Adult games in company. Entertaining games and competitions for birthdays

We celebrate birthdays year after year. And the scenario can be monotonous if it revolves only around the table and alcohol. It's sad, isn't it? True hospitality is when you take care not only of your stomach, but also of your soul.

The lavish table is complemented by a joyful atmosphere that is remembered long after. That is why people from generation to generation come up with cool table competitions designed to amuse the gathered company and train the ingenuity of the guests!

Cool table competitions for the fun company “Spy Passions”

Many competitions involve solving mysteries in the face of a lack of information. A person at any age loves riddles, especially if the winner receives a gift!

Tentacle forks

The essence of the game is simple: recognize an object blindly. The guest's eyes are blindfolded, and he cannot touch the object with his hands! The player is armed with only two forks. In 2 minutes he must probe and guess as many things as possible.

The organizer should select in advance ordinary household items such as a comb, toothbrush, pencil, candy, orange, etc. To make the task easier, the player can ask questions like: “Is this edible?”, “Is this a hygiene item?”, “Is it made of wood?” ? and others who can help solve the problem.

You are allowed to answer “Yes” and “No”, no more. The one who guessed more and more accurately wins. You are guaranteed to laugh until you cry!

Who am I?

Each participant has a piece of paper with an inscription attached to their forehead using tape. It can be any noun: Living being or an object, but for convenience you can limit yourself to famous characters from cartoons and movies, famous personalities. People sitting in a circle see all the inscriptions except their own.

Each player takes turns asking a leading question (“Am I an actor?”, “Am I a woman?”), to which you can only answer “Yes” or “No.” The first person to guess his character (or another word) wins. Anyone who guesses incorrectly is eliminated from the game or receives a comic punishment.

Mysterious ball

For the game, prepare a small gift, foil and short riddles. The latter are written on pieces of paper.
The gift is wrapped in the first layer of foil, and a leaf with a riddle is attached to it with tape.

The procedure is repeated several times, at least 6-7. More complex riddles should be placed closer to the center, and simpler ones on top. Someone reads the inscription. The first person to guess the riddle has the right to remove a layer of foil and read the next one. The process is repeated.

The one who guessed the best one gets the gift. difficult riddle and took it off last layer foil.

Game "Killer"

The number of participants is unlimited. To draw lots you will need coins and an opaque bag. The coins must be identical, and only one must be marked (of a different color or with some symbol).

All players take out a coin without showing it to others. That participant. whoever comes across a marked coin is considered a “killer”.

Participants try to look into each other's eyes in search of the "killer". Ordinary players cannot independently remove other participants from the game. The “killer” “kills” in a random order - he blinks, meeting the victim’s gaze, trying to ensure that his actions are not noticed by other players. The killed participant immediately declares loudly, placing his coin on the table:
And leaves the game.
The participant who suspected the “killer” says (pointing at him):
- I suspect.
But only two suspects together can catch the “killer”. Until the second suspect shows up, the “killer” has time to take the first one out of the game. The goal of the participant with the marked coin is to “kill” all participants before he is exposed.

Guess the prize

The game is perfect for a birthday - you can take the name of the hero of the occasion as a basis. It’s good if it’s long and more or less corresponds to the number of guests. For example, the name Anton has 5 letters.

The treasured bag contains 5 gifts for each letter. A - orange, H - scissors, T - plate, O - postcard, N - handkerchief. If the prizes are complex, guests can be given small hints. Whoever guesses the item first gets it.


A simple game that requires no props and will delight any crowd.

Funny contests for the birthday of “Nonsense”

A whole series of games is based on random coincidence words that reveal “all the ins and outs” of the participants! An unexpected “truth” not only increases the level of endorphins, but sometimes reveals the secrets of the subconscious...

Question answer

The meaning of the game is clear from the name - with the clarification that both are written on cards and placed in two piles with the text facing down.

The first player draws a question and chooses the addressee, and the last player draws an “answer” card and reads it out loud. And then the procedure is repeated.

You will discover that your friend hides sandwiches in the most unimaginable places, and your best friend howls at the moon at night, sitting on the roof...


In front of the players are sheets of paper with letters of the alphabet. Someone chooses one of them, and all participants must come up with one word starting with that letter, but in such a way that the result is a funny story.

For example, with the letter “D”: “Dmitry dominated the day for a long time, but reached demonic disorientation.” The brighter your imagination works, the more fun the game!

Table vocabulary game “Say the Same Thing”

WITH in English The name of the game can be translated as “Say what I say.”

It can take place if there are at least two people.
Its essence is as follows: on the count of one, two, three, players pronounce any random word.

The task of the participants is to come to a common denominator (word) through step-by-step associations. On the next count, players must say next word, relating to and combining previous utterances.

The game continues until, using the associative method, the participants manage to “read” each other’s thoughts and say the same word out loud.

Let's say there are two players. At the first stage, one of them voiced the word “fireworks”, the second - “day off”. Theoretically, to achieve the desired match, they may only need a couple of moves: for example, if on the second count of one-two-three the participants say the words “holiday” and “fun”, and then, say, “food” and “birthday”, then it is likely that they can reach mutual understanding already on the fourth word. Let's say the general word is "cake".

However, if initially words are heard that are far from each other in meaning, or during the gameplay the participants are carried into the “lexical jungle”, then the path along which the action can develop becomes completely unpredictable and quite fun.

A Tale with Missing Words

The presenter writes a fable in advance, the characters of which are participants in the holiday. Only the fairy tale lacks some words that the players are asked to come up with. Each person takes turns naming a noun, adjective or verb, depending on what is required in the text.

