished floor of the first floor, then the finished floor of the second. For example, a height of 300 cm and a thickness of interfloor covering with floor – 35 cm. It turns out 335 cm.
  • The average height of the riser is taken. It is taken into account that the height range ranges from 15 to 20 cm; this is the most biomechanically comfortable height. In the calculation example – 17 cm.
  • The formula is as follows: the steps are equal to the height of the staircase divided by the height of the riser. That is - 335/17 = 19.7, that is, 20 steps.

Since installing a staircase with your own hands requires rounding all the values ​​by steps, they are rounded up, so you get 20 steps.

To ensure that all steps are exactly the right size, another simple calculation is made: the height of the stairs is divided by the number of steps: 335/20 = 16.75 cm. This is the final size of the step.

Tread width

In the construction of stairs, it is believed that the most suitable tread width is in the range from 22 cm to 40 cm. Such a wide range in numbers is due to a simple point; it is always necessary to take into account the anthropometric data of the people who will live in the house and use the structure before installing a wooden one stairs.

Besides, extreme points calculations indicate that a smaller width will cause problems when descending the flight, and with a greater width than 40 cm, the step may be lost.

To bring theoretical considerations into line practical application, several basic formulas and parameters are used:

  • a – riser height.
  • b – tread width.

Simple formulas are used for calculations:

2a + b = 64 cm;

a + b = 47 cm;

For example, it looks like this - 47 cm - 16.75 cm = 30.25 cm, this is the width of the tread. In principle, the ideal size that is suitable for any person.

Stair width

The width of a flight of stairs is quite strictly regulated, however, this applies to multi-story construction, but in a private house there are no instructions for installing stairs mandatory requirements to this parameter.

Important! As a rule, talking about the functionality of a flight of stairs refers to carrying furniture, especially large ones, to the second floor. This is precisely the reason for the use in calculations optimal width mentioned above.

Stair length

  • tread width – 30.25 cm.
  • number of steps – 20 pieces.

The calculation formula here is as follows - the length of the stairs will be the width of the tread multiplied by the number of steps, or 30.25 * 19 = 574.75 meters, or 5 meters and 75 cm.

Important! Multiplication is done by 19 steps, because the last one is the floor of the second level of the house

Clearance height

The beginning of a flight of stairs, as a rule, is at the ceiling, and thus the free space for a person who climbs the steps is reduced.

Therefore, installing a staircase in a house always involves calculating the height from the highest point of the step to the ceiling at the design stage. The minimum dimensions should be 195-200 cm.

Dyna of support beam

Here the calculation using the Pythagorean theorem is used. And it turns out that the length of the stringer is equal to the length of the stairs2 + the height of the stairs2.

In the example, this is 5752+3352 = 665.4697. The value is rounded with a margin, and it turns out that the length of the support beam should be 670 cm.


Naturally, the installation wooden stairs will require the purchase of certain materials. The following proposals look like the most optimal material options:

  • For stringers, you need to buy timber with a cross-section of 50*250 mm, and the minimum width you can use is 150 mm, but only if the design allows it.
  • For the risers, a 25 mm board is used.
  • A board with a cross section of 30-40 mm is perfect for treading.
  • Handrails and fences are purchased ready-made.


Now that everything has been calculated and the material has been purchased, you can proceed directly to installing the stairs.

Step by step it looks like this:

  • The stringer is cut to the specified size. This is best done with a jigsaw.
  • Next, the support beams are marked for the steps. The parameters of the rise and tread are marked on the construction square.
  • The markings are transferred with a pencil to the inner surface of the beams.
  • All excess parts of the beam are cut off.

Important! There may not always be two stringers, depending on the width and length of the march, a third one may be required, however, the principles of marking and sawing remain unchanged.

Next, the stringers must be sanded; installing stairs in private houses necessarily involves thoroughly sanding the surface of the wood. If necessary, the structure can be processed using a manual milling machine.

The next step is to attach the stringers. At the bottom and at the top they are connected to each other by a beam. To do this, the stringers are cut into quarters along the edges. After this, fastening occurs, for which steel anchor bolts are used.

If the staircase is constructed close to one of the walls, the support beam can and should be connected to the wall with anchors.

