Is a real zombie apocalypse possible? When will the zombie apocalypse happen? What do zombies look like? Zombies in real life

Find out if zombies really exist. Here you will find the opinions and comments of other users, whether there is a zombie virus, whether there will be a zombie invasion, whether the existence of zombies is possible.


If a zombie virus existed, it would need to be created using genetic engineering. Otherwise, it simply won’t be possible to make it spread quickly over a large area.

If it were transmitted through a bite, it would be contained in a person's saliva. Are there really zombies? Yes, but in most cases they become ordinary people. Including stories about sorcerers from Africa. They simply use nerve poisons to slow down certain body functions and then control them.

However, there is a possibility that the virus was actually created in the laboratory. After all, there are many substances that leave some parts of the brain motionless, while others are simply blocked.

In any case, it would take quite a long time for such a virus to spread. A huge outbreak could only result from the use of a truly unique virus. However, almost all possibilities for its creation are currently present. After all, biological weapons have already become a reality modern world. And every year its creation costs less and less. It is likely that a virus will emerge that can actually change people's behavior.

Will there be a zombie invasion?

The teachings of Voodoo are where any information related to the Living Dead comes from. Anthropologists often cite as an example a condition where a person is put into a coma. After some time, they are returned to the normal functioning of the body, but this does not happen completely. Whether there is a zombie virus, we have already answered. There are many drugs that, in certain combinations, cause conditions similar to this phenomenon.

But for the onset of a zombie apocalypse, only psychotropic flora and fauna would not be enough. After all, symbolic actions and words have a certain influence on our bodies. You can convince people that they are dying. This is what actually happens. Will there be a zombie invasion? So far, the real probability of such an outcome is not high. Although she is still present. And the cause may be a protein-like infectious particle or prion that destroys the brain.

In addition, we must remember that various microorganisms can be carriers of viruses. Some of their varieties cause reactions similar to what we see in zombies. Another question is that the probability of a virus outbreak on such a scale remains small, as is usually shown in films. After all, everyone has their own reaction.

Is it possible for zombies to exist?

Almost every person, at least once in his life, has thought about the likelihood of the existence of supernatural things. And many also ask themselves. Is it possible for zombies to exist? Scientists say that there is no precise evidence for such beliefs. In fact, nothing is possible. And several very real scenarios exist.

In addition, science knows many neurotoxins that slow down processes in the body. Sometimes - to such an extent that the person actually becomes dead. With the help of certain drugs you can bring them back. But they will be capable of only the simplest actions.

In addition, a number of brain disorders can also cause a similar condition. Diseases of this type are still quite rare, but it is quite possible. As well as the fact that the symptoms, for some reason, can affect many.

An extremely popular scenario - the zombie apocalypse. Moreover, its popularity is based not on some logical justification, but on banal ones human fears. , people are afraid of other people, people are afraid of chaos.

A the zombie apocalypse- this is when people en masse turn into actively moving dead people and create chaos.

But can this happen in reality? Let's try to figure it out.

Unknown viruses


Classic reason zombie apocalypse - neurotoxin, practically eliminating higher nervous activity. At the same time, the main functions of the central brain and brainstem continue to work. Even some subcortical centers are functioning. Considering the level of development of biochemistry, this can theoretically be created. Based on tetradotoxin, for example. This, let me remind you, is a poison from puffer fish, which effectively blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, so in small doses it can be used as an anesthetic, and in large doses it causes paralysis of the respiratory centers. And the first mentions of classic zombies from the traditions of Haitian voodoo sorcerers speak of the use of various neurotoxins, first to put a person into a state of clinical death, and then to completely control his behavior. Fiction? Maybe. But such legends are not born out of nowhere, and I personally really don’t want someone to raise me after death and force me to work...


Nanotechnology is not just bullshit that can be used to cover up the cutting of billions. This is a really working thing, extremely useful and, at the same time, extremely dangerous. Scientists have already found that miniature self-replicating robots may well exist in the human body even after his physical death. And not only to live and reproduce, but also to forcibly form neural connections, and therefore control the body. In theory. This process is not fast, so the object will be very reminiscent of a classic zombie. Unless, of course, nanorobots can form "hive mind" and coordinate your interaction instantly. In this case, humanity will come to an end in any case. Fortunately, at the current level of technology development, nanotoids are not capable of uncontrolled self-reproduction. Bye.

