What soil to plant cacti in. Creation of suitable soil

The main problem for beginning cactus growers, as a rule, is that, paying close attention to the composition of the earthen mixture - so much sand, so much clay, so much rotted leaf soil and peat crumbs - they forget about such an important thing as soil structure. And cacti are very demanding of it.

Cacti need rough and loose soil. This is achieved by adding gravel, coarse river sand, vermiculite mulch (loosening granules various shapes) etc. The soil for cacti should be coarse-grained and loose, well-permeable to air and water, and not contain any organic fertilizers such as manure, bird droppings or horny sawdust.

The ban on such components is explained by the fact that all organic fertilizers are very rich in nitrogen, but in cacti the need for it is extremely limited due to some physiological characteristics. Even a slight excess of nitrogen leads to undesirable and often dangerous changes in the normal development of the plant: its stem begins to quickly stretch, loosen, and become watery. The hairs and thorns weaken, the skin, which cannot keep up with the growth of the swelling stem, bursts, and ugly wounds and scars appear on it. Such plants lose their resistance and die easily, becoming victims of pests and any fungal infection.

The soil, of course, should not contain harmful substances, pests, disease germs and undecomposed organic matter. According to its structure, it needs to remain loose long time. Permeability is also important because cacti cannot tolerate the soil being loosened and dug up. It must also be sufficiently nutritious (it should be remembered that sufficient nutritional value from the point of view of cacti and from the point of view of, for example, fuchsia are different things). It is best to use a mixture that contains leaf humus, clay-turf soil and coarse river sand with crushed stone in any proportions that suit you. Here is the approximate composition of a universal mixture that is used in many collections:

- 2 parts (by volume) of leaf humus without twigs and knots;
- 2 parts of clay-turf soil, in lumps, without grass and roots;
- 2 parts of river sand, well washed to remove dust;
- 1 part charcoal and bricks (equal parts), crushed and sifted from dust.

To 3.5 liters of this mixture, add one teaspoon of crushed chalk or eggshells (that is, calcium carbonate, essentially), a handful of vermiculite mulch and one teaspoon of superphosphate.

By the way, there is a ready-made soil mixture on sale called: “Cactus soil.” It is intended for breeding such breeds as zygotocacti, epiphyllums, aporocacti, echinopsis, rebutia, parody, pseudolobivia, etc. The soil is optimal in acidity and the best way Suitable for growing the above plant species. Packaging volume - 2.5 l, 5 l. Hazard class - 4 (safe). This mixture has proven itself well and only requires the addition of a leavening agent (sand, expanded clay or brick chips). On the package ready-made mixtures it is always written down what groups of cacti it is suitable for this option, since they are formulated to suit the requirements of different plant groups.

Four-fifths of all cactus species will grow well in an all-purpose cactus mixture. And only the remaining one-fifth will need soil that meets its special requirements - or one devoid of natural nutrients and structural elements, or enriched with them. As a rule, we are talking about the addition of clay (especially for nodule species), lime (for example, Cephalocereus senilis) or humus soil (primarily for epiphytic species). To achieve water permeability and looseness of the soil, it is necessary to add to it, as already mentioned, sand, brick chips or peat in such an amount that these substances make up at least two-fifths, and maybe even half or a little more of the earth mixture.

It would be useful to dwell in a little more detail on the role and significance of each of components earthen mixture.

Crushed brick and peat in its composition play a dual role: pieces of it embedded in the ground make it more porous - this is the first thing. The second, most important purpose of both brick and peat is to serve as a soil moisture regulator. The fact is that these substances are very hygroscopic and therefore can absorb excess water during watering, slowly releasing it to the soil as it dries.

In terms of improvement physical properties land for cacti, these most commonly used structural substances are almost equivalent. Both brick chips and peat improve the soil due to their chemical effects. Both sand and brick chips can be used separately and in any combination with peat. At the same time, in combination they help neutralize the influence of their negative aspects. For example, brick chips not only loosen the soil, but also exceptionally maintain uniform moisture in it, disintegrating into dust after a few years, which contributes to its caking. Too sandy soil becomes light very quickly and dries out quickly. Peat, which supports the formation of roots in a plant, in case of an overdose can have an unfavorable effect after some time. chemical influence on the roots of some “capricious” species.