Important! Before final installation it is necessary to check the stringers to ensure they are positioned horizontally, otherwise the steps may go downhill.

Afterwards you can begin installing the steps.

  • Here ready-made dimensions are used, the board is sawn off and sanded according to them. First, you install the risers yourself. They are attached to the support beam with self-tapping screws from the front side.
  • Behind the riser comes the installation of treads. Here everything is done exactly the same as before, only milling machine the protruding edge is processed. Afterwards, the step is placed on the cut out surfaces and secured with self-tapping screws.

Important! To prevent the heads of the screws from being visible, the screws are driven deep into the wood, and the hole is filled with a special wood putty.

Depending on whether there are railings on the stairs, balusters and fences are installed. As a rule, 100 x 8 mm studs are used here.


Independent, it also saves money, regardless of how much the installation costs attic stairs, or interfloor, you can safely add another 30-50% to the price of the material, this will be the cost of installation by the builders.

In addition, self-installation, with all the formulas and calculations, is a completely simple process, and in the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Installation of a wooden staircase is a long and responsible process. Incorrect calculation or incorrect installation parts can significantly reduce the reliability and durability of the structure. For this reason, the installation of wooden stairs must be carried out in a certain order, observing certain rules. Before assembly, you need to carefully calculate all the steps.

It takes place in stages: first, some elements are installed, second ones are added to them, then third, fourth, etc. Therefore, before installation, you should familiarize yourself with the names of the staircase parts:

  • steps - elements along which descent or ascent occurs;
  • tread – the horizontal part of the step;
  • riser – vertical detail steps;
  • kosour – a load-bearing beam on which the steps are installed from above;
  • bowstring - a load-bearing element with cutouts for steps;
  • railing - a staircase railing that prevents falls;
  • baluster - the vertical component of the railing (in other words, a post);
  • handrail - horizontal part of the railing;
  • landing - free space dividing the staircase to the second floor into 2 or more parts;
  • support beam (so-called zero step) - a beam or crossbar against which they rest load-bearing elements;
  • stand – the main load-bearing element of a screw structure.

Types of structures

The reliability, durability and ease of use of the stairs to the second floor largely depend on the shape of the structure.

IN modern world Screw and marching products are especially popular.

Distinctive feature screw structures- This is a radial type of arrangement of steps. That is, the steps are attached around the post (central axis) and are supported on the other side by auxiliary elements (wall or load-bearing beams). However, the design and installation of such structures is particularly complex, and ease of use spiral staircase leaves much to be desired.

Much more common marching stairs. They are more reliable and comfortable to use. Their only drawback is the high requirements for free space. However, ease of use, reliability and good span width have made marching varieties the most popular in the staircase market. It is much easier to build such a staircase than a spiral staircase, even if we talk about.

Preparing for work

Installing stairs to the second floor is a long and expensive process. To make it as easy as possible, you need to be properly prepared.

For greater convenience, preparatory work before installation can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. design (drawing creation);
  2. selection of necessary materials;
  3. preparation of tools.

At the first stage, it is necessary to produce as much as possible high-quality scheme. For greater information content, it should be performed in three projections: from above, from the side and from the front. In this case, in the top view it is necessary to indicate the location and direction flight of stairs. Creating a drawing is usually done on drawing paper.


If you prefer to work at a computer, there are a couple of convenient and completely free programs for designing stairs and other structures.

Designing a staircase in the Compass program

The next stage is quite simple - based on the calculations, we purchase Consumables V required quantity. At the same time, it is better not to skimp and purchase materials with a reserve.

Also, to install the stairs to the second floor you will need certain tools. In particular:

  • pencil;
  • level;
  • square;
  • clamp;
  • plane;
  • hammer;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • Grinder;
  • saw;
  • fastening elements (usually wood screws are used).

Installation procedure

After preparatory work, you can begin installing the structure. As mentioned above, the installation of the stairs takes place in a certain order.

Support beams

First of all, cutouts for the steps should be made. If you plan to install a ladder on strings, you need to make cutouts for steps on each support beam ( minimum distance from the edge – 5 cm). It should be taken into account that the grooves of the two supporting elements must be mirrored to each other.

