The poisonous plant is Datura vulgare. Datura flower

Datura common as botanical species was described by the Swedish botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus back in the 18th century. But before that, of course, the plant was widely known among the people - primarily for its poisonous properties. This can be judged by the number of popular names for Datura. The ancient Aztecs called this plant “tlapatl” and pointed out that the grass makes a person crazy. They were afraid not only to ingest it, but also to smell it.

Features of a medicinal plant

Datura is a highly poisonous plant. Its seeds, which contain many alkaloids (tropanes), are especially dangerous.


Datura common. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

The birthplace of the herb is Mexico and East End North America. In Russia it is common in the southern regions and middle lane. Often found in Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Crimea, and Central Asia. Refers to weeds. Loves to grow along roads, building walls and fences. More often found in wastelands and open steppe zones.

Decorative type of dope

The scientific name of Datura fragrant is Datura, Brugmansia. This decorative look plants, which have many varieties. It is a powerful, evergreen shrub that can reach a height of 5 meters. Its flowers are fragrant, large, pink, white, yellow color. Datura fragrant is planted in tubs and large pots. In summer the flower stands on fresh air, in winter it is moved indoors. It also belongs to the type of poisonous plants, but is not used for medicinal purposes.

Botanical characteristics

What does Datura grass look like? Annual herbaceous plant, which is growing extremely quickly. On good soils the height of the grass can reach 1 m and higher.


The top of the stem, leaves and seeds are used as medicinal raw materials. Datura flower is not usually collected and is used only in homeopathy.

  • Collection. Leaves are collected only in dry weather, during the flowering period, from June to October, until the first frost. Seeds are collected in the fall after full ripening.
  • Drying. The grass is laid out in the shade, under awnings, in attics. Stir frequently when drying. Do not dry next to other medicinal plants!
  • Storage . Raw materials are stored in tightly closed containers, separately from others. medicinal plants. Shelf life - 2 years.

Healing effect

What are the medicinal properties of Datura herb?

  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antitussive.
  • Calming.
  • Painkiller.
  • Narcotic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

What's in the chemical composition?

  • Many alkaloids (atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine).
  • Carotene.
  • Tannins.
  • Essential oil (leaves).
  • Fatty oil (seeds).
  • Organic acids.


For what diseases and symptoms is the herb prescribed?

The properties of the plant have been well studied in toxicology and are used in neurology. The alkaloids of this herb are isolated in separate group. Medicines with anticholinergic, atropine-like action are made from them - they relieve spasms of smooth muscles and act on the central nervous system. Moreover, the alkaloid scopolamine relaxes the nervous system, and hyoscyamine excites.

What are the contraindications of Datura herb? Strictly prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, glaucoma, increased intracranial and intraocular pressure, childhood. The plant's effects on the central nervous system can be unpredictable. The use of Datura without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited.

Features of preparation and use

What are the uses of Datura vulgare in folk medicine? What methods of preparing this plant are there? And how to safely use the various dosage forms of Datura?

Decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture

The Datura plant is not sold in pharmacies due to its narcotic properties. But its leaves, seeds, and finished oil are freely sold on the Internet. Herbal preparations can also be made from raw materials prepared independently.

Preparing a decoction from seeds

  1. Take 1 tsp. grass seeds
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.

The broth must be filtered. Apply externally for rinsing, douching, enemas, lotions, compresses. It is also added to medicinal baths for rheumatic and muscle pain, prolapse of the colon and uterus.

Making an infusion from the leaves

  1. Take 20 g of dry leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Breathe the steam.

Vapors from this infusion are inhaled through the nose for 10 minutes for asthma and whooping cough.

Preparation of alcohol tincture from seeds

  1. Take 1 part of crushed seeds.
  2. Fill with 5 parts alcohol (70%).
  3. Leave for 7 days.
  4. Strain.

The tincture is taken orally in a strict dosage - 2 drops 3 times a day, diluted in a tablespoon of water. Recipes are taken from the “Herbalist” by V.V. Reshetnyak, I.V. Tsigura, from the book “Healing with Plants” by A.V. Reshetnikov, E.I. Semchinskaya.

Read more about hair removal with Datura oil

Datura oil for hair removal is perhaps the most popular product for home hair removal. Many articles and even separate forums on the Internet are devoted to this topic. To remove hair, alcohol tinctures, decoctions and infusions are used, but more often an oil extract from the seeds of the plant is used. There are a variety of reviews about Datura oil tincture for hair removal.

