Zakhar name meaning origin. Negative character traits

Already from childhood, the meaning of the name Zakhar distinguishes in a boy such character traits as sociability and receptivity. The child feels a pathological need for society; he likes to take part in the conversation of adults, listening with an important air to what they say.

He can quietly play with the constructor all day long, assembling and disassembling all the new models of the resulting cars. He loves nature, tinkering with old cars in order to fix them. The boy is very friendly, makes friends with peers, neighbors, and random fellow travelers. For a boy, it doesn’t matter what the interlocutor is wearing, who the parents are, or how many toys his playmate has.

At a young age, the meaning of the name Zakhar for a child is revealed by great abilities for self-organization and control of one’s feelings. Since little man calm and firm character, parents should carefully monitor emotional state own child, paying importance and attention to the boy’s ability to respond to external stimuli.

Quiet calm and courage attracts the opposite sex to him. However, the boy is not at all greedy for girlish charms and innocently wide eyes. Gives great importance his inner instinct and intuition, which very rarely fails him.

Another important meaning of the name Zakhar for a boy is kindness, which other unscrupulous people can take advantage of. Parents should work and pay attention to the correct development of their child’s worldview, so that in the future the boy will be able to better understand people and defend his own interests.

Honors parents, respects elders, is the image of an ideal son, husband and father.


A man often attracts to himself those women who have experienced unhappy love and were badly burned. This means that his masculinity and poise give such girls a feeling of calm and tranquility.

The interpretation of the name Zakhar in love is a complex interaction of feelings and emotions young man. Often a man’s first sexual experience is unsuccessful, which contributes to the fact that the person withdraws into himself and loses confidence. However, everything gets better very quickly.

In the sexual sphere, the boy needs to open up. Very often he tries to avoid intimacy with young ladies he doesn’t know well. He is capable of courting the girl he likes for a very long time, patiently waiting for reciprocal feelings.

A man gets married late, often choosing a girl with a child, whom he treats well, considering it his sacred duty to take care of his well-being.


IN family relationships takes the position of a follower, and tries very hard to make every member of the household feel good and comfortable. He listens to his wife, adores his children, and respects his relatives.

Basically, he spends his time at home doing some painstaking work. This means that if his abilities are channeled in the right direction, he and his child can assemble construction sets, glue models of airplanes (tanks, cars), make appliqué or sculpt with plasticine.

He carefully monitors the progress of his children, does not miss parent-teacher meetings, and tries to check homework every day.

Business and career

The young man has enormous patience. Because of his love for technology, he can become a driver, car mechanic, or racer. However, a man does not strive for wealth, which means he often does not know how to save and take care of money.

The young man does not seek to borrow leadership position, he is more comfortable carrying out assignments himself, rather than thinking globally about the distribution of responsibilities. Can achieve great success at work that requires perseverance, painstakingness, analysis and slowness. Can be a librarian, chemist, director of a small organization.

Origin of the name Zakhar

The history of the origin of the name Zakhar has Hebrew roots. Zechariah, whose name is etymologically translated as “Yahweh remembers,” is ancient form male name Zakhar. Despite the place where the naming originated, it is very popular not only in Russia, but also in Armenia and Georgia.

Characteristics of the name Zakhar

Since the characteristics of the name Zakhar allow potential parents to find out the meaning, pros and cons of the child’s character, it is one of the most important information provided.

Among the advantages in the character of a young man, it is worth noting friendliness, the ability to come to a common denominator with an opponent, honesty and diligence. The guy can be entrusted with a task of any complexity, which he will cope with perfectly. The young man’s thoroughness, perseverance and attractiveness inspires trust and affection.

A man’s ability to convince, without shouting or hysterics, paying attention to the facts, is a truly priceless gift.

The disadvantages of a man’s character include excessive complaisance, touchiness and very vulnerable pride. Due to the fact that a young man tends to worry about his negative emotions deep down, sometimes there are sharp outbursts of indignation and indignation.

Parents should pay great attention to this problem, because extinguished negative emotions within themselves greatly affect the child’s health.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone - yellow sapphire, agate.
  • Name days - January 22, 2, 7, 21, February 24, 27, March 6, April 6, 12, June 4, 10, September 10, 18, 22, November 3, 4, 30, December 18.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name – Virgo
  • Patron planet – Mercury
  • Color – blue, yellow, dark blue.
  • Flower - poppy.
  • The auspicious tree is chestnut.

