Problems on logic and thinking with a trick. The most difficult logic riddles, with a trick

Different types of puzzles for adults will help you develop your memory and intelligence - logic problems, complex, funny or tricky questions, and a variety of intellectual mathematical games.

Logic games and puzzles for adults

Solving various logic puzzles does not require a high level of education, starting to solve them is a useful activity for absolutely everyone.Various trick riddles for adults train non-standard thinking, which will help in everyday life to quickly find rational solutions in difficult everyday situations.

Riddles for adults

This type of task will allow you to immediately check the correctness of the solution you have found. What's good about these short riddles? Based on the answers, you can make a thematic selection for a specific holiday or feast to entertain guests. Depending on the lineup of guests, tricky riddles, tasks that will make your friends laugh, or math problems are good options.

With a catch

In tasks with a trick, the question itself often looks illogical at first glance, for example: what language is spoken silently? When the answer is announced, the person’s first reaction manifests itself as disagreement with it. At first glance, the question and the chosen answer are connected in an unusual way and with double implications. But after thinking a little, you can’t help but agree that such a daring decision is correct and very logical (answer: in sign language).


It's a pleasure to play solving funny riddles. While your guests are expressing possible answers to tricky questions, the whole company is guaranteed to be shaken by bursts of laughter.


In such riddles, you need to guess a given number, or calculate the result, relying less on arithmetic than on intelligence. The answer that seems obvious and seems to lie on the surface is often incorrect.

Mind games

Logic problems for adults are multi-step combinations for training thinking. To solve them correctly, you need to think through your actions several steps ahead. Such tasks are relatively difficult; they often come in the form of original pictures, where you need to rearrange or complete some elements.

Logic puzzles for adults

Logical problems often involve the use of available materials: matches, paper, pencils, etc. Solving such tasks is multi-step and requires building a strategy - for example, figuring out how to put matches together or connect dots in a certain way.

The most difficult riddles for adults

Train your intelligence by solving several tasks suggested in this video.

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Riddle 1
You are the pilot of an airplane flying from London to Berlin with two transfers in Paris. Question: what is the pilot's last name?

Your last name (at the beginning of the riddle “are you flying...”)

Riddle 2
You enter a dark room. The room has a gas stove, a kerosene lamp and a candle. You have a box with 1 match in your pocket. Question: what will you light first?

Riddle 3
A businessman bought a horse for $10, sold it for $20. Then he bought the same horse for $30, and sold it for $40. Question: what is the total profit of the businessman from these two transactions?

Riddle 4
There is a hare in the forest. Rain is coming. Question: under which tree will the hare hide?

Under the wet

Riddle 5
Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening?

Human. In infancy on all fours, then on two, then with a stick

Riddle 6
It was raining heavily. A bus was driving along the road. All the people on the bus were asleep, only the driver was awake. Question: What was the driver's name and what was the license plate number of the bus?

Because of the rain, the bus number cannot be seen, and the driver Tolya (only - Tolya)

Riddle 7
2 people go to meet each other. Both are exactly the same. Question: which of them will say hello first?

More polite

Riddle 8
The dwarf lives on the 38th floor. Every morning he gets into the elevator, gets to the 1st floor and goes to work.
In the evening, he enters the entrance, gets into the elevator, gets to the 24th floor, and then walks to his apartment.
Question: why does he do this?

Can't reach the right elevator button because he's a dwarf

Riddle 9
Dog-3, cat-3, donkey-2, fish-0. What does a cockerel equal? And why?

Cockerel-8 (kook-re-ku!), dog-3 (woof), cat-3 (meow), donkey-2 (ya), fish-0 (does not make sounds)

Riddle 10
The 12-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. On which floor in this building is the elevator call button pressed most often?

On the ground floor, regardless of the distribution of residents by floor.

Riddle 11
The peasant needs to move a wolf, a goat and a cabbage across the river. The boat is so small that besides the peasant, only one more (passenger) can fit in it. But if you leave a wolf with a goat, then the wolf will eat it; if you leave a goat with cabbage, then the cabbage will be eaten. What should a peasant do?

The crossing must begin with the transportation of a goat. Then the peasant returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other bank and leaves it there, but takes the goat back to the first bank. Here he leaves him and transports the cabbage to the wolf. And then, when he returns, he transports the goat.