Today, dope for hair removal is “promoted” in the networks, like many other products. One gets the impression that this is a commercial project. Does beauty require sacrifice or attention to your own health? The question is rhetorical.

Signs of overdose and emergency assistance

With prolonged, uncontrolled use and overdose, the following signs of poisoning may appear:

  • sore throat and hoarseness of voice;
  • severe drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth;
  • thirst;
  • strong nervous excitement;
  • paralysis;
  • dilated pupils;
  • rapid pulse;
  • skin redness;
  • headache;
  • speech disorder;
  • hallucinations;
  • coma.

Providing emergency assistance:

  • call a doctor immediately;
  • Before the ambulance arrives, perform gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • drink sorbents (the simplest is Activated carbon).

In a medical institution, medications are prescribed that block the action of alkaloids, provide symptomatic therapy, and restore the functioning of vital organs and systems.

Security measures:

  • do not take Datura without a doctor’s prescription;
  • if a drug is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor, there should be feedback;
  • do not increase the dose or course of treatment;
  • When rinsing, do not swallow the broth, spit out saliva;
  • Use Datura externally with caution, as its vapors are considered poisonous.

Datura herb is used narrowly in folk medicine - to relieve spasmodic cough in bronchial asthma and whooping cough, and for stomach cramps. Also in homeopathy, nervous excitement is treated with tincture. Externally used as a pain reliever for neuralgia, bruises, and sprains.

In the article we discuss Datura vulgaris. You will learn what medicinal properties it has, how to prepare raw materials, how to prepare medicines based on it and how to use them. You will also learn what precautions and contraindications there are for Datura.

Datura (stinky) is an annual flowering herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family. Popular names for Datura include stupor-grass, divtree, fool's-dope, stupor's potion, stinking dope, prickly apples, badura, cocklebur, thistle, crazy grass, datura. Latin name: Datura stramonium.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of Datura common. This is a densely branched plant up to 1.5 meters high. Root system core, developed, powerful. Stems are erect, bare, yellow-green in color.

The leaves are on fleshy petioles, alternate, ovoid in shape with large teeth along the edges, pointed. Top part The leaves are dark green, the bottom is slightly lighter.

The inflorescences are large, solitary, and develop in the axils of the leaves. The corolla and calyx of the flower are funnel-shaped with fused petals. The flowers are pale white in color and exude a sweet, intoxicating aroma.

The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule with four nests, light green in color, covered with prickly thorns. At the time the seeds ripen, the capsule becomes woody and acquires a gray-green color. When fully ripe, it opens into four doors and releases seeds.

Datura seeds are matte black in color, kidney-shaped, about 3 mm in size, have bad smell. Up to 800 seeds ripen in one box. The flowering period is from June to August, the fruiting period is from late July to October.

Where does it grow

It grows in trashy places near homes and along roads. Prefers moist, organic-rich soil. In Russia, the common datura can be found in Astrakhan, Volgograd, Samara and Saratov regions. The plant also grows in countries of Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Some gardeners grow datura vulgare in their country houses and personal plots. This is a fairly unpretentious plant to grow, but very dangerous, especially for children and pets. Planting and caring for dope yourself requires increased precautions.

For more information about Datura, watch the following video:

Leaves and fruits

In ancient times, the plant was used as a hallucinogenic in various occult rituals and as a pain reliever for the seriously wounded. Today in medicine the leaves and fruits of Datura are used as an antispasmodic and sedative.

In pharmacognosy, the plant is chemical composition defined as toxic, which in small doses can cause healing effect for various diseases.

Chemical composition

The plant contains a large amount of alkaloids (about 0.25%) belonging to the tropane group - hyoscyamine, atropine and scopolamine. Datura also contains the following biologically active substances:

  • essential oils;
  • fixed oils;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • steroids;
  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • minerals;
  • ash.

Medicinal properties

Datura has the following medicinal effects:

The plant is used in the treatment of the following ailments:

Dosage forms of the plant (tincture) can be purchased at any pharmacy. The preparation of medicinal raw materials is carried out in dry, windless weather, observing safety precautions and using means personal protection. Collect developed leaves as soon as the datura begins to bloom. Collection can be carried out until late autumn.

To dry, the leaves are laid out on a tarpaulin in a layer of 2-3 cm in a shaded, well-ventilated room - in the attic or veranda.