Creating cutouts on stringers occurs differently:

  1. the beam is divided into 2 equal parts;
  2. in the upper half, using a corner and in accordance with the drawing, future cutouts are marked;
  3. the marked notches are cut out;
  4. repeat steps 1-3 for another beam.

The next step is to install the support beam in the place where the stairs to the second floor will begin. To connect the timber and load-bearing beams, you can go in two ways:

  • make a cutout in the beam;
  • make small grooves in the support bar into which the beams will be inserted.

Finally, you can start installing the stringers:

  1. in the place where the staircase ends, install a block and secure it with steel anchors;
  2. connect the load-bearing elements to the beam on the second floor;
  3. press the stringers tightly against the support block on the floor;
  4. secure the block with steel anchors.

Installation of a ladder on bowstrings occurs differently. Here the steps are first inserted, and only then the structure is moved towards the wall and fixed on the support bars.


After firmly fixing the supporting beams, you can proceed to installing the steps. When creating, the length of the steps must match the width of the span. If a bowstring is used as a supporting beam, the distance between the grooves, including the depth of the hole.

The first step is to install the risers - the vertical part of the steps. To do this, you can use self-tapping screws or special glue.


The fixation must be reliable.

Before proceeding with the installation of treads, they should first be made and the surface should be properly treated grinder. They are installed in the same way - using self-tapping screws or using glue. It is worth noting that for greater convenience when lifting, the treads should protrude forward above vertical elements by 2-3 cm.

Installation of steps in a staircase on bowstrings occurs as follows:

  1. the grooves of the first bowstring are lubricated with glue;
  2. steps are inserted into the machined holes;
  3. The recesses of the second string are processed with glue and the beam is connected to the steps.


When going up or down stairs, people often lean on the railing. Therefore, fences must be securely fixed and withstand considerable load.

Installation of railings begins with preparatory work:

  1. At the junction of the steps with the supporting beam, places for installing balusters are marked. Wherein side edge the column should coincide with the lateral end of the step.
  2. A hole of the required diameter is made in the marked location.
  3. A small wooden dowel is made. The diameter of the rod should correspond to the width of the hole, and the length of the dowel should protrude 1-1.5 cm above the surface of the step.
  4. Holes corresponding to the diameter of the dowel are made in the lower and upper parts of each baluster.

Marking space for balusters

Then you can start installation:

  1. support pillars are installed at the beginning and end of the stairs to the second floor;
  2. 1-2 intermediate balusters are installed (not on dowels!);
  3. the compliance of the angle of inclination is checked by attaching a handrail to the balusters (if necessary, the height of the posts is adjusted);
  4. a dowel is inserted into the recesses at the top to secure the handrail;
  5. the base and recesses of the balusters are lubricated with glue;
  6. the posts are installed on dowels;
  7. the upper rod of the baluster is lubricated with glue;
  8. the handrail is tightly applied and fixed to the balusters.

Installation of balusters a drawing is drawn up;

  • Based on the calculations, structural elements are manufactured;
  • in the selected location, the lower support unit is installed and secured to the floor;
  • a vertical stand is inserted into the unit;
  • the steps in the tripod are pinched (or placed on it);
  • a platform is installed at the floor level of the second floor and a support rod is secured;
  • Balusters are inserted into the holes on the steps, onto which the railings are placed.
  • Installation of a finished spiral staircase

    Installation of a wooden staircase requires a careful approach and attentiveness from the master. Incorrect calculation or poor quality fixation of elements can negatively affect the strength and durability of the structure. For this reason, the assembly of the staircase structure must be carried out with special care.

    Quite often people install wooden stairs in their homes. This design is characterized by a long service life, reliability and high strength characteristics. Don't forget about aesthetic beauty.

    Installing a staircase requires accurate calculation of design parameters and compliance with all installation rules.

    At first glance, installing stairs of this type may seem like a simple task. There are no special parts or mechanisms here. Simple railings and the steps themselves are combined into a single design. However, installing it is actually quite difficult, since during the installation process you have to deal with numerous nuances that must be taken into account. So, let's look at how to install a ladder.

    Scheme of a wooden staircase.

    But first, about the necessary supplies for work:

    • roulette;
    • hacksaw;
    • square;
    • grinder;
    • perforator;
    • hammer;
    • level and others.

