All the necessary topics in social studies. Unified State Exam in Social Studies

The Unified State Exam in social studies is one of the most common elective exams. This is explained by several reasons, among which is often the apparent ease of the exam. This ease, as practice shows, is indeed only apparent, because preparing for the exam will require significant effort from you.

If you are determined to take social studies, it is important to understand how to organize your preparation. And several will help you with this simple rules from TC "Godograph". You can sign up for right now! We offer individual and group lessons for 3-4 people and provide discounts on training. Our students score on average 30 points more! So, read and remember!

Preparation plan for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2018

Rule #1: Prepare your sleigh in the summer

Social studies is a broad subject. In just a few years, schoolchildren are invited to master the basic concepts and algorithms of such complex scientific disciplines such as political science, sociology, economics, law... Therefore, it is important to start your preparation as early as possible. This is especially true for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch.

Ideal start for preparation: beginning of 10th grade. 2 years is optimal time, for which, with proper consistency, a student can count on 90+ points.

But this situation does not happen very often. Most schoolchildren think about preparing for 11th grade in the early fall, which, however, is also an acceptable option. However, be prepared for the fact that when you start training in September, you have not a “whole year”, as many naively believe, but only 9 months. Feel free to deduct from them the month that will be spent on holidays, unplanned trips with family or friends, and “tests” in other subjects. Total: 8 months.

If your goal is to get a high score in a subject without additional classes with a teacher/tutor/mentor, it will be very difficult, because these people have a good idea of ​​how to effectively organize your preparation.

The most dangerous option is to start preparing in the winter or, even worse, in the spring of 11th grade. Firstly, not every tutor/teacher will take on this difficult task and there is one reason for this: it is very difficult to guarantee results for such a short time. Secondly, the closer the exam date is, the more often you begin to be overcome by panic, depression and everything related to the eternal problem of a student’s self-confidence. Remember, in the exam you will be required to demonstrate knowledge for the course, which begins in schools from the 6th (!!) grade (that is, in total you must spend 6 years studying social studies at school).

Rule No. 2: Procrastination can and should be fought

We all know the state when we don’t want to do anything and it seems that all the forces of the Universe cannot make us crawl off the couch. This condition is called “procrastination,” and recipes for combating it have long been known and are published with alarming frequency on a variety of websites.

In order to win the unequal struggle in this very procrastination, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Decide for yourself how much time per day (2 days/week) you are going to spend on preparation.

Knowing that today you must spend an hour memorizing the terms will activate your own conscience. To enhance the effect, it would be ideal to create a schedule and tell your parents about it. Parents, by the way, are an inexhaustible source of the fight against student laziness, which always works!

Your desktop should be attractive. You have to want to sit down with it, work with it. And therefore the presence of " creative disorder» is strictly prohibited.

  • Surround yourself with things that are pleasing to the eye

Notebooks, textbooks, thematic dictionaries. You should like all this! Agree, it’s much more pleasant to sit down to work with a beautifully designed notebook/notebook with images of your favorite heroes/artists/places than every time with hatred to open a boring green notebook, wrinkled 1000 times in your backpack.

  • Don't listen to music while preparing

She only confuses you. And if the person reading this note now thinks that he/she is unique (flax) and music in headphones, on the contrary, has only a positive effect on him/her, we can boldly answer - we don’t believe it! Any additional noise that arises while you work only splits your attention (and it should be completely focused on one single task). If you don't believe me, do an experiment. Try writing a social studies essay while listening to music on headphones, and then do the same in complete silence. Record the time and compare the results.

Rule No. 3: Terms for the Unified State Exam in social studies

Terms, terms, terms. This is one of the reasons why the Unified State Exam in social studies is very difficult to pass. The exam will require clear language from you. basic concepts from various thematic sections, remembering which is not an easy task.

In order to make your life easier and, on the eve of the exam, not to turn over cupboards and notebooks in search of a definition of the term “absenteeism” or “GDP,” get yourself a beautiful thematic dictionary from the very beginning, which will be updated every week. Then before the exam you: 1) will be 100% sure that you have already encountered most of the concepts at least once; 2) you can quickly refresh them in your memory.

Rule #4: Be flexible

If your pre-prepared preparation plan tells you to study economics, but you are already so tired of economic topics, choose a topic from another section. The goal of any of your classes in preparation for the Unified State Exam should be to fully understand the topic, which is impossible if it causes your gag reflex. Allow yourself to do what you like (and social studies is a subject that contains a wide range of topics) and then the usefulness of your work will increase significantly.