In the mentioned combination, you can use ground and washed expanded clay or crushed stone with a grain size of 3-4 mm as a substitute. In a culture under open air A smaller amount of these substances is sufficient than with a window. Finally, in a stuffy, humid greenhouse, they can make up half the cactus mixture. It is important that all these substances are clean and sterile. In addition, the brick chips must be sifted and washed so that they do not contain dust. Its grain size should be 3-5 mm.

Modern vermiculite mulches can be used as a loosening component. These are porous granules in the form of grains, flakes, etc. They regulate soil moisture and air permeability. Sold in flower shops.

It is better to mulch the soil surface with crushed stone
It is better to mulch the soil surface with crushed stone

Coarse sand. In cactus culture, this concept means river sand. It should be as coarse-grained as possible. Sand, previously washed clean in running water, is very important for giving the earth mixture the necessary looseness and porosity. If you use sea sand, you should not only wash it, but also for a long time keep in a container with fresh, frequently replaced water.

Cacti will grow well in clean brick chips if you add the necessary nutrients dissolved in water for irrigation. They can be added to every cactus mixture. Sometimes in this soil plants do not develop as we would like. But the point here may not be in the soil, but in diseases or pests that the cactus grower is not even aware of.

Leaf humus, that is, leaf soil, has several properties that are important for cacti, and it is very difficult to replace it with anything else. First of all, she's rich nutrients in a form already processed by soil bacteria, available for absorption by the plant. In addition, it is loose, light soil that absorbs water well, which is very important for cacti. It dries out much faster than clay, thereby preventing dangerous stagnation of water in the pot.

Will the organic, nutritious part of the soil for cacti contain leaf soil from the forest or a mixture of soil from various sources? The main condition is, first of all, the soil is healthy and clean. If you take it from the garden or vegetable garden, you should prefer the one that was fertilized three years ago, no later, and where legumes grew last year. As for forest humus, then, perhaps, beech leaf soil is best suited. Forest humus soil is loose and moderately fertile, but it can be so light that it can only be used in a mixture with clay soil. To do this, it is best to take soil from molehills on pastures - it has good breathability.

Clay soil firmly holds water and nutrient salts dissolved in it. Its lumps can be compared to tiny storehouses, releasing nutrition much more slowly than other soils. Viscosity and density clay soil are especially important when planting tall or large cacti, as this helps the roots more firmly hold the significant weight of the stem. But the admixture of dusty clay soil is extremely dangerous - it cements the soil.

The degree of looseness can be accurately determined by squeezing the soil in your fist. During this test, the fresh cactus mixture should remain in a lump, but with stronger compression it should crumble. If light compression does not form a soft lump, it means the soil is too loose, sandy or dry. Very heavy, clayey or wet soil remains in the lump. In the first case, you need to add clay, and in the second - sand, brick chips or peat. For epiphytic species, add light soil, but rich in humus and nutrients. Plants with turnip roots need heavier soil; you can add a little more clay to it. But sand is also necessary - for sufficient permeability.

Charcoal and sulfur in powder have anti-rot properties, which are very valuable in the culture of easily rotting cacti. In addition, they, like sand, contribute to soil looseness. For a liter of cactus mixture, you can add a little charcoal in the form of fine crumbs and a spoonful of sulfur powder, also a very good antiseptic.

Superphosphate not only enriches the soil with phosphorus, but also slightly acidifies it, which is very useful for cacti.

Our plants need lime not only for the formation of spines, hairs and bristles, but also for proper metabolism, which helps the normal absorption of nutrients. This component is added in larger quantities for some “lime-loving” species, for example, astrophytums and a number of white mamillaria. Lime is added to the soil in the form of crushed chalk, eggshells, and shells.

The degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil is usually indicated on the pH scale, indicating the concentration of hydrogen ions: pH less than 7 - acidic soil reaction; A pH of 7 is a neutral reaction; pH greater than 7 is an alkaline reaction.