Riddle 12
Exam at a military school. The student takes a ticket and goes to get ready. The teacher smoked a cigarette and occasionally tapped his pencil on the table. A minute later he approaches the teacher. Without asking anything, he puts a 5. The happy student leaves. Clarify the situation.

The teacher wrote on the table with a pencil in Morse code: “Whoever needs an A, come here, I’ll give it to you.” Only one student was military-like vigilant and paid attention to the teacher’s encryption. For this he received 5.

Riddle 13
What lifts you up and brings you down, while constantly being in the same place?


Riddle 14
A barrel of water weighs 50 kilograms, what needs to be added to make it weigh 15 kilograms?

Riddle 15
What kind of stones do you think are not in the river?

Riddle 16
Which hand do you think is best for stirring coffee with cream and sugar?

The hand that holds the spoon.

Riddle 17
Tell me, what can you hold without touching it with your hands?

Your breath

Riddle 18
The man got caught in the rain and had nowhere and nothing to hide. He came home all wet, but not a single hair on his head was wet. Why?

He was bald

Riddle 19
What word always sounds wrong?

The word "wrong"

Riddle 20
Two horns - not a bull, six legs without hooves, when it flies - it howls, when it sits - it digs the ground.

Riddle 21
A metal can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?

Piece of ice

Riddle 22
Imagine that you are a pilot. Your plane flies from London to New York for seven hours. Airplane speed is 800 km/h. How old is the pilot?

As much as you, because you are a pilot

Riddle 23
An electric train goes with the wind. Where does the smoke go?

The electric train has no smoke

Riddle 24
Why don't polar bears eat penguins?

Bears live at the North Pole, and penguins live at the South Pole.

Riddle 25
When a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?

Riddle 26
One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How long will it take to cook 2 eggs?

Riddle 27
When is the sky lower than the earth?

When you look into the water

Riddle 28
What can't go into even the biggest pot?

Its cover

Riddle 29
What are the last teeth a person develops?


Riddle 30
Why doesn't the cuckoo make nests?

Because he lives in the clock

Riddle 31. Series of 4 riddles
How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator in 3 steps? The size of the refrigerator is huge

Open the door, put the giraffe in, close the door.

How to put an elephant in a refrigerator in 4 steps?

Open the door, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, close the door.

The lion called all the animals to a meeting. All showed up except one. What kind of animal is this?

The elephant, because it's in the refrigerator.

You need to swim across a wide river that is infested with crocodiles. How can I do that?

Of course, parents don’t always want to bother their precious child and come up with the most complicated riddles for him. Nevertheless, such questions, the answer to which you need to think about, are useful and necessary for children and adults, regardless of age.

Why ask your child complex riddles?

Moms and dads may wonder whether it is worth misleading their child and including difficult tasks in the program. However, having studied the information about how productive the most complex riddles are for children of different ages, parents will immediately change their previous opinion. Logic and trick riddles are needed for the following reasons:

These are just some of the factors that indicate that children are bound to have difficult questions to answer. This will help you develop fully and be literate.

What should riddles be like?

It is clear that complex riddles are somewhat different from simple logical questions. You should think through a program of developmental classes with such tasks in advance so that the process goes smoothly and without hitches. The most difficult riddles should be:

  • With a catch.
  • Ambiguous.
  • Those that are worth thinking about the answer to.
  • Complex riddles should be selected according to the child’s age. This will help boys and girls find answers according to their level of knowledge. It follows that children should not ask very complex riddles; for the little ones it is better to choose trick questions. For older children, you can choose the same questions as for adults.

It is worth considering the above factors when choosing logical questions for your child.

Logic riddles for little ones

For preschool children, you can take into account the following riddles:

There were three apples on the birch tree, and five pears on the poplar tree. How many fruits are there in total on these trees?

(None, fruits do not grow on birch and poplar)

How can you find a black cat in a dark room?

(To turn on the light)

What will a red handkerchief with white embroidery become if it is lowered into the Black Sea?

What can't you eat for lunch?

(Breakfast and dinner)

What will happen next year to a dog that is five years old?

(She will be six years old)

Whose hair won't get wet in the pouring rain?

(Bald man)

Which is more correct to say: I can’t see the white yolk or I don’t see the white yolk?

(No way, the yolk is never white)

A duck standing on one leg weighs three kilograms, how much will the same duck weigh if it stands on two legs.