The secret of a name is the information that can help the owner of the name adjust his character traits and strengthen positive sides of its essence.

Famous people

  • Zakhar Prilepin (1975) – Russian writer, journalist, philologist, theater and film actor, businessman, politician, musician. Real name: Evgeniy.
  • Zakhar Arapeytyan (1984) – participant in the reality show “Vacations in Mexico 2” on the MTV channel. IN real life works as a fitness director, is a two-time champion of Russia in fighting without rules.
  • Zakhar Ronzhin (1983) is a Russian theater and film actor. At the age of 12, he first appeared on television - he hosted the program “From and Do” on the St. Petersburg television channel. Now the young man has up to thirty film roles in his arsenal.

Different languages

Depending on the language groups, the translation of the name Zakhar into various languages, will be slightly different from the Russian counterpart. On English language the name is translated as Zachary, Zachery, Zackary, Zackery (Zackery); Zachariah, Zechariah (Zekeria)., in French it sounds - Zacharie (Zachary), in German -Zacharias (Tsakharias), in Spanish- Zacarias (Sakarias)., in Italian - Zaccaria (Zaccaria), in Polish - Zachariasz (Zachariash), Zachar, Zachariusz (Zacharyush), Zachary.

In Chinese the name sounds like 扎卡里 (Zhā kǎ lǐ), in Japanese translated ザハール (Zaharu) or another option – Zkanakashi.

Name forms

  • Full name: Zakhar.
  • Variants of the name are Zachary, Zechariah.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and shortened form) - Zakharchik, Zakharochka, Zakharushka, Zakharonka, Zaka, Zarko, Zare, Zak.
  • The declension of the name is Zakhar-Zakharu-Zakhara.
  • Orthodox church uniform name - Zechariah.

Zakhar is a masculine title consonant with a sweet product, perfect for a child born into a family of Christian believers, because its meaning is “memory of God.”

Origin of the name

From the Hebrew nickname Zechariah came Russian name Zakhar. The meaning of the name for a child hints at the involvement of the first bearer’s family in religion, because it implies that the child will grow up under the supervision of the Lord.

general characteristics

Zakharka is a long-awaited baby, endowed with best qualities your parents. He doesn’t take examples from naughty children, doesn’t play pranks with friends, and knows how to distinguish right, good actions from wrong, bad ones.

A little boy will always prefer educational games, such as construction sets or mosaics, to pampering. Only occasionally can a baby cause trouble, trying to draw the attention of always busy adults to his person.

Zakhar respects the opinions of his elders, always listens to their advice, never contradicts them, and his parents’ word is law for him.

Despite his calmness, the boy grows up sociable and inquisitive, trying to be friends with all the kids in the yard. At school, Zakharushka is a favorite of teachers and a great friend to her classmates. Adults often have to answer difficult questions from little whys.

Thanks to perseverance and diligence, he is an excellent student, participates in school competitions and helps with mastering educational material guys who need to improve their grades.

Positive character traits

The boy is distinguished by kindness, responsiveness and empathy from an early age. He often runs to the rescue of friends in trouble, and often helps an elderly neighbor carry a string bag from the store. For him, moving a frail old man across the road or giving up a seat to a woman in public transport is an indicator of good manners and morality.

The young man is modest, the feeling of pride is not familiar to him. When he does a good deed, he does not expect a reward in return. When Zakharushka is praised, he smiles shyly. Gallantry and good manners make the owner of a name marked by God in demand among representatives of the opposite sex.

Zakhary is a sociable guy; from early childhood he is surrounded by many friends who are ready to lend a shoulder at any moment. Although Zakhar cannot be called a workaholic, he values ​​his work and always works from the heart.

Negative character traits

Zakharchik lacks strength of character; excessive goodwill sometimes backfires on him. Cunning, dishonest people sometimes take advantage of his trust and desire to help others.

Even after realizing that he is being fooled, the guy does not lose faith in good people and continues to show care and compassion for others. Forgetting to think about himself, Zakhar tends to often catch colds and become overtired - he should learn to manage time and monitor his health.

Zodiac sign

The name Zakhar will embody positive traits in its bearer most clearly if he is born in the sign of Cancer or Virgo.
Mercury, responsible for logic and intellectual abilities, will become the child’s patron.
The scarlet color used in clothing can instill confidence in a boy.
The protective talisman of the nickname is sapphire.