Most cacti grow well in moderately acidic or neutral soil. As a result of constantly watering plants with hard water from a well or water supply, the soil becomes more and more alkaline, so it is necessary to update it from time to time.

The roots of cacti are so sensitive to soil alkalinity that already at pH = 7.5 the growth of most species stops, and at pH = 8-8.5 almost all of them die. Based on the results of observations, it was noted that cacti feel best in soil whose acidity is 5.5-6.

It must also be said that excess lime in the soil not only interferes with the growth and development of cacti, but also spoils them appearance, deposited on the lower part of the stem in the form of a dull yellowish-gray crust. At first, this crust is easy to remove with a soft brush - it is thin and fragile, and when touched, it falls off like a shell. But the longer this calcareous crust remains on the stem, the more difficult it is to remove. It seems to grow to it, eats away, and after removal, dark, dead spots remain on the skin of the plant, extremely ugly and rotting at the slightest damage.

Soil for cacti is a simple substrate, although multi-component. If you follow the instructions, even a novice gardener can make it at home. The quality of such soil is not inferior to store-bought soil; the main thing is to follow the manufacturing rules.

Primary requirements

Soil for cacti is not universal in itself. Different subspecies and varieties require different additional components in the soil. Houseplants are extremely picky about the soil in which they grow, due to the fact that the rhizome has the ability to absorb useful minerals and trace elements from the depths of the soil.

Ready-made soil (or elements for preparing the substrate yourself) can be purchased at any gardening store. The main requirements for both homemade and purchased land, This:

  1. The mixture should be loose and porous.
  2. The soil does not retain moisture.
  3. The substrate is low acid.

In addition, it is necessary to follow three rules for collecting soil from the street:

  1. You cannot take soil from flower beds. It may be saturated with pesticides and insecticides that were used before. Some of the subtypes of such substances are not washed away even after two to three months.
  2. The soil is not removed in winter. Even if you warm it up in the house and fry it in the oven, it will still be deprived of most of the necessary beneficial microelements.
  3. After collection, the soil should be carefully inspected for the presence of insects and egg laying.

Soil composition

You can plant cacti in the ground only after correct drafting mixtures. None of the components should be missed, otherwise the cactus may not take root or may begin to hurt. The composition of the soil includes:

  1. Leaf soil. This is the main component of the mixture, so it occupies 50 percent of the total volume (10/20). You need to use this subtype of soil because it is quite loose and acidic.
  2. G lindy-turf soil. This type of soil is necessary to retain moisture. It is added in a small ratio (2/20 parts), because cacti are accustomed to dry soil.
  3. Coarse sand (river). It is used as natural drainage (to add looseness). Makes up 2/20 of the volume of the substrate. The soil is also sprinkled with sand on top.
  4. Fired clay. It is replaced with small brick chips. Acts as natural drainage. Volumetric part – 2/20.
  5. Humus. The best option to create a good potting mix for cacti. You need to add very little, literally 1/20 of general composition.
  6. Peat. Not required for use, it only affects the acidity of the soil (increases it). 1/20 of the peat is added to the averaged substrate.
  7. Lime. It, unlike peat, reduces acidity. The volume is the same – 1/20.
  8. Charcoal. The best natural fertilizer, is added in a ratio of 2/20 parts. You can also make it yourself. It prevents the process of rotting and protects the roots.

When working on the ground, we must not forget about drainage. It consists of brick chips, pebbles and sand. The resulting mixture is placed on the bottom in a layer 1-2 centimeters thick (depending on the volume of the pot).

Soil preparation

Soil for cacti is prepared quickly and easily if you follow the following steps: simple requirements. First of all, you need to check the proportions. Each forgotten ingredient will negatively affect the mixture.

The second step when creating your own soil is to check the acidity. If the gardener bought the ingredients in the store, then you can simply look at the parameter of interest on the packaging. If the soil is prepared independently, then the acidity level is measured in the laboratory. For the same purpose, a special device is used at home.

It is also necessary to remember that when creating a substrate, all ingredients (except coal) are disinfected (if they were taken from the natural environment). This is done to kill harmful microorganisms and eggs. dangerous insects. The disinfection procedure is carried out in the oven, preheating it to 200 degrees. The process takes 2-3 hours, depending on how much mixture was loaded into the oven.

