The life of Sergius of Radonezh as retold by Boris Zaitsev. Venerable Sergei of Radonezh - Russian Holy Land

In central and northern Rus', the Monk Sergius of Radonezh (in the world Bartholomew) was born on May 3, 1314 in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, in the family of the boyar Cyril and his wife Maria.

At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study with his two brothers - the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. At first he lagged behind in learning to read and write, but then, thanks to patience and work, he became familiar with the Holy Scriptures and became addicted to the church and monastic life.

Around 1330, Sergius's parents left Rostov and settled in the city of Radonezh (about 55 kilometers from Moscow). When the eldest sons got married, Cyril and Maria, shortly before their death, accepted the schema at the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stefan also accepted monasticism in this monastery.

Having buried his parents, Bartholomew ceded his share of the inheritance to his married brother Peter.

Together with his brother Stefan, he retired to live in the desert in the forest several kilometers from Radonezh. First, the brothers built a cell (a dwelling for a monastic), and then a small church, consecrated in the Name Holy Trinity. Soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stefan left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, where he became close to the monk Alexy, the future Metropolitan of Moscow, and later became abbot.

In October 1337, Bartholomew took monastic vows in the name of the holy martyr Sergius.

News of Sergius's asceticism spread throughout the area, and followers began to flock to him, wanting to lead a strict monastic life. Gradually a monastery was formed. The foundation of the Trinity Monastery (now the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius) dates back to 1330-1340.

After some time, the monks convinced Sergius to accept the abbess, threatening to disperse if he did not agree. In 1354, after long refusals, Sergius was ordained hieromonk and elevated to the rank of abbot.

With deep humility, Sergius himself served the brethren - he built cells, chopped wood, ground grain, baked bread, sewed clothes and shoes, and carried water.

Gradually, his fame grew, everyone, from peasants to princes, began to turn to the monastery, many settled in the neighborhood and donated their property to it. Initially suffering from the extreme need of everything necessary in the desert, she turned to a rich monastery.

The Trinity Monastery was at first “separate”: subordinate to one abbot and converging to pray in one temple, the monks each had their own cell, their own property, their own clothes and food. Around 1372, ambassadors from the Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheus came to Sergius and brought him a cross, a paraman (a small quadrangular cloth with an image of a cross) and a schema (monastic vestment) as a blessing for new exploits and a patriarchal letter, where the patriarch advised the abbot to build a cenobitic monastery following the Christian example communities of apostolic times. With the patriarchal message, the Monk Sergius went to Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow and received from him advice to introduce strict communal life in the monastery.

Soon the monks began to grumble about the severity of the rules, and Sergius left the monastery. On the Kirzhach River he founded a monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Order in the former monastery began to quickly decline, and the remaining monks turned to Metropolitan Alexy so that he would return the saint. Then Sergius obeyed, leaving his student Roman as abbot of the Kirzhach monastery.

Hegumen Sergius was called by Metropolitan Alexy in his declining years with a request to accept the Russian Metropolis, but out of humility he refused the primacy.

Sergius of Radonezh also acted as a wise politician, striving to pacify discord and unite the Russian lands. In 1366, he resolved a princely family dispute over Nizhny Novgorod, in 1387 he went as ambassador to Prince Oleg of Ryazan, achieving his reconciliation with Moscow.

His deeds and prayers before the Battle of Kulikovo (1380) are covered with special glory. Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy asked Sergius of Radonezh for his blessing for the upcoming battle. During the battle, the monk stood with his brethren in prayer and asked God to grant victory to the Russian army.

Having reached a very old age, Sergius of Radonezh, having foreseen his death within six months, called the brethren to him and blessed the disciple Nikon, experienced in spiritual life, to become abbess.

Sergius of Radonezh asked the brethren to bury him outside the church, in the general monastery cemetery, but with the permission of the Metropolitan, his body was laid in the church with right side. 30 years later, on July 5, 1422, the discovery of the saint’s relics took place in the presence of his godson, Prince Yuri of Galitsky. At the same time, a local celebration of the memory of the saint was established in the monastery. In 1452, Sergius of Radonezh was canonized.

In 1463, the first known church was built in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh at the lord's court in Novgorod.

In addition to the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh founded the Holy Annunciation Kirzhach Monastery, the Rostov Boris and Gleb Monastery, the Vysotsky Monastery, the Epiphany Staro-Golutvin Monastery and others, and his disciples established up to 40 monasteries.

The Russian Orthodox Church commemorates his memory on the day of his death, as well as on July 18 (5th old style), the day the relics were found.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Personalized icon of St. Sergei of Radonezh.

He is the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad.

Saint Sergius of Radonezh .

In history, there are sometimes facts that future outstanding personalities in childhood do not receive elementary gifts from God: memory and the ability to master teaching. They try their best, but the results are disastrous. They are punished and laughed at. Driven to extreme despair, some spend the whole night crying and begging to ask God for help. And, suddenly, they receive a unique gift. This was the case, for example, with John of Kronstadt. Something similar happened to Bartholomew, the future Sergius of Radonezh.

Born into a family of noble, but not very rich boyars, simple, calm, hardworking people, the boy was also always at work. He knew how to handle horses, drove them into the field, home, and at night.

The torment began at the age of 7 while studying at church school, where studies were completely unsuccessful, despite great perseverance and diligence. The teacher punishes, the kids laugh at him, the parents try to influence his conscience. He cries alone.

The boy loved solitude, dreaming in nature, but at the same time he conscientiously carried out any task entrusted to him. This characteristic all his life.

One day, completely saddened by his failures, he wandered through the fields and forest, looking for foals, and came across an old man standing by an oak tree. Chernorizets, seeing the saddened boy, asked why he was so upset. Bartholomew spoke with tears about his grief and asked the elder to pray to God to help him succeed in reading and writing.

The presbyter (that was his rank) was praying at the oak tree, and the boy stood nearby. After the prayer, the elder, blessing Bartholomew with a piece of prosphora, said to eat, adding that this is a sign of grace and for understanding Holy Scripture that he will master literacy better than his comrades. The elder, invited by the boy to the house, told Kirill and Maria, his parents, about the great future of their son before God and country. The parents immediately remembered that the priest also said that the child would be a servant of the Holy Trinity, since, while in the womb, he shouted loudly three times during the service, frightening those around him.

Bartholomew began to fast and pray at night after a few years, and went to church. At this time, the family moved to Radonezh. After some time, the parents went to monasteries, and soon died.

After the death of his parents, Bartholomew persuaded his brother Stefan, who was a monk in the Intercession Monastery, to go with him to a deserted place. In a deep forest, they built not only a home for themselves, but also a church in the name of the Holy Trinity, which was consecrated by the Metropolitan of Kiev. But Stephen soon left, and Bartholomew was tonsured a monk, taking the name “Sergius”; after his communion, the church was filled with fragrance. He was about 23 years old, he lived alone in the desert, he was attacked by demons, frightened, threatened, but he drove them out with the cross and prayer.

