In a dream, a voice said the date of her daughter’s death. Detailed explanation in the dream book of why to see death in a dream

Dream interpretation date of death

Any sane person fears impending death. For many years there has been debate about whether it is worth knowing the date of death.

Why do you dream about the date of death? Does such a dream have great significance?

Date value

I dreamed about the day of repose

There are visions in which we see certain numbers. The interpretation of them by different dream books is quite extensive. Everything will depend on the symbolism of the number: where you saw or heard it, what your feelings were. Maybe you wrote it down in a notepad?

Interpretations of dream books

Many dream books consider in their sources what the message of such dreams is. First, it’s worth finding out what the symbol itself means – the date.

Interpreter of Akulina

Seeing a date on the calendar means that an important event for a person will happen at that time.

You can find out what it will bring you, joy or sorrow. The main thing is to remember your feelings at this moment.

The interpreter advises to remember this number well in order to be able to prepare for it.

Interpreter Loffa

Dreaming about the day of transition to the afterlife

Seeing the number when the soul leaves the earth is a symbol that indicates events in real life. This number, according to the source being studied, will be significant for a sleeping person.

Summer dream book

Seeing a date in a dream, celebrating an anniversary is a negative sign. Your body is aging prematurely.

Spring dream book

Seeing or hearing a number in a dream is very negative. Such a vision promises quick death for a sleeping person. You need to be extremely careful, monitor the condition of your body, and avoid long trips.

General prediction

It is believed that if you dream about the date of death, then the sleeping person in reality will face a lot of trouble.

Seeing in a dream the day of meeting death

Troubles will become your constant companions, which will inevitably affect your peace of mind.

Dreaming about the date of death in a dream is a sign that you should complete all your started work, which for certain reasons you left unfinished. This vision does not at all indicate your imminent death. This is a sign from higher powers that time is fleeting, and you shouldn’t constantly leave everything for later.

Prediction of someone's death in a dream

Let’s say you happened to see in a dream the date of a person’s death. Interpreters will give you a prediction if they recognize someone who will pass away.

In your night vision you learned the time of death:

How did you find out about this event?

If in a dream a voice told you the date of death, then significant changes are already brewing around you. You should urgently analyze your activities, understand what you are doing right and what you are not quite right about. Interpreters believe that now is the best time to radically turn your life for the better.

Without changing anything, you will remain mired in still waters.

When a person says that in a dream I see the day when death will occur, then the prediction is as follows: this number on the calendar will be significant for you. Something will happen in real life, after which you will no longer be able to be the same as you were before.

The events that happen will have a huge impact on the rest of your life.

Did someone tell you about a similar number on the calendar when death will occur? Get ready, something extraordinary will happen on this day.

According to the dream book, the date of death seen or heard in a dream is not a prediction at all. This is just advice: appreciate every moment, because life is so short.

It is worth taking such a plot as the completion of a certain cycle in the life of a sleeping person. Soon you will begin a new round, and it will depend only on you how you build your future existence.

At first I had a normal dream. I stood outside our stores while my mother was shopping. I made sure that the chickens running nearby had no water or food, but they did not leave the area. I picked some greens for them and threw them. They pounced on her and began to peck furiously... Now we need to get water somewhere. I look around the area and then I see a tray with food and next to it a drinking bowl with water. However, the chickens did not drink or eat from there, which is very strange. Then the owner came out of the store and shouted that there was no need to feed them, because... they are not hungry. Inside, I didn’t want to listen to her, because the chickens were hungry, since they were pecking with such fury the green round leaves of the plant, reminiscent of geranium leaves…. And there was no grass on the site itself. Or rather, it was there, but yellow, faded and completely dry. Here and there small sandy deserts formed on the ground.

I just stood and watched the chickens. Now they were grazing near a strange, rusted iron contraption. I approached him. It resembled a high table with legs, but there were barriers on the tabletop itself. It was designed so that water could be poured into it. I noticed that there was already some water there and... Two common river crucian carp were floundering. I remembered that as a child I always dreamed of drawing a big bath with fish. Now I can do this... I turned the handle of the faucet that was nearby. The space gradually filled with water. Now the fish swam freely there... There were two of them... I turned off the tap. Now there is enough water and I can just watch the fish.

They floated, huddled close to each other and seemed to be whispering about something. They did not collide with the barriers with their noses and swam closer to the surface of the water... I began to peer into their interesting behavior... Then I thought about how the rusty iron walls would affect their health... I bent lower and was completely immersed in contemplation...