Revelry of imagination and the most ridiculous and funny epithets are welcome! When all the blanks are filled in, the universal creation is read aloud.

Noun and adjective

The principle here is the same as in the previous competition. The last participant in the row comes up with a word, mentioning only whether it is masculine or feminine (for example, “cutlet”). Then the guests take turns calling adjectives and epithets, and the last one voices the hidden word.

The result is something like “a glassy, ​​charming, sexy, mysterious, grumpy cutlet.” The game is played quickly. Guests change roles so that everyone comes up with a noun.

"In my pants..."

The meaning of the game must remain a mystery until the very end. Participants sit in a circle, and everyone tells the neighbor on the left the name of a film, TV series or cartoon. The player remembers, but tells the next one in line a different name, and so on until the end. After this, the presenter asks everyone to say “In my pants...” and add the name of the film heard from a neighbor.

Imagine that someone has “The Lion King” or “Resident Evil” hiding in the designated place!

Cool competitions for a fun company at the table “Discover your talents!”

There are games that explore intelligence, artistry, and creativity. Who is the most talented? Who will impress the guests the most and make them laugh until they cry? The competitions presented below can provide answers to these questions.

Dancing while sitting

Contestants sit down on stools in the center of the hall and begin to dance to catchy music without leaving their seats.

The toastmaster directs the process and names the parts of the body that should dance at a certain moment: “first we dance with our lips and eyes, then with our eyebrows, then with our hands,” etc.

The audience votes for the best chair dancer.


Guests are divided into 2 teams. The first takes on the most sour, sad or serious look, and the members of the second group must take turns or all together to cheer up the “non-laughable ones.” Anyone who smiles last joins the other team.

If within a certain period of time all the “sour faces” are cheerful, their opponents win. If not, the “non-laughers” win.


To complete the task you need imagination and a pack of plasticine. One of the guests names a letter of the alphabet, and the competition participants must fashion an object for this letter.

The speed of sculpting and similarity to the original are assessed. Players receive 2 prizes for the “beauty of the masterpiece” and the efficiency of production!

My mouth is full of worries

A fairly well-known game for which you need to stock up on small caramels or toffees. Contestants put the candy in their mouth and say: “Happy birthday!” Then they take another toffee and the process is repeated. The one who pronounces the phrase more expressively will win. the largest number sweets in the mouth.


The game is designed for people with strong nerves. It is better to play it when the guests have already had a little drink, but their movements are still quite accurate.

The “tower” is built from domino plates: they are placed in the letter “P”, and then the second, third “floor” grows, and so on. Each player adds one plate. Anyone who accidentally destroys a building drinks a penalty portion of alcohol.

Speed ​​solving puzzles

Small puzzles with 54 pieces are quite affordable, but you can take more complex ones. Participants are divided into 2 teams and excitedly assemble the picture at speed. Puzzles that are too large can bore guests.


A popular game, familiar to everyone and loved since childhood, suitable for different ages, also called “Pantomime”, “Cow”, etc. You can play in a team or individually. In the first case, the leader selects 1 person from each group and tells them a word. Start with something simple, like the names of animals or ordinary objects. Then there may be more complex concepts like “dream”, “love”, “investment”, “Paris”, “America”... Each participant must explain to his comrades what it is without making a sound. For each word guessed, the team gets a point.


At any holiday, especially birthdays, congratulations and toasts are important.
But not everyone likes or knows how to pronounce them, and solemn speeches come down to banal wishes for “health and happiness.”
To make this process joyful and extraordinary, toasts should be made under certain conditions! For example:

  • the congratulation should be related to food (“let there be life in chocolate!”);
  • give a speech for the birthday boy in a thematic style (for example, like “brothers” with criminal words, in the style of “Alice in Wonderland” or the works of Tolkien - depending on the company that has gathered);
  • the congratulation is associated with animals (“beautiful like a butterfly”);
  • compose a rhyming greeting on the fly;
  • say a toast in a foreign language;
  • congratulate the hero of the occasion, using the ENTIRE list of words taken “out of thin air” (sun, rainbow, newspaper, slippers, president...).

The list of tasks can be increased. They are written on pieces of paper and distributed to guests.

Magic story

Guests are divided into 2 equal teams, each participant needs to write words on pieces of paper. The latter should relate to a specific topic, for example, one group writes what comes to mind in connection with the concept of “Birthday”. Another comes up with associations for the birthday person himself, his character traits or life events.

Teams can be created “by gender”, so that men write their thoughts about women (“beauty”, “tenderness”, etc.), and vice versa (“strength”, “knight”...). The words may be taken randomly, but that's not that interesting.

The teams then exchange their notes, with the blank side up. Players take turns taking out pieces of paper and coming up with a sentence with the specified word. The team must come up with a story that is interconnected in meaning, then the turn goes to the opponents.

"Not at ease"

As they say, look at your neighbor's plate - you'll always have time to look at yours. The competition is held over food. The driver names any letter of the alphabet, and the participants must name the corresponding product on their plate faster than others.

The use of ё, и, ь, ъ, ы is prohibited. The first one to guess becomes the new presenter. If no one can name the word starting with the specified letter, he receives a prize.

A good holiday requires advance preparation. You need to prepare a bunch of dishes - what other fun? - you may ask. But it’s the cool table competitions that will make the atmosphere fun, and the company around the table won’t be bored.

You can involve guests in the preparation process: ask them to bring props (don’t say what for!) or crafts that will decorate the holiday.

Put your whole soul into organizing the holiday, and any celebration will become truly magical!

The games offered are suitable for entertainment in large rooms, in the yard, on the street or at a picnic.

