A bull man in love. Psychological portrait of a bull man

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Bulls make very Good friends- reliable and faithful. But as sexual partners they are not always at their best. This is due to the fact that the Ox is too slow and in some ways even a lazy animal. It is difficult to stir him up, to provoke him. But if he is truly passionate about someone, then there will be no rest from him during the day, much less at night.

Oxen can be very passionate in bed, especially if they really like their partner. In general, when it comes to sex, the Bulls cannot be called addicted people. They rarely change partners without special reasons. Since sex is far from the most important place in their lives, they are not in danger of breaking up with their partner due to sexual incompatibility. If the Ox leaves someone, then the reasons will be much deeper and more serious.

The Ox cannot be called a skilled lover: in sex, as in everything else, he is not very inventive, but still rarely goes “to the left” in search of new sensations. He's too lazy for that.

The Ox chooses a sexual partner for a long time and meticulously; he will not share a bed with just anyone. The Ox places high demands on both the partner’s appearance and his intellectual abilities.

Outwardly, Oxen rarely look sexy. They are not perceived as an object of sexual passion. But nevertheless, an experienced eye will be able to identify him as a reliable and faithful person, even in bed.

If you do not need a passionate and fiery lover, but need a permanent and reliable partner for intimate relationships, then you will not find a better companion than the Ox. Of course, in a relationship with him you will not have serial passions, but you will be guaranteed good and regular sex.

Ox Man ideal as a lover for an Ox woman, a Snake woman, or a Tiger woman. There will not necessarily be a warm and conflict-free relationship between them, but as sexual partners these signs are most suitable for each other.

A Ox woman will spend unforgettable moments of sexual pleasure with an Ox man, a Rabbit man and a Dragon man.

In general, Oxen look at sex as an integral part of their life, but do not put it on a pedestal. They will never refuse to spend a pleasant time in the company of a person they sympathize with, but they will not ruin their plans or sacrifice anything because of sex.

In their sexual relationships, Oxen are far from disorderly; they love order in everything: both in business and in their intimate life. The Ox will never date several partners at the same time. If a person appears on the horizon with whom the Ox wants to start a sexual relationship, while at the same time being in a relationship with someone else, he will first break off relations with his previous partner, and only then begin them with another person.

At the first sexual encounters, the Ox will not show himself fully; first he needs to look around, and only then he will show himself in all his glory. Therefore, many people believe that Oxen are bad lovers.

Bulls begin sexual life at the most optimal age for this. It rarely happens that they enter into intimacy with members of the opposite sex too early or too late. Usually they have their first sexual experience quite traditionally. As a rule, this happens in bed, as they say, with all the amenities. It’s not that there is no romance in this, it’s just that the Bulls prefer the usual, convenient and familiar way of first intimacy in nature or at the entrance.

Throughout their lives, Oxen become neither better nor worse in sex. Over the years they do not gain experience in sexual relations, but the fantasy that they are endowed with by nature does not fade away in them.

For all their balance, Oxen can nevertheless be very active and passionate in sex if they are properly warmed up. If the partner is ideal for the Ox, then the two of them will be able to create a very harmonious couple in an intimate sense.

The bull is an independent animal, and this character trait is reflected in sex. He does not like any framework or restrictions; if he does not want to be close to someone, then it will be impossible to restrain him by any force.

Since all Oxen are honest and straightforward natures, they manifest themselves in the same way in sex. You will immediately feel if you start to bore the Ox in bed. He will not be able to hide his disappointment and indifference.

Sex horoscope for other signs:

(from 02/15/1961, from 02/03/1973, from 02/20/1985, from 02/07/1997)

He is always full of different experiences and emotions. He is attached to his home and close people. That is why they carefully choose those who he will really like. At the same time, he has a very tough character, and in appearance gives the impression of a gentle and vulnerable guy who needs care. Most often he hides his temperament, since it is more convenient for him to live in his own cozy world.