Ocean. A huge, spacious ocean. Large waves of water roll over the water surface and rock me... Somewhere nearby my mother is also rocking on the waves, I hear her voice, she talks all the time so that I can hear her and know that she has not been carried far by the current. A strong wind is blowing and a nasty, very light rain is pouring. Its drops prick your face like needles. The sky is dark, dark, just like everything around... I watch how the waves raise and lower me... It’s good that they roll smoothly and don’t foam, otherwise I would have drowned long ago... I hoped that it would bring us to the shore . However, I saw vast expanses of darkness in front of me. And so soothing was the voice of my mother, who did not stop talking and said that the trouble had not yet completely taken us by surprise...
Then some strange current carried me very quickly. Through the waves, I swam, probably, at a speed of 50 km. at one o'clock. Or maybe more. Mom was also carried along, although she was a little behind. It seemed to me that there was a shore nearby... Yes, that’s how it was! I saw dark sand... And at sharp speed I collided with a tree so that it ended up in my arms. I'm already on the shore. Only the shore was very strange... Strange twisted palm trees or larches grew on it, and they grew too close to the shore. It was night here, the sky was clear and there was a complete absence of storms, as well as any sounds. The silence was simply terrifying. The ocean here suddenly stopped raging, and it was also inaudible.

My mom. Yes, she too has reached the shore and is now calling me to explore this land. Yes, of course, I’m already on my way... In my dreams, I hardly see my mother, and it’s as if we exist separately from each other.
For some reason, my head no longer turned towards the ocean; I saw only a strip of trees in front of me. We entered this strip... We wandered around a bit and saw some old, long wooden house. We decided to stop by. It was still dark, but the darkness was somehow gray, you could clearly see what was around you... And it was as if someone had turned on a high contrast effect.

Dry reeds crunched under our feet, lying in the very small hallway of the house... We began to explore the rooms.

They walked one after another in a straight line. Everything here was entwined with black cobwebs, the boards were black and stank of dampness. The air itself was saturated with it and dust, some old stuff. Some scraps of film, also black, could be seen on the ceiling and walls. Terrible mucus was smeared in places on the floor, and some strange stinking lumps were lying around. Everything was saturated with time, a time of horrors and fears. On the shelves were toys in which hordes of insect larvae were now buried. We wandered around these rooms and looked for a way out, which had disappeared somewhere. It felt like we had been in this house for a very long time. A couple of times I came across a side door in the wall; it was made from old boards that had been eaten, burnt here and there…. Once at a strange broken-down black window, like a window, with broken glass. There were no more windows in the house.

We came to the last room. There were no doors or exits. There was only the same, larger window... I looked outside and saw a dark garden overgrown with black thorns. It was as if he was alive and his prickly mouth, shrouded in darkness, growled menacingly. I stuck my head back in and moved to the penultimate room…. It was a library... There were a lot of books here, and I wanted to take everything with me... Almost all of them are related to black magic... Very shabby, old books... However, one book caught my attention... It really stood out from the rest because it looked brand new and was untouched by dust. Among the eerie atmosphere, evoking horror and despair, which the other books created, something emanated from this one that inspired deceptive hope... The book was quite large in size with a red, shiny cover. It seems that it was some kind of encyclopedia... I wondered how new it was and why it was preserved like that... I decided to look at the year of publication... Mom was also interested... I opened the paragraph. It is written there…. 11.17 (and the 15th, it seems, I don’t remember)…. It can’t be... “NOW IS 2015!!!” - I yell in panic. I turn the book over and look... It is written there…. The release date of the book is written in a few lines - THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND SEVENTEEN!!! - these numbers shouted... It can’t be... No... It's some kind of mistake…. There was a whiff of something very ominous in the air, the house seemed to become darker... We urgently need to get out of the house! Mom begins to frantically look for a way out... I stagger around the rooms, bumping into nasty slime... I have to touch old pens that feel sticky to the touch. I see old, yellow beds... And everything you don’t touch sticks to your hands... We need to get out urgently! The house itself seems to swallow my life, every second of my life... I rush from window to window (there are only two of them)... One is too small and with shards of glass, the other opens into a creepy thorny garden...

I looked out again... I heard rustling on the street. It's mom! She somehow got out! Panic begins to choke me. There is nowhere to go and I climb out the window. I jump straight into the thorny thickets and run after my mother. Now I'm covered in wounds and cuts. The darkness is chasing us. Yes, that's exactly what he's chasing. You can't hesitate for a minute. But it’s also unclear where to run... But okay. The main task is to get out of the garden.
I’m still thinking about the strange book... 2017... A sloping fence flies before my eyes, some torn toys flash in the sandbox... A small pink scooter... And there was emptiness all around, not a soul... The space further was covered in a veil of fog...