To carry them out, in addition to skill and ingenuity, it is worth stocking up on chairs, matchboxes, balloons, buttons and other small things. And then the fun is on full blast guaranteed!

Tamer of Wild Beasts

Chairs are placed in a fairly wide circle in the room with the expectation that one guest will be left without one. A wild animal tamer is selected, and the remaining guests take chairs. The owners of the chairs name the animal they will represent (the names are not repeated), the handler remembers. Then he slowly walks in a circle, naming all the animals in a row. The named “animal” gets up and follows the tamer. When all the “animals” are raised and follow the handler in a chain, he says: “Attention, hunters!” And now the task of everyone, both the “animals” and the handler, is to take the empty chairs. Whoever did not have time and was left without a place takes the position of tamer of wild animals, the game continues.

Guess who am I?

If they take part in the game a large number of guests, then it will be much more fun. A leader is chosen, who is blindfolded, and the rest of the players stand around him, holding hands. When the leader claps, the players begin to dance in a circle. And another clap from the leader - the circle freezes. The presenter points to any player whom he must guess. If the presenter correctly names the player the first time, then the “recognized” one becomes the leader. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, then the presenter is allowed to touch the player and try to guess again. If the guess is correct, the identified player becomes the leader. To quickly identify a person and diversify the game, you can introduce a rule according to which the host asks the guests to give a voice, for example, meow, bark, crow, and so on.

Hands up!

A team game for a group of 8 people or more, the main number of participants must be even. Those present are divided into 2 teams and seated on opposite sides of the table. To play you need to have 1 coin. The coin is awarded to one team, the participants pass it from hand to hand under the table. The leader of the opposing team slowly counts to ten (you can silently), and then says: “Hands up!” The team passing the coin must immediately raise their hands clenched into fists. After the command of the “enemy” leader: “Hands down!”, the players lower their hands, palms down, onto the table. The player who has a coin in his hands must, unnoticed by others, cover it with his palm (while lowering his hands). The team is the opponent general meeting decides who has a coin hidden under their palm. If the guess is correct, the coin goes to them; if the guess is incorrect, the coin remains with the team. Game continues.

Hit the hat!

As you can guess from the name of the game, guests are invited to shoot at a target - a hat, which is placed on a chair and the distance from which the headdress will be shelled is determined. Each player is given 5 “grenades” - playing cards, chopsticks, unshelled nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.), cocktail straws, etc. Ammunition can be issued in various calibers.

Melt the ice!

It is better to arrange such a game in the open air in sunny weather. Vacationers are divided into 2 teams, each given an ice cube (cubes of the same size). It's very simple, the first team to melt the ice is the winner. The cube passes from hand to hand in the team, everyone melts it as best they can (warms it in their hands, rubs it, etc.).


This game is more fun to have fun with big company. Everyone names their musical instrument that they have chosen to “play.” It will be more interesting if players choose different instruments. For example, flute, saxophone, drum, etc. A “conductor” of an educated orchestra is selected, who faces him and begins playing his chosen instrument (for example, imitates a drumbeat if he chose a drum or puffs out his cheeks if he chooses a flute). The orchestra also begins to play its instruments, while not taking its eyes off the conductor. Suddenly the conductor starts playing another instrument (chosen by a different player). The player whose instrument was taken away stops the “game” and covers his ears with his hands. The rest of the orchestra plays the instrument chosen by the conductor. After a certain period of time, the conductor returns to playing his instrument, and the orchestra also begins to play their instruments. Thus, the conductor changes instruments, and the orchestra must keep up with him and not make a mistake in choosing an instrument.


One of the variations of spin the bottle, without kissing. Various tasks are written on several pieces of paper (according to the number of participants), for example: “Depict (voice out) the animal presented in the picture”, “Run around the house”, “Give the first girl you meet a flower”, “Do 5 push-ups”, etc. The leaves rolled into a tube are inserted into the bottle. The players sit in a circle on the floor. The bottle is placed in the center of the circle and spun, the player opposite whom it stopped takes out a piece of paper and completes the written task.


The players form a semicircle, and the driver stands one step away from them with his back to their faces. Driver right side covers his face with his right palm, limiting his view, and back side left palm presses to the right side. One of the players quietly hits the driver’s palm with his palm. All players draw right hand with a clenched fist and raised thumb. The driver faces the players and guesses who hit him. If the attempt is successful, the “identified” person replaces the driver, if unsuccessful, the game is repeated.

Pull up your chair

Various variations of the chair press: holding the chair with one hand by the front leg or by the back leg, by the top crossbar of the back of the chair, but with both hands, etc. You need to lift with outstretched arms above your head; the one who managed to lift the most without lowering the chair to the floor is the winner.

Playing for a prize on the count of 3

The prize is placed on a chair between two participants. The leader counts: one, two, thirty...twenty-two, one, two, hundred and four, one, two, three...eleven, etc. The prize will go to the most attentive and agile person who can be the first to take the prize after hearing the word “three” from the presenter.


Two participants come out from each team and their hands are tied (the right hand of one and the left of the second). With their free hands, respectively the left of one and the right of the other, the participants must pack the pre-prepared gift into a bundle, then tie it with a ribbon, the ends of which are tied in a bow. The winning pair is awarded a point. Then the winning team is determined based on points.

Catch a bottle

Necessary props for the game: cut a small ring (diameter 2-3 cm) from wood, cardboard or a plastic cover. Attach a stick more than a meter long to the ring using a rope (wire). Different bottles are placed in some place in the room. The player, holding the stick by the end, must throw the ring over the neck of the bottle. You can prepare several sticks to increase the number of simultaneously playing. For excitement, bottles can be placed with the contents: Fanta, Coca-Cola or strong drinks. Whoever “caught” the bottle receives its contents as a prize. It is advisable that each player stays with a prize.