During the drying process, the leaves must be mixed. In automatic dryers they dry at a temperature of 40-45 degrees.

The seeds are collected when the capsule is cracked in half. They are carefully shaken onto paper. Store medicinal raw materials in a dry place away from food products and other medicinal herbs in a tightly closed container. Shelf life: 2 years.

Currently, independent collection of dope is not practiced due to the high toxicity of the plant. For pharmaceutical use, it is cultivated only in specialized garden farms.

How to use

Datura vulgaris is used as a medicine. In folk medicine, decoctions, oil, powder, water and alcohol tinctures are prepared on its basis. The plant is also used in cosmetology to remove unwanted hair on the body.

Produced from Datura the following types medicines:

  • ointments and rubbing gels;
  • antitussives;
  • sedatives;
  • cigarettes for asthmatics Astmatol and Astmatin;
  • seed oil.

Ready-made medicinal raw materials can be purchased in pharmacies or online stores specializing in the sale of herbal medicines. The average price is 200 rubles for 50 g of dry herb and 300 rubles for 100 ml of concentrated dope seed oil.

For hair removal

Toxic substances from the plant destroy hair follicles and suppress hair growth. After a course of procedures, the hair becomes brittle, weak and gradually falls out.

To remove unwanted vegetation, prepare a concentrated decoction of dope, tinctures of vegetable oil or alcohol. Alcohol tincture is suitable for oily skin, and oil tincture is suitable for dry skin.

Before applying the product, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. Lubricate with the resulting product small area skin on your wrist and wait at least an hour.



  1. Datura (leaves) - 150 g.
  2. Clean water - 1 l.

How to cook: Pour water over the dried dope leaves and place over medium heat. After boiling, reduce the heat and evaporate the liquid until the volume of the broth is reduced to 200-250 ml. Cool and filter the product. Store tightly closed glass containers.

How to use: Soak a cotton swab in the broth and lubricate the scalp. Apply the product daily until the vegetation disappears completely.

Alcohol tincture


  1. Datura (seeds) - ½ cup.
  2. Food or medical alcohol (96%) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind the seeds in a mortar. Do not grind them in a coffee grinder, the seeds are poisonous! Place the raw materials in a glass container and fill with alcohol. Seal tightly and let steep for 3 weeks.

How to use: Apply a few drops of the product to your hair and gently rub into the skin. Carry out the procedure with gloves. Apply twice daily. After the procedure, do not wet the treatment area for an hour. The course is 1.5-2 months, depending on the thickness of the hair. After 2-3 months, repeat the course if necessary.

Oil tincture


  1. Datura (seeds) - ½ cup.
  2. Olive oil - 1 glass.

How to cook: Grind the seeds and pour oil into them in a glass container. Seal tightly and let steep for 3 weeks.


  1. Datura (leaves) - ½ tsp.
  2. Wormwood - ½ tsp.
  3. Tansy - ½ tsp.
  4. St. John's wort - ½ tsp.
  5. Drinking water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Mix the herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 6 hours. Filter the infusion through cheesecloth.

How to use: Take the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

Ingredients: Datura (leaves) - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Heat a frying pan, place the leaves in it and cover with a lid. As soon as they start to smoke under the lid, remove the pan from the heat.

How to use: Carry out the procedure on outdoors or with the window open. Lift the lid and inhale the smoke. It is advisable that the smoke also gets a little into the eyes. The duration of the procedure is no more than 1 minute. If you feel unwell, stop the procedure immediately.

Tincture for motion sickness

For motion sickness and nausea, take Datura powder or prepare alcohol tincture from leaves. These recipes should never be used on children.


Ingredients: Datura (leaves) - 10 g.

How to cook: Grind the dried leaves in a mortar to a fine powder.

How to use: Dissolve 0.2 grams of powder in a glass drinking water. Take at the first symptoms seasickness. Store the remaining powder in a tightly closed jar.

Alcohol tincture


  1. Datura (leaves) - 100 g.
  2. Edible alcohol (40%) - 500 ml.

How to cook: Fill the medicinal raw material with alcohol and let it brew in a cool, dark place for 7 days. Filter the tincture through cheesecloth.

How to use: Dilute 10-20 drops of the product in 100 ml of drinking water. Take when the first symptoms appear.

Bath for rheumatism

For rheumatic pain, take a bath with a decoction of dope leaves, and also use an oil or alcohol infusion to rub sore joints and muscles. Datura quickly relieves pain and inflammation.