And so we passed this garden. Now my mother and I are again standing by the strange trees. But the ocean is no more. Now you can see a bumpy road ahead that was once covered with asphalt. And she seems very familiar... But this is not the time to think! We must leave these places as soon as possible... However, we no longer have the strength to run...

Then I noticed that my mother was rolling a scooter... That same small pink scooter... Now I noticed that there were still flowers on it... We decided that I would drive, and my mother would sit in the back. The scooter started up... Instead of gas, it had three levers - low speed, medium and high. I pressed the middle button for a long time, not understanding what was happening at first. Apart from these three, there were no more buttons... I pressed this button all the way, but the scooter rolled at a walking speed and sometimes stopped... I noticed that it has pedals. I started spinning them. Let's go a little faster. Still slow...
I looked around and discovered that we were on the street, in our village!!! And we are leaving the house where I was born! There are no more strange shores, no ocean... This is my village... But it is also dark and quiet here. There are no lights on in any house. And it doesn’t look like night, or evening, morning, and especially day... Everything was strange and incomprehensible. There was a feeling that people in these places lived a long, long time ago and had already become extinct, died in their own homes and now their bones were smoldering and decomposing in their own places... As if death had overtaken them in an instant and the light had gone out in the world... And my mother and I …. We are in some kind of hole... Maybe... temporary? Meanwhile, a huge black pipe appeared in the sky. Second, third. They began to wriggle like snakes... Increasing in size.... They are descending on us... Huge pipes from oppressive darkness. She wants to crush us.

Now there is definitely no time to hesitate. I pressed the high speed button and pedaled furiously. Finally we went at the speed of a very good runner, it wasn't enough! The speed either decreased or increased... However, this is better than if we ran on our own... We would run slower and get tired quickly...

We managed to leave behind strange clots of darkness floating in the air in the form of huge writhing pipes... Now I can call this phenomenon that way...

We need transport faster. We are approaching the highway. Along which, as if nothing had happened, cars drive with their headlights on... But they also emanate horror... There cannot be people there. There were no people anywhere else, now we understood this clearly.

On the way we met a Lada car standing on the side of the road. We decided to transfer to it. Even though the car is old, it should probably go faster than a scooter and be safer in it. I got behind the wheel. Even though I’ve never driven, I’ll try to do everything right... I felt the key, turned it.... Hmm, it’s strange that he stayed in the car... But now there’s no time for that. The car started! I slowly press on the gas, getting ready to drive out onto the road. Then two cars appeared from behind, they were leaving the village, their headlights flashing ominously... The drivers didn’t seem to notice my Zhiguli leaving... Well, like drivers. It was so dark in all the cabins and the headlights were so shining in your eyes that it was impossible to see who or what was driving...

A small truck hit us and drove past. A foreign car was rolling behind him, which looked like a shark on the hunt... That's what I thought when I looked at it... Its headlights resembled eyes and they, blinking, seemed to be looking straight at me and grinning... Nevertheless, the car just drove by and turned onto the highway .

I press on the gas again. Hmm, where's the brake? I press another pedal... We need it soon. I can already see the pipes. They don't move fast, we'll make it in time. I step on the gas. I press… I press… I press…. Damn, why doesn't it click?! How frozen! Infection…. Let's press!!!

Sleep is man's imagination, which unfolds when he is at rest. Most often in dreams a person sees what happened to him during the day, what worried him or pleased him. But it also happens that some pictures and images can appear on their own, regardless of whether the person thought about it at all.

What if you dream about the date of death?

It also happens that a person may dream of certain dates that will mean something in his life. One of the most unpleasant dreams is where a person sees his date of death. Therefore, it is worth figuring out why you dream about the date of death and whether it is connected with any bad incidents in real life.

Those who see the date of death in a dream wake up and begin to worry and worry, fearing that this is a very bad dream and carries bad information. But such a dream does not mean the death of this person in real life.

Basically, with this sign our subconscious is trying to show a person that it is time to finish important things, to finish what has been started. In addition, the number itself that a person sees also matters. This can mean not only the date when the task needs to be completed, but also indicate it.

For example, if a person works as an accountant and needs to submit 4 reports at the end of the quarter, and if you dreamed about the same date, then it symbolizes these reports. In any case, if you dream about the date of death, then this is not connected with the death of a person, but only with his personal life and all kinds of affairs.

If a person in a dream saw a certain date of death, which in his real life is associated with important events, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, this means that the person will directly take part in this, and will also be its head.