Monks came to Sergius, some stayed and built cells for themselves. When there were 12 of them, after much persuasion and at the behest of Bishop Athanasius of Pereslavl, Sergius became abbot of the Trinity Monastery (Trinity-Sergius Lavra near Moscow), instructed the brothers, took care of them, performed all the work, and wore shabby old clothes. He had unique abilities. There was no water near the monastery. Through his prayer, a healing spring arose.

One evening, Sergius saw many birds in the bright light in the sky, and a voice said that soon there would be many monks in the monastery. The prediction came true, since with the consent of the Russian Metropolitan, the Greeks came to the monastery. In addition, wanderers and beggars found shelter in the monastery.

One day the monastery ran out of bread. Sergius called on the upset brothers to pray. Before they had time to finish the prayer, they heard a knock at the gate: several carts with warm bread drove in. The drivers did not know who had entrusted them with the grain.

During one service at the Trinity Monastery, a man in shining robes served the liturgy together with the abbot, and radiance emanated from him. The abbot did not want to say for a long time who it was. Then he admitted that it was God's angel. Many brothers, with the help of Sergius, organized their own monasteries.

Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the battle with the Tatars from Sergius. In a moment of doubt among the Russians at the sight of the huge Tatar army, a messenger appeared from the monk who encouraged them. The Russians won. Sergius saw all the events on the battlefield, who died and how many. In honor of the victory, the Assumption Monastery was built, and the disciple Sergius Savva was appointed abbot. Prince Dmitry asked to build the Epiphany Monastery in Golutvino. Sergius himself chose the place, built a church, leaving his disciple Gregory there.

Prince Dmitry Serpukhovsky asked Sergius to found a monastery on his estate, which was done. The monk left his disciple Athanasius in the Conception Monastery.

Sergius of Radonezh was not only the founder and organizer of monasteries, a remarkable miracle worker, a great ascetic, but also a healer. Many people came to him for healing.

The peasant brought the sick boy to Sergius’s cell, but the boy died immediately. The upset father went to get the coffin, and when he returned, he saw his son healthy. Sergius resurrected the boy with prayer and asked him not to talk about the miracle. We learned about this from a student.

One nobleman suffered from a demon. He was taken by force to the monastery. The demon was cast out.

A poor man complained that his rich neighbor took his hog away without paying for it. The rich man promised the abbot to give money to the poor man, but he did not fulfill his promise. However, upon entering the pantry, I discovered a completely rotten carcass, although it was frosty. This miracle frightened him, he gave the money.

The bishop from Constantinople, not believing in Sergius’ unique abilities, came to look at him. Entering the monastery, he immediately became blind. He regained his sight after the healing performed by the “saint.” All miracles, help and healings cannot be listed in one article.

After the Mother of God appeared to Sergius with the apostles, promising that she would not leave the Trinity Monastery with her care, the monk realized that he would soon have to leave the earth. This was six months before his death.

A fragrance spread throughout the room. Despite his will to bury him with his brothers outside the church, with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill, he was buried in the church. Many people came and came to him, including princes, boyars, priests, and monks.

30 years later, under Abbot Nikon, a new temple of the “Life-Giving Trinity” was built on the site of the wooden one. The monk appeared to one resident and asked him to tell the abbot to pull out the coffin, around which there was water, which was constricting the body. The coffin was found in the water, but the body and clothes were unharmed. This happened on July 5 (18), 1422. On this day the Church celebrates his memory.

The relics of Sergius of Radonezh are in the Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius, which he created. Previously it was called “Zagorsk”, now “Sergiev Posad” near Moscow. In addition, in several churches in Moscow there are pieces of relics.

There are icons of the saint with particles of relics in the following churches:

  • Trinity Life-Giving (monastery of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra);
  • St. Nicholas in Klenniki;
  • Elijah the Ordinary.

In the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Arkhangelsk-Tyurikov there is a famous miraculous icon"Appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius of Radonezh." It was found in the forest in 1995. Or rather, a dark board from which a glow emanated in the temple at night. Gradually she renewed herself.

Prayers to Sergius of Radonezh help adults and children, protect them from life problems. Children will be protected from academic failure. They will help punish offenders and win a court case. Holy wonderful healer.

The Orthodox Church considers the date of birth of Sergius of Radonezh to be May 3 (New Style) 1314. In connection with the 700th anniversary of the birth of the great ascetic, the founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, a grand celebration is being planned for 2014 in the Lavra and Sergius Posad.

An exhibition dedicated to the Saint has already opened in St. Petersburg at the State Museum of the History of Religion. Rare icons are presented.

The importance of the personality of St. Sergius of Radonezh is difficult to overestimate. He was a great ascetic of the church, an intercessor and educator of the Russian people, who laid the foundation of Russian culture, the basis of which is diligent teaching and the desire for knowledge. Sergius of Radonezh always hears your sincere prayer, wherever you are and whatever difficulties you experience! Turning to this saint helps in legal matters, and if you are honest and your cause is righteous, then feel free to ask the miracle worker, and he will protect you from offenders and miscarriages of justice. Being a model of humility during life helps God's man in gaining humility and taming pride. They ask him for healing from the most serious illnesses, for a prosperous marriage, for admonishing the lost, and even for the opening of water sources... Contact the monk and you will see: help will definitely come! In front of his icon, they ask to protect children from academic failures and bad influences, and pray for help in any life problems, in particular, for the protection of widows and children left without care. Sergius of Radonezh is one of the powerful patrons of the capital of Russia, he is asked to protect the Mother See from all sorts of troubles and to bless Moscow, and therefore our entire great state.

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The personality and deeds of St. Sergius of Radonezh

In the first half of the 14th century, the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra arose. Its founder, the Monk Sergius (in the world Bartholomew), was the son of the Rostov boyars Cyril and Maria, who moved closer to Moscow to the village of Radonezh. At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to learn to read and write. He longed for learning with all his soul, but literacy was not given to him. Grieving over this, day and night he prayed to the Lord to open the door of book understanding to him. One day, while looking for missing horses in the field, he saw an unfamiliar old monk under an oak tree. The monk prayed. The youth approached him and told him his grief. Having listened sympathetically to the boy, the elder began to pray for his enlightenment. Then, taking out the reliquary, he took out a small piece of prosphora and, blessing Bartholomew with it, said: “Take, child, and eat: this is given to you as a sign of the grace of God and the understanding of the Holy Scriptures.” This grace really descended on the boy: the Lord gave him memory and understanding, and the boy began to easily assimilate book wisdom. After this miracle, the desire to serve only God became even stronger in young Bartholomew. He wanted to retire, following the example of the ancient ascetics, but his love for his parents kept him in his family. Bartholomew was modest, quiet and silent, was meek and affectionate with everyone, never got irritated and showed perfect obedience to his parents. Usually he ate only bread and water, and in fast days completely abstained from food. After the death of his parents, Bartholomew provided the inheritance to his younger brother Peter and together with his older brother Stefan settled 10 versts from Radonezh, in a deep forest near the Konchura river. The brothers cut down the forest with their own hands and built a cell and a small church. A priest sent by Metropolitan Theognostos consecrated this church in honor of the Holy Trinity. This is how the famous monastery of St. Sergius arose.