Characteristics of a Cancer Ox man in LOVE

He is very gentle and malleable in love. However, he prefers to hide in his armor so as not to experience unnecessary suffering. He is subject to frequent mood swings, so it can be difficult to find him mutual language. His moods especially change when he needs to make a choice. As a result, he often loses his position, but thanks to his intuition he can quickly establish previous relationships.

He sometimes does extraordinary things that don't fit with his image, but usually this happens when he is truly in love and interested in a relationship. It should be noted that he can always unobtrusively and gently dictate his will and impose any decision on his partner. Moreover, most often this decision turns out to be correct, and the partner remains satisfied with his other half.

Cancer born in the year of the Ox in BED

He is extremely sexy, and can use this quality to attract women. It should be noted that he agrees to intimacy only if the woman meets his ideals. As a rule, he chooses an honest, faithful and attentive partner who can appreciate him inner world. It is with her that he can be close without experiencing awkwardness or false feelings.

He loves everything unusual and refined, but in bed he looks, first of all, for opportunities to express his feelings simply, artlessly. He loves a standard act that should give him pleasure. At the same time, he strives for his partner to also be able to receive satisfaction. This attitude towards bed allows him to feel desired and loved by a man who will give pleasure.

Horoscope of a Cancer - Ox man in MARRIAGE

He often occupies a leading position in the family, as he is quite persistent. As a result, relationships in the family are built only around him and his plans. But this is not bad, as it creates a cozy and friendly atmosphere in relations with family. He is extremely attentive with children and allows them a lot, but within reasonable limits. Saves with his wife a good relationship even after many years of marriage.

He puts family at the forefront of his life. To feel happy, he must make a career, get married and have children. However, in some cases he cannot achieve everything at once. Having entered into marriage, he immediately dreams of having a child. This man will diligently arrange his life, create conditions for a cozy and peaceful life with his loved one and then with his children.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

Thus, he is the ideal companion for those who love bossy guys. And he is advised to be softer and more attentive to the desires of others, so that relationships are always smooth. In addition, he should not isolate himself in his own little world, as this may be fraught with the loss of various opportunities for meeting people and earning money. If these issues are resolved correctly, he will be able to achieve a lot and manage to realize all his goals.

The Ox man is the very personification of stability and conservatism, he knows this and is never ashamed to show it. Never expect him to change his mind at the last moment or act impulsively. This man is well known for his strong principles, deep convictions and his outstanding willpower. He knows where to go and he has an answer for every situation that might happen. The Ox man decides on the course of action; nothing can distract him from his chosen direction. If there are obstacles in his way, he will do everything in his power to overcome them, and he does not care how much time and sacrifice it may require. But if resilience is one of his best qualities, this can also be one of his main flaws when it degenerates into stubbornness, blind prejudices and unreasonable actions. For the Ox man, it is sometimes difficult to take into account someone else's point of view or consider an alternative to his cherished goal, although such a step plays a rather irreplaceable role.

Prudence is another feature of this type character. The Ox man carefully moves forward in life, does not want to move away from the beaten path and looks around warily. It is not in his habit to take risks, even after calculating them; only proven and reliable methods seem reliable to him. And, of course, he abhors intellectual or philosophical speculation of any kind, limiting himself to specific commitments. As a rule, the Ox man loses his composure only in the most extreme situations. But when he gets angry, he can cause significant damage and fright, acting like a bull in a china shop. It is better to be careful not to confront or contradict him at such times, because his violence carries with it some possible dangers.

