All African states. How many countries are there in Africa currently?

Africa is the second largest continent in the world, followed by Eurasia.

On the territory of the African continent there are 55 countries that are bordered by:

  1. Mediterranean Sea.
  2. Red Sea.
  3. Indian Ocean.
  4. Atlantic Ocean.

The area of ​​the African continent is 29.3 million square kilometers. If we take into account the islands near Africa, the area of ​​this continent increases to 30.3 million square kilometers.

The African continent occupies approximately 6% of the total area of ​​the globe.

Most big country in Africa is Algeria. The area of ​​this state is 2,381,740 square kilometers.

Table. Largest states in Africa:

List of the most major cities by population:

  1. Nigeria - 166,629,390 people. In 2017, it was the most populous country in Africa.
  2. Egypt - 82,530,000 people.
  3. Ethiopia - 82,101,999 people.
  4. Republic of the Congo. The population of this African country is 69,575,394 inhabitants.
  5. Republic of South Africa. There were 50,586,760 people living in South Africa in 2017.
  6. Tanzania. This African country has a population of 47,656,370 people.
  7. Kenya. This African country has a population of 42,749,420 people.
  8. Algeria. This tropical African country is home to 36,485,830 people.
  9. Uganda - 35,620,980 people.
  10. Morocco - 32,668,000 people.

African Development and Economy

If you take the corresponding maps of Africa, the countries differ not only in their varied weather conditions, but also in the abundance land resources and minerals.

The African continent ranks 1st in the world in reserves of the following breeds:

  • manganese;
  • chromite;
  • gold;
  • platinoid;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorite

The industry of African countries is very well developed. This is especially true in the mining industry. Thus, last year, 96% of the total volume of diamonds was mined on the African continent. The resources of African countries make it possible to extract a large number of gold and cobalt ores. On average, about 76% of gold and 68% of cobalt ores of the total world volume are mined on the continent.

Chromites are mined in an amount of 67% of total number, and the share of manganese ore production is 57% of the total volume.

Africa contains and produces 35% of the world's total uranium ore and 24% of copper. The African continent exports 31% of the world's total phosphate rocks and 11% of oil and gas.

Despite the small volumes of oil and gas supplies, 6 African countries are members of OPEC, the international organization of oil exporting states.

If we take the most developing countries in Africa in the field of mining, these will be:

South Africa is rapidly developing and rich in the mining industry. This country has deposits of all types of resources, except oil, gas and bauxite. According to statistics, it is in South Africa that about 40% of the continent’s total exports are produced.

South Africa is recognized not only on the African continent. This republic ranks first in the world in gold mining and second in diamond mining.

The manufacturing industry is in its infancy, but it is most developed in South Africa.

The agricultural sector ranks second in the African economy. The agricultural sector is represented by tropical and subtropical agriculture. The main part of the products is exported. Thus, the African continent exports 60% of the total volume of cocoa beans. Africa also exports peanuts in the amount of 27% of the world's total, coffee - 22% and olives - 16% of the total.

Peanut cultivation is concentrated in Senegal, the largest amount of coffee is grown in Ethiopia, and the Republic of Ghana is popular for large volumes of cocoa bean cultivation and harvesting.

Livestock farming in the countries of the African continent is very poorly developed due to water shortages and the spread of a disease dangerous to livestock, spread by tsetse flies.

Features of the African continent

Features of African countries:

The richest states of the African continent

The development of a country is determined by two criteria:

  1. Availability of minerals.
  2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The richest countries in Africa:

  1. These islands are part of Africa, although indirectly they are located 1,600 kilometers from the coast of the continent. Seychelles is a very popular destination among tourists, so the country's main income is tourism.

The GDP per capita level is 24,837 USD.

GDP - 18,387 USD.

  1. Botswana is located in the southern part of the mainland. Despite the fact that more than 70% of the country's area is occupied by the Kalahari Desert, Botswana is distinguished by large deposits of many mineral resources.

The bulk of GDP comes from the export of diamonds. GDP level - 15,450 USD.

  1. Gabon. This country is known in Africa for the production of oil, gas, manganese and uranium.

GDP is equal to 14,860 USD.

  1. Tourism is very well developed on this island. But this is not the country's only income. GDP is provided by the production of sugar and textiles.

The GDP level is 13,214 USD.

  1. SOUTH AFRICA. This republic is the only African state recognized as developed. The remaining countries of this continent are classified as developing. South Africa has established itself as an exporter of food, equipment and cars. South Africa also exports large quantities of oil, gas, diamonds, platinum, gold and chemical goods.

South Africa is the only one on the continent that is not a third world country.

GDP - 10,505 USD.