Soon Stefan left his brother and became the abbot of the Epiphany Monastery in Moscow and the confessor of the Grand Duke. Bartholomew, tonsured a monk with the name Sergius, labored alone in the forest for about two years. It is impossible to imagine how many temptations the young monk endured at this time, but patience and prayer overcame all difficulties and devilish misfortunes. Whole flocks of wolves ran past the cell of St. Sergius, and bears also came, but not one of them harmed him. One day the holy hermit gave bread to a bear that came to his cell, and from then on the beast began to constantly visit St. Sergius, who shared his last piece of bread with him.

No matter how hard Saint Sergius tried to hide his exploits, the fame of them spread and attracted other monks to him, who wanted to be saved under his leadership. They began to ask Sergius to accept the rank of priest and abbot. Sergius for a long time did not agree, but, seeing in their persistent request a calling from above, he said: “I would rather obey than to rule, but I fear God’s judgment and surrender myself to the will of the Lord.” It was in 1354, when Saint Alexy assumed the see of Moscow metropolitan.

The life and works of St. Sergius in the history of Russian monasticism have special meaning, because he laid the foundation for the life of the hermits, establishing a monastery with communal living outside the city. The monastery of the Holy Trinity, built on new principles, at first suffered extreme poverty in everything; the vestments were made of simple dyeing, the sacred vessels were wooden, in the temple instead of candles there was a torch that shone, but the ascetics burned with zeal. Saint Sergius set an example for the brethren of the strictest abstinence, deepest humility and unshakable trust in God's help. In his labors and exploits, he led the way, and the brethren followed him.

One day the supply of bread in the monastery was completely exhausted. The abbot himself, in order to earn a few pieces of bread, personally built a vestibule in the cell of one brother. But in an hour of extreme need, through the prayers of the brethren, generous help was unexpectedly given to the monastery. A few years after the founding of the monastery, peasants began to settle near it. Not far from her was walking big road to Moscow and to the north, thanks to which the funds of the monastery began to increase, and, following the example of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, it began to generously distribute alms and take into its care the sick and wanderers.

The rumor about Saint Sergius reached Constantinople, and Patriarch Philotheus sent him his blessing and a letter, which approved the new orders of desert community life, established by the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery. Metropolitan Alexei loved St. Sergius as a friend, instructed him to reconcile the warring princes, entrusted him with important powers and prepared him to be his successor. But Sergius refused this election.

One day, Metropolitan Alexei wanted to place a golden cross on him as a reward for his labors, but Sergius said: “From my youth I have not worn gold, but in my old age I even more want to remain in poverty” - and decisively rejected this honor.

Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich, nicknamed Donskoy, honored St. Sergius as a father and asked for his blessing to fight the Tatar Khan Mamai. “Go, go boldly, prince, and trust in God’s help,” the holy elder told him and gave him two of his monks as companions: Peresvet and Oslyabya, who fell heroes in the Battle of Kulikovo.

Even during his lifetime, Saint Sergius performed miracles and received great revelations. Once the Mother of God appeared to him in wondrous majesty with the apostles Peter and John and promised protection of his monastery. Another time, he saw an extraordinary light and many birds filling the air with euphonious singing, and received a revelation that many monks would gather in his monastery. 30 years after his blessed death (September 25, 1392), his holy relics were discovered.

One day, late at night, St. Sergius read an akathist to the Mother of God. Having completed the usual rule, he sat down to rest for a while, but suddenly said to his cell attendant, the Monk Micah († May 6, 1385): “Watch, child, we will have a wonderful visit.” As soon as he uttered these words, a voice was heard: “The Most Pure One is coming.” Venerable Sergius He hurried from the cell into the vestibule, and suddenly a bright light, stronger than the sun, shone around him. He saw the Mother of God shining in indescribable glory, accompanied by the apostles Peter and John. Unable to bear the wonderful light, St. Sergius reverently bowed before the Mother of God, and She said to him: “Do not be afraid, My chosen one! I came to visit you. Do not mourn anymore for your disciples and for this place. Your prayer has been heard. From now on, your residence will be abundant in everything, and not only in the days of your life, but also after your departure to God, I will constantly be from your monastery, giving it abundantly everything it needs and covering it in all its needs.” Having said this, the Mother of God became invisible. For a long time the Monk Sergius was in indescribable admiration, and, having come to his senses, he lifted up the Monk Micah. “Tell me, father,” asked the cell attendant, “what was this wonderful vision? My soul was almost separated from my body from horror!” But the Monk Sergius was silent; only his glowing face spoke of the spiritual joy that the saint experienced. “Wait a little,” he finally said to the student, “until my spirit calms down from the wonderful vision.” After some time, the Monk Sergius called two of his disciples, the Monks Isaac and Simon, and told them of common joy and hope. All together they performed a prayer service to the Mother of God. The Reverend Sergius spent the rest of the night without sleep, listening with his mind to the Divine vision. The appearance of the Mother of God in the cell of St. Sergius, on the site of the present Serapion Chamber, took place on one of the Fridays of the Nativity Fast in 1385. The memory of the Mother of God's visit to the Trinity Monastery and Her promise was sacredly preserved by the disciples of St. Sergius. On July 5, 1422, his holy relics were found, and soon an icon of the appearance of the Mother of God was placed on the tomb of St. Sergius. The icon was revered as a great shrine. In 1446, Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich (1425–1462) was captured in the Trinity Monastery by the troops of princes Dimitry Shemyaka and John of Mozhaisk. He locked himself in the Trinity Cathedral, and when he heard that they were looking for him, he took the icon of the appearance of the Mother of God and with it he met Prince John at the southern church door, saying: “Brother, we kissed Life-giving Cross and this icon in this Church of the Life-Giving Trinity at the same tomb of the wonderworker Sergius, so that we do not think or wish any harm from the brethren among ourselves; but now I don’t know what will happen to me.” The Trinity monk Ambrose (mid-15th century) reproduced the icon of the appearance of the Mother of God to St. Sergius in wood carving.

Tsar Ivan the Terrible took the icon of the appearance of the Mother of God on his Kazan campaign in 1552. The most famous icon was painted in 1588 by cellarer of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Eustathius Golovkin on a board from the wooden shrine of St. Sergius, which was dismantled in 1585 in connection with the transfer of the relics of St. Sergius into a silver shrine. Repeatedly, the Mother of God protected Russian troops through this miraculous icon. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1645–1676) took her to Polish campaign in 1657. In 1703, the icon took part in all campaigns of the war with the Swedish king Charles XII, and in 1812, Metropolitan Platon sent it to the Moscow militia. The icon took part in Russian-Japanese war 1905 and during the First World War she was at the Supreme Commander's Headquarters in 1914.