The Ox man has an amazing memory. He will never forget what injustice he was subjected to, although he can sometimes forgive the one who offended him. There is every evidence that his feelings of anger will outlive himself, so to speak. As a traditionalist, this person stubbornly clings to the ideas, habits, and practices that were instilled in him in childhood. If he is born into a middle class family, for example, he will spend his entire life looking for the comforts and luxuries that he needs, like food and drink. If he grew up outside the city, he will constantly feel a strong attachment to the soil and the simple pleasures that country life offers. For the Ox man, the past is much more fascinating than the present or even the future. He often waxes nostalgic about it, and one of his favorite hobbies is reminiscing about his years and experiences. He is also suspicious of everything new-fangled, but he is certainly not the kind of person who will hinder modernization of any kind. In the same spirit, the Ox man is respectful of elders and likes to accompany conversations with proverbs and quotes from ancient sages. This man displays extraordinary strong feeling property and sometimes he is ridiculously jealous. His work, home, hobbies, family, money, club, village, city, country - everything is sacred for the Ox man and he will not tolerate an attack on all of this. His chauvinism is well known and can in some cases reach grotesque proportions.

The Ox man is a good citizen in many respects. He is generally law-abiding and shows an unwavering sense of duty.

His country or his circle can always count on him. His good behavior is probably due to a deep-seated desire to be recognized and respected by society in general and by his loved ones in particular. The Ox man also loves to organize other people's lives, and this could be another one of his ways to make everyone love him. One of his greatest passions in life is his work. He behaves as if he was born to work or his work was the meaning of his whole life. He receives from his activities not only great satisfaction, but also physical and mental balance. The Ox man is a very tough and conscientious worker; he does not tolerate half measures. There is no work that disgusts him, but he does not particularly enjoy tedious and routine work. He also acts precisely and methodically, firmly believing in his obligations. Unfortunately, the Ox man is not prepared to take no for an answer, and when such a dilemma inevitably arises, he can become the most unpleasant person. Possession of wealth and power gives him a wonderful sense of security and satisfaction. But he doesn't like it when wealth comes easily, and that's why he never gambles. If an easy life is beyond his reach, he can tolerate the bare minimum of needs without bitterness or self-pity.

The bull man is a sensualist and has no complexes about this. He wants to enjoy to the fullest all the good things that life gives him. He is happy to exist and is never bothered by metaphysical problems. He does not hold in honor those who are difficult to please and whose moral well-being requires many conditions. An Ox man doesn’t need much to feel happy. Contemplating moonlit night or beautiful flower listening to the cicadas hidden among the leaves, receiving phone call from an old friend - all such ordinary events can fill him with indescribable delight. Despite his cold and impassive façade, it is fundamentally loving person. Although it is true that he is a notorious egoist who will not allow himself to be easily drawn into the problems and troubles of others. But the Ox man is ready to make any sacrifice for those he loves. He has no attachments, but waits for any events to manifest himself. His habitual loyalty stands the test of time. But this gentle man is clumsy in showing emotions and sincerely believes that the best and deepest feelings should not be expressed. It is always difficult to give advice to an Ox man. He trusts only his own discretion, is secretive, and holds in suspicion all those who disagree with him. His intolerance is one of the reasons why he has few friends, but his relative loneliness does not bother him in the least.

Compatibility between a guy and a girl born in the year of the Ox according to the Chinese horoscope is average, both in love and in sexual relationships. Representatives of this sign have many common interests and similar character traits, but conflicts and scenes of jealousy often arise. The woman does not recognize the leadership of her chosen one and demands that her opinion be taken into account, however, the stubbornness and waywardness of the Ox man causes a break in the relationship. In sex, both partners are sophisticated and very temperamental lovers. They do not like routine and monotony in bed, giving their intimate life great importance.

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Love compatibility

Characteristic love relationship between a man and a woman of these zodiac signs:

  • Lack of romance and excessive tenderness;
  • Trust and honesty;
  • Loyalty and shared values.

These zodiac signs can easily fall in love with each other, but mutual interest rarely develops into a serious relationship and young people begin to look for something new.

The girl demands from her boyfriend more attention, but a man cannot be called sensitive. He is straightforward and is often rude to his chosen one when something does not suit him. A woman has masculine character traits and cannot make concessions to her significant other, defending her own point of view to the last.

The table shows the pros and cons of love relationships between representatives of these signs.


