Sealing and sealing of interpanel seams. How and with what to seal interpanel seams Panel house seams between panels

All people who live in panel houses go to heaven. Or almost everything. But everyone notices that expensive wallpaper in rooms begins to quickly fade, sound insulation is compromised, outer corners often get wet, and freeze in winter. There is a draft in the apartment, the comfortable microclimate is disturbed. A sure sign that the builders poorly sealed the seams between the panels, with violations of technology.

In this case, you should never waste time, since the consequences of improperly sealing the seams between the panels are very serious and extremely unpleasant. Or do you like living in an apartment with humidity, very unpleasant odors, and mold on the walls that is difficult to remove? Not everything is left to chance, and with frequent freezing and thawing of moisture in a poorly sealed seam, there is a threat of real destruction of the entire building.

It is necessary to seal not only the external seams, but also between the internal walls of the apartments!

Order and cleanliness in the house, the absence of humidity, dampness and drafts, the absence of freezing, getting wet, insects - all this depends on the careful sealing of wall seams, both between the panels outside the building and inside the room, between the walls.

If you decide to put your walls in order, you should contact specialized companies. Companies that specialize in sealing joints. If the seams of the walls of panel buildings are well sealed, you have to call in industrial climbers for help. Often, urban conditions do not allow the use of an aerial platform; renting one is also expensive. An industrial climber is a brave worker who will be able to significantly help you reduce the costs of the contractor, and the final price of all work performed for the residents of your home will be so high and burdensome.

There are many different ways to seal between panel seams, each of which has its own pros and cons. The most common method is to seal the seam with sealants, sometimes mastic is applied on top. This method is simple and cheap, but you can’t count on long-term results - 3-4 years and you’ll have to order high-altitude work again.

Sometimes, before applying sealant to the seams, it is possible to additionally process them and strengthen them with cement mortar in weak areas - this technology will not give reliable results either.

It is now popular to seal the seams between panel joints with Vilaterm polyurethane foam tubular insulation. Covered with waterproofing mastic or sealants on top, Vilaterm insulation will provide sufficient and reliable seam insulation. "Vilatherm" is inexpensive, it is durable, very resistant to organic influences, it is not destroyed by precipitation and sunlight. "Vilatherm" can be solid or hollow in profile. It is good to treat the interpanel seams with hollow material, the insulation is also easy to install, it is very elastic, and is laid on a soft sealant.

Best technology and method for sealing joints? A number of troubles await the contractor here. This is due to the often incorrect geometry of the seams between the wall panels, as a result of which gaps appear, water gets in there, and it freezes. Violations of technology when laying such insulation are fraught with the frequent appearance of mold and mildew. There are even construction term- “harmful sealing of seams.”

Industrial climbers can also seal the seams with polyurethane foam. It does not threaten harmful sealing, but excess foam will need to be cut off, and this leads to damage to the surface layer of the material, and some water will still penetrate into the seam.

The most rational technology for sealing seams between panels today is the “Warm Seam” method. A method that combines all the advantages of traditional methods and is devoid of their disadvantages. “Warm seam” is when a worker cleans the seam of any debris and peeling, and then fills it with foam, then I lay the familiar Vilaterm insulation on a soft base. After complete drying, we cover the seam with mastic and as a result the seam will reliably serve for many years.

Carrying out work to seal our seams should be combined with the repair of balconies, with sealing the seams at the junction of windows. All firms and companies that are engaged in industrial mountaineering offer the customer complex works on the wall.

“Warm seam” - great technology, which will allow you to solve all the problems of seams between panels once and for all. True only if it is used by certified professionals and specialists. Do not entrust the sealing of the seam to the first company or “wild crew” you come across. Cheapness and the real capabilities of the contractor do not combine well; you can suffer very serious financial losses and harm everything technical condition your house.

Take advantage of the benefits modern technologies, in particular “Warm seam”, you can turn to real professional builders!