(3 kilograms)

Two eggs take 4 minutes to cook, how long will it take ten eggs to cook?

(4 minutes)

A cat is resting near the bench. The tail, the eyes, and the whiskers are all like a cat’s, but it’s not a cat. Who's resting near the bench?

Guess what goes missing when you eat a bagel?

How can you light a match when you are underwater?

(You can if you are in a submarine)

30 candles were lit in the hall. A man entered the room and extinguished 15 of them. How many candles are left in the hall?

(30 candles left, extinguished candles are still in the room)

The house has an uneven roof. One side is lowered more, the other less. The rooster sat on the top of the roof and laid an egg, which way will it roll?

(It won't go anywhere, the rooster doesn't lay eggs)

What tree does a fox hide under when it rains?

(Under the wet)

In which fields does not a single plant grow?

(On the brim of the hat)

Such complex logic riddles for little ones will cause a whirlpool of emotions and interest. The most important thing is to give your child hints so that he can find the correct answer.

Complex riddles with a trick for schoolchildren

School-age children may find it even more difficult to select questions. Very complex ones can be as follows:

You're at a running competition. When you overtook the last one running, what did you become?

(This cannot happen, because the last runner cannot be overtaken, because he is the last and there cannot be anyone else behind him)

Three car owners had a brother, Alyosha. But Alyosha didn’t have a single brother, how is this possible?

(Possibly if Alyosha had sisters)

What will your score be if you overtake the second runner in line?

(Many will answer first, but this is wrong, because having overtaken the second runner, the person will become second)

Schoolchildren will certainly enjoy such complex riddles with a trick. After thinking about the answer, it will not be difficult to voice it.

Adult riddles with a trick

Sometimes adults are like children. Therefore, they will also like very complex riddles. People over school age can be asked the following logical questions:

A tram with five passengers is traveling. At the first stop, two passengers got off and four got on. At the next stop, no one got off; ten passengers got on. At another station, five passengers entered and one exited. On the next one, seven people came out and eight people entered. When there was another stop, five people got off and no one got on. How many stops did the tram have?

(The answer to this riddle is not so important. The point is that all participants will most likely count the number of passengers and it is unlikely that anyone will decide to count the stops)

The doorbell rings. You know that your relatives are behind her. There is champagne, cold water and juice in your refrigerator. What will you open first?

(Door, because guests must first be allowed into the apartment)

A healthy person who is not sick, does not have a disability, and whose legs are fine, is carried out of the hospital in his arms. Who is this?

(Newborn baby)

You entered the room. It contains five cats, four dogs, three parrots, two guinea pigs and a giraffe. How many feet are there on the floor in the room?

(There are two legs on the floor. Animals have paws, only humans have legs)

Three prisoners unknowingly planned to escape from prison. The prison was surrounded by a river. When the first prisoner escaped, a shark attacked him and ate him. Thus the first of those escaping died. When the second prisoner attempted a disaster, he was noticed by guards and dragged by his hair into the prison grounds, where he was shot. The third prisoner escaped normally and was never seen again. What's wrong with this story?

(There are no sharks in the river; they couldn’t drag the prisoner by the hair because they shave his head)

Adult participants of the event will enjoy such riddles.

How to motivate a child to participate in educational activities

It is clear that children definitely need motivation in order for their participation in the game to be exciting and desirable. It is enough to simply promise the child some kind of gift and, of course, present it at the end of the game.

Preschoolers solve this problem in 5-10 minutes. Some programmers take up to an hour to complete it. But many people, after writing several sheets of paper, give up.

Parking space number

It usually takes a six-year-old child no more than 20 seconds to solve this problem. But it often confuses unprepared adults. So what number is hidden under the car?

Riddle for a genius

A genius finds a solution in 10 seconds. Bill Gates - in 20 seconds. Harvard University graduate - in 40 seconds. If you found the answer in 2 minutes, then you belong to the 15% of most gifted people. 75% of people are unable to solve this problem.

Ruler of the Island

The autocratic ruler of one island wanted to prevent aliens from settling on the island. Wanting to maintain the appearance of justice, he issued an order according to which anyone wishing to settle on the island must, after thinking carefully, make any statement, and after a preliminary warning that his life depended on the content of this statement. The order read: “If the alien tells the truth, he will be shot. If he tells a lie, he will be hanged." Can an alien become an island resident?