What does it portend?

It also happens that in a dream a person can choose or determine the date of his death, and then this indicates that very soon he will be forced to reconsider his priorities and plans for life that he had made before. The world around him will begin to change, and therefore he will have to adapt to the new rules of the game.

When a person sees that his date of death is marked and highlighted in the calendar, this means that soon he will be invited to visit old acquaintances or friends whom he has not seen for a long time and would like to meet.

Do not be alarmed when, in addition to the date of death, a person sees a cemetery in a dream. This is not a bad sign at all; it indicates that a person is facing huge changes in his life. This can be reflected not only in a person’s personal and family life, but also in the dreamer’s professional sphere.

As it has already turned out, seeing the date of your death in a dream is not a sign and symbol of trouble, and the dream is not prophetic, but just changes in life. After all, death can be not only physical, but also spiritual, material. You just need to reconsider your priorities and plans for the future.

Despite the fact that in real life the death of a person is usually perceived as something tragic, from the position of many religions of peoples, the end of life is understood as a new round in the development and reincarnation of the human soul. Therefore, seeing a person’s death in a dream does not mean the person’s imminent death. Such a vision indicates a favorable time for setting goals and reassessing values. Careful work with the dream book and consistent recall of the details of what you saw in a dream will help you decide what such a dream is about.

Death of friends, relatives and loved ones

To see with your own eyes the death of a familiar person in a dream, according to the dream book, foreshadows the liberation of the sleeping person from memories and events from the past. The death of familiar people in a dream is often dreamed of when there is a loss of “contact” or “common language” with them.

The death of a loved one indicates liberation from remorse that eats up the dreamer from within. Deep-rooted feelings of guilt prevent one from fully expressing oneself and interfere with personal development. Also, this vision may be caused by the dreamer’s anxiety for the life and health of people dear to him.

The death of loved ones, no matter how terrible it was in a dream, does not at all mean the untimely death of relatives, but only indicates the good health of those in the dream, and the fact that the sleeper needs to find the strength to understand, forgive and get closer to them. The death of a mother indicates actions in the future for which the dreamer will be ashamed, and also suggests the opportunity to establish contact and mutual understanding with the parent, who feels a great need to communicate with her child.

Knowing what the death of a living person means in a dream, you can avoid many troubles and dangers that lie in wait along the way. The death of a father in a dream, if he is alive in reality, foreshadows in the dream book insidious intrigues and conspiracies against the dreamer. People who have their own business should take a close look at their partners, since there is a possibility that they are planning some kind of financial scam.

If your relationship with your sister or brother is strained, it is not difficult to guess why you dream about their death. The dream book advises reconciliation with relatives, since they are in great need of the care, support and understanding of the dreamer.

Those people who dreamed of the death of a loved one should pay attention to the speech and behavior of their loved one. Perhaps right now the chosen one lacks attention and care. For a woman, the death of her husband in a dream, who in reality has been ill for a long time, the dream book promises a speedy recovery of the betrothed. For a man, the death of his wife indicates a subconscious fear of public condemnation. You should not reveal your fears and concerns to people around you.

For those who are wondering why they dream of the death of an already deceased person, it is worth taking a close look at the details of the image they see. For a widow, the death of her husband in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of guilt before her chosen one, which haunts and depresses the dreamer. Also, this picture predicts the need to stop mourning for your husband and begin to arrange your personal life.

If in a dream the dreamer had a chance to save a person from death, it means, according to the dream book, in real life a situation will arise on the solution of which many human destinies will depend. If the person you were able to save is an acquaintance, then most likely this person needs to be given help and support in reality.

To save a long-dead person from death is interpreted by the dream book as a warning to be deceived. Perhaps it is worth looking around and carefully analyzing the situation that has arisen in real life; most likely they want to take advantage of the dreamer’s gullibility and kindness for selfish purposes.

Death of other people

The death of a stranger in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as the dreamer’s relationship with himself and concerns exclusively the personality of the sleeping person. In order to correctly interpret why you dream about the death of a stranger, you should pay attention to your own emotions and feelings awakened in the dream.

If a dying person evokes sympathy and compassion, it means, according to the dream book, saying goodbye to old stereotypes and concepts will be quite painful for the dreamer. The person’s consciousness is in a transitional state, on the way to improvement and renewal.

Seeing the death of a stranger and at the same time experiencing gloating or even hatred is interpreted by the dream book as an easy liberation from the unnecessary burden of memories, life experience and feelings of guilt.