  1. - one of the few countries that managed to enter the world market and take a leading position in the agricultural sector there. In addition to agricultural products, Tunisia exports oil. Half of GDP is generated by the tourism industry.

GDP level - 9488 USD.

  1. is a country in North Africa, best known as a global exporter of oil and gas.

The GDP indicator is 7103 USD.

  1. . This state is known for its development of copper, gold, lead and tin.

GDP level - 6945 USD.

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    Africa is the second most populous and largest continent after Eurasia. The area of ​​Africa (including islands) is 30,221,532 km². Africa occupies 6% of the total surface Earth, and 20.4% of the total land area. Africa's population is 960 million... ... Wikipedia

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Africa is the largest continent on the planet, which in terms of size and population ranks second after Eurasia. This occupies 6% of the Earth's area and more than 20% of the entire land area. The list consists of 62 units. Conventionally, this continent is divided into four parts - Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern. These borders coincide with the borders of the states that are located there. Some of them have access to the seas and oceans, others are located inland.

Geographical location of the continent

Africa itself is located, one might say, in the center of the planet. It is washed by waters from the north Mediterranean Sea, from the northeast - the Red Sea and East End bathes in the waters of the Indian Ocean, and all the western coasts, among which there are both resorts and industrial cities, plunge into the waters of the Atlantic. Relief, as well as vegetation and animal world This continent is very diverse and mysterious. Most of this area is occupied by deserts, which are incredibly hot. all year round. However, in some regions there are mountains covered with eternal snow. A list of African countries cannot be fully imagined without some natural features each of them.

Countries and cities

Now we will look at the largest and most famous countries in Africa. A list with capitals, as well as languages ​​used, is given below:

  • Algeria - Algeria - Arabic.
  • Angola - Luanda - Portuguese.
  • Botswana - Gaborone - Setswana, English.
  • Guinea - Conakry - French.
  • Zambia - Lusaka - English.
  • Egypt - Cairo - Arabic.
  • Kenya - Nairobi - English, Swahili.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kinshasa - French.
  • Libya - Tripoli - Arabic.
  • Mauritania - Nouakchott - Arabic.
  • Madagascar - Antananarivo - French, Malagasy.
  • Mali - Bamako - French.
  • Morocco - Rabat - Arabic.
  • Somalia - Mogadishu - Arabic, Somalia.
  • Sudan - Khartoum - Arabic.
  • Tanzania - Dodoma - Swahili, English.
  • Tunisia - Tunisia - Arabic.
  • South Africa - Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfont - Zulu, Swati, English and many others.

This is far from being represented full list African countries. Among them there are also very poorly developed areas that are part of both other African and European powers.

Northern region closest to Europe

It is generally accepted that the most developed regions are the North and a small part of the South. All other states are in the so-called “safari” zone. Here one can see an unfavorable climate for life, desert topography, as well as the lack inland waters. Now we will briefly look at what they are. The list consists of 6 administrative units, which include: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Sudan. Most of this territory is the Sahara Desert, so local thermometers never drop below 10 degrees Celsius. It is also important to note that in this region, all countries were at one time or another under the rule of European powers. That's why local residents are very familiar with the Romano-Germanic family of languages. Nowadays, proximity to the Old World allows residents North Africa establish business relations with its representatives.

Other very significant regions of the continent

As mentioned above, the developed countries of Africa are not only in the north of the continent. The list of all the rest is much shorter, since it consists of one power - South Africa. This unique state contains absolutely everything you can imagine. At the height of summer, there is a peak influx of tourists from all over the world. People come to the region to see the unique shores, as well as to swim in the waters of the Indian or Atlantic Ocean. Along with this, fishing, boat trips, and excursions to local museums and attractions are very developed in the region. Along with this, local residents are actively engaged in the extraction of diamonds and oil, which are concentrated in huge quantities in the depths of this region.

Cities of South Africa that amaze with their beauty

Sometimes you get the feeling that the very center of world civilization is concentrated not in Europe, not even in America, but precisely in the very south of the African continent. Such world-famous cities as Pretoria, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth have grown up here. purple color jacaranda The territory of the cities is inhabited both by white settlers who have settled here for a very long time, and by the historical owners of these lands - black Africans. You can talk about these enchanting places for hours, because they are exactly what best countries and capitals of Africa. The list of southern cities and resorts given above will allow you to better navigate this area.


The cradle of all earthly humanity, the birthplace of minerals and jewelry, unique natural wonders and luxurious resorts that contrast with the poverty of the local population - all this is concentrated on one single continent. A simple listing of names - a list of African countries - cannot fully reveal all the potential that is stored in these lands and on their surface, and in order to get to know these territories, you need to go there and see everything with your own eyes.