  1. Datura (leaves) - 20 g.
  2. Clean water - 5 l.

How to cook: Boil water and pour boiling water over the crushed dope leaves. Let sit for 30 minutes. Filter the broth.

How to use: Draw a bath and add the cooled broth to it. The water temperature should be no higher than 35 degrees. Bath time is 10 minutes.

Infusions of dope seeds in alcohol and oil are prepared according to the recipes described above. The rubbing procedure for rheumatism is carried out wearing disposable gloves. Apply a few drops of the product to the painful area of ​​the body and rub in with massage movements.

Alcohol tincture for cough

For bronchial asthma, shortness of breath and severe cough, an alcohol tincture is prepared. Datura dilates the bronchi, relieves muscle spasms, reduces coughing and makes breathing easier.


  1. Datura (seeds) - 50 g.
  2. Edible alcohol (70%) - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the seeds in a mortar, place them in a glass container and fill with alcohol. Let it brew for 14 days. Shake the container periodically. Filter the finished tincture through cheesecloth.

How to use: Dilute 2 drops of the product in 15 ml of boiled water. Take the product no more than 4 times during the day before meals.

Cigarettes for asthma


  1. Datura (leaves) - 8 g.
  2. Henbane (leaves) - 2 g.
  3. Potassium nitrate - 1 g.
  4. Cigarette paper.

How to cook: Grind all ingredients in a mortar and mix thoroughly. Roll small thin cigarettes with the mixture.

How to use: Use one cigarette at a time to prevent severe coughing and choking in asthma.


Datura vulgaris and medicines based on it have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age under 18 years;
  • glaucoma;
  • alcohol or drug addiction, including a history.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may develop:

  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • intoxication;
  • hallucinations;
  • memory impairment;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • severe weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • convulsions;
  • dilated pupils;
  • visual impairment.

Do not ignore the symptoms, stop using Datura immediately and seek help.

Precautionary measures

Due to the high content of alkaloids, Datura vulgare is classified as a highly poisonous plant. Please observe the following precautions when using it:

  1. Don't inhale the smell flowering plant, do not pick flowers for decorative purposes and do not pick dope leaves with your bare hands.
  2. When collecting and preparing dope, use disposable gloves and a respirator.
  3. Wear a disposable medical mask when making leaf powder and grinding seeds.
  4. After working with medicinal raw materials Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  5. Keep Datura and its products away from food products.
  6. Make sure that medicinal materials are kept out of the reach of children.
  7. Do not use the plant in medicinal purposes without preliminary consultation attending physician.
  8. Follow the exact dosage of Datura-based products.
  9. Like any drug, Datura is addictive. Products based on it are not intended for regular and uncontrolled use.
  10. If possible, avoid using the plant in favor of traditional medicines.


The plant has the following taxometric classification:

  • department: Flowers;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Solanaceae;
  • family: Solanaceae;
  • genus: Datura;
  • species: Datura vulgare.


The genus Datura includes 13 species of flowering herbaceous, less often tree-like, plants. The most common types of dope are:

  • ordinary or smelly;
  • violet;
  • Indian;
  • Indian or harmless;
  • blood red.

Datura common infographics

Photo of Datura vulgaris, its beneficial properties and uses
Infographics on Datura vulgare

What to remember

  1. Datura is a highly poisonous plant. Be careful!
  2. Follow the dosage of medicinal raw materials exactly.
  3. Before taking Datura-based medications, consult your doctor.

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Datura common - Datura stramonium L. A young spring plant that belongs to the nightshade family. Datura propagation occurs through seeds. Distributed everywhere. It is found as a weed in gardens, orchards and row crops. It grows near housing, near roads, along river banks, in wastelands and waste areas.

Morphological characteristics of Datura

If we talk about what Datura grass looks like, it is worth noting that this plant can grow up to 125 cm in height. The stem is erect, forked-branched, bare and hollow. The root is branched, spindle-shaped, cylindrical, powerful. The leaves are long-petiolate, ovate, with a pointed tip. They are wedge-shaped at the base, with uneven, coarsely notched edges. Length 6−25 cm, width at the base 5−20 cm, leaves glabrous, dark green above, lighter below.