Most dream books have a rather ambiguous interpretation of what it means to dream about the death of another person. On the one hand, the vision foreshadows the elimination of obstacles and obstacles on the path to achieving one’s own goals and ambitions, reconciliation with oneself, a reassessment of values, and a change in priorities. On the other hand, it indicates upcoming changes in life, the quality of which directly depends on the actions of the sleeping person. The dream book advises you to make every effort and show yourself “in all your glory” at work, since it is likely that all your efforts will be appreciated by your superiors.

Seeing in a dream the death of a person on whom the sleeper indirectly depends, predicts the opportunity to free oneself from the oppressive influence of annoying people.

The death of the boss himself in a dream is predicted by the dream book to lead to a positive change in the relationship with management. The time has come when all initiatives will be perceived positively and will ensure a quick climb up the career ladder.

The death of a colleague is interpreted ambiguously in the dream book. Firstly, such a picture shows an improvement in the atmosphere of understanding and harmony in the team, and secondly, it indicates the absence of any obstacles to the implementation of the goals and ambitious plans.

Message about the death of a person

In the case when you dreamed about the death of a person, you can interpret what this dream means only by carefully analyzing your vision for the presence of your own feelings and emotions in the dream and the personality of the deceased. Feeling relieved after receiving a message is interpreted by the dream book as a favorable completion of all started work.

If the dreamer experienced confusion or fear in a dream, it means that in reality he will have to work hard to deal with the obstacles and circumstances that have arisen. Also, such a picture speaks of the unwillingness of the sleeper to take responsibility and answer for his actions to others.

For a girl, hearing the news of the death of her boyfriend in a dream symbolizes a new stage in her relationship with her chosen one. It is quite possible that soon the lover will offer his hand and heart to the young lady, which will be a complete surprise for the dreamer.

If a young lady was informed in a dream about the death of her ex-boyfriend, then, according to the dream book, all the threads that connected the young lady with her ex-boyfriend will be severed, and a new, exciting and exciting life will begin. Perhaps, soon, a woman will meet a worthy man who can make her happy and surround her with love and attention.

Seeing in a dream how they report the death of a person who is a distant relative of the dreamer is deciphered by the dream book as an opportunity to receive an unexpected inheritance from a person whom no one has ever mentioned as a relative.

The ability to avoid provocations and cunning intrigues is what you dream of learning about a person’s death. The dream book interprets such an image as pleasant news from afar, which, if used correctly, can ensure a stable financial situation. If the person who died is a blood relative, then you should carefully consider the advice of your parents.

In most cases, a dream - news of a person’s death, means the dreamer’s subconscious fear for the life or health of people dear to his heart.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️


    28-Sep-2019 Anatoly:

    If I dreamed that I walked into my boss’s office, and she was lying on the table, dead of a heart attack? And I have emotions: regret, sadness, joy and fear, what next?

    20-Mar-2018 Anonymous:

    I saw a long, unpleasant dream, where everything around was deserted and alien. I am in some building where there are people who work there. I lose my bag with my passport, I panic, I run around looking for it. There I meet a man who wants to take me out of there and save me. But this man himself climbs through the window and jumps down. It's breaking before my eyes. I see a lot of blood around him and his head is like mush, broken. I scream, cry, stroke his head, my hands feel sticky moisture. The man says he loves me, but I see that he is dying. I feel very sorry for him, I cry. I woke up in tears and could not calm down for a long time, as if my future chosen one had died. Can anyone explain this dream?

    13-Mar-2018 Angelica:

    I dreamed about such a situation. There is an interrogation room around me, but I act as an observer. There is someone else standing with me, but this person doesn’t really show himself. In the interrogation room, a fairly adult man sits at a table with his hands on his knees. Behind him, in casual clothes, is a woman I know in real life. So far everything is calm. Suddenly the door swings open, and my friend quickly walks into the room (it’s unclear for what reason, but he looked older than his age) in a military uniform (definitely not a uniform from the CIS countries, but I haven’t seen anything like it from others either). The interrogation begins. I can’t hear their conversation, but I see that the situation is heating up. I feel uneasy. My friend is infuriated by the man’s behavior, so he starts screaming and hitting the table. The woman stands calmly. The friend turns his back to the table and heads towards the exit, but then a man suddenly jumps up and shoots him in the back. I feel bad, as if something dear was torn from my heart. Then a woman runs up to me, whom I take to be my friend's mother, although she is not. He angrily shouts at me: “It’s all because of you!” I fall to my knees and start sobbing. I woke up in tears and cold sweat.