We must not forget that the composition of the soil differs depending on what type of cacti the gardener is working with. If you do not take into account the nuances of the area, you can kill the plant even with a mixture of the highest quality ingredients.

Those indoor cacti, which most often appear on the shelves of specialized stores, are the most unpretentious in care. For their comfortable living, you can purchase a regular soil mixture diluted with sand and pebbles. This option is the simplest and most economical.

Plain cacti are not so picky when it comes to choosing soil for growth. They prefer much looser soil, so in addition to sand and brick chips, small pebbles are added to the mix.

Desert cacti are more demanding on soil. They add more coarse sand to the soil mixture. Also, charcoal is not mixed into the soil for this type.

Special conditions requires nutritious soil for the Cereus family. They are the most capricious of the cacti, so more peat is mixed into the soil, and humus is added instead of brick chips.

Ready land

The right soil cacti need it to grow and develop faster. Of course, desert dwellers survive in standard soil without the necessary additives and even fertilizing, but in such an environment the plant will feel uncomfortable and often get sick.

Question for cactus correct selection soil is extremely important. This type of plant is wildlife It has a strong rhizome that goes deep into the soil. This is impossible at home, so the volume of soil in the pot acts as the many layers of soil that are available to the cactus in its normal habitat.

The substrate for cacti is a simple soil mixture that can be created by a gardener with any experience or even without it. When planting indoor crops in new soil The main thing is to remember that you won’t be able to create an ideal atmosphere for plants the first time. The gardener must prepare for the fact that the resulting substrate will have to be supplemented and revised a couple more times.

Cacti are evergreen plants that can often be found on the windowsills of many gardeners. at home it’s quite simple; they are not picky about their living conditions. But one feature still exists - cacti are very demanding on the composition of the soil. For good growth It is necessary to choose the right soil for cacti.

Soil composition

How to choose required composition land for cacti? Plants prefer soil to be rich in nutrients. Each type of cacti has its own soil requirements. Therefore, the soil for such plants should be selected as close as possible to the natural one. But most flower growers, to grow such plants, purchase soil in specialized stores, to which they then add the missing components or prepare it at home with their own hands.

For desert cacti, clay soil is best suited, but forest species need loose soil. But still, the soil must allow air and water to pass through it well, and also contain low level acidity (no more than 6.5). Should not also be present in the soil various fertilizers, because fertilizing contains nitrogen, which stimulates rapid growth, but this is not necessary for cacti.

Varieties of cacti such as Strombocactus, Ariocarpus, Blossfeldia have a predisposition to rotting; they are grown in moist soil, where they are laid a large number of stones.

Spiny varieties require more calcium than other species. In this case, crushed soil is added to the soil. eggshells.

To retain moisture well, you need to use turf soil; chernozem is not very suitable for this. Leaf soil contains a significant amount of nutrients; charcoal is an excellent antiseptic, thanks to which rotting can be prevented.

The acidity level of the earth is reduced using wood ash or dolomite flour.

Lime should be added to the soil only if it is necessary, for example, for astrophytums and other varieties that have long spines.

In order to make the soil more loose and breathable, you need to add coarse sand, fine expanded clay, small pebbles, vermiculite or pebbles to the soil composition. All of the above ingredients, except sand, must be added depending on the age and size of the plant. For example, a small fraction is good for young cacti, a large fraction is good for adults. Before preparing the required soil composition, it is recommended to disinfect all ingredients.

Soil preparation

What kind of soil is needed for cacti? For desert varieties, you should use a soil composition consisting of the following components:

  1. Leaf and turf soil;
  2. Peat;
  3. Coarse sand.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed well.

For plain cacti, soil made from the following elements is optimally suited:

  1. Turf land - 2;
  2. Leaf soil - 1;
  3. Peat - 1;
  4. Coarse sand and humus - 1.

Soil mixture for cacti of the Cereus family, you need a fertile one:

  1. Leaf and turf soil - 1;
  2. Humus - 1/4;
  3. Peat - 1.

The following soil is perfect for low-demanding plants:

  1. It is necessary to take ready-made land - 2;
  2. Coarse sand - 1;
  3. Gravel - 1.

Before planting, you need to take care of the drainage layer. You can use crushed stone or expanded clay as drainage. After laying the drainage layer, you need to pour soil, and then lay another layer of expanded clay or small pebbles on top, thanks to such actions you can prevent rotting of the root collar. However, a top drainage layer is not always used because it makes it difficult to control soil moisture levels.