Project approval

According to the agreement, the procedure for approving a new project in the development of which institutions A, B, and C participate is as follows: if A and B participate in the approval first, then institution B must also participate. If approval occurs first in institutions B and C, Institution A also joins. The question is: are such cases possible when approving a project when only institutions A and B would take part in it, while the participation of institution B would not be necessary (while maintaining the agreement on the procedure for approving projects)?

Two tribes

There are two tribes living on the island: well done. Those who always tell the truth, and liars who always lie. The traveler met the islander, asked him who he was, and when he heard that he was from a tribe of fellows, he hired him as a guide. They went and saw another islander in the distance, and the traveler sent his guide to ask him to what tribe he belonged. The guide returned and said that he claimed to be from a tribe of fellows. The question is: was the guide a good guy or a liar?

Aborigines and Aliens

Three people stand before the court, each of whom can be either an aborigine or an alien. The judge knows that natives always answer questions truthfully, but aliens always lie. However, the judge does not know which of them is a native and which is an alien. He asks the first one, but does not understand his answer. Therefore, he asks first the second, and then the third, what the first answered. The second one says that the first one said he was an Aborigine. The third says that the first called himself an alien. Who were the second and third defendants?

Beetle on tape

The beetle went on a journey. He crawls along a tape, the length of which is 90 centimeters. At the other end of the ribbon, two centimeters from the end, is a flower. How many centimeters will the beetle have to crawl to the flower: 88 or 92 (provided that it crawls all the time on one side and only at the end can it cross the end of the tape to the other side)?


Marina spent a long time choosing which jug to buy. Finally I chose. The saleswoman put the purchase in a box. What did Marina buy? How many jugs did the saleswoman put on the shelves, which ones they were on before?


The tourist was walking towards the lake. He reached a crossroads, from where one road led to the right and the other to the left; one went to the lake, the other did not. There were two guys sitting at a crossroads, one of them always told the truth, the other always lied. Both of them answered either “yes” or “no” to any question. The tourist knew all this, but he did not know which of them was telling the truth and which was lying; he also did not know which road led to the lake. The tourist asked only one question to one of the guys. What kind of question was it, since he knew from the answer which road led to the lake?

broken window

During the break there were nine students left in the class. One of them broke the window. The following answers were received to the teacher's question:

How many triangles? What team?

Read carefully and do not write anything down: Torpedo tops the standings, Spartak is in fifth place, and Dynamo is right in the middle between them. If Lokomotiv is ahead of Spartak, and Zenit takes place immediately behind Dynamo, then which of the listed teams is in second place? You are given 30 seconds to think.

Project approval procedure

The enterprise has three workshops - A, B, C, which have agreed on the procedure for approving projects, namely: 1. If workshop B does not participate in the approval of the project, then workshop A does not participate in this approval. 2. If workshop B takes part in approval of the project, then workshops A and C take part in it. The question is: under these conditions, is workshop C obliged to take part in the approval of the project when workshop A takes part in the approval?

An evening walk

Which of these nine mustaches went for an “evening walk”?

7 buttons

Which of the 7 buttons should you press? For the bell to ring? It is recommended to find the path mentally.

Make a table

In the Moscow semi-final of the European Basketball Championship, held in Soviet times, the places were distributed as follows: USSR - 14 points, Italy and Czechoslovakia - 12 each, Israel - 11, Finland - 10, East Germany and Romania - 9 each and Hungary - 7 points. According to the regulations. Each team received 2 points for a win, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a no-show. No draws were allowed. Make a summary table of the results of the games if you know that the Finnish team won against the Italian team and lost to the Romanian team.

Explanation is inevitable

On Tuesday at about 10 o'clock in the morning a stranger burst into Inspector Warnicke's room. He was extremely excited. His hands were shaking, his tousled hair stuck out in all directions. A few minutes later, having lit a cigarette and calmed down, the visitor began his story: - This morning I returned from vacation. I had to shake on the train all night. I didn’t get enough sleep and, when I came home, I decided to lie down on the sofa. Because of fatigue, I did not immediately notice that the piano had disappeared from the room, and the coffee table and armchair had been moved out of place. On this piece of paper I drew a plan for the arrangement of furniture in the room before I left. “Here’s what, dear,” said Inspector Warnicke, quickly glancing at the drawing, “First of all, it’s absolutely clear to me that you didn’t have a piano at all.” Now let's find out why you needed this lie. Why did Inspector Warnicke doubt the veracity of the visitor's story?