    28-Feb-2018 Svetlana:

    I had a dream, very realistic. I learn about the death of my former classmate, I was very saddened by this news and I go to the store and buy carnations. Then I come to her parents. I talk with her mother and find out that her daughter died a terrible death, before my eyes there is some kind of iron room in the country, underground in this room the gas pipeline was faulty and a fire broke out in which this girl burned alive. We left the entrance of the house, after talking with my mother and opening my palm, I saw that there was some kind of bee lying in it, then, turning around, this woman was not next to me, and that’s where my dream ended.

    I dreamed that we were walking with a young man, there was some kind of base nearby, we all couldn’t get on the bus, and we got into the car with some girl, Her mother was driving, we drove to a large building and got out together, ideas began to become infected with a virus, from which everyone became zombies, and there was a shelter, there was something like repairs and everyone healthy was doing it, and suddenly everyone began to get infected and become zombies before our eyes. I was running around the building, hiding, I had already lost the young man and didn’t know what was wrong with him, and suddenly it was as if I saw a picture not from my own perspective, a boy sitting in a closet from the movie “shelter” (maybe someone watched it, he seemed to be a killer there and the bag on his face is very scary), and this boy was talking to someone, like to himself, and it was like he had infected everyone, and the zombies were trying to kill him, then I began to see from myself again, I ran somewhere and found a guy , asked him for coffee, and while we were standing in the warehouse where it was most safe, we found ourselves at a dead end and zombies also attacked us. Then there was only one picture, these were someone’s toes, but right up close you could see that the body was rotting and there were corpse stains. I woke up with an unpleasant aftertaste, before that I had a similar dream about being infected and running away from zombies, but only without the boy from the “orphanage”. I haven’t watched the movie “Shelter” for a long time, and I haven’t watched horror movies with zombies either; in principle, I don’t like movies with zombies. Maybe someone knows what and how?

    I saw in a dream that I was slapping a carpet, because of the sound sawn trees fell, and an accident happened. Then the balcony fell, killing 2 people! Then I sat and rejoiced with my wife, and I saw Her sexual organ.

    My boyfriend had a dream about my death. I wasn't there but they were talking about me. He doesn't remember the details. Help me with what this might be related to.

    Hello, I sometimes dream of images of loved ones, all shining. I wake up and a few days later this man dies. This happened with one grandmother, two years later with another. And recently I had a dream about my husband’s mother, but not as usual, she was radiant, but the feeling was not one of loss, and three days later she called and said that she had cancer, but it was operable. She had surgery and is now healthy. Why am I dreaming about this? This is sad, I feel bad after dreams like this, what should I do about it? I don’t talk about dreams to those who dream about me, I’m already afraid that someone will dream again.

    I dreamed that I wanted to know something and wrote to a friend of mine, he wrote: Lola, I want to meet you, or he said on the phone, he was driving and they killed him, allegedly because of me.

    28-Mar-2017 Nikolay:

    What does it mean to have 2 dreams in a row about the death of my grandmother? I have a very bad relationship with her. In every dream, I am the cause of death. And I found out that my grandmother died from her girlfriend.

    A few days after my mother’s death, I had a dream that a woman in a gray cleaner’s suit, with a bucket and a mop, was ringing the doorbell; I didn’t open it for her). She takes out her bunch of keys and opens it herself, I ask her at the threshold, who are you? She answered: that I am your death and now I will live with you. I started pushing her out and someone woke me up, now I don’t remember whether I pushed her out or not and what does that mean?

    I dreamed that I was standing on a rock and there were a lot of people I didn’t know, I stuck an ax into one of his shoulders, he took it out, there was no blood, we were simultaneously pushing each other and flying on opposite sides into the sea, clear emerald water, I was flying with With my eyes closed, I fall into the water and honor that my father, supposedly his spirit, is pulling me by my feet onto land. When I came to life, I saw the ghost of the person I pushed, in fact, I’m an orphan of my father, I don’t remember what this is for?

    I dreamed that my husband would die in three minutes, and we were waiting for this together, then everything happened and they carried his leg to me and showed me what illnesses he had.

    I had a nightmare from Sunday to Monday. I’m 14, everything happens in Samara (but I live in a city nearby). It was as if I was at a bus station and wanted to go to the toilet (there was no natural need, I just wanted to be there). As I walked, I saw bloody inscriptions and poems about death (I don’t remember exactly which ones), I didn’t pay attention. But in vain, I went further, went into the toilet, there were a bunch of people, all in tears, pointing at the stall where it was usually locked, a guy comes up and opens the stall. I didn’t see what was THERE, I immediately turned away, I was very scared, it was a long dream, but I don’t remember everything. I woke up in tears, besides, I have claustrophobia and I’m terrified of being alone and wildly afraid of mirrors (especially at night, or when I’m alone), all my life I’ve had similar dreams about death and murder. Help, is there something wrong with my psyche?!?

