Zoning of the large hall. Computer desk in the living room interior: original ideas for decorating a room with a work area (43 photos)

Many of us have to work from home from time to time, if not regularly. But, unfortunately, not everyone’s living space allows them to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. Today we will talk about how to arrange a convenient workplace in the living room without harming its design.

Workplace in the living room - where exactly should it be placed?

To answer this question, decide what time you usually have to work from home.

We work from home during the day

If you work at home mostly during daylight hours, it is best to place your workspace in an area with good natural light. After all sunlight improves mood and increases performance. A traditional approach with obvious advantages is a living room workstation near a window. You will not only “catch” daylight, but you will also probably find a place for shelves with books or documents. In this case, the desktop can be made to order so that its tabletop and window sill form one whole. This not only looks harmonious, but also saves space. IN small room You can do without a table at all; a wide window sill will successfully cope with its role.

You are especially lucky if your living room has a bay window. After all, this multifaceted glazed “lantern” seems to have been created to create a comfortable work area, the main advantage of which is excellent uniform lighting from all sides. And from direct sun rays will be protected by a curtain or blinds.

If the apartment has an insulated balcony or loggia, a work area can be equipped there. So you will extract maximum benefit of all my square meters, without taking away an inch from the living room itself. Sometimes it is advisable to combine this area with the living room. In some cases, this can be done simply by removing window unit between the room and the balcony, and attach the tabletop to the rest of the wall partition. With this minimal disruption, you'll maximize your living space and create a workspace with plenty of natural light.

We work at home in the evening

If you have to work at home mainly in the evening, first of all you need to take into account that the living room is common room. And, as a rule, it is in the evenings that the whole family gathers here to chat or watch TV. Therefore, the work area in the living room should be located so as not to infringe on anyone’s interests: it should be comfortable for some to relax, and for others to work. How to achieve this?

You might like the idea of ​​a neat console table placed close to the back of the sofa. With this arrangement of furniture, the work area and the relaxation area in the living room are outlined, but not completely separated. Sitting down at the table with work or handicrafts, you will be close to your loved ones, you will be able to maintain a general conversation or watch an interesting program out of the corner of your eye.

If classes require concentration and increased attention, you should move your workplace away from the TV. The worker will be less distracted if he sits with his back to the living room. The table can be installed in the gap between the cabinets or between the cabinet and the wall. Such an impromptu niche will create a feeling of isolation from everything that is happening around you and will help you get into a working mood.

Work area in the living room - are partitions needed?

When deciding whether the work area in the living room will be separated by a partition from the rest of the room, take into account the size and shape of the room, the location of the windows, as well as the number of inhabitants of the apartment and the type of your occupation.

The partition is not an end in itself, but a tool that must be used wisely. After all small room it can make it even more cramped, but it can give proportionality and comfort to a long rectangular room.

The photos below show a beautiful living room with a workplace in a small studio apartment. The owners installed a narrow table for two in a shallow niche specially created for this purpose, but did not separate the work area from the rest of the room with a partition. Look how spacious this small yet seamless multifunctional space feels.

And the room is on next photo gives the impression of being too elongated and somewhat dull. Zoning the workplace with a neat partition in this living room would be quite appropriate.

It is not necessary to block the living room if there is only one free artist living in the apartment, because he will not interfere with himself. He can place his workplace absolutely anywhere, even on a console shelf next to the TV. But for a family man this will be extremely inconvenient: try to concentrate when football or melodramatic passions are boiling over your ear!

If a large family lives in an apartment, a living room with a work area located behind a partition will be a real salvation for a person engaged in mental work. There are many ways to separate your refuge from the noisy world of the living room: a solid plasterboard “wall” in the spirit of minimalism or a popular design with niche shelves, a bookcase or light translucent plastic, a glass panel with decor or a partition with increased sound insulation made of frosted glass blocks, sliding panels or just heavy curtains...

The list doesn’t end there, the choice is yours.
The main thing is that in this corner you can concentrate without interference, as well as place work supplies, folders with documents, and even allow yourself some creative chaos. After all, you got not just a workplace in a common living room - you created a piece of your own personal space.

Living room with work space... in the closet

The lucky person whose main work tool is a laptop can afford to work without even getting out of bed. For him, organizing a workplace is more a matter of self-discipline.