Zakharka, Zaharchik, Zakharushka, Zakharonka, Zaharik.

Name options

Zechariah, Zechariahu, Zachary, Tsacharias, Zachariah, Tsacharias, Zaccariah, Zakario, Sekhareya.

Historical figures

1784 – 1808 – Russian poet Zakhar Burinsky.
1793 – 1866 – naval officer Russian Empire Zakhar Arkas.
1799 – 1874 – Russian translator, sinologist Zakhar Leontievsky.
1890 – 1952 – Russian and Moksha poet, researcher, translator and public figure Zakhar Dorofeev.
1917 – 1978 – Soviet pilot Zakhar Sorokin.
Born 1983 - Russian actor Zakhar Ronzhin.
Born 1974 - Russian basketball player Zakhar Pashutin.
Born 1969 – Ukrainian musician Zakhar May.
Born 1981 – ship modeler Zakhar Subbotin.
Born 1947 – Russian and German violinist Zakhar Bron.

Name day

January 22
02, 21, 24 February
March 06
April 06, 12
May 22, 26
04, 10 June
September 10, 18, 22
03, 04, 05, 15, 30 November
December 18.

Version 1. What does the name Zakhar mean?

Of Hebrew origin and means: God's memory. The name is popular not only in Russia, but also in Georgia and Armenia. Little Zakhar can spend hours assembling and disassembling the “Constructor”. He does this quietly and with concentration.

Can bring home a sick kitten and care for it. He is attentive and caring towards the people around him.

His passion is technology. Zakhars often work as drivers. Humanities majors are chosen less frequently. Loves nature. Forest, river, steppe meadow are his weakness. If he has a piece of land, he will definitely plant it there fruit trees.

This name bestows a person with great kindness and a broad nature. If money is tight in the family, it is better not to send him to the market: not only will he not bargain there, but he will most likely “forget” to take change. Zakhar is sociable and hospitable, he gladly invites not only friends, but also random fellow travelers. He is friends with his neighbors. IN Sundays you can find Zakhar cleaning the apartment. He does this willingly and even with inspiration, involving homework children, because he considers labor - The best way proper upbringing. In Zakhar's family, boys are most often born. Supervises the children's studies and almost never misses parent-teacher meetings. He treats his parents with the same responsibility. Zakhar is a lover of sentimental stories and films. Human suffering makes him want help, for the sake of this he is ready to go to his own inconvenience and make certain sacrifices. Everything he does is devoid of any self-interest. Women who have experienced unhappy love are often drawn to Zakhars, and it often happens that, after confessing and finding sympathy, they become their wives. Zakhar marries late and, as a rule, to a woman with a child. Zakhar's kindness, gentleness, good-naturedness, and his natural inability to commit violence almost always end with his wife occupying a commanding position in the family. There will be nothing wrong with this if the wife is tactful, otherwise Zakhar’s sensitive nature can be injured. Not prone to cheating, trusts his wife, homebody. He hardly drinks.

Zakhar will be happy with his wife, whose name is: Ada, Anna, Valentina, Vera, Veta, Glafira, Irina, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Natalya, Olga, Polina. With Alexandra, Albina, Daria, Inna, Lada, Svetlana, marriage may be unsuccessful.

Version 2. What does the name Zakhar mean?

ZACHAR (ZECHARIUS) - memory of the Lord (ancient Hebrew).

Name day: February 21 - The Holy Prophet Zechariah predicted the coming of Christ 500 years before the birth of Christ. September 18 - Holy Righteous Zacharias, pious father of John the Baptist, priest at the Temple of Jerusalem.

Killed by the soldiers of King Herod, who were looking for his son John during the massacre of the infants.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Planet - Mercury.

Color - scarlet.

The auspicious tree is chestnut.

The treasured plant is poppy.

The patron of the name is the owl.

The talisman stone is yellow sapphire.


Zakhar is a man of great kindness and broad nature; does not like to count money, is sociable and hospitable, loves animals. Any suffering makes him want to help immediately, which he does without any self-interest. This is the ideal example of a son, father, husband, friend; In addition, he is very hardworking.

3rd version of the meaning of the name Zakhar

Zakhar is a man of great kindness, a generous and broad nature. Sociable, hospitable, his house is usually full of people. The owner is sincerely happy to see everyone. But he himself does not tolerate household chores, does not like to do housework, go to stores, do shopping, and will not bargain.