    Installation of wooden stairs

    Even behind such a simple design there is a very complex technological process. It is best if such work is entrusted to specialists. They will decorate the house with the highest quality and in short term. However, in this situation, numerous unforeseen expenses may arise. Installing a wooden staircase for your home with your own hands - best option solving the problem.

    A lot depends on how well the wooden staircase is installed near the house. First of all, this concerns the operation and reliability of the design. If the installation is carried out incorrectly, that is, a person does not adhere to the technology, this can lead to a change in the aesthetic appearance, as well as damage.

    When installing a wooden staircase for your home, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Table showing proper design of stair treads.

    1. It is best to carry out the installation by specialists who work for an organization that designs stairs. In this case, they will be responsible for their construction.
    2. The installation of the structure is carried out in the place that was originally described in the contract, since all structural elements are made for it.
    3. The ladder must be transported to its destination disassembled. In this case, the likelihood of damage to its structural elements is reduced. In this case, the installation of the structure is made from ready-made components.
    4. If a person applies for work to a company that makes ready-made flights of stairs, then he will definitely first need to make grooves in the mounting beams for their installation.
    5. Only after the railings have been finally adjusted to the floor level can you begin to install the flights of stairs. When adjusting the lower string, it is imperative to take into account the fact that flooring can be laid on the floor.
    6. Before you begin installing a flight of stairs, you must make a fence. Only after it is perfectly matched to the future design can further work be continued.
    7. To obtain durable and reliable design It is imperative to screw the marches onto self-tapping screws. This makes the structure more durable and rigid. They are attached in several places around the perimeter, connected through support post and through the bowstring to the wall.

    Methods of fastening structural parts

    Options for attaching steps to the string.

    Let's look at how the main elements of the staircase are fastened. Any structure that is installed at home or near it has the same structure.

    Moreover, we are not necessarily talking about a wooden staircase. There are always inclined parts and steps here. Another way to call them flights of stairs and platforms. Depending on how the spans are organized, the structures can be single-flight, double-flight or three-flight. There are several different methods for attaching steps:

    • they can rest on the bowstrings at both ends;
    • one end is attached to the stringer, and the other to the wall;
    • one end is embedded in the wall, and the other hangs freely; this method cannot always be used; it is only appropriate if the thickness of the wall is very large.

    Methods of attaching steps to a stringer.

    Before final assembly staircases for the home must take into account the fact that it must withstand all the loads that await it. After all, not only do people walk on such structures, but also loads move. The rigidity is very important. All grooves that are intended for fastening structural elements with bowstrings must be made in such a way that the elements fit into them with tension, that is, as tightly as possible. Their depth must be the same, and the grooves themselves must have a flat plane. This is true for all cases, including when using glue to attach structural elements. It will evenly fill the grooves, giving them the required rigidity and strength. If another fastening method is used, then it is worth using the wedging method.

    In this situation, the grooves are made in the form of a trapezoid. Its top will be in front of the bowstring. After installation, the process of wedging begins. After everything is thoroughly coated with glue, we can say that the result is a fairly strong and powerful structure. You can always use nails or screws as additional fasteners.

    However, in this case, the appearance of the stairs may deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, the caps must be buried in the wood and then covered with special covers. Now the aesthetics will be at their best. Appearance the entire structure will not be damaged. To increase the strength of the ladder, several nails or screws are used for fastening.

    Installation of stairs: features

    Scheme of fastening the railing posts, lower and upper.

    So let's consider self-installation stairs. This is done quite simply. Moreover, all components of the structure are supplied ready-made, but disassembled. Here you need to be extremely careful to comply with all the nuances of the technology.

    The first stage is the preparation of the upper and lower marches. The side parts must strictly comply with the parameters of the opening. Markings must first be applied, according to which preparation is carried out. If it is not made by the manufacturer, then you need to do it yourself.

    Now we need to move on to preparing the upper support post. Grooves are cut into it, which will serve to fasten the upper span.

    For marking, you can use a regular pencil.

    With its help, a horizontal line is applied on the lower edge of the groove. Then you need to measure the distance from the ceiling to the floor and draw another line. It should be equal to this distance. Risers are installed in all grooves, and then their lower part is sawn to size.