It’s more difficult for those who deal with a lot of paper documents. And it’s really difficult for needlewomen when they are faced with the need to organize their workplace in a common living room, especially if the room is small. Where can you store kilometers of fabrics and ribbons, kilograms of yarn, mountains of beads, piles of accessories and other treasures without cluttering the room? Moreover, so that everything is at hand, otherwise it will take hours to find the right scrap or thread.

Let's turn to the experience of previous generations. They lived long before the advent of digital media in a very “material” world, and therefore they came up with a secretary. What do you prefer: office in vintage style with a hinged lid or a modern model with a retractable tabletop? Or you can make a custom-made spacious wardrobe organizer, which will have several folding and pull-out work surfaces.

In the depths of this furniture there is room for a personal office with an extensive paper archive, and for a home workshop with all its tools and consumables. At the right time, the magic wardrobe folds up easily and quickly so as not to disturb the order in the living room. You don’t have to worry that needles or needles left on the table important papers will fall into the hands of a young fidget, because everything is securely closed. Finally, it is important psychological moment: open the closet - and you are at work, close it - you can relax and unwind.

Look at the selection of our photographs and make sure that a living room with a workplace arranged in a closet is beautiful and very comfortable.

Design of a living room with a workplace - briefly about the main thing

When thinking about the design of a living room with a workplace, you can go in two ways: either emphasize the work area, or, conversely, make it as invisible as possible. The main thing is that the result is an interior that is comfortable for you and your loved ones.

The work area in the living room is highlighted by contrasting furniture, decorative partitions, color and texture of walls, lighting and multi-level ceilings. You can organize a work area on the podium, using it as a spacious storage system. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the work area and rest area are parts of a single space, and there should be no stylistic dissonance between them.

Choosing furniture

Furniture for a living room with a workplace should not only be comfortable, but also harmoniously selected. The task can be simplified by purchasing a wall with a work desk already provided. Such furniture sets are functional and, as a rule, have a discreet, laconic design. With their help it is easy to create a complete interior of a modern living room.

But for a small room a wall is not the best option, it may simply not fit there. In this case, pay Special attention choosing a desktop. Hardly anyone will like a living room with a massive office-style desk. Compact narrow tables, possibly foldable, are preferred. Models with two legs that are attached to the wall at the back, as well as tables-shelves and tables-window-sills, save space and make space easier. They can be equipped with a retractable part, where you can easily hide writing utensils and even a laptop.

Check out the design of this wonderful living room. At first glance, you wouldn’t understand that the photo shows a living room with a workplace. The hostess simply hid her low glass work table behind the back of the sofa. From the outside front door The work area in this bright living room is almost invisible.

Playing with color

To decorate the work area, calm neutral colors are traditionally used: white, light gray, beige. Light light green and shades of blue are also popular. They are believed to promote concentration.

Total bright red, deep purple and others intense colors lead to rapid fatigue, but they are good as small accents. A chair and a couple of such accessories in the work area will make the design of the room more lively. The main thing is that these color spots find a response in the overall palette of the living room.

Dividing the living room into zones is a very common technique that people resort to even unconsciously. For example, they separate the corner with the TV from the rest of the room by placing an armchair or sofa in the form of a kind of barrier.

Zoned as large premises, and small ones. In addition to the corner with the TV, you can separate the desk, thereby turning part of the living room into an office. Or you can make a bedroom in the living room. By installing a bed in it and separating it. They even manage to dedicate part of the living room to children’s rooms

The example given with an armchair or sofa describes the simplest method of zoning. But there are many more ways to make the living room more functional by highlighting 1-2 zones in it (doing more is not recommended). Eat design solutions, which are much more interesting than simply separating yourself with furniture.

As already mentioned, you can separate a certain area from the general space of the living room in the most different ways. Let's look at a few examples.

Combining living room and kitchen

Studio apartments have long been in vogue among young people who have not yet started a family or among young couples who do not yet have children. The studio has its advantages, especially if friends often come to visit. And the room becomes much more spacious.

Therefore, even if the apartment is ordinary, that is, the kitchen is located behind the wall, this wall is demolished in order to combine the two rooms.