Ready land

When choosing a universal ready-made soil for cacti, it is recommended to study in detail the composition, which should include leaf soil, turf soil, high peat, sand, as well as other ingredients - charcoal, dolomite flour. The composition may also contain vermicompost, but it must be added to such a soil mixture in small quantities.

Exists great amount ready-made soils, the most popular is the soil for cacti from the manufacturer “Vermion”, which includes biohomus, as well as the “Flower Happiness” mixture. A soil such as “Tropic for Cacti” is also a good choice.

Professionals advise adding certain necessary components to the purchased mixture, depending on the type of plant. It should be remembered that the soil for cacti must be loose and breathable, so your plant will develop well.


Cacti love bright colors sunlight. It is optimal to place a pot with a plant on a south window. At insufficient quantities light cactus develops poorly. Growth slowdown usually occurs in winter when daylight hours are too short. Some species require additional light. In warm weather, plants are taken out to Fresh air(balcony or street).

Cacti should be watered regularly. Abundant watering is necessary for those individuals who grow in a dry room, where heat. In summer, plants need to be watered every day, preferably in the morning. Boiled water should be used for irrigation. In autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. In winter, plants are moistened in small doses so that the soil does not dry out completely.

Cacti – original plants, discovered and brought to Europe by the first American colonists. Like many succulents, these unusual plants are able to live with a small amount of water and are very unpretentious. Therefore, they began to spread quite quickly in Europe - at first as exotic plants botanical gardens, and then in the collections of amateur flower growers.

Cacti differ from other succulents in their special structure - the result of long evolution. They have practically no leaves. Although scientists have described several species in which fully formed leaves can be seen on young shoots, this organ is absolutely atypical for cacti. All functions characteristic of leaves - photosynthesis and accumulation of water reserves - were taken over by the overgrown fleshy stem.

Cacti are distributed very widely in the tropical zone and arid regions of the temperate zone of both Americas. Some have mastered the highlands well, constantly experiencing the effects of temperature changes. Some species of cacti have been successfully acclimatized in Africa, Madagascar and other islands, on the shores of Mediterranean Sea. They even penetrated the shores of the Caspian Sea and the lower Volga. The main limiting factor for these unusual plants increased air humidity and, as a consequence, soil moisture. Capable of surviving the most extreme conditions, cacti can die from excessive watering.

Primary requirements

The soil prepared for cacti should be light. The basis of such land is sand, and its fraction is better coarse. The soil may contain gravel and rounded stones; brick chips are allowed. One of the most important requirements– drainage. Under no circumstances should the soil contain ingredients that can accumulate and retain moisture. This is exactly the kind of soil that other succulents need.

It is believed that for such undemanding plants, like cacti, any pot will do. However, when choosing it, you must remember that in a narrow pot moisture is retained longer - the surface area through which evaporation occurs is small. The least suitable would be plastic pot, it does not absorb moisture at all.

Properly selected soil and, accordingly, a container for it can bring the growing conditions of your prickly pet as close as possible to the optimal conditions in which its wild-growing counterparts live.

Soil composition

The natural soil that cacti love is a mixture various kinds clastic material: sand and gravel of various fractions, dust particles blown by the wind, as well as silt deposited by rainfall streams. That is, there may not be any strict structure in such soil. The most suitable for cacti different soil. Village pensioners - lovers of exotic flowers - have been planting cacti in a pot with soil collected from the garden for decades. And it should be noted that their cacti grew quite well and even bloomed regularly. For the sake of truth, it must be said that, as a rule, the most undemanding species were distributed among such gardeners.

For a houseplant that was destined to become our pet, of course, we must try to create the most comfortable conditions. To do this, before planting it, it is still better to try to get acquainted with the conditions in which it grows in its historical homeland.