Logic problems, just like mathematics, is called “mental gymnastics.” But, unlike mathematics, logic problems is an entertaining gymnastics that allows you to test and train your thought processes in a fun way, sometimes from an unexpected perspective. Solving them requires intelligence, sometimes intuition, but not special knowledge. Solving logic problems consists in thoroughly analyzing the conditions of the problem, unraveling the tangle of contradictory connections between characters or objects. Logic problems for children- these are, as a rule, whole stories with popular characters, which you just need to get used to, feel the situation, visually imagine it and catch the connections.

Even the most difficult logic problems do not contain numbers, vectors, functions. But a mathematical way of thinking is necessary here: the main thing is to comprehend and understand the condition logical problem. The most obvious solution on the surface is not always the right one. But most often, solving a logic problem turns out to be much simpler than it seems at first glance, despite the confusing condition.

Interesting logic problems for children in a variety of subjects - mathematics, physics, biology - arouse their increased interest in these academic disciplines and help them in their meaningful study. Logic problems on weighing, transfusion, tasks on non-standard logical thinking will help in everyday life to solve everyday problems in a non-standard way.

In the process of solving logic problems you will get acquainted with mathematical logic - a separate science, otherwise called “mathematics without formulas”. Logic as a science was created by Aristotle, who was not a mathematician, but a philosopher. And logic was originally part of philosophy, one of the methods of reasoning. In his work “Analytics,” Aristotle created 20 patterns of reasoning, which he called syllogisms. One of his most famous syllogisms is: “Socrates is a man; all people are mortal; So Socrates is mortal." Logic (from ancient Greek. Λογική - speech, reasoning, thought) is the science of correct thinking, or, in other words, the “art of reasoning.”

There are certain techniques solving logical problems:

way of reasoning, with the help of which the simplest logical problems are solved. This method is considered the most trivial. During the solution, reasoning is used that consistently takes into account all the conditions of the problem, which gradually lead to a conclusion and the correct answer.

table method, used in solving text logic problems. As the name suggests, solving logical problems involves constructing tables that allow you to visualize the conditions of the problem, control the reasoning process, and help you draw correct logical conclusions.

graph method consists in sorting through possible options for the development of events and the final choice of the only correct solution.

flowchart method- a method widely used in programming and solving logical transfusion problems. It consists in the fact that first operations (commands) are allocated in the form of blocks, then the sequence of execution of these commands is established. This is a flowchart, which is essentially a program, the execution of which leads to the solution of the task.

billiards method follows from trajectory theory (one of the branches of probability theory). To solve the problem, you need to draw a billiard table and interpret the actions by the movements of the billiard ball along different trajectories. In this case, it is necessary to keep records of possible results in a separate table.

Each of these methods is applicable to solving logical problems from different areas. These seemingly complex and scientific techniques can be used in solving logic problems for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

We present you a wide variety logic problems for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. We have selected for you the most interesting logic problems with answers, which will be of interest not only to children, but also to parents.

  • choose for the child logic problems in accordance with his age and development
  • take your time to reveal the answer, let the child find it himself logical solution tasks. Let him come to the correct decision himself and you will see what pleasure and feeling of delight he will have when his answer coincides with the given one.
  • in progress solving logic problems Leading questions and indirect clues indicating the direction of reflection are acceptable.

Using our selection logic problems with answers you will really learn to solve logical problems, expand your horizons and significantly develop logical thinking. Go for it!!!

Solving logical problems - the first step towards child development.

E. Davydova

Logic is the art of arriving to an unpredictable conclusion.

Samuel Johnson

Without logic it is almost impossible to enter our world brilliant discoveries of intuition.

Kirill Fandeev

A person who thinks logically stands out nicely against the backdrop of the real world.

American saying

Logic is the morality of thought and speech.

Jan Lukasiewicz

Author details

Berezhko Olga Vladimirovna

Place of work, position:

GOU RME "Boarding school of S(P)O education with in-depth study of individual subjects in Kozmodemyansk", primary school teacher

Mari El Republic

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

Primary general education


All classes


Russian language

The target audience:


The target audience:

Classroom teacher

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Resource type:

Didactic material

Brief description of the resource:

Russian language assignments on the topic “Soft sign. Soft separating sign" can be used by teachers both in lessons and in circle work. A distinctive feature of the assignments is that they are aimed at developing the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren. Similar tasks can be used when studying other topics in the Russian language.