A church was built over the tomb of St. Micah and was named during the consecration on December 10, 1734 in honor of the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos with the holy apostles to St. Sergius of Radonezh. On September 27, 1841, the temple was renewed and consecrated by Moscow Metropolitan Philaret, who said: “By the grace of the All-Holy and All-Sanctifying Spirit, the renovation of this temple, created before us in honor and memory of the appearance of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos to our reverend and God-bearing father Sergius, has now taken place, as is an obvious witness There was also the Monk Micah, who rested here in the fragrance of the shrine. It was right to honor the memory of this blessed event consecrated temple, although, however, this entire monastery is a monument to this wonderful visit. Because her entire destiny over the course of centuries is the fulfillment of the promise of the Heavenly Visitor: “I will not retreat from this place.” In memory of the visit to the Mother of God in the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos is read on Fridays, and a special service in honor of the appearance of the Mother of God is performed in the monastery on August 24, on the second day of the Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The relics of St. Sergius were found on July 5, 1422 under the Rev. Abbot Nikon. In 1408, when Moscow and its environs were invaded by the Tatar hordes of Edigei, the Trinity Monastery was devastated and burned; the monks, led by Abbot Nikon, took refuge in the forests, preserving icons, sacred vessels, books and other shrines associated with the memory of St. Sergius. In a night vision on the eve of the Tatar raid, the Monk Sergius informed his disciple and successor of the coming trials and predicted as a consolation that the temptation would not last long and the holy monastery, rising from the ashes, would prosper and grow even more. Metropolitan Philaret wrote about this in “The Life of St. Sergius”: “In the likeness of how it was fitting for Christ to suffer and through the cross and death to enter into the glory of the Resurrection, so everything that is blessed by Christ for long days and glory must experience its cross and his death." Having gone through fiery cleansing, the monastery of the Life-Giving Trinity was resurrected in the length of days, and St. Sergius himself rose to dwell in it forever with his holy relics.

Before the start of the construction of a new church in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity on the site of a wooden one, consecrated on September 25, 1412, the monk appeared to one pious layman and ordered to inform the abbot and brethren: “Why do you leave me for so long in a tomb, covered with earth, in the water oppressing my body? " And during the construction of the cathedral, when they were digging ditches for the foundation, the incorrupt relics of the saint were opened and worn out, and everyone saw that not only the body, but also the clothes on it were unharmed, although there was indeed water around the coffin. With a large gathering of pilgrims and clergy, in the presence of the son of Dimitri Donskoy, Prince of Zvenigorod Yuri Dimitrievich, the holy relics were carried out of the ground and temporarily placed in the wooden Trinity Church (the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is now located on that site). During the consecration of the stone Trinity Cathedral in 1426, they were transferred to it, where they remain to this day.

All the threads of the spiritual life of the Russian Church converge to the great Radonezh saint and wonderworker; throughout Orthodox Rus', grace-filled life-giving currents spread from the Trinity Monastery he founded.

The veneration of the Holy Trinity in the Russian land began with the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, who erected the first Trinity Church in Rus' in Pskov. Later, such temples were erected in Veliky Novgorod and other cities.

The spiritual contribution of St. Sergius to the theological teaching about the Holy Trinity is especially great. The monk deeply perceived the hidden secrets of theology with the “smart eyes” of an ascetic - in prayerful ascent to the Trinitarian God, in experienced communion with God and likeness to God.

“The co-heirs of the perfect light and contemplation of the Most Holy and Sovereign Trinity,” explained Saint Gregory the Theologian, “will be those who are completely united with the perfect Spirit.” The Monk Sergius experienced the mystery of the Life-Giving Trinity, because through his life he united with God, joined the very life of the Divine Trinity, that is, he achieved the measure of deification possible on earth, becoming “a participant in the Divine nature.” “Whoever loves Me,” said the Lord, “will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our abode with him.” Abba Sergius, who kept the commandments of Christ in everything, is one of the saints in whose souls the Holy Trinity “created an abode”; he himself became the “abode of the Holy Trinity,” and he raised and introduced everyone with whom the monk communicated to Her.

The Radonezh ascetic, his disciples and interlocutors enriched the Russian and Universal Church with a new theological and liturgical knowledge and vision of the Life-Giving Trinity, the Beginning and Source of life, revealing itself to the world and man in the conciliarity of the Church, fraternal unity and the sacrificial redemptive love of its shepherds and children.

The spiritual symbol of the gathering of Rus' in unity and love, the historical feat of the people, became the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, erected by St. Sergius, “so that by constantly looking at Her the fear of the hated discord of this world would be overcome.”

The veneration of the Holy Trinity in the forms created and bequeathed by the holy abbot of Radonezh has become one of the most profound and original features Russian churchliness. In the Life-Giving Trinity, St. Sergius indicated not only holy perfection eternal life, but also a model for human life, a spiritual ideal to which humanity should strive, because in the Trinity as Undivided strife is condemned and conciliarity is blessed, and in the Trinity as Unmerged the yoke is condemned and freedom is blessed. In the teaching of St. Sergius about the Most Holy Trinity, the Russian people deeply felt their catholic, universal calling, and, having comprehended the worldwide significance of the holiday, the people decorated it with all the diversity and richness of ancient national customs and folk poetry. The entire spiritual experience and spiritual aspiration of the Russian Church were embodied in the liturgical creativity of the feast of the Holy Trinity, the Trinity church ceremonies, icons of the Holy Trinity, churches and monasteries named after Her.

The embodiment of the theological knowledge of St. Sergius was the miraculous icon of the Life-Giving Trinity of St. Andrew of Radonezh, nicknamed Rublev, monk-icon painter, tonsure of the Trinity Monastery of Sergius, painted with the blessing of St. Nikon in praise of St. Abba Sergius. At the Council of the Stoglavy in 1551, this icon was approved as a model for all subsequent church iconography of the Holy Trinity.

“Hateful strife,” discord and turmoil in worldly life were overcome by monastic community, planted by St. Sergius throughout Rus'. People would not have divisions, strife and wars if human nature, created by the Creator in the image of the Divine Trinity, had not been distorted and fragmented by original sin. Overcoming with their co-crucifixion with the Savior the sin of particularity and separation, rejecting “their own” and “themselves,” the communal monks, according to the teachings of St. Basil the Great, restore the primordial unity and holiness human nature. The monastery of St. Sergius became for the Russian Church a model of such restoration and revival; holy monks were brought up in it, who then carried the outline of the true path of Christ to distant lands. In all their works and deeds, St. Sergius and his disciples embraced life in the Church, giving the people a living example of the possibility of this. Not renouncing the earthly, but transforming it, they called to ascend and themselves ascended to the Heavenly.

The school of St. Sergius, through the monasteries founded by him, his students and the students of his students, covers the entire space of the Russian land and runs through the entire subsequent history of the Russian Church. A fourth of all Russian monasteries, strongholds of faith, piety and enlightenment, were founded by Abba Sergius and his disciples. The people called the founder of the House of the Life-Giving Trinity “Hegumen of the Russian Land.” Reverends Nikon and Micah of Radonezh, Sylvester of Obnor, Stefan Makhrishchsky and Abraham Chukhlomsky, Athanasius of Serpukhovsky and Nikita Borovsky, Theodore Simonovsky and Ferapont of Mozhaisk, Andronik of Moscow and Savva Storozhevsky, Dimitri Prilutsky and Kirill Belozersky - all of them were students and interlocutors of the “wonderful old man” Sergius . Saints Alexy and Cyprian, Metropolitans of Moscow, Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal, and Stefan, Bishop of Perm, were in spiritual communion with him. The Patriarchs of Constantinople Callistus and Philotheus wrote messages to him and sent their blessing. Through the Reverends Nikita and Paphnutius Borovsky there is spiritual continuity to the Reverend Joseph of Volotsky and the squad of his disciples, through Kirill of Belozersky - to Nil of Sorsky, to Herman, Savvaty and Zosima of Solovetsky.