    I dreamed that my friend crashed on a plane. Then, on the day when candles were lit for all the dead, it turned out that the plane had survived, and she had survived. I remember her unsurprised look and the scratch on her cheek. And in my dream I was very scared. What would that mean?

    I dreamed that my friend and I, with some group of people, boarded a summer attraction (and a very strange one, unknown to me) and everyone died except us, and I woke up. Please tell me what this means? I was very scared.

    18-Sep-2016 Love:

    In a dream, I saw the second half of my life from the perspective of a cartoon character. This dream began with the Second World War, where the character’s children died, I will say my children. Then ordinary life, various events, relationships. But my character, while driving home, noticed a large cloud with a house in the sky and subconsciously decided to go there. His late father was in this house and told me that I had been hit by a car and died. I didn’t see the moment of death in my dream, because... showed my character's family. Dad said that I will always be on this cloud and will only remember my life. Then I woke up (a dream within a dream) and began to cry for a long time, then I told my mother the whole dream, inside and out, and really woke up. What would that mean?

    I'm only 11 years old. But from the moment I was born, I began to see dreams that repeat themselves and in all my dreams I see what I will see in the future. For example, since childhood, I have been dreaming about a girl whom I saw only last year, and in many dreams I see either my death or someone else’s.

    • 18-Sep-2016 Anonymous:

      If you often have bad dreams, it doesn't mean anything. There's just something mentally wrong.

      I ran and hid from death in the guise of a woman. Then we sat together and ate pilaf. I ate green onions and even felt the bitter taste. What would that mean?

      In a dream they told me that my teacher would die and told me the date, I don’t remember it anymore. I decided not to tell him about it, but when that date came, he really died, and when I found out, I started crying very hard. Although I don’t understand at all what kind of teacher he is and what he has to do with me, and why I cried because of him. What could this mean?

      What does this mean? In a dream, I was told that the other day there would be a funeral for a girl, she was less than a year old, I was not at the funeral, no one showed me her photo, but her images were before my eyes, as if I had seen her, a little girl, she was 9 months old gray eyes and light blonde hair and small curls, or rather wavy hair. I cried so much when they told me that she died, I woke up with such a bad feeling in my soul... the whole dream was focused on how the girl looked, specifically her eyes and hair, and on the fact that I was crying. So what does this mean?

      I dreamed of my own death. I died and immediately came back to life, but when I came back to life I knew that I was dead (like a zombie), I saw my skeleton in the mirror, I felt that I was decomposing and woke up in fright! What would that mean?

      I had a very strange dream. I was at my school, but there were no lessons. And then someone told me that two girls died from a strong electric shock. I hate one of them, I hate it very much. And before her death, in my dream, I communicated with her very rudely, did nasty things, said something like “You are not my order,” “I do what I want,” etc. And the second girl is my former best friend, but she hasn’t communicated with me since September and has become that girl’s best friend. I experienced such joy, but also sadness and confusion at the same time (the last two feelings for my ex-girlfriend). What would that mean?

"Death" in a dream means death. Not always physical. Even more often than not, it is not physical, but moral. See death in a dream, means losing some significant part of yourself (you will find more details about what qualities are symbolized by whom below). Another interesting feature of such a dream is that in a dream it is impossible die on your own. You are either already dead and watching the dream “from the side,” or you are being killed so quickly that you don’t have time to figure out what’s what.

Not always death- this is bad. In some cases, it means liberation from the shackles that prevented you from moving to a better world. This could be breaking fears or taking responsibility for your life. You will learn about the most frequently encountered images below.

I dreamed about the date of death

Find out in a dream the exact date of death of this or that person - a very rare and very important dream. It means that you have psychic abilities. Of course, they will not tell you the real date of death, but they will help you in everyday life. After such a dream, you will begin to feel reality better and be able to make more accurate predictions based solely on intuition and not on experience. Use your gift to your advantage.

If you I dreamed about the date of your death, which means that increased performance is added to all of the above. Combined with the power of foresight, this can give very good results if you do not miss your chance.

I dreamed of death with a scythe

The most striking image of death that we have ever met in life. Ever since childhood, in cartoons, the old woman with a scythe did not foretell anything good. The interpretation of this dream is warning. You are too careless about your life. And no one but you will be to blame for the upcoming disaster. Too easy an attitude towards what poses danger pushes you to the edge of the abyss.

