Device for testing Internet speed. Services for testing real Internet speed, which is better

Internet speed test is a free service that will check the real situation with your Internet provider.

A unit of measurement for Internet connection speed.

Providers indicate speed in kilobits or megabits. The exact picture can be found by converting the declared quantity into bytes. One byte is converted into eight bits. For example: your contract specifies a speed of 256 Kilobits. Some quick calculations give a result of 32 kilobytes per second. Real time Does uploading documents give you reason to question the integrity of the provider company? An Internet speed test will help.

How does the online service work?

The program determines the exact data using the transmitted information. From your PC it is sent to our website. And then back. The test reveals the average value per unit of time. The process is quite simple and only requires a short wait.

What factors affect connection speed?

  1. Bandwidth.
  2. Connection quality.
  3. Line congestion at the provider.

Concept: channel capacity.

What is this factor? Everything is very simple. This is the maximum amount of information that is theoretically possible to transmit using this provider. The specified data is almost always less than the bandwidth. Only a few companies managed to get close to this figure.

Several online checks give different results.

Is it possible. The numerous influencing factors lead to slight variations in the result. A permanent coincidence is unlikely. But also strong difference must not be.

How to check Internet speed?

  1. It is necessary to close and disable all transmitting programs (radio, torrents, instant messaging clients).
  2. Launch the test using the “Test” button.
  3. A little time and the result will be ready.

It is better to measure your Internet speed several times in a row. The error of the result is no more than 10 percent.

Let's conclude:

If you have any doubts about the correctness of the data provided by your provider when connecting, you can do so in different ways.

  1. Use the Internet Speed ​​Test service.
  2. Check the information in the contract.
  3. Measure it yourself based on the time it takes to load documents.

The first point will help you check quickly, efficiently and simply. No calculations, disputes or difficulties. Our tester is minimally loaded. Has only one control button. And it gives the right results.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site! Today, in order to check the speed of the Internet, it is not at all necessary to be an advanced expert. high technology. All you need to do is use an online service where you can determine your Internet connection speed with a simple click of a button. There are a sufficient number of such services on the Internet that check the Internet connection online.

A simple user, as a rule, does not attach of great importance Internet connection speed. By by and large, the most important thing is that the necessary files (movies, music, documents, etc.) are uploaded and downloaded as quickly as possible. But if any delays or failures in the Internet connection begin to occur, any of us begins to get nervous.

The lack of Internet speed at the moment has a particular impact on the nerves. creating a website or blog yourself(I’m talking about myself and “my high-speed” Internet connection).

Of course, the speed of data transfer on the Internet depends on many factors. And all these nuances are negotiated with the Internet provider, with whom an agreement is concluded to provide them with network access services. But providers often do not fulfill their obligations, and the actual data transfer speed is much lower than provided for in the contract. And most users simply do not know how to check their Internet connection, or rather, its speed.

To begin, to conduct an Internet speed test, disable, if possible, all network programs (including antivirus programs). Check the network connection status.

View network activity.

My computernetworkShow network connections- choose State working network connection.

If in the window State active data transfer occurs (rapidly changing digital values), check if all programs are disabled. If so, you may have a virus. Then first treat your computer with some antivirus program ( You can also use a free antivirus program).

After these steps, you can measure your Internet speed using the online services listed below.

Checking Internet speed on Yandex Internet.

Perhaps the most “Spartan” online service where you can measure Internet speed is Yandex Internet.

But, despite its simplicity, Yandex performs a speed test in a very original and high-quality manner. It is enough to go to its service to check the Internet speed - Yandex will immediately determine your IP address, browser, screen extension of your computer and what region you are from.

Next, to measure the Internet speed in Yandex, click on the “ruler” button and after the Internet connection test is completed, you can view detailed information. Where the download speed and download speed will be indicated. And as a souvenir, when the Internet speed test is over, you can take with you the HTML code of the banner to insert it into your blog or website.

How to determine Internet connection speed using the service

This is one of the most popular online services, where many people will simply enjoy measuring Internet speed. The service promoted in RuNet has attractive design, and checking the Internet speed on this resource is a pleasure. After measuring and testing the Internet connection speed, speedtest presents a report in the form of a banner, which shows the download speed data from the network and the transfer data that comes from the user’s computer.