The Church also honors those of the disciples and associates of St. Sergius, whose memory is not specifically noted in the monthly book, under a separate day. We remember that the first to come to the monk on Makovets was Elder Vasily Sukhoi, so named for his incomparable fasting. The second was the monk Yakut, i.e. Jacob, from simple peasants, he resignedly long years He carried the troublesome and difficult obedience of a delivery boy to the monastery. Among other disciples, his fellow countrymen from Radonezh, Deacon Onisim and his son Elisha, came to the monk. When 12 monks had gathered and the built cells were surrounded by a high fence, Abba appointed Deacon Onesimus as a gatekeeper, because his cell was the farthest from the entrance to the monastery. In the shadow of the Holy Trinity Monastery I spent my last years Hegumen Mitrofan, the same one who once tonsured the Monk Sergius into an angelic image and instructed him in monastic exploits. The grave of the blessed elder Mitrofan, who died soon, became the first in the monastery cemetery. In 1357, Archimandrite Simon came to the monastery from Smolensk, leaving the honorary position of abbot in one of the Smolensk monasteries in order to become a simple novice of the God-bearing Radonezh abbot. As a reward for his great humility, the Lord vouchsafed him to be a participant in the wondrous vision of St. Sergius about the future multiplication of his monastic flock. With the blessing of the holy abba, the blessed elder Isaac the Silent took upon himself the feat of prayerful silence, whose silence for monks and outsiders was more instructive than any words. Only once during the years of silence did St. Isaac open his lips - to testify how the angel of God he saw served at the altar with St. Sergius, who performed the Divine Liturgy. An eyewitness of the grace of the Holy Spirit that assisted the monk was also Ecclesiarch Simon, who once saw how Heavenly fire descended on the Holy Mysteries and the saint of God “communed the fire without burning.” Elder Epiphanius, who later, under Abbot Nikon, was the confessor of Sergius's flock, is called by the Church the Wise One for his high learning and great spiritual gifts. He is known as the compiler of the lives of St. Sergius and his interlocutor St. Stephen of Perm, words of praise for them, as well as the “Words about the life and repose of the Grand Duke Demetrius of Donskoy.” The Life of St. Sergius, compiled by Epiphanius 26 years after the death of the saint, i.e. in 1418, was then revised by the monk hagiographer Pachomius the Serb, nicknamed Logofet, who arrived from Athos.

Thousands of people have always come to worship St. Sergius, as an inexhaustible source of the spirit of prayer and the grace of the Lord, for edification and prayer, for help and healing. And each of those who resort with faith to him miraculous relics he heals and revives, fills with strength and faith, transforms and leads to his luminous spirituality.

But not only are spiritual gifts and grace-filled healings given to everyone who comes with faith to the relics of the saint, but he was also given grace from God to protect the Russian land from enemies. With his prayers the monk was with the army of Demetrius Donskoy on the Kulikovo field; he blessed his tonsured monks Alexander Peresvet and Andrei Oslyab for feats of arms. He showed Ivan the Terrible the place to build the Sviyazhsk fortress and helped in the victory over Kazan. During the Polish invasion, the Monk Sergius appeared in a dream to the Nizhny Novgorod citizen Kozma Minin, ordering him to collect the treasury and arm the army for the liberation of Moscow and the Russian state. And when in 1612 the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, after a prayer service at the Holy Trinity, moved towards Moscow, the blessed wind fluttered the Orthodox banners, “as if from the tomb of the wonderworker Sergius himself.”

The heroic “Trinity Sitting” dates back to the period of the Time of Troubles and the Polish invasion, when many monks, with the blessing Reverend Abbot Dionysius repeated the sacred feat of arms of Sergius' disciples Peresvet and Oslyabi. For a year and a half - from September 23, 1608 to January 12, 1610 - the Poles besieged the monastery of the Life-Giving Trinity, wanting to plunder and destroy this sacred stronghold of Orthodoxy. But through the intercession of the Most Pure Mother of God and the prayers of St. Sergius, “with much shame” they finally fled from the walls of the monastery, driven by God’s wrath, and soon their leader himself, Lisovsky, died a cruel death just on the day of memory of the saint, September 25, 1617. In 1618, the Polish prince Vladislav himself came to the walls of the Holy Trinity, but, powerless against the grace of the Lord protecting the monastery, he was forced to sign a truce with Russia in the village of Deuline, which belonged to the monastery. Later a temple was erected here in the name of St. Sergius.

In 1619, Patriarch Theophan of Jerusalem, who came to Russia, visited the Lavra. He especially wished to see those monks who, in a time of military danger, dared to put on themselves military chain mail over their monastic robes and, with weapons in their hands, stood on the walls of the holy monastery, repelling the enemy. The Monk Dionysius, the abbot who led the defense, introduced more than twenty monks to the patriarch.

The first of them was Afanasy (Oshcherin), the most advanced of years, a gray-haired old man. The Patriarch asked him: “Did you go to war and command the soldiers?” The elder replied: “Yes, Holy Master, I was forced by tears of blood.” - “What is more characteristic of a monk - prayerful solitude or military exploits before people?” Blessed Athanasius, bowing, answered: “Every thing and every deed is known in its time. Here is the signature of the Latins on my head, from the weapon. Six more lead memories in my body. Sitting in my cell in prayer, would I be able to find such incentives to sigh and groan? And all this was not our will, but with the blessing of those who sent us to God’s service.” Touched by the wise answer of the humble monk, the patriarch blessed and kissed him. He blessed the rest of the warrior monks and expressed approval to the entire brotherhood of the Lavra of St. Sergius.

The feat of the monastery in difficult times for all the people Time of Troubles described by cellarer Avraami (Palitsyn) in “The Tale of the Events of the Time of Troubles” and by cellarer Simon Azaryin in two hagiographic works: “The Book of the Miracles of St. Sergius” and “The Life of St. Dionysius of Radonezh.” In 1650, Simeon Shakhovsky compiled an akathist to St. Sergius, as the “elected governor” of the Russian land, in memory of the deliverance of the Trinity Monastery from enemy conditions. Another existing akathist to the saint was compiled in the 18th century; its author is considered to be Metropolitan Plato of Moscow.

In subsequent times, the monastery continued to be an unfailing light of spiritual life and church education. From her brethren many illustrious hierarchs of the Russian Church were elected to serve. In 1744, the monastery began to be called a monastery for services to the Motherland and faith. In 1742, a theological seminary was established in its enclosure, and in 1814 the Moscow Theological Academy was transferred here.