To begin with, players are asked to make a “discovery” of a new planet - inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons. Next you need to “populate” discovered planets residents - also quickly draw them with a felt-tip pen. The winner is the one with the most populous planet.


A game for song lovers. Players form a circle facing inward. The presenter drags out a song, a verse, or speaks if he cannot sing. Without pausing, the next player continues to sing a verse of another song. And so on, but the new verse must contain at least one word from the “old” verse. The verses are sung without a pause, each time the player standing on the right picks up the song.


The presenter invites all players to sing in chorus. First, a well-known song: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or another. The leader claps his hands once - the choir sings, claps a second time - they sing mentally (to themselves), the third clap - again loud general singing. Thus, several times until some singer goes astray. The confused singer becomes the leader and offers his song, also well-known, for reproduction. The leader helps the choir, especially with mental singing.

Keep your tune

A presenter is selected. The rest of the players remember songs, words and motives that are well known to them. In addition to the presenter, each player will perform a song of his choice. One clap from the leader - everyone sings mentally (to themselves). Two claps from the leader - loud singing from all players. The main thing is not to lose the rhythm when hearing outsiders singing. Then the leader claps once - everyone sings mentally, claps twice - they sing loudly. The player who sings the song to the end without missing a beat is declared the winner. The presenter monitors this. The reward is the opportunity to sing your favorite song without extraneous voices or claps from the host.

Sound engineer

To play you need special devices and soundtrack. The source of characteristic sounds can be, for example: cans filled with dry peas, a baking tray, a closed jar with dry peas, ski boots and a board, saucepans with lids, a metal spoon, rags, etc. You need to prepare a tape recorder and an empty cassette. Now everything is ready for the radio show.
Tell any fairy tale, for example: “The Tale of Good and Evil.” The beginning of a fairy tale could be like this: “Once I went into the forest to pick mushrooms (with my hands in my boots it was easy to move along the board), we were making our way through the pine trees (the sound of pine paws moving away - hitting lightly with a rag on some surface) and suddenly there was a sound someone's steps (also hands in shoes but slowly moving along the board). The footsteps were heard quietly at first, and then the sound grew and grew (tapping the lid on the pan). And then I turned around and there was a bear in front of me. Out of fear, my veins began to shake (shaking a closed jar of peas) and at that time thunder struck (intensively with a spoon on a baking sheet). I raised my head to the sky, and large drops of rain fell from it (shaking a can of peas), turned around at the bear, and he was walking away with an open umbrella...”
Record the story on a tape recorder and listen to it later.

Reviving the painting

The game is a team game, each team comes up with the plot of their picture in secret from the other team. Next, the teams show a pantomime of the planned pictures to each other, for which 15 seconds are allotted. Time is given for discussion and a version of the title of the painting is put forward. The teams announce what they depicted. Two categories of winners: who guessed better, who portrayed better.


A leader is selected, and the rest freeze in various positions on the count of three. “Stirlitz” remembers the clothes and poses of the players and leaves the room. At this time, players change 5 elements (in clothing or pose) - 5 elements for all participants. Stirlitz must find the changes and return everything to its original position. If he managed to find all five, he gives a task to the players, which they must complete. Otherwise, he remains Stirlitz and everything starts anew.

Original acquaintance

The players form a circle. Everyone takes a new name - a foreign one or a pseudonym, which he announces after taking a step forward. For example: “I am Napoleon.” In addition to the name, a gesture characteristic of the chosen image is invented; it is shown during the presentation of the name. So, for example, you introduced yourself and put your hand behind your jacket. The next player repeats everything after you and then introduces himself. The third player has to repeat first after the first, then after the second player and only then introduce himself. And so, like a snowball in a circle. Whoever makes a mistake starts again by repeating the previous player (name and gesture) and again the “clump grows” in a circle. After completing several laps, identify the owner of the longest chain and somehow please him.

Draw a figure

The game is divided into pairs. Each pair performs in turn. Unnoticed by the other players, the partner in a pair uses his finger to draw any shape on his colleague’s back. The player whose back was painted depicts this figure in front of the other pairs: dancing, walking, moving somehow. Everyone guesses. By decision of the judge, the winning pair is determined - the pieces that were recognized most of players.

Pass the orange

All players form a circle and pass each other an orange or another round thing (apple, ball, round toy). The orange is passed without using your hands - using your chin or shoulder. The participant who drops the item is eliminated from the game. The two remaining players will be the winners.


Everyone forms a circle. Everyone comes up with and depicts a pantomimic caricature of one of the colleagues present in the circle. Next, in a circle, participants try to consistently draw caricatures of all the players. One depicts, the rest are collectively guessed. If you guessed correctly, the “exposed” person leaves the game. Otherwise, the author of the parody leaves the game. And so on in a circle, the most persistent are the winners.


A team game for those with a sweet tooth. The leader prepares (2) identical chocolate bars for each team. The teams are seated on opposite sides of the table, the leader is in the center. The presenter, commanding: “Let’s start!” distributes chocolate to the players closest to him. The first players must quickly unwrap the chocolate and bite off a piece, then pass it on to the next participants, who also take a bite and pass the baton. The winning team is the first to eat the chocolate bar, and absolutely all players must take a bite of it, so you also need to be able to correctly distribute the sweet equipment.


Players stand on the field and throw to each other balloon. The rule of the game is not to move (do not lift your feet off the floor). A penalty point is awarded to the one who moved from his place or, in the case when no one caught the ball, touched it last. A player with three penalty points becomes simply an observer. The last one remaining on the playing field is the winner.