Just like in Yandesk, this banner can be placed on your website or blog. In addition, on the online service you can take the script of the miniature Speedtest Mini module and install it on your website or blog. Then anyone can measure the Internet speed directly on your website. And perhaps the most attractive product is Speedtest Mobile. This app is for mobile devices, running Android and iOS.

Internet speed test online service

If your Internet pages take a long time to load or YouTube videos slow down, you should first check the speed of your Internet connection. How to check the Internet speed on Windows 7 or Windows 10 will be discussed below.

Note! Certain processes may affect the accuracy of the results. Before testing, you should turn off video, music, downloading files, etc.

Windows Standard Tools

First of all, you need to know what speed your provider provides to you. To view you can use standard means systems.

Advice! If you have an agreement with a provider nearby, you can check the speed of your Internet connection.

  1. On the toolbar, click the PMC on the Internet connection icon.
  2. Open Network and Internet Settings.
  3. Next, go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.
  4. By clicking on the “Ethernet” icon, see the connection speed.

Internet resources

Now let's move on to online services that give us the opportunity to see the speed of the Internet connection in a few clicks.

Yandex Internetometer

This is a popular service from Yandex, which is used by most users.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All actions occur automatically.

This service is popular all over the world, and not just in Russia. It quite accurately determines the maximum download speed limit and indicates the ping.

It is worth noting that the results are quite accurate. No wonder the service has gained popularity all over the world.


Website with a huge amount opportunities. Starting from checking IP and Ports, ending with checking passwords for vulnerabilities. The most functional site from all of RUNet.

Additionally, the site will show your location, browser, IP and provider.

The service is designed for German users, but this does not prevent us from using it.

Once finished, you will be able to view your speed, ping and location.

Your Internet connection may become slower for several reasons, including your ISPs artificially throttling your bandwidth contrary to the terms of your data plan.

Speed ​​testing services can help determine whether your ISP is to blame for slow connection speeds, but only if the user understands how they work.

While watching a popular TV series, did the main characters begin to stutter? Does it take forever to load a new video on YouTube? Have you started thinking about purchasing a more expensive network connection plan?

Recent research shows that some Internet service providers provide lower connection speeds than they initially advertise. According to a report by popular IT blog WSJ Digits, 41 percent of ISPs do not meet their obligations to maintain contracted Internet connection speeds.

Luckily, there are many free online broadband speed testing services available. On the other hand, the results of different tests on the same machine can vary significantly. Here are 2 of the most important advice Things to keep in mind when you run any connection performance test:

  1. Never rely on single measurements from one speed test (see explanation below).
  2. Local wireless networks may have a large number of potential pitfalls that will affect upload and download speeds. Therefore, it is recommended to run tests on computers directly connected to the network infrastructure using an Ethernet cable.

What Network Performance Tests Measure

Almost all Internet speed tests measure three parameters: download speed from the network, upload speed to a remote server, and latency. The tests themselves are extremely simple: upload and download speeds are calculated by measuring the time required to transfer one file or several files various sizes between your computer and the Internet server.

The network latency test (also known as “ping”) measures the time it takes for one packet of data to reach a remote server and then return to the computer. Latency is a critical parameter when using time-sensitive applications, such as online trading clients or interactive online games.

In most cases, you will notice that the upload speed to the server is several times lower than the download speed. This situation occurs because Internet providers have long chosen operating protocols in which downloading is prioritized over uploading.

This mode of operation was especially relevant in the first years of using the Internet: then users uploaded several times less content than they downloaded. Now this trend has formally continued, but to a lesser extent. Now we download gigabytes of streaming music and movies, but at the same time we use video calls, IP telephony and file backup to cloud servers.

In the future, ISPs may reconsider the allocation of download and upload bandwidth. However, nowadays, downloading data to a computer is much faster than uploading data from a computer to a server.

Check your Comcast provider with 8 speed test services

Using Internet connection speed tests is very simple. For example, on the Bandwidth Place website the user is asked to simply press a large start button. Many services also offer to select the web server used for testing.

Figure 1. Like many other similar services, Bandwidth Place offers to find out the connection parameters in one click

It is also worth remembering that for some reasons, the results of connection speed measurements by different services may differ significantly. Here are the results of 8 popular connection speed tests.

The author of the article, Patrick Marshall, lives in Seattle, where the choice of Internet providers is limited. The Comcast subscription used offers download speeds of 50 megabits per second and upload speeds of 5 megabits per second. The numbers in the table below reflect the results of measurements of network parameters at noon. Many tests show absolutely different results measurements in different time days.