    Assembly modern stairs for the home is done using glue. Only high quality material is used. All structural elements must be glued in the following sequence:

    • the upper support post is connected to the side structural elements;
    • then fencing and railings are added;
    • connect the lower ends of the railing and the lower support post;
    • The side parts of the structure and the lower stand are glued together.

    Only in this sequence should it be done correct installation stairs. Wooden spikes are driven into those parts of the rack that are used for connection. After all the elements are prepared, be sure to give them time to dry completely.

    Now you can proceed to assembling the structure. One person cannot cope with this. You definitely need to get help. At least three additional people must be involved in assistance. One of them is located at the top, and the rest are at the bottom.

    Next, the ladder itself is installed on the floor and then leveled using a level. Special marks are made on the floor that will serve as markings for future pillars. Holes are made in these places using a drill. They should also be in the pillars, and the same size as on the floor. Fastening is carried out using special bolts. The tread is attached to the cross beam with two nails.

    The single side part is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws or bolts. Quite a lot of them must be used so that the connection is very strong and durable. If necessary, you can do additional cladding on the stairs. This is done using sheets of drywall or other material. Wood can also be used in a similar situation. For example, lining or tongue and groove board. In this case, the wooden staircase will not lose its original beauty and aesthetics.


    Thus, the process of installing stairs for the house is completed. There is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions given above. This is the only way to achieve the desired result. When performing work, be sure to use only high-quality glue. With its help you can get a truly durable and reliable structure.

    When performing work, be sure to call help. Only with their help can you achieve high-quality results. Wooden stairs are quite heavy structural element. It needs to be mounted and installed only through the efforts of several people. To achieve the required result, when installing outdoors, you can use specialized equipment.

    In a multi-storey and attic house the staircase is necessary attribute architecture for connecting rooms located on adjacent floors. Also useful in two-story townhouses or cottages. It is necessary that it provides convenience and safety, and fits correctly into the interior of the house. If you do not comply necessary rules or neglect mathematical calculations, the staircase will be built crookedly, and you will need to spend a large amount of money to redo everything. Required building codes must be followed.

    Modular stairs will not require you to spend a lot of money. You only need to assemble the product from ready-made parts, completing all necessary instructions supplier. There are kits that ensure the production of spiral or marching staircases. Comes with a complete set of mounting hardware and necessary structures. If you are a novice builder or are building a wooden staircase for the first time, then no one will advise you to make a screw version.

    If there is limited space in the apartment, it is better to entrust the matter to professional builders. The installers will do everything for you in accordance with GOSTs and SNiPs.

    Or you can choose a shallow view. Installing a sloping vehicle on the second floor will require a lot of space. But it will be convenient to go up and down. If you have a small space in your home, you need to make a two-flight staircase. The width of the staircase must be at least 1 meter so that you can carry large furniture and large equipment.

    A beginner cannot do repairs to even the simplest staircase himself. However, if you have already made one or more stairs according to the instructions above, you can try more difficult task: creating a spiral staircase with your own hands.

    Installation: DIY wooden stairs

    First of all, you need to design the staircase. Errors at the stage of planning and preparation of building materials are the cause of failures at subsequent stages. We suggest making stairs with risers so that the structure is held firmly. It is best to make a staircase structure using stringers.

    Must be correct sizes such elements:

    • Ladder:
    • Tilt angle;
    • Width of steps.

    We determine the height of the stairs; to do this, we fix a horizontal board as the beginning of the structure. Having adjusted the board, we measure the height of the stairs. To prevent the level from dangling in the air, it must be secured to the board with tape. A suitable option will be if the angle of inclination is no more than 37 degrees. A slope of 45° will be inconvenient for descent. And if the angle of inclination is less than 30°, then walking on the stairs will be dangerous. The width of the step is taken according to the average length of a person’s foot. And the height is selected based on the height one simple step. The risers can be made from any coniferous wood.

    Handmade production and installation of wooden stairs

    To make stringers, we will take pine boards 40mm wide. Stringers are the main part of the stairs, on which you have to walk when walking. most of the entire load. Let's draw a pattern in accordance with the designed steps. After this, the markings are applied to the boards and electric jigsaw teeth are cut out. All elements must be symmetrical.