P.S.: however, what has been said does not exempt you from going through this or that topic in principle. Therefore, we remember Golden Rule: You can put it off, you can’t skip it.

Rule #5: Problematize

The main challenge of the social studies exam is that it forces you to think. Not to memorize, but to think. Try to find a problem or a contradiction in any topic you are asked to discuss. Don’t memorize the definition of “state”, but think about what it is impossible without and why it arises in the first place.

Do not mechanically memorize the norms of the criminal code, but think about why they were established in this particular form. Try to apply any classifications to life, give yourself examples for all theoretical concepts. Social science is the science of social life, about the society in which you live from the moment you are born, so each topic of the course concerns you directly.

Rule #6: Consistency, only consistency

The last piece of advice is simple: don't stop preparing. Try to find at least 15 minutes a day to review or study class materials. When going on vacation to visit your grandmother, do not forget to take a dictionary with terms with you, devoting at least a small part of your time to the subject. This way you can constantly keep yourself in good shape and will soon see how quickly your level is growing! Consistency is the key to success!

Here are 6 simple rules. Compliance with them will help you effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies and get closer to your dream university. Remember that your result depends only on your efforts! So... did you finish reading the article? Let's get ready! 😉

Society in the broad and narrow sense. Signs of society.

Topic 2.

Functions of society: production of goods,
management, reproduction, socialization, formation of ideology, transfer of experience to generations.

Topic 3.

Society is a system. Society is a developing system. Spheres of society: economic, political, social, spiritual.

Topic 4.

Concept, types, structure, characteristics and functions of social institutions.

What refers to the subjective and objective factors of the development of society and what is their role.

Topic 6.

Progress. Criteria and inconsistency of progress.

Regression. Signs of regression in society.

Topic 7.

Evolution, revolution, reforms are the ways of development of society. Their features.

Topic 8.

Signs of modernization and innovation, their role in society.

Topic 9.

Importance the right choice an alternative path for the development of society.

Topic 10.

The concept of social relations. their features and types.

The concept of civilization. Local and linear-stage civilizations. Western and Eastern civilization.

The concept of formation, features of the five types of formations according to K. Marx.

Traditional, industrial, post-industrial society. Open-closed, simple - complex society.

Topic 14.

Nature in the narrow and broad sense, interaction between nature and society, commonalities and differences between society and nature, protection of nature.

The concept of global problems, their signs and causes of occurrence. Types of global problems, solutions.

What is globalization? Causes and consequences of globalization

What does archeology, history, political science, law, sociology, economics, philosophy and other social sciences study?

Vorontsova Yu.N.

A history teacher

MKOU NGO "Pavdinskaya Secondary School"

Section I. Man and society.

Topic 1. Man and nature.

Nature is the whole world in its diversity of forms and manifestations (biosphere + noosphere + space - broad meaning).

Nature - biosphere, natural conditions life of society, person (narrow meaning)

Topic 2. Man, individual, personality.

Man is a biological, psychological, social being.

An individual is one of many people (“atom” in Greek).

Individuality is a person with unique characteristics, distinguished by creativity and originality in actions.

Personality is a human being with individual characteristics character, temperament, intellectual and strong-willed qualities, manifested in social relations and conscious activity.

Topic 3. Worldview, its types.

Worldview is the totality of a person’s views on the world, his worldview.

Types of worldviews:

 Everyday worldview is an everyday worldview, formed spontaneously, based on a person’s life experience.

 Religious worldview is a worldview based on the religious teachings of the Bible, Koran, and other holy books.

 Scientific worldview – a worldview based on the achievements of science, generalized results human activity.

 Humanistic worldview is the worldview of people striving to develop society for the benefit of people along the path of scientific, technical, social and environmental progress.

Topic 4. Truth and its criteria.

Everyone who recognizes the knowability of the world distinguishes between two forms of knowledge: sensory - through sensations, perceptions and ideas, and rational through concepts, judgments, and inferences. Sensory and rational cognition are interconnected and act as a single whole.

But knowledge can be either true or false.

Truth is reliable, correct knowledge, a statement that corresponds to reality, supported by practice.

Topic 5. The concept of “society”.