Humble and hardworking. His passion is technology. Drives a car perfectly. He marries late, often his wife is a woman with a child. Capable of seducing someone else's wife. Most often, Zakhar gives birth to boys.

4 version of interpretation of the name Zakhar

1. Personality. Male riders.

2. Character. 93%.

3. Radiation. 96%.

4. Vibration. 93,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Intuition - intelligence - sociability - receptivity.

7. Totem plant. Nettle.

8. Totem animal. Horse.

9. Sign.Cancer.

10. Type. These are mobile and active people, in other words, arrow men. But they are not always easy to communicate, because their totem plant is nettle.

11. Psyche. Such men feel good when they actively participate in life; they must interfere in everything, advise everyone, change something, otherwise they feel useless and even unhappy. They are overwhelmed by pride and strive to please everyone, to be recognized by everyone.

12. Will. In order for it to become active, it must be excited all the time.

13. Excitability. Easily excitable. Friendship with them, as a rule, does not last long; they do not like to constantly see the same faces in their surroundings. They are self-centered and difficult to be friends with.

14. Reaction speed. Fortunately, Zakhar is level-headed, which allows him to ride around these charming “foals.”

15. Field of activity. Their activity depends on the chosen profession. If they don't like a job, they will change it until they find what they need. They can become interested in music, theater, and dancing. Among them there are artists, clothing designers, and talented architects. They love to travel.

16. Intuition. Excessive. They are hypersensitive, which often alienates boys from their father and brings them closer to their mother.

17. Intelligence. Its level is very high. The ability to analyze is combined with an equally developed ability to synthesize.

18. Receptivity. Too receptive and sensitive. Relatives and friends must ensure that the lives of these boys do not depend entirely on feelings.

19. Morality. They are ruled by innate egoism with a certain amount of hedonism, which, as we know, considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good of life.

20. Health. Should be flawless, but still causes them minor troubles. They get tired very quickly and are prone to nervous and mental stress. Predisposed to obesity. Weakness- eyes. It is recommended to monitor your blood pressure.

21. Sexuality. Creates some problems for them. Such boys need to develop masculine character traits from childhood - with the help of sports and a rational lifestyle. Don't let them indulge in narcissism.

22. Activity. Contains some signs of exhibitionism: Zakhar behaves extravagantly and is far from the most in the best possible way. He is not always objective and may even be unfair, since he only considers his own point of view.

23. Sociability. They have all the ingredients to be charming people. Zakhar loves to organize receptions, rich and long feasts.

24. Conclusion. You shouldn't pay much attention to what they say and do. It is useful to make such people feel that they should not play smart.

7 version of the meaning of the name Zakhar

Sociable, modest, kind. People of broad soul and scope. Humane-loving. They do not like trials and intrigues. They will always help you in trouble. Sexy, but do not marry for a long time.

In adulthood, they marry a woman with a child, provide for their family, and do not disdain any kind of work.

They love children, raise them with pleasure, without edification.

8 version of the meaning of the name Zakhar

Zakhar - “God’s memory” (ancient Hebrew)

As a child, he can spend hours assembling and disassembling a construction set. He does this quietly and with concentration. Or she will bring home a sick kitten and care for it like a small child.

He is kind, attentive and caring towards the people around him, and is actively looking for someone to help.

He is interested in technology and strives to receive an appropriate education. He chooses humanities degrees less often. He devotes his free time from work to communicating with nature. Forest, river, steppe meadow are his weakness. He is one of the first in the team to sign up “to the dacha”, where he will definitely plant fruit trees.

Zakhar has a broad nature. If money is tight in the family, it is better not to send him to the market; not only will he not bargain there, but he will most likely “forget” the change from the old greens seller.

He is sociable and hospitable, happy to invite friends and even random fellow travelers. He is friends with his neighbors. On Sundays you will find him cleaning the apartment. He does this willingly and with inspiration, involves children in cleaning, believing that common labor is the best way to properly educate. Monitors children's progress and almost never misses parent meetings. He also treats his parents responsibly, does not refuse them help, and is caring. Lover of sentimental stories and films. Human suffering makes him want to help. Out of sympathy, he is ready to go to his own inconvenience and make certain sacrifices. And he doesn’t do all this selfishly.