Do you remember the fairy tale where the wife, in defiance of her husband, did everything the other way around? The presenter comes out in front of the players and shows some kind of movement, and the players do the opposite. The presenter raises left hand- players lower their left hand, spread their arms - players bring them together, squat - jump, etc. The player who made the mistake becomes the new leader.

Game of matches

A box of matches (possibly incomplete) is thrown in a pile onto the table by one of the players. The next player takes a match from the pile in such a way as not to touch other matches.
If a match other than the one being taken out moves, the player retreats. And a new participant begins to carry matches. Everyone is given 5-10 attempts; the one who managed to get more matches is the winner. You can determine the winner using another method: Decorate the matches in different colors, assign a number of points to each color, or draw circular stripes on the matches (circle – point). The player with the most points is the winner.

Who is missing and how is he dressed?

A game for a large company, blindfold the driver. One of the guests leaves the room. The driver's eyes are opened and he must say who came out and fully describe his wardrobe.

Homeostat (group compatibility)

The players sit and form a circle. All players clench their fists and, at the leader’s signal, sharply “throw out” their fingers. The players' task is to “throw out” their fingers in the same number. They play until they achieve synchronicity. It is forbidden to exchange glances and negotiate.


Things and people are transformed into something else, without the help of words, but by determining the appropriateness of actions. For example, a room is a beach, then all players are sea, sand, umbrellas. Bazaar - stalls, vegetables, prices, string bags. Concert hall - operators, “stars”, fans, flowers, etc. You can additionally arrange noise accompaniment and images of props.

Removing buttons

With only index fingers pass the button to each other along the chain. The button lies on the index finger. The one who drops the button is eliminated from the game, the last one is the winner.

"Football" with buttons

Two gates for two teams. The gate is two buttons lying on the floor. There are also three more buttons on the floor on each side. The middle button is “hammered” into the gate. Alternately scoring goals.

Button record

The player stands on his toes at the edge of the carpet and tries to place the button as far away from himself as possible. You can tilt your body forward. A player who cannot stay on his toes and falls on the carpet is eliminated from the game. The winner is either the most persistent, or the one who placed the button furthest.

How great it can be to meet with friends, escape from problems and everyday life, and have a noisy party! I would like the training camp to take place in a festive atmosphere and be remembered for a long time. However, the evening is banal, uninteresting and boring.

To have fun, you need to prepare funny entertainment. What competitions are there for a small company? How to plan the best party?

Entertainment "Crocodile"

This one is suitable for a small company, and although it comes from childhood, any adult will be happy to fool around. To do this, you need to think of a word for a friend and ask him to portray it using pantomime. You cannot give hints by whispering or moving your lips. Whoever guesses is given the right to guess a new word and choose a performer.

Game "Surprise"

This entertainment requires little preparation. If you are planning competitions for a small company, you can buy several comical accessories in the store. It could be glasses with a nose, funny big ears, a cap or huge bloomers. These items must be placed in a closed cardboard box.

At the beginning of the game, all guests must pass the box to the music, and when the melody stops, they need to quickly pull out the first thing they come across and put it on themselves. This game is very noisy and fun, since everyone wants to get rid of the box faster, and new item and its rapid pulling causes an explosion of laughter.

Competition "Fastest"

This game requires stools and bananas. Two participants are selected, their hands tied behind their backs. Then you need to kneel in front of a stool on which lies an unpeeled banana. Without using your hands, you need to extract the pulp and eat it completely. For the one who loses, you need to come up with a “punishment” in the form of fulfillment of a wish.

Game "Fanta"

It’s not at all difficult to prepare fun competitions for a small company. To play forfeits, you need to write funny wishes on small pieces of paper. For example, dance the “Macarena”, portray a kangaroo or a mad fly. Desires must be original and easy, otherwise guests may refuse to fulfill them. On each piece of paper you need to indicate the time the wish will be fulfilled.

Tasks and their completion times must be kept confidential. It turns out very funny when neighbor Vasya, after a toast, begins to spin around without words, imitating a fly in flight, or starts an aboriginal dance. The main thing is that guests remember their time and willingly participate in the competition.

Entertainment “Find a Pair”

What can you do to lighten the mood at a party? Of course, coming up with original ones and for a small company of 4-6 people this entertainment is a win-win option.

On small pieces of paper the names of animals are written in pairs. Place everything written in a prepared hat or plate and mix well. Participants are invited to take a piece of paper, read to themselves what animal is hidden there, and find their mate among the other guests. To search, you can only use the sounds that this animal makes or its movements.

To make the competition more comical, you should write the names, for example, koala, marmot, gopher. This will confuse the participants and make it difficult for them to find their mate.

Game "Come up with a toast"

Competitions for a small company can be not only active. Some of them can be carried out without leaving the table.

Guests are invited to take turns making toasts, but they need to start with a specific letter of the alphabet.

For example, the first participant begins his speech with the letter “a”, the next guest also needs to say something, but starting with the letter “b”. And so on until the end of the alphabet. The funniest thing will happen when toasts begin in an unusual way, for example, with the letter “yu” or “s”.

Entertainment "Quick Cucumber"

They will give great mood, and cool competitions for a small company will also bring guests together. Such entertainment causes a lot of laughter and contributes to the emergence of comical situations.

This game is good because all guests can participate in it at once, regardless of age and gender. First you need to stand in a tight circle, preferably shoulder to shoulder, and put your hands back. There is also one participant in the center of the ring.

Take a long cucumber to make the game last as long as possible. Participants must pass it from hand to hand, very deftly and unnoticed. The guest inside the circle must guess who has this vegetable. The players' task is to quickly pass the cucumber to the next one, biting off a piece of it.