Society is a group of people who come together to joint activities(society of book lovers, society of journalists).

Society is a specific stage in historical development peoples (feudal society, slave society), part of the material world, consisting of people with in characteristic ways interactions ( Russian society, Chinese society)

Topic 6. Typology of societies.

Societies with similar characteristics or criteria constitute a typology of societies.

According to the presence of writing: written and pre-literate.

According to the degree of social stratification: simple (there are no rich and poor) and complex (with social stratification).

According to the method of production and form of ownership (K. Marx suggested dividing according to socio-economic formations):





Communist (in the future).

Modern science uses all the characteristics and typologies and divides all existing and existing societies into three types:

Pre-industrial (or traditional)


Post-industrial - the term was introduced by A. Toffler and D. Bell (today they call it informational)

Topic 7. Main spheres of society.

Economic sphere: production exchange distribution consumption

Political sphere: state, local authorities authorities, political parties, public associations

Social sphere: social strata, classes, nations, organizations providing welfare

Spiritual sphere: culture, science, education, religion

Topic 8. Social institutions of society

Social institutions are historically established, stable forms of organizing joint activities, regulated, traditions, customs and aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of society:

 Production (factory, company)

 School (education)

 Church (religion)

 State (army)

Functions of social institutions:

Reproduction and raising of children,

Production and distribution of life goods,

Socialization - transfer of knowledge, social values, cultural heritage

Solving spiritual problems

Management, control, maintenance of laws, order, security

Topic 9. Culture. Forms and varieties of culture.

Culture (from Latin cultura - cultivation, processing) - all types of transformative activities of man and society, as well as all their results. A distinction is made between material culture (production, housing, clothing, tools, etc.) and spiritual culture (science, art, values, morality, laws, etc.).

Forms of crops:

 Folk - national culture created by the people (ethnic group), transmitted from mouth to mouth in the form of folklore, morals, and customs.

 Mass culture - the culture of large masses of people of different nationalities as a single whole, which emerged in the 20th century due to the blurring of borders. It has a commercial orientation, is aimed at the mass consumer, is simple, accessible and entertaining.

 Elite - a culture designed for a narrow circle of people prepared to perceive works that are complex in form and content.

 Subculture is a system of norms and values ​​that distinguish a group from the majority of society. A subculture can be positive (professional subcultures) and negative (counterculture - the culture of those groups of society that challenge society, claiming universality).

Topic 10. Social progress.

Social progress is the progressive development of society from simple to complex, from lower to higher, from a state of savagery to the heights of civilization.

Social progress: economic, technical, cultural

The process opposite to progress is regression - the retreat of society from conquered positions, covering individual societies and small gaps time.

Social progress is global in nature. Progress occurs gradually - through reforms or in leaps - through revolutions.

Topic 11. Global problems of humanity.

Global problems are those that threaten the existence of humanity on Earth and can be resolved on the basis of international cooperation. Today the following are distinguished: global problems:

1. Environmental: disruption of the gas composition of the atmosphere, destruction of the ionosphere, stratospheric ozone, which causes Greenhouse effect(global warming) and disrupts the balance in the biosphere.

2. Pollution of the lithosphere (soils and groundwater) due to waste disposal and nuclear testing.

3. Species depletion of the animal and flora, reduction of forests, desertification of lands.

4. Pollution of the hydrosphere (the world's oceans), depletion of reserves fresh water.

5. Weapons problems and threats nuclear war.

6. Demographic problems (in the north of the planet there is a decrease in population, in the south there is an increase and general overpopulation of the planet - famine).

7. Depletion of minerals and energy sources.

8. Uneven development of the northern (Europe, North America- “golden billion”) and southern countries(Asia and Africa).

9. Incurable diseases (AIDS, SARS, etc.).

Tests for consolidation on the topic: Man and society

a) state b) society

b) country d) community

A. Within one country to different historical periods the same type of society is preserved.

B. Society historically arose before the state

a) only A is correct

b) only B is correct

c) both judgments are correct

d) both judgments are incorrect

a) economic sphere

b) political sphere

V) social sphere

A) economic sphere 1) religion

b) political sphere 2) Political Party

c) social sphere 3) banks

d) spiritual sphere 4) healthcare

a) socio-economic formation

b) scientific communism

c) production method

d) post-industrial society

a) industry is more developed than Agriculture

b) information is one of the main values ​​and resources

c) the predominant position in the economy is occupied by the service sector

d) subsistence farming

d) machine labor

A. The progressive development of society proceeds evenly and completely excludes periods of acceleration or deceleration, as well as any return movements.