The flowers are large, located singly in the forks of the stem and its branches, with a strong scent. The corolla is white, tubular-powdery, with a five-lobed limb. The calyx is half the size of the corolla. Blooms from June until the first frost. The fruit is an egg-shaped capsule with a blunt apex, densely covered with thorns about 1 cm long. When ripe, the capsule cracks, where the seeds are black, matte, and round in shape. The number of seeds in a box is from 500 to 800 pieces. One plant produces up to 25 thousand seeds. The plant bears fruit starting in July.

Datura is a heat-loving and moisture-loving plant. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 15−17° C.

Growing and care

Nowadays, most gardeners prefer dope. It does not require complex care, and flowering continues from early summer until late autumn. Datura seeds are sown in spring. Fertilizers and humus are added to the soil prepared in the fall and sowing is carried out. After 7-9 days, the dope will begin to sprout.

Plant seedlings need regular watering. However, this plant does not tolerate stagnant water. In May you can start planting seedlings in open ground. The plant grows well, so the seedlings are planted far from each other. At a distance of at least one meter. For successful growth and development of dope, you need to replant it annually in crumbly soil.

When choosing a site for planting dope, preference is given to well-lit areas protected from the wind. When watering, use hard water or water with the addition of milk of lime. During the warm season, Datura actively grows, so during this period, abundant watering 2 times a day and pruning of dried flowers is necessary.

The seeds of the plant are collected in late June–early July. To do this, put a special bag over the fruits, which prevents the seeds from scattering and scattering.

Benefits of the plant and use

Datura has many beneficial properties. The flower extract of this plant is used in the manufacture of medicines and in folk medicine. This plant is often used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • Gastrointestinal disorder;
  • Tumor of the lower intestine;
  • Pathologies of lymph nodes;
  • Epilepsy and schizophrenia;
  • Defects nervous system, Insomnia;
  • Rheumatism, radiculitis and gout;
  • Various types of skin diseases and eczema;
  • Mastitis.

In addition, extracts from this plant are among many cosmetic preparations. Almost all ointments that are used to relieve pain in joints and muscles contain extracts from Datura flowers. Ointment for colds and headaches may also contain this plant. For example, the well-known “Star” balm is made using an extract of this plant. Quite often the plant is used to prepare various biological additives.

This plant has received such widespread use due to its complex and rich composition. Datura contains: Fe, Zn, Na and K. Stearic, palmitic, linoleic and oleic acids. This plant has high alkaloid and tanning properties. So rich internal composition plants help Datura to influence:

  • Blocking the cholinergic system;
  • Activates bronchial expansion;
  • The respiratory system begins to work more actively;
  • Reduces sweating;
  • Relieves hypertonicity of muscle tissue.

The components of this plant are so unique that they combine the components of fly agaric, snake venom and calendula.

The use of Datura in cosmetology

This plant is widely used in cosmetology. Datura can remove unwanted hair from the human body. To prepare this remedy, you need: 170 grams of dried dope plant and 1 liter of hot boiled water. The grass is being flooded boiled water and keep on fire until a highly homogeneous mass is obtained. When the resulting mixture cools, it is applied to parts of the human body from which unwanted vegetation needs to be removed.

For a more pronounced effect, you can use an oil tincture of Datura vulgare. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy. The oil tincture contains an extract from Datura seeds and vegetable oils. This tincture does not add dyes, preservatives or flavors from mash. Therefore, the oil has a pale color and an unpleasant, pungent odor. The product is used after hair removal. Apply the oily tincture once a day. This tincture destroys hair papillae. If you regularly use this product, you can get rid of unwanted hair forever.

Harmful and poisonous properties

All preparations that contain the Datura vulgaris plant should be used very carefully and strictly follow the dosage and safety precautions, because Datura has hallucinogenic properties. Long-term therapy with this plant can affect the development of atherosclerotic plaques. And in some cases it causes allergic reactions and poisoning. Severe poisoning can be fatal.

Even the external use of Datura for medicinal and cosmetic purposes has a number of contraindications. Such drugs are strictly prohibited for use by people with skin diseases, psychoneurological disorders and heart disease. Ointments, tinctures and oils are applied only to healthy areas of the skin, avoiding wounds, abscesses, abrasions, etc.