Advice: The most common way to separate the kitchen from the living room is a bar counter. It separates the area and serves as additional cabinets, which is completely useful for both a small living room and a kitchen.

Alternatively, you can use different floor and ceiling levels or different colors. They also make different lighting for the kitchen and living room.

Combination of living room and bedroom

This method is used when the apartment is two-room and there are children. The parents give them one room, and they themselves move into the living room.

In this case there are certain rules:

  • the bed is installed in the part of the room farthest from the front door, closer to the window;
  • it can be separated by ordinary curtains or screens ( a budget option) or partitions (more expensive).

If you allocate part of the room for the bedroom, then curtains, screens or partitions should not reach the ceiling, so that the rest of the living room is not dark. It must be said that this is not the best option, so the bed is most often installed in the corner.

And they are enclosing a corner, not part of the room. Glass ones look great sliding partitions. The glass may be frosted. The option is good, but you will have to spend money on making such partitions.

Advice: Can be used for division and racks with shelves. They look great and let light through.

Another option is to abandon the large bed and use folding sofa. It all depends on good choice such a sofa. He must be good quality, because you will have to unfold it every day, and the mechanism must withstand the load.

Selecting a work area

If there is a need for a work office, but there is no separate room for this, then a table is installed in the living room and separated with a shelving unit. Today, when most people work using a laptop, there is no need to have big table. For the office, limited to purchase small table and a comfortable chair. Provides various racks for work papers and cabinets.

If you decide to make an office, then you must provide separate lighting. It is better if it is a good table lamp of sufficient brightness. You can work without disturbing other family members.

Selecting a dining area

It is very convenient to eat not in the kitchen, but in the living room. And it’s convenient to receive guests. Perfect option– combination of living room and loggia. They demolish the wall and arrange it on the loggia dining area. This is very convenient, because the room increases in size.

If there is no loggia, then it all depends on the size of the living room. If it is small, then it is unlikely to be appropriate to install a large one in it. dinner table. It's better to take advantage folding furniture laying out the table when guests arrive.

You can separate such an area with a shelving unit indoor plants. It should be provided good lighting. Depending on the chosen design style, these can be sconces, or rotary lamps mounted on the walls and directed at the table.

Arrangement of a children's room

Perhaps the most difficult option. But if you decide to dedicate part of the living room to a children's room, provide everything necessary to make the children comfortable. If there are two children, then it is established bunk bed. On the second tier there must be a fence to prevent the child from falling while sleeping. It is best to order such a product from a furniture workshop.

It is best to separate the children's area with a rack on which children can store their toys. And be sure to provide separate light sources for this area.

Zoning methods

The main zones for which part of the living room is allocated are described. To summarize, we can describe various options separation of the described zones. And you can choose exactly what is most suitable for your living room.


As you can see, there are plenty of options. All you have to do is choose the one you like best. But it is recommended to zone the living room, regardless of its size and how many rooms you have in the apartment. At least highlight a recreation area. Without this, the interior of the room loses.

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When renovating, we rely on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why the result so often does not live up to expectations.

website I have collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating the interior of a living room.

Your living room only has overhead lighting.

Lighting creates atmosphere and should take into account your mood, so a living room can't get by with just a chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system (table lamps, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or incorrectly sized carpet

Small carpets bring imbalance to the room, you should select a carpet correct size for your living room. A large carpet will provide a visual expansion of the space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place the TV is empty wall. Do not install the TV opposite or near a window; this is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3–5 diagonals. Consider this when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material will match the upholstery of the sofa or chair. If cushioned furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. For small-sized furniture Neat and small products are suitable, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to place the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do this - thereby you will visually increase the space and create comfort. A sofa near the wall in a spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will appear visually squat and cramped if you purchase furniture in dark shades. For a low living room, compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always with raised legs, are suitable. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you and test it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos are not hanging correctly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, a gallery on the wall is a great solution, rather than photo frames placed in all corners.

Large furniture

The most common mistake- fill the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a spacious corner sofa. For small living rooms it will be preferable double sofa and a couple of armchairs.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have rectangular room, then you can adjust it using a cabinet or rack, since square shape the room is most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition sleeping area should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both areas is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that it is convenient for the hostess and there is enough light to prepare food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in one room.
  • Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.
  • 1;Pros and cons
  • 2;Where should the work area be located?
  • 3; Zoning of space
  • 4;Furnishing
  • 5;Lighting
  • 6;Accessories

Not everyone has the opportunity to set up a full-fledged office, and therefore many have to limit themselves to a work area located in one of the rooms. If you decide to organize it in the living room, then think over the design in detail so as not to miss anything important.

