Vitamin mixture of dried fruits and honey to strengthen the immune system, a classic recipe. Dried fruit mixture to boost immunity

Strong immunity is the basis of human health. If the protective forces for one reason or another are reduced, then the risk of diseases of various organs and systems of the body increases. Among the most effective means To enhance immunity, a vitamin mixture of dried fruits is included. Dry fruits are especially useful in winter and spring, when the body lacks vitamins. A mixture of dried fruits can be used to strengthen the immune system in both adults and children.

What are the benefits of dried fruit mixture?

Doctors and nutritionists recommend including a variety of dry fruits and berries, which have many beneficial properties, in your daily diet. Any dried fruits contain various vitamins and microelements, mineral salts and organic acids, as well as fiber, pectin and other substances that are very important for our body. Particularly significant and valuable products include dried apricots, prunes and raisins. It is these ingredients that are usually included in the vitamin mixture, which is used to improve immunity.

Dried apricots

Dried pitted apricots contain a large number of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and a number of other trace elements. Dried apricots are also highly valued for the presence of vitamins A, C, E and group B. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), dry apricots are the strongest natural antioxidant. Dried apricots help remove toxins, waste and bad cholesterol from the body. Regular consumption of dried apricots increases the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses.


Plum different varieties in dried form it is as useful as dried apricots. Prunes contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E and K. This product is rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and other trace elements. Dried plums are famous for the presence of dietary fiber necessary for human life. Doctors advise eating prunes to strengthen the immune system, normalize the digestive system, and improve the water-salt balance in the body.


Dry grapes, like other components of the vitamin mixture, also have strengthening, preventive and healing properties. Thanks to the high content of vitamins C, K and group B, as well as organic acids and various microelements, raisins can improve immunity. Dried grapes are a very strong natural antioxidant. The main benefits of raisins include a calming effect. Dried grapes can relieve nervousness and irritability.

Honey, lemon and walnuts

As a rule, honey, fresh lemon and walnuts are added to a vitamin mixture of dried fruits that improves immunity. In combination with these food products, the beneficial effect of dry fruits on the human body and its immune system increases significantly. Walnuts contain various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It contains phytoncides - biologically active substances that can destroy harmful microbes in the human body.

Huge benefit bee honey known since ancient times. This one is delicious and very useful product is a natural source vitality, energy, health and longevity. Experts say that honey contains more than 100 substances and elements necessary for humans. It consists mainly of simple carbohydrates, which are quite quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Honey is famous for its antibacterial, antiviral and antihistamine properties.

Mix recipe

Usually, to prepare a vitamin mixture that improves immunity, dried fruits are taken in equal amount. However, this ratio of ingredients is not strictly fundamental. The prepared mixture may well be dominated by dried apricots, prunes or raisins. In any case, you will get a healing composition that will be a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. A mixture based on dried fruits, taken in arbitrary proportions, can significantly strengthen the immune system.

To prepare the healing composition you can take:

  • a glass of prunes;
  • a glass of dried apricots;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • medium sized lemon;
  • glass of peeled walnuts;
  • half a glass of honey.

Before preparing the vitamin mixture, you must thoroughly rinse the dried fruits and pour them warm water for 20-30 minutes. The lemon should be washed, cut into several slices, after which all the seeds should be removed. Then dried fruits, lemon with zest and walnuts are passed through a meat grinder or crushed using a blender. The resulting mixture is stirred (it is advisable to use a wooden spoon for this purpose) and poured with liquid honey.

Other ingredients can be added to the mixture. Dried figs, dates, and dried persimmons would be quite appropriate. Owners of garden plots can dry grown apples, pears, black currants, and raspberries in the summer. These fruits and berries also have beneficial properties. Walnuts can be supplemented with hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts or hazelnuts. Each of these gifts of nature contains various vitamins and nutrients.

How to take a vitamin mixture correctly

It is recommended to store the finished composition in glass jar in a refrigerator. The mixture should be taken before meals or in intervals before meals 3 times a day, one teaspoon or dessert spoon. For those whose body is weakened after illness, you can increase the daily norm to 4-5 spoons. Do not consume the mixture after 18 hours. Prunes and walnuts are considered heavy foods, so they must be digested in the stomach before going to bed.

After the mixture is finished, it can be prepared again according to the same recipe. After 2-3 weeks of taking this remedy, you should take a week break. People with severely weakened immune systems are recommended to take the healing composition continuously for two months. Then you need to take a break for 1 week. A mixture based on dried fruits can be given to a child from 3 years of age if he does not have allergic reactions to nuts, dried fruits or honey containing plant pollen.