You need to act very carefully so that the central participant does not see the transfer process or chewing of one of the guests. The game ends when all the cucumber is eaten.

Game "Chairs"

For a small group of adults, they will decorate a party and enliven a boring atmosphere. Children love to have fun with chairs. However, if you put men on chairs with ladies running around them, the game will turn into an “adult” one.

During the catchy music, the girls dance, and when the melody stops, they quickly sit on the men’s laps. Participants who did not have time to take a place are eliminated. At the same time, one chair with a man is removed.

The funniest moments in the competition occur when the ladies push each other aside to sit on the man's lap. These situations cause a burst of laughter and give the participants in the game a great mood.

Entertainment "Part of the body"

To conduct the competition, you need to choose a presenter. He leads the circle around the table. The host takes his neighbor by the ear, hand, nose or other. All guests in turn must repeat his movement. When the circle reaches the end, the leader shows another part of the body. The goal of this competition is not to lose your way, to repeat the movement correctly and not to laugh.

Game "Pass the Ring"

All guests must sit in a row and hold a match between their teeth. A ring is hung on its end. During the game, you need to pass it to the participant who is nearby, without using your hands. The ring must reach the last participant without falling to the ground. Whoever drops it must be granted a funny wish.

Parties are about fun and laughter

To ensure that your guests don’t get bored and remember the feast for a long time, be sure to prepare competitions. For a small company they can be invented great amount. The main thing is that games should not offend or dirty the participants and be safe. Then all the guests will have a lot of fun and will remember your fiery party with pleasure.

Options and description of competitions and games for a small company.

Many people love to have feasts and spend time in noisy companies. But what to do if the participants of the event do not know each other, and you need to reduce the distance between them. In this case, they will come in handy funny Games and competitions that can be held directly at the table.

First, come up with games that require a clear mind. The fact is that after the third glass it is better to choose active competitions, this will allow guests to stay sober longer.


  • Question answer. This is a popular competition. You need to take two jars and put packages with questions there. Place pieces of paper with the answers in another jar. Have one player pull the package from one can and the other from the other. Come up with funny questions and answers.
  • Find out. The competition allows players to get to know each other. Ask everyone to come up with 2 true and one false statement about themselves. Let the company figure out what is fact and what is fiction.
  • Zoo. Let the participant come up with an animal, and the rest guess what kind of animal it is. You can only answer yes or no questions.

If you know all the guests well, then you can choose open games with obscene or sexual themes. Such games are ideal for young people, among whom there are many free people who are not burdened with family.


  • Sex shop. It is necessary for the participant to wish for any product from the sex shop. The rest should use leading questions to find out what the guest has wished for. You can only answer yes and no.
  • Crocodile. It is necessary to give one of the participants a clothespin so that he can quietly attach it to another guest. After this, a sign is given to the presenter and he asks the guests to find a clothespin on themselves in 10 seconds. Whoever managed it, well done. Those who didn’t have time drink a penalty glass.
  • Star. It is necessary to write some actor or singer on the sheets of paper. Attach this sheet to the participant's forehead for everyone to see. Now the guests must give clues, the participant must guess which hero they have given him.

If you know each other well, come up with comic tasks for each other. This will improve the mood and help guests bond.

Comic tasks:

  • Little things. Divide the guests into two teams. Take the list and read it. Choose familiar items that guests might be wearing or in their pockets. Whichever team has the most items wins.
  • Similarity. Two jars are required. Put funny questions into one. For example, in the morning I look like... In another jar there are answers such as seal, hedgehog, bus.
  • Funny guy. Comic competition, which will amuse the guests. It is necessary to put funny souvenirs in a box and pass them around to the guests, turning on the melody. Whoever the music ends on, without looking, pulls out a souvenir and puts it on.

To improve the mood of the company and make the atmosphere warm and free, come up with fun, cool competitions.


  • Banana. Place two stools and place a banana on them. Tie two participants' hands behind their backs and ask them to peel the banana and eat the pulp. The first one to do it is the winner.
  • Ring. A cool competition for young people. Give everyone a toothpick and hang a ring on the tip. The task is to give the ring to your neighbor and hang it on a toothpick. Whoever's ring falls loses.
  • Newspaper. A fun and cool competition for non-family members. A couple is invited and the music is turned on. They must dance and not go beyond the edges of the newspaper. After the music stops, the newspaper is folded in half.

Quizzes for a small, fun group of adults

You can watch interesting quizzes for a small company in the video. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

VIDEO: Quiz for a fun company

Such games are suitable for people who have had a little drink and are still thinking clearly. It is necessary that people can read normally and nothing blurs in their eyes.

Games with notes:

  • Guessing game. You need to write a wish and put it in a jar. All guests will fill the jar with notes; the host must take out the package and read the wish. Guests must guess whose wish it is.
  • Movie. It is necessary to write the names of the films on the packages. Each participant pulls out a package and must describe what is happening in the film. Based on the description, guests must guess the film.
  • Song. In a small container you need to put the packages with the names of the songs. The participant’s task is to hum the song while putting nuts or caramels in his mouth. Whoever guesses the song is the winner.

A fun and active game that will allow guests not to get bored and stay “in shape” for a long time.


  • Cut a circle out of cardboard and glue the petals to it
  • Write a funny task on each petal
  • Each participant tears off a petal and does what is written
  • It could be a fluttering butterfly or a March cat
  • Guests must guess what task is described on the daisy petal

Game Chamomile for adults' birthday

Old people can't brag good health. Therefore, it is necessary to select competitions that do not require good physical preparation.