Between these signs it is possible real friendship, which can develop into love under certain circumstances. The man is ready to rush to the aid of his girlfriend even at night. He will always find time to listen and support loved one, but will not forgive lies and betrayal on the part of the Ox woman.

The girl is used to solving problems on her own, but the opinion of her friend is important to her and she listens to the advice of the Ox man, because she considers him wise.

A guy and a girl feel good together; they will always find many exciting topics for conversation. Both love extreme hobbies and leisure, so they often spend time in nature and go for morning runs together.


If representatives of these signs decide to get married, then such a union will be strong and happy. Bulls are not prone to spontaneous and rash actions, so the decision to start a family will be a deliberate and serious step.

A woman needs to learn to give in to her husband and discuss all problems, finding a joint solution. Family leisure should be bright and varied. You need to devote more time to your appearance and give your husband pleasant gifts and surprises. This could be a night at a hotel or an unplanned joint trip to another city.

A man needs to praise his wife more often and tell her about love, not forgetting to present flowers and other gifts. The husband must be prepared that his wife will never accept the role of an ordinary housewife and will spend a lot of time at work, even if there is enough money.

Men born in the year of the Ox love children very much, so raising children falls not only on the mother’s shoulders.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Ox man takes life seriously. Sometimes it's even too serious to deal with such trifles as flirting, romance or dating.

Most often he is a charming workaholic, so if you arrange a meeting, this is already a success. Among the Bull population, the number of romantic and sentimental individuals is minimal. It is unlikely that you should count on exquisite compliments, bouquets of flowers or the magic of dates under the moon. A bull man perceives and expresses love differently.

Ox man in love

If a lady is interested in an Ox man, how can she understand that he is in love? This is quite difficult, because such a person has big problems with a demonstration of the feelings he experiences. At least when it comes to putting words to them. It is much better and more convenient for him to demonstrate his sympathy and, even more so, love after some time, when he overcomes the first awkwardness. The characteristic of an Ox man is that he is a secretive, shy person, and only after a closer acquaintance can one see and be convinced of how many virtues he has, how much the Ox loves and how much he can offer to a woman and everyone who walks next to him in life. The Ox man in love is sincere, devoted and hardworking. In his opinion, security and a stable financial situation are the basis of a strong union, so he takes care of satisfying all the needs of his beloved.

Wishing well to this wonderful representative Chinese Zodiac one must stock up on great patience and constantly show that the complexes that practically paralyze him at the first contacts are in fact far-fetched, and no one except him sees them. Seduction, conquest, winning sympathy - this is not his strong point Ox, so people interested in him must take the initiative into their own hands. But most likely, they will not have to regret it, because when the Ox finally opens up, he will show that he can afford a lot and is capable of giving unforgettable experiences.

Ox Man in Sex

According to the eastern horoscope, bulls in sex are, to put it mildly, not the greatest virtuosos, although by their nature they are very sensual and hardy. They separate him from love and often do not invest their souls in him. But, despite the fact that the Ox lover is not very outstanding, he more than compensates for his shortcomings as a partner and life partner.

Horoscope: Ox man in a permanent relationship

The characteristic of the Ox man is that in personal relationships he is traditionally monogamous and is looking for a partner for life. However, if his wife does not meet his requirements and he does not feel a friend in her, then sooner or later he will look for all this somewhere else, although he will try to hide his search. Being faithful by nature, Oxen men can allow themselves fleeting adventures also because they often separate sex from love and perceive it rather mechanically. Oxen men are very sensual, gaining more confidence with age, but they never allow passionate impulses and desires to complicate their stable daily existence. For them, family is the most important thing, and they are unlikely to ever get divorced in order to finally unite with their mistress.

The Ox-husband is uncompromising in a relationship if it concerns the fidelity of the other half. The eastern horoscope warns that he can forgive a lot, but in case of betrayal, treason he is inexorable. Moreover, he will never allow his wife to even innocently flirt with other men, because nothing hurts his pride. The Ox man is very attached to his loved ones, and sometimes it seems to him that he has the right to consider them as his property and therefore hide them from the rest of the world. The Ox husband often treats his wife as property and craves undivided power. This is somewhat of a hypocrisy, given his problems with being faithful to his wife.