During the period of weakening protective functions The body (autumn and winter) needs to make every effort to avoid encountering viruses.

To do this, the most logical thing to do is go to the pharmacy and buy vitamin complex with high protection rates.

However, there is nothing better than making your own vitamin mixture from dried fruits andnuts with honey. Will help boost immunity or provide resistance to virusesnuts, dried apricots, honey, lemon, raisins and prunes.
Easy to make and store, the mixture will become an indispensable product for home use.

The basis of the mixture is dried fruits, which by their nature can retain their properties for a long time. Due to the fact that they contain a small amount of moisture, and it is in a condensed form, their concentration increases significantly.

Dried fruits are widely used for healthy, sports nutrition and as a preventive measure for various diseases. They help fill the body with pectins, fiber, mineral salts, organic acids, being a real biostimulant for the body.
If you look at each component, then this is simply a panacea: dried apricots are a source of potassium, prunes heal the intestines, raisins nourish the brain, nuts are a source of polyunsaturated fats that reduce the risk of heart disease; there is no doubt about the benefits of honey. Well, the combination of honey with nuts in general is a unique product that allows you to activate metabolic processes, has a tonic and general strengthening effect, helps restore strength after physical and mental stress. Therefore, the vitamin mixture It is very useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, for strengthening the immune system, and for normalizing hemoglobin in the blood. It is also useful for some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cooking process:

Cooking time: 10 min


  • 200 g dried apricots
  • 200 g raisins
  • 200 g prunes
  • 200 g walnuts
  • 3 tbsp. honey
  • 1 medium lemon
Pour boiling water over dried fruits for 5-10 minutes
Dry kitchen towel. Remove the pits from the prunes.
Wash nuts
Place the lemon in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then let it cool in the same water. This will make the zest softer and remove bitterness.
Cut the lemons into slices and remove the seeds (so that the mixture does not acquire a bitter taste).
Grind and add lemon to dried fruits.
I crushed it using a blender, but it’s more convenient to grind everything in a meat grinder.
Grind the prepared ingredients (all except honey) in a meat grinder until smooth.
Mix the resulting mixture with honey (preferably liquid).
Don't worry if you get a lot of mixture, it will keep well for a long time.

Transfer to a clean jar and store in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

The vitamin mixture of dried fruits and honey is ready! As you can see from the recipe, it is very easy to prepare a healthy and tasty mixture of dried fruits.

Please note that the vitamin mixture is very high in calories.

Calories: per 25 g: 82.7 kcal; proteins - 1.34 g; fats - 3.38 g; carbohydrates - 12.7 g.

In 100g. the mixture contains about 350 kcal, proteins 5.4 g. fats 13.60g, carbohydrates 50.8g.

A mixture of processed dried fruits and honey with nuts is ideal for drinking with tea. Thus, in one day of taking such a vitamin mixture, a person receives all the necessary components to satisfy his body’s needs for vitamins and microelements


1. Be sure to pour boiling water over all dried fruits; if the dried fruits are too dry, you can soak them. Then place them on a dry towel and let them dry well.

2. Any nuts must be heated in a frying pan or in the oven before using them. If you use peanuts instead of walnuts, you must first dry them thoroughly in the oven or in a frying pan and peel them.

3. It's best to take this “medicine” 1 teaspoon for children and 1 tablespoon - 25 g - for adults on an empty stomach. Particular care should be taken when feeding children under 3 years of age. This is due to the possibility of allergic reactions tonuts with honeyfor the little ones.
Since there are simple sugars here, there is no need to indulge in this in the evening.

5. If you want to experiment and vary your mixture, you can use figs, dates, peanuts, hazelnuts.

6. If suddenly you are allergic to honey or you simply don’t like it, you can remove it from the mixture or replace it with berry jam
Based on materials from,

By the way, very often a lack of vitamins causes poor health and fatigue. To avoid this condition, try to pamper your body more often with a vitamin mixture, which also has its own taste qualities surpasses the best treats!
Vitamin mixture of dried fruits and nuts with honey - great way cheer yourself up in the morning.

The body will thank you :o)!

The main task of the human immune system is to protect the body from harmful bacteria and viruses that cause various diseases. Immunity is complex mechanism, consisting of many cells, tissues and organs related in action.