B. Progress in one area of ​​society may be accompanied by regression in another area.

a) only A is correct

b) only B is correct

c) both judgments are correct

d) both judgments are incorrect

a) a genius b) a great personality

b) personality d) individual

(several answer options)

a) a person is a person from birth

b) personality is formed over a long period of time

c) they become individuals in the process of socialization

d) manifests itself outside of society

e) is expressed in independent actions

a) physiological b) prestigious

b) social d) spiritual

a) education b) self-education

b) socialization d) self-control

Speech communication, everyday communication, service communication, ritual communication, intercultural communication.

“The most beautiful of monkeys is the ugliest when compared with man. The wisest of men is a monkey compared to God in beauty and wisdom...” (Heraclitus)

Option 2

a) state b) society

b) country d) community

2. Are the following judgments about society true?

a) only A is correct

b) only B is correct

c) both judgments are correct

d) both judgments are incorrect

a) political sphere to spiritual

b) economic sphere to political

c) political sphere to economic

d) social sphere to economic

4. Establish correspondence between the spheres of society and their components

a) economic sphere 1) science

b) political sphere 2) factory

c) social sphere 3) state

d) spiritual sphere 4) pension provision

a) socio-economic formations

b) hunter-gatherer societies

c) simple and complex

d) traditional, industrial, post-industrial societies

(several answer options)

a) the beginning of printing

b) appearance environmental problems

c) the transition from manufactory to factory

d) invention of computer technology

e) establishment of a fascist regime

f) increase in population mortality

A. Development human society cannot significantly affect the condition natural environment.

B. Social progress goes in parallel with natural progress.

a) only A is correct

b) only B is correct

c) both judgments are correct

d) both judgments are incorrect

a) pre-industrial society

b) industrial society

d) traditional society

a) individual 1) a person with characteristic character traits, temperament,

intelligence, the result of socialization

b) personality 2) biosocial being, one of many

c) individuality 3) the sum of unique features of appearance, character, originality in actions

a) innate needs

b) spiritual needs

c) satisfied needs

d) unmet needs

a) physiological needs

b) social needs

c) prestigious needs

d) security needs

Family, school, nature, media, area of ​​residence.

“The most invincible person is the one who is not afraid to be stupid” (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

III option.

a) a dynamic system

b) part of nature

c) all surrounding a person material world

d) a system that is not subject to change.

A) prestigious profession

b) creative self-expression

c) respect from others

d) maintaining health.

A. The decline in production causes a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population.

B. Policies pursued by the authorities can contribute to successful economic development countries.

a) only A is correct

b) only B is correct

c) both judgments are correct

d) both judgments are incorrect

4. Labor as opposed to communication

a) is a type of activity

b) can be enjoyable

c) is sent to transform objects environment

d) presupposes the presence of a goal.

a) imitation as a way to master skills

b) the ability to think abstractly

c) communication using articulate speech

d) the need to be in society.

a) subject of knowledge

b) knowable natural phenomena

c) scientific instrument

d) a knowledgeable person.

a) captures a visual image of an object

b) forms a judgment about the subject

c) abstracts from secondary features

d) reveals the essence of the subject.

a) creation of new material assets

b) production moral standards

c) revealing the meaning of life

d) identifying patterns of world development.

A. Truth is knowledge corresponding to the subject of knowledge.

B. Truth is knowledge that corresponds to the ideals of justice.

a) only A is correct

b) only B is correct

c) both judgments are correct

d) both judgments are incorrect.

a) subjectivity of creativity and its evaluation

b) the formation of a sense of beauty in the process of activity

c) the desire for reliability of results and conclusions

d) conducting experiments

e) validity of assumptions

f) creation of artistic images.


1) experiment a) it is not the object being studied that is used

and its simplified image

2) modeling b) the object under study is studied in its

natural state

3) observation c) the object under study is isolated,

exposed to special effects

a) instinctive behavior

b) presence of mind

c) appropriate activity

d) social assessment of actions and their consequences

e) constant development in the process of life

e) emotional manifestations.

“Science is truth multiplied by doubts” (P. Valeria).

“Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other (I. Scherr).