Quizzes for pensioners:

  • Guess the melody. Classic game. It is advisable that the presenter or one of the participants knows how to play musical instrument. The team must guess the melody.
  • Lotto. It is better to offer pensioners games that are not very active, which will help them remember their youth and feel a little nostalgic. To do this, purchase dice. And what number comes up, we need to talk about this year. For example, the theme “80s”. If a 2 is rolled, then you need to talk about the events that were remembered in 1982.
  • Dancing. You can invite pensioners to dance to the music of their youth. Prepare in advance and find songs from the youth of those invited.

If there are children and adults among the guests, then the competitions should be universal and lift the spirits of both young people and the older generation.

Family competitions:

  • Forks. Blindfold the participant and place a fork in each hand. Place an object in front of the participant and ask them to use a fork to recognize what it is.
  • Dancing. It is necessary to place chairs in the center of the room and ask the participants to sit down. The music turns on and you need to dance to it without getting up from your chair. The leader then controls which part of the body needs to be moved.
  • Secret. You will need some small thing, a souvenir. It is wrapped in several layers of foil. Each layer is attached with tape with a riddle. The closer to the gift, the more difficult the riddles should be.

In a women's company, competitions can be on the topic of family, beauty and boyfriends. It’s worth preparing gifts; these could be nice little things for the kitchen.

Women's competitions:

  • Lottery. Take a sheet of paper and draw it into several squares. In each box, write a number from one to ten and a gift. Each participant must pronounce the number and receive a corresponding gift.
  • Beauty. Blindfold the participants and hand them pencils and lipsticks. Participants must apply lipstick without a mirror. Whoever completes the task most accurately will receive a prize.
  • Fashionista. Put things in a bag different sizes. Clothing and accessories must be non-standard. Participants must take clothes out of the bag and put them on themselves.

Table competitions and games for women's company

Table competitions and games for a group of colleagues

Such games are designed to improve relationships between colleagues and bring them closer together. These can be competitions and games with touching and interesting facts about employees. This will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about each other. Competitions for colleagues can be viewed in the video.

VIDEO: Competitions for corporate events

Such competitions and games should amuse the company and not allow them to fall asleep. Accordingly, it is best to choose mobile competitions. It could be dancing or something like that.

Competitions for drunk company:

  • Wrappers. One thing is taken from everyone present at the celebration and placed in a specially prepared bag. The presenter can ask any of those not participating in the competition: “What should this forfeit do? “After receiving the answer, the presenter shows which forfeit got this task. Fant does it.
  • Boxing match. To participate in it you need to find two volunteers who are not averse to showing their strength. The presenter gives each person boxing gloves and invites them to do a little exercise, for example, to do squats or push-ups. All other participants must create an atmosphere of tension before the fight. After a few minutes, the presenter announces the start of the competition. Participants take a stand. At this very time, the presenter gives each of the players a chocolate candy. The players' task is to turn them around. The participant who completes this task faster than the other wins. He is awarded a prize.
  • Fun path. Before the game starts, you need to organize two teams: one team of men, the other of women. The point of the game is for each team to make a long rope out of their own things. They should put these things in line. The team that makes the rope longer than the other team wins. It is best to hold a competition among young people. This will help you get closer and find a mate.

Table competitions and games for drunken company

Such competitions and games should be related to the New Year theme. These could be competitions about the Christmas tree, snow and New Year's toys.

New Year competitions:

  • Snowball. Prepare sheets of paper with a painted image of Santa Claus in advance. Participants are blindfolded and given cotton wool and glue. The player must, blindfolded, glue his grandfather's beard using cotton wool.
  • Midnight. To play you will need chairs and a clock. They will imitate the chime. Chairs are placed in a circle and the music is turned on. When the chime strikes, all participants must sit in prepared places. Whoever doesn't get a chair is eliminated.
  • Treat. Ice cream is placed on the plate. Two participants sit opposite each other. One is given plastic spoons. He must feed the second participant ice cream without using his hands. That is, you need to hold the spoon in your teeth.

Wedding table competitions and games

A wedding is a fun event for the bride, groom and all guests. Usually competitions are associated with future life newlyweds. These could be competitions about children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and life together. You can watch the competition options in the video.

VIDEO: Wedding competitions

As you can see, competitions are an indispensable part for a good and fun time in the company. Don't be lazy and prepare in advance.

During the holidays, you can also use active games of a sporting nature (for example, “Bag Run” and many others). Such games develop endurance in a person and physical qualities. At every party there are reckless people who can't wait to channel their energy somewhere. The games below are quite suitable for this. But they will require a lot of free space. Optimal condition For such games there is fresh air.

"Sack Run"

The game involves teams with the same number of players. To play the game you will need two bags. Participants must climb into bags and jump a predetermined distance into them and back. The team that completes the task faster wins.


This is a Georgian national game, the name of which is translated as “field”. The players' task is to run with the ball to the opponent's side, located on the other side of the field. Two teams take part in the game. The number of players can reach up to 15 people. At the beginning of the game, the teams stand in a circle, and then the ball is thrown up and the game begins. One of the players catches the ball and begins to move towards the opponent. The opponent can take the ball by any means except downright rude ones.


Two teams take part in the game. The playing area is divided into two halves, which belong to the teams. One of the players comes to the side of his opponent and stands behind the whole team. He has to throw balls to his team, but he can't kick them himself. The team's task is to use the ball to knock as many of their opponents off the court as possible. The team that eliminates all its opponents wins.


Participants form a circle and, by drawing lots, determine who will be the defender and who will be the main one. The main one and his defender stand in the middle of the formed circle. The participants begin to throw the ball to each other and try to knock out the main one. The defender’s task is to protect the main player from getting hit by the ball. If this happens, the participant takes the place of the main one and can choose his own defense or leave the previous defender. And the game continues.