Biological aggressors attack from all sides human body, every now and then testing his immunity for strength. An organism with a strong immune defense will be able to cope with any viruses and bacteria using its own protective functions. However, what to do if the immune system has weakened and can no longer cope with protecting health.

Very often, vitamin deficiency and a decrease in immunity are veiled and do not manifest themselves in frequent illnesses, but in general malaise. A person feels frequent headache, dizziness and even surges in blood pressure. The search for the cause very often reaches a dead end and does not give positive results. Feeling the first symptoms, you can carry out simple therapy to restore immunity and find that the ailments have disappeared.

If you want to increase your protective functions, do not rush to take immunomodulatory drugs. Such therapy is a serious intervention in the immune system and is not always justified.

The most common cause of weakening of the body is a lack of essential vitamins and microelements. Restoring the balance of nutrients can be done using natural products. A vitamin mixture for immunity will not harm either an adult or a child.

Daily attacks on the human body by harmful bacteria and viruses are not noticeable until the immune system works correctly and fully. However, it will not be superfluous to take care of its strengthening before the onset of symptoms of a decrease in its functions. The main signs of malfunction protective system can be attributed:

  • Frequent headaches
  • fast fatiguability
  • drowsiness
  • irritability
  • frequent occurrence of respiratory diseases
  • general malaise and loss of strength
  • deterioration of hair, nails and skin

Having noticed the first symptoms of a disorder, you can resort to using a mixture of dried fruits for immunity.

Unique properties of components

A vitamin mixture to strengthen the immune system, made from selected ingredients, is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Taking such products helps normalize blood pressure, normalize hemoglobin, replenish lost vitamins and strengthen the heart. vascular system. Such a cocktail helps to avoid the appearance of plaques, eliminate the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and prevent atherosclerosis, strengthening the body’s overall defense against viruses and microbes.

Useful properties of dried apricots. Dried apricots are the main source of magnesium and potassium, these properties allow the product to take a leading place in benefits for the cardiovascular system. In addition, the dried fruit is filled with sucrose, fructose, pectin, vitamin B and calcium. Organic acids, which dried apricots are rich in, help remove from the body heavy metals. The general effect of the product on the body is:

  • iron replenishment
  • helps the body fight negative impact on microflora when taking antibiotics
  • restores essential vitamins to boost immunity
  • helps cleanse yourself of toxins
  • has a diuretic effect
  • removes free cholesterol from the blood
  • carries out prevention against the occurrence of cancer tumors
  • helps regulate hormonal levels

Useful properties of raisins. Raisins contain high levels of potassium, magnesium and vitamin H (biotin).

The main effect on the body is:

  • the presence of a colossal amount of iron
  • the presence of boron in the composition helps absorb calcium, which enters the body
  • the presence of antioxidants, which are necessary to boost immunity
  • raisin compote and steamed fruits help fight the signs of ARVI and activate the immune system to fight

Beneficial features walnut. The beneficial properties of this component lie in the saturation of the nut kernel with polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. The product is also rich in iodine and, in addition to restoring the immune system, has a tonic effect on the body and improves memory. Due to its properties, the vitamin mixture for immunity is used for children.

The unique properties of honey have been obvious for a long time. Beekeeping products have always been famous as a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial strengthening properties. The products contain a record content of vitamins A, P and B, as well as potassium, magnesium and pectin.

Thanks to good combination microelements, honey helps improve mood, relieve fatigue and help fight viral infections. No mixture for strong increase immunity will not be complete without adding honey.

Useful properties of figs. The main components for which figs are valued are magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It is potassium that helps nervous system cope with stress and direct all the body’s forces to strengthen the immune system.

The features and properties of dates lie in the energy value of the product. fruits help maintain normal activity of humans and the entire body. Dates are oversaturated with tryptophan. This element lifts your mood and provokes the production of the happiness hormone.

Useful properties of prunes. The beneficial properties of the fruit include preventive actions against intestinal diseases. Prunes work to cleanse the stomach and have a mild laxative effect.

Making a miracle cocktail

Before starting home therapy, you should make sure that such components can be used individually.

  • overweight people. In addition to the variety of useful elements that the cocktail is endowed with, a mixture of such products is quite high-calorie dish. Therefore, patients with overweight it is either contraindicated or allowed in strictly limited quantities
  • patients with a history of ulcers and inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenum
  • patients with a history of diabetes mellitus. Due to the rich content of sucrose and glucose
  • patients with individual intolerance and allergies to certain ingredients. However, in case of intolerance to one component, you can choose a different recipe.