Unknown reason

The worst thing is when cause of zombie apocalypse remains beyond human understanding. Seriously, you can come up with some means of protection and counteraction against everything else, but what if the dead rise for unknown reasons? In the Abrahamic religions' version of the doomsday scenario, this is exactly what will happen. And it's really scary. Even a single such resurrection gave rise to a huge split among ancient people, the echoes of which still claim tens of thousands of lives. Should this be considered a miracle or not? Don't know. But I can imagine the horror of the ancients, who, having moved away the stone closing the tomb, saw something moving towards them. Get on your knees and pray? Hardly. Almost everyone had weapons then, and there was no reverence for human life did not have. So they suppressed the zombie apocalypse in the bud, and then weaved stories about "Ascension".

From television films you already know every detail. Human existence turns into a daily struggle for survival. You will have to stock up on water, food, medicine and weapons. Moreover, in this case, revolvers and rifles will never be superfluous. If people want to survive, they must flee away from densely populated areas. Ideally, you need to find a secret bunker that protects you from the invasion of a wandering and ever-hungry horde. Legions of zombies increase their ranks with escape velocity. They hunt for any person they meet along the path of a destroyed civilization. This is how television projects describe the zombie apocalypse.

Fortunately for us, from a biological point of view, the invasion of infected evil spirits on the planet is impossible, and here's why.

1. Weather conditions: hell

In tropical latitudes, the month of August becomes unbearably stuffy. On the other hand, January in northern latitudes can pass for freezer. Stay on outdoors Without protection in extreme conditions it is simply not realistic. Earth's unforgiving weather worsens the conditions for rotting flesh. High heat and humidity allow insects and bacteria to thrive. The hot desert air will turn zombies into husks in a few hours. In winter, even the slightest blow will cause the skeletal system of the walking dead to completely collapse under the influence of its own weight. And we haven't even mentioned yet ultraviolet radiation, hurricanes, torrential rains with hail and blizzards!

2. Central nervous system: failure

Our bodies are complex mechanisms, where each system is interconnected with each other. Muscles, tendons, skeleton and internal organs are controlled by the brain. When one element of a well-functioning system fails, everything goes awry. IN real life a person risks being practically immobilized. This fact makes mysterious the numerous stories about modern zombies, which can move at the speed of a meteor, even having lost half of their flesh. They move, no matter what, they are not embarrassed by the lack of brains, broken bones, atrophied muscles, rotting internal organs. Well, since many screen zombies suffer from extensive cranial wounds, their central nervous system must be completely paralyzed.

3. Immunity: none

Viruses, fungi and bacteria have plagued humanity since the beginning of the world. They shorten life expectancy and make us unhappy. IN Lately The world recognized its most dangerous biological enemies: smallpox and HIV. Only the immune system makes us stay afloat and resist the invasion of microscopic invaders. People with weakened immune systems inevitably face problems. Zombies have a complete lack of immunity, so any bacteria that penetrates inside them will instantly eat them from the inside.

4. Metabolism: crisis

People eat food, so they convert chemical energy into activity. This is how we live and breathe. Metabolism supports these processes. This term is all-encompassing, it covers everything chemical reactions, occurring in the body. In theory, zombies feed on human brains, because they also need to function somehow. There is only one problem: these creatures are not living, which is why they do not have any metabolic capabilities. Therefore, if zombies lack metabolic processes, they will not be able to transform tasty brains into energy.

5. Predatory flocks of vultures: a real threat

There are too many vultures and carrion-eating animals in nature - hyenas, wolves, bears, coyotes, foxes and packs of vicious feral dogs. If a zombie apocalypse were to strike, the remaining people would fear not only walking monsters, but also hungry wild predators. Even small animals like rats, raccoons and possums will enjoy going out hunting. They are only afraid of healthy people. But as soon as they smell the carrion, they will immediately rush to attack. So what awaits the walking dead when they meet the vultures? The answer suggests itself.

6. Sensory organs have become unusable

Sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell - all senses are key to our survival. Without these five possibilities, a person will wander around the world, absorb poisonous plants, banging heads against doorways, spilling boiling water on the body. But since zombies undergo a constant process of decay, it is unclear how they manage to remain sighted and perform any of their vital functions. important actions in order to feast on human brains. When the rotting process starts, the eyes immediately suffer. Collapsed soft fabrics would leave the zombies blind. Then the eardrums become deformed. How can a deaf and blind monster hunt its victims?

7. Spread of the virus: doubtful

Nature has developed some terrifying ways for germs to spread. Take, for example, bird flu or measles, which is spread by coughing and sneezing. 90 percent of people who come into contact with infected person, get sick. But how does the infection spread? the walking Dead? Everything we are shown in horror films is completely ineffective. Somehow the corpse must grab the person and then deliver a devastating bite. Well, if the creature is missing some limbs, this is too cruel a proposal. In order to overtake and bite a victim, it is necessary to expend colossal energy. And, as we already know, zombies have no internal resources. And finally: do you really think that a healthy, alert person cannot cope with a decomposing corpse in close physical contact? Cold-blooded and slow zombies will always lose in a fight with their warm-blooded “brothers”.