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 12 years of age should avoid using drugs containing datura. Before starting therapy with such drugs, it is worth checking for an unwanted allergic reaction. To do this, small amounts of the product are processed back side palms. If the treated area does not show any undesirable consequences, you can begin therapy. The main signs of poisoning with Datura vulgaris:

  • The pulse becomes intermittent;
  • There is a feeling of a lump in the throat and hoarseness;
  • The person begins to feel extremely thirsty;
  • The skin and mucous membranes dry out excessively;
  • The skin may turn pink;
  • Attacks of vomiting and nausea;
  • If complications occur, seizures may occur;
  • Nervous excitement, delirium, hallucinations;
  • Dilated pupils, vision deteriorates;
  • Increased body temperature

The first signs of intoxication of the body may appear only after 2-3 hours. Therefore, you should take medications containing dope with great caution. And at the first signs of intoxication in the body, immediately seek medical help.

It is extremely dangerous to combine the use of drugs containing dope with sedatives and sedatives. The dosage and methods of taking the drug should be prescribed only by qualified specialist. Providing first aid for intoxication of the body with a poisonous plant:

  • Perform gastric lavage. Washing is carried out with water with the addition of activated carbon or light saline solution, potassium permanganate solution;
  • You can take saline laxatives;
  • At the first signs of cardiac and respiratory arrest, cardiac massage and artificial respiration are performed;
  • When it is impossible to lavage the stomach, a salt enema is used.

To relieve intoxication, an antidote is introduced into the human body. In severe cases, the drug is administered every 30-40 minutes until the patient’s pupils become normal size. Tranquilizers are used to relieve convulsions and mental agitation. If the patient has an elevated body temperature, antipyretic drugs are used. If breathing is impaired, tracheal intubation is performed and artificial ventilation lungs.

After the first signs of intoxication of the body with dope are removed, long-term therapy is provided. The victim should drink plenty of fluids (alkaline mineral water) and take medications that have a diuretic effect. Sometimes droppers with saline and a diuretic are prescribed. After this, the patient may be prescribed medications that normalize the internal intestinal microflora.

In case of acute poisoning with dope, a number of pathologies and complications can occur:

  • Mental disorders;
  • Memory deteriorates;
  • Sleep disturbances or, conversely, loss of attentiveness and a constant desire to sleep;
  • Pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • May cause glaucoma and other diseases of the eye system;
  • Urinary disorder.

To avoid the serious consequences of poisoning, at the slightest suspicion of intoxication you should seek medical help. Only timely and competent treatment can lead to successful recovery.

Use in folk medicine

The use of Datura is common in folk medicine, although the plant is considered poisonous. At home, you can easily prepare a tincture, decoction or oil of Datura.

Tincture for bronchitis or cough

The use of Datura tincture is mainly aimed at combating cough and treating bronchitis. To prepare the healing mixture, take 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Alcohol is poured into 100 g of dried and crushed dope seed. The resulting mixture is placed in a cool place for a week. Then take 1 drop three times a day until all disease syndromes disappear.

Decoction for rheumatism and uterine prolapse

To prepare the decoction you will need dried leaf Datura (15 g). The leaf is boiled in plenty of water. During bathing, the resulting composition is added to the water. Such procedures must be carried out daily until the patient’s condition normalizes.

Leaf for muscle and joint pain

To relieve pain in muscles and joints, compresses made from datura leaves are used in folk medicine. To do this, a fresh green leaf of the common plant is applied to the sore spot and wrapped in a towel. This compress is kept on the sore spot for an hour.

Lotions for mastitis

To prepare lotions, tinctures of dope seeds are used. The recipe for preparing the tincture is the same as for the treatment of bronchitis and cough. To prepare the lotion, dilute 2 tablespoons of the tincture in 200 ml of boiled water. And they make tinctures daily until complete recovery occurs.

But it is worth remembering that treatment with seeds and leaves of the plant is not suitable for everyone. Therapy can only be started after consultation with your doctor. In all of the above recipes, you should strictly follow the dosage and methods of administration, since all parts of the dope plant contain toxic substances that can harm the human body. And only in small doses can the plant be used as medicine.

Plant of the nightshade family.

Places of germination are moist, loose soils.

The distribution area is quite large, it is Western Siberia, most of Southern Ukraine, Crimea, Caucasus.

In addition to its medicinal properties, Datura has strong hallucinogenic properties and can cause partial retention of breath.

Even in ancient times, the herb was used as a narcotic to communicate with spirits. Datura is widely used in our time for religious rituals.

But, despite the large number of toxic substances, in particular tropane alkanoids, datura vulgaris is used in both traditional and folk medicine from large quantity diseases.