Women who have suffered unhappy love are often drawn to Zakhars. It often happens that, having confessed, they find sympathy and become their wives. Zakhar’s kindness, gentleness, good-naturedness, and natural inability to violence are fraught with the fact that his wife occupies a commanding position in the family. And there is nothing wrong with this if she maintains the necessary tact. Otherwise, Zakhar’s sensitive nature can be traumatized, which will ultimately result in the breakup of the family. He himself is not prone to cheating, trusts his wife, and is a homebody. He hardly drinks. Marries late. He is threatened with lung diseases and sinusitis.

“Winter” - serious, obligatory, scrupulous in work.

“Autumn” is attentive, has an excellent memory, and is practical. Will be able to work as a designer, programmer, technical worker. The name is combined with patronymics: Moiseevich, Ignatievich, Fedorovich, Naumovich, Mironovich, Sergeevich.

“Summer” Zakhar is unusually kind, attentive to his neighbors, and flexible with his colleagues.

“Spring” is impressionable, rushes to help everyone, and is selfless. Can become a doctor, dental technician. Patronymics: Artemovich, Rudolfovich, Ruslanovich, Gavrilovich, Anatolyevich, Leonidovich - will have a beneficial effect on him.

9th version of the meaning of the name Zakhar

Zakhar - from other Hebrew. memorable to God, colloquial Zachary; old Zechariah.

Derivatives: Zakharka, Zakharushka.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Every kind of chip hits poor Zakhar.

February 21 is the day of Zechariah the sickle-bearer. He is called so because in one of the prophetic revelations he saw a scroll flying through the air, bent in the shape of a huge sickle. The peasants understood it this way: they needed to deliver the sickles and inspect them; “The women reapers pray to Zechariah the sickle-wielder.”


A selfless, sacrificial soul, open to the grief and misfortune of others. He will understand everyone, he will find consolation and support for everyone. No wonder people reach out to him for sympathy. What about people! Zakhar finds " mutual language"And with animals, he is attentive and kind to them. His home is welcoming and always open to family and friends. Zakhar does not divide people into “us” and “strangers,” but is especially generous to his parents, wife, and children. Note that nothing is given to him on a whim magic wand: Zakhar works hard and spends nothing on purely male passions: wine, vodka.

Name day named after Zakhar

January 22, February 2, February 21, February 24, March 5, March 6, April 6, April 12, June 4, June 10, September 10, September 18, September 22, November 3, November 4, November 30, December 18 ,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Zakhar

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. In everything he prefers to be guided by his own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Possesses developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, and willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Zakhar

Z- rich imagination, intuition, touchiness. Owners of this letter in their name quite often seek to isolate themselves from the outside world. In relationships they are distinguished by constancy and are able to live with their chosen one for the rest of their lives.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

X- the desire to gain authority in society by all means.

Despite this, they have high moral qualities. They react violently to what people say about them. They are responsible and responsive. Such people have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

Name as a phrase

  • Z- Earth
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • X- Her (Cross, Cross, Cross out, Cross out, Cross out)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Name Zakhar in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Zakhar in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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What does the name Zakhar mean?

The name Zakhar means - memory of the Lord (ancient Hebrew)

The meaning of the name Zakhar is character and destiny

A man named Zakhar is kind, generous in soul, and loving. He is sociable and hospitable, happy to invite friends and even random fellow travelers. He is friends with his neighbors. He also treats his parents responsibly, does not refuse to help them, and takes care of them. He is a lover of sentimental stories and films. Human suffering makes Zakhar want to help people. In order to help those who need it, Zakhar is ready to endure inconvenience and make certain sacrifices. And he does all this selflessly. Women who have suffered unhappy love are drawn to men named Zakhar, like a magnet, and it often happens that, having confessed and found sympathy, they become their wives. Zakhar is not prone to cheating, trusts his wife, and is a homebody. He hardly drinks. Zakhar marries late. Zakhar's kindness, gentleness, good-naturedness, and his natural inability to commit violence almost always result in his wife occupying a commanding position in the family. And there is nothing wrong with this if the wife behaves tactfully. Otherwise, Zakhar’s sensitive nature can be traumatized, which can ultimately lead to the breakup of the family. On Sundays you can find Zakhar cleaning the apartment. He does this willingly and with inspiration, involves children in cleaning, believing that common labor is the best way to properly educate. In addition, a man named Zakhar monitors the children’s progress and almost never misses parent-teacher meetings.