Beautiful and vibrant Africa is the second largest continent in the world. More than 1 billion people live in its vastness. And its lands are conventionally divided into 5 regions. By tradition, African countries, the list of which consists of 62 items, are classified as the following regions:

  • Yuzhny.
  • Western.
  • Northern.
  • Eastern.
  • And Central.

This division is due to different geographical and climatic conditions, differences in cultures and forms of government of states.

Africa has dependent and independent territories. There are 37 countries with access to seas and oceans. Present (10 units). And 16 countries located in the interior of the continent.

African countries: list of states in the Southern region

South Africa retains memories of the colonial period. On its territory it was developed nuclear weapon, which the government then abandoned. It includes the following countries:

  • Zimbabwe;
  • Mozambique;
  • Comoros Islands;
  • Seychelles;
  • Mauritius Island;
  • Reunion;
  • Madagascar;
  • Lesotho;
  • Botswana;
  • Swaziland;
  • Namibia.

The most big country on this land - the Republic of South Africa (RSA). Almost the entire population of the Southern Region lives and works there. There are 11 officially accepted languages ​​in this territory. Ethnic composition South Africa is a diverse group of numerous religious affiliations.

The proximity of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean makes South Africa attractive for tourism. The southern part of the continent is warm and humid all year round. But the climate is temperate, so the heat is tolerated quite easily.

African countries: list of states in the Western region

Wet and windy climate West Africa directly depends on the capricious trade winds. This territory consists of the following countries:

  • Sierra Leone;
  • Senegal;
  • Benin;
  • Burkina Faso;
  • Gambia;
  • Ghana;
  • Togo;
  • Guinea;
  • Guinea-Bissau;
  • Cape Verde;
  • Cameroon;
  • Mauritania;
  • Nigeria;
  • Niger;
  • Mali;
  • Liberia;
  • Cote d'Ivoire;
  • Saint Helena Islands.

The Western region is home to many African languages. On its territory, oral folklore is still valued today. And ceremonial dances are included in the program of every significant holiday.

The natural border of this land in the east is the Cameroon Mountains. In the south of the region itself the legendary Sahara Desert begins. And in the west, the natural border is formed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria several years ago received the status largest manufacturer oil. Most of the population speaks several dialects at once. There are 527 officially recognized languages ​​in this country. Among them there are 11 “dead” dialects; English and several other languages ​​of the local ethnic group are taught in state schools.

Abuja is the Nigerian capital, chosen by the government as the most ethnically neutral place in the Western region. After the completion of the main stages of construction in 1976, Abuja received the status of the main city of Nigeria instead of the overcrowded Logos.

African countries: list of countries in the Northern region

Substantial part Northern region occupied by the sands of the Sahara Desert. Bordered by an endless sandy sea largest states of the entire African continent:

  • Sudan;
  • Tunisia;
  • Algeria;
  • Morocco;
  • Libya;
  • SADR;
  • Egypt.

The Mediterranean natural area is considered very comfortable for living. Therefore, large tourist sites of the African continent, which are known throughout the world, are located there.

The economy of this region is more good condition than in other parts of Africa. The proximity of Europe affects not only the development of the region, but also its cultural heritage.

Tunisia is a country that has the most competitive economy of all African countries. About 10 million people live in Tunisia. most of of which speaks Arabic. Almost the entire population of the northern state professes Islam. The Mediterranean climate makes Tunisia an important tourism sector. The culture of the country contains many diverse trends that are organically woven into daily life Tunisian people.

African countries: list of states in the Eastern region

To the East of the mysterious Nile there are several countries that make up the Eastern Region. Among them are such states as:

  • Ethiopia;
  • Eritrea;
  • Uganda;
  • Tanzania;
  • Somalia;
  • Mayotte;
  • Kenya;
  • Djibouti;
  • Zambia;
  • Comoros;
  • Malawi.

The climate of Eastern Africa is arid in the central regions. But on the coast it quickly changes to tropical. Former colonists set state boundaries quite arbitrarily. Due to the fact that cultural and religious trends were not taken into account, the development of the Eastern region is happening at a very slow pace.

Kenya is not only a favorite destination for tourists, but also a place that has amazing flora and fauna. In Kenya there are a large number of nature reserves that are protected international organization UNESCO.

In Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, people speak English and the local dialect Swahili. For a long time this country was a British colony.

African countries: list of states of the Central region

The following states are located in the heart of Africa:

  • Angola;
  • Congo;
  • Sao Tome;
  • Equatorial Guinea.

These countries are endowed with a subequatorial climate. Thanks to the extensive river system, it is there that you can see endless forests consisting of evergreen and deciduous trees.

The Republic of the Congo is extremely rich in mineral resources. This circumstance several centuries ago contributed to the emergence of the African “gold” rush in the country.