Be especially careful with dangerous sports (skydiving, alpine skiing, snowboarding, night skiing, rope jumping, ...). Triple check all fasteners. After all, right now you are literally on the brink of death or a wheelchair.

I dreamed about the death of a person

Dreamed about my own death

Most often, people who dreaming of one's own death, are present at their funeral as a simple invitee. In general, this dream is neutral in nature, but if you manage to look into the face of a dead person (yourself), it means that you are in for a car accident or an attack by robbers.

Remember - with death jokes are bad and looking her in the face only provokes her to meet as soon as possible. Therefore, consider this dream as a warning of an impending disaster. After all, if a person is warned, he will be three times more careful. Perhaps death will still pass you by.

I dreamed about the death of loved ones

Every close relative associated with some kind of inner quality of yours. Therefore, if you dreamed of the death of a loved one, find it in the list below and find out what your subconscious tells you to pay attention to.

I dreamed about my mother's death

"Mother", as already mentioned in related articles, is a symbol of the feminine principle of every person. See mother's death in a dream- the clearest signal that you are becoming too hard and cold. Your surroundings will very soon feel this frost and hostility that comes from you, and you will lose not only your friends, but also all your relatives. Think about it: is the goal you set worth such sacrifices?

I dreamed about my father's death

If you dreamed of my father's death, it means that lately everyone has been “wiping their feet” about you. You have become too weak-willed and weak. Your inner “man” has completely bent under the weight of failures, eternal problems and demands. Give him a little rest, feel young and strong again - go to the gym - this helps in 95% of cases.

I dreamed about the death of a child

Death of a child, as already described in the above article, symbolizes the fall of you as a creative, cheerful and spontaneous person. You are busy with your work too much and too often and simply do not respond to the simple joys of life. To you dreamed of the death of a child- immediately stop “killing” yourself at work, otherwise very soon you will not want to enjoy the millions you will receive.

I dreamed about my husband's death

"Husband"- a symbol of support and protection. The loss of a husband is a difficult challenge from fate, the loss of “ground under your feet,” a call to be independent. If you dreamed of my husband's death, it means that you will soon have to go through a difficult test alone, which you would never have undertaken if fate had not forced you. The result of the test is, as always: victory - transition to a new energy level, improved quality of life; defeat or refusal means being plunged into the quagmire of “everyday life” and heavy material losses.

I dreamed about the death of my grandmother

"Grandmother"- a symbol of wisdom and experience. Not so much professional experience as everyday experience. If you dreamed of my grandmother's death- this means that the subconscious is hinting to you that you should pay special attention not to new methods and knowledge, but to processing the knowledge already accumulated. It is in them that the secret of your successful career or victories on the interpersonal/sexual front lies. Take the time to systematize and write down everything you know at the moment.

I dreamed about the death of my son

"Son"- a symbol of procreation. In old interpretations one can find “problems of a sexual nature.” Modern psychology interprets such a dream as a harbinger of problems associated with the transfer of experience to a new generation. Or simply put - to problems with children. The fact is that the methods of education are the same from century to century. However, the specifics of their use change literally every 2-3 years. And what was good for you is not at all suitable for your children. Think about it.

I dreamed about my brother's death

If you dreamed of my brother's death, it means you have internally lost yourself, confidence in your abilities. Remember that no one but you can restore your confidence. Therefore, you should not be sour and depressed all day long. Think about your loved ones - how difficult it is for them to see you in this state. A little more and you will cease to be an example for your family. Get together and rise from the ashes, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of those who love you and suffer next to you.

I dreamed about the death of a friend

A friend symbolizes your attitude and degree of trust in the world around you. Respectively, see a friend's death in a dream, means losing the desire to make new acquaintances and open up to people. This may be because someone has really hurt your feelings. Perhaps this is a period of recovery after being abandoned or betrayed. A difficult period, no one can argue. But remember that you have met bright and kind people before - not everyone on Earth is evil and selfish. You will definitely meet more of these! Dont be upset!

I dreamed about the death of a loved one

Death of a loved one, as well as death of a friend, indicates a lack of desire to contact this world. But in this case the problem is only moral in nature. It is unpleasant for you to communicate with people, not because you have been betrayed, but because you are afraid of getting an additional wound on top of the old one. That is, you are not so worried about the fact that you are left alone. If you dreamed of the death of a loved one, First of all, you are concerned about the fact that you will need to open up to someone again. Wait a month or two. Most likely, the fear will subside.