Meaning of the name Zakhar for sex

He is overly persistent sexual relations, rushes things, takes the disobedient woman by storm. As a sexual partner, Zakhar is capable of long love foreplay and prolonged sexual intercourse. Cares about the satisfaction of his partner. “December” Zakhar has an extraordinary temperament; he chooses a partner similar to himself. As a man, he is modest, does not brag about his love affairs, although he has some, and does not talk about sexual topics in conversations with friends. Much in a relationship with a partner depends on the strength of his heartfelt affection and her feelings for him. Feeling a strong attraction to the woman he loves, he strives for interesting sex, which has a positive effect on his life and increases vitality. When Zakhar experiences difficulty with an erection, his partner should take the initiative, this will give the relationship even greater intimacy. Zakhar is not ashamed of his feelings, he is natural and sincere in love, he expresses his feelings emotionally. For a man named Zakhar, love is a prerequisite for sexual satisfaction.

The character and fate of the name Zakhar, taking into account the patronymic

First name Zakhar and patronymic....

Zakhar Alekseevich, Zakhar Andreevich, Zakhar Artemovich, Zakhar Vasilyevich, Zakhar Valentinovich, Zakhar Viktorovich, Zakhar Vitalievich, Zakhar Vladimirovich, Zakhar Evgenievich, Zakhar Ivanovich, Zakhar Ilyich, Zakhar Mikhailovich, Zakhar Petrovich, Zakhar Sergeevich, Zakhar Yurievich somewhat burdensome in everyday life, does not tolerate objections. Easily flammable, gets into useless arguments, gets angry. Stubborn, rarely follows anyone's advice, self-willed and capricious. He marries late and takes a meek and modest woman as his wife. Only such a woman can withstand such a man named Zakhar. However, he has a lot positive traits. He is unusually gentle with his wife, does not allow rudeness when communicating with her, is devoted to his family, and loves all members of the household. He willingly works in the garden at the dacha, loves to experiment, grow new varieties of vegetables or fruits. He loves animals; both a dog and a cat should live in his house.

First name Zakhar and patronymic....

Zakhar Alexandrovich, Zakhar Arkadyevich, Zakhar Borisovich, Zakhar Vadimovich, Zakhar Grigorievich, Zakhar Kirillovich, Zakhar Maksimovich, Zakhar Matveevich, Zakhar Nikitich, Zakhar Pavlovich, Zakhar Romanovich, Zakhar Timofeevich, Zakhar Fedorovich, Zakhar Eduardovich, Zakhar Yakovlevich he is gentle with his comrades, observant, has a good understanding of people, but is an inveterate debater, quick-tempered, and emotional. Azarten, a preference lover, often plays on the races. Easily susceptible to other people's influence. A man named Zakhar does not tolerate a monotonous life, he is always looking for adventure. He hesitates for a long time to get married, cannot make a choice, because he loves women very much and is extremely sexual. He chooses a girl with the same temperament as his own as his wife. Doesn't think family life without violent passions. If the choice is successful, then his wife is the happiest of wives. Zakhar knows how to love, give joy, and make every day a holiday. He gives birth to children of different sexes, whom he does not spoil, but becomes best friend.

First name Zakhar and patronymic....

Zakhar Bogdanovich, Zakhar Vladislavovich, Zakhar Vyacheslavovich, Zakhar Gennadievich, Zakhar Georgievich, Zakhar Danilovich, Zakhar Egorovich, Zakhar Konstantinovich, Zakhar Robertovich, Zakhar Yanovich, Zakhar Yaroslavovich thoughtful and serious. Doesn't believe rumors, doesn't listen to anyone's opinion. Practical, enterprising. His life is not easy, fate does not spoil such a Zakhar, he has to achieve everything through hard work. He is not as frivolous as his namesake, more organized. The chaotic bachelor life does not suit him. However, he does not marry early. He believes that he can afford it only when he has the opportunity to provide for his family. He chooses a calm, homely woman who knows how to create comfort as his wife. He is in a hurry to have children, loves children very much, dreams of having many of them. If a son is not born for a long time, he worries and stubbornly waits for the next child to appear. A man named Zakhar is stubborn. He is attentive to his wife, sympathetic, and has tender feelings until old age. However, she rarely helps with housework.