8. Wounds: Never Heal

Before the invention of antibiotics, simple abrasions and cuts could have been fatal to a person. If dirt and germs penetrated a cut, they instantly spread into the internal tissues. But now we know well what personal hygiene and first aid are. We are familiar with soap, iodine and brilliant green. In addition, our tissues have a unique ability to regenerate and restore. Fortunately, these options are completely closed to zombies. Their wounds, regardless of the depth of the damage, never heal. Imagine what will happen to a sheet of paper from which a piece is cut off every day. Sooner or later he will be gone.

9. Digestive System: Gaping Holes

The human stomach is a muscular sac that can be filled with approximately 850 grams of food and drink per meal. Of course, if you eat more on a regular basis, you can stretch this internal organ. Now imagine what will happen to the stomach of a monster that is ready to stuff itself with human brains without a break. In addition, if some zombie systems do not function, then food may simply fall into thin air. The gaping holes along the esophagus-intestine route will take care of this. Well, what will happen if undigested lunch begins to accumulate in the intestines? Imagine for yourself.

10. Teeth: worn out

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our bodies. This hard shell helps us chew food. But without proper dental care, teeth quickly become unusable. Zombies never brush their teeth, their gums rot, and enamel cracks quickly turn into holes. No one will give them prosthetics. In the end, efforts to bite seem completely pointless. Only in films do the teeth of the dead look like formidable weapons.


So, we found out that today not a single virus, not a single fungal infection or the radiation leak will not lead to a zombie apocalypse from a biological point of view. This means that we will be spared from escaping from the tenacious clutches of hundreds of maddened monsters. They do not pose a real threat to humanity.

Zombies are an eternal crowd favorite. Otherwise, why would science fiction writers and Hollywood screenwriters return to them over and over again? And now scientists are also interested in the living dead...


What happens if the pathogen is some kind dangerous disease will break free? How long will humanity have to save itself? And is salvation possible? These questions were asked by a group of scientists led by Russian biologists and virologists. And in order to answer them more fully and clearly, scientists took the “common zombie” as the pathogen, keeping in mind its exceptional infective ability. The zombie invasion is very similar to the spread of real diseases, and this has made them a convenient object for research by epidemiologists.

By the way, the results obtained have already been useful to virologists and doctors forced to confront real epidemics: Ebola fever and bird flu.

Further - more: the model of Russian virologists formed the basis for the work of Canadian researchers from the University of Ottawa. They mathematically modeled the spread of diseases such as HIV, malaria, and West Nile virus, and at the same time gave their version of the capture of humanity by the living dead. The results of their work were presented in scientific work « Math modeling zombie".


Usually in horror novels and disaster films, a person quickly turns into a zombie after being bitten. So, in World War Z, seconds count literally. But symptoms of real diseases, such as HIV, may appear not even a month, but many years after infection. In addition, during a zombie invasion, according to horror films, people attack the living dead. This is fundamentally contrary to the course of a normal pandemic, because people are not trying to destroy carriers of the infection. However, the Canadian zombie model takes all these nuances into account. The researchers applied the results obtained in a model of the spread of the human papillomavirus and even achieved some success.

During the research, the Canadians also confirmed the main forecast of the Russians, according to which on a certain day after the start of the zombie apocalypse and the rapid spread of the undead across the Earth, the number of people will decrease to a critical demographic level. After this, the repopulation of the planet by humanity will become very problematic.


But how many days will humanity be given? Several mathematicians and physicists from the British University of Leicester, having familiarized themselves with the works of Russian and Canadian scientists, decided to calculate the value of the critical point of the human population, which will be followed by the death of our civilization. They compared the results obtained with the consequences of outbreaks of incurable and deadly diseases, such as Ebola fever.

Mine computer project British scientists called it the “Perfect Zombie Pandemic.” According to their scenario, the speed of development of the zombie apocalypse is determined by two main parameters: the speed of the process of “zombification” of a living person and the duration of existence of the walking dead.

Writers and screenwriters who describe this process paint completely different pictures. If you believe one, then infection occurs virtually instantly and is guaranteed, but the zombies themselves live no more than a month. Others only spend a few hours on the infection process, and the subsequent life of the zombie is measured in decades - and without any food.