1 option

1. A territory that has certain borders and has state sovereignty is

2. Are the following judgments about society true?

b) only B+ is correct

3. Healthcare, public services, catering refers to

c) social sphere+

4. Establish correspondence between the spheres of society and their components

5. Scientists A. Toffler and D. Bell introduced the concept into scientific circulation:

d) post-industrial society+

6. Find character traits industrial society (several answer options)

a) industry is more developed than agriculture+

e) machine labor+

7. Are the following judgments about progress and regression true?

b) only B+ is correct

8. Every baby born in the world is

d) individual+

9. Find personality-specific statements in the list provided.

(several answer options)

b) personality is formed over a long period of time+

c) they become individuals in the process of socialization+

e) is expressed in independent actions+

10. The main (basic) needs according to the hierarchy of needs are

a) physiological+

11. After retirement, L. became interested in fishing and joined the society of amateur fishermen. That's an example

b) socialization +

12. All of the concepts listed below, with the exception of one, relate to the classification of forms of communication depending on the nature and content of information. Find and indicate a concept that falls out of this series.

Speech communication,

“The most beautiful of monkeys is the ugliest when compared with man. The wisest of people is a monkey compared to God in beauty and wisdom...”


Option II.

1. A group of people united for joint activities is called

c) society+

2. Are the following judgments about society true?

A. All spheres of society are interconnected and influence each other.

B. All spheres of society develop separately and cannot have a significant influence on each other.

a) only A+ is correct

3. During the revolution of 1917 in Russia, bankers, owners of factories and factories, and large landowners lost their property. This is an example of influence

c) political sphere to economic +

4. Establish correspondence between the spheres of society and their components

5. Karl Marx divided the history of the development of society into

a) socio-economic formations+

6. Find manifestations of social progress in the proposed list

(several answer options)

a) the beginning of printing +

c) transition from manufactory to factory+

d) invention of computer technology+

7. Are the following judgments about the interaction between nature and society true?

d) both judgments are incorrect+

8. B modern states– USA, Japan, France, UK – exists

b) industrial society+

9. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their characteristics

10. Only

d) unmet needs+

11. Singer B. spent a whole year intensively preparing for victory at the international vocal competition. The jury awarded B. first place. This is an example of satisfaction

c) prestigious needs+

12. All the concepts listed below, with the exception of one, refer to the concept “ social environment" Find and indicate the term that “falls out” from this series.


13. Essay. “The most invincible person is the one who is not afraid to be stupid” (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

III option.

1. The concept of “development”, “interaction of elements” characterize society as

a) dynamic system+

2. The biological essence of a person is associated with his need for

d) maintaining health.+

3. Are the following judgments about the relationship between the spheres correct? public life?

c) both judgments are correct+

4. Labor as opposed to communication

c) is directed towards the transformation of environmental objects+

5. Properties that reflect the biological nature of a person include

a) imitation as a way to master skills+

6. Subject cognitive activity is

d) a cognizing person.+

7. Sensory cognition as opposed to rational cognition

a) captures a visual image of an object+

8. Scientific knowledge is aimed primarily at

d) identifying patterns of world development.+

9. Are the following truth statements true?

a) only A+ is correct

10. Select from the list distinctive features art

a) subjectivity of creativity and its evaluation +

b) formation in the process of activity of a sense of beauty +

f) creation of artistic images. +

11. Establish a correspondence between the method of checking the results of cognition and its features.


12. Find in the list below the features that distinguish humans from other living beings

b) presence of mind +

c) appropriate activity +

d) social assessment of actions and their consequences+

The Unified State Exam in social studies is one of the most popular subjects. Why is this happening?
The Unified State Exam in social studies must be taken for admission to both humanities and economics-related majors. And students think that the subject “social studies” is simple, and you can easily prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch.

And so the student takes the test and sees that he doesn’t even reach the required threshold. What to do? It turns out that you have zero knowledge, and the exam is in eight to nine months (or earlier). So where to start?

When preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch, you need to have an excellent knowledge of the theory. A number of questions in the second part are based on knowledge of precise terminology. You must be able to provide specific, reasoned answers. Otherwise, the second part will fail.