The most common options for vitamin candies and cocktails

Immunity mixture with honey and dried fruits. To take 500 grams of raisins, 500 grams of dried apricots, 500 grams of dried prunes and 500 grams of nuts. Grind all ingredients in a bowl or cut using a food processor.

Combine the finished chopped mixture with 0.5 l. honey and stir in 2 lemons, crushed in a blender without seeds. Mix the mixture well and store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Eating dried fruits with honey for immunity can be done in a dose of 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Nut mixture to improve the tone and protective functions of the body. Chopped or twisted ingredients in the following proportions: 200 g dried prunes, 100 g date fruits, 100 g raisins, 200 g apricots, mix and add 300 g honey to the mixture.

To the resulting mass you need to add nut mixture, which may include a choice of nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pine, hazelnuts and peanuts. The total mass of nuts can be up to 300g. The mixture to increase general immunity, take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Paste of dried fruits and seeds to improve immunity. ABOUT beneficial properties No one dares to argue about dried fruits and nuts, and many people use classic recipes for vitamin cocktails. However, you can prepare a mixture of dried fruits with honey and seeds.

To do this, you need to chop 200 g of dried apricots and raisins, mix with chopped dates and figs, in an amount of 100 g. Pour the twisted mass with liquid honey, measuring approximately 200 g. Add 150 g of crushed or chopped seeds to the resulting mass. You can choose the seeds used for the mixture at your discretion. Of the main properties that various seeds have, the following can be noted:

You can determine the most convenient recipe for a vitamin mixture for yourself individually by trying different recipes and choosing a combination of ingredients to suit your taste.

Preparing the ingredients for cooking is quite simple. you just need to rinse dried fruits under warm water for immunity running water and grind the dry ones in a meat grinder or blender.

Rules for using the vitamin course

The use of dried fruit paste does not require strict recommendations. However, allergic reactions should not be neglected and the dose should be exceeded to consume more than 3 tablespoons per day. It is better to use the complex 15-20 minutes before meals, on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to drink water after taking it, as it can disrupt the required vitamin composition in the required proportion.

The vitamin mixture is not recommended for children under three years of age due to the high elegance of the elements included in the composition. For children after one year, you can prepare mixtures without honey or with a small amount of it. The introduction of the paste can begin with ¼ teaspoon and gradually increase to 1 teaspoon per day. Long-term use is not recommended for children.

For pregnant women, the mixture is dangerous, in case of allergies in the child in the womb or after birth. Therefore, during pregnancy, due to the inability to monitor the reaction of the fetus, you should refrain from using vitamin paste.


What are the benefits of dried fruit mixtures?

Any housewife knows that dried fruits are suitable for compotes. But these dried fruits are a real storehouse of health.

Nature gives us a large amount of useful substances found in fruits and berries. And not only when they are fresh.

Dried fruits are able to retain these substances for quite a long time. After all, fresh fruits and berries spoil quickly. Dried fruits can be used to treat many diseases. And this is a very pleasant treatment!

Ideal recipe: just eat dried fruits.

Everything else is just an addition (infusions, baths, face and hair masks).

It is difficult to overestimate the healing effect of dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, dates, bananas, peaches, figs, mangoes, papaya, persimmons, pineapple, raisins, rosehips, cranberries, barberries.

They will help you with diseases such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia and a tendency to thrombosis, constipation and poor vision, diseases thyroid gland, kidneys and liver, gastritis and obesity

A mixture of dried fruits to boost immunity will come in handy during colds, viral infections, or simply with spring vitamin deficiency. After all, after winter, there are no longer natural healthy fruits and vegetables on store shelves, so you need to replenish your vitamin reserves from home-cooked foods.

Dried fruits with honey are for immunity and more, since they increase protection and increase hemoglobin levels, provide a surge of strength, have a positive effect on the heart and vascular system, and saturate the body with potassium.

A mixture containing nuts is especially necessary and useful. With the addition of honey and lemon, the potion acquires an excellent taste and enriches the organs and every system with vitamins. Preparing sweet paste, which includes dried fruits, is quite simple and does not require a lot of time and money. This good help vitamin preparations and expensive mineral complexes from the pharmacy. Moreover, the product is recommended for long-term use.