And now the House of the Life-Giving Trinity serves as one of the main grace-filled centers of the Russian Orthodox Church. Here, by the will of the Holy Spirit, the actions of the Local Councils of the Russian Church are carried out. The fifth of July, the day of the discovery of the relics of Saint Abba Sergius, abbot of the Russian land, is the most crowded and solemn church festival in the monastery.

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The given introductory fragment of the book of the Holy Venerable Sergius of Radonezh. The great wonderworker of the Russian land. Protection from any life problems, healing of the sick, help with studies (A. Yu. Mudrova, 2016) provided by our book partner -

The Monk Sergius was born in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, May 3, 1314 in the family of pious and noble boyars Kirill and Maria.

The Lord chose him from his mother's womb. The Life of St. Sergius tells that during the Divine Liturgy, even before the birth of her son, Righteous Mary and those praying heard the baby exclamation three times: before the reading of the Holy Gospel, during the Cherubic Song, and when the priest said: “Holy to Holies.” God gave the Monk Cyril and Mary a son, who was named Bartholomew. From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting; on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept mother’s milk; on other days, if Maria ate meat, the baby also refused mother’s milk. Noticing this, Maria completely refused to eat meat. In those days, children were accustomed to work from an early age; each had their own household responsibilities: fetching water, herding geese, chopping wood. The family attended church every Sunday.

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At the age of 7, young Bartholomew was sent to learn to read and write at a church school with his brothers: the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. Unlike his academically successful brothers, Bartholomew was significantly behind in his studies. In the old days, the alphabet was more complex than in our time. Literacy was then taught not from primers, but from the Psalter and other books of Holy Scripture. Little Bartholomew was not good at reading and writing. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished him, and his comrades mocked him for his stupidity. He himself prayed with tears, but his studies did not move forward. And then an event occurred, which is reported in all the biographies of Sergius.

Boyar Kirill had several horses. The sons' duties included driving them out to pasture and bringing them back to the stable. One day, on instructions from his father, Bartholomew went into the field to look for horses. During his search, he came out into a clearing and saw an old schema-monk under an oak tree, kneeling down and praying. Seeing him, Bartholomew first bowed humbly, then came up and stood close, waiting for him to finish his prayer.

The elder, seeing the boy, turned to him: “What are you looking for and what do you want, child?” Bartholomew told him his grief and asked the elder to pray that God would help him overcome the letter. Having prayed, the elder took out the reliquary from his bosom and took a piece of prosphora from it, blessed it and ordered it to be eaten, saying: “Take this and eat. This was given to you as a sign of God's grace. Know that from now on the Lord will grant you good literacy skills. You will surpass your peers in success. You will also teach others.”

After this, the elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew begged him to visit his parents’ house. The parents greeted the guest with honor and offered refreshments. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place in their son. During the meal, Bartholomew’s parents told the elder many signs that accompanied the birth of their son, and he said: “A sign of the truth of my words will be for you that after my departure the boy will be well literate and understand the sacred books. And here is the second sign and prediction for you - the boy will be great before God and people for his virtuous life.” Having said this, the elder got ready to leave and finally said: “Your son will be the abode of the Holy Trinity and will lead many after him to the understanding of the Divine commandments.” And then they realized that it was the Angel of the Lord, disguised as a monk, who appeared in their house to reveal to them God’s will.

From that day on, Bartholomew began to study so well that he soon surpassed all his comrades at school. He loved to pray to God more and more. Already in childhood he imposed on himself strict fast, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water. And the older he got, the more he was drawn to the forest, to be completely alone there and pray to God. Often at that time, religious people went into the dense forests, built huts there and stood in prayer all day long. So Bartholomew wanted to leave like that, but his parents did not allow it.

Beginning of monastic life

It so happened that Bartholomew’s father lost all his fortune. From a rich boyar he turned into a beggar. And in 1328, in search of a better life, Bartholomew’s impoverished family moved from their native places to the Principality of Moscow, to the city of Radonezh.

Brothers Stefan and Peter got married and started families. But Bartholomew vowed to go to a monastery and serve God.

Shortly before their death, the aged parents Kirill and Maria themselves accepted the schema in the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stefan also accepted monasticism in this monastery.

After the death of his parents, Bartholomew also went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, but striving for solitude, he did not stay here long. Having convinced his brother Stefan, he retired with him to live in the wilderness in the forest (12 versts from Radonezh). On the banks of the Konchura River, on Makovets Hill in the middle of the remote Radonezh Forest, they built (around 1335) a small wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity, on the site of which now stands a cathedral church also in the name of the Holy Trinity. First they erected a cell, and then a small church, and, with the blessing of Metropolitan Theognostus, it was consecrated in the Name of the Holy Trinity.

But soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stefan left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to the monk Alexy, later Metropolitan of Moscow). A few years later he became abbot of this monastery.

Bartholomew, left completely alone, called upon a certain abbot Mitrofan and on October 7, 1337 received tonsure from him under the name Sergius, since on that day the memory of the martyrs Sergius and Bacchus was celebrated. He was 23 years old.


And for several more years Sergius lived alone among the dense forest. In the autumn it rained, in the winter the hut was covered with snow right up to the roof. Wild animals roamed around. At times Sergius felt terrified, but he prayed day and night and through prayer drove away fear. One day in early spring, Sergius went out onto the porch and saw - and saw a bear lying near the porch. The monk was not afraid of the terrible beast; he returned to his cell, took out a piece of bread and fed it to the bear. A day later the animal was again sitting at the porch. And again Sergius shared his lunch with him. After a few months, the bear became almost tame. He came from the forest, sat down at the cell and waited for a treat.

St. Sergius did not spend a single hour of time in idleness. Wisely combining prayer and work, psalmody and reading divine books, he rose from strength to strength, every day of his life getting closer and closer to Christ. The Monk Sergius followed the path of the ascetics of the first centuries of Christianity - the Monks Anthony and Macarius the Great, John Climacus, Abba Dorotheus and many others. He checked every step of his monastic life against their writings. The holy elders and hermits of the distant eastern deserts showed the God-loving Russian youth the way to the heavenly abodes. St. Sergius also revered the first ascetics of Russian monasticism - Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk and their numerous followers. The monk strove to achieve in his life the ideal of holiness that they had already achieved, walking towards God along the narrow path commanded by the Savior once and for all time. Courageously enduring temptations, he directed his gaze to the Heavenly One and with all his might strove for unity with God - the goal of every person’s life.

The Lord sometimes sends special visions to holy people. So it was with St. Sergius. One day, late in the evening, he was praying in his cell. Suddenly he hears a voice: “Sergius!” The monk opened the window and saw a wonderful light pouring from the sky, and some extraordinary birds were flying, so beautiful that he had never seen before, and they were singing unusually sweetly. The voice that called him said again: “Sergius, look around! How many birds you see, so many students you will have, and if they live like you, their number will never decrease.”