Pros and cons

Should you place an office in the living room? In most cases, this particular room is better suited for arranging a work area. Firstly, there is probably enough light here, and this is important for comfortable work. Secondly, the room does not belong to anyone, that is, you can use the office for personal purposes without distracting or disturbing the other residents of the apartment or house. Third, room design will not suffer at all and will probably gain interesting features and will become more original.

But there are also some pitfalls. So, if there are often guests in the house, then the owner of the work area will not be able to feel comfortable and use it at any time. In addition, even if he abstracts himself from extraneous sounds, such proximity can confuse guests, because they will be forced to respect the owner of the house and try not to disturb him.

Where should the work area be located?

When thinking about the interior design of a living room with a work area, you need, first of all, to decide on its location. It is advisable to remove it as far as possible from the central part of the room so that the owner of the mini-office under no circumstances disturbs the other residents and feels comfortable. So, you can place it in one of the corners. If the area allows, then you can occupy the entire wall. Moreover, it’s great if there is a window in the area allocated for the office; it will provide natural light and comfort while working in the daytime.

If the living room has a balcony or loggia, then this space can be turned into a mini-office; such a solution will make the area completely isolated and at the same time practically not use the main area. But if the balcony is small, then it is advisable to dismantle the partition (if possible), otherwise the workplace simply will not fit here. But leave the spacious loggia isolated. One way or another, take care of insulation, and not only external wall, but also the ceiling and floor, since the cold penetrates through all surfaces.

Advice: the office area should be located so that the worker has his back to the main space, that is, to the area reserved for receiving guests. In this case, if he has to perform some tasks during some home celebration or event, he will be able to concentrate and will not be distracted by at least visual interference.

Space zoning

Zoning should provide not only a conditional division of space, but also provide comfort to all residents: as an owner working area, and the rest of the people in the living room. The following techniques can be used:

  • Capital partitions. This technique will allow you to organize an almost complete and maximally isolated office, and this is convenient for everyone.
  • Light partitions. Their functions can be performed by various screens, screens or even curtains. Such accessories will allow you to separate the work area, but if desired, the partition can be removed at any time, and then the space will again become unified.
  • Furniture can also be used to delimit space. For example, you can separate a mini-office using a wall belonging to the living area, a shelving unit or another similar item. And it is advisable to place it so that it almost completely hides the table and chair along with the person sitting on it.
  • You can place a workplace in a niche in the wall, this is very convenient. Firstly, the area will not stand out in the living room, and secondly, the worker will be able to feel comfortable. Thirdly, if you use additional zoning techniques, you can organize an almost complete isolated office.
  • If you want to make a design living room original and turn the work area into a certain highlight of the room, then highlight it in the space by placing it on a raised pedestal. But this option may not be entirely comfortable for the owner of the workplace due to the lack of even minimal insulation.
  • Use for zoning different colors. So, if the living room can be decorated in rich, bright or deep colors, then the work area should be more restrained and calm; such an environment will help you concentrate and not be distracted while immersing yourself in important matters.
  • Finishing. If you use different Decoration Materials , then you can designate one of the zones, preferably highlighting the living room, because it is the main one. The work area should be made more discreet. Try using combined wallpaper: paste the living room with decorated ones, and decorate the mini-office with background ones, then you will achieve conditional zoning and at the same time maintain the unity of the space, without spoiling or overloading its design.
  • Lighting. If you use local light sources in a special way, you can not only provide comfort to all residents, but also achieve zone demarcation and even create interesting visual effects. More details about this will be written below.

:;;Chic living room in classic style— 30 ​​photos


Interior design; a living room with a work area is, first of all, the furnishing of the room. With the space intended for receiving guests, everything is more or less clear. Here it’s worth putting a roomy sofa and table: a regular one or a more compact transformer that turns from a small coffee table into a comfortable dining table. If desired, you can place a TV or home theater here. It is better to store accessories, books and other items in a wall with several compartments, or on a rack.