Different types of cacti can be inhabitants of not only different natural areas or altitudinal zones, but also different hemispheres. Their diversity is enormous, and if you add breeding forms and many other succulents, you can imagine how wide the range of their requirements for the composition and structure of the soil is.

The soil for cacti at home can be made up of a variety of elements.

  • Soddy clay soil. Can be obtained in areas with undisturbed or restored herbaceous vegetation.
  • Garden (greenhouse) soil. Can be collected from any garden bed or garden.
  • Forest or garden soil, formed by rotting leaves.
  • Humus, soil richly fertilized with organic matter from fields or gardens.
  • River sand. Can be collected from the river bank or any sand quarry.
  • Brick chips. Helps remove and accumulate excess moisture from the soil.
  • Charcoal in ground powder form. Inhibits the development of putrefactive bacteria.
  • Pebbles, fine gravel. All this is necessary to make the soil more porous and permeable.
  • Zeolite (processed clay). This is the main filler element cat litter. The element promotes absorption and retention of moisture.

Thus, artificial soil for cacti must contain natural springs minerals in the form of a certain amount of garden, turf or vegetable soil, elements that actively absorb and retain moisture, reducing the negative effect of overflow, elements that structure the soil (sand, pebbles, gravel), and a natural antiseptic in the form of charcoal.

For different cacti, the proportions of these basic elements can vary greatly.

Selection of ready-made substrate

You don’t have to think too hard when choosing ingredients for planting cacti. Ready-made soil for these plants can be purchased at most stores that specialize in selling indoor plants.

The advantages of this choice are obvious. It is not always possible to find ingredients suitable for creating a mixture. The origin of gravel is not always known, and there may even be doubts about its composition. Therefore, sometimes it is better to purchase a ready-made substrate compiled by specialists. However, we must remember that the basis of most ready-made soils is peat, and its high content is undesirable for cacti. When choosing a ready-made substrate, it is this ingredient that you should pay special attention to.

The best soil composition for cacti can be considered:

  • based on lowland peat;
  • classified as “fertilized”.

Often, bags of soil suitable for cacti are labeled “For cacti and succulents.”

How to make the mixture yourself?

Some professional gardeners prefer to make a soil mixture for their pets with their own hands. The arguments in favor of such a choice are no less obvious than against it. When making a mixture at home, the gardener is always sure what and in what proportions he added to it. Some lovers indoor plants make up a universal soil from the ingredients they have on hand, for example, on their summer cottage in summer time. This mixture can be successfully stored in a city apartment. When planting a new cactus, preparing the soil for it is not difficult. Knowing what the prepared soil contains and in what proportions, you can always add what is required in each specific case.

Such a universal composition can be represented as follows:

  • 2 parts leaf humus;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts coarse sand;
  • 0.5 parts each of crushed charcoal and brick chips.

Pebbles and gravel can be mixed in the same volume with sand. Such a mixture can become a substrate for those cacti whose origin could not be determined.

Cacti have successfully mastered various biocenoses of the New World, but they can still be divided into several main ecological groups - each such group needs its own composition of soil ingredients. Ideally, of course, it would be great to select for each plant exactly the soil that has become its native substrate. But this is completely unfeasible.

Cacti that have mastered ecological niche deserts, can successfully grow in soil prepared from equal parts turf and leaf soil, peat and coarse river sand with pebbles.

Plain cacti can grow in soil made up of two parts of turf soil and one part each: forest soil, garden soil, peat, coarse sand with pebbles or gravel.

Large cacti of the Cereus genus grow and develop well in soil containing equal amount sand, forest and turf soil and half of the peat.

All cacti need drainage system, which can be created using expanded clay and gravel. The first is located at the bottom of the pot, and the second can be used as top drainage.

Soil care

Like any cultivated soil, soil for cacti requires care. Before planting plants, it must be calcined or steamed. To do this, you need to place some part of it in a metal container in an oven preheated to 100°C.

Watering – necessary condition normal growth and development of plants. Cacti, like many other indoor plants, require different levels of watering depending on the season. On hot summer days, you can water at least every day, but so that the soil does not accumulate moisture, but remains crumbly. When sunlight decreases and in winter, soil moisture should be reduced. In winter, when plants practically do not grow (insufficient lighting), watering can be reduced to 1-2 times a month.