The capital of the country with the unusual name Brazzaville is quite developed in terms of education. The literacy rate of the population there reaches 82%. The state's economy is based on oil production and agriculture. The cultural sector is represented by folk art. The direction of contemporary art is also well developed.

All African countries, the list of which is given above, are considered officially recognized states. Meanwhile, many territories of the African continent have recently embarked on the path of international recognition and are not yet real states. But still they have symbols boundaries on some maps.

Anthropologists call Africa the cradle of civilization. According to research, human culture first appeared there. It’s paradoxical, but in the place where all living things originated, there are still corners where no human has set foot. Out of 29 million square meters only a small part is inhabited by people. The rest of the area is deserts and tropical forests. African fauna is unique. found nowhere else on this continent.

Exploring the countries of Africa, the list of which is so diverse, it is difficult to imagine that the Sahara Desert occupies an area larger than the entire territory of the United States. Also, half of the world’s gold is mined on the continent. And the name of this part of the world comes from one of the most ancient tribes, “Afri”.

West Africa is a region with magnificent nature and rich resource potential. However, all countries included in it are characterized by weak and unstable economies. Intertribal conflicts, frequent changes of power, high mortality from tropical diseases and total poverty are the main problems here.

Geography of Western Africa

Africa is the second largest continent on the planet. It hosts 55 states and five self-proclaimed unrecognized entities. Conventionally, the mainland is divided into five subregions, each of which unites states that are similar not only geographically, but also historically and culturally.

Begins in the central part of the Sahara. In the south and west it is limited by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the southeast by the mountains of Cameroon. The region's territory covers all major natural areas continent, from deserts and tropical savannas to equatorial forests. Most of it occurs in the Sahel and Sudan ecoregions (not to be confused with the country), which are grassy steppes and woodlands. Closer to the coast there are mangroves and gallery forests.

The region's nature and resources are full of diversity. Closer to the coast there is a dense river system. Its valleys are inhabited by monkeys, leopards, hippopotamuses, forest duikers, buffalos, and giraffes. Local savannas are inhabited by lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, gazelles and antelopes. Due to the active development of the region in the past, many species today are considered vulnerable or close to extinction, so they can only be found in nature reserves and national parks.

West African countries

The western region of the mainland is considered the largest both in terms of population and the number of states included in it - a total of 16. The largest in terms of population is Nigeria, which is home to 196 million people. After it come Niger (22 million people) and Mauritania (4.3 million people). The largest by area are Niger (1,267,000 km 2) and Mali (1,240,000 km 2).

The westernmost country in Africa is Cape Verde. It is also the smallest in the region in terms of area and population in the region. Cape Verde is located on the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. They are separated from the coast of the mainland by approximately 600 kilometers.

West African countries do not use great attention travelers. Infrastructure and transport system there are practically no developments here, and the conditions for recreation do not rise above basic level.


Almost all West African states are former colonies of Great Britain and France. They were the ones who retained their influence the longest. Before the arrival of Europeans, there were large state entities. The Ghana Empire, Mali and Songhai Empires were located here.

During the period of the Great Geographical Discoveries, European discoverers appeared on the African coast of the Atlantic Ocean. At first, the development of the region was slow due to numerous tropical diseases - yellow fever, malaria, sleeping sickness, etc.

IN late XIX century, with the invention of drugs for local ailments, colonization accelerated. West Africa has become the main supplier Ivory, precious stones and metals, as well as free work force. At that time, the region was exterminated great amount mammals, including elephants, leopards, chimpanzees, and the slave trade reached enormous proportions.

The first country to gain independence from the Europeans was Ghana (1957), followed by Nigeria and Mauritania in 1960. Despite their free status, West African countries were in no hurry to abandon slavery, and cases of forced labor or human trafficking were recorded even in the 2000s. Slavery has been prohibited in Mauritania since 1981, but even now it remains a country where slavery is not persecuted by the authorities.

Economy of countries

The region has significant resource potential. There are deposits of oil, tantalum, niobium, diamonds, gold, manganese, iron, tin, bauxite, uranium, tungsten, and coal. Despite this, industry in West African countries is focused primarily on the extraction of minerals, and their processing is carried out only at an initial level.

The extraction of some resources is still carried out using manual labor. In some countries, such as Nigeria, spontaneous seizures of deposits often occur and resource wars are waged. All this is difficult to regulate by the authorities, due to widespread corruption and frequent changes of managers.

The basis of the economy of states is Agriculture, as a rule, highly specialized. Thus, Ivory Coast and Ghana grow cocoa beans, Senegal and Gambia grow peanuts, Nigeria produces palm oil, Guinea specializes in coffee, Togo specializes in coffee and cocoa. Countries located on the ocean coasts engage in fishing and supply of seafood .