Now it’s time to sort out the work area. It should have everything that may be needed during work. Firstly, this is a desk and chair. The table should be comfortable, roomy, but not too bulky. It can have not only drawers, but also shelves, as well as compartments for placing office equipment. If the living room area is small, then you can create work surface, using;window sill. Increase it with plasterboard construction. The chair should be as comfortable as possible, so it’s best to choose modern model on wheels that provide mobility, with a high, reliable back and armrests. The functions of adjusting the seat height and backrest angle will come in handy.

But the workplace is not everything; you should organize a convenient storage area. For such purposes, you can use a rack, which, moreover, can perform a zoning function. Shelves will also come in handy; they will take up virtually no usable space. In addition, you can use not quite ordinary and not the most common pieces of furniture, such as a secretary or bureau. They not only have compartments for storing documents and other important things, but also free spaces that can replace a desk (if you don't plan to use a computer, there won't be enough space to place it).

Tip: if the space is small or has non-standard forms, then it is advisable to make the furniture to order so that it fits perfectly into the site and does not extend beyond its boundaries.


Pay special attention to lighting, because it can perform several functions at once. But the main thing is provision sufficient quantity light, and this is important both in the living room and in the work area. In the first, a chandelier would be appropriate; it can be perceived as the personification of importance and play the role of a visual center, designating it in the room and providing zoning. But it can be supplemented with the help of local lamps, especially if the ceiling is suspended or suspended (this greatly facilitates installation).

:;;Interior of a living room in a modern style

In the work area, central lighting will be inappropriate, so prefer diffused lighting. For example, install several halogen lamps in the ceiling above the work area, complementing them with the original table lamp or sconce. An interesting, modern and refreshing design solution is illumination of a rack or shelves, which you can organize using an LED strip.


Are accessories needed in the work area? If in the living room they are simply necessary, since they complement the design, and sometimes even set its main direction, then in the work area it is quite possible to do without them, especially since especially bright ones can distract from important matters. But still, some parts may be neutral or even carry a certain functional load. So, you can use stylish organizers, various pen stands, holders for stationery, copyright and creative lighting and so on. In addition, independent and very original element The decor could be an antique telephone, which is working and actively used by the owner of the mini-office.

Let work zone fits perfectly into the living room and will be as comfortable as possible for its owner.

To ensure that there are no distractions while working, it is necessary to somehow isolate the workspace from the relaxation area. Living room design with office usually provides for such a division, and it is accomplished using various techniques.


When developing, it is necessary to take into account that the presence of good natural lighting for work is one of the main conditions. Therefore, the work area is usually located next to the window.


Shelves made of wood or plasterboard will help create a dedicated corner, which will not be completely isolated, and thus will not reduce the volume of the room. These racks are used to store books, folders with papers; they can be decorated with live plants and decorative figures.


IN living room with office You can also use curtains, curtains - both thick and light, portable folding screens. All this will create a working environment in the office area.

Corners and niches

If there are niches or corners in the living room, use them for a work space. Custom-made furniture will make the most of the available space.


IN living room design with office The technique of visual division of space is also widely used. As a rule, various floor and ceiling coverings in different areas, wallpaper with different patterns or paints of different shades on the walls, or finishing materials of different textures.

Ceilings of different heights

Quite often in office interior in the living room use dropped ceilings different heights, thus highlighting a home mini-office. These ceilings can be additionally painted in different colors.

Miscellaneous floor covering

If combined, it makes sense to use different floor coverings. In the area where the owners relax, carpet or wood covering floor with a fluffy carpet laid on top of it. In the work area the most suitable option The floor will be made of laminate or parquet boards.


Sometimes home Office raised above the living room level using a specially built podium, the volume under which can be used to store seasonal items, such as skis or boards.

Transfer to the balcony

Another option for creating a work area on the balcony. This solution can be used if the balcony is insulated or combined with the living room.

Colors office interior in the living room should not be conspicuous or distract from work. Calm pastel colors, shades of beige, gray or white are suitable.


The furniture in such an office should not be bulky. If there is not enough space, instead desk you can get by with a shelf table or a lifting table top that can be removed when not needed. A small work chair and shelves for books is all that is needed to set up a home mini-office.