Procurement of raw materials

The leaves and seeds of the herb are used for medicinal purposes.

The leaves are collected by hand from the moment of flowering until mid-autumn (the first frost). Leaves are picked only in dry weather, otherwise they will quickly darken. Over the course of one season, up to 4 collections are collected.

The collection of leaves in the spring begins from the lower tiers, gradually rising upward. For drying, a dry, well-ventilated room without direct contact is suitable. sun rays. You can use electric drying, but at a temperature not higher than 50 degrees.

As soon as the main vein begins to break, the grass is transferred to glass jar and close tightly.

The seeds are also used to prepare infusions and decoctions. After ripening, in the fall, they are collected, dried and kept in tightly closed jars.

After touching the plant, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. running water, since the juice is poisonous and causes itching, redness and allergies.

Medicinal properties of Datura ordinary

Like others poisonous plants, Datura covers a wide range of treatments for various diseases. It is used in gynecology, pharmacology, as an anesthetic for sore throat and respiratory tract pain.

Based on it, herbal preparations are prepared that affect the smooth muscles of the bronchi, due to great content hyoscyamine.

Drugs and infusions reduce sweating, reduce the tone of smooth muscle organs, reduce the secretion of the pancreas and salivary glands, and reduce the vagal effect on the heart.

Crushed seeds are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, bronchitis, for rapid healing of wounds and even in cosmetology.

Squeezed from fresh leaves essential oil and tannins.

Datura is one of the mandatory components in the tobacco industry.

Based on the collection, decoctions and infusions are prepared for treatment:

For external use, essential oil is used, which is included in most ointments for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, joint inflammation, and muscular rheumatism.

Datura common for inhalation

  • For bronchial asthma. Crushed leaves 4 teaspoons, henbane leaves 1 teaspoon, sodium nitrate 1/3 teaspoon. Mix everything, place in a smoking pipe and inhale the smoke.
  • For asthma. 4 parts of dope leaves, 1/2 teaspoon of sodium nitrate, 1 part of henbane and belladonna leaves. They grind everything into powder and inhale the smoke from one teaspoon of the mixture.
  • Treatment of bronchial asthma. 6 parts of datura, 2 parts of belladonna and henbane leaves, 1 teaspoon of sodium nitrate.

Recipes for preparing decoctions and infusions

  • Bronchial asthma. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water, place on water bath for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and inhale the vapors for 10-15 minutes.
  • Preparing the infusion. 1 tsp crushed seeds into powder, pour a glass of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, then you can use 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
  • Reduces pain in stomach cancer.

  • Decoction. 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves or seeds is poured into a glass of water, put on fire and boiled in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then cover and let sit for 20 minutes.
  • Before taking, 1 teaspoon of the prepared decoction is poured into 100 ml of water and used for external use for arthritis, arthrosis, inflammatory processes of the eyes, and toothache.

    A prepared decoction of flowers is used for epilepsy and angina pectoris.

  • Treatment of hemorrhoids and uterine prolapse. 1 tablespoon is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, covered and allowed to brew for up to 1 hour. The concentrate is diluted in 10 l warm water. Take as a sitz bath 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes, or until the water cools.
  • Decoction for douching. 1 teaspoon of powdered raw material is poured into 2 glasses of water and cooked over low heat for 5 minutes, then covered and allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes. Use once a day for 2 weeks, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Datura oil treatment

The oil is squeezed from the seeds of the plant and used for external treatment. Often the oil is applied to an area of ​​skin to remove and further prevent hair growth. Being absorbed into the hair follicle, the oil destroys it.

Depilation is done first and while the pores are still open, thin layer Datura oil is applied.

The oil is also used to remove fecal stones from the intestines and remove stones from the gall bladder.

The oil has calming properties against stress and nervousness.

It is applied to the surface of the skin for radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, eczema and burns.


The herb is poisonous and there are a number of contraindications for use. Any self-medication can lead to overdose (poisoning) and the appearance of hallucinations.

Main signs of overdose:

  • Dry breath (mouth)
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Vomit
  • Hyperreflexia
  • Partial or complete memory loss
  • Dizziness and disorientation
  • Dilated pupils
  • Impaired function of the central nervous system
  • Coordination of movements is impaired

Danger and overdose occur more often when consuming mesh seeds or powder. Can occur when drying grass in large quantities.

When animals eat Datura, toxicity, stomach upset, rapid breathing, which subsequently turns into oppression.