Classic recipe:

Vitamin mixture of dried fruits and honey to strengthen the immune system:

  • Prunes - 200 g.
  • Dried apricots - 200 g.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts - 200 g.
  • Raisins - 200 g.
  • Honey – 4 tbsp.

Pour boiling water over dried apricots and prunes for 10 minutes. Then dry with a towel. Remove the pits from the prunes. Cut the lemon into thin slices and remove the seeds. Peel the nuts, fry a little in a frying pan or heat in the oven. Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder or blender. Add honey and mix well. Store the mixture in a glass container with a lid in the refrigerator.

This mixture compensates for the seasonal lack of essential vitamins and microelements. Strengthens health and immunity.

The vitamin mixture will appeal to both adults and children. This remedy should be taken in the following dosage: Children over 3 years old – 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Adults – 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Children under 3 years old should not be given this mixture, as it contains allergens such as honey and nuts. But you can go the other way: instead of honey, put berry jam, and don’t add nuts at all.

Mixture of Academician Amosov:

The second version of the mixture is not only useful for the immune system, but also for the heart, blood vessels, general strengthening and nourishing the body. Some call it a mixture of Academician Amosov (a famous cardiologist), who recommended using it every day for absolutely everyone: sick people, healthy people, convalescent people, adults, and even more so children, 2-3 teaspoons three times a day .

Ingredients of the vitamin mixture for immunity:

  • raisins – 200 grams;
  • dried figs – 200 grams;
  • dried apricots – 200 grams;
  • walnuts – 200 grams;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • honey – 200 grams.

How to cook:

The lemon needs to be washed well with a sponge, scalded, cut into pieces, and the seeds removed so that there is no bitterness.

  1. Rinse raisins, dried apricots, figs well, steam, and allow excess water to drain.
  2. Peel the walnuts.
  3. Pass all this through a meat grinder or grind with a blender.
  4. Add honey and mix well in the blender again or mix with a spoon.

The mixture of dried fruits is ready, now we can regularly use this remedy, 1 teaspoon, between meals, 2-3 times a day. This way we can strengthen our immune system and forget about colds and other diseases.

We use this remedy until it runs out, then we take a break for 1-2 months and we can repeat it again.

Useful properties of dried fruits from the given recipes:


Raisins, as you know, are dried grapes. Dark raisins are considered the most nutritious and healthy. Its calorie content is quite high: 300 kcal per 100 g. Raisins contain many healthy carbohydrates, organic acids, dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals.

Potassium, which is found in raisins, is useful for the functioning of the kidneys and heart muscle, metabolism, and maintaining normal blood composition. Thanks to nicotinic acid, which is part of the B vitamin group, raisins have relaxing properties, which is valuable for the functioning of the nervous system.

Raisins can be used for poisoning and swelling: having a diuretic effect, it promotes elimination from the body excess liquid and toxins. Raisins can ease the course of diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and cure dysentery.

It is useful for weakness and anemia, helps to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients during pregnancy. Organic acids in raisins help keep teeth and gums healthy.


A decoction of figs in water or milk is useful for inflammatory processes. respiratory tract. Figs have diuretic properties, they stabilize the flora of the stomach and strengthen the kidneys. It is believed that figs have the property of dissolving blood clots. Fig fruits are used as a laxative and are useful for anemia and liver diseases.

Dried apricots:

Dried apricots are dried apricots. Or rather, halves of fruits. A variety of dried apricots are kaisa (apricots, dried whole) and apricots, which contain a seed, it dries directly on the tree, this is the technology.

Dried apricots are traditionally used in the treatment of heart diseases.

She is distinguished by high nutritional value and is a natural fat burner.

Despite the high carbohydrate content, they are well absorbed and do not turn into fat, as is usually the case with other foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates.

Dried apricots are high in calories, and the dietary fiber it contains actively contributes to better job intestines and remove accumulated toxins from the body.


Prunes are unique in that when dried they retain the valuable substances that fresh plums are so rich in. Prunes contain glucose, sucrose and fructose, from 9 to 17%, as well as various organic acids - citric, malic, oxalic and even a small amount of salicylic.

Prune pulp contains nitrogenous and tannin substances and is rich in vitamins P, A, C, B1 and B2. Among the minerals, prunes contain a lot of potassium, iron and phosphorus. The energy value of prunes is quite high - 264 kcal.

Prunes are one of the most effective means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The potassium contained in prunes helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke.

Prunes are rich in antioxidants, they absorb free radicals that destroy the body. This excellent prevention oncological diseases.