Theme: “Soft sign. Soft separating sign."

1. Choose words that are opposite in meaning:
Joy - ... (sadness), cowardice - ... (bravery), night - ... (day), life - ... (death), old age - ... (youth).

2. Choose words that are in relation to the sequence:
May - ... (June), morning - ... (day), Sunday - ... (Monday).

3. Call it affectionately:
Olya - ... (Olenka), Katya - ... (Katenka), Seryozha - ... (Serezhenka), Sasha - ... (Sasha), Kostya - ... (Kostenka).

4. Write down the “extra” word:
Perch, dolphin, crucian carp (dolphin is a mammal)
Elk, bear, horse (horse is a pet)
Lilac, palm, spruce (lilac - shrub)

5. Establish a connection between the left pair of words and write down the missing one:
Floor - carpet, table - ... (tablecloth)
Wires - electricity, vessels - ... (blood)
Pack - wolf, herd - ... (horse)
Ear - earring, finger - ... (ring)
Snow - winter, slush - ... (autumn)

6. Find Pinocchio’s friend and enemy: MABALZIVILINOA (Malvina, Basilio)
Take away the hot, you'll be left with cold: KSOIPSYATULOKKA (boiling water, icicle)
Separate the fruit from the plant: BAPANLAMNA (banana, palm tree)

7. Replace with one word:
Part of a plant underground. (Root)
A worker who makes metal products. (Turner)
First month of the year. (January)
Wide alley in the middle of the street. (Boulevard)
The part of the ladder where you place your foot. (Step)
A platform with steps in front of the entrance to the house. (Porch)
Coniferous tree with short needles. (Spruce)

8. Hide the soft sign in the middle of the word:
Day - ... (days), bubble - ... (bubbles), fire - (lights), perch - ... (perches), beast - ... (animals).

9. Write down the months whose names have a soft sign.

10. Guess the riddles, write down the answers:
Tears fall from the sky,
Streams run along the ground.

Greets everyone with one hand,
With the other hand he escorts you off.

She's not too lazy to wander around
Next to you all day.
Once the sun comes in,
How can you not find her?

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest.
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Climbed onto the ledge
She hung her nose down.
It’s not the night that hides tears,
And in the sun he cries.

11. Analyze the semantic series, enter the required word:
Bird - fly, snake - ... (crawl)
Doctor - four, doctor - ... (six)
Summer - green, ... - golden (autumn)
Pushkin - Sergeevich, Barto - ... (Lvovna)

12. Replace the words in brackets so that the equalities are true:
(measure of weight equal to 16 kg) + (Christmas tree) = DOG BREED (Poodle)
(punishment) + (shallow place) = TYPE OF CANDY (Caramel)
(what oxygen is) + (conifer) = ANTELOPE (Gazelle)

13. Say in one word:
To wrap one's finger around - ... (to deceive);
Bite your tongue - ... (shut up);
Lather the neck - ... (beat);
Veto - ... (prohibit);
To kick the bucket - ... (to mess around).

14. Determine the pattern of composing the middle word in the top line and insert words composed according to the same principle instead of dots:
sky burden porridge
movie. . . laziness

Feat supply water

15. Name the parts that make up the whole:
Orange - ... (slices), palm - ... (fingers), chain mail - ... (rings), apiary - ... (beehives), forest - ... (trees).

16. Explain why the following concepts are needed:
table - ... (to dine)
book - ... (read)
number - ... (count)
milk - ... (drink)
paper - ... (write)
chair - ... (sit)

17. Choose synonyms for these words:
Melancholy - ... (sadness), brave man - ... (daredevil), youth - ... (youth).


1. I. Agafonova. Learning to think. Sat. entertaining logic problems, tests and exercises. - St. Petersburg: “MiM-Express”, 1996.
2. N. Vinokurova. The best tests for the development of creative abilities: A book for children, teachers and parents. - M.: AST-PRESS, 1999. - 368 p.
3. L.F.Tikhomirova, A.V.Basov. Development of logical thinking in children. - Yaroslavl: GRINGO LLP, 1995.
4. Fun grammar. - M., Omega, 1995.