For this game you need to choose a leader who will monitor the correct completion of tasks. Players are divided into several teams. Each team is given five envelopes in which tasks are written. For example: 1st task - sit down 50 times; 2nd task - recite a poem about birds, etc. In addition, the teams need to find the remaining five envelopes. To do this, you need to complete the tasks correctly. The team that completes all tasks before others is the winner. The winner will receive a prize in the form of a cake.

"Let's jump!"

Teams take part in the game. Each participant needs to jump on one leg to the pole and back. Whoever completes the task faster wins. To make the task more difficult, you can arrange it next to a small slide. Then the participants will need to jump uphill and downhill.

“Break through the wall!”

The game is played in winter, when there is a lot of snow outside. A wall that is small in height and thickness is erected from snow. Participants will also need a stick approximately 0.5 m long. Each participant must throw their stick so that it breaks right through the snowdrift.

"Tennis Balls and Tray"

The leader forms two teams, each consisting of three participants, and everyone is given one tennis ball. The first players (starters) are also given a tray. On command, the first players place the ball on the tray and quickly walk to the flag and back. Pass the tray to the next participant. He covers the same distance, but with two balls, therefore, the third player with three. The team that completed this task faster wins.


To play the game you will need two chairs placed at some distance from each other. A large round stick is placed on them, capable of supporting the weight of a person. WITH different sides From the chairs, apples are laid out on low stands in the shape of a triangle. The participant sits in the middle of the stick and holds another stick in his hands to maintain balance. The participant's task is to knock the apples off the stands. If a participant loses his balance, he can put a stick on the floor and support him. The participant who knocks down all the apples and stays on the stick wins. If a participant knocks down all the apples but fails to hold on, the result is not counted.

"Hide and Seek"

The participant who will drive is selected by drawing lots. They close his eyes, put him facing the wall (playing place), and he begins to count to 50. The remaining participants hide at this moment. After the driver has opened his eyes, the participants do not have to wait until they are found. Everyone’s task is to reach the playing place faster than the driver. Whoever fails to do this will be the driver in the next game.


This game develops dexterity and the ability to calculate a strike. Before starting the game, you need to draw a circle and insert a stick into its middle. A plastic cover is placed on the stick. Players stand at a distance of 1.5 m from the stick and try to knock down the one on the stick with another lid. But you need to knock it down so that it falls outside the drawn circle. Whoever succeeds scores 5 points. The one who scored the most points wins.


The game develops the eye and dexterity of the game participants. To play you will need sticks 0.5 m long and rings. If the game is played on fresh air, then the sticks are dug into the ground, if indoors, then they are secured in the cross. Participants are divided into teams. The task of each team is to put as many rings on a stick as possible. At the first stage, the distance between the thrower and the stick is 1 m, at the second stage - 2 m, at the third - 3 m. At the end of three stages, the winning team is revealed.


Two teams take part in the game. On the playing field, at a certain distance from each other, multi-colored rings are laid out. Players must stand on stilts and walk across the playing field, hitting as many colored rings as possible.

"Two Legs"

Couples participate in the game. Each participant in a pair is tied with one leg and given the task to jump to the flag and come back. Couples jump holding hands. The couple that reaches the finish line first is considered the winner.

"Pillow Fights"

Participants sit on a log and try to knock down their opponent with a pillow blow. Whoever falls is out of the fight.


To play, draw a circle with a diameter of 2 m. Two participants stand in the middle of the circle and, leaning on one leg, take the other by the heel with their hand. In this position, they try to push their opponent out of the circle. Using your hands is prohibited.

"Vice versa"

Participants stand in a line and repeat all the movements of the driver who is standing in front of them, exactly the opposite. The participant who makes a mistake changes places with the driver.


In the game, one circle with a diameter of approximately 1.5 m is drawn on the floor, and inside it is a smaller circle. Participants stand around a large circle, hold hands and try to push their neighbor into the restricted area. The forbidden zone is the space between the large and small circles. Participants can step into the small circle. Anyone who does step into the restricted area is eliminated from the game.

“Pass and not touch”

Players are divided into several teams. Each team has flags in front of them; participants must pass them with their eyes closed and not knock them down. When the first participants from each team begin to walk, the teams must tell them which direction to go. When teams simultaneously begin to give hints to their players, none of them can understand where to move.

"Fold the Sun"

The game is team-based. First, a circle is drawn at a certain distance from each team. Each team player receives a baton. And then, one by one, on two legs, you need to jump to the drawn circle and place your stick so that the team ends up making the sun. The winner of the game is the team that completed the task before the rest.


The game is played in teams. Team members hold hands with their eyes closed. The presenter asks the teams to depict various figures, for example a circle, square, etc. The team that depicts the figure incorrectly is eliminated from the game.


Guys take part in the game. They are tied with a rope, but at a distance, and a prize is placed in front of each. Each young man must reach for the prize and thereby win over his opponent to his side. The participant who takes the prize first wins.

You can also arrange a tug of war. Participants are divided into teams and stand on both sides of the rope. On command, they take the rope in their hands and try to pull their opponents over the line drawn in advance. The strongest team wins.

You can pull without a rope. To do this, all team members line up and take each other by the waist. The first participants of such a “locomotive” from different teams holding hands. On command, participants pull opponents to their side.

"Game of Rings"

The game is played outdoors. At a distance from the participants, a stick is placed between the trees, and rings are attached to it. The participants put on stilts, reach the trees and try to collect the rings, while their opponents try to stop them. The one who collects the most rings becomes the winner.