In all but two tests, Comcast met its contractual speed promises, although the differences between tests were significant. General results:

Results table

Service Incoming
Ping (ms)
Bandwidth Place 53.0 6.11 18
CNET Internet Speed ​​Test 48.85 (n/a) (n/a)
XFINITY Speed ​​Test 59.3 6.1 8
DSL Reports Speedtest 49.6 5.9 66
Geek Squad 16.8 5.96 106
Okla Speedtest 59.4 6.15 8
SpeedOf.Me Lite 65.0 6.7 11
Visualware MySpeed 56.1 5.95 26

To summarize, download speeds ranged from 16.8 Mbps to 65 Mbps, with the final difference exceeding 48 Mbps, equivalent to 75 percent. Latency ranged from 8 milliseconds to 106 milliseconds, with even more variation in this test. Even if we discard the results of measurements by the Geek Squad service, the download speed had a spread of 25 percent.

Is one test more accurate than another?

For many reasons, it is impossible to accurately measure Internet connection speed or even say that any service is more accurate than its competitors.

Firstly, the Internet is not a homogeneous structure, it is a huge combination of different routers, servers, cables, etc. Typically, each browser connection to a web server uses a different network router and goes through different Internet traffic management devices - each of which affects the speed of the connection.

Moreover, Internet users may use different browsers or FTP applications at different times. Some browsers may have integrated accelerators that use multi-threaded HTTP channels, while others do not have this functionality. Thus, there is no constancy of multiple factors for Internet connections.

The speed tests themselves are also inconsistent. These services use three types of tests - download speed, upload speed and latency - but the tests themselves can vary greatly. Some services use a single file to measure speeds, while their competitors may use sets of files of different sizes. Even the format of the test can affect the final results, depending on the protocols used, the size of the packets and the amount of service information they contain.

Some services transfer files in a single stream, others use multi-threaded transfer. In most cases, it is unknown whether a test using a single transmission stream will be more accurate than a multi-stream service.

While some tests always use the same server for measurements, others may search for the fastest server or allow the user to independently select a specific server.

Connection performance may vary significantly depending on the location of the servers used in testing. As a general rule, the further the server is physically from your location, the lower the network speeds - especially latency. Some tests, for example, pass data through several servers located in different places during measurements.

Figure 2. Graphic representation of measurement results in the service

Delay time may also affect throughput network because most of Internet traffic is associated with the “congestion window” of the TCP protocol. Essentially, the system waits for confirmation that packets have been received before sending subsequent data. How more time delays, the slower the transmission.

The time of day can also seriously affect your connection speed. During business hours, corporate machines may experience a serious drop in speeds, because... multiple users share the same Internet connection. Home users will notice slowdowns in evening hours when you and your neighbors upload videos to YouTube or stream movies.

You should also keep in mind that test results may vary depending on the number of other users simultaneously using the local ISP site. For end users, speed may be reduced by any device connected to the network in a separate apartment building, for corporate users, distortion in the results can be caused by their colleagues using the same network connection. If you notice a strong drop in speed after 15:00, students have probably returned from classes and switched to Internet services.

Most Internet speed testing services download a small application. Some resources use Java, others use Flash. The newest services use HTML5 technology, which does not require applets to be installed on your computer. In theory, HTML 5-based tests should be more accurate due to the lack of transfer of overhead information to the local application. Ookla says its Flash test offsets the protocol overhead and buffering of the application before publishing the final results.

Figure 3. Ookla has a relatively simple interface for displaying speeds and latency

Conclusion: No matter what assumptions an Internet speed test service makes, it cannot create a test that will reflect the real situation. There is currently no practical way to take into account a specific computer's configuration and Internet usage - especially when Internet connections vary by location, session, and web resource.

What to do if the connection speed is lower than expected?

Given the limitations of network speed tests, how can you determine whether the performance is up to par with your billing plan?

Tests can give a rough estimate of actual Internet connection speeds if you run them several times at different times of the day and at different days weeks. If possible, run the test on different computers to get any consistent results. Performing tests multiple times will minimize distortions associated with local PC and network problems.

Let’s say once again that to carry out tests you need to use direct connection computer to the network infrastructure using an Ethernet cable. Various types wireless connections can seriously reduce actual speeds.