Panel housing construction replaced brick construction in the mid-20th century. Panel housing construction allows you to build in short time and affordable housing. In a panel house, between the panels it is necessary expansion joints, so that the building does not collapse during settlement. An expansion joint is the empty space between panels that allows the house to move and remain stable. Sealing seams in panel houses is necessary to eliminate heat leaks and waterproof the panel facade. Reinforced concrete panels must be produced in accordance with approved GOST standards in a certified production facility. If you follow all the technological processes for manufacturing slabs, according to the markings, such as the composition of the slab material, pressing and drying conditions, then, in principle, the result can be high-quality housing. In this case, the slab can withstand the necessary load in a multi-story building. If a panel house is built in a geomobile location, the slabs must withstand the additional load that occurs when the house settles.

Interpanel seams.

Interpanel seams- this is the empty space at the joints between the outer panels of the house, the so-called expansion joints, which are necessary for thermal seasonal expansion and contraction of panels and ensuring the stability of the building during settlement. Insulation of interpanel seams and waterproofing of panel joints are necessary for panel buildings of all series.
Comprehensive seam sealing panel house, includes insulation of the entire interpanel cavity (filling with polyurethane foam and laying vilaterm) and waterproofing the joint of panels (application of sealing rubber mastic).

Sealing using the technologies of the last century will not be able to protect the room from blows and leaks.

In the majority panel houses series of the 20th century, the seams between the panels were insulated with tow and sealed with cement mortar. But cement mortar It is not deformable and allows moisture to pass through; as a result, water and ice destroy the interpanel seam.
Using another technology, in some series of houses rubber and metal profiles with rubber bands were used to seal seams. The rubber on the profile strip, under the influence of building settlement, moisture, ice and temperature changes, quickly cracks and shrinks. And through a short time already loosely adheres to the walls of the panel seam, so that water freely flows into the seam from the outside, and cold air circulates freely inside the seam. Metal profiles They are more decorative elements than heat or water protection.

Many people, after purchasing an apartment in a new panel building, wait three years and only after that do renovations. When settlement occurs in a panel house, cracks form absolutely unpredictably. If a house is built in winter, this imposes additional risks. The panels do not have time to dry at the factory; they often dry on the way to the construction site. Water inside the panels turns to ice and compromises the structural integrity and strength of the slab.
In any panel houses, sealing of seams is necessary. In concrete structures it is impossible to do without seams. Seams in monolithic houses are caused by the need for breaks in concreting. In panel buildings, seams connect the panels. Therefore, seams in concrete houses must be given priority attention. Seams in building structures are stress concentrators and have the unpleasant property of coming apart. Sealing of panel seams should be done only with elastic materials. A rigid material with good adhesion to concrete will crack over time due to the inevitable shrinkage of concrete.

What problems arise due to defects in interpanel seams?

Defective interpanel seams do not retain heat and seal. As a result, in an apartment with problematic external seams of a panel house, the following unpleasant phenomena occur:
- Leaks in the corners of rooms are a sign of a lack of sealing of the joints of external panels and leaking seams.
- Mold in the corners of the room is a sign of leaking seams or condensation in places where the cold seam is not insulated.
- Mold on the wall is a sign of a cold wall board, due to cracks or chips of the panel board, or insufficient thickness to retain heat.
- Freezing of walls is a sign of cold empty seams.
- Blowing cold air into the corners is a sign of empty seams and lack of sealing.
- Leaks in the ceiling of the loggia are a sign of a defective roof on the loggia.
- Leaks in the corners of the loggia ceiling are a sign of broken sealing of the seams connecting the loggia ceiling slab to the wall of the house.
- Leaks on windows are a sign of broken sealing of the joints between the glass unit and the panel slab.
- Blowing cold air around the windows is a sign of a lack of insulation at the joints between the glass unit and the panel slab.

High-quality sealing of seams in panel buildings.

All voids between the panels must be filled, and the joint between the panels must be sealed. The tighter the interpanel seam is sealed, the warmer the house will be. The highest quality seam sealing is carried out using technology
"Tight seam".
Previously, during the construction of panel houses, the interpanel seam was filled with tow or rubber. IN modern construction Sealing of seams is done differently, depending on the series of the house. For example:
- Swellable cords made of hydrophilic rubber,
- Profiles (dowels)
- Cement mortar

The quality of such sealing cannot be high and does not fulfill its functions at all for the following reasons:
- The gaps between the plates are different.
- There are internal chips and cracks between the slabs.
- Poor quality work even with such unacceptable technologies.