    Therefore, having made one stringer, you use it as a template for making others. The more load-bearing structures, all the better. Therefore, it is advisable to have four stringers.

    When you have cut them all out and plane them, you must attach the stringers.

    If necessary, dismantle anything that may be obstructing the wall or floor. At the very bottom of the stairs there will be a beam. Make several recesses in it for the stringers, or cut out corners in the stringers for fastening. The stringers also need to be securely fastened to the ceiling. The first stringer is attached directly to the wall. The support bars on the floor and ceiling must be properly secured. The stronger the better. The stringers should be parallel to each other. Next you can do the steps.

    Installation of a wooden staircase to the second floor

    You can buy ready-made steps (or treads, the same thing) and risers at a construction supermarket. Take the price list, select products from high-quality and inexpensive materials. Alternatively, you can cut it yourself or entrust it to installers.

    A standard step must have certain standards and match the width of the staircase being built between two stringers. That is, the width should be 30cm, length in the range of 80-120cm, and thickness 3-4cm.

    Now you can assemble the ladder. It is necessary that the risers have good strength and be protected from moisture. The blanks must be attached to the stringers with self-tapping screws and nails. They all need to be secured. Then you can attach the treads with nails and screws so that the caps are deep in the wood and do not protrude.

    How to secure a staircase post and baluster

    To ensure the strength of the stairs and fences of the structure, pillars are installed for support. Often wood does not guarantee against pillar cracks and is sometimes subject to deformation. Therefore, if you are making your own staircase posts, you will need two straight boards that need to be glued together. Usually a standard part is used as a pillar, which is made on a machine.

    The base of the pillar should be of such a size that handrails are attached to the so-called square. The support column must have the following standards: height size 1000 - 13000mm, and section size from 70x70mm to 120x120mm. It is advisable to purchase poles and handrails from the store.

    On the extreme parts of the steps, markings are made where balusters and pillars for support will be installed. Next, holes are drilled. After this, dowels are inserted into them, which protrude approximately 15mm. Next, holes are made in the balusters with a drill. The pillars are installed at the beginning and end of the stairs. The bases of the balusters are lubricated with glue and placed on dowels. The balusters are placed in a vertical position parallel to each other. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

    After this, the railings are made. The edges must be cut at an angle. The railings are glued to the balusters, then you need to screw them from below with a thin self-tapping screw. The support post at the bottom is installed last. Finally, varnish is applied to the wood. We can use paint to make the stairs dark brown.

    Quick repair of a wooden staircase: conclusion

    Watch the video again with the repair rules. You can always entrust the job to builders. They will help you repair it if something goes wrong. Mistakes should not be made, because an improperly repaired staircase can lead to injury. And when making stairs with the help of builders, if you are injured due to a collapse of the structure, you can go to court.

    Even if you did everything correctly, and the builders helped you, any thing requires repair. Wooden staircase, among others. The need to get rid of old varnish will bring little trouble. But sometimes you need to completely renovate the steps. You can dismantle them and install new ones. If you decide to repair the stairs, then you should take into account factors such as the degree of wear and material capabilities.

    Aluminum edges are useful to get rid of uneven steps.

    One-piece profiles are difficult to use, which you cannot do yourself. The split profile makes installation easy.

    Installation of wooden stairs(video)

    If your steps begin to creak, most likely the joining parts are moving. This may be due to increased humidity in the house. There are also such phenomena as leaking roofs and more. Between two rubbing surfaces it is necessary to lay an elastic mass with inside stairs. In any case, do you do it yourself or with outside help, contact your installers for help.

    Good luck with your renovation!

    Installation of stairs may at first glance seem like a simple job, since there are no specific mechanisms - a single structure is made up of railings, subordinate to the steps. In fact, it is difficult to install wooden stairs yourself, because in this process You will have to face moments that cannot be ignored. Therefore, today we will try to figure out how to correctly install wooden stairs, and what is required for this.

    Getting to know the design

    Before you begin the process of assembling a wooden staircase, you should become familiar with its main components.

    The most important detail can be called the stringer - load-bearing beam, which will serve as the lower support for the steps and will withstand the main load. By external signs every person is familiar with the steps, but few people were interested in them design features. These elements consist of the following main parts:

    • horizontal beams (treads);
    • vertical beams (steps).

    A person steps on the first when climbing the stairs, and the second is located directly under it, performing a supporting and decorative function. There are also models of wooden stairs that only include treads, but they are less reliable.

    Photo 1. Construction of a wooden staircase.

    The supporting-bearing function is also performed by a component such as a bowstring, on which the steps are also attached. These parts are fixed in the following way: the ends of the horizontal parts are inserted into certain holes located on the supporting part. But since the bowstring is not particularly reliable, the stringer is more popular.

    Another integral part of stairs is the railing. They perform a protective and decorative function, that is, they allow a person to ascend/descend without risk to health. Stairs with multiple flights must also include support pillars. These are the parts located at the very top and bottom of the structure (final), as well as in the middle - intermediate.

    You can visually familiarize yourself with the design of a wooden staircase in photo 1.

    Preparatory work

    To install a wooden staircase, you need to prepare the following tool:

    • hammer;
    • roulette;
    • square;
    • hacksaw;
    • Sander;
    • level;
    • hammer drill
    Photo 2. Fastening the steps.
    1. The staircase design is purchased, and sometimes custom-made, for a specific location in the room. Therefore, you should not change the location for installing the stairs, since all its elements are made specifically for it.
    2. The staircase should be brought home disassembled, which reduces the risk of damage to its components. But at the same time, assembly will be carried out from ready-made elements.
    3. Care should be taken that the company where the structure is purchased makes grooves in the fastening beams for fastening the marches.
    4. Flights can be installed only after the railings have been adjusted to the floor level. Moreover, when adjusting the lower string, it should be taken into account that the covering on the floor may change.
    5. To make the staircase strong, it is necessary to screw the flights onto self-tapping screws.
    6. Before you begin installing stairs, in particular the march, you must install a fence. Only after it has been adjusted correctly to the future design can we proceed to the next steps.
    7. The marches should be attached to self-tapping screws, evenly distributing them around the perimeter of the structure, attaching them to the wall through a support post and a bowstring.

    This video talks about installing wooden stairs:

    Each staircase consists of inclined and stepped parts - marches and platforms, respectively. Depending on the location of the spans, the following types are distinguished:

    • single-march;
    • two-flight;
    • three-march.

    The distance between spans must be greater than the width of one flight. The floor platform, in turn, must be wider than the span. To secure the steps, you can use one of the 2 options shown in the photo. The grooves connecting the ladder with the bowstring must hold the step tightly, for which it is necessary to maintain a flat surface and equal depth in the grooves.

    Installation instructions

    Since the staircase will be delivered to your home disassembled, you can install it without the help of specialists. Initially, all marches should be prepared. The sides of the stairs must be consistent with the opening and the floor surface, so you need to get rid of the excess using a hacksaw. After this, you can proceed to the upper part of the support post: we cut out the grooves that should be fixed afterwards to the transverse beam of the span. Using a pencil, we make a horizontal mark along the bottom edge of the groove, and another similar mark, but this time equal to the distance from the ceiling to the floor. We install risers in the grooves, and cut off the edges of the column if necessary.

    The wooden staircase is assembled using glue. The structural parts are fastened in the following sequence:

    1. The upper support post is glued to the side.
    2. Then the railings and fencing are attached in the same way.
    3. The next step in the installation of a wooden staircase will be the connection of the lower support of the post and the corresponding ends of the railing.
    4. All that remains is to fasten the side parts and the lower support post.

    Wooden tenons must be hammered into all necessary parts, and treads and upper risers must be glued to the side parts. After the glue has completely dried, installation begins again. This will require the help of three people. One should be on the top floor and two below. The stairs are installed on the floor and leveled using a level. Installation marks should be made on the floor support pillars. We drill holes in these places and carry out the same work from below the support pillars.

    This video talks about the manufacture and installation of wooden stairs:

    We fix the parts with bolts, and nail the tread to the transverse nut with two nails. We attach the side part to the wall with five screws. All that remains is to cover the span with plywood or plasterboard sheets, if necessary.

    As you can see, installing a ladder with your own hands is possible if you follow the given rules and recommendations.