According to the Ox man's horoscope, family life there may be a lot of problems, because it is very difficult for him to demonstrate romantic impulses to his wife and try to diversify their life together. On the contrary, he can be quite boring, even tedious, and is reluctant to let new things into his life, so a demanding woman quickly gets tired of living with him.

What kind of woman will the Ox man like?

Well-groomed. The clothes, hairstyle and makeup of a potential darling are very important to him. It is unlikely that he will pay attention to a person in army boots and a torn (even “artistically”) T-shirt. If you are interested in the question of how to please an Ox man, you will have to stock up beautiful dresses and skirts, feminine blouses. The bull wants to brag about you, because in a certain sense you are his trophy.

Practical. It doesn’t really matter to him whether you have brilliant mental abilities or not. The most important thing is that you look like a worthy wife and mistress of the house, for example, when receiving guests. And if you still don’t know how to cook, you should start learning right now in order to tie a bull man to you for a long time!

Open to new experiences and sensations. He loves the moments you spend together, especially outside the bedroom doors. Try to surprise him with something (but not too much!) - and the Ox man will definitely like you.

How to conquer a male Ox?

  • Take care of your attitude. No matter where you are, in a restaurant or a bedroom, the atmosphere is very important to him. Candles in the room or dim lights will definitely have a magical effect on him.
  • Take care of your appearance. You must be well-groomed if you want to win over an Ox guy. Somewhere in the depths of the closet you will have to throw worn blouses or old favorite sweatpants. He hopes that you will always look neat, elegant and sexy at the same time.
  • Buy yourself a good expensive perfume. If you are hatching plans on how to attract a male Ox, know that such representatives eastern horoscope love quality scents. These can be floral or oriental scents. The main thing is that they are not too intense, much less vulgar.
  • Make him comfortable during sex. Any erotic fun and toys immediately disappear, unless the partner offers them himself. He loves peace and harmony, which, however, does not mean that intimate relationships with him will be boring.
  • The Ox man treats love as a serious investment. He needs time to get to know his partner, so under no circumstances should he be rushed. His choice is well thought out, and as soon as his heart beats faster, he will immediately try to recognize and appreciate the positive and weak sides new union. When you finally hear a quiet “I love you,” you can be sure that he really feels it. The Ox man in a relationship values ​​calm, a peaceful atmosphere and a sense of security. He hates drastic changes and destruction.

At the beginning of the acquaintance, even if he is very intrigued by his new passion, he will not demonstrate this, so do not be discouraged by his coldness and certainly not force you to abandon the idea of ​​​​conquest. Paradoxically, the more indifference you see towards yourself, the more confidently you can be sure that deep down he wants to communicate and craves you. Therefore, patience and slow progress towards the goal are in the best ways conquer the Ox man, his big heart.

How to break up with an Ox man?

This is not an easy task. The Ox man is stubborn in love and in everything else. And if he develops an appetite, he will try to satisfy it and consistently strives for the goal. Your protests will be ignored, because the gentleman born this year Chinese horoscope, firmly believes that over time you will change your mind about him. But there will be justice for him too...

  • Among the Bulls, many profess conservatism and do not even like the word “equality.” If you want to break up with the Bull, glorify feminists, invite a man to some social event of this kind - and you will get rid of your annoying suitor.
  • Bulls are also terrified of very passionate and courageous women. Select and watch several movies with an exciting plot, spare no emotions while watching, and then fall on him with hysterical confessions, burst into tears because he does not understand the depth of your feelings and finely organized psyche.
  • Dress correctly for dates: in any weather - in a tight mini, wear clothes from the neckline to the waist and wink at every waiter in the restaurant. Success guaranteed!

Men's horoscopes of other signs of the eastern calendar: