Honeysuckle honeysuckle (goat or fragrant): planting, care and propagation. Edible and climbing honeysuckle planting and care in open ground photos and descriptions of varieties

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If you dream of creating a picturesque and beautiful corner in your garden, filled with delicate and fresh aromas, then pay attention to honeysuckle honeysuckle. The delightful flowering and aroma of this plant has already fallen in love with many gardeners...

In the language of flowers, honeysuckle honeysuckle means “captivating dreams.” She personifies devoted love and fidelity. She has been sung more than once in ancient legends. Thus, the legend of lovers Heloise and Abelard tells how the plant entwined their tombstones, symbolizing eternal love.


Belongs to the honeysuckle family, a genus of climbing shrubs. All varieties have evergreen or deciduous leaves. Honeysuckle flowers are arranged in pairs. Less commonly, flowers can be united into capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences. The corolla has a two-lipped shape with five lobes.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

The fruits are edible or inedible berries that grow together in pairs or freely. Wood is often used for handicrafts. A representative of this variety, honeysuckle, is often used to green city streets. It should be planted in sunny places. Loves light very much, grows in the undergrowth.

Reference. Total on the territory of the former countries Soviet Union 119 species of honeysuckle grow. It can be found in Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Types of plants, varieties

The most common types of plants include:

  • Climbing honeysuckle - used for decorative vertical gardening.
  • Blue honeysuckle - grows in the Carpathians (edible berry).
  • Caucasian honeysuckle - grows in the Caucasus.
  • Edible honeysuckle - can be found in the East or Siberia, has edible berries.
  • Tatarian honeysuckle - grows in middle lane RF, has bluish leaves.
  • Common honeysuckle - " wolfberry", inedible varieties.

Blue honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is a climbing representative of the honeysuckle variety. It has the most pronounced aroma, which appears in the evening and attracts butterflies. It has reddish-yellow fruits that are inedible. For the most part, other honeysuckle varieties have edible berries.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle reproduces in the following ways:

  • Reproduction by layering. To do this, you need to lightly dig the lower branches and then water them regularly. Over the summer, roots will grow on them. Next year you can plant them.
  • Propagation by cuttings - pruning them occurs after flowering, namely, by the beginning of July. Honeysuckle can be propagated by shoots, which should be pruned in spring, summer, and autumn.
  • Propagation by seeds.


In the fall in October, you need to rub the honeysuckle berries through a sieve. The seeds need to be washed and dried. Then they are sown in prepared rows, two cm deep. The liana will sprout only a year later, by September. Later, good shoots should be taken and divided into pieces with five or four eyes and ten cm long. Then they should be planted in a bed of loose soil up to the last eye, constructing a shelter with leaves.

Honeysuckle seedlings

To plant seedlings, the depth of the planting hole is half a meter, and the size is 60 by 60 cm. For one hole you need to mix a bucket of peat manure compost and 60 grams of superphosphate, 50 grams of potassium salt. The root neck should rise 3-4 cm above the soil surface. For planting, you need to use seedlings that are two to three years old. The liana should be planted immediately permanent place.

Reference. Honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant. Planting, as well as further care, does not require special skills from the gardener. In order for the vine to grow quickly, you should definitely use a support made of metal or wood. The growth of the plant depends on the height of the support.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is one of those vines that do not grow without support. It is best to plant honeysuckle seedlings in spring period into moist and loose soil. This place should be sufficiently lit sunlight. In the shade, flowering will not be as abundant. Where a row of plants will be planted, it is necessary to dig a trench.

You can also dig separate holes for seedlings. The planting branch should have two or three buds, which will later develop into vine branches. When you plant seedlings, you need to add sand and compost to the soil.


After planting, decorative honeysuckle will grow by two meters per year. The onset of winter does not mean that you will have to remove the sprouts that have spread. The plant is frost-resistant. Likewise, pruning one-year-old shoots for the winter is not necessary.

Pruning honeysuckle

But if frosts are expected, then the honeysuckle should be covered with spruce branches, and the base of the plants can be covered with dry leaves or peat for the winter. This should only be done with one-year-old plants. Lianas that grow for two and three years do not need this winter insulation. They tolerate winter well, despite their vertical growth.

In the spring, when honeysuckle begins to produce new shoots, you can estimate how many branches died over the winter. Dead shoots should be cut off. However, pruning should not be done at the root. Separate those shoots that are no longer producing new shoots. Sometimes pruning is not easy, since the plant’s buds form quite late. You should wait until the buds grow and begin to bloom. Then you will see healthy kidneys that should not be touched.

In a sunny place, honeysuckle honeysuckle will bloom very profusely, producing large flowers. However, growing honeysuckle in the shade will not bring much harm, but too abundant flowering, in this case, there is no need to wait. For beautiful view plants required mandatory pruning dried parts.

Honeysuckle needs the most care in the first year of life, after the seedlings sprout. In case of dry summers, abundant watering is required. The soil needs to be loosened from time to time, but this must be done carefully, since the roots do not lie too deep. You can mulch the soil with humus and sawdust, then you can do without loosening.

Important. In spring, bushes and plant seedlings should be fed nitrogen fertilizers. In autumn, only potash and phosphorus fertilizers can be used. If provided quality cultivation and care, the liana will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

About diseases and pests

Curly honeysuckle and its seedlings are quite resistant to pests and diseases. Therefore, its cultivation does not cause any special problems. Occasionally honeysuckle honeysuckle can be affected by viruses, diseases and insects. Pests and diseases are especially dangerous if you practice growing honeysuckle, the berries of which are edible. If a plant is attacked by sucking insects, the leaves gradually turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

Honeysuckle trunk damaged by pests

Leaf-chewing insects cause leaf curling and perforation. For prevention, you should use Eleksar and Rogor-S. For prevention purposes, the leaves are sprayed in the fall, and for treatment - at any time of the year. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates a fungal infection. To solve this problem, you need to spray the leaves with a solution copper sulfate: 2 tbsp. spoons per ten liters of water. Only if the plant is infected with a virus, nothing can be done except to burn the affected bush. Growing plants in the area where the virus-infected honeysuckle grew must be stopped for several years.

  • During the flowering period, you can water the honeysuckle with an ash solution, then the flowers will look even more spectacular. To do this, mix a bucket of water with a liter of ash.
  • In contact with

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle has maintained its reputation as a favorite plant for gardeners for several centuries; planting and caring for it does not require too much labor and material costs.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle: planting and care in spring and summer

    - a southern plant that prefers to grow in areas where there is a lot of light and warmth. However, slight shading does not harm the decorative appearance of the plant. Therefore, the fragrant vine can be placed near fences and walls of buildings.

    It is not recommended to plant young plants in spring, since this species begins to develop very early, with the onset of the first warm weather. It is best to plant in the fall, and in March-April begin to intensively feed the plant and carry out other care activities.


    The first feeding consists of applying organic fertilizers in the form of humus or rotted manure, which is dug into the soil around the tree trunk using a shovel.

    Approximately 10 days after the first, a second feeding is carried out with complex mineral supplements dissolved in water, half consisting of nitrogen, and the other half being potassium and phosphorus.

    This will allow the plant to actively grow green mass and prepare for the flowering period, which will begin in June. The main fertilizing is carried out until mid-May. Then during the season you can water honeysuckle with liquid organic matter and minerals twice more, finishing all activities at the end of July.


    Honeysuckle is demanding on soil moisture, so its roots should not be allowed to develop in dry soil. Water it abundantly at least 3 times a month, and more often in dry seasons. After this, the ground is covered with a layer of dry leaves or humus to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. In addition to watering at the root, it is recommended to irrigate the crown with a hose. In this case, you should not use too cold water.


    Spring - best time for pruning and shaping vines. To prevent it from turning into a tangled lump in the future, while there is no foliage, the gardener can, at his discretion, shorten long shoots and direct the lashes into necessary parties. When placing large branches on a support, take into account the peculiarity of honeysuckle to grow counterclockwise.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle: planting and care in autumn

    Autumn is a traditional time for renewal decorative bushes. The technology for planting honeysuckle is practically no different from cultivating other climbing plants. An adult bush has a powerful tap root system. This should be taken into account when placing shrubs near the house. The planting hole is dug at a distance of approximately 80-100 cm from the foundation. Its dimensions should be large, 60x60 cm. This is necessary for powerful root system had the freedom to branch out.

    The soil for honeysuckle should be very fertile and structured. Therefore, the planting pit is initially filled with a nutrient mixture, to which slaked lime must be added.

    Unlike its climbing relatives, honeysuckle is frost-resistant and does not need to be covered for the winter. You can only sprinkle the circle around the trunk with soil to preserve the roots.

    The attractiveness of landscape design near a private room or country house largely depends on the green spaces with which the site is covered. Therefore, many summer residents are increasingly asking themselves the question of effective landscaping of the accessible territory with the help of exotic plants. And among the wide variety of design methods, vertical seating is especially popular, for which you can use a wide variety of annuals or

    Features of planting honeysuckle and caring for it

    IN Lately A unique method of landscaping using hedges is widespread, What is climbing honeysuckle used for?. You can see what such compositions look like using photos available on the Internet.

    Today we will look at the main varieties of such ornamental plants, understand the features of planting, care, propagation and treatment, and also talk about the mistakes that gardeners make when growing such a unique green space.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle: description of the species

    Currently, honeysuckle is represented by a huge variety of species and varieties. In total, there are about two hundred of them. Conventionally, varieties are divided into three groups:

    • trees;
    • vines;
    • shrubs;

    If we highlight those varieties that are suitable for home cultivation, then no more than 10 species are available. Shrub and climbing specimens are especially in great demand, including honeysuckle honeysuckle . This type is used to design the most various parts personal plot, including:

    • terrace;
    • porch;
    • gazebo;
    • house wall;

    Gardeners appreciate this variety due to high decorativeness and lack of difficulties in care. Abundant foliage, beautiful fruits and a wonderful aroma can transform any area beyond recognition. To make sure that such a plant should appear on your site in the near future, just look at how it looks in the photo.

    Representatives of the honeysuckle species belong to the curly type group. At home growing the flower grows as a bush and is distinguished by beautiful pale green leaves with 50 mm inflorescences different color.

    Most often, the bush is represented by the following tones:

    1. red-violet;
    2. white;
    3. yellow;

    The particularly intense flowering of honeysuckle begins in summer period when a fabulous aroma comes from the bush. By the way, in the evening the magical fragrance only intensifies. Representatives of the species have far protruding stamens, which form group bundles of 5-6 pieces in one. The flowering period of honeysuckle lasts no longer than three weeks, after which the floral elements fade. If you take one flower and place it in a vase, it will only last 3 days and then wither.

    The blooming beauty is an excellent honey plant, because The amazing aroma from the flowers greatly attracts bees. Honeysuckle fruits acquire a bright red color as they further develop.

    In one season, the vine grows up to two meters in height, with a life expectancy of up to 30 years. The shrub freely tolerates low temperatures, so growing it in the Moscow region is quite possible. Honeysuckle leaves, which turn bluish-green, are of particular decorative value.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle: planting and care, propagation at home

    Looking at the photo, you can understand that honeysuckle honeysuckle is considered a very beautiful ornamental plant, therefore its presence in the garden will significantly emphasize the taste and style of the owners of the site.

    In addition, such an exotic resident is distinguished by its unpretentious character and endurance to various diseases. In this regard, more and more novice gardeners are thinking about growing crops at home.

    It is known that all the features of caring for a flower consist only in arranging good support for the formation of a climbing bush. If this is not possible, it is enough to plant honeysuckle near the walls of the house or gazebo. For support, you can use any vertical surfaces along which the crop will spread. With proper care, a garden vine can grow up to 4-5 meters in height within 5 years from the moment of planting.

    Honeysuckle shoots have tiny roots, which are able to cling to any rough structures. In the absence of reliable support, the branches begin to spread out, so the process of further development occurs without difficulty.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle is planted in open ground in early spring. The quality of planting material determines the effectiveness of the upcoming growth of the bush in the future. Liana does not respond well to frequent transplants, so it is better to choose in advance suitable site for permanent stay. When searching for a suitable soil composition pay attention to loose, well-moistened soil. If you provide the cuttings with proper care, they will soon turn into young seedlings, and then into an indispensable decoration for the landscape design of your territory.

    If planting occurs through a hole, then after a short time the newly formed shoots will begin to form a bush. Trench planting is carried out when arranging vertical gardening. It is known that the vine develops well in abundant light, so key attention should be paid to this feature. The splendor and abundance of flowering depends precisely on the illumination, so it is impossible to plant the bush in shaded areas.

    Useful tips and care instructions can be found on the Internet, where they are presented in a large amount of video and photographic material.

    Features of feeding honeysuckle

    And although honeysuckle honeysuckle does not need extra care, following some rules and recommendations will have a positive impact on further development decorative vine. One of the valuable tips is in regular feeding of the plant with special fertilizers, which will give the plant the opportunity to actively develop and delight the eyes of others with its unsurpassed beauty.

    It is better to use for feeding the following fertilizers:

    • humus from manure;
    • organic and mineral complexes;
    • microelements;
    • peat;

    The above ingredients can be combined with the substrate, after which a suitable planting material. When grown in well-fed soil, the first shoots can be seen in late May or early June. By the way, in one year of life the length of young shoots reaches two meters.

    Further feeding is intended for preventive purposes and improvement of growth activity. A two- to three-year-old bush responds well to the use of fertilizers based on nitrogen or potassium. Herbal complexes prepared independently also perform well.

    For example, some gardeners dig a special compost pit where they dump all kinds of waste plant origin. Then they are sprinkled with peat and used as highly effective peat compost for feeding garden crops.

    Propagation of honeysuckle from seeds, cuttings and layering

    You can propagate decorative vines different ways. One of the most popular is seed. Propagation of honeysuckle by seeds - The best way get beautiful flowering shrub behind a short time. To successfully implement the task, you need to select suitable planting material, wait until it takes root, and then plant it in suitable substrate. No less popular is the method of propagation by layering and cuttings.

    It is customary to plant cuttings in the spring., summer or autumn. In the latter case, the strongest cuttings, 10-15 centimeters long, are selected for planting. They must have at least 4-5 eyes. After choosing a suitable planting material, all that remains is to plant it in a prepared substrate with good moisture and looseness. You need to leave only 1 bud on the surface, and sprinkle the rest. Next, you should thoroughly mulch the soil using leaves.

    When propagating by cuttings in the summer, the planting procedure should begin at the end of July, when the plant has finally flowered. For action, you should choose cuttings with two internodes, from which the lower leaves are removed. The finished planting material is placed in a greenhouse and stored protected from the aggressive effects of direct sunlight. Optimal distance between cuttings is 15-25 centimeters, and the depth at which seedlings are placed is 2-3 centimeters. For more productive development, it is better to cover the cuttings with glass, which is removed as new leaves appear.

    Rapidly developing buds should be moistened several times daily. IN winter period they can be mulched with a layer of peat, after which all you have to do is wait spring transplant into open ground. Propagation of honeysuckle by seed- enough difficult process, but especially if the planting product was prepared by one’s own efforts. Seed selection is carried out immediately after honeysuckle blooms, that is, at the end of July. The selected seeds must be thoroughly washed, dried and placed in a dry place. In February, they can be mixed with a moist substrate and refrigerated for 2 months. Only after this can you start sowing in open ground.

    Features of pruning and bush formation

    If you intend to beautifully design your landscape design using the above-mentioned garden vine, pay due attention to the formative pruning of honeysuckle. In addition, such an action is a good prevention of various diseases, and sometimes is included in the complex treatment of some problems.

    To make the planted climbing bush look attractive, he needs to provide correct pruning. Otherwise, the plant will never become good decorative decoration and will grow in a chaotic manner. Key feature of successful development beautiful bush is making the right choice supports. It must be strong and high.

    Very often gardeners use wooden or metal constructions, and sometimes they make do with a regular nylon mesh. To give the vine the proper shape, it must be independently directed in the desired direction. The growth and development of shoots occurs very quickly, so the correct formation of a well-groomed appearance should occupy one of the key places in the list of care features.

    If honeysuckle grows to a certain height, its top can be trimmed. This procedure will be a good stimulation for the rapid growth of side shoots. In most cases, honeysuckle vines often shed their lower leaves, which is why experts recommend planting them near them. low growing plants, to hide such a defect.

    It is known that honeysuckle has a mass useful properties And unique features. The leaves, flowers and stems of the vine contain many valuable substances that are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures that can become good remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

    Considering a number of such healing properties, honeysuckle can become not only nice addition for landscape design, but also useful medicinal plant.


    Compositions based on the decorative honeysuckle vine honeysuckle look simply irresistible. This is confirmed by numerous photos and examples ready-made compositions. A beautiful, well-groomed plant can transform your landscape design beyond recognition, making it truly stylish and elegant. However, for a planted bush to become truly original, it needs to be provided with proper care and attention. Fortunately, such measures consist of observing simple recommendations and main points. Otherwise, nature will do everything itself, without your participation.

    Large bright flowers, abundantly covering honeysuckle honeysuckle, fill the garden with an extraordinary aroma every spring. This vine is good with inedible, but very picturesque fruits in vertical gardening. In our review you will find information about planting honeysuckle, what care it needs, and methods of reproduction.

    About varieties and varieties of honeysuckle

    All varieties of honeysuckle are divided into fruit and ornamental. Fruit appearance Honeysuckle is a bush with a height of 1 to 2 meters. Varieties of this species differ in ripening time, yield, and taste of the fruit. Decorative look includes plants valued for their beauty.

    Tatarian honeysuckle

    This includes two groups:

    1. Bushes - Tatar honeysuckle, Korolkova, alpine, common, Maksimovich.
    2. Lianas - honeysuckle, Thälmann honeysuckle, climbing, Brown.

    Thälmann's honeysuckle

    The most beautiful among the vines is honeysuckle honeysuckle, reaching a height of 6 m. Its young shoots, sometimes light green, sometimes in all shades of red-violet, become covered with grayish-brown bark with age. The long stems are covered with large, dense leaves that are dark green on top and bluish below. In May-June, the shoots are decorated with fragrant multi-flowered exquisite inflorescences. Each pink flower has a white or cream center. A month later, fruits appear - orange balls that ripen in August. Although flowering lasts only about a month, the fragrant vine is decorative until late autumn.

    Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle looks great next to coniferous trees, climbing roses, and other shrubs. It is enough to look at the photo of this powerful honeysuckle vine, which means goat vine, to want to settle it on your property.

    Attention: honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits cannot be eaten - they are poisonous.

    In the sun, honeysuckle blooms more abundantly, so a place well lit by the sun is set aside for its planting. plant better in spring, and for the plant to develop correctly, support is needed. On average, honeysuckle grows 1 m per year. It grows in one place for 50 years.

    Features of planting honeysuckle

    Lonicera caprifolium is planted in a permanent place immediately. It is believed that goat vine prefers neutral acidic soils. It does not like clayey or dry soils and does not develop well on them.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruit

    The planting process consists of several sequential steps:

    Attention: a slight deepening of the root collar is beneficial for honeysuckle.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle care

    Fragrant honeysuckle has high winter hardiness. For the first 2 years you will have to cover the soil around the roots with fallen leaves or peat, and then you can forget about this procedure. The lashes that have grown over the summer do not need pruning. If in the spring you find that the stems are frozen in some places, prune them - buds will not form on these shoots anyway. Process further care consists of several important aspects:

    Weed removal- is one of important points in the process of caring for honeysuckle. They should be removed from the site even before planting the bush, especially perennial weeds.

    It is important that the development of honeysuckle is not interfered with by weeds

    Watering. Honeysuckle loves moisture. In summer, watering should be regular, and in drought the portions of water are doubled.

    Trimming– affects the development and formation of the bush. This is done immediately after planting, otherwise the fast-growing honeysuckle will turn into a completely unattractive green mop. First, we trim the weak stems, leaving no more than 3 of the most reliable ones and shorten them by 1/3. Then we carry out regular inspections, discard damaged and dry shoots, and when the vine reaches the planned height, we cut the top, then the bush will begin to grow in breadth.

    Tip: prune branches in the spring, after buds appear. Trim the shoot above the bud using pruning shears.

    How and with what to fertilize and feed

    Goat honeysuckle reacts positively to feeding, but it needs to be done correctly:

    • at the end of autumn we apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers, add compost and humus under the bushes;
    • in spring - the vine needs nitrogen; it is also useful to water it with diluted bird droppings or mullein.

    Feed the plant twice per season

    Propagation of fragrant honeysuckle

    It is easy to propagate honeysuckle; there are 4 ways to do this:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • dividing the main bush.

    Honeysuckle from seeds

    We harvest the seeds in July, for which we extract them from the pulp, wash them thoroughly, and dry them. The complexity of this method is that honeysuckle seed material does not germinate well. To correct the situation, experienced gardeners It is recommended to pre-stratify fresh seeds. To do this, in the fall, pour wet sand into some container and pour out the seeds. Place the dishes in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Every 14 days we check the moisture content of the sand and spray it with water if it is dry.

    To prepare seeds you will need ripe fruits honeysuckle

    This way in the spring the seeds will be ready for planting. Sowing is carried out using the following technology:

    • fill the box with nutrient substrate;
    • sprinkle seeds and sand on top;
    • sprinkle the seed thin layer soil;
    • moisturize;
    • cover with film or glass;
    • remove the cover after germination;
    • we move the seedlings to a permanent place in the fall, creating a shelter for them.

    Honeysuckle sprouts

    You can plant stratified seeds in the spring, around April, on the garden bed, making grooves 15-20 mm deep and sealing them to a depth of 10 mm. In the summer they should be watered, not allowed to become overgrown with weeds, and covered with peat for the winter. in spring next year seedlings are ready to move to their permanent habitat.

    Propagation of goat honeysuckle by cuttings

    For this method of propagation it is necessary to prepare cuttings. It is better to do this before the end of the flowering period. Cuttings that do not break when bent are not suitable as starting material - this indicates that they are not yet mature enough. There should be 2-3 internodes on the cuttings. We make the upper cut straight at a distance of 1.5 cm from the bud, and the lower cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Lower leaves remove completely, and shorten the top ones by ½. We plant the blanks in a greenhouse, protected from the sun, maintaining a distance between them of approximately 0.2 m. The substrate for planting cuttings is composed of peat, garden soil and sand (2: 1: 2).

    Honeysuckle cuttings take root very easily

    We spray the cuttings three times a day for a month. During this time, the first leaves will form and the seedlings will no longer need shelter. To ensure that the sprouts survive the winter successfully, we mulch them. We transplant into open ground in the spring.

    Tip: take cuttings from the middle part of the vine. Ideally, the length of the workpiece is about 10 cm and the thickness is approximately 0.5 cm.

    Reproduction by layering

    This method is the simplest and most trouble-free. The algorithm is as follows:

    1. We select suitable shoots in spring or autumn.
    2. We dig holes to a depth of about 0.2 m from the layering side.
    3. Fill in seat fertile soil with the addition of lime.
    4. We bend the whip to the ground, placing it in the recess so that the top remains at the top.
    5. We fix the layering using staples made of strong wire.
    6. Cover with a layer of soil, water and mulch.
    7. We dig up young shoots of fragrant honeysuckle next spring, separate them from the base plant, and plant them in a permanent place.

    Even an inexperienced gardener can propagate honeysuckle by layering.

    If honeysuckle is grown as a hedge, then the cuttings do not need to be separated from the main bush. Near the upper part that looks out of the ground, we simply install a support and tie a plant to it, which continues to develop as an independent bush.

    The fourth method of propagation is dividing the bush

    From an overgrown, well-developed plant, you can painlessly separate a part for transplantation:

    • dig up the bush at the base;
    • take a sharp pruner and cut off the shoot with its roots.

    Reproduction by dividing the bush is a more labor-intensive method

    Or in another way:

    • we dig up the plant completely along with a large lump of earth;
    • divide the bush into parts using a sharp shovel;
    • we treat the cuts with ash or crushed coal;
    • shorten the shoots by a third of the length;
    • we place each share in a separate seat;
    • We begin to form the crown a year after the transplant procedure.

    Diseases and pests of honeysuckle honeysuckle

    You should carefully study the description of the signs and photos of honeysuckle diseases, since it is often affected by them. Among the most dangerous diseases are ramulariasis. It appears on young leaves in the form of grayish-brown spots with a brown center. Later, the stems and petioles are also affected - they begin to die. The plant weakens due to loss nutrients. Spraying with Fundazol and copper sulfate helps.

    No less dangerous cercospora. Something appears on the leaves in the form of dots with a red-brown border. Control methods are similar to those used for ramulariasis.

    There are dangerous fungal diseases, affecting honeysuckle

    Tuberculariosis affects honeysuckle branches. Red bumps appear on them. Fungal spores also settle in the bark. Shoots and leaves wither. Affected areas should be cut out and destroyed, and for prevention, plants should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate in the spring.

    The most dangerous of the pests is aphids. With its presence, the leaves turn yellow, become covered with spots, and then die. The shoots are also damaged, because the larvae suck the juice out of them. Aphids are destroyed using drugs such as Eleksar, Actellik, and Confidor.

    Honeysuckle is an upright, creeping or climbing shrub of the Honeysuckle family. It is a great success among summer residents and is unpretentious in cultivation and care. Its lush inflorescences fill the garden with an extraordinary aroma. This blooming decoration is perfect for vertical gardening, decorating walls, unsightly buildings in the garden, decorating arches, gazebos, and terraces. Honeysuckle honeysuckle is the most popular. Planting, propagation, and the rules for its maintenance are certainly of interest to those who want to turn their country cottage area to a piece of paradise.

    Varieties of honeysuckle

    Today, the number of honeysuckle varieties reaches several dozen. They differ in the characteristics of care and reproduction, appearance and other important characteristics.

    All plant varieties are divided into two categories.

    • Fruit - the height of the bush is 1-2 meters, varieties vary in terms of fruit ripening, yield and taste qualities. Edible species Honeysuckle bears fruit in the first 10 years, the berries have a specific taste and are divided into three categories: a product with sourness, a sweet fruit without a pronounced sour aftertaste, and another similar in taste to strawberries.
    • Ornamental - the shrub is often a vine, with good care and suitable climatic conditions can grow up to 7 meters. Such species are valued for their beauty, a slightly pungent aroma that intensifies in the evening, and interesting fruits that are completely unsuitable for food.

    In turn, the latter type is divided into two categories:

    1. bushes - ordinary, alpine, Tatar, Maksimovich, Korolkova;
    2. vines - honeysuckle, climbing, Brown, Thalmann.

    Honeysuckle honeysuckle is one of the most popular and widespread species for landscaping.

    Description Honeysuckle

    Goat, or fragrant, honeysuckle is loved by gardeners due to its rapid growth, easy care and unpretentiousness. Decorative foliage, unusual beautiful flowers and a wonderful aroma - it gives beauty garden territory. This type of plant can be found in the Caucasus, southern and central Europe.

    Honeysuckle is a climbing vine-like type of honeysuckle. It is a deciduous shrub, with inflorescences up to 50 mm in length, red-violet, yellow, creamy pink or white and dense large leaves, which are dark green above and bluish-blue below. The plant blooms in late spring and until mid-summer, about three weeks; an individual flower lives for 2-4 days.

    Reproduction occurs in three ways:

    • cuttings;
    • layering;
    • seeds.

    Fruits are bright red or orange color, small, on a short stalk, inedible.

    The lifespan of such a hedge reaches 30–50 years. The shrub is quite frost-resistant and tolerates wintering well. This European type of honeysuckle reaches a length of 5 meters and needs support.

    Choosing a landing site

    Honeysuckle, which can be planted and cared for even by a novice gardener, requires careful selection of the planting site.

    • The plant loves an abundance of moisture and is sensitive to its lack. Therefore, it should be planted in fertile, loose soil, avoiding places with dry soil.
    • Liana feels good sunny side, in a lighted place it will thank you with an abundance of flowers, in a darkened place it will send out healthy shoots.
    • For normal development, the shrub needs support, then its branches can grow upward. It can serve as a vertical surface, the wall of a house or gazebo, or any metal or wooden support.

    For climbing plants, you should choose loamy or sandy loam soils. If this is not possible, then moist limestone or peat acidic soils are suitable as a substrate.


    The best time to plant hedges is April-May. Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the ground: the soil should be saturated with fertilizers. It can be mineral supplements, peat or manure. Then the soil needs to be loosened and moistened.

    Seedlings ornamental shrub They are planted in the ground to a depth of about 60 cm. It is worth laying drainage (expanded clay, coarse sand, brick chips) at the bottom of the planting hole. You can dig single holes or a trench depending on what result the gardener expects. When planting a seedling in a hole, the plant will grow into a bush, and if you dig a trench, it will grow into a continuous green hedge.

    In one year of growth, the climbing shrub rises 2 meters. In the first two winters, the plant must be removed from the support and protected from freezing.


    Honeysuckle honeysuckle is undemanding in care. It needs only three agrotechnical measures.

    • Periodic feeding - for these purposes you can use nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, humus, peat compost made yourself, humus, manure. They should be dug up with soil located near the trunk of the plant.
    • Watering - the climbing shrub loves moisture, so it needs to be watered about three times a month. The water should not be very cold. Then the soil around the honeysuckle needs to be covered with dried leaves or a layer of humus.
    • When pruning, it is better to carry out the procedure in the spring: the plant has not yet acquired lush foliage, so it will be easier to shorten and give it the desired shape.

    Tatarian honeysuckle is prone to pest invasion and vulnerable to disease. This species must be periodically inspected and appropriate action taken if uncharacteristic signs are detected. Brown's honeysuckle is a heat-loving species and requires shelter in winter.


    The plant can be propagated by seeds. You can also plant honeysuckle by cuttings. In this case, the survival rate, in contrast to the above method, is high - up to 90%. Propagation of hedges can be carried out by layering and dividing the bush.

    Seeds for the procedure are prepared from the previous year. The berries are freed from pulp, washed, and allowed to dry. They are sown in the spring, and in the summer the seedlings are planted in a prepared place.

    For propagation by cuttings, the material is prepared in August, they are rooted in the ground in the fall, and planted in a permanent place in the spring. The easiest way to propagate honeysuckle is by layering. To do this, you need to cut it and dig it into the ground. After the roots have formed, the vine is separated and planted in the desired location.

    Tatar honeysuckle is found in the wild in Kazakhstan, Siberia, and the Middle Volga region. It is grown almost everywhere in Russia for decorative purposes. personal plots.

    Tatarian honeysuckle gained its popularity due to its light pink, white or deep pink flowers. They bloom at the end of May and are replaced by red, yellow or orange inedible fruits in August. The leaves of the bush are smooth. Tatarian honeysuckle is a long-lived plant. The features of growing and planting are no different from the requirements for other types of honeysuckle.

    This variety is unpretentious and does not require careful care. Tatarian bush is used for urban landscaping and can grow even in heavily polluted areas.

    A hedge made from this type of plant is prone to characteristic diseases and is vulnerable to pest invasion. Therefore, Tatar honeysuckle must be constantly inspected, its condition checked, and treated with special solutions.

    Brown's honeysuckle is prized for its large and bright inflorescences. It blooms in summer with red-orange flowers, then bright red fruits grow.

    Brown's species is a deciduous or semi-deciduous vine. When choosing a planting site, it is worth considering that cold winds can destroy the bush, so it should be planted in a secluded place. Brown's honeysuckle loves the sun and requires proper care.

    IN winter time It is advisable to cover the plant every year. Brown's honeysuckle is heat-loving and not frost-resistant.

    Thälmann's honeysuckle is an evergreen species, 5-6 m high. The flowers are orange-golden, replaced by yellow-orange fruits. The leaves are bluish below, bright green above.

    The winter hardiness of the Telman variety is average; it is advisable to cover the shrub in the cold season. This species is light-loving and demanding on soils.

    Serotina honeysuckle shoots reach 4 meters. Flowering period is mid-summer and early autumn. The inflorescences are brightly colored, lush, tubular. They are red-violet on the outside, creamy on the inside, and have a strong aroma.

    The Serotina species is unpretentious to the surrounding soil and loves sunny sides.

    So, honeysuckle - irreplaceable plant on personal plots, in gardens and dachas. It will create cozy corners made of fresh flowers, will fill everything around with an incredible aroma, and will hide unsightly buildings from prying eyes.

    Even a novice summer resident can handle propagation, planting and care. In response, honeysuckle will decorate the site, arches, terraces, gazebos and other vertical structures with its decorative leaves, bright fruits and beautiful inflorescences.