The joints between the panels are not smooth, and water and wind get into them, contributing to further destruction of the panel. As the house settles, the gaps between the slabs become larger and problems come out. Very often it is impossible to understand where the water flows from and from which cracks the wind blows.
The causes of these problems must be addressed. It is impossible to completely seal the seam from the apartment side. This can partially solve the problem of maintaining heat for a short period of time. The seam can only be completely sealed from the outside. It is impossible to access the interpanel seam from the inside due to the horizontal ceiling-floor slab. If a low-quality panel cracks on the first or top floors, this leads to huge heat losses, since the violation of the tightness of the outermost floors contributes to additional air exhaust. If the slabs collapse on the technical floor or in the basement, then no one except the owners of the apartments on the top and first floors fully feels this.

What needs to be taken into account when carrying out seam sealing work?

Types of panel houses.


Khrushchev houses are those whose construction began during the reign of N.S. Khrushchev, from 1956 to 1964. It is worth noting that in the capital their construction continued until 1972, and in some areas until the mid-80s. Houses with a height of 5 floors were initially built of brick, but due to the high cost of materials, in the early 1960s it was decided to construct buildings from panel blocks. The disadvantages of Khrushchev buildings include their small area. For example, the kitchen area does not reach 6 m2, and the bedroom no more than 9. The ceiling height reaches 2.5 m. In winter, such apartments do not retain heat, but in summer, on the contrary, it is very hot. There is no attic or garbage chute in such houses. There are no elevators either. The bathroom and toilet are located in the same room. However, among all the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the main advantage: an attractive price and a convenient location of the houses, since they were located in areas of the city where the infrastructure was sufficiently developed, not far from metro stations.


As the name implies, houses that were designed at a time when the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev was in power (1964 - early 1980s). In Brezhnevkas high ceilings– 2.65 m. There is an elevator and a garbage chute. One of the disadvantages is poor thermal insulation of the walls, but at the moment major repairs are being carried out in such buildings, correcting all the shortcomings.

Panel houses.

There are several series of panel houses on the real estate market. The most prestigious among them are series 137. Spacious apartments with an area of ​​up to 70 m2, large kitchens reaching 9 sq.m. The 600.11 and 606 series belong to the middle class. The kitchens in such houses are 2 square meters smaller than the rooms in the 137 series houses, and the area of ​​the apartments themselves is about 65 sq.m. An economical option for panel houses are houses of the 504 series and “ships”. The premises in the apartments were narrowed by 1.5 times, the kitchens were reduced to 6.3 m2. The windows are located high and there are no window sills.

Block houses.

Block buildings are often confused with panel buildings, however, they have a difference. If in a panel one each wall is a separate panel, then in a block one the walls are made up of several separate blocks. In addition, in both types of houses, the paired window sashes are of poor quality. One of the main disadvantages is considered to be poor-quality plaster, and uneven ceilings at the joints of the floors are constantly deformed, forming cracks in the plaster. This defect can also be found in Brezhnevkas. Among the advantages is affordable redevelopment. If desired, you can not only expand window and door openings, but also change the area of ​​rooms, baths, toilets, and kitchens.

Monolithic houses.

The construction of monolithic houses begins with the preparation of formwork, and a ready-made concrete solution is delivered to the construction site. It is worth noting that when building monolithic houses, “wet” work (plaster and putty) is not done. The absence of seams can significantly increase heat conservation and sound insulation. Innovative technologies and modern insulation materials help reduce the volume and weight of the structure, while increasing the quality of operation in cold weather. As a result of the reduction in mass, the need for an overly powerful foundation is lost. Thus, the material consumption and cost of laying the foundation are reduced. One cannot help but mention the shrinkage of the building, which is simply absent in monolithic ones. Therefore, immediately after putting the house into operation, in new apartment repairs can begin. There is an opinion that monolithic houses unsuitable for habitation. It is based on the fact that solid walls do not allow air to pass through. If we take the environment into account, then it’s time for everyone to move closer to the forest, to cozy wooden houses. As for the monolith - modern materials And Newest technologies allow the construction of buildings that are completely safe for habitation.