First name Zakhar and patronymic....

Zakhar Antonovich, Zakhar Arturovich, Zakhar Valerievich, Zakhar Germanovich, Zakhar Glebovich, Zakhar Denisovich, Zakhar Igorevich, Zakhar Iosifovich, Zakhar Lvovich, Zakhar Mironovich, Zakhar Olegovich, Zakhar Ruslanovich, Zakhar Semenovich, Zakhar Filippovich, Zakhar Emmanuilovich honest, reliable, open to everyone, very sociable, easily adapts to any conditions, knows how to get along with people. Cheerful and charming. He values ​​public opinion and listens to the advice of his parents when choosing a spouse. Considers himself too naive in relationships with women. Frequent mood swings make him unbalanced and unpredictable in the eyes of others. Only a subtle sense of humor helps such a Zakhar. He does not like to take risks; all his actions are thoroughly thought out. A man named Zakhar has been caring for his chosen one for a long time. Only after assessing all her advantages and disadvantages does he decide to marry and then act quickly. However, only a woman who truly loves him can wait that long. Zakhar is capricious, emotional, hot-tempered, and difficult to handle. And at the same time, it is not boring to be with him, he is attentive to his beloved, and rarely comes on a date without flowers or a gift. Reliable, in difficult times he is always close to his beloved, ready to help her. After getting married, he becomes a good family man, loving father and husband. His daughters are born.

First name Zakhar and patronymic....

Zakhar Alanovich, Zakhar Albertovich, Zakhar Anatolyevich, Zakhar Veniaminovich, Zakhar Vladlenovich, Zakhar Dmitrievich, Zakhar Nikolaevich, Zakhar Rostislavovich, Zakhar Stanislavovich, Zakhar Stepanovich, Zakhar Feliksovich- a decisive person, does not listen to other people’s opinions, has his own opinion on everything. He does not like criticism, is proud and independent, but values ​​his reputation. Having married, most often to a girl he knew from school, he does not give up his bachelor habits. A man named Zakhar often meets with friends and spends a lot of time outside the home. Zakhar, born in summer, loves to drink, although he rarely gets drunk, household he is of little interest, but he loves his sons and raises them.

Career, business and money

IN professional fields he can achieve heights, but these are isolated cases. Zakhar is a responsible executive who is ready to perform his duties well. If he doesn’t like the job, he will easily move to a new place. So the man will try to hold on until he finds something he likes.

He will be a good driver, mechanic, design bureau worker, engineer. Can achieve success in the entrepreneurial field. But only if a more efficient and assertive partner participates in the matter.

Doesn't know how to handle money. Philosophically perceives their lack or complete absence. Doesn't know how to bargain, save, or calculate expenses in advance. Family budget The wife is always in charge.

Marriage and family

Zakhar is in no hurry to get married. His chosen one most often becomes a woman with a child. Relationships can begin with friendship and intimate conversations, and then move into the realm of romance.

Zakhar is a classic family man. He likes to spend time at home, clean the house with his wife, go grocery shopping, and cook. In marriage, he does not shine with leadership qualities, but pays a lot of attention to raising children. He is a regular participant in parent-teacher meetings, his child’s first friend and protector. He respects his wife, is ready to make concessions to her, sometimes likes to give her a few useful tips housework.

Sex and love

In the eyes of the opposite sex he is attractive. He has no shortage of romantic interests. Doesn't understand girls well, often does incorrect choice and suffers.

In sexual relations with a woman, he shows persistence and rushes things. In bed he pleasantly surprises his chosen one and strives to provide maximum satisfaction. He doesn’t talk about love victories, and he won’t be frank with friends about sex with his partner.

Zakhar chooses a woman not only as a pleasant partner in bed. He should be interested in her; good sex alone is not enough for a man to have a full-fledged relationship.


A person with this name does not have any special health problems. Weak side– vision, which needs to be especially protected.

Prone to painful introspection, mental and nervous overstrain. Zakhar urgently needs good rest and being outdoors.

Interests and hobbies

From early childhood, Zakhar is a boy who can find something to do that suits his interests. His favorite pastime is collecting construction sets and puzzles. With age comes a passion for sports.

Becoming family man, will begin to pay a lot of attention to home improvement. If finances allow, he will definitely buy Vacation home. He will become a real gardener, because Zakhar is capable of transforming any area.