But for some domestic animals, Datura is not poisonous.

Datura common

Datura common- an annual plant belonging to the nightshade family. It contains toxic substances - hallucinogens. For such properties, the people received the corresponding names: stinking dope, cocklebur, crazy grass, crazy, or dope potion, grass of the devil and sorcerers, bad drunk. For a long time, Datura vulgaris has been widely used in the practice of shamans and magical rituals. Used in decoctions (Datura decoction) and infusions.

Datura, biological description

The erect herbaceous stem can reach 1.2 meters in height. The stem has large dissected leaves. In June, beautiful large (up to 10 centimeters) white flowers bloom, similar to bells, which emit a sharp, intoxicating smell. After some time, prickly boxes filled with seeds form in their place.

Datura common is a nasty weed.

You can meet it everywhere, but it especially loves wet areas. In the Krasnodar region and in the southern regions of Ukraine it is grown as a medicinal plant.

Useful properties of Datura

The seeds and leaves have a healing effect. Collection of leaves is possible throughout the entire summer-autumn period, from the blooming of flowers to the first frost. The seeds are collected after they are ripe.

Dry in the shade, spreading it on paper and turning it over periodically. Store in cardboard boxes, away from other plant materials, for two years.

Datura, use in medicine

Infusion (tincture) of Datura relieves pain and spasms, has a calming effect. Datura vulgaris is used for respiratory diseases, illnesses digestive system and bile ducts. The medicine will help get rid of a convulsive cough that persists long time, will make it easier general state for bronchial asthma. Asthmatics are advised to inhale smoke from burning leaves or purchase special Asmatin cigarettes at the pharmacy.

Infusion (tincture) of Datura will help with disorders of nervous activity, neurasthenia, epileptic seizures, convulsions, shortness of breath, increased muscle tone, speech difficulties, excessive erectile activity. For rheumatic lesions, lotions are applied to the sore spots. In case of uterine prolapse, douching is effective, and in case of colon prolapse, enemas are effective.

An alcoholic tincture of Datura is drunk to relieve pain from neuralgia, stomach colic and malignant tumors in the stomach.

Decoction of Datura ordinary used as rinses for inflammatory processes in oral cavity and throat, for douching - for inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, for rubbing - for mastitis and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

You can buy Datura oil at the pharmacy, which will be effective for eczema, dermatitis, strokes and other dermatological problems . The skin in damaged areas is treated with a therapeutic agent.

The oil will also get rid of unwanted hair on the body, giving the skin softness, elasticity and natural color. In addition, it has a powerful rejuvenating effect. In ancient times, women who were unnaturally attractive and youthful through the use of Datura oil were considered witches.

The most pronounced effect can be obtained by removing vegetation on the legs. Even if the hair partially remains, it will become discolored and become invisible. But don't expect instant results. The course of therapy will take 2-3 months.

Method of preparing dope

Datura decoction prepared according to the following recipe. Datura seeds (5 grams) are poured with water (250 milliliters). Boil for a minute and leave to steep for half an hour. Take 5 milliliters three times a day before meals, dissolving in 120 milliliters of water.

To prepare water infusion (tincture) of dope, plant seeds (4 grams) are brewed with boiling water and left for half an hour. Drink 5 milliliters three times a day before meals, dissolving in water. You can prepare the infusion according to another recipe: dope seeds and adonis stems are crushed and combined in equal proportions. Brew with boiling water and infuse.

For alcohol infusion, seeds are poured with alcohol in a fivefold volume. Leave for a week in a warm place. Drink three times a day before meals, dissolving 1-2 drops in cold water.

Contraindications for Datura

Cannot be used for glaucoma. In other cases, you need to strictly monitor the dosage to avoid poisoning.

In case of overdose, signs of poisoning appear. The person suffers from headaches, nausea and vomiting. His heartbeat quickens, his pupils dilate, hallucinations appear, he laughs for no reason and becomes very excited. Convulsions and periodic loss of memory and vision may occur.

If the above manifestations are detected, you need to induce vomiting and rinse the intestines, give activated charcoal. It is mandatory to call an ambulance. Symptoms accompanying poisoning can last up to two weeks, and dilated pupils can last for more than a week.

Due to the fact that the infusion (tincture) and Datura decoction have toxic properties, they must be used with caution, strictly observing the dosage. Before starting treatment, consultation with your doctor is required.