Individual houses.

Project options individual houses limitless. Depending on the ideas of the designers and the amount invested in the construction, it is possible to erect real masterpieces. The walls between apartments are also made of brick. Such houses are very warm, however, and not everyone can afford an apartment in such a house. Factors that determine the cost of an apartment in an individual house include its location and infrastructure. To increase heat and sound insulation, high-quality triple glazing with 3 glazing.


One of the most common types of buildings these days. The frame is made monolithic, and the outer walls are made of brick. These are the most earthquake and flood resistant buildings. Inter-apartment partitions are load-bearing, but inside the apartment you can make any layout. Thermal insulation is increased thanks to high-quality insulation in several layers. The service life of such houses is about 100 years, and with timely repairs of the roof and facade, it increases.

Sealing of seams in panel houses of various series.

Choosing a method for sealing panel seams for houses various series primarily depends on the technological features of the constructed building and design wall panels. Besides, important point is the economic feasibility of using the selected method of sealing seams in each specific case.

Sealing seams using the “Tight Seam” technology is considered one of the best. The essence of this technology is to completely fill (insulate) the seam with subsequent waterproofing of the joints. All work is carried out using environmentally friendly materials, such as Vilaterm polyurethane sealant, Macroflex sealant and Oxyplast mastic. Depending on the specific series of the house, the technology for waterproofing joints in each specific case has its own characteristics.

A design feature of the KOPE series houses is the use of double sandwich panels, which have a void inside, during their installation. Since the panels are not sealed, they do not retain heat well, and damp cold air from the street easily penetrates inside the apartments. Sealing interpanel seams with polyurethane foam in this case is very expensive and does not give the desired result, since the sealant simply spreads through the voids in the panels and does not hold the seams. For high-quality sealing of seams, Vilaterm sealant is used, which directly fills the joint between the panels and, accordingly, insulates the entire wall. At the same time, defects and structural holes in the sandwich panels are eliminated along the way.

In panel houses of the p.44, p.44t series or “Soviet panel” houses, problems arise mainly due to chips in the panels and large joints through which moisture seeps in and cold air passes through. These houses are usually quite cold, condensation collects on the walls, and there is a lot of draft under the ceiling and at floor level. In this case, the technology “ Warm seam", and if the distance between the plates is very small and it is not possible to lay Vilaterm, then the seams in this case are well foamed and covered with sealant. Without access to moisture, air and direct sunlight, polyurethane foam serves for a very long time and reliably.

Unlike panel houses, in monolithic brick structures the main problem arises when joining brickwork And monolithic ceiling, as well as in places where double-glazed windows adjoin glazed loggias. It is not enough to simply foam and plaster these joints; they require good sealing of window seams, which will reliably protect the rooms from the penetration of cold air and moisture.

Very often, before sealing the seams, it is necessary to repair the facade.
We will provide you with high-quality seam sealing!
See also:
. Seam sealing technologies.
Sealing seams of loggias and balconies. Installation of the roof of the loggia.
Featured articles: sealing interpanel seams and sealing seams in panel and monolithic houses.

Sealing the seams of panel houses:

Professional sealing of interpanel seams and insulation of interpanel space is necessary work to permanently rid your home of leaks, freezing and mold.

Major repairs of interpanel seams are carried out only using the “Tight seam” technology, developed by engineers of the StroyAlp group of companies. According to which SNiP was subsequently adopted on sealing the seams of large-panel buildings.

Insulation and sealing of window seams and ebbs:

In order to get rid of mold around the windows, the windows are sealed - sealing the joints and junctions of double-glazed windows and the panel, insulating the junctions of the sills and the panel.

The selected technology for sealing interpanel seams, which is used to seal the external seams of large-panel buildings, is a determining factor in the result of the work performed.

Insulation and sealing of seams in apartments includes sealing of interpanel seams, sealing of loggias and balconies, sealing of windows and ebbs, and also, if necessary, insulation of seams from the inside - from the side of the apartment.

Materials for sealing seams should be selected based on the technology used for sealing seams and the series of the house. Sometimes in one series of houses developers use different facing materials Therefore, individual selection of sealant is often necessary for better adhesion to the surface.