Formation of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Time passed, Sergius had already become accustomed to his loneliness. But after two or three years people began to flock to him and settle near him. Sergius accepted everyone, but warned them that their life would be difficult and full of hardships. Soon 12 people gathered. They cut down new cells, surrounded them and the Church of the Holy Trinity with a fence so that animals would not run in, and made gates. And this settlement became a small monastery. The monks called each other brothers, prayed together, worked together. Sergius set an example in everything: he himself chopped wood, carried water, planted a vegetable garden, and did carpentry.

A monastery was formed, which in 1345 took shape as the Trinity-Sergius Monastery (later the Trinity-Sergius Lavra) and Sergius was its second abbot (the first was Mitrofan) and presbyter (from 1354), who set an example for everyone with his humility and hard work.

Having forbidden accepting alms, Sergius made it a rule that all monks should live from their labor, himself setting an example for them in this. Gradually his fame grew; Everyone began to turn to the monastery, from peasants to princes; many settled next to her and donated their property to her. At first, suffering from the extreme need of everything necessary in the desert, she turned to a rich monastery.

The glory of Sergius even reached Constantinople: the Ecumenical Patriarch Philotheus sent him with a special embassy a cross, a paraman, a schema and a letter in which he praised him for his virtuous life and gave advice to introduce kenovia (strict communal living) in the monastery. On this advice and with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexei, Sergius introduced a community life charter in the monastery, which was later adopted in many Russian monasteries. Metropolitan Alexei, who highly respected the Radonezh abbot, before his death, persuaded him to be his successor, but Blessed Sergius, out of humility, refused the primacy.

Battle of Kulikovo

Humility, patience, love for God and neighbors made the Reverend a great man of prayer and mourner for the Russian land even during his earthly life.

There was a rumor that the great Horde army of Khan Mamai was coming to Rus'. Never since the time of the invasion of Khan Batu has there been such a strong threat of the destruction of the Fatherland and the Holy Orthodox faith. At that time, the Grand Duke of Moscow was Dmitry Donskoy, so nicknamed for his victory over the Tatars. Prince Dmitry Donskoy planned to free Rus' from the Tatar yoke. He came to Sergius to ask for his blessing for the battle with the Tatars, and the monk blessed him. He sprinkled the prince and his squad with holy water, served a prayer service and gave two monks, schema-monk Alexander (Peresvet) and schema-monk Andrei (Oslyabya), who had previously been warriors. The news of the holy elder’s blessing for the battle spread throughout the army and raised the morale of the warriors.

Two days later, the Battle of Kulikovo began with a duel between the Tatar hero Chelubey and the Russian warrior-monk Peresvet. Both warriors fell lifeless. And then the two armies clashed in a terrible battle. And at this time, St. Sergius, together with the brethren of the Trinity Monastery, prayed for the granting of victory to the Russian army. Although many Russian soldiers fell in this massacre, the Lord saved Rus' from destruction. On September 8, 1380, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Russian soldiers won a complete victory over the Tatar hordes on the Kulikovo field, marking the beginning of the liberation of the Russian land from the Tatar yoke. Dmitry Donskoy returned to Moscow as a winner.

From September 9 to 16, the dead were buried; a church was erected on the common grave, which had long since ceased to exist. The Church has legalized commemoration of the murdered in Dmitriev parent's Saturday, “while Russia stands.” The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo on September 21, since September 21 according to the current civil Gregorian calendar corresponds to September 8 according to the Julian calendar used by the Russian Orthodox Church.

After the Battle of Kulikovo, the Grand Duke began to treat the Radonezh abbot with even greater reverence and invited him in 1389 to seal a spiritual will legitimizing new order succession to the throne from father to eldest son.

Public ministry of Sergius of Radonezh

In addition to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Sergius founded several more monasteries (Annunciation Monastery on Kirzhach, Staro-Golutvin near Kolomna, Vysotsky Monastery, St. George's Monastery on Klyazma), in all of these monasteries he appointed his students as abbots. More than 40 monasteries were founded by his students: Savva (Savvo-Storozhevsky near Zvenigorod), Ferapont (Ferapontov), ​​Kirill (Kirillo-Belozersky), Sylvester (Voskresensky Obnorsky), etc., as well as his spiritual interlocutors, such as Stefan of Perm.

During his lifetime, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was awarded the grace-filled gift of miracles and performed many miracles. People came to him from different cities for healing, and sometimes even just to see him. One day he resurrected a boy who died in his father's arms when he was carrying the child to a saint for healing. The fame of the miracles performed by St. Sergius began to quickly spread, and sick people began to be brought to him both from surrounding villages and from distant places. And no one left the Reverend without receiving healing of ailments and edifying advice. Everyone glorified St. Sergius and reverently revered him on a par with the ancient holy fathers. But human glory did not seduce the great ascetic, and he still remained a model of monastic humility. Gradually, the monks began to witness other similar phenomena. Once during the liturgy, an Angel of the Lord concelebrated with the saint, but out of his humility the Monk Sergius forbade anyone to tell about this until the end of his life on earth.

During his angelic life, St. Sergius was awarded such a vision from God. One night, Abba Sergius read the rule in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Having finished reading the canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to rest, but suddenly told his disciple, the Monk Micah, that a miraculous visit awaited them. A moment later, the entire cell was sanctified by a wonderful light and the Mother of God appeared, accompanied by the holy apostles Peter and John the Theologian. From the unusually bright light, St. Sergius fell on his face, but Holy Mother of God She touched him with her hands and, blessing him, promised to always patronize his holy monastery.

Old age and death of St. Sergius

Having reached a very old age, the Monk Sergius, having foreseen his death within six months, called the brethren to him and blessed a disciple, the Monk Nikon, experienced in spiritual life and obedience, to become abbess. On the eve of his death, St. Sergius last time called on the brethren, took communion of Christ’s Mysteries and addressed the words of his testament: “Take heed to yourselves, brethren. First have the fear of God, spiritual purity and unfeigned love...”

September 25, 1392 The Monk Sergius of Radonezh peacefully departed to the Lord, and 30 years later, on July 5, 1422, his relics were found incorrupt.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra
Cancer of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh

St. Sergius of Radonezh is the patron saint of the Russian land, founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. His life is an example of life in Christ, where the main thing is an example of life in Christ, where the main thing is love for God and neighbor.

As they say in this film, St. Sergius is the image of Russia. In prp. Each of us will find Sergius for our spiritual needs. From whatever spiritual state, from whatever social stratum, from whatever type of occupation a person turns, everyone will find in him as an abundant treasure what his soul needs.