First part of the Unified State Exam Social studies is also not easy. Yes, there are multiple choice tasks. The specificity is that it is not indicated how many correct answers there should be. There may be two, there may be four answers, that is, several options.
When you are preparing from scratch for the Unified State Exam in social studies, start with basic concepts. For example, in economics these are banks, money, credit, GDP and a number of other terms.
The topic “law” includes criminal, civil, administrative and other branches of law that you need to know.

And so on for each of the Unified State Exam topics in social studies - man and society, economics, sociology, politics and law. And then based on theoretical knowledge We move on to the practical part. Let’s say question No. 18. “Citizen N enters into a transaction for the purchase and sale of real estate, but during the conclusion of this transaction it turned out that the purchase and sale agreement with citizen A has a number of violations...” And answer options are given.
What branch of law will this situation relate to? (Answer: This is a civil right).
- In what legal proceedings will this case be considered?
(Answer: Civil proceedings)
Who will citizen A and citizen N act as? Who is the plaintiff, who is the defendant? (Answer this question yourself)

These tasks are practical, but knowledge of the theory will help you give accurate answers.

In the second part of the Unified State Exam in social studies you will receive a text. Those who are preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch say: “Oh, great, the whole question is on the text! I’ll do it easily.” However, according to statistics Unified State Exam results, a very large percentage of incorrect answers is in the first four questions of the second part. Often the student cannot understand the content of the text, since the text is scientific in nature. Therefore, when preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch, it is necessary to read literature with economic content, legal content, sociological content, and even philosophical works - first of all, to understand the content of the text.

Two of the four text questions are case studies.
But what can I say if you are preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch? Requires extensive knowledge of a practical nature. And for this you need to watch the news, read periodicals, because it is necessary to give specific and accurate examples. Abstract examples may not count as an argument.

Also, when we learn the theoretical part, it is necessary to remember the terminology. There is a certain algorithm for memorizing terminology, both in law and in economics. You must be able to give specific examples based on the term.

And the most “top” questions on the Unified State Exam in social studies are drawing up a plan for a report and writing an essay. There is also a specific template for making a plan, and we give it in our courses. As for writing an essay, it is a combination of theory and practical knowledge.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies from scratch? Three basics, three pillars - theory, practice and erudition. Well-read in various fields: economic, legal, sociological, philosophical. And mandatory knowledge testing is the decision of KIMs and Unified State Exam options in social studies.

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a passport to adulthood, to a dream, which the online preparation center for the Unified State Exam "Novisse" will help you get closer to. It stands out among other similar organizations due to its simplicity, academic excellence and competence of teaching...

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a passport to adulthood, to a dream, which the online preparation center for the Unified State Exam "Novisse" will help you get closer to. It stands out among other similar organizations due to its simplicity, academic excellence and the competence of its teachers; educational material it no longer seems like a terrible “vinaigrette” of terms, rules and exceptions, especially when it is presented by a person who is himself interested in the subject and who is easily able to inspire a student to productive activity. High-quality presentations are quickly remembered and built in the head into a coherent series of knowledge, and selected practical tasks will help you get better at solving exam questions. This format of video lectures is convenient for busy graduates from different cities who are aimed at achieving a worthy result of their efforts. I am grateful to "Novisse" for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam, charismatic qualified teachers and new amazing discoveries! Study, you can't procrastinate!

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Honestly, I really enjoy your webinars! Firstly, everything is clearly explained. No unnecessary information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can confidently trust this teacher. I would like to say thank you for conducting such interesting and useful classes! And I am sure that thanks to your classes I will be able to score high scores!

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Very cool webinar😍 I really liked it. And the teacher is wonderful, I understand perfectly😊I will continue to study with you:)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before the class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the tasks, I didn’t know or understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! That I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up and take notes...

Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before the class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the tasks, I didn’t know or understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! That I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up and sign up ❤ ❤ ❤ hurry up and start preparing with professionals! After all, education is the main thing you should strive for ❤ :)

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I prepared for social studies together with the Novisse portal. I would like to say to Irina Vitalievna for her professional individual approach to training, I was completely satisfied with them! The courses from Novisse were very intense, thanks to them I repeated the most complex topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that in addition to webinars, information...

I prepared for social studies together with the Novisse portal. I would like to say to Irina Vitalievna for her professional individual approach to training, I was completely satisfied with them! The courses from Novisse were very rich, thanks to them I repeated the most difficult topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that apart from webinars, there was absolutely no information on the subject. As a result, 76 points. Very good result! Thank you very much;)