Run tests on different services and discard the highest and lowest results. If most of the tests show lower performance than stated by the provider, it's time to contact technical support.

Which service more accurately measures Internet speed?

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Speed ​​Test - Check Internet Speed ​​/ Speed ​​TEST

Here you can test the speed of your DSL connection easily, quickly and for free. Click on "Start Test" below. The test usually starts within a few seconds.

DSL Speedtest / Internet Test / Speed ​​TEST

For DSL Speed ​​Test Please note the following: the result is not always accurate, speed test always depends on various factors. Therefore, the measurement should be interpreted as a guide only.

Please leave other Internet applications closed during the measurement, otherwise the speed test result will be inaccurate.

How to measure this?

During Internet speed testing, a test file is downloaded in your browser. After about 10 seconds we check how much data has been downloaded. With reference to the download time of the data, the approximate DSL (internet) speed can be determined. It is important that the server that contains the test file must be fast. We rely on a separate high-performance server, so the result is as accurate as possible.

Internet Speed ​​Test / DSL Speed ​​TEST

Click on “Start Test” in the bottom field to initiate the speed test. Make sure that no other applications will be accessing the Internet during the Internet speed test.

How to start an Internet traffic speed test:

Click on the “Start Test” button in the field above to begin the Internet speed test. The test will then begin and will usually take a few seconds to complete. Once the speed test is completed, you will be given the option to test again on another server that is closer to your current location. What do you need to use the speed test?:

To use the site, all you need is a modern web browser that supports HTML5. Supported Browsers: Chrome 44, Opera 31, Firefox 40, Edge, Safari 8.0, Edge 13, Safari 9.0, Chrome 42, Opera 29, Chrome 40, Opera 26, Chrome 36, Firefox 35, Firefox 37, Chrome 28, Firefox 28, Firefox 18, Safari 7.0, Opera 12.10, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 6.0, Internet Explorer 10, Safari 5.1, Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 8. You do not need to install any software to use the site, and it works entirely in your browser on Windows, Mac OS X, Android and Linux. A slight difference of 10-15% is normal because the speed test may not be accurate (depending on the server load you may get different cgblntcn results). If the difference exceeds 30%, then measure the speed a little later or try checking on another server (link above). Some Internet service providers offer their own speed tests.

We do not take any responsibility for the results of the Internet Speed ​​Test, as the accuracy of the test depends on many factors.

Internet speed test for your website:

Add a speed test to your site.

DSL Speed ​​Test

DSL Speed ​​Test measures the data transmission performance of your own DSL provider. Both upload and download data are checked and compared to other check values ​​from that DSL provider. DSL speed test provides important information about whether the quality of your own supplier matches the DSL contract. It can also provide information about whether your own network is experiencing significant fluctuations.

How does the DSL Speed ​​Test work in detail?

Speed ​​Test is a program available on a web server. When running a speed test using a web browser, the web server first transfers one or more files to the user's browser cache. If multiple files are used, they are designed with different sizes and with different compression. When transferring data, perhaps the first measurement of download speed. Subsequently, the data is transmitted back to the web server, so that the effectiveness of the downloaded files can be determined. As a rule, the data transfer speed of uploads is significantly worse than that of downloads.

What limitations should be considered in the measurement results?

However, it should be noted that the results of one measurement are not very significant. In parallel with the current measurement, other processes are running on the network that can affect the speed. Therefore, you should ensure that there are no more data transfers on the network during the test. In particular, only one computer on the network should be active. Only one instance of the browser should be running and other activities should be avoided on a given computer. It is also necessary to ensure that neither the antivirus nor any other program is updated at the time of testing. When all these things are taken into account, it is still necessary to take several measurements at different times in order to discover a universal value for DSL speed test results. If you have taken several measurements, you can easily determine the average value of the measurements as real speed transmissions for DSL connection.

DSL and Wi-Fi(WLAN)

The speed test has a big swing if you use Wi-Fi for it. Because an indoor WLAN may be affected by various factors in its performance capabilities. Often located in cities, many wireless networks conflict with each other, especially when they must operate on the same frequency. If you want good and meaningful results for your DSL speed test, you should try to connect via a wired network to the Internet. If necessary, you will have success even if you can make sure that your own wireless network has a frequency that is different from all the other wireless networks in the area.