Venerable Sergius born in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, on May 3, 1314 in the family of pious and noble boyars Kirill and Maria. The Lord chose him from his mother's womb. The Life of St. Sergius tells that during the Divine Liturgy, even before the birth of her son, Righteous Mary and those praying heard the baby cry three times: before the reading of the Holy Gospel, during the Cherubic Song, and when the priest said: “Holy to the Saints.” God gave him a son, who was named Bartholomew. From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting; on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept mother’s milk; on other days, if Maria ate meat, the baby also refused mother’s milk. Noticing this, Maria completely refused to eat meat. At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study with his two brothers - the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. His brothers studied successfully, but Bartholomew lagged behind in his studies, although the teacher worked with him a lot. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished him, and his comrades mocked him for his stupidity. Then Bartholomew with tears prayed to the Lord to grant him book understanding. One day his father sent Bartholomew to fetch horses from the field. On the way, he met an Angel sent by God in a monastic form: an old man stood under an oak tree in the middle of a field and prayed. Bartholomew approached him and, bowing, began to wait for the end of the elder’s prayer. He blessed the boy, kissed him and asked what he wanted. Bartholomew replied: “With all my soul I wish to learn to read and write, Holy Father, pray to God for me, so that He will help me learn to read and write.” The monk fulfilled Bartholomew's request, raised his prayer to God and, blessing the youth, said to him: “From now on, God gives you, my child, to understand literacy, you will surpass your brothers and peers.” At the same time, the elder took out a vessel and gave Bartholomew a piece of prosphora: “Take, child, and eat,” he said. “This is given to you as a sign of God’s grace and for the understanding of Holy Scripture.” The elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew asked him to visit his parents’ house. The parents greeted the guest with honor and offered refreshments. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place in their son. Saying goodbye, the elder prophetically predicted about St. Sergius: “Your son will be great before God and people. He will become the chosen abode of the Holy Spirit.” From then on, the holy youth easily read and understood the contents of books. With special zeal, he began to delve deeper into prayer, not missing a single service. Already in childhood, he imposed a strict fast on himself, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water. Around 1328, the parents of St. Sergius moved from Rostov to Radonezh. When their eldest sons got married, Cyril and Maria, shortly before their death, took the schema at the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stefan also accepted monasticism in this monastery. Having buried his parents, Bartholomew, together with his brother Stefan, retired to live as a desert in the forest (12 versts from Radonezh). First they erected a cell, and then a small church, and, with the blessing of Metropolitan Theognostus, it was consecrated in the Name of the Holy Trinity. But soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stefan left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to a monk, commemorated February 12).

Bartholomew, on October 7, 1337, took monastic vows from Abbot Mitrofan with the name (October 7) and marked the beginning of a new residence for the glory of the Life-Giving Trinity. Enduring temptations and demonic fears, the Reverend rose from strength to strength. Gradually he became known to other monks who sought his guidance. The Monk Sergius received everyone with love, and soon a brotherhood of twelve monks was formed in the small monastery. Their experienced spiritual guide was distinguished by rare diligence. With his own hands he built several cells, carried water, chopped wood, baked bread, sewed clothes, prepared food for the brethren, and humbly performed other work. St. Sergius combined hard work with prayer, vigil and fasting. The brethren were surprised that with such a severe feat, the health of their mentor not only did not deteriorate, but became even stronger. Not without difficulty, the monks begged St. Sergius to accept the abbess of the monastery. In 1354, Bishop Athanasius of Volyn ordained the Rev. a hieromonk and elevated him to the rank of abbot. Monastic obediences were still strictly observed in the monastery. As the monastery grew, so did its needs. Often the monks ate meager food, but through the prayers of St. Sergius, unknown people brought everything they needed.

The glory of the exploits of St. Sergius became known in Constantinople, and Patriarch Philotheus sent the Rev. a cross, a paraman and a schema as a blessing for new exploits, a Blessed Letter, and advised the chosen one of God to establish a cenobitic monastery. With the patriarchal message, the Reverend went to Saint Alexy and received from him advice to introduce a strict community system. The monks began to grumble about the severity of the rules, and the Reverend was forced to leave the monastery. On the Kirzhach River he founded a monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Order in the former monastery began to quickly decline, and the remaining monks turned to Saint Alexis so that he would return the saint.

The Monk Sergius unquestioningly obeyed the saint, leaving his disciple, the Monk Roman, as abbot of the Kirzhach Monastery.

During his lifetime, St. Sergius was awarded the grace-filled gift of miracles. He resurrected the boy when the desperate father considered his only son forever lost. The fame of the miracles performed by St. Sergius began to quickly spread, and sick people began to be brought to him both from surrounding villages and from distant places. And no one left the Reverend without receiving healing of ailments and edifying advice. Everyone glorified St. Sergius and reverently revered him on a par with the ancient holy fathers. But human glory did not seduce the great ascetic, and he still remained a model of monastic humility.

One day (April 26), who deeply revered the Reverend, was heading from his diocese to Moscow. The road ran eight miles from the Sergius Monastery. Intending to visit the monastery on the way back, the saint stopped and, having read a prayer, bowed to St. Sergius with the words: “Peace be with you, spiritual brother.” At this time, the Monk Sergius was sitting with the brethren at meal. In response to the blessing of the saint, the Monk Sergius stood up, read a prayer and sent a return blessing to the saint. Some of the disciples, surprised by the extraordinary act of the Rev., hastened to the indicated place and, having caught up with the saint, were convinced of the truth of the vision.

Gradually, the monks began to witness other similar phenomena. Once, during the liturgy, an Angel of the Lord concelebrated with the Saint, but in his humility, Saint Sergius forbade anyone to tell about this until the end of his life on earth.

Close ties of spiritual friendship and brotherly love connected St. Sergius with St. Alexis. The saint, in his declining years, called the Venerable One to him and asked to accept the Russian Metropolis, but Blessed Sergius, out of humility, refused the primacy.

The Russian land at that time suffered from the Tatar yoke. Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, having gathered an army, came to the monastery of St. Sergei to ask for blessings for the upcoming battle. To help the Grand Duke, the Reverend blessed two monks of his monastery: schema-monk Andrei (Oslyabya) and schema-monk Alexander (Peresvet), and predicted victory for Prince Demetrius. The prophecy of St. Sergius was fulfilled: on September 8, 1380, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Russian soldiers won a complete victory over the Tatar hordes on the Kulikovo field, marking the beginning of the liberation of the Russian land from the Tatar yoke. During the battle, St. Sergius stood with his brethren in prayer and asked God to grant victory to the Russian army.

For his angelic life, St. Sergius was awarded heavenly vision from God. One night, Abba Sergius read the rule in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Having finished reading the canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to rest, but suddenly told his disciple (May 6) that a miraculous visit awaited them. A moment later, the Mother of God appeared, accompanied by and. From the unusually bright light, the Monk Sergius fell on his face, but the Most Holy Theotokos touched him with her hands and, blessing him, promised to always patronize his holy monastery.

Having reached a very old age, the Reverend, having foreseen his death six months later, called the brethren to him and blessed a student experienced in spiritual life and obedience to become abbess (November 17). In silent solitude, the Monk reposed before God on September 25, 1392. The day before, the great saint of God called the brethren for the last time and addressed the words of his testament: “Take heed to yourselves, brethren. First have the fear of God, spiritual purity and unfeigned love...”

Iconographic original

Moscow. XVI.

St. Sergius with his life. Workshop Feodosius. Icon. Moscow. 1st third of the 16th century. 136 x 97.5. From the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov. Since 1965 in the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art named after Andrei Rublev. Moscow.

Moscow. 1420s.

St. Sergius. Sewn cover. Moscow. 1420s 196 x 84. "Sacristy of the Trinity - Sergius Lavra" SPGIKHMZ.