Fertilizer must be added to the soil for cacti regularly, for example, before intensive growth begins in the spring. Cacti need the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium salts.

For normal plant development, it is necessary to carry out measures aimed at combating soil organisms that pose a danger to indoor plants. The most widespread insect is the mealy root bug. As the name suggests, this creature spoils root system, which affects plant growth. The scale insect can crawl from one pot to another, expanding the infestation. It can be very difficult to detect and exterminate it. Flower growers recommend periodically, for example, once a week, spraying your pet with a special insecticidal composition for prevention.

So on this moment There are 3 types of coryphantas, which are already touching each other with thorns and plaintively asking to be placed in separate pots:

Before planting, I simply wash the pots with soap, but I will prepare the soil mixture fresh.
The recipe is universal, suitable for almost all cacti (with the exception of Schlumberger, rhipsalis and others like them, they like a more nutritious mixture with more humus and less sand), and in general, over time, everyone selects a suitable mixture for themselves through experience. The main thing here is its structure, it should be crumbly and allow moisture and air to pass through well.
I prepare the following composition:
1 part leaf soil
1 part turf soil
1 part coarse river sand
1/2 part brick chips (pumice, lava, fine expanded clay)
1/8 part of peat ("store" soil).
It’s also good to add a little vermiculite, it prevents the roots from rotting.
Some people add crushed eggshells to the soil, but not all cacti tolerate the presence of lime well, only species with powerful, strong spines. That's why I never put it down.

I have not used purchased soils for cacti for a long time, because they contain lowland peat, high-moor peat and chemical fertilizers. Peat is very poorly wetted with water and loses everything beneficial features in a couple of years.
Simple soil contains everything necessary for the successful growth and flowering of a plant. The land must be taken from a garden, a summer house, a forest belt, or, as a last resort, from a city park. Best of all - from under linden or birch. Under coniferous trees there is no need to take land, there is plenty there essential oils from fallen pine needles.
The best turf soil is in heaps next to mole holes

It is desirable that the soil be clean, without grass, humus, twigs, etc.
I send the collected soil together with purchased peat to steam in a water bath to kill all pests and their larvae. I put a sieve on an old pan of water, cover it with gauze and fill it with soil. I put the structure on the fire for an hour and a half:

I wash the sand with water to remove debris and fry it on a sheet in the oven:

Here it is closer after the oven - large with pebbles:

Construction sand is not used, it is fine, and because of it the earth will only be compressed into stone.

I also prepare the brick chips myself: I wrap the brick in a rag and break it with a hammer. Then I sift through the fragments, use the small ones, and chop the larger ones further.

To disinfect, just scald them with boiling water.

I mix everything and get a crumbly mixture that absorbs moisture well:

It all seems so long and complicated, but in reality you need to dig up the soil in advance and collect sand on the beach. Disinfection takes an hour and a half, but it’s better to be on the safe side than to treat all sorts of troubles later or ruin your favorite plant.

Let us finally move on to the transplantation process itself. There are several ways to plant in a pot: in a hole, if the plant has small roots; on the contrary, on a “hill” of soil, when the roots are long, etc. landing “in the horizon”, which is the most attractive to me.

Usually, before transplanting, the plant is not watered for a week so that the soil is dry - this way the small roots are less damaged. We inspect the roots for the absence of rotting roots and woolly lumps, which indicates the presence of root mealybugs. If this happens, it is necessary to immerse the root system in an insecticide solution for several minutes. Rotten roots can be cut off with scissors, sprinkling the cut area with crushed coal.

The pot is selected 2-3 cm larger than the root system. Cacti do not like containers that are too spacious; because of this, they may even stop growing for a long time and not bloom.
Drainage holes I'm closing broken brick or fine expanded clay (layer approximately 1 cm):

After transplantation, the plants are not watered for a week so that the wounds caused by the roots can heal. I just spray the cactus with a spray bottle. You should also avoid direct sunlight.

Sorry for the many photos, I hope the material will be useful.