Calculating the consequences of such “zombie pandemic outbreaks,” British experts decided to create their own scenario for catastrophic events. To do this, they turned to historical data about the terrible epidemic in human history - an outbreak of plague in the 14th century. This terrible pandemic, called the Black Death, has devastated medieval Europe and weakened its southeastern region so much that a Turkish invasion became possible.

In the modern zombie scenario, infection through “blood contact” with a virus carrier occurs with a 90% probability, and the walking dead themselves lead an active lifestyle for no more than three weeks and “crumble into dust” after using up all internal resources.


For their calculations, scientists took total number The Earth's population from real demographic indicators is about 7.5 billion people. In addition, the zombie model created by the British took into account the existence of borders between countries and extremely uneven population densities. For example, zombies received the right to cross the border of the country where they became infected only after reaching a population of at least 10 thousand individuals. If zombies could not reach such a population, they simply died out, as happens in local epidemics.

As these calculations showed, in a densely populated area, one infected person is enough for a large-scale epidemic to break out. This will happen already on the 20th day after the first infection. And in 100 days, only 181 people and approximately 190 million zombies will live on Earth.

Even if people flee areas affected by a zombie pandemic, the infection will still win. The most optimistic scenario on the 100th day leaves only 273 people alive and approximately a million undead.

In both cases, the number of survivors will be much lower than the level necessary to repeat human history and recolonize the planet.

As an example, an epidemic in New York was simulated. The central regions there fell in one day, but the suburbs had at least a month to prepare for the invasion of the dead. In any case, if the ideal zombie pandemic lasts longer than 100 days, humanity will be doomed to extinction...

For the same reason safe place When zombies attack, mountains and hilly areas where population density is minimal. Therefore, the optimal tactic for survivors is this: go to the mountains at the first reports of the appearance of the living dead.


MOSCOW, March 5 - RIA Novosti. Mathematicians have found that the zombie invasion can be stopped if the country where the “living dead” appeared has a sufficiently large army. So far the only person suitable for this role is North Korea, reports the online publication MiceTimes of Asia.

“Our model contains not only two “classical” populations of living beings - aggressive zombies and defenseless people, but also the military. Our calculations show that military intervention in the fight against this epidemic will be a key factor in saving humanity from extinction,” Fernando writes Sato (Fernando Sato) and his colleagues from federal university Juiza de Fora (Brazil).

"Zombie apocalypse" is one of the fantastic "end of the world" scenarios. The destruction of humanity occurs as a result of the rapid spread of a certain virus or bacteria, which turns its victims into an extremely aggressive and unreasonable creature. Such zombies do not experience any feelings other than hunger. When bitten healthy person the infected person passes on his infection to him, turning him into his own kind.

Doctors are studying similar “doomsday” scenarios in order to calculate the consequences of outbreaks of currently incurable and deadly diseases, such as the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and Zika in Brazil, and find ways to contain them.

Sato and his colleagues noted that such versions of the "apocalypse" imply that people will not resist the infection, try to destroy the zombies, or create insurmountable barriers to them. On the other hand, even Hollywood films with their fantastic scenarios of invasion of the “living dead” assume that the army will make desperate, but usually unsuccessful attempts to destroy the infected.

Brazilian mathematicians created computer model"zombie apocalypse", in which there were three "populations" of people - military, zombies and civilians. All these groups, as conceived by scientists, have their own goals and objectives and compete with each other for living space in the hypothetical city in which they live.

Periodically, representatives of these “populations” bump into each other, which ends in one of three ways: possible options- zombies kill people, people kill zombies, or the living dead or the military turn civilians into their own kind. Ultimately, one of the two sides of this conflict wins, or a kind of balance is established between them.

In classic models of this conflict, zombies are always the winners, but the presence of an army capable of killing the “living dead” is more effective ordinary people, radically changes the picture. Even if there are few military personnel, they, as calculations show, can significantly delay the time of complete extinction of humanity.

Scientists built mathematical model zombie apocalypseThe main parameter in scientists' calculations is the infectious ability of zombies. Usually in fiction, a person very quickly turns into a zombie after being bitten, while symptoms of real diseases can appear days, months or even years later. Therefore, it is impossible to stop the “living dead” using quarantine.

If the number of military personnel reaches 46 soldiers for every thousand civilians, then the zombies will be defeated. The army will destroy sufficient quantity"living dead" at the beginning of the epidemic, before it grows to an uncontrollable level.

As mathematicians note, only one country so far has such armed forces - North Korea. On the other hand, improving the fighting qualities of the army and creating vaccines that increase the resistance of the entire population to infection will protect both civilians and military personnel from zombies and infections more